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Learning Standards to

be Assessed
The demonstrates
understanding of the
concepts in health
Every teenager must
start to plan his or her chosen
career in the future.

- Due to the rapid growth of the

aging population, the health
care industry also expands at
such pace. This is in turn
creates vast opportunities in
the health care profession,
catering to people with
varying educational
background and training.
The teenage period
highlights social interactions
as young people like you
enjoy sports events, parties,
electronic games, and other
forms of entertainment.
Likewise, maturity for most
teenagers also brings an
interest in health care
opportunities as well as an
interest in working for money
to finance social
What factors can influence a person’s decision in
choosing a career?
Changes is very noticeable in
many adults- graduate of a certain
degree or course may switch to another
career several times.

Change is affecting not only the new

technology and equipment that are so
vital for health care delivery system but
also the financial; aspect.
Health care professionals continue
to find new markets for their services.
Factors such as shift in the family
dynamics an in the economy enable
some careers to be in demand.

Opportunities in the health care

industry are plenty because people will
continue to seek health care services.
Thus, a background in any medical and
health care industry provides
advantages than those without any
Career in health care involve
various step to prepare students like
you for a bright future. Careers in
health care involve various types of
roles and responsibilities. Here are
some guide questions that may help
you in making a wise decision:

-Do you want to work with people?

-Do you enjoy working directly with a
-Would you like to perform medical
procedures or testing?
-Would you like to work in the front
Planning aims to help the young
become independent, confident, and
effective in their chosen career. Based
on the inquiry-based framework, four
questions were formulated that serve
as important components in achieving
successful health career. These are the
-Knowing Yourself: Who am I?
-Exploring Opportunities: What are my
-Making Decisions and Setting Goals:
Who do I want to become?
-Achieving Goals and Making
Transitions: What is my plan for
achieving my goals?
The field of health care
offers a wide array of
opportunities. With the
numerous careers to choose
from, it is often difficult to
decide which pathway to
It is very important to
choose the pathway that best
interests you and consider
the career that you are very
much inclined to.
Choose the career that
interests you or perhaps explore
many options if you are not yet
sure which direction to take. Just
continue your journey and you will
soon determine which career is the
right one for you.
The health system or
medical care system is a
set of mechanisms through
which humans resources,
health care facilities, and
medical technology are
organized by means of
administrative structures.
The following are the different
fields of health from where you
can possibly start up your career:
It is the science and art of
preventing disease, prolonged life,
and promoting health through
organized community efforts.
The following are the objectives of public health:
 Intervene to promote health and prevent communicable or non-
communicable diseases mainly by modifying the community’s
 Promote healthy lifestyle as a shared value
 Direct resources, such as money and energy, to the problems that
greatly affect most of the members of the community.
 Target the high-risk groups susceptible to disease and
malnutrition as the priority for health care and services.
 Collaborate with the public, consumers, community leaders,
policy makers, administrators, and health and human service
professionals in assessing and responding to the needs and
demands of the community.
1. Community nutritionist is a qualified
individual responsible for nutrition
programs of a certain group of people
in the community.
2. Barangay/rural health worker- works
in a designated health unit that provides
case management, home visit, risk
assessment, and health education.
3. Community health nurse is
responsible for the implementation of
educational programs and services that
promotes sound health practices.
This focuses on providing health care to
pregnant women, mother, children, and
adolescents up to 18 years of age with the
following goals:
 Reduce maternal illness and deaths due to
pregnancy, child birth, and abortion.
 Reduce illness and deaths of the unborn
 Promote reproductive health awareness
among school school-age children.
 Prevent sexually transmitted infections
 Reduce occurrence of diseases such as
HIV/AIDS and cervical cancer.
 Reduce unwanted pregnancies in all women
of reproductive age.
 Reduce domestic and sexual violence and
ensure proper management of the victims.
The main objective of the
occupational health and safety
services is to determine the
impact of work on health and
ensure that the workers are fit to
work. Occupational health
services are tasked on preventing
work-related diseases.

With the major role of social and physical environment in shaping the
health and well-being of the members of the community, various prevention
strategies are focused on the community system that promotes unhealthy
behaviors such as social and retail access to unhealthy products (e.g., drug use
and abuse or drinking alcohol), and mass media messages that promote and
glamorize unhealthy activities. With this, local policy review and change can
significantly improve community conditions and make healthier choices easier
for everyone. More, environmental approaches are found to positively change
individual decision-making: media messages, access and availability, policy
and enforcement, and social norms.
Medical professionals together with other first
responder teams are the first to attend an
emergency or disaster. Knowledge and
training in emergency and disaster
preparedness are important in responding
Dietitian or nutritionist assist
the patient and their families in
choosing the right food for adequate
nutrition throughout the life cycle.
They also assist in food, preparation
and serving to various groups,
participate in research, and conduct
nutrition education. They work in
health centers, schools, hospitals,
clinics, and other health facilities.
 Cook
 Chef
Also called oral health, this is considered to
be an important aspect in maintain the physical well-
being of an individual. Dentists examine the teeth,
oral cavities, and associated tissue. They recognize
the importance of good oral health and the need to
prevent oral diseases. They diagnose and restore
defective teeth, provide aesthetic improvement , and
correct dental deformities. The key priority of
promoting dental health among members of the
community is to build and strengthen the support for
good oral health, improve oral health literacy, and
strengthen the prevention and intervention
programs. Other jobs related to dental health are as
 Dental assistant aids the dentist throughout the
entire dental procedure, prepares the equipment
needed, and attends to the other need of the client.
 Dental receptionist
 School health nurse
This focuses on providing care for individuals who have been
hospitalized to facilitate recovery from sickness or rehabilitation. Nurses have
certain approach to patient care, training, as well as scope of practice. They
develop a plan of care and collaborate with physicians, patient’s family
members, and other members of the health care team. Nurses practice in
various special areas and settings in the hospital like the outpatient department,
emergency room, general ward, intensive care unit (ICU), or even at home
(home visit)
 Medical clerk
 Nurse Aid
 Medical orderly
 Physician

Allied health professional, according to the International

Chief Health Profession Officer (ICHPO), are distinct group of health
professionals who apply their expertise to prevent disease
transmission and diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate people of all ages
and all specialties. Together with a range of technical and support
staff, they deliver direct patient care, rehabilitation, treatment,
diagnostics, and health improvement interventions to restore and
maintain optimal physical, sensory, psychological, cognitive, and
social functions.

 Medical technologist
 Pharmacist
 Physical therapist
 X-ray technician
This is a comprehensive system that
facilitates the delivery of health and
safety services to victims of life-
threatening injuries or emergencies.
This provides personnel, facilities, and
medical equipment for efficient care

 Paramedic
 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

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