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A Research Proposal Presented to the

Faculty of the School of Engineering and Architecture

University of Baguio

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Course


Layocan, Clarrisa B.

Tabon, Jersey C.

Tumbaga, Khen B.

Engr. Maria Clarissa Joy B. Ordoño


Layocan, Clarrisa B.

Tabon, Jersey C.

Tumbaga, Khen B.

Engr. Maria Clarissa Joy B. Ordoño

School of Engineering and Architecture

University of Baguio


Soil slopes can be natural or human-made. It can lead to slope failures that can
result in much death and destruction, economic losses, and environmental damage.
Slope failures depend on the soil type, soil stratification, groundwater, seepage, and
slope geometry (Mizal-Azzmi, Mohd-Noor, &Jamaludin, 2011). Slope failure normally
leads to soil erosion or landslide (Tang, Yong, &EzEldin, 2016). Slope failures are
caused, in general, by natural forces, human misjudgement, and activities of burrowing
animals. The slope failures of slopes such as landslides are so unpredictable and
catastrophic. Landslides occur over a wide range of velocities and are known as the
third most crucial natural disaster worldwide (Perera, Jayawardana, Jayasinghe,
Bandara, Alahakoon, 2018). Landslides are usually triggered without warning, giving
people less time to react or evacuate. Landslides are responsible for significant loss of
life and injury to people and their livestock as well as damage to infrastructure,
agricultural lands, and housing.
According to the DENR-MGB, the top 10 prone to landslide areas
(2012/09/02) are Benguet (90.3%), Mt. Province (87.1%), Nueva Vizcaya (86.7%),
Kalinga-Apayao (84.7%), Southern Leyte (82.7%), Abra (82.1%), Marinduque
(78.6%), Cebu (77.8%), Catanduanes (77.4%), and lastly Ifugao (77.3%). All the
provinces from the CAR are prone to landlines and falling rock due to its mountain
ranges that after a period of heavy rains or when typhoon or earthquakes occurs, the
lands on hills and mountains become soft and unstable which makes the region
susceptible to landslide.

Itogon, the largest municipality in Benguet by land area, is a mining town and the
location of the first significant mines in the country. Binga Dam, which is located in the
municipality, is run and managed by SN Aboitiz Power - Benguet, Inc. Itogon shares a
boundary with the provinces of Pangasinan (on the west) and Nueva Vizcaya (on the
southeast) and is situated at 16°22′N 120°40′E in the southeast end of the Benguet (on the
south). The town is bordered on the west by Baguio and the municipality of Tuba, on the
north by Tublay and La Trinidad, on the east by Bokod, on the southeast by Kayapa and
Santa Fe, on the south by San Manuel and San Nicolas, and on the southwest by Sison.
Itogon is located 267 kilometers (166 miles) from Manila, 17 kilometers (11 mi) from
Baguio, and 22 kilometers (14 mi) from La Trinidad. The municipality makes up 16.24%
of Benguet's total area of 2,769.08 square kilometers (1,069.15 square miles), or 449.73
square kilometers (173.64 square miles), according to the Philippine Statistics Authority.
The Upper Agno River Basin Resource Reserve and the Lower Agno Watershed Forest
Reserve together safeguard around 80% of the municipality's land area. The municipality
is crossed by the Agno River, which is impounded at Binga (19 kilometers or 12 miles
from the Ambuklao Dam in Bokod).

Baguio-Bua-Itogon National Road is frequently affected by disasters caused by

storms and rains, with landslide occurrence in some parts of the area. It is the road
connecting the municipality of Itogon and the city of Baguio. It is also the most
convenient route for residents for good transportation to the city. Continuous rain and
typhoon resulted in rockslides and landslides in the different areas of the road. The slope
failure that occurred in the area was due to prolonged rainfall and typhoon and casued a
road slip collapse. Currently, motorists passing by are warned to take extra precautions.
Some parts of the road are having one lane passable only since the ground underneath has
already erroded.

In recent years, the Province of Benguet has been hit by typhoons and
prolonged rainfall which caused slope failures in the different parts of the
highways. The common slope failure that occurred in the province is slides of rock
and soil and rockfall. It can be triggered by intense rainfall and some by
earthquakes but it can also be triggered by man-induced changes. The evaluation of
the study area is the essential parameter; however, visual assessment alone is not
enough to provide enough information to assess the soil slope's stability. For slope
analysis to be useful, knowledge of geological site conditions and properties of the
soil site is required (Duncan et. al, 2014). The parameters are needed to determine
the shear strength developed and compare it to the shear strength of the soil.
Stability can be determined by different methods based on geotechnical
characteristics, particularly in the properties of the terrain, the inclination of the
slope, the depth of the trench or excavation (height of the slope), and the
groundwater's position and, static and dynamic load (Schuster, 2015).

There are two groups of methods used in analyzing, the Limit Equilibrium
Method (LEM) and the Finite Element Method. LEM, also known as
traditional/conventional, is known over the decades and is commonly used in the
20th century. The advantage of a finite element approach in the analysis of slope
stability problems over traditional limit equilibrium methods is that no assumption
needs to be made in advance about the shape or location of the failure surface,
slice side forces, and the directions (Basir et. al, 2017). However, Farok et. al,
(2014) stated that LEM remains able to produce an accurate and reliable result.

According to (Nash, 1987), a quantitative assessment of the safety factor is

important when decisions are made. Over the years, with the increasing numbers
of slope failures, various advanced approaches to deal with slope stability have
been developed. Computer software like Geo5, SLIDE, Z-soil, and PLAXIS, were
able to make substantial assistance to the engineers.
A study on the slope stability in Pune was conducted by Borole et. al,
(2016) wherein the researchers used the Geo5 Software to analyze the slopes with
various cohesive strengths. Using the same Software, a study by Nugroho et. al,
(2019) analyzed the slope stability of the two cut sections of Gunung Banyak in
Batu City. Using all the available methods of LEM in Geo5, it was found that one
of the cut sections has a critical safety level. The section has a factor of safety
ranging from 1 to 1.21 depending on the method used.

Conceptual Framework
The goal of this research is to determine the most appropriate slope protection to
prevent the recurrence of slope failure of the road section being evaluated for slope
protection design. There are forces that promote downslope movement and opposing
forces that tend to resist movement in every slope (Mizal-Azzmi, Mohd-Noor,
&Jamaludin, 2011). The downslope movement of rock debris and soil in response to
gravitational stress is referred to as slope failure, according to Renaud et al., (2000).
Slope movement and failures, both natural and man-made, are complex geotechnical
engineering problems involving both surface and subsurface conditions and their
interactions with triggering factors. Understanding the site characteristics and their spatial
and temporal variability is required for assessing slope movement and associated hazards.
Figure 1 depicts the study's paradigm, which uses the IPO model as the
researchers' approach to accomplishing the main goal of proposing a slope protection.


- Soil Profile Document Analysis Proposed Design of
- Topographic Profile Design Analysis Slope Stability
- Geotechnical Geo5 Simulation Structure
Investigation AutoCAD Rendering
Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study
The researchers will obtain the necessary parameters for the soil profile from BIP
Steadfast Group Inc. for verification as the foundation for designing the slope protection.
Furthermore, the soil profile will determine the type of slope protection required to solve
the problem in the study area.

The researchers will use Google Earth Pro to locate and determine the elevation
of the proposed slope protection structure during the topographic profiling. The software
will aid researchers in accurately retrieving and viewing the location's detailed profile
area, particularly the dimensions. The technical aspects of the area, such as cuts, fills, and
contours, will be determined using Google Earth Pro. Because the research area is limited
and specified, the researchers will collect the important parameters in the aspect of site
survey if other important parameters are not available from the Google Earth Pro survey.

A geotechnical investigation should be tailored to the specific application. The

investigation is usually carried out after the initial assessment, which includes soil and
topographic profiling. Geotechnical investigation is the study of the technical properties
of soil, such as the following: (a) Site history in terms of stability or other geotechnical
behavior, including previous earthworks, landslides, and/or mining activities; (b)
Subsurface conditions, including groundwater depth and likely variations; (c) Backfill
materials, including unit weight, soil strength, and hydraulic conductivity parameters; and
(d) Natural soil unit weight and soil strength parameters. The researchers will personally
visit the office in order to obtain the geotechnical properties required for re-evaluation
and redesigning.

Design analysis and calculations for the document analysis are not limited to the
Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), but also use international
specifications such as the Department of Public Works and Highways-Japan International
Cooperation Agency (DPWH-JICA). The process design will be anchored by guidelines
from the Department of Public Works and Highways' standard requirements in the
preparation of engineering plans for feasibility studies and conceptual design for
highway, slope and stabilization structure, and water engineering projects.
The "factor of safety" will be calculated by dividing the resisting forces by the
slope's driving forces, which will be derived from the various factors affecting the
slope's stability.

Resisting Force
F . S .=
Driving Force

A safety factor greater than one is regarded as safe. A safety factor of one, on the
other hand, indicates that failure is imminent. A slope strength of 1.5 is appropriate for
designing a stable slope.

The slope's stability will be assessed using the Limit Equilibrium Method, which
is built into the GEO5 computer software. Slope stability will be used to select slope
protection in the study area.

To achieve slope mitigation, an appropriate step is taken when designing slope

protection. Field observation could be used to determine the proper procedure. Field
observation entails a thorough assessment of general conditions such as slope geometry,
topography, and slope surface condition. The slope failure is taken into account. To
propose the most appropriate slope protection, various methods of slope stabilization
will be implemented.

The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and the Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA) listed types of slope failure with its
countermeasures (DPWH & JICA, 2014).

a) Soil Slope Collapse

Rainfall infiltration causes a section of the mountainside to abruptly collapse onto

the road. Soil and heavily worn rocks are examples of collapsed or collapsible
materials. It's more likely to happen on a steep slope. The volume ranges from 200 to
5000 cubic meters in most cases.

b) Rock Slope Collapse

Gravity causes free-falling falling or rolling down of rocks down a slope, which is
governed by the distribution of joints. Materials are hard, jointed rocks that are prone to
occur on steep slopes and cliffs.

c) Landslide- refers to all types of slope failures and is defined as the movement of a
large mass of soil and/or rocks.

A section of the road has a bulge of at least an inch. Water infiltration,

earthquakes, or both can cause it. Soil and heavily worn rocks are the most common
materials found on gentle and irregular mountain slopes. In most cases, the volume
involved exceeds 5000 cubic meters.

d) Road Slip

The collapse/scouring/caving in of the valley side slope of the roadway causes

road slip, which happens largely on the road shoulder.  Mostly found at stream bends.
Infiltration/leakage of water from the road surface/damaged drainage facilities are the
most common causes.  Soil and worn rocks make up the materials.

e) Debris Flow - refers to the rapid flow of boulders, gravel, sand, silt clay, and trees
mixed with a large quantity of water that is mainly generated when a slope collapses
during heavy rainfall.

The stream bed gradient is greater than 15 degrees (debris flow ends at less than
10 degrees), and the catchment area is more than 5 has.

The existence of debris beside the road/debris flow reoccurs frequently.

Figure 2. Types of Slope Failure

Figures 3 and 4 show a flowchart depicting the countermeasure for soil slope
collapse and rock fall collapse. The assessment of slope failure takes into account factors
such as the risk of slope failure, seepage from the slope or a high-water table, and slope
failure records. Below are the factors that must be considered in order to design the best
slope protection (DPWH-JICA, 2007).
Figure 3. Selections of Soil Slope Failure Countermeasure (DPWH-JICA, 2007)
Figure 4. Selections of Soil Slope Failure Countermeasure (DPWH-JICA, 2007)

There are primarily two types of landslide countermeasures. The first type of risk
mitigation countermeasure is to use slope surface drainage works, underground water
drainage works, earth removal works of the sliding mass head, and counterweight filling
works to reduce landslide movement. The structural countermeasure is a type of
prevention work that involves the construction of structures that will resist the movement
of landslides through piles, shafts, and anchor works.

The researchers will use AutoCAD software to create a 3D rendering of the slope
protection prototype based on the design analysis and calculations. Additionally, this
software will assist the client in viewing the proposed plan design from a clear
perspective, and if any changes or alterations in design are provided or required, it will be
an easy part of the planner for execution.

The proposed design plan will take the earlier design into account for
convenience, particularly in terms of time constraints. Furthermore, the proposed plan is
open to suggestions and can be adapted by the municipality for any future
implementation project.

Significance of the Study

The Baguio-Bua-Itogon National Road makes a crucial contribution to local
economic development. It provides access to employment, social, health, and education
services for the residents. It also serves as an important route for accessing the mining
town of Itogon. For these reasons, it is a crucial and essential in maintainig the integral
stability of the road. Through this study, the determination of the most appropriate design
of a slope protection will help to mitigate and prevent the recurrence of road slope failure
along the road section. With these, the study's outcome is expected to contribute to
government projects. The proposed design of a slope protection would be able to
contribute to the improvement of the road for the use of transportation and development
of the economy.

Additionally, this is in support of the former President Rodrigo Duterte's "Build,

Build, Build" (BBB) program wherein the current administration stated the they are
willing to continue the said program. Whereas the "BBB" program includes flood
mitigation structures implemented by the Departments of Public Works and Highways
(DPWH) and Transportation (DOTr), both of which implement the majority of the
infrastructure pipeline. The "Build, Build, Build" program aims to create a "golden age"
of infrastructure in the Philippines to improve connectivity and mobility while also
boosting the country's economy.

Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this research is to propose a design that will effectively mitigate
soil collapse along Baguio-Bua-Itogon National Road, especially in K0260+423-
K0260+459. The study's objectives are as follows:

 To determine the nature of the slope failure.

 To examine the slope's stability.
 To propose an appropriate slope protection on the slope failure.

Study Design
The researchers will employ a descriptive-analytic research design which is best
suited in analysing and evaluating information in proposing the most appropriate slope
protection on the slope failure at K0260+423-K0260+459 of Baguio-Bua-Itogon
National Road. The researchers will be visiting the area and critical and essential
measurements and data will be recorded. The current condition of the study area will be
noted for the stability of the slope to determine the most appropriate slope protection.

In terms of soil properties, the researchers will seek assistance from both the
DPWH-CAR and the DPWH-Benguet District 1 offices to ensure the accuracy of the
design and computation analysis. If these offices are unable to provide the soil properties
of the specified study area, the group will obtain the soil properties with the assistance of
BIP Steadfast Group Inc. or from the nearest structure with available soil parameters, as
the data obtained is critical to the entire study.

Context and Locale of the Study

The Baguio-Bua-Itogon National Road is a 20.2-kilometer road that runs
from the city of Baguio to the municipality of Itogon. K0260+423-K0260+459
will be selected as the study area. The study area has a length of 36 m and is
located at Sitio First Gate, Ucab, Itogon, Benguet and has a history of slope
failure. The slope failure that occurred in the area was due to prolonged rainfall
and typhoon. Currently, motorists passing by are warned to take extra precautions.
Some parts of the road are having one lane passable only since the ground
underneath has already erroded. The researchers will conduct an on-site
investigation to determine what type of soil collapse occurred, as well as
topographic and geotechnical verification. Following these activities, the
researchers will begin the computation analysis incorporating the LEM, which, as
previously stated, will be adapted because it provides the most stable value.
Following such deliberation, the researchers will produce an output of the best
slope protection design, taking into account all intended and necessary areas of
As part of the study's transparency, the study's content is limited to the
design analysis, design lay-out, design detailing, and slope protection design. The
cost estimates is also included for the purpose of determining the appropriate slope
protection with regards to economical aspect. The results of this study will be kept
in case the barangay of Ucab-Itogon needs it for construction in the future, as this
is only a proposal that may or may not be funded for construction.

Data Gathering Tools

The researchers will first notify the DPWH-CAR and/or DPWH-BENGUET

DISTRCT 1 office in the form of a letter that has been approved by the institution
for the collection of soil profile and geotechnical data. This proposal will not be
floated unless the area of study is identified, so the proponents will also send a letter
to the barangay to ensure proper and legal acquisition.
The researchers manually recorded the essential data required in the design
of slope protection. The researchers also conducted visual observations on the
slope, which will be taken into account. The information and data will be used in
the slope analysis. The area's height, width, length, and slope were all measured.
This data will be used to calculate the slope's safety factor. Topographic maps and
geotechnical reports will be obtained from the Department of Public Works and
Highways CAR or DPWH-Benguet District 1 which either the respective offices
can provide the data.
GEO5 is a software suite that provides solutions for the majority of
geotechnical tasks, such as slope stability, rock slopes, and MSE walls; excavation
design, which includes the design and verification of retaining structures,
diaphragm, and pile walls; walls and gabions; shallow foundations; deep
foundations; settlement analysis; tunnels and shafts; and geological survey. GEO5
software will make computation and analysis more accurate and time-efficient,
which is exactly what, is required.
The most important piece of software that the researchers will use is
AutoCAD, in order to give justice to the planned design or to turn the planned
image of the slope protection into reality. This is a huge help because alterations
based on client and facilitator suggestions will be much easier on the part of the
The researchers, on the other hand, used the DPWH checklist to accurately and
efficiently design a slope protection. The checklist's purpose was to ensure that the
researchers followed the requirements for designing the slope protection. The checklist
served as the data collection sequence and the research's foundation. The data collection
tools proposed are an adaptation of the qualitative and quantitative measures of the
variables. The qualitative measures include observations on the system's profile and
condition, while the quantitative measures include the use of checklists and design
computation. The main purpose of the checklist in terms of quantitative approach is to
guide the researchers from its standard formulas and equations that will be used in
designing the slope protection, as indicated in Chapter 3 of the collaboration between
DPWH and JICA (2007). The chapter covers slope design (cut and fill), drainage (surface
water), and slope protection (structural). Furthermore, the entire chapter 3 will instruct
the researchers on how to design a slope protection while adhering to the existing
constraints and scope of work.

Also, the Google Earth application will be used to determine the study's
scale and area. Understanding the configuration and scale of a slope, as well as
dynamic conditions, is critical in investigating the current state of land slopes and
designing countermeasures. It can be used for a variety of purposes, such as
mapping earth resources, visualizing earth features, 3D renderings of structures,
town planning, and disaster event simulation. It makes use of a virtual world system
to provide high-resolution elevation data, as well as Shuttle Radar Topography
(SRTM) data for its elevation baseline.
Self-created and administered checklist for comparing the conformity of the
required parameters to the promulgated standards will be comprehended. The standards
include DPWH specifications that the researchers gathered through a reputable internet
media platform, which then served as the researchers' basis for the assessment rather than
the actual measurement survey on the required parameters. The researchers will have to
visit the site early in the morning to avoid disrupting pedestrian and motorist traffic, as
well as to have less contact with people for safety reasons. As a result, administering data
collection would be much faster, with less disruption from passers-by. In terms of the
tools available for measuring the dimensions required, the researcher will use an open
reel tape measure to administer longer spans, as well as computation-based data
collection on some of the parameters (slope) to satisfy concise assessment in areas where
measuring is not feasible. Furthermore, to demonstrate the data collection procedure, the
researchers will use a smart phone, camera, or DSLR for photo documentation and
structural perspective.
The checklist includes DPWH—standard JICA's measurement of cover slope
design (cut and fill), drainage (surface water), and slope protection (structural) (2014).
Furthermore, there are 11 given standards and recommended values for the required
blocks, and to avoid confusion, the researchers will outline and tabulate the DPWH-JICA
recommendations (2014). This checklist will contend with Classifications of Soil Slope
Collapse Countermeasures, Standard Dimensions of Stone, Determinations of Wall
Height by Bearing Ground, Recommended Internal Friction Angle and Cohesion,
Allowable Bond Stress Between the Ground and Steel Material, Friction Resistance of
Ground with Rock Bolt, Type and Size of Steel Material Used for Different Concrete
Cribs, and Finally, Allowable Stress for Concrete (Mortar Crib). Furthermore, the
structural characteristics or types of slope protection are one of the contents of the
checklist for further profiling and structural stability concerning seismological events.

Data Gathering Procedures

The classifications of road slope failure and their countermeasures from the
book, Guidebook for Road Construction and Maintenance Management, will be
used to determine the type of slope failure that occurred based on visual
observation and data gathered for the study (DPWH & JICA. 2014). The
researchers obtained communication letters. The instructors took note of and
signed the letters addressed to a specific agency for ethical considerations. The
researchers will begin designing the slope protection as soon as the research began.
The Itogon-Ucab LGUs will be informed of the reason for the researchers' ocular
inspections, field surveys, and measurements. The researchers will inform the
barangay official about their research and present a communication letter. A letter
of communication will be used to obtain the necessary document, which contains
the site's geotechnical information. This data includes the soil unit weight, soil
type, soil bearing capacity, cohesion, and friction angle.
The researchers conducted topographic surveying to obtain the height,
width, length, and slope angle of the site. Concerning this operation, this will
reinforce the data not presented on the Google Earth map, which will suffice the
needed information.
The technical data and information are reviewed for the analysis. The
collected data will be analyzed in order to select the best slope protection for the
slope area. The technical data will be thoroughly investigated in conjunction with
the guidelines of DPWH-JICA 2014 and DPWH-CAR/BENGUET DISTRICT 1,
as well as the involvement of the technical adviser, to determine the most
appropriate slope protection design.
In terms of on-site data collection, the researchers will use on-the-spot
assessment by administering the prepared data checklist in relation to the actual
measurement using a hand-held measuring tool (reel tape measure) to obtain the
data required. With some limitations on the actual measurement, calculation-based
data collection will be used to comprehensively note everything on the checklist.
Using the checklist that will be administered and consolidated, the
proponents will personally visit the study area to assess, evaluate, and measure the
length required for the incorporation of slope protection structure. The auspicious
time is between six and seven a.m. in order to avoid disrupting pedestrian traffic
and to adhere to the COVID-19 health regimen. The assessment of structural
features and slope protection type shall be solely based on the specified
assessment checklist, as well as the impact of slope protection on accommodation,
accessibility, economy, and safety.

Treatment of Data
The determination of the type of slope failure that occurred will be based on the
classifications of road slope failure as well as their countermeasures from the book,
Guidebook for Road Construction and Maintenance Management (DPWH & JICA.

The researchers will properly guide the established standard boundaries into
execution. The guidelines and standard specifications for slope protection are given
precedence under Department Order No.24 Series of 2005, published as DPWH Standard
Specifications for Public Works and Highways, Volume II: Highways, Bridges, and
Airports, specifically at Item 505–511 of Part G-Drainage and Slope Protection
Structures. Moreover, from items 505 to 511, the design of slope protection is dependent
on what type is to be used in that specific area, as defined by the Structural and
Geotechnical Engineers and as per the 2015 National Structural Code of the Philippines,
Volume 1, and Section 302.7.
Furthermore, with the collaboration of DPWH and JICA (2007), the entire
is presented, which includes design guidelines for different types of slope collapse
and variations in slope protection.

For the analysis, the data will be entered into the input section of the
software "GEO5 2020 EN." The slope will be interpreted using the minimum limit
value of the "factor of safety," denoted by the symbol FS. The slope protection's
design will be based on "The Factor of Safety." The stability design will be
calculated using the “Finite Element Method”.
Furthermore, based on the first objective of the study, a.) the researchers
will conduct an on-site investigation to determine what type of slope failure
occurred and then proceed to the next step of the design process. Following that,
b) in accordance with the study's second goal, the researchers will analyze slope
stability using DPWH and DPWH-JICA guidelines. The technical aspects of slope
stability are addressed in the analysis. As a result, the researchers will seek advice
from the appropriate technical adviser. Finally, c) based on the first two objectives
and assessment results in accordance with the DPWH and JICA standards, a
proposal for the best type of slope stability structure will be drafted. Finally, the
researchers will analyze the data for direct results and discussion of the literature
reviews. Furthermore, the researchers will simply argue whether the slope
protection design complies with the restrictions and standards set by the
aforementioned agency. The outcomes of the three perspectives will be saved for
future use as a maintenance and renovation. As previously stated, DPWH has a
slope protection budget.

Ethical Considerations
The researchers will notify the local government units involved in the
study that official records would be used as part of the research. This study will
strictly enforce and ensure the confidentiality of private information, identity, and
names. The researcher will ensure confidentiality of information by physically
securing devices and paper documents. Protecting the said sets of data from
misuse or theft by storing them in a secured area. Also, the researchers will
securely dispose of data and paper records appropriately when data is no longer
necessary. Sensitive data must be securely erased to ensure that it cannot be
recovered and misused. Paper documents containing sensitive information should
be shredded rather than dumped into trash or recycling bins to ensure privacy and
confidentiality. Furthermore, all information gathered was used solely for
research purposes, and data will be kept secured under the supervision of the
researchers. Lastly, considering the CoVid19 Pandemic, the researcher will assure
that no involved personnel will be subjected to any form of harm during the
conduct of the research by observing the health protocols set by the government.


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Attached pictures are the current situation along the selected area of study.

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