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15.1 250 kg/h of air saturated at 2°C is mixed with 50 kg/h of air at 35°C and 80% RH/
Determine the final state of air.
Schematic Diagram:

250 kg/h

50 kg/h
35°C DBT Mixing Box 3
80% RH Cooling coil
Psychrometric Chart:

h2=109 kJ /kg

ω1 =0.029 kg/kg

h3=29 kJ /kg
h1=13 kJ /kg

ω2 =0.0044 kg /kg

T DP 3=7.6 ℃
T DP 1=2 ℃ T DP 2=35 ℃


As per steam table, At T DP 1=2 ℃

pv =0.0007056 MPa=0.7056 kPa

pv 0.7056 kg w . v .
ω1 =0.622 =0.622× =0.00436
pb− p v 101.325−0.7056 kg d . a .

As per steam table, At T DP 1=35 ℃

ps=0.005628 MPa=5.628 kPa

pv p
RH = →0.80= v
ps 5.629

pv =4.5032 kPa

pv 4.5032 kg w . v .
ω2 =0.622 =0.622× =0.0289
pb − p v 101.325−4.5032 kg d . a .

Mixing Process: moisture and enthalpy balance

ω1 m1+ ω2 m2=ω3 (m1 +m 2 )
( 0.00436 ) ( 250 ) + ( 0.0289 ) ( 50 )=ω3 ( 250+50 )

( 0.00436 )( 250 )+ ( 0.0289 ) (50 ) kg w . v .

ω3 = =0.00845
( 250+50 ) kg d . a .

h1=h=h a+ ω hv h2=h=h a+ ω hv

h1=1.005 T DB +ω (2501+1.88 T DB ) h2=1.005 T DB + ω(2501+1.88 T DB )

2501+1.88 ( 35 )
2501+1.88(2)h 2=(1.005 ×35)+0.0289 ¿
h1=(1.005 × 2)+0.0044 ¿

h1=12.9308 kJ /k g h2=109.3556 kJ /k g

h1 m1 +h 2 m2=h3 ( m1 +m2 )

( 12.93 ) ( 250 ) + ( 109.3556 ) (50 )=h3 ( 250+50 )

( 12.93 ) ( 250 ) + ( 109.3556 ) ( 50 )

h3= =29.001 kJ /kg
( 250+50 )

Final state of air:

kg w . v . kJ
ω3 =0.00845 h3=29.001 at T DP 3=7.6 ℃
kg d . a . kg
15.3 500 kg of air is supplied per minute to an auditorium maintained at 21°C and 40% RH. The
outside air at 5°C DBT and 60 RH is first passed over heating coils and is heated until its WBT is
equal to room WBT. It is then passed through an adiabatic saturator and is finally heated at 45°C
before being supplied to the room. Determine:
i) The heat added in both the heating coils
ii) The mass of water evaporated in the air washer.

Schematic Diagram:
5°C DB
60% RH

m = 500 kg/min Heating Adiabatic Auditorium

Outside air Coil WBT =WBT room SaturatorT =45 ℃

Psychrometric chart:

h3=70 kJ /kg

h2=h4=37 kJ /kg

ω3 =0.0095 kg /kg
h1=13 kJ / kg
ω 4=0.0061 kg /kg
ω1 =0.0032 kg/kg

T DP 3=13.1 ℃ T DP 2=28 ℃ T =45 ℃

T DP 1=5 ℃ T DP 4 =21℃
m 500 kg /min kg
m 1= = =498.405
1+ ω1 1+0.0032 min

i) The heat added in both the heating coils

Solving for heat added on first coil:
kJ 1 min
ma ( h2−h1 ) =498.405 ( 37−13 )=11961.72 ×
min 60 sec

Heat added on first coil=199.362kW

Solving for heat added on second coil:

kJ 1 min
ma ( h3−h 2) =498.405 ( 70−37 )=16447.365 ×
min 60 sec

Heat added on second coil=274.123 kW

ii) The mass of water evaporated in the air washer.
ma ( ω3−ω1 ) =498.405(0.0095−0.0032)

Mass evaporated=3.140
15.5 In an auditorium which is to be maintained at a temperature not exceeding 24°C, and a
relative humidity not exceeding 60%, a sensible heat load of 132 kW and 84 kg/h of moisture has
to be removed. Air is supplied to the auditorium at 15°C.
a. How many kg of air per hour must be supplied?
b. What is the dew point temperature of supply air and what is its relative humidity? 13.8
c. How much latent heat is picked up in the auditorium?
d. What is the sensible heat factor?
e. What is the ADP of the coil, and what is its BPF?
T R=24 ℃ QS =132 kW RH =60 %

T S=15 ℃ ma=84 kg/h


h R=52.9 kJ /kg

hS =39.7 kJ /kg

T DP=13.9 ℃

ADP=13.5 ℃
As per psychrometric chart, As per steam table, at T R=24 ℃
h R=52.9 kJ /kg hS =39.7 kJ /kg hfg =2444.7

a. How many kg of air per hour must be supplied?

Solving for QL:
QL =m a hfg

kg 1h kJ
QL =84 × ×2444.7 =57.043 kW
h 3600 s kg

Solving for mass of air per hour that must be supplied:

QT =QS +Q L=ma (hR −h S )
( 132+57.043 )
Q +Q L s
m a= S = =14.3214 kg/ s
h R−hS kJ
(52.9−39.7 )
kg 3600 s
ma=14.3214 ×
s 1hr
b. What is the dew point temperature of supply air and what is its relative humidity?
As per the psychrometric chart, the dew point temperature of supply air is:
T DP=13.9 ℃

As per steam table via Single Interpolation:

pv (kPa) T DP (℃) 13.8−13 x −1.4974

1.4974 13 14−13 1.5984−1.4974
? 13.8
1.5983 14 pv @ 13.8 ℃=1.5781 kPa

ps @ 15℃ =1.7051 kPa

Solving for relative humidity:

pv 1.5781
RH = ×100 %= ×100 %
ps 1.7051
RH =92.5518 %

c. How much latent heat is picked up in the auditorium?

QL =m a hfg

kg 1h kJ
QL =84 × ×2444.7
h 3600 s kg
QL =57.043 kW

d. What is the sensible heat factor?

QS 132
SHF = =
Q S +Q L 132+57.043

SHF =0.69825

e. What is the ADP of the coil, and what is its BPF?

As per the psychrometric chart, the ADP of coil is
ADP=13.5 ℃
Solving for BPF:
T S −ADP 15−13.5
BPF = =
T R− ADP 24−13.5

BPF =0.1429
15.7 Given for the air conditioning of a room
Room Conditions: 26.5°C DBT and 50% RH
Room sensible heat gain = 26.3 kW
Room sensible heat factor = 0.82
i. The room latent heat gain
ii. The apparatus dew point
iii. The cmm of air if it is supplied to the room at the apparatus dew point.
iv. The cmm and specific humidity of air if it is supplied to the room at 17°C.

ADP=13.8 ℃
i. The room latent heat gain
QS 26.3
SHF = → 0.82=
Q S +Q L 26.3+Q L

QL =5.7732 kW ii. The apparatus dew point

As per the psychrometric chart, the ADP is:

ADP=13.8 ℃

iii. The cmm of air if it is supplied to the room at the apparatus dew point.
QS 26.3
cmm= =
0.0204(T R −ADP ) 0.0204 (26.5−13.8)


iv. The cmm and specific humidity of air if it is supplied to the room at 17°C.

QS 26.3
cmm= =
0.0204(T R −ADP ) 0.0204 (26.5−17)

15.9 An air washer cools and dehumidifies 18,200 kg of dry air per hour from 41°C DBT and
24°C WBT. Chilled water enters the washer at 7°C with flow of 18,500 kg per hour. The washer
is 88% effective. What is the heat removed from the air in kW?
Schematic Diagram:

ma = 18200 kg/h

DBT = 41 C

WBT = 24 C
MW = 18500 kg/h

DBT = 7 C

Psychrometric Chart:

h1=72.8 kJ /kg
h2=63 kJ /kg

ω1 =0.00118 kg /k
T DB 1=41℃ ma=18200 T DB=7 ℃
T WB 1 =24 ℃ mw =18500 η=88 %=0.88

T DB 1−T WB 1 41−24
η= → 0.88= =21.68 ℃
T DB 1−T WB 2 41−T WB 2

As per psychrometric chart:

At T WB 2=21.68℃
h2=63 kJ /kg

Solving for heat removed:

kg 1h kJ kJ
ma ( h1−h2 ) =18200 ×
h 3600 s(72 −63
kg kg )
Heat removed=45.5 kW
15.11 300 cmm of outside air at 5°C and 60& RH are heated and humidified to maintain room
condition at 21°C and 40% RH. Devise a suitable system for the air conditioning and find the
kW of various heaters and the moisture added. The supply air temperature at 45°C and the room
sensible heat factor is 0.75.
Schematic Diagram:

0.75 SHF
Supply Air = 45C

60% RH Mixing Box
Cooling coil

ω1 =0.0085 kg/kg

ω1 =0.0032 kg/kg
m 1min
300 ×
min 60 sec
Qs=ma ( 1.005+1.88 ω o ) ( t s−t o ) Q s= ( 1.005+1.88 ( 0.0032 ) ) ( 45−5 )
Qs=255.63 kW

m3 1 min
300 ×
min 60 sec
QL =m a ( 2500 ) ( ω s−ω o ) QL = 3
( 2500 ) ( 0.0085−0.0032 )
QL =83.7547 kW
15.13 A summer air conditioning plant mixes 70 cmm of outside air at 35°C DB and 23°C WB
with 210cmm of return air at 24°C DB and 50% RH. The mixture passes over a cooling coil. Air
off the coil is 90% RH. The room is SHF is 0.7.
Schematic Diagram:

210 cmm

24 CDB

70 cmm 50% RH

35 CDB 90% RH
23 CWB

Psychrometric Chart:

h 0=68.25 kJ /kg 0.8875 m3 /kg

h m=53 kJ /kg 0.856 m3 /kg
h R=48.25 kJ /kg
h B=42 kJ /kg
h s=27.25 kJ / kg R m
8.2 C
7C B
i. Find the ADP, and air off the coil dew point and dry bulb temperatures.
70 kg 210 kg
m o= =78.873 mR = =245.33
0.8875 min 0.856 min


(78.873 ×35+ 245.33× 24)

DBT m= =26.68 C

DBT m=26.68 ℃

DBT R =24 ℃

DBT o=35 ℃

DBT s=10 ℃

ADP=7 ℃

DBT s=8.2℃

ii. How much cooling in kW is unit doing?

mm kg 1 min
Ref Load= ( h m−h s )=324.203 × ( 53−27.25 )
60 min 60 s

Ref Load=139.14 kW

iii. How much of the total load is sensible, and how much latent is latent?
kg 1 min
QL =mm ( h R−hB ) =324.203 × ( 48.25−42 )
min 60 s
QL =33.771 kW
kg 1min
Qs=mm ( h B−hS ) =324.203 × ( 42−27.25 )
min 60 s
QS =79.7 kW

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