CHN Essay Hamoy

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Name: Hamoy, John Lourd Lyle B.

Year & Section : BSN- 2B


1. Individual Assignments (Essay due at 6PM after your lecture
• Describe the relationship of your barangay Health Worker, Nurses and Medical Health Officer in
your barangay or Municipality/city and how they bring the health services to your community most
especially in these pandemic times.
• Is the referral system used every day, occasionally or sparingly in your BHS or RHU; Please explain
your answer.

Unfortunately, I was not born and raised in Cebu; I recently relocated to Labangon from Dipolog City,
which is somewhere in Mindanao. So I know very little about the interactions between their medical health
officer, nurses, and barangay health worker. Regardless of the place, I know that the COVID-19 pandemic
has emerged as one of the most critical health problems we are currently dealing with. It has ruined peoples'
lives, especially those of medical professionals. We received health services from the Barangay Health
Worker (BHW), nurses, and medical health officers that helped us survive the pandemic. Even though the
pandemic is still going on, our medical professionals have succeeded in lowering its death toll and health

In barangay Turno (The barangay I lived in at Dipolog), they provided fast action to the Pandemic, and
in my opinion, it indicates a great working relationship and prompt community service. When it was
announced that the approval of the vaccines has been accepted, they moved quickly to offer a location
where people could receive vaccinations for no cost. The process was led by the barangay health workers,
with the nurse focusing solely on the patients. Additionally, there were medical health officers assisting and
directing the populace in every procedure. They provide health services by letting people know where to
find them and informing them via text.

Although everything flows smoothly, I can’t deny the fact that my barangay lacks some of the required
medical equipment, thus, our barangay is not yet prepared to handle every patient's condition. The referral
system, which is employed daily, is the only thing that can help the residents of our town. A qualified
colleague who practices in one of the nearby cities will always be recommended to treat the patient if the
local doctor in our province is unable to do so because of a lack of the necessary medical equipment. In
our province, every neighborhood doctor has connections to nearby cities. Despite the fact that the majority
of our clinical professionals have the skills required to operate specific medical devices, this is insufficient
to let their patients receive care in our province. Simply put, the hospital lacks the funds to buy certain
pieces of medical equipment, therefore not catering to each and every patient’s needs.
1. Individual Assignments (two days after your lecture)
• Make a List of New Technologies Related to Public Health
A. Government Sites
- Activity: Give examples of the public registration and information system

1. Department of Health

About DOH:
The Department of Health (DOH) holds the overall technical authority on health as it is a national health
policymaker and regulatory institution.

Basically, the DOH has three major roles in the health sector: (1) leadership in health; (2) enabler and
capacity builder; and (3) administrator of specific services. Its mandate is to develop national plans,
technical standards, and guidelines on health. Aside from being the regulator of all health services and
products, the DOH is the provider of special tertiary health care services and technical assistance to health
providers and stakeholders.

While pursuing its vision, the DOH adheres to the highest values of work, which are:
● Integrity – The Department believes in upholding truth and pursuing honesty, accountability, and
consistency in performing its functions.
● Excellence – The DOH continuously strive for the best by fostering innovation, effectiveness and
efficiency, pro-action, dynamism, and openness to change.
● Compassion and respect for human dignity – Whilst DOH upholds the quality of life, respect for human
dignity is encouraged by working with sympathy and benevolence for the people in need.
● Commitment – With all our hearts and minds, the Department commits to achieve its vision for the
health and development of future generations.
● Professionalism – The DOH performs its functions in accordance with the highest ethical standards,
principles of accountability, and full responsibility.
● Teamwork – The DOH employees work together with a result-oriented mindset.
● Stewardship of the health of the people – Being stewards of health for the people, the Department
shall pursue sustainable development and care for the environment since it impinges on the health of
the Filipinos.
Together with its attached agencies, the DOH – constituted of various central bureaus and services in the
Central Office, Centers for Health Development (CHD) in every region, and DOH- retained hospitals –
performs its roles to continuously improve the country’s health care system.

2. Commission on Population and Development (POPCOMM)


POPCOM’s functions and duties are: (1) undertake, promote, and publish studies and investigations on
the Philippine population in all its aspects; (2) assemble and disseminate technical and scientific
information relating to medical, social, economic and cultural phenomena
as these affect or are affected by population; (3) formulate policy and program recommendations on
population as it relates to economic and social development;(4) formulate research and study programs
and projects and assign these to such individuals or organizations as the Commission may deem
appropriate; and (5) perform such other duties as proper authorities may from time to time direct the
Commission to undertake (Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines,

3. National Nutrition Council (NNC)


About NNC:
The National Nutrition Council is mandated by law to be the country’s highest policy-making and
coordinating body on nutrition. It is the authority that ensures nutritional well-being of Filipinos. They
are recognized both locally and globally, and they are led by a team of competent and committed public
servants. The council’s mission is to orchestrate efforts of government, private sector, international
organizations and other stakeholders at all levels, in addressing hunger and malnutrition of Filipinos
through: (1) Policy and program
formulation and coordination; 2) Capacity development; (3) Promotion of good nutrition;(4) Nutrition
surveillance; (5) Resource generation and mobilization; (6) Advocacy; and (7) Partnership and
alliance building (National Nutrition Council, 2020). In addition, NNC was formed under Presidential
Decree No. 491 or the Nutrition Act of the Philippines. It was approved by Ferdinand Marcos on July 1,
1974 (The Corpus Juris, 2020).

4. Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC|PhilHealth)

● The National Health Insurance Program was established to provide health insurance
coverage and ensure affordable, acceptable, available, and accessible health care services for all citizens
of the Philippines.
● It shall serve as the means for the healthy to help pay for the care of the sick and for those who can
afford medical care to subsidize those who cannot. It shall initially consist of Programs I and II or
Medicare and be expanded progressively to constitute one universal health insurance program for the
entire population.
● The program shall include a sustainable system of funds constitution, collection, management,
and disbursement for financing the ailment of a basic minimum package and other supplementary
packages of health insurance benefits by a progressively expanding proportion of the population.


PhilHealth is a tax-exempt Government Corporation attached to the Department of Health for policy
coordination and guidance. (Article IV, Section 15 of RA 7875 as amended). It shall have the following
powers and functions (Article IV, Section 16 of RA 7875 as amended by RA 10606):
a. To administer the National Health Insurance Program;
b. To formulate and promulgate policies for the sound administration of the Program;
c. To supervise the provision of health benefits and to set standards, rules, and regulations necessary to
ensure the quality of care, appropriate utilization of services, fund viability, member satisfaction, and overall
accomplishment of Program objectives;
d. To formulate and implement guidelines on contributions and benefits; portability of benefits, cost
containment and quality assurance; and health care provider arrangements, payment, methods, and
referral systems;
e. To establish branch offices as mandated in Article V of this Act;
f. To receive and manage grants, donations, and other forms of assistance;
g. To sue and be sued in court;
h. To acquire property, real and personal, which may be necessary or expedient for the attainment of the
purposes of this Act;
i. To collect, deposit, invest, administer, and disburse the National Health Insurance Fund in accordance
with the provisions of this Act;
j. To negotiate and enter into contracts with health care institutions, professionals, and other persons,
juridical or natural, regarding the pricing, payment mechanisms, design and implementation of
administrative and operating systems and procedures, financing, and delivery of health services on behalf
of its members;
k. To authorize Local Health Insurance Offices to negotiate and enter into contracts in the name and on
behalf of the Corporation with any accredited government or private sector health provider organization,
including but not limited to health maintenance organizations, cooperatives, and medical foundations, for
the provision of at least the minimum package of personal health services prescribed by the Corporation;
l. To determine requirements and issue guidelines for the accreditation of health care providers for the
Program in accordance with this Act; m. To visit, enter and inspect facilities of health care providers and
employers during office hours, unless there is reason to believe that inspection has to be done beyond
office hours, and where applicable, secure copies of their medical, financial, and other records

5. Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care


● Republic Act 8423 (R.A. 8423) mandates the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative
Health Care (PITAHC) “to improve the quality and delivery of health care services to the Filipino
people through the development of traditional and alternative health care and its integration into the
national health care delivery system “.

Vision - “People’s health through traditional and alternative health care”

Mission - “We lead in the research and development, promotion and advocacy, and development of
standards on traditional and complementary medicine (T&CM); and we ensure its accessibility, availability,
sustainability, and integration into the national health care. system.”

a. To encourage scientific research on and develop traditional and alternative health care
systems that have a direct impact on public health care.
b. To promote and advocate the use of traditional, alternative, preventive, and curative health
care modalities that have been proven safe, effective, cost-effective, and consistent with
government standards on medical practice.
c. To develop and coordinate skills training courses for various forms of traditional and alternative
health care modalities.
d. To formulate standards, guidelines, and codes of ethical practice appropriate for the practice of
traditional and alternative health care as well as in the manufacture, quality control, and marketing of
different traditional and alternative health care materials, natural and organic products, for approval’ and
adoption by the appropriate government agencies.
e. To formulate policies for the protection of indigenous and natural health resources and technology from
unwarranted exploitation, for approval and adoption by the appropriate government agencies.
f. To formulate policies to strengthen the role of traditional and alternative health care delivery
system; and
g. To promote traditional and alternative health care in international and national conventions, seminars,
and meetings in coordination with the Department of Tourism, Duty-Free Philippines, Incorporated,
Philippine Convention and Visitors Corporation, and other tourism-related agencies as well as non-
government organizations and local government

B. Nursing and Health Care Sites

- Activity: Give examples of the private registration and information system
● an online community for nurses
● contains news, blogs, and informative articles related to the profession
● a forum website
- registered users are able to create new topics and converse under them
- nurses can ask for advice about problems at work or simply share their experiences to other nurses

● users can use their real name or unique usernames to maintain anonymity
● forum topics and discussions are public
- can be found through search engines
- can be seen by anyone (registered users or not)
● creates a support network for nurses by allowing them to exchange industry and career related
information and advice
● also advertises job postings

● Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC
- company that offers nursing education delivery systems for schools and faculty and preparation
courses for nursing students
- also offers NCLEX (nationwide examination for the licensing of nurses in the United States,
Canada and Australia) test preps
● claims they are the leader in online learning
● created learning systems that are designed to teach the way an individual learns
● students garner scores closer to 100% than any other education system in the US market
● website of American Nurses Association (ANA)
- professional organization that represents the interests of American RNs
- largest professional organization for nurses
● provides information on a wide range of topics including careers and credentialing,
practice, ethics, health, safety, policy, advocacy, and more

● provides different services such as job postings, continuing education unit courses, nursing related news,
and an event calendar for seminars, webinars, and career fairs
● full of resources that can help RNs and nursing students
● features job portals, opportunities to earn CEs, current nursing events and latest news about the nursing
● aims to help nurses in advancing their career through a network of nursing recruiters and educators

● “the nurse’s guide to good living”
● provides information on a wide range of topics including career advice, nursing school, beauty, style,
health, fun, quizzes and giveaways
● RNs contribute articles and serve as editorial advisers

● the official website of the Philippine Nurses Association (PNA)
● provides access to a myriad of information and updates on PNA’s programs and activities
- news and upcoming events, their calendar of activities, the schedule of their seminars/trainings,
their awards, and recognitions, and much more
● founded on September 2, 1922, as Filipino Nurses Association (FNA) in a meeting of 150 nurses
presided by then Anastacia Giron Tupas (Mrs. Tupas), the FNA was incorporated in 1924.
● The International Council of Nurses accepted the FNA as one of the member organizations during
the Congress held in Montreal, Canada on July 8-13, 1929.
● The association’s life purpose is “to promote professional growth towards the attainment of highest
standards of nursing.”

● Website of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses - a specialty nursing organization
representing the interests of nurses who care for acute and critically ill patients.
● Provides a litany of information relevant to critical care nurses and the organization in general.
● Provides evidenced-based resources, clinical toolkits, information about grants, standards, and
various policy related issues

● Owned by Wolters Kluwer - a global publishing company
● Provides access to peer reviewed journal articles from more than 50 nursing journals.
● Has a blog with tons of clinical and technical articles.

● Owned by WebMD - a publicly traded company providing health related news, advice, and expertise
● Offers tons of great industry reporting on recent advancements, new studies, and expert information on
healthcare topics directly related to the nursing field.
● Provides drug calculators, a drug interaction checker, a pill identifier, and tons of other useful

● Website of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners - a professional membership
organization for Nurse Practitioners of all specialties
● Provides a wealth of information on public policy related to scope of practice and other issues impacting
● Provides technical information on healthcare conditions as well as other educational information.
● Interested parties can find information about fellowship programs through the site and members can
access the organization’s in-depth research reports

● Owned by Johnson and Johnson - a healthcare company that provides healthcare consumer items,
medical devices and pharmaceutical products.
● Offers detailed information about nursing specialties, career paths, salary information, nurse interviews
and more.

● First international organization for healthcare professionals
● Governed by a Council of National Representatives
● Its goal is to bring nurses’ organizations together in a worldwide body, to advance the socio-economic
status of nurses and the profession of nursing worldwide, and to influence global and domestic health
● the website of MyHealth Clinic
- a network of multi-specialty medical clinics offering comprehensive outpatient
healthcare products and services
- VISION: We shall be distinguished by providing the best customer experience in the healthcare
- MISSION: We deliver healthcare that is compassionate, convenient, and cost- effective.
● contains information about the corporation, the services and products they provide, their branches, and
● patients can find doctors and make appointments through the site as well

● website of Unilab Philippines
⁃ VALUES: husay, malasakit, & bayanihan
⁃ PURPOSE: Working towards a healthier Philippines, one medicine at a time.
● contains information about the company, their products, written scientific articles, their advocacy
programs, health tips, and career opportunities

● website of Pfizer Philippines
⁃ Pfizer Philippines Foundation, Inc. (PPFI) is a non-stock, non-profit corporation organized to
perform charitable and social welfare activities and programs geared towards improving health capacities,
education and awareness.
● contains background information on the foundation, contact numbers, and information about their
products, which can only be accessed by healthcare professionals

● Official website of Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital
● A national special hospital for obstetrics, gynecology and pediatric cases
● Primarily a government hospital for charity patients, its functions are service, education training, public
health and research.
● Has 3 major departments: obstetrics, gynecology, and pediatrics which is complemented by other
professional services like the Department of Laboratory, Anesthesiology, Radiology, Family Planning,
Admitting and Record Section, Out-patient and Ancillary services like the Medical Social Service, Dental
Clinic and Pharmacy
● It has other services like Nursing Service, Administrative Service, School of Midwifery and DJFMH
Comprehensive Family Planning Service.

● Official website of East Avenue Medical Center
● A 600-bed, tertiary, general hospital under DOH.
● Primary goal is to provide quality medical care and treatment to patients irrespective of sex, socio-
economic status, and religious creed.
● Provides appropriate training programs, materials and facilities that aim at providing its medical and
non-medical staff with opportunities for professional development and competency-building.

● Official website of San Lazaro Hospital
● A referral facility for infectious/communicable diseases.
● One of the retained special tertiary hospitals of DOH which is subsidized by the national government
● Has a 500-bed capacity that provides health care delivery service particularly among the depressed,
underserved, and underprivileged sectors of the society.

CHN Lecture - Module 10 - New Technologies Related to Public Health Electronic Information. (2021).
StuDocu; StuDocu.


1. Individual Assignments (two days after your lecture)

• Make a List
Activity: Look for academic journals or studies (international or local studies) related to family or
public health nursing.

1. Public health nursing practice with ‘high priority’ families: the significance of contextualizing ‘risk’

Public health nurses (PHNs) play a vital role in supporting families at risk; few studies, however, have
focused on how PHNs actually work with families to provide support, build trust, and use their clinical
judgment to make decisions in complex, at-risk situations. In this study, we report on findings from
research that illustrate how PHNs use relational approaches in their work with ‘high priority’ families.
Drawing on data collected from interviews and focus groups with 32 PHNs, we discuss three central
features inherent to working relationally with families at risk: (i) contextualizing the complexities of
families’ lives; (ii) responding to shifting contexts of risk and capacity; and (iii) working relationally with
families under surveillance. These findings show that the ability to recognize risk and capacity as
intersecting aspects of families’ lives, and to practice from a stance that recognizes risk as
contextualized is foundational to effective working relationships with high-priority families.

Browne, A. J., Hartrick Doane, G., Reimer, J., MacLeod, M. L., & McLellan, E. (2010). Public health nursing
practice with “high priority” families: the significance of contextualizing “risk.” Nursing Inquiry, 17(1),

2. Population-Based Public Health Nursing Interventions: A Model from Practice

Abstract In a changing and complex health care system, public health nurses face challenges to explain
their work and contributions to health outcomes. In response to this need, the Minnesota Department
of Health, Section of Public Health Nursing, initiated a process to describe public health nursing
interventions. The Public Health Nursing Interventions (PHI) Model was developed through a
collaborative process by public health nurses at the state and local levels. The purpose of the model
was to define more clearly the practice of public health nursing and to describe better the work of public
health nurses at the community and systems levels. The PHI model identifies 17 interventions and
provides practice examples at the systems, community and individual/family levels. The model defines
a broader view of the mission and scope of public health nursing. Practice examples are given for
agency staff, administrators, educators, and policy makers.

Keller, L. O., Strohschein, S., Lia-Hoagberg, B., & Schaffer, M. (1998). Population-Based Public Health
Nursing Interventions: A Model from Practice. Public Health Nursing, 15(3), 207–215.
3. A family caregiving model for public health nursing

The absence of clear definitions of public health nursing competency have plagued efforts to
demonstrate the need for public health nursing programs. This article describes a model that can be
used to explain why public health nursing services should be integral to the public agenda.

Europe PMC. (2016). Europe PMC.

1. Accessibility, quality of care and prenatal care use in the Philippines
The patterns and determinants of prenatal care are examined through the use of a randomly selected
sample of 3000 rural and urban women who were studied prospectively during pregnancy and at three
or four days postpartum. A large number of policy factors were found to influence the choice of most
frequently used type of traditional, modern public or modern private prenatal care and the number of
visits to each type of care, but few affected the first month of visit. The quality of care provided,
accessibility to this care, and insurance available to the mother all had important effects on prenatal
patterns. Large differences exist in the set of feasible policy options for improving prenatal care in urban
and rural areas.
Wong, E. L., Popkin, B. M., Guilkey, D. K., & Akin, J. S. (1987). Accessibility, quality of care and prenatal
care use in the Philippines. Social Science & Medicine, 24(11), 927–944.

2. Nurse Migration from a Source Country Perspective: Philippine Country Case Study

The Philippines is a job-scarce environment and, even for those with jobs in the health care sector,
poor working conditions often motivate nurses to seek employment overseas. The country has also
become dependent on labor migration to ease the tight domestic labor market. National opinion has
generally focused on the improved quality of life for individual migrants and their families, and on the
benefits of remittances to the nation. However, a shortage of highly skilled nurses and the massive
retraining of physicians to become nurses elsewhere has created severe problems for the Filipino
health system, including the closure of many hospitals. As a result, policy makers are debating the need
for new policies to manage migration such that benefits are also returned to the educational institutions
and hospitals that are producing the emigrant nurses.
Lorenzo, F. M. E., Galvez-Tan, J., Icamina, K., & Javier, L. (2007). Nurse Migration from a Source Country
Perspective: Philippine Country Case Study. Health Services Research, 42(3p2), 1406–1418.
3. The role of law in public health: The case of family planning in the Philippines

Compared to neighboring countries, the Philippines has high fertility rates and a low prevalence of
modern-method contraception use. The Philippine government faces political and cultural barriers to
addressing family planning needs, but also legal barriers erected by its own policies. We conducted
a review of laws and policies relating to family planning in the Philippines in order to examine how
the law may facilitate or constrain service provision. The methodology consisted of three phases.
First, we collected and analyzed laws and regulations relating to the delivery of family planning
services. Second, we conducted a qualitative interview study. Third, we synthesized findings to
formulate policy recommendations. We present a conceptual model for understanding the impact of
law on public health and discuss findings in relation to the roles of health care provider regulation,
drug regulation, tax law, trade policies, insurance law, and other laws on access to modern-method
Mello, M. M., Powlowski, M., Nañagas, J. M. P., & Bossert, T. (2006). The role of law in public health: The
case of family planning in the Philippines. Social Science & Medicine, 63(2), 384–396.

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