Business Expo Cover Letter

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There are different types of cover letters, In general it is a letter that is attached to

another important document or package.

Many people include a cover letter when they submit a resume during their job search, or
when they are inquiring about potential openings because:

• allows you to introduce yourself and your job candidacy to a company,

whether through the document itself or via a contact in your network — as
with a networking cover letter
• It provides you a chance to display your personality while showing key skills
and knowledge of the company or person you’re sending it to.
• Provides context for the skills and experiences present on your resume, rather
than repeating them. It tells a story about your career objectives and aspirations.

How to write a cover letter

A cover letter has basic core elements and a flexible structure that may vary
depending on the type of cover letter you choose or the situation in which you are
inquiring. The basic elements to include are:


• This is the first thing the reader sees and provides the initial introduction as
to who you are
• Once you’ve provided the basic information stating who you are, you use an
introduction to provide context to that. Use a standard greeting like “Hello,”
or “Good afternoon.” Addressing the hiring manager by name is typically a
better option than being vague in your greeting.

Opening by mentioning the position

• (DESPUÉS DEL PRIMER PUNTO) If you’ve been referred to the company,

you will use this section to highlight your mutual connection.
• ( DESPUÉS DEL SEGUNDO PUNTO) To provide exciting context to this
first paragraph, you can add something newsworthy or an accomplishment
or even ask a rhetorical question of your reader.

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