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Name: Clark C.

Section: 2BSCS-1

Life and Works of Rizal

Age 9 - 16
Life Works Writings
 In 1870, José begins school  In 1872, Rizal is examined by  When he was 11 years old, he
under the instruction of those in charge of college wrote prize-winning poetry
Justiniano Aquin Cruz at just entrance to St. Tomas (and even a melodrama—
nine years of age. University in Manila; he enters “Junto al Pasig”).
the school system as a scholar.
 In 1871, José continues his  In November 1877, Rizal
education under the  In 1877, at the age of 16, he writes a poem and receives
instruction of Lucas Padua. obtained his Bachelor of Arts recognition for his writing
degree with an average of from the Royal Economic
 In 1875, Rizal enters the "excellent" in subjects like Society of Friends of the
Ateneo as a boarder at just 14 philosophy, physics, Country, also known as
years of age. chemistry, and natural history Amigos del Pals.
from the Ateneo Municipal de
 In 1877, In June José begins to Manila.
go to school at St. Tomas
University in Manila where he  He practiced drawing,
studies philosophy and letters, painting, and clay modeling, all
while at the same time took of which remained lifelong
courses leading to the degree interests for him.
of surveyor and expert
assessor at the Ateneo.

 Upon learning that his mother

was going blind, Rizal opted to
study ophthalmology at the
UST Faculty of Medicine and

Studying life of Rizal during his 9-16 years of age made me realize how passionate Rizal is
when it comes to his study. I'm still amazed how talented and skilled he is since he was born. Given the
fact that Rizal studied many degrees and obtained multiple excellent awards from different universities
that helped him excel, it would helped him to be a great man with enough knowledge and skills to give
pride and glory for his nation. And I believe that as long as we have an eagerness to learn something a
lot when there's an opportunity, and use those knowledge and skills for good like how Rizal opted to
study ophthalmology upon knowing that his mother was going blind, we can always be better for our
future and we will always have an ability to give some goods for others including our self, and
especially for our family, friends, and maybe for our nation.

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