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I - Rewrite each sentence so that the new one has the similar meaning to the first sentence,
using perfect participles.
E.g.: Because Trinh had forgotten the keys at home, she couldn't enter the office.
→ Having forgotten the keys at home, she couldn't enter the office.
1. After Tim had saved enough money, he bought a new mobile phone.
→ Having saved enough money, Tim bought a new mobile phone.
2. Since Khanh had been allowed to go to the party, he informed My about that.
→ Khanh informed My having b een allowed... x
3. After she had heard about the bad news, she burst into tears.
→ Having heard about the bad news, she burst into tears.
4. Since Trung had had many things to do, he decided not to go jogging this afternoon.
→ Having had many things to do, Trunng decided not to go jogging this afternoon.
5. Because they had had no money left, they decided not to eat outside.
→ Not having had no money left, they decided not to eat outside. x
6. Since the boy had done something wrong, he came to his father and asked for forgiveness.
→ Having done st wrong, the boy came to his father and asked for forgiveness.
7. Because she had been trained very carefully, she finished her performance very well.
→ Having been trained very carefully, she finished her performed very well.
8. After we had realised that we went the wrong way, we checked the map immediately.
→ Having realised that we went the wrong way, we checked the map immediately.
9. After she had one more child to look after, she spent less time outside with friends.
→ Having had one more child to look after, she spent less time outside w friends.
10. Because Linda had been informed about the hurricane, she cancelled the safari this weekend.
→ Having been informed about the hurricane, Linda cancelled the safari this weekend.
11. Because he had had two children, he had to work hard to support them.
→ Having had two children, he had to work hard to support them.
12. After Trung got married, he became a very responsible man.
→ Having got married, Trung became a very responsible man.
13. Since he had finished the old project, he started with a new one.
→Having finished the old project, he started w a new one.
14. After Minh called her friend to ask about the lesson, he finished his homework.
→ Having called her friend to ask about the lesson. Minh finished his homework.
II - Rewrite each sentence so that the new one has the similar meaning to the first sentence,
using perfect gerunds.
E.g.: Quang didn't learn French carefully. He regretted that.
→ Quang regretted not having learnt French carefully.
1. Trang spent lots of money doing volunteer. She was admired for that
→ Trang was admired for having spent a lots of money.
2. He has studied English and Math very well. He was proud of it.
→ He was proud of having studied E and M very well.
3. He came to the event late. He apologized for that.
→He apologized for having come to the event late. x
4. Mary has let her parents down. She feels sorry for that.
→ She feel sorry for having let her parents down.
5. He has been treated like a second-class citizen. He doesn’t appreciate that.
→ He doesn’t appreciate having been trated like a second-class citizen.
6. I have locked the door before leaving. I remember that.
→ I remember having locked the door before leaving.
7. Diana had left her mobile phone at home. She regretted that.
→ Diana regretted having left her mobile phone at home. x
8. He has achieved success in his job. He is happy about that.
→ He is happy about having achieved success in his job.
9. Tom helped the newcomer a lot. She thanks him for that.
→ She thanks Tom for having helped the newcomer a lot.
10. She has been welcomed in the new company. She appreciates that.
→ She appreciates having been welcomed in the new company.
11. He told me that he would finish the project in time. Then, he denied that.
→ He denied having would finish the project in time.
12. Kate didn’t come to my birthday party as promised. She apologised for that.
→ Kate apologised for not having came to my birthday party as promised.
13. The man kept on moving during red lights. He was fined for that.
→ The man was fined for having kept on moving during red lights.
14. I have given you a lot of money without asking you to return. I remember that.
→ I remember haaving given u a lot of money without asking u to return.
15. The man has made many mistakes in the project. He is responsible for that.
→ The man is responsible for having made many mistakes in the project.
III - Use perfect participles of the verbs in brackets in active or passive form to complete
the following sentences.
E.g.: (chase)__Having been chased__by the dog, the girl ran as fast as possible to escape it.
1. (learn) Having been learnt English before, he understood what the foreign man said.
2. (inform) Having been informed about the flight delay, he went to the airport later than
3. (complete) Having completed the work early, he had more time to search for necessary
4. (catch) Having cought a cold after going swimming, she had to stay in bed and take a rest.
5. (fire) Having been fired by the boss, she was completely disappointed about the company.
6. (notify) Having notified about the bad weather, he didn't go camping with friends.
7. (tell) Having been told lies many times, Mark regretted much about that.
8. (lose) Having lost the keys, I had to call the locksmith to open the door.
9. (fine) Having been fined for legal violations several times, Jane was much more careful when
10. (not try) Not Having tried her best to save the cat, she felt completely guilty

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