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I. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. - Mai: "I’ve finished my painting. Look!" - Lan: "__________."

A. Well done, Mai B. Thanks, Mai C. Yes, I'd love to D. You’re painting it

2. Peter: “ How would you like your steak done?” Mary “ ______, please”.

A. Some more B. Just a littleC. With care D. Well done

3. He’d prefer to stay at the hotel room, sleeping ___ one more day on that crowded

A. than spendB. rather than spend C. more than spending D. to spending

S + prefer sth to sth: thích cái gì hơn cái gì

S + prefer Ving to Ving: thích làm gì hơn làm gì

S + would prefer to V rather than V: thích làm gì hơn làm gì

S + would prefer toV: thích làm gì

S + would rather V: thích làm gì

S + would rather V than V: thích làm gì hơn làm gì

S1 + would rather + S2+ V(qkđ): muốn ai làm gì ở hiện tại

S1 + would rather + S2 + had PII: muốn ai làm gì ở quá khứ

4. My parents never allow ______ out late at night without their permission.

A. to stay B. to have stayed C. staying D. having stayed

Allow sb to V = allow Ving: cho phép (ai) làm gì

Allowable (adj): được cho phép làm gì

Allowance (n): sự công nhận

5. It was _____ that he was kept in hospital for nearly a month.

A. so a serious accident B. such serious an accident

C. so serious an accident D. a such serious accident

So + Adj/Adv + that S + V = So + Adj + a/an + Noun + that S V: quá…đến nỗi mà…

Đảo ngữ: So + Adj + be + N + that S V

Such a/an + Adj +N that SV

Đảo ngữ: SUCH +  BE + (+ A/AN) + ADJ+ N + THAT + S + V + O

SUCH (+ A/AN) + ADJ + N + BE + S + THAT + S + V + O

6. Mai: “What are you going to do this weekend, Lan?” Lan: “ ______”

A. I haven’t planned yet. B. What a great idea!

C. I don’t feel like going out. D. I went to the beach with my dad.

7. The noise from the karaoke bar nearby was unbearable. It kept me wide ____ last

A. wake B. waken C. awaken D. awake

Keep sb awake: làm ai thức giấc

8. Uncle Tom: “Remember to give my best regards to your parents, Bob.” Bob: “

A. Yes, let’s B. Sure, I will

C. That’s very kind of you to say so D. That was the least I could do
9. My close friend is always the first student in the class to ______ the answers to my
math teacher’s questions.

A. come up with B. find ways to C. get round to D. go in for

Come up with the answer: đưa ra câu trả lời

– Come down with: góp tiền, bị ốm

– Come easy to: không khó khăn đối với ai

– Come forward: đứng ra, xung phong

– Come from: đến từ, sinh ra

– Come full ahead: tiến hết tốc độ

– Come in for: có phần, nhận được

– Come into effect = Come into force: có hiệu lực

10. I had no problem at all with my work yesterday. ______, I would have given you a

A. Furthermore B. Otherwise C. Nonetheless D. Consequently

Furthermore: hơn nữa

Otherwise: nếu không thì

Nonetheless: tuy nhiên

Consequently: hậu quả là

11. He had to take a week __to unwind himself after such a stressful period of hard work.

A. up B. over C. off D. behind

12. Peter: “ How would you like your steak done?” Mary “ ______, please”.
A. Some more B. Just a little C. With care D. Well done

13. He’d prefer to stay at the hotel room, sleeping ___ one more day on that crowded

A. than spend B. rather than spend C. more than spending D. to spending

14. My parents never allow ______ out late at night without their permission.

A. to stay B. to have stayed C. staying D. having stayed

15. It was _____ that he was kept in hospital for nearly a month.

A. so a serious accident B. such serious an accident

C. so serious an accident D. a such serious accident

S+be+so+Adj that S V: quá …đến nỗi mà

S + V + such + (a/an) + adj + noun + that + S + V 

Đảo ngữ:

Such + be + a/an + Adj + N that S V

Such a/an + Adj + N be + S that S V

So + Adj be S that S V

16. Mai: “What are you going to do this weekend, Lan?” Lan: “ ______”

A. I haven’t planned yet. B. What a great idea!

C. I don’t feel like going out. D. I went to the beach with my


17. The noise from the karaoke bar nearby was unbearable. It kept me wide ____ last

A. wake B. waken C. awaken D. awake

18. Uncle Tom: “Remember to give my best regards to your parents, Bob.” Bob: “ __.”

A. Yes, let’s B. Sure, I will

C. That’s very kind of you to say so D. That was the least I could do

19. My close friend is always the first student in the class to ______ the answers to my
math teacher’s questions.

A. come up with B. find ways to C. get round to D. go in for

20. I had no problem at all with my work yesterday. ______, I would have given you a

A. Furthermore B. Otherwise C. Nonetheless D. Consequently

21. When the party was __________ we helped them clear up the house.

A. up B. off C. out D. over

Take off: cất cánh, nghỉ ngơi

Take up: bắt đầu sở thích

Take out: mang đi

Take over: tiếp quản

22 Jack can’t remember __________ the telephone number down.

A. write B. to write C. writing D. written

Remember to V: nhớ để làm gì

Remember Ving: nhớ đã làm gì

23. - Jane's friends: "It’s probably best to go by train”. - Jane: " __________"

A. Yes, it is B. You're welcome C.Thanks. That's really useful D. No, I don't mind
24. Jane stopped the car __________ a newspaper.

A. buying B. to buy C. buy D. bought

Stop Ving: dừng việc gì

Stop to V: dừng lại để làm việc khác

25. I __________ your name. Could you tell me again?

A. am forgetting B. ’ve been C. ’ve forgotten D. was forgetting


26. - S1: "Let me congratulate you on passing the examination." - S2:


A. Yes, let's B. I'm sorry. I can't.

C. Not at all. D. It's nice of you to say so.

27. This job __________ working very long hours.

A. involves B. consists C. includes D. contains

Involve: đòi hỏi

Contain: chứa đựng

28. I had no difficulty _____to her English because she spoke English slowly and

A. listening B. to listen C. listen D. to listening

Have difficulty (in) Ving: gặp khó khăn trong việc gì

Have no difficulty (in) Ving: không gặp khó khăn trong việc gì

29. My father asked us_________too much time playing computer games.

A. not to spending B. did not spend C. to not spent D. not to spend

30. - Student A: "Would you mind lending me your bike?" - Student B:

A. No, not at all B. Yes, let's

C. Good idea D. Yes. here it is

31. The sun __________ in the west. Look ! It __________.

A. set/ is setting B. sets/ is setting C. setting/ set D. set/ set

32. The weather __________ fine so far this week.

A. is B. was C. has been D. had been

33. I have so many routines that sometimes I feel __________ I am an automatic robot.

A. as if B. even if C. even though D. like

34. - Nam: "In the past, marriages used to be arranged by parents."Hoa: " __________. "

A. Wow, I can’t immagine that B. Yes, they were

C. How cool ! D. All right

35. That novel was written by a well-known writer. It is worth __________ .

A. to read B. reading C. read D. have read

It +tobe+ (not) worth +V-ing: (không) có giá trị,(không) xứng đáng để làm gì.

36. You should take regular exercise __________sitting in front of the television all day.

A. in spite of B. instead of C. without D. even

37. I don’t want to go out tonight __________ Anna phones.

A. so that B. even though C. when D. in case

38. I object to __________ like this.

A. be treating B. treating C. being treated D. have been treated

Chủ động: object to Ving: từ chối làm gì

Bị động: object to being PII

39. Shy people often find it difficult to __________ group discussions.

A. take place in B. take part in C. get on with D. get in touch with

Take part in = join in: tham gia vào

Get on with: hòa thuận với

40. He had to take a week ___ to unwind himself after such a stressful period of hard

A. up B. over C. off D. behind

II. Provide the correct form of the words in capital letters to complete the sentences.

1.You should ......................................... (FAMILY) yourselves with the new


Familiarize sb with sth: làm cho thích nghi với cái gì

Familiarization (n): sự phổ biến

2. Are there any ........................................ (SIMILAR) between them?

Similarity (n): sự giống nhau

3. Although some societies are ........................................ (TECHNOLOGY)undeveloped, their

languages are very complex.

Technological (adj): thuộc về công nghệ

Technologist (n): kĩ sư công nghệ

Technology (n): công nghệ học

4. Many(SCIENCE........................................say that is the best method to adopt.

5. Esperanto, however, proves to be useless because it is ........................................POPULAR)

Popular (adj): phổ biến

Unpopular (adj): không phổ biến

Popularize(v): truyền bá, phổ cập

Popularity(n): tính phổ biến

Popularization(n): sự đại chúng hóa

6. That man is widely known as a man of ........................................wealth in our town. (TELL)

Untold (adj): không được nói ra

Untold wealth: giàu vô kể

7. The government has been making every effort to ........................................the remotest regions in
the country. ( ELECTRIC)

Electric (adj): chạy bằng điện

Electrify(v): cho nhiễm điện

8. The headmaster gave some ........................................words to all the students who were about to
take part in an important exam. (COURAGE)

Courage (n): sự can đảm

Encourage (v): khuyến khích, động viên

Encouraging words: những lời động viên

9. Almost all people believe the very essence of a true and lifelong
friendship. (SELF)

Selfish (adj): ích kỉ

Unselfish (adj): không ích kỉ

Selfishness(n): sự ích kỉ

Unselfishness(n): sự không ích kỉ

10. We all know that we can count on your ........................................cooperation and support. (FAIL

Fail (v): quên, thất bại

Failure (n): sự thất bại

Failing (n): nhược điểm

Unfailing (adj): liên tục, bền bỉ

III. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting.
1. A tractor can make the work of a large number of horses.
2. Fertilize farmland is one of the biggest natural resources in the South of Viet Nam.
Fertilize (v): thụ phấn (hoa); bón phân (đất)
Fertilizer (n): phân bón
Fertile (adj): màu mỡ
3. Hummingbirds move their wings so rapid a way that they appear to be hanging in the
4. Please send me information with regard about English courses available in your
With regard to sth: có liên quan đến cái gì
5. My intention which was to try and follow the route the professionals take, but after
three days I rapidly abandoned this plan.
Be to V-inf:
+ official arrangement
+ things that should be done
+ negative prohibition
6. The discovery of gold in the rugged mountains of Neveda in 1858 attracted many
fortune-seekers out the area.

7. Having not been to the sea before, the children couldn’t fall asleep due to their

8. If he paid a little more attention to his accounting work in the first place, he would not
be in the red now.

9. The food that my mum is cooking in the kitchen smells deliciously.

Smell/taste/feel/look + adj

10. The candidate is nervous waiting in the corridor for his turn in the interview.

IV. What does each text say? Choose the correct explanation A, B or C

A. You can fish here in season.
B. You are not allowed to fish here.
C. You need a license to fish here.


A. The glass is unbreakable.

B. If you break the glass there will be a


C. Only break the glass when there is a


3. A. Football prctice has been cancelled due to


B. Football prctice has been cancelled due to

poor facilities.

C. Football prctice has been cancelled due


A. Everything is free.

B. You have to pay for everything.

C. If you buy something, you get something



A. There are no tickets left.

B. Diane has the tickets.

C. They won't have to buy the tickets.

V. A. How to get more girls into school. B. Responsibility for educating parents

C. Educational problems of girls D. Now parents must pay

E. Solving some other problems F. Family planning plus schooling

G. Importance of female education H. Educating girls means smaller families

Section 0: .
The benefits of educating girls are enormous. By empowering women within their
families and communities, education enables women to contribute more fully to the
social and economic development of their society. A girl's education is also an investment
in the future generations; the more educated a mother is, the more likely are her children

Section 1: ________The educational level achieved by women has the most powerful
influence on the family size is strongest and most consistent for women who have
completed some secondary education. Educating girls is three time more likely than
educating boys to lower family size. Education appears to affect family size in many
ways. More educated women not only want fewer children than less educated ones, They
are slso more likely to marry and have children later, contributing to the smaller family

Section 2: ________Unfortunately, in many low-income countries, investment in

education has not kept up with the rapidly increasing school-age population. Many
developing countries cut social spending during the 1980s, putting more responsibility
and families for financing education. Direct costs such as school fees, transportation,
uniforms and books make it more difficult for poor families to educate all their children
and parents in many countries give priority to sons.

Section 3: ________Parents may see limited economic benefits in educating daughters. In

many countries, girls are more likely than their brothers to be kept home to perform
household chores, including caring for younger children. For these and other reasons,
including early marriage and pregnancy, dropout rates for girls also tend to be higher than
those for boys. In some cultures, parents are reluctant to allow their daughters to travel
long distances to school, to be taught by male teachers and to enroll in schools without
separate activities for girls.

Section 4: ________Efforts to increase female enrolment levels must recognized the

complex factors limiting educational opportunities for girls, as well as their continued
enrolment once within the school system. Building more schools is often important to
expand educational opportunities for girls. But specially in poor countries, more efficient
use of existing resources for education could make possible the enrolment of more girls.

Section 5: ________Hiring more female teachers and providing separate facilities for
girls can help to overcome cultural barriers. In some countries, financial assistance such
as scholarships for girls has also proved successful in encouraging parents to keep their
daughters in school. Flexible school schedules can help to accommodate girls who have
to work at home.

VI. Read then choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the passage.

Society has changed in many ways (1) ______ the introduction of computers and people's
lives at home and at the office have been affected . Most people are working for fewer
hours per week than they (2) ______ to. Manufactures and advertising agencies are
becoming much more interested in how people spend this extra leisure time. Once recent
report stated that, (3) ______ the number of hobbies had not increased, each hobby had
become more specialized. A second finding is that nowadays, many managers would
rather (4) ______ time with their families than stay in the office every day. Home life is
seen to be just as important as working. Some companies now (5)______ managers take
their annual holidays even if they don't want to, because this leads to such an
improvement in their performance if they have some rest. (6) ______ these changes,
some people are working harder than ever before. The standard of exams is getting higher
and increased competition is (7) ______ it harder to get into university than it was 20
years (8)______. School children and students are now having to work (9) ______ hard
that in many cases they work longer hours (10) ______ their parents.
Society has changed in many ways (1) ______ the introduction of computers and people's
lives at home and at the office have been affected. Most people are working for fewer
hours per week than they (2) ______ to.

1. A. from B. since C. for D. at

2. A. have B. want C. ought D. used

Once recent report stated that, (3) ______ the number of hobbies had not increased, each
hobby had become more specialized

3. A. because of B. as C. although D. but

A second finding is that nowadays, many managers would rather (4) ______ time with
their families than stay in the office every day

S + would rather V than V: thích làm gì hơn làm gì

4. A. spend B. to spend C. spending D. spent

Some companies now (5)______ managers take their annual holidays even if they don't
want to,

Make O V-inf: yêu cầu ai làm gì

5. A. force B. make C. cause D. have

(6) ______ these changes, some people are working harder than ever before. The
standard of exams is getting higher and increased competition is (7) ______ it harder to
get into university than it was 20 years (8)______.

In spite of/Despite + N/Ving: mặc dù

Because + S V = Because of + N/Ving: bởi vì

6. A. In spite of B. Despite of C. Although D. Because

7. A. doing B. making C. causing D. working

8. A. later B. after C. ago D. now

School children and students are now having to work (9) ______ hard that in many cases
they work longer hours (10) ______ their parents.

So + Adj that
9. A. very B. such C. too D. so

10. A. then B. than C. as D. compare

Radar is an electronic device that can “see” great distances (1)_____fog, rain, snow,
cloud, and darkness. It can find and (2)_____locate missiles, aircraft, ships, cities,
rainstorms, and mountains. Radar uses radio waves, (3)_____light waves, which the
human eye uses in seeing. This makes it (4)_____for radar to locate many kinds of
objects at (5)_____greater distances than the eye can see. Radar became an important
military device during World War II. Today, networks of radar lookout stations guard the
United States and Canada 24 hours a day against (6)_____missiles and airplanes. Patrol
planes and ships (7)_____the oceans with radar for hostile ships and aircraft. Airports use
radar to (8)_____planes safety to earth in fog or storms. Ships use it to steer clear of other
(9)_____or icebergs. Radar helps weathermen warn of (10)_____ hurricanes or
Radar is an electronic device that can “see” great distances (1)_____fog, rain, snow,
cloud, and darkness.

1. A. in spite B. despite C. though D. although

It can find and (2)_____locate missiles, aircraft, ships, cities, rainstorms, and mountains.

2 A. cure B. exact C. accurately D. accurate

Radar uses radio waves, (3)_____light waves, which the human eye uses in seeing.

3. A. instead of B. in addition C. in stead D. in addition to

This makes it (4)_____for radar to locate many kinds of objects at (5)_____greater

distances than the eye can see.

4. A. possibility B. possible C.possibly D. can

5. A. well B. farther C. far D. further

Today, networks of radar lookout stations guard the United States and Canada 24 hours a
day against (6)_____missiles and airplanes.

6. A. long range B. low range C. ranged D. length range

Patrol planes and ships (7)_____the oceans with radar for hostile ships and aircraft.

7. A. use B. find C. seek D. search

Airports use radar to (8)_____planes safety to earth in fog or storms.

8. A. find B. take C. guide D. guidance

Ships use it to steer clear of other (9)_____or icebergs. Radar helps weathermen warn of
(10)_____ hurricanes or tornadoes.

9. A. vessel B. vessels C. sail D. sails

10 A. to approach B. approaches C. approach D. approaching

VII. Read the passage and circle the best answer (A, B, C or D) .

Just before and during the World War I, a number of musicians came to Chicago
from New Orleans playing in an idiom they had learnt from blacks in that city. Five of
them formed what eventually became known as Original Dixieland Band. They moved to
New York in 1997 and won fame there. That year they recorded the first phonograph
record identified as jazz.

The first important recording by black musicians was made in Chicago in 1923 by
King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band, a group that featured some of the foremost jazz
musicians of the time, including trumpet player Louis Armstrong. Armstrong's dynamic
trumpet style became famous worldwide. Other band members had played in Fate
Marble's band, which travel up and down the Missippi River entertaining passengers on
The characteristics of this early type of jazz, known as Dixieland jazz, included a
complex interweaving of melodic lines among the correct or trumpets, clarinet, and
trombone, and a steady chomp-chomp beat provided by the rhythm section, which
included the piano, bass, and drums. Most bands used to no written notations, preferring
arrangements agreed on verbally.

Improvisation was an indispensable element. Even bandleaders such as Duke

Ellington, who provided his musicians with written arrangements, permitted them plenty
to freedom to improvise when playing solos.

In the late 1920s, the most influential jazz artist in Chicago were members of small
bands such as the Wolverines. In New York, the trend toward larger groups. These
groups played in revues large dance halls, and theaters. Bands would become larger still
during the text age of jazz, the Swing era.

1. What is the main topic of the passage?

A. The early history of jazz B. The music of World War I

C. The relationship of melody and rhythm in jazz

D. The New York recording industry in the 1920s

2. The musician who made the earliest jazz recordings was originally from

A. New Orleans B. Chicago C. New York D. Mississippi

Just before and during the World War I, a number of musicians came to Chicago from
New Orleans playing in an idiom they had learnt from blacks in that city.

3. What was the first important recording by black jazz musicians made?

A. 1917 B. 1923 C. the late 1920s D. the early 1930s

The first important recording by black musicians was made in Chicago in 1923 by King
Oliver's Creole Jazz Band, a group that featured some of the foremost jazz musicians of
the time, including trumpet player Louis Armstrong.

4. According to the passage, Louis Armstrong was a number of which of the following?

A. The Original Dixieland Band C. King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band

B. Fate Marable's riverboat band D. The Wolverines

The first important recording by black musicians was made in Chicago in 1923 by King
Oliver's Creole Jazz Band, a group that featured some of the foremost jazz musicians of
the time, including trumpet player Louis Armstrong.

5. The word "steady" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to

A. constant B. basic C. urgent D. happy

Steady = constant: đều đặn

Basic: cơ bản

Urgent: khẩn cấp

Happy: vui vẻ

6. Duke Ellington is given as an example of a bandleader who

A. could not read music C. discouraged solo performances

B. did not value improvisation D. used written arrangements

Even bandleaders such as Duke Ellington, who provided his musicians with written

7. Which of the following phrases would be LEAST likely to be applied to Dixieland


A. relatively complex C. highly improvisational

B. rhythmic and melodic D. rigidly planned

The characteristics of this early type of jazz, known as Dixieland jazz, included a
complex interweaving of melodic lines among the correct or trumpets, clarinet, and
trombone, and a steady chomp-chomp beat provided by the rhythm section, which
included the piano, bass, and drums. Most bands used to no written notations, preferring
arrangements agreed on verbally.

8. According to the passage, who were the Wolverines?

A. A band that played in large dance halls C. a Swing band

B. a New York group D. a small group

In the late 1920s, the most influential jazz artist in Chicago were members of small bands
such as the Wolverines.

9. The author provides the most detailed description of early jazz music in the _____

A. first paragraph C. third paragraph

B. second paragraph D. fourth paragraph

10. The paragraph following this one most likely deals with

A. the music of small bands C. music that influenced Dixieland music

B. the Swing era D. other forms of music popular in the 1920s

VIII. Read the following passage on transport, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D .

Before the mid-nineteenth century, people in the United States ate most foods only in
season. Drying, smoking and salting could preserve meat for a short time, but the
availability of fresh meat, like that of fresh milk, was very limited; there was no way to
prevent spoilage. However, in 1810, a French inventor named Nicolas Appert developed
the cooking-and-sealing process of canning. And in the 1850’s an American named Gail
Borden developed a means of condensing and preserving milk. Canned goods and
condensed milk became more common during the 1860’s, but supplies remained low
because cans had to be made by hand. By 1880, however, inventors had fashioned
stamping and soldering machines that mass-produced cans from tinplate. Suddenly all
kinds of food could be preserved and bought at all times of the year.

Other trends and inventions had also helped make it possible for Americans to vary
their daily diets. Growing urban population created demand that encouraged fruit and
vegetable farmers to raise more produce. Railroad refrigerator cars enabled growers and
meat packers to ship perishables great distances and to preserve them for longer periods.
Thus, by the 1890’s, northern city dwellers could enjoy southern and western
strawberries, grapes, and tomatoes, previously available for a month at most, for up to six
months of the year. In addition, increased use of iceboxes enabled families to store
perishables. As easy means of producing ice commercially had been invented in the
1870’s, and by 1900 the nation had more than two thousand commercial ice plants, most
of which made home deliveries. The icebox became a fixture in most homes and
remained so until the mechanized refrigerator replaced it in the 1920’s and 1930’s.

Almost everyone now had a more diversified diet. Some people continued to eat
mainly foods that were heavily in starches or carbohydrates, and not everyone could
afford meat. Nevertheless, many families could take advantage of previously unavailable
fruits, vegetables, and dairy products to achieve more varied fare.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. Causes of food spoilage B. Commercial production

of ice

C. Inventions that led to changes in the American diet D. Population movements in the
nineteenth century.
2. The phrase “in season” in line 1 refers to.........A. a method of flavoring B. a
kind of weather

C. an official schedule D. a particular time of year

In season: theo mùa

3. During the 1860’s, canned food products were

A. unavailable in rural areas B. available in limited quantities

C. shipped in refrigerator cars D. a staple part of the American diet.

Canned goods and condensed milk became more common during the 1860’s, but
supplies remained low because cans had to be made by hand.

4. It can be inferred that railroad refrigerator cars came into use

A. before 1860 B. after 1920 C. after 1900 D. before 1890

Railroad refrigerator cars enabled growers and meat packers to ship perishables great
distances and to preserve them for longer periods. Thus, by the 1890’s, northern city
dwellers could enjoy southern and western strawberries, grapes, and tomatoes, previously
available for a month at most, for up to six months of the year.

5. The word” them” in line 13 refers to

A. refrigerator cars B. growers C. perishables D. distances.

Railroad refrigerator cars enabled growers and meat packers to ship perishables great
distances and to preserve them for longer periods.

6. The word” fixture” in line 18 is closest in meaning to

A. commonplace object B. substance C. luxury item D. mechanical device

7. The author implies that in the 1920’s and 1930’s home deliveries of ice

A. increased in cost B. decreased in number

C. occurred only in the summer D. were on an irregular schedule

The icebox became a fixture in most homes and remained so until the mechanized
refrigerator replaced it in the 1920’s and 1930’s.

8. The word “Nevertheless” in line 21 is closest meaning to

A. occasionally B. however C. therefore D.


Nevertheless = however: tuy nhiên

Occasionally: thỉnh thoảng

Therefore: do đó

Because: bởi vì

9. Which of the following types of food preservation was NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Drying B. Cold storage C. Canning D. Chemical


10. Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?

A. Commercial ice factories were developed by railroad owners.

B. Tin cans and iceboxes helped to make many foods more widely available.

C. People who lived in cities demanded home delivery of foods.

D. Most farmers in the United States raised only fruits and vegetables.

X. Rewrite the following sentences, using the given words and beginnings.

1. Put your books on the table.-> Let .................................................................................

2. “What a lovely villa you have!”, she said to their friends.

-> She exclaimed ..............................................................................

3. Not as much coffee is drunk by young people as soda.

-> Young people ..............................................................................

4. Come tomorrow, if she doesn’t phone.

-> Come ..............................................................................

5. Both Jane and her brothers are not fond of reading picture books.

-> Neither Jane ..............................................................................

6. I regret not buying any tickets for the concert.

-> I wish ..............................................................................

7. I'm on the fifth page of the letter I'm writing.

So far ..............................................................................

8. They think that the two boys broke the window on purpose.

-> The window ..............................................................................

9. It was careless of you to have allowed your fourteen-year-boy to ride a motorbike.

->You should ..............................................................................

10. Fiona was so disappointed that she could not keep on working.

-> Such was ..............................................................................

XI. Today, many farmers have planted fruit trees instead of rice. Write a paragraph
about 140 to 160 words on the benefits of converting agricultural crops.

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