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Corne Out From Amo Evil rs

A nd Be pa r:ltcd
\Vh:lI did St Paul say'l He said
if any person who calls himself a
brother be a fornicator, or covetous,
or a n idolater or an extortjoner, let it not be
once named among yotLCEphes 5:3). Do not
keep company with sometxxly who professes
to be Brotherhoodblltyou know that he is a
roime, a fOl11icator, a prostitute, he in
charms and concoctions, he drinks and is walk-
self to him and when he dupes or deceives you
actions, it to Me that you want to tempt
God because you know too well that a partjcu
lar person is a thief or a swindler but you t:rarJ.s..
actbusiness with him Many people advise you
against it but you say since he is a Brotherhood
and God knows him, nothing will happen to
you; and God will not allow anything to happen
to YOll Does the Father advise you to steal or
advise you to swindle or dupe any per-
When such a brother makes away with
that it is
unite. When you make such a
slatemenl. are
The Wages Of Sin Is Death
(Rom 6:
not be
He instructs that you should nol
When you indulge in these vices,
sickness and suffering visit you and these
in turn induce you to visit the hospital for a
medical check-up. Additionally, you visit
the necromancer and soothsayer because
feel God helps those who help them-
and that your
is not such that
prayers. It is true,
can be
IS no cure
God Will Judge The Abominable
When you speak disdainfully against
your brother to the extend of assassinating
his have you not grieved the
Holy Spirit? The advice that you should not
keep company with them does not imply
that you should be irritated with him or
abuse or insult hjm, or hate him. Leave
him alone to his own ways. Neither does it
imply thft you should not be kind and
benevolent to him or love him but it says do
not keep company with them, have no asso
ciation or connection with them. It is said
that brother who walks
and not after the tradition of the Kingdom,
n2 him twice, and he persists,
m, and
fi nd some him. But
for all those who walk in an abominable
way will judge thcm Why do you
set'k to advise a roguc not to steal ;l(.'ain')
Ill' ,viII sLip yuu ,lI1d drive you ilW<lY The
only safe way for you, is to leave IlJIn to
uage III1lL
do not
will pc rale all SOI1S of evi
wanl 10 adVise him to refrain from fornica
tion he will quarrel With you, and ask you
if you are not a fornicator. He will cause
commotion. The Word of God says: "if any
man is overtaken in a fault, you who are
spiritual, should restore such a person in
tbe spirit of meekness, considering yourself
also, lest you also be tempted." (Gal -6:1).
This is like trying to catch a mentally
deranged fellow by the use of force wiili
incriminating weapon, machetes, guns,
order to compel him to submission.
make use of the weapons at
to fight and tear you to pieces.
use love, meekness and
words, you will be able to win him easily.
You do not realize iliat, while in his attempt
to fight you, you apply your own weapon on
he may be wOllnded and a criminal case
will be preferred against you.
, for God will
What You Speak Should Minister Grace
To Hearers
You will remember that when Peter
cut off the ear of the servant of the High
.Our Lord Jesus Christ ordered rum
to put his sword into its place; for whoso
ever up the sword must die by the
then bent down and took the
and out it in its
(Matt 26:51-521Luke 22:51).
you to fol
this not serve as an
low') And God has advised that when you
have any business with the [Worie of the
, you should be very careful in han
dling them. and your convClsatioll with
them should be \,vith grace seasoned with
salt that you may know how you should
answer every person otherwise, they
at vou and {car you into pieces.
What is referred to as the flesh is
a situation in which you go to somebody
who offends against you, and tell him
you are no respecter of persons; and that
you do not fear any person; and that you
understand that he is a thief. You have
disgraced him and until he dies he will
never forget that disgrace. What you
speak to him is not the Word of God. He can
sue you before the Court for defamation of
character. You should always speak to an evil
doer in parables, if you speak positively to
him,' he will immediately rise up and f i ~ h t
you and God will not support you in your
action. This is so because thieves and other
criminals are always watching and ready to
react against whatever you do to them" He is
always well blasted with his weapons to
fight. If you look at him he will ask you why
you are looking at him, whether it is because
people regard him as a thief. You are aware
that from the beginning satan has never done
any good thing. He has been an evil doer, a
criminal from his birth and he has no ability
to do what is good.
r ~ ' -I
Come Out From Among Evil Doers
And Be Separated
The Word Center
p.o. BOX .44044
Wzshington. DC. DC 20026-40
Copyright cg 2010 by THE WORD CENTl!-'R
P.O, BOX 44044
Washington, D.C.200264044
71u: TrOTt! ofGoa
(Rev 5: 3 - 9)

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