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TAHUN AJARAN 2022 2023


Nama : Kelas : I (SATU)

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Hari / Tanggal :

I. Berilah tanda (x) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d pada jawaban yang paling benar!

Choose the correct answer below!

1. Made : Hello Joshua
Joshua : ... Made
a. thank you b. Goodbye c. hello
2. Cici : Good morning Aisyah
Aisyah : ... Cici
a. good night b. good afternoon c. good morning
3. Aisyah : Hi, Cici. How are you?
Cici : ...
a. I am fine b. good morning c. thank you
4. Made : ....
Cici : good afternoon Made.
a. good morning b. good afternoon c. good evening
5. Mother : ..., Made. Have a nice dream
Made : good night mom.
a. good morning b. good afternoon c. good night
6. Aisyah : hello, I … Aisyah.
Siti : hello, I am Siti
Aisyah : Nice to meet you
Siti : Nice to meet you, too
a. am b. Is c. are
7. Joshua : How are you?
Made : I … fine. Thank you
a. are b. Is c. do
10. Made : Hi Cici, This is Dayu.
Cici : Hi, Dayu. Nice to meet you.
Dayu : … , Cici.
a. I am fine
b. Nice to meet you too
c. See you
Choose the correct answer below!
11. Cici : What is your name?
Aisyah : … .
a. Good morning b. My name is Aisyah c. I am fine
12. Made : Hello, my name is Made. ….
Edo : Hello, my name is Edo
a. How are you b. What is your name? c. How do you do?
Choose the correct answer below!
15. Look at the picture!

Cici : What number is it?

Aisyah : It is number ….
a. one c. four b. six
16. Sasa : ….
Fara : My number is one
a. What your number is? b. Your number is c. What is your number?
17. Raka : What is your number?
Evan : My number is ….

a. two b. four c. seven

18. Fifi : What is your number?
Cici : My number … one.
a. am b. is c. are
19. The book is number ….

a. eight b. nine c. ten

20. Joshua : How many books on the table?
Cici : … .

a. one book b. two books c. three books

The picture is for number 21 and 22

21. Made : Joshua, how many books are there in the cupboard?
Joshua : ….
a. There are six books in the cupboard
b. There are seven books in the cupboard
c. There are eight books in the cupboard

22. Made : How many bags are there?

Joshua : ….
a. one bag
b. two bags
c. three bags
Choose the correct answer below!
23. Joshua : Made, What color is that balloon?
Made : That is ….

a. red
b. green
c. purple

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