Directory RY 2022 23 First Part - Indd

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District Directory

RY 2022-2023

The Founder of Rotary

Paul Percival Harris

District Publication Team:
Sarin Shrestha Chair RC New Road City Kathmandu
Mohan Dhoj Joshi Co-Chair RC Kathmandu West
Mona Adhikari Advisor RC Kathmandu
Sarita Shrestha Chair, Region 1-3 RC Yala
Dinesh Kumar Shrestha Chair, Region 4 RC Damauli
Bikram Chhetri Chair, Region 5 RC Lumbini Stars
Shailendra Prasad Verma Chair, Region 6 RC Birganj Metropolis
Tika Raj Dhakal Chair, Region 7 RC Bhadrapur
Rtr. Dipesh Acharya Member RAC Tripureswor
Rtr. Aayusha Shrestha Member RAC New Road City Kathmandu
Rtr. Nishan Siwa Member RAC Kopundol
Rtr. Samir Adhikari Member RAC Kopundol
Rtr. Sudeep Prasai Thakuri Member RAC Parbat Pokhara
Rtr. Rajish Kalwar Member RAC Birgunj United

Cover, Layout & Design

Mahesh Bir Bajracharya Manager Rotary District Office

This District Directory belongs to

Name : ____________________________________
Home Club : ____________________________________
Address : ____________________________________

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

First Four Rotarians

What is Rotary ?
“Rotary is an organization of business and professional persons united
worldwide, who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical
standards in all vocations and help build goodwill and peace in the world”.

Rotary is a Secular organization open to all persons regardless of race, color,

creed, religion, gender or political preference. There are 538 Districts, 36,176
Clubs and 1,180,779 members (as of July 10, 2020) located in more than 200
countries and geographical regions worldwide. The members of Rotary Clubs
are known as Rotarians.

Rotary Motto
Rotary’s principal motto, “Service Above Self,” is a powerful testament to the
enthusiasm with which Rotarians embrace the ideal of service.

The Mission of Rotary International

The mission of Rotary International is to provide services to others, promote
integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through
fellowship of business, professional and community leaders. Including to:
· Support its member Club/s in fulfilling the Object of Rotary
· Globally promote the concept of service as a worthy endeavor
· Strengthen and expand Rotary to communities around the world
· Foster unity among member Clubs of the association

District Directory
RY 2022-2023


of the things we think, say or do

1. Is it the TRUTH ?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned ?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of
worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

First : The development of acquaitance as an opportunity for service;

Second : High ethical standard in business and professions; the recognition of
the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each
Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
Third : The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal,
business, and community life;
Fourth : The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and
peace through a world fellowship of business and professional
persons united in the ideal of service.

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District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Part I: Rotary International
1. Message of RI President Jennifer E. Jones 7
2. Biodata of RI President 8
3. 2022-2023 Theme Address 9
4. Expanding Our Reach: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 14
5. Message of DG Jitendra B. Rajbhandary 17
6. Biodata of DG Jitendra B. Rajbhandary 19
7. Message of DGE Rajendra Prasad Dhoju 21
8. Biodata of DGE Rajendra Prasad Dhoju 22
9. Message of DGN Rajendra Man Sherchan 23
10. Biodata of DGN Rajendra Man Sherchan 24
11. Message of RI Director A.S.Venkatesh 27
12. Biodata of RI Director A.S.Venkatesh 28
13. Message of RI Director Mahesh Kotbagi 29
14. Biodata of RI Director Mahesh Kotbagi 31
15. Message of TRF Trustee Dr. Bharat Pandya 33
16. Biodata of TRF Trustee Dr. Bharat Pandya 34
17. Message of Fiscal Agent for Nepal 35
18. Editorial Note 37
19. Rotary International South Asia Office 38
20. Office License of RI & Abbreviations in Rotary 40
21. Rotary Foundation Grants 41
22. Rotary Strategic Plan 42
23. Core Values of Rotary 43
24. Rotary Code of Conduct/Avenues of Service 44
25. Special Rotary Month Observations 45
26. District Governor of Neighbour Districts 46

Part II: Rotary International District 3292

1. Biodata of Past District Governors (Protocol Wise) 57
2. RI Annual Themes & District Conference Themes 77
3. Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292 81

PART III: Goals and Citation

1. 2022-2023 Citation Goals and Instruction 101
2. District Goals 2022-2023 103

PART IV: District Governor’s Club Visit

1. Guidelines for District Governor’s Club Visit 106
2. Check List for District Governors’ Club Visit 107

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

PART V: District Programs
1. Gopal Kamala Rajbhandary Rotary Award for Vocational Excellence 109
2. Basu Sirapa RI District 3292 Rotary Vocational Award on Good Governance 110
3. District Disaster Relief Fund 111
4. Rotary Journo Award 112
5. Basic Education and Literacy (RNLM) 114
6. District Blood Bank 118
7. Sustainable Immunization Support Fund (SISF) Program 119
8. Traffic Awareness and Road Safety 120

PART VI: District Team

1. Council of Governors 122
2. District Advisory Council 124
3. District Administrative Council 126
4. District Committees and Subcommittees 134
5. Club President/Secretary List 250
6. Executive Secretaries of Rotary Clubs 264
7. Rotary District Secretariat 265

PART VII: Partners in Service

1. Rotaract District Council 267
2. List of Rotaract Clubs 272
3. Interact District Council 276
4. List of Interact Clubs 278
5. List of RCC 282

PART VIII: Rotary Club Matters

1. Club Installation Ceremony Format 286
2. Oath of Office Bearers 288
3. Induction of New Members –English 289
4. Induction of New Members- Nepali 291
5. Rotary International Protocol 293
6. How Much, Where and When to Pay 295
7. Online Resources of Rotary International 297

PART IX: Rotary Clubs and Rotarians

1. Rotary Clubs – who meets where and when 300
2. Rotary Club’s Roster Index 304
3. Rotary Clubs’ Membership Roster 307

District Directory
RY 2022-2023



District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Message from Rotary International President

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of Rotary International President

Jennifer Jones is the President of Media Street Productions Inc., a 25-year old, award-winning
media company in Windsor, Ontario.

Her talents have strengthened Rotary reach and impact, through many roles including as Trus-
tee of the Rotary Foundation, RI Vice President, and co-chair of the End Polio Now: Make
History Today campaign.

Working alongside political figures, celebrities and global leaders, she uses her voice to raise
awareness and hundreds of millions of dollars to eradicate disease, support peace and provide
clean water and sanitation in developing areas of the world. Her skill as an expert storyteller
inspires hope and promise and motivates people to take action.

Jennifer is a leader in cultivating “experiential fundraising” opportunities such as Rotary’s

Polio Golf Day with Jack Nicklaus in Jupiter, Florida, USA, which raised over $5.25 million
for polio eradication in one day. Or, the innovative, virtual COVID-19 #RotaryResponds event
that raised money for COVID-19 relief projects and showcased Rotary’s response across the

She has received many honours and recognitions including Rotary’s Service above Self Award
and the Citation for Meritorious Service, the YMCA Peace Medallion, the Queen’s Diamond
Jubilee Medal, and Wayne State University’s Peacemaker of the Year Award – a first for a

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

2022-2023 Theme Address

On August 14th, Nick and I made our way to Evanston, Illinois — home of our Rotary
International headquarters and our new home for the next two years.

I must confess, I was incredibly excited to finally sit in my president-elect office. To work from
a space that I have respected for years. It was also nice to work from someplace other than my
dining room table.

Within the first week, I received a private message from a Rotarian early in the morning.
He said, “I am not sure if you remember me. You have spoken at our club, and we met in

He went on to say that he had a long-shot favor to ask me. His club had a relationship with
a scholar, a peace activist in Kabul, Afghanistan — a young woman who was now in
danger. Was there anything I could do to help get her onto an evacuation plane? He told me
that smartphones were being confiscated and she was using hers with a private network to
mask where she was phoning from.

We all remember the scenes as thousands of desperate people were trying to flee from the
Kabul airport.

From the comfort of my new office, and sitting behind my big desk, I suddenly felt very small.
Who was I, and what could I possibly do?

A few years earlier, Pat Merryweather, one of our Rotary International directors, introduced
me to a peace fellow who held the kind of position that could perhaps influence this type of
situation. Now it was my long shot.

I reached out, and that certain Rotary magic that we all know so well took over.

It’s the Rotary Peace Fellow who’s the hero of this story. I don’t know everything that
happened, but in less than 24 hours, the young woman was on an evacuation list. Two days
later, we learned she was safely en route to Europe for further processing.

Imagine her thoughts that day as the plane launched into the sky.

This, my friends, is the power of Rotary. When the right connections are made, the world
aligns and our stories merge. Our differences dissolve, and the only limit to our impact is the
barrier of our imagination.

I want to take you to November 9th, 2014. Nick and I found ourselves on the rooftop of a hotel
in Berlin, looking down on over 1 million people. They were there in jubilant celebration at the

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

2022-2023 Theme Address

25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, also known as the end of the Cold War.

Earlier that day, at an event hosted by Past President Holger [Knaack], I met a woman by the
name of Tatjana Jury. At the time, 25 years earlier, she was a fresh-faced young radio reporter
in the east of Berlin.

She shared, “We had no idea what was going on. My news director was having a nervous
breakdown, and I didn’t know what to do.”

So she took her tape recorder and she went out to explore, because, in her words, “When you
want to grab history, you have to grab history.”

She saw thousands of people going back and forth between the East and the West. She saw
people chipping away at the barrier. And she went back to her newsroom, and she filed her

As I heard Tatjana share this, the power of connection was once again weaving its magic.

On that exact same day, I was also a rookie reporter. I was alone in a newsroom in Windsor,
Canada. The alarm bells went off, which meant that something significant was happening
somewhere in the world. I raced over to the old news wire machine and I read that the Berlin
Wall was coming down. The Cold War was ending.

And just like Tatjana, I didn’t know what to do. But I knew that this was history. And “when
you want to grab history, you have to grab history.” I went into the news booth and I shared
the incredible news.

Imagine, the two of us being more than 4,000 miles apart yet sharing in a world-altering

So, 25 years later, when Tatjana and I met, we shared some tears. I don’t know whether the
news wire story was hers, but I choose to believe that it was.

Only when we live in shared experience like this can we create world peace through
understanding. And that world can only manifest when we commit ourselves to equity, human
rights, and fairly allocating community resources. Or perhaps, as we all best know it, being
fair to all concerned.
As we strive to weave diversity, equity, and inclusion into Rotary, removing the barriers is the
key to inclusion. And inclusion is the key to membership.

While this may seem like a new call to action, it is not new thinking. I want you to listen to the
actual recording of our founder, Paul Harris, in 1933 at our 24th annual convention:

Rotary is thrown open to representatives of all walks of life, to representatives of all countries
and all forms of religion... Herein lies the genius and the glory of Rotary ....while Rotarians

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

2022-2023 Theme Address

differ in many respects, in two respects they are in perfect accord.

We are all in perfect accord.

A few years ago, I was interviewed on an American television program. Just prior to the start
of the taping, the host revealed something striking: He had been a Rotarian for over 30 years,
but it was only recently that he “got Rotary.”

He became involved in a project that delivered coats to children in his community. And for the
first time, it all clicked. He saw firsthand the power of service, and he truly became engaged.
He even went on to serve as a club president.

Imagine — more than 1,500 club meetings before he finally “got Rotary.” So what lesson does
this offer us?

We must engage our members.

My hometown, Windsor, is the automotive capital of Canada. I know my way around a

shop floor and I was raised in this highly competitive marketplace. When something wasn’t
working, we retooled. A plant would shut down for a couple of months to prepare for new parts
or an enhanced model.

The past few decades have been tough as plants have shut down due to competitive market
forces. Tens of thousands of jobs were lost, never to be replaced.

So what do you do in this kind of a situation? You adapt. It’s taken time, but our community is
now a world-class leader in agribusiness and cutting-edge medical and aerospace technology.

We too must adapt and retool. Finding the right “part” to engage each member should be our
core function. It comes down to the comfort and care of our members.

A few years ago, my friend Bronwyn Stephens took me to a school in Melbourne. It was there
I met a young Interactor named Peter. He told me, “If you want responsible children, you have
to give them responsibilities.”
Peter was onto something important. We don’t have a problem bringing members into Rotary.
We struggle to keep them. We’re a revolving door — in every part of our world.

We need to ask our members what they want out of their experience — and then, we need to
provide them with meaningful responsibilities.

It’s our offer of hands-on service, personal growth, leadership development, and lifelong
friendships that creates purpose and passion. These are our responsibilities. If we don’t serve
our members, we don’t serve our communities. And if we don’t provide comfort and care for
our members, they may never truly “get” the power of Rotary.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

2022-2023 Theme Address

And please understand, when I use the term members, it means Rotary and Rotaract. We are
all Rotary members.

We have been entrusted with leadership in our great organization. Now it’s up to us to be brave
and intentional in our actions and to let others help us lead.

I am thrilled today to announce that, starting on July 1st of this year, I have appointed a
Rotaractor with the responsibility of becoming a Rotary public image coordinator. I

have officially included Rotaractors on several committees, and during our term, I will begin
to assign a select group of Rotaractors as president’s representatives.

President Shekhar [Mehta] launched our Empowering Girls initiative last year, and it has
resonated around the world. We will continue this bold effort, recognizing that empowered
girls become empowered women.

We have less than a year and a half to achieve the board-set target of 30% women in Rotary.
We’ve come a long way, and already more than 110 countries have achieved this goal. That
said, we have a long way to go — and 30% is the next stop on the way to 50%. And you know,
our members in Rotaract have already achieved this distinction.

Speaking of embracing the different and unique, new clubs — and especially new club models
— are vital to growing Rotary. I need your help with this, and I am asking each of you to help
form at least two new innovative or cause-based clubs during your term as governor.

Then, and perhaps most importantly, instill in them, and your existing clubs too, our
comfort-and-care philosophy. Let’s make sure we engage our members so they love their clubs
and their Rotary experience.

While we work to innovate Rotary from within, we’re going to also place a special
emphasis on raising Rotary’s profile in the world, holding a global impact tour that celebrates
our achievements.

We’re going to actively connect with thought leaders and world leaders in dialogue about how
we can work together to address the world’s most pressing challenges.

Rotary opens these doors, and we need to harness our connections to deepen these
relationships and create new partnerships. And the best part is, this can happen at every level
of leadership.

We all feel the impact that Rotary service and Rotary values have on us. Now it’s our
opportunity to share that feeling with others.

I remember attending a Rotary meeting in Korea. And while I didn’t understand the language,
there was this wonderful moment when they started speaking in unison. It was clear from the

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

2022-2023 Theme Address

staccato rhythm that they were reciting The Four-Way Test.

I felt comfort in that moment — the kind of comfort that comes from familiarity. Our core
values, our traditions, our heritage — these are powerful things that we hold true yet build
upon, as we imagine how we can be so much more.

Fifty years ago, an anthem was recorded that included this beautiful line:

You may say I’m a dreamer

But I’m not the only one.

I hear that lyric as a call to action. We all have dreams, but acting on them is a choice. And
when organizations like ours dream big things like ending polio and creating peace, it becomes
our responsibility to make these dreams a reality.

Imagine a world that deserves our best, where we get up each day knowing that we can make
a difference. You don’t imagine yesterday. You imagine tomorrow.

Imagine a world without polio.

Imagine a world with clean water for everyone.
Imagine a world free of disease. A world where every child learns to read. Imagine kindness
and hope and love and peace.
And that, my dear friends, is why our theme is Imagine Rotary. Imagina Rotary.
Imaginons le Rotary.
Immagina il Rotary.
Imajin Rotari
Sangsanghara Rotary
Imagine O Rotary.
Hsiang-hsiang Fu-Lun
I hope that it’s meaningful in all of our languages.

There’s a great line in a song from the Broadway musical “Rent”:

Five hundred twenty-five thousand

Six hundred minutes
How do you measure a year in the life?

Some of you may be familiar with this play, or some of you may be more familiar with the
Puccini opera that inspired it, “La Bohème.”

My friend sitting governor Michelle Bohreer recently challenged each of us to think about
how each one of us gets the same number of minutes. How we choose to live them is the
important question.

On July 1, the clock starts ticking. How will you use these minutes?

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Expanding Our Reach:

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Expanding Our Reach:

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Expanding Our Reach:

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Message from District Governor

Dear Fellow Rotarians

My best wishes and hearty congratulations to all Rotarians, Rotaractors &

Interactors for the Rotary Year 2022-2023.

We have just now completed Rotary Year 2021-2022. Rotary

International, our District 3292 and Rotary Clubs have done our best to the communities by providing
humanitarian services, working in partnership with the Government of Nepal and Local Authorities to
serve the communities at times of global crisis.

We believe in Rotary’s Four Way Test, which teaches us that we as Rotarians believe in true and
fair actions which will bring goodwill and will be beneficial to all concerned. Rotary’s Core Values:
Fellowship, Diversity, Leadership, Service and above all Integrity must guide each and every Rotarian.

Working for Rotary should be passion and fun, and should not have stress and pressure. Then only we
can enjoy Rotary. Look around for people to work together and Rotary gives us that opportunity to
do service with fellowship. Sometimes people may ask which part or segment of Rotary we like. Our
answer should always be we like Rotary in entirety and not one particular portion.

2022-2023 is a special year for Rotary International as we all are going to work under the dynamic
leadership of Jennifer Jones, first female President in 117 years of Rotary International history to
achieve the targets set for 2022-2023.

Friends more than fifty years ago, one popular song was recorded that included this beautiful line:

You may say I’m a dreamer But I’m not the only one.

Friends, we all have dreams, but acting on them is a choice. And it becomes our responsibility to make
these dreams a reality.

Let us imagine a world that deserves our best, where we get up each day knowing that we can make a

With above vision, Rotary International President Jennifer Jones has given the theme “Imagine
Rotary” for the year 2022-2023. Our district has our Theme “Together for a better world”.

By focusing on our strategic plan and expands our reach by engaging the Family of Rotary at every
age, gender and culture to create lasting change, we can see Rotary increases our impact. We have to
give more emphasis on diversity, equity and inclusion to achieve growth in female membership and
members under the age of forty however without losing the sight of membership retention. We also
should work for girl child education leading to women empowerment.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Message from District Governor

All these are achievable with all of us working as a TEAM, team is just not a group of people working
together, in reality it is a group of people trusting each other.

Therefore, Friends let us all work together to transform our dreams into reality by serving the


Yours in Rotary

Jitendra B. Rajbhandary
District Governor 2022-2023

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of District Governor

Rtn. CA Jitendra B Rajbhandary qualified Chartered Accountancy from the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India (all India ranking 35th in the Intermediate examination). He has worked in Royal
Nepal Airlines for over sixteen years (in various senior executive positions as a Senior Officer, Deputy
Director of Finance Department, Chief of Finance Department, Director of Finance & Internal Control,
Director of Audit) with working experience in US, UK and France. Since January 1993, he is a full time
practitioner and a financial consultant.

Rotary Involvement:

2001 Charter member and Treasurer, Rotary Club of Kopundol

2004-2005 President, Rotary Club of Kopundol
2006-2007 Fellowship Committee Chair
2008-2009 &
2010-2011 Assistant Governor
2009-2010 Balloting Committee Member
2011-2012 Scholarship Sub-Committee Chair
2012-2013 &
2013-2014 District Treasurer
2014-2015 District Award & Recognition Committee Chair
2015-2016 District Coordination, Facilitating & Monitoring Committee Chair
2016-2019 District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair
2019-2020 District Training Team Chair

He is a Major Donor (Level I) and a Paul Harris Society (PHS) member.

He has successfully handled Rotary Club of Kopundol’s flagship project “Disabled New Life Center”
from 2002 till 2014 helping poor disabled children by providing corrective medical treatment and school
education. He was part of many health camps organized by the club.

As Fellowship Committee Chair, organized first-ever musical program with renowned international
musician Saskia Laroo in the Garden of Dreams, Kathmandu.

During his DRFCC tenure, many Rotary International dignitaries like then Regional Rotary Foundation
Committee Chair Kamal Sanghvi (RI Director 2019-2021), Vijay Jalan, Past RI Director/ Foundation
Trustee Padma Shree Sushil Gupta, RI officials Ms. Meredith Burlew/ Rajesh Anand/ Ms. Shakuntala
Raha visited District 3292 and participated in TRF related programs. Our district won many awards for

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of District Governor

the highest contribution to the Rotary Foundation in Rotary Institutes 2017, 2018 & 2019.

As District Trainer for 2019-2020, he successfully organized various trainings in the presence of RI
President Elect Mark Daniel Malony, Rotary International President 2021-2022 Sekhar Mehta, RI
Director C Basker, RI Director 2019-2021 Kamal Sanghvi, RI Director 2019-2021 Dr. Bharat Pandya,
RRFC Vijay Jalan, EMGA PDG Rtn. Vinod Bansal as key note speakers/ resource persons. In multi
district AGTS, he had the opportunity of becoming one of the first trainers from RID 3292 to train
Assistant Governors from Indian Districts.

Rtn. Rajbhandary is the Rotary Foundation’s (TRF) Audit Cadre since 2017 and has visited Global Grant
Projects GG1639218 in Mumbai (April 2017); GG1420717 in Kolkata (August 2017) and GG1524801
in Chennai (December 2017) to ensure Global Grants are implemented in line with the approval given by
TRF. He has participated in one day Audit Cadre Training in RI Convention Toronto, Canada 2018 and in
Hamburg, Germany 2019. He has participated in one day Grant Model Evaluation Training in Hamburg,
Germany on 04 June 2019. Since 2020, Rtn. Rajbhandary has been appointed as Technical Cadre Advisor
Coordinator for Nepal & Bhutan.

He has attended RI Convention in Seoul, South Korea in 2016, Toronto, Canada in 2018, Hamburg in June
2019 and 2020 Rotary Virtual Convention. In RI Convention in Hamburg, Germany, he was the moderator
of one breakaway session “Cultivating Positivity to be an Inspirational Rotarian”.

He has attended Rotary Institutes in Jaipur, India (2015); Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2017) and Chennai,
India (2018). He has attended Regional Foundation Goal Setting Seminar in New Delhi, India (2016);
DISHA seminars for incoming district leaders in Mumbai, India (2017) and Hyderabad, India (2018).
He has attended district conference in Kolkata, India and district conferences in Nepal.

Rtn. Rajbhandary is widely traveled & has visited Bhutan, Hong Kong, Thailand, South Korea, Japan,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy,
Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, France, Spain, UK, Sweden, USA, Canada.

Rtn. Rajbhandary was a member of Board of Directors on Nepal Investment Bank Ltd.

Rtn. Rajbhandary is a Past Council Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal (ICAN), Life
member of Association of Chartered Accountants of Nepal (ACAN), Senator of Jaycees International,
life member of Disabled New Life Center (DNC), Executive Member & Treasurer of Cultural Heritage
Conservation Group for the rebuilding of the Bhaidegah Temple, Executive Member of the Bhimsenthan
Rebuilding Committee.

Rtn. Rajbhandary is happily married with Sarita and blessed with one daughter Anjana.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Message from District Governor Elect

Dear Fellow Rotarians

Greetings to you all!!!

I and my spouse Samira would like to extend best wishes to the first lady
Sarita and District Governor Jitendra Bahadur Rajbhandary and entire
district 3292 team and most importantly the Presidents of all clubs for a very
fruitful year 2022-23.

Rotary changes lives of people and including our own. A Rotarian, when asked
where she/he goes every week will say that she/he go to meet with friends to change the world. Rotarians are
‘people of action’ and game changers to serve any community and the world. Rotary connects all the peoples
of the world in one umbrella of humanitarian service. Rotary is forever changing, yet it is an organization
which has been built on enduring principles which enable Rotarians around the globe to connect for the good
of the whole world.

This Rotary year 2022-23, under the leadership of first lady International President Jennifer Jones with the
theme ‘Imagine Rotary’, is going to be another beautiful year of service for all of us and we are looking for-
ward to again reaching the people and community by putting ourselves to their service and bring a change.
In Rotary every year there is a change of leadership, but core values of Rotary, Four way test and Objects of
Rotary do not change. Rotarians do things differently than doing different things.

Since past two and half years, we all have gone through the very difficult times due to COVID 19 pandemic.
But we Rotarians have been able to come out of the uncomfortable situation and serve the humanity in need
with our unique motto ‘Service above Self’ and we have commitment to do it forever. That is what Rotary
is all about.

The End Polio has been our top priority since many years and we plan to eradicate it by 2023 with only two
countries Pakistan and Afghanistan, remaining in the world to be declared polio free. The priority service
projects for next year as envisaged by the Rotary International President are Girl child education and Saving
the environment. For these, every club and Rotarians have to work hard.

I sincerely request all of our members to adopt to new normal environment and take up the challenges to
convert them in to the opportunities and do good for community. Let us try bringing more Rotarians, more re-
sources, more knowledge, skill, attitude and practice to do better for the people and community. Connecting,
continuing and collaborating among all partners is important in bringing quality of life of people. The major
partners are the local bodies beside others, with whom, Rotary should collaborate to bring changes in lives.

As a District Governor for Rotary year 2023-24, I urge you all to be committed as a true Rotarian and con-
tinue your service to Rotary as always and together we can.

Once again best wishes to first lady Sarita and District Governor Jitendra Bahadur Rajbhandary and his team
for a successful Rotary year 2022-23.

Jai Rotary !!!

Rajendra Prasad Dhoju

District Governor 2022-23

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of District Governor Elect

Rajendra Prasad Dhoju is the District Governor Nominee for Rota Year (RY) 2023-24. He is a
resident of Butwal and holds a Bachelor’s of Commerce from Tribhuvan University. He is a renowned
businessman with his investments in varied business at Rupandehi and Kathmandu ranging from textiles,
educational institutions, finance companies, and media houses. He is the Proprietor at Shree Sapana Saree
Center, Butwal and Shree Sapana Creation, Indra Chowk, Kathmandu. He promoted several educational
institutions in Butwal; viz. Chairman of Deep Boarding High School, Butwal, Rupandehi; Siddhartha
Memorials Academy, Ramapur Rupandehi and Siddhipur Horizon Secondary School, Kapilvastu.

Apart from owning numerous businesses, he is a leading figure through his social involvement. He is a
Past Secretary at Butwal Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Butwal, Founder Vice President, Rupandehi
Chamber Of Commerce, Founder Chairman, Amarpath Tole Bikash Committee, Life Member, Butwal
Hill Park Council, Rupandehi, Promoter, Radio Rupandehi, 102MHZ, Siddharthanagar, Promoter, Radio
Lumbini, 96.8MHZ, Manigram, Rupandehi, Promoter, Gautam Buddha Community Health Hospital Pvt.
Ltd, Promoter, Gautam Buddha Social Organization, Secretary, Saurya Kiran Upabhokta Samiti Butwal,
and Chairman Of Radha Madhav Samiti Nepal.

Dhoju holds experience of almost three decades of service to Rotary Fraternity since 1993. A Charter
Member at Rotary Club of Butwal, his gradual rise to the leadership position began from RY 2011/12
when he became the Club President. Rotary District appreciated his leadership as he had two major
accolades, i.e., Outstanding President and Outstanding Club. Apart from these awards, his efforts have
been continuously acknowledged in every Rotary District Awards over the years.

He has served as a District Rotaract Sub Committee and District Club Extension Sub Committee member
in R.Y. 2011-12. In addition, he was Co-chair at District Club Extension and Consolidation Committee
in R.Y. 2013/2014, and he has also served as Assistant Governor of Zone 17 in R.Y.2013/14. He was
District Governor’s Special Representatives for Rotary Club Of Kapilvastu Midtown and Rotary Club
Of Nawalpur, Kawasoti . He has attended Rotary District Conferences and other district events since the
very onset of his Rotary journey in 1993. He also attended Rotary International Conventions in different
Rotary Years.

He is a Major Donor (Level II), and he was elected as the District Governor Nominee Designated in
Rotary District Conference 2020/21 held at Kathmandu. He is continuously getting involved in various
District and International Rotary events to prepare himself and his up-coming team to lead District 3292
successfully in the year 2023-2024 and take District 3292 to a new height.

He is happily married to Samira Shrestha Dhoju, Major Donor, and is blessed with three children viz.
daughter (Rashi) and two sons (Abhishek and Ayush).

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Message from District Governor Nominee

Dear Fellow Rotarians,

I, along with my wife Sarojani, would like to congratulate District

Governor Jitendra Bahadur Rajbhandary, First Lady Sarita Rajbhandary,
entire District Team and all club Presidents of RY 2022-23. Our best
wishes for your successful tenure.

We would also like to congratulate Immediate Past District Governor Santosh Prasad Rijal and his
entire team for successfully completing their tenure in RY 2021-22.

As District Governor Nominee for RY 2022-23, it’s my pleasure to give this message in the District
Directory of RID 3292.

With the MOTO “Service Above Self”, we have joined Rotary to help and inspire others and ourselves
to do more, to give more and to serve more for a better world through community service.

No doubt, our District has been doing outstanding works in terms of membership, contribution to
TRF and community services and I hope this will continue in RY 2022-23 as well under the dynamic
leadership of District Governor and his entire team.

RI President Jennifer Jones has given the Theme “Imagine Rotary” for RY 2022-23. So, let’s Imagine
Rotary in a positive way and do good and great things, keeping in mind 5 Core Values of Rotary –
Service, Fellowship, Diversity, Integrity and Leadership.

Yours - in - Rotary

jendra Man Sherchan
District Governor 2024-25

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of District Governor Nominee

Name: Rajendra Man Sherchan

Rotary Services
• Charter president- RC Thamel (2001-2004)
• Worked at various levels/capacities in RI District 3290
• Worked with District Officials and Senior Rotarians of Nepal for establishing Nepal District 3292
• 2012 – June 2021 - Coordinator of Adult Literacy, under Rotary Nepal Literacy Mission

Served in Rotary as:

• Assistant governor Zone IV
• Member-District Advisory Council
• Member Secretary- District Disaster Relief Committee
• Co-Chair- Family Values Subcommittee
• National coordinator- Adult Literacy under TEACH Program of RNLM]
• Life Member- International Golfing Fellowship of Rotarians
• Life Member- South Asia Fellowship of Golfing Rotarians
• Chair of different District Committees: Partners In Service, Preserve Earth Planet, New Member
Orientation/ Education Subcommittee, Family Values Committee, District Community Service
Committee, District Basic Education & Literacy sub- committee, District Awards & Recognitions
• Member of District Advisory Council Member Secretary of District Disaster Relief Committee

Experience in Brief
• Chairman of Thames International College
• Director, Salt Trading Corporation Ltd.
• Director, Sagarmatha Insurance Company Ltd.
• Lifetime Special Member of CACCI – Confederation of Asia Pacific Chambers of Commerce and
Industries with office in Taipei, Taiwan
• Executive Member of SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry
• Executive Member of China Chamber of Commerce and Industry
• Captain of Royal Nepal Golf Club
• Former Treasurer - Nepal India Chamber of Commerce
• Past President of Godavari Alumni Association (Twice)

Also has been Secretary General and Pro - Secretary General of International Federation of Asian and
Western Pacific Contractors’ Association (IFAWPCA), Manila, Philippines

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of District Governor Nominee

Recipient of Citation for Meritorious Service from International Federation of Asian and Western Pacific
Contractors’ Association in New Zealand in the year 2016.

Business Experience:
1993 - 2009 Director, National Finance Company
2000 - 2001 Director, Nepal Industrial Development Corporation
1983 - 1995 Director, Khadya Udyog Ltd.
1992 - 1994 Director, Janakpur Cigarette Factory
1995 - 1997 Co-Chairman, FNCCI, Industry Committee
2001 till 2011 Chairman, Nepal Vegetable Ghee Industries

Business Associations:
International Federation of Asian and Western Pacific Contractors’
Association (IFAWPCA)
1998 – 1999 Secretary General
1996 – 1998 Pro-Secretary General
2000 – 2002 Executive Member, Nepal Association of Travel Agents

Federation of Contractors’ Association of Nepal

1992 - 1994 First Vice President
1990 - 1992 Treasurer
1995 - 1999 Advisor

2009 till date Executive Member Nepal China Chamber of Commerce

Nepal India Chamber of Commerce

2010 - 2012, Executive Member
2012 - 2015, Treasurer

Social Service:
Nepal Eye Hospital
1992 - 1995, Board Member
1995 - 1998, Coordinator, Construction Sub-committee

Youth Activities Co-ordination Committee under Social Service,

National Co-ordination Council

1977 - 1981, Member (appointed by His Majesty the Late King), Youth Activities Co-ordination
Committee under Social Service,
National Co-ordination Council
Chair of Tree Plantation Committee in Youth Activities Coordination Committee which planted more than
100,000 TREES in Nagarkot in 1979
Godavari Alumni Association (Association of Ex - Xaverians)
2012 - 2015 President
1977-1979 President
1992 -1993 & 1998 Board Member
1974-1976 Executive Secretary

Royal Nepal Golf Course
2010 - 2014, Executive Member

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of District Governor Nominee

2014 - 2019 Honorary Secretary

2019 – Till date Captain
Nepal Hockey Association
1978 Secretary

Dakshin Bahu IV Class
Coronation Medal of His Late Majesty King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev Coronation Medal

Australia,Bhutan, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Malaysia, Myanmar,
Philippines, Thailand, China, Tibet, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan,Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Belgium,
Netherlands, UAE, Quatar, France, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Qatar, Czechoslovakia, UK, USA, Kenya,

International Participation / Contribution

• SAARC CCI EC and General Meetings held in Sri Lanka, Bhutan Dhaka, Bhutan and Nepal since
• Member of the Presidential SAARC CCI delegation to the USA in 2016
• Initiatives for Regional Integration, Kathmandu, Nepal, 12 December 2013
• Participated as an Executive Member in Economic Freedom and Business Environment in South
Asia – May 18, 2011 in Dhaka, Bangladesh
• Seminar on Financial Cooperation in South Asia: Challenges and Prospects, Kathmandu, Nepal, 21
April 2013
• International Federation of Asian and Western Pacific Contractor’s Association Conventions.
Recipient of 5 and 10 Attendance Awards for attending different Conventions and Board Meetings
in Different Countries from 1995 onwards ( Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, Australia, New
Zealand, India Srilanka, Hongkong )
• Was a Member of the delegation in the CACCI Presidential visit to Myanmar in 2013
• Was a member of the Jaycees International delegation to attend the 30th JCI World conference in
Amsterdam, Holland from Kathmandu Jaycees in 1975
• Was a team member of Royal Nepal Golf Club for playing several years against Bhutan, Royal
Brigade of Gurkhas, Gakeward Cup, etc in Kathmandu
• Was a member of the golf delegation from Nepal for playing friendly Golf tournament in Bhutan in
• Led Golfers from Royal Nepal Golf Club to Myanmar
• Member of delegation to Sydney, Australia from GAA (Godavari Alumni Association) to attend the
Jesuit World Alumni Congress in 1997.
• Member of delegation under President Mr. Rajesh Kazi Shrestha of China Chambers of Commerce
to China in 2007
• Delegation Leader that lead 8 member youth delegation to Japan at the invitation of the Japanese
Prime Minister as a member of the Youth Activities Coordination Committee in 1978 and also visited
Philippines durin

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Message from RI Director

Dear DG Jitendra Bahadur Rajbhandary,

Let me congratulate you for being chosen by your district 3292

to lead them in 2022-2023. It is a landmark year when Rotary
reaffirms its commitment to Diversity and Equity.

One of the unique traits of humans, a trait not present in any other
form of life, is their ability to imagine things. An ability which,
if channelized in the right direction, can result in a new and a better world. This is what our
leader for 2022-2023 Jennifer Jones is urging all of us to do.

We can work towards growing our organization, retaining those who are already there, elevate
Rotaract, consciously work towards Diversity, /Equity and Inclusion, empower the less privi-
leged girls and carry out impactful and meaningful service projects and enhance the image of
Rotary in the community. All of these require only one ability – the ability to imagine. That
will unleash the power within each one of us.

I wish each and every rotarian of district 3292 a meaningful year and an enhanced value for
their membership in the coming rotary year.

With warm regards

Venkatesh Ananthanarayanan
Director 2021-23
Rotary International

Tel: +91-44 -24743915 | Mob: +91 98410 25054

E-mail: | venkatesh@grouppopu

32/1, 32 /2, Kamatchi Apartments , 10th Avenue, Ashok Nagar , Chennai - 600 083. India

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of RI Director

An engineering graduate from the prestigious IIT, Madras, Rtn. Venkatesh did his post-
graduation in Business Administration from IIM, Ahmedabad. Entered the business of civil
construction at the age of 23 and is currently heading an organization employing over 1400

A member of Rotary club of Chennai Mambalam, he was its president in 2001-02, and the
youngest District Governor of RI Dist 3230 in 2007-08. He was Rotary coordinator for the
period 2010-2013 for Zone 5 covering South India, Sri Lanka, and Maldives.

He has been a trainer for all DGEs at International Assembly at San Diego for 2 years as well
as a trainer for all Coordinators from around the world at Chicago for three years (2014-2017).
He has addressed over 50 PETS and several district assemblies and conferences besides being
a president’s representative at six conferences both in India and overseas

He is a Level III Major Donor to the Rotary Foundation with a personal contribution of over
USD 50,000 and all his family members are Paul Harris Fellows.

Rtn. Venkatesh has attended over ten international conventions. He was joint secretary and
national executive committee member, Rotary India Literacy mission. He was also chair for
South Asian Reception at Montreal Convention and at Seoul Convention. He represented
D3230 in Council on Legislation COL 2016.

He has been elected Rotary International Director for the period 2021-2023.

He is a keen Bridge player and loves travelling. He is married to Vinita, also an alumnus of
IIM Ahmedabad. The couple have two daughters.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Message from RI Director

Rtn. Jitendra Rajbhandary

DGE Dist. 3292

Dear Rotary Leaders,

A New Rotary Year Begins –

With Newer Horizons, Newer Themes, Newer Members, More Contributions, And we all pledge
again to do Service Above Self and do Good in the World!!!

The New Rotary Year begins with the first ever lady President of the Rotary International –
Jennifer Jones. It begins with promises of vibrant and diverse future. Imagine, Implement and
Inspire will be chanted across the Globe by all Rotarians. It’s a year of Imagining to widen the
horizons of Rotary actions of serving humanity across the Globe. As everyone says, we step out,
we do things and of course we are the people who make things happen in our worlds and for our
communities. It’s time to imagine of innovative ideas to scale up and give a fresh look to our
strategies of working differently, than ever before over seven areas of focus. Let us imagine a larger
family with larger participation by Young Rotarians and more Rotractors who will join in, in the
mission with newer ideas of effective performance, participations and building a stronger public
image through social media presence. Let us imagine a cohesive picture of experience, expertise
and enthusiasm flavoring each other to achieve success. Let us use the modern tools effectively
such as the virtual meetings and conferences and through apps and blogs and many more.

I am lucky to work under the guidance and support of two great Rotary Global Leaders in
Immediate RI President – Shekhar Mehta and RI President Elect - Jennifer Jones. Shekharda
has created a special Endowment Fund, inspiring Rotarians to join hands for great humanitarian
service projects the world expects Rotarians to do and implement successfully. For Jennifer, we
must learn to do things a little bit differently and more authentically.

It is hoped that the world will be certified Polio free from the year 2026. Our mission of raising
One Million Dollars each year continues. With Pakistan becoming almost Polio Free, I trust we
may achieve our goal much before and Rotary’s dream of 1978 of a Polio Free World may come
true. I am confident that all the Rotarians across the World and especially India will support the
Polio eradication drive with the same zeal and spirit with which they fought the battle with Covid
19 Pandemic.

Time flies. 26 Years ago I was invited n Rotary organization. A novice with no ideas, just
observing the legacy of “ROTARY” and wondering how such great institute came into existence
and remained World leader for more than a century. In 1998 someone suggested that I should take
up the club leadership to which like an innocent child I said “YES”. The club roaster was printed

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Message from RI Director

and my name appeared just as this District Directory is printed with your names and photos as

This opportunity of Rotary leadership was realized in “Transformation of Lives through Service
“. My memory lane goes back to RID3130 when our district covered 2/3 of Maharashtra and
thousands of projects were mapped and completed. It’s amazing to see drought affected
villages and dry lands turning into agro green; children attending schools with smiles; women
empowerment; no more cripples born; ecofriendly environment; and many more milestones
achieved through global network of Rotary.

Let me Congratulate Rtn. Jitendra Rajbhandary for getting crowned as District Governor for 2022-
23 (RID 3292). I have closely observed his innovative Leadership Qualities and I am confident that
he would present one of the most performing years for the District 3292.

He would indeed go a step ahead in supporting other Districts in terms of Programs and Projects.

It is encouraging to learn the Agenda of great and innovative Service Projects as also strengthening
the District with more Clubs and Members.

Rtn. Amita joins me in extending Best of our wishes for a successful and vibrant year RI 2022-23
for Dist 3292. Under the Leadership of Rtn. Jitendra Rajbhandary. May all his Dream Plans come

Let us “Imagine Rotary” Your Own,

RID Rtn. Dr. Mahesh Kotbagi

Dr Mahesh Kotbagi
Rotary International Director 2021-23

Aishwarya Apts, 163, DP road, Next to Kotbagi Hospital, Aundh, Pune, Maharashtra 411007

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of RI Director

A Doctor by profession, an Entrepreneur by nature, an adventurer by passion and a Rotary

leader by achievement, RI Director-elect Dr. Mahesh Kotbagi presents a unique fusion of
capabilities and talents.

Dr. Mahesh was born into a family of freedom fighters and doctors. His grandfather, who
was Mahatma Gandhi’s physician, inspired him to combine his professional life with social

An M. D in Gynaecology from Pune University, Dr. Kotbagi dedicated himself to the ideal
of Low-Cost Health Care. He set up a 10-bed hospital in 1991, with ISO-9001-2000
certification. It is now a 100-bed hospital. He went on to serve as a consultant for the
development of many low-cost healthcare hospitals. He set up the Chinmayi Charitable Trust
to support low cost health care services and Education. He continues to organise free health
camps in slums and rural sectors.

He was invited to join the Rotary Club of Pune Sports City in 1995 and served as District
Governor of RI Dist.3130 in 2005-06. Kotbagi has led more than 100 service projects through
Rotary including a functional literacy project aimed targeting adult women in 11 villages,
donation of cows and dairy centres for women, more than 700 polio corrective surgeries, and
a rural eye surgery camps that helped more than 2,0000 people. He has also been active in
Rotary’s youth programs.

Since then his rise in Rotary has been meteoric. He has done justice to the full range of
Rotary assignments, including RI President’s Representative, International Training Leader,
Chairman South Asia Literacy Summit and Asst. Rotary Foundation Chair.

He has served as Chairman - GETS -Governor Elect Training Seminar 2020, Co-Chairman -
RILM -Rotary India Literacy Mission, Chairman Technology - Rotary Institute 2020, District
Trainer- RI District 3131 and Trustee – Rotary India Humanity Foundation, Chairman GNTS

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of RI Director
(Governor Nominee Training seminar 2020)

Excellent presentation skills and a keen sense of humour have made him a much sought-after
speaker at various Rotary fora. He is also an accomplished writer. He has researched and
written on subjects like District Rules and Procedures. ▪ The Rotary Foundation Hand Guide
promotion. ▪ International Youth Exchange Hand Guide promotion. ▪ Published Audio / Video
Films on Rotary subjects. ▪ First AV-E conference held in the district. ▪ Matching Grants /
Competitive Grants / 3 H Grants.

He is a deserving recipient of Rotary’s ‘Service above self-Award’, TRF’s ‘Citation of

Meritorious Service’ and the ‘Polio Plus Appreciation Award.’ Dr. Mahesh is a Major Donor
Level 3 and Benefactor of the Rotary Foundation.

It has been a long and eventful journey, and Dr. Mahesh Kotbagi has now been elected to
Rotary International’s Board of Directors for 2021-23. He also currently serves as
1. Rotary International Executive Committee Member 2021-22
2. Rotary International TRF Trustee Liaison representative from RI Board 21-22
3. Rotary International District reorganisation/bifurcation committee 2021-24

Dr. Mahesh is happily married to Dr. Amita, a physician. The couple is blessed with 2
daughters, Dr. Chinmayee, a Radiologist and Sana, who is studying in college.

An unusual facet of Dr. Mahesh is his passion for bike-riding and his close association with
Harley Davidson. He loves backpacking across the world and believed in taking what the poet
Robert Frost calls ‘The Road less travelled by.’ This has manifested in an abiding passion
for ornithology, wildlife conservation and environment protection. RI Director-Elect leads by
example, with a sense of adventure and a deep commitment to Rotary values.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Message from TRF Trustee

Dear DG Jitendra Rajbhandary & 3292 Friends,

I am happy to share some thoughts with you all through your

district directory. The most important opportunity for service
is today. The new Rotary year brings new opportunities & new
responsibilities. The true strength of Rotary is the Rotarians
working sincerely in their clubs and communities.

Each Rotarian has a different skill set and experience. Let us use it positively and
constructively to reach out to touch and improve our communities and our world. I urge 3292
Rotarians and Rotary clubs to focus on Membership growth, retention, support our Rotary
Foundation and carry out need-based, meaningful service projects.

The Rotary Foundation is the backbone of Rotary. Through the programs of TRF we make our
world better, brighter and beautiful. I request all Rotarians of 3292 to open their hearts and
invest in our Rotary Foundation. It will be our investment for the future of our world.

My best wishes to DG Jitendra Rajbhandary as he assumes leadership of D 3292. Having

known him and seen his work for Rotary I know that D 3292 will have a great year under DG
Jitendra’s leadership. I compliment DG Jitendra and Team for bringing out this directory. This
directory will be a useful communication tool for Rotarians.

Madhavi joins me in extending best wishes to DG Jitendra Rajbhandary & the Rotary Family
of 3292 for the year 2022-23. Dare To Dream and Do your Best.

Imagine Rotary as you Lead The Way.

Dr. Bharat Pandya

Trustee, TRF, 2022-26
RI Director 2019-21

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of TRF Trustee

Dr. Bharat Pandya graduated from prestigious Seth GS Medical College, KEM hospital,
Mumbai and is practicing as General & Laparoscopic surgeon since last 32 years. He is a
Fellow of International College of Surgeons and has been conferred Fellowship by
Association of Surgeons of India.

He was Governor of D 3140 in 2006-07. During his year as DG, D 3140 contributed over
$ 2 million to The Rotary Foundation and for first time in history of TRF an Indian District –
D 3140 - became number 1 in TRF contributions in entire Rotary world in 2006-07.

He has served Rotary as Regional RI Membership Coordinator(RRIMC), Rotary

International Training Leader twice, GETS Chair twice, Member of India National
PolioPlus Committee (2011-15) & GETS Trainer (8 times). He has served on number of
RI Committees - R I Membership Committee, Finance Committee, Strategic Planning
Committee, Leadership Development committee amongst others. He served as Rotary
International Director for 2019-21 and as RI Treasurer for 2020-21. He serves as TRF Trustee
for 2022-2026.

Bharat & Madhavi are committed to The Rotary Foundation and are Level II Major Donors.
He has been conferred Citation of Meritorious Service and the Distinguished Service Award
by The Rotary Foundation and Rotary’s highest award “Service Above Self”.

Dr Madhavi is a Gynecologist. She was charter President of Inner Wheel Club of Borivli.
She was District Chairman of Inner Wheel District 314 for 2017-18. They have 2
daughters- Dr Nidhi & Dr Sashmi.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Fiscal Agent for Nepal

Rotarian volunteers appointed to maintain RI bank accounts in

various countries, to assist clubs in their payments to Rotary
International, and to assist RI in disbursements within such
countries. Fiscal Agents act in accordance with instructions of the
General Secretary. At present Rotary International had appointed
fiscal agent in following countries.
1. Bangladesh 2. Chile 3. Colombia
4. Nepal 5. Pakistan 6. Peru
7. Srilanka 8. Thailand 9. Ukraine
10. Venezuela 11. Ethiopia


There are 3 (three) kinds of mandatory payments to be made by individual Rotary club and/or
individual Rotarian. The payments are to be made to:
1. Rotary International Dues (SAR)
2. Rotary Club Formation Fee &
3. Rotaract Club Formation Fee

(a) Payments to The Rotary Foundation (TRF) are voluntary.
(b) RI Dues & payments to TRF are to be made through Fiscal Agent.

1. Payments for Rotary International (RI) dues:

The payment is to be made by Demand Draft/Cheque favoring: ‘Rotary International RI
District 3292’

2. Payments for contributions like: Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member (RFSM), Paul
Harris Fellow (PHF), Paul Harris Society Member (PHS), Major Donor (MD) etc. and
contributions for projects like Global Grants to The Rotary Foundation are to be made by
Demand Draft/Cheque favoring: ‘The Rotary Foundation RI District 3292’.

If contribution is for Global Grant, Global Grant number should also be mentioned.

3. RI Dues known as Semi Annual Dues (SAR) are paid twice in a Rotary year as under:
• July SAR - payable within 90 days.
• January SAR - payable within 90 days

4. SAR Payments details:

• USD 35.50 per Rotarian for both July and January SAR
• Council of Legislation (COL): USD 1.00 per member for July SAR only.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Fiscal Agent for Nepal

5. Other kinds of payments to RI:
• Charter/Admission Free for new club: USD 15 (fifteen) per member with minimum of 25

6. Payments should be made through Demand Draft/Cheque and must have supporting
documents as under:
• The name of Rotary Club with its ID number
• The name of individual Rotarian and his/her ID number
• Copy of RI SAR Invoice
• Copy of updated Membership List
• The Fiscal Agent shall issue Receipt against each payment after credit in RI or TRF A/c.
• The current Rate of exchange for 1 USD = NRP 122.00 and it may be changed any time
as per instruction of RI.
• Payment by Cash are discouraged. However, due to practice of online payment these days,
individual Rotary Club and/or Rotarians may deposit cash at: NMB Bank Ltd. at any of
its available branch in Nepal at

(a) Rotary International RI District 3292

A/C No. 0010012542200115

(b) The Rotary Foundation RI District 3292

A/C No. 0010012542200065

In such case, the original deposit slip must be sent to RI Fiscal Agent’s mailing address for
issuing Receipts and records. ( /

For online Banking depositor name and Club’s name must mention in the deposit slip for

7. Mailing details of Fiscal Agent as under:

PDG Yogendra Man Pradhan

Rotary District Office, Thapathali, Kathmandu
Cell: 9851020775

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Editor’s Note

Dear Fellow Rotarians,

It is with great pleasure and privilege for me to present the District Directory
2022-23 to you.

I am humbled by the Trust and Confidence District Governor Jitendra B. Rajbhandary has bestowed
upon my team and me to lead the publication and GML of RI District 3292 for the Rota Year 2022-23.

Timely communication within Rotary is important in order for us to be an effective club and also to
minimize time-waste. It is for this reason we hope this District Directory shall prove very handy for
your use. Apart from using the directory to connect with our fellow Rotarians, you can use this to know
more about District Information, know the District Team members to reach out to facilitate and support
your Club’s Activity and a referential material to RI District 3292 and Rotary International.

I thank all the Assistant Governors, Presidents and Secretary for their support in bringing out this
District Directory. Collecting information from all the 154 clubs, compiling it, and then designing
and formatting is really a tiresome and tedious process and this could not happen without the support
from all the Club President and Secretary. Despite our effort we might have erroneously missed out or
inaccurately presented data, for which I would like to apologize in advance and request to kindly notify
us of any such miss representation so that we can update our record.

Further, I cannot thank enough IPDG Santosh Prasad Rijal and District Secretary Amit Giri for
standing as a backbone and supporting us through the process. I would also like to acknowledge
the support of my team and special appreciation and Thanks for the tireless effort and contribution of
Rotary District 3292 Office Manager Mr. Mahesh Bir Bajracharya for giving his all best effort to finish
the Directory in time.

Lastly, I would like to wish all the Presidents and the team a successful tenure. Let us all “Imagine
Rotary” as our RI President Jennifer E. Jones has inspired us and try to achieve it.

Jay Rotary!

Thank you.

Sarin Shrestha
Chair, District Publication & GML Subcommittee 2022-23

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary Interntiaonal South Asia Office

Office Address : Pullman/Novotel Commercial Tower, 1st Floor, Asset No.2, Hospitality District,
Aerocity (Near IGI Airport), New Delhi 110037
Telephone Nos. : (91-11) 42250101 to 42250105
Office Timings: : 9 AM - 5 PM (Lunch timing: 1:00-1:30 PM)
Open on all days except Saturdays, Sundays & Declared Holidays

Name Designation Telephone E-mail

Rajeev Ranjan Head-South Asia 42250115
Abha Mathur Secretary to Head-South Asia 42250115

Club & District Support (CDS)

Name Designation Telephone E-mail

Jatinder Singh Head-Club & District Support 42250202
Joseph Thomas Sr. Coordinator, CDS 42250126
Daman Baweja Sr. Coordinator, CDS 42250122
Mukesh Choubey Correspondent, CDS 42250169
Sonu Ram Assistant-CDS 42250153

The Rotary Foundation (TRF)

Name Designation Telephone E-mail

Sanjay Parmar Head-The Rotary Foundation 42250201
Shakuntala Raha Manager-Fund Development 42250147
& Donor Services
Ashwini Sharma Sr. Coordinator-Donor Services 42250143
Roy Oommen John Sr. Coordinator-Grants & RF(I) 42250146
Sumit William Coordinator-Grants 42250150
Hema Gupta Sr. Coordinator-Annual Giving 42250149
Bhawna Verma Sr. Program Associate-CSR 42250172
Nelson Abraham Coordinator-Grants 42250116
Reeti Mondal Coordinator-CSR Grants 42250161
Sourav Singh Sr. Coordinator-Fund 9810541544
Devt. (Bengaluru based)
Sandeep Kashyap Coordinator, PolioPlus Program 42250216
Manju Joshi Correspondent-Donor Services 42250148
Sumit Sharma Correspondent-Grants 42250151
Madhu Mamgain Assistant, Donor Services 42250145

Financial Services (FS)

Name Designation Telephone E-mail

Ganesh Head-Financial Services 42250203
Joby Joy Sr. Coordinator - Financial Services 42250132
Praveen Mishra Coordinator - Financial Services 42250134

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary Interntiaonal South Asia Office

Ruma Mondal Correspondent-Membership 42250139
& Dues Processing
Damanjeet Kaur Correspondent-Financial Services 42250117
Aishwariya Bisht Assistant, Financial Services 42250136
Abin John Assistant, Financial Services 42250138
Jitendra Patel Assistant, Financial Services 42250137
Riya Singh Assistant, Financial Services 42250133

Legal & Stewardship

Name Designation Telephone E-mail

Rajesh Anand Team Leader-Stewardship 42250204
& Legal
Winson Mathew Coordinator-Stewardship 42250157
Yogita Sharma Stewardship Support Specialist 42250155

RI Travel Services (RITS)

Name Designation Telephone E-mail

Bejoy Samuel Manager-RITS India 8800368282

Communication & Public Relations

Name Designation Telephone E-mail

Jyoti Rai Sr.Coordinator,Communication 42250173
& PR

HR & Administration (incl. Publications)

Name Designation Telephone E-mail

Shamik Mani Head-HR & Administration 42250205
Subhash Agarwal Coordinator, Administration 42250112
Abhishek Saxena Assistant-Administration 42250113
& Publications
Shikha Gehlot Assistant-Front Office 42250101
Ramchander Assistant-Administration 42250114

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Official Licensee of Rotary International

Better Service, 22, Maghna, 64, S.V. Road, DS International, MIG 1-23 Housing
Santacruz(W), Mumbai 400054, Tel: 022- Board Colony, Katni 483501, M.P., Tel:
26491826 07622-220156, Fax: 07622-220156

Mohan Plastic Industries, 5831, Jawahar Project Mainstream, Vasant Vilas, 31

Nagar, Delhi 110007, Tel: 011-22918130, Dr DD Sathaya Marg, Mumbai 4, Tel.:
Fax: 011-22928642 022-23898930, 022-23821969

Bharati & Co., D/315, Kalma Bihar, Sunrise Advertisers, St. No. 7, Kabhir Nagar,
Behind Mahabir Nagar Dahanukarwadi, Near DAV College Rly Crossing, Jallundhar
Kandivili (W), Mumbai 67, Tel:022228627701 (Punjab), Tel.: 2402157, Fax: 2200962

Sacheti Company, PO Box 19, Madanganj Tej Brothers, 4806/24 Bharat, Ram Road,
Kishangarh, Rakastjam 305 801, Tel: 242217, Darya Ganj, New Delhi 110002, Tel.:
Fax : 242284 23254884, Fax: 23286145

Naveen Enterprises, 1785, 1st Floor, 7th Boys Town Crafts, Tirumangalam Boys
Cross, 18th Amain J.P Nagar, Phase-II Town, Trimangalam 625 706, Madurai, Tel.:
Tel.: 26649848, Fax: 26631304 4549 2840673

Abbreviations in Rotary
P: President DGN: District Governor Nominee
PE: President Elect GSR: Governor’s Special Representative
PN: President Nominee DS: District Secretary
VP: Vice President DTR: District Treasurer
S: Secretary WM: Web Master
JS: Joint Secretary DCH: District Committee Chair
T: Treasurer DCCH: District Committee Co Chair
JT: Joint Treasurer DCM: District Committee Member
D: Director MNC: Member Nominating Committee
SA: Sergeant-at-arms DT: District Trainer
E: Editor DE: District Editor
DG: District Governor A: Advisor
IPDG: Immediate Past District Governor DSCH: District Sub Committee Chair
PDG: Past District Governor AG: Assistant Governor
DGE: District Governor Elect

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary Foundation Grants

The new grant model of The Rotary Foundation after being pilot tested in 100 countries across
the world has been now roll out to all countries from 1st July 2013. New Rotary Foundation
model now offers 2 Grant types: District and Global Grants.

District Grants
District grants are block grants made to Districts to support smaller projects, such as scholar-
ships, projects, and travel that align with the mission of The Rotary Foundation both locally
and internationally.

Districts may use up to 50 percent of their available District Designated Fund for
these grants in a given Rotary year and administer the grant without the Foundation’s
involvement. Club submits their requests to the District, which administers and distributes
the funds. Each District sets its own procedures and policies for how and when Clubs submit
requests, as well as any additional requirement.

Global Grants
Global grants support larger projects such as scholarships, projects, vocational
training teams, and some travel within the six areas of focus that are sustainable,
measurable, and host community-driven. These grants will be administered by the Foundation
which accepts and reviews applications as they arrive for the funding in a manner similar to
the current system. All Global Grants have a minimum budget of US$30,000.

Rotary Foundation Global Grants and The Areas of Focus

All Rotary Clubs and Districts are eligible to apply for Global grants from The Rotary
Foundation to support sustainable activities with high-impact outcomes in one or more of the
seven areas of focus.

Rotary has selected these seven areas to focus its efforts as these areas reflect some of the most
critical and widespread humanitarian needs:

Source: Grant Management Manual

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary Strategic Plan

Strategic planning helps District and Clubs develop a long range vision and establish
goals. In 2001-02, Rotary International began developing Strategic Plan to guide the
organization. The Plan has been reviewed and updated periodically since then. In 2009, the
RI Board conducted extensive review of the RI Strategic Plan. The revised Strategic Plan,
effective from 1st July 2010, unifies the strategic direction of RI and The Rotary Foundation.

Rotary’s Strategic Priorities and Goals:

Rotary’s Strategic Plan provides the framework for our future, ensuring that we continue to be
known as a respected, dynamic organization that advances communities worldwide.

Rotary’s New Vision Statement:

Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change - across
the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

As we stand on the cusp of eliminating polio, we find ourselves poised for our next challenge.
The time is right to move toward realizing a new vision that brings more people together,
increases our impact, and creates lasting change around the world.

To achieve the vision of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation, Rotary International
has set four priorities supported by 14 objectives that will direct our work over the next five


1. Eradicate polio and leverage the legacy
2. Focus our programs and offerings
3. Improve our ability to achieve and measure impact


1. Grow and diversify our membership and participation
2. Create new channels into Rotary
3. Increase Rotary’s openness and appeal
4. Build awareness of our impact and brand Eradicate polio


1. Support clubs to better engage their members
2. Develop a participant-centered approach to deliver value
3. Offer new opportunities for personal and professional connection
4. Provide leadership development and skills training


1. Build a culture of research, innovation, and willingness to take risks
2. Streamline governance, structure, and processes
3. Review governance to foster more diverse perspectives in decision-making

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Core Values of Rotary

Rotary adopted the core values in 2007 as part of the Rotary Strategic Plan, understanding
that these five values are fundamental traits of being a Rotarian. Since their adoption, the core
values have been reaffirmed by the Board and are strongly supported by Rotarians throughout
the world. Rotary International’s core values are:
· Services · Fellowship · Diversity
· Integrity · Leadership
Rotary’s core values represent the guiding principles of the organization’s culture, including
what guides members’ priorities and actions within the organization. Values are an increasingly
important component in strategic planning because they drive the intent and direction of the
organization’s leadership.
We believe that our service activities and programs bring about greater world
understanding and peace. Service is a major element of our mission. Through the plans and actions of
individual Clubs, we create a culture of service throughout our organization that provides
unparalleled satisfaction for those who serve.
We believe that individual efforts focus on individual needs, but combined efforts serve
humanity. The power of combined efforts knows no limitation, multiplies resources, and
broadens our lives and perspectives. Fellowship leads to tolerance and transcends racial,
national, and other boundaries.
We believe Rotary unifies all people internationally behind the ideal of service. We encourage
diversity of vocations within our membership and in our activities and service work. A Club
that reflects its business and professional community is a Club with a key to its future.
We are committed to and expect accountability from our leaders and fellow
members, both in the results of our efforts and in the processes we use to accomplish our
goals. We adhere to high ethical and professional standards in our work and personal
relationships. We are fair and respectful in our interactions, and we conscientiously
steward the resources entrusted to us.
We are a global fellowship of individuals who are leaders in their fields of endeavor. We believe
in the importance of leadership development and in leadership as a quality of our members. As
Rotarians, we are leaders in implementing our core values.
All of these core values are reflected in the Object of Rotary and The Four-Way Test, which
we use in our daily lives. They inspire us to foster and support the ideal of service for
developing and maintaining integrity in human relations.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary Code of Conduct/Avenue of Service

Rotary Code of Conduct

As a Rotarian, I will:
1. Act with integrity and high ethical standards in my personal and professional life
2. Deal fairly with others and treat them and their occupations with respect
3. Use my professional skills through Rotary to mentor young people, help those with special
needs, and improve people’s quality of life in my community and in the world
4. Avoid behavior that reflects adversely on Rotary or other Rotarians

Based on the Object of Rotary, the Five Avenues of Service are Rotary’s philosophical
cornerstone and the foundation on which the activities of a Club are based:
i. Club Service focuses on strengthening fellowship and ensuring the effective
functioning of the Club.
ii. Vocational Service encourages Rotarians to serve others through their vocations and
to practice high ethical standards.
iii. Community Service covers the projects and activities the Club undertakes to improve
life in its community.
iv. International Service encompasses actions taken to expand Rotary’s
humanitarian reach around the globe and to promote world understanding and peace.
v. Youth Service recognizes the positive change implemented by youth and young adults
through leadership development activities, service projects, and exchange programs.

Rotary International Council of Legislation (CoL) on April 28, 2010 has recognized the youths
in Rotary by approving enactment to add “New Generations” as the Fifth Avenue of Service.
The CoL of 2013 had made an amendement to change the name from “New Generation” to
“Youth Service”.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Special Rotary Month Observances

In the Annual Rotary Calendar several months are designated to emphasize major programs of Rotary
International. RI Board of Directors in a meeting held in Evaston, Illinois, USA on October 27-30, 2014
have modified Rotary’s Calendar of Special observance to designate specific months highlighting six
Areas of Focus of Rotary as follows:

1. JULY remains unspecified. Start of new Rotary Officer’s Year of Service.

Recommended to designate this months as “Rotary’s Annual Theme” month.
2. AUGUST is Membership and New Club Development Month
3. SEPTEMBER is for Area Focus: Basic Education and Literacy Month
4. OCTOBER is for Area Focus: Economic and Community Development Month
5. NOVEMBER Rotary Foundation Month. Clubs and Districts call attention to the programs of
The Rotary Foundation and frequently cultivate additional financial support for the Foundation by
promoting contributions for Paul Harris Fellows, Sustaining Members etc.
6. DECEMBER is for Area Focus: Disease Prevention and Treatment Month.
7. JANUARY Vocational Service Month.
8. February is for Area Focus: Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month
9. March is for Area of Focus: Water and Sanitation Month
10. April is for Area of Focus: Maternal Health and Child Health Month
11. May Youth Service Month
12. June Rotary Fellowship Month

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Governor of Neighboring Districts

District 2981 District 2982

Name :
Selvanatha Vaithianathan Name :
Saravanan Periannan
Club :
Pondicherry Cosmos Club :
Namakkal Poultry Town
Classification :
Polymer Manufacturing Classification :
Road Transportation
05 Jul DOB :
31 Jan
Cell :
9655599886 Cell :
Email : Email :
Address :
10, Pothigai Nagar, Address :
H-10, Anbu Nagar, Tnhb Colony,
Navarkkulam Pondicherry, 605008 Mohanur Road, Namakkal - 37001,
Spouse : Amurthavalli Tamil Nadu
Anniversary : 22 Apr Spouse : S.Vijaya
Anniversary : 31 Aug

District 3000 District 3011

Name :
Jerald Irudayaraj Name :
Ashok Kantoor
Club :
Tiruchirappalli Rockcity Club :
Delhi West
Classification :
Mfr Power Electronics Products Classification :
Management Consultants
16 Oct DOB :
08 Jul
Cell :
9443110000 Cell :
Email : Email :
Address :
G4, Royal Towers, A - 20, 1st Address :
A 2/70 Safdarjung Enclave,
Cross,Thillai Nagar, Trichy - New Delhi 110029
620018, Tamil Nadu Spouse : Alka
Spouse : J Margaret Anniversary : 11 Dec
Anniversary : 26 Jan

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Governor of Neighboring Districts

District 3012 District 3020

Name :
Lalit Khanna Name :
Bhaskar Ram Viswanantham
Club :
Delhi North Club :
Rajahmundry River City
Classification :
Manuf/Exporter of Water pumps Classification :
Chartered Accountant
10 Aug DOB :
08 Jan
Cell :
9811037640 Cell :
Email : Email :
Address :
B 277, Sector 50, Address :
Dr No. 46-22-12, Danavaipeta,
Noida 201301 UP Adjacent to IDBI Bank,
Spouse : Neelu Khanna Rajahmundry, AP
Anniversary : 16 Jan Spouse : Suchitra
Anniversary : 22 Nov

District 3030 District 3040

Name :
Dr. Anand A. Jhunjhunwala Name :
Jinendra Jain
Club :
Khamgaon Club :
Bhopal Shahpura
Classification :
Ophthalmology Classification :
13 Oct DOB :
03 May
Cell :
9422180273 Cell :
Email : Email :
Address :
Nayandeep Netra Rugnalaya, Address :
HIG 42, Shivaji Nagar,
Jhunjhunuwala Commercial Complex, Bhopal 426016
Farshi, Main Road, Khamgaon Spouse : Rashmi Jain
Spouse : Monica Anniversary : 06 Jul
Anniversary : 21 Jun

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Governor of Neighboring Districts

District 3053 District 3054

Name :
Rajesh Kumar Chura Name :
Dr. Balwant Singh Chirana
Club :
Bikaner Club :
Classification :
Mining Classification :
Education administration
15 Dec DOB :
12 Jan
Cell :
9829226315 Cell :
Email : Email :
Address :
K.G.Mines & Minerals, Address :
Vidya Bharti Public School, Civil
Near NSP College, Inside Jassusar Lines, Sikar 332001 Rajasthan
Gate, Bikaner, Rajasthan Spouse : Dheeraj Kanwar
Spouse : Vijay Laxmi Chura Anniversary : 30 Oct
Anniversary : 28 Nov

District 3060 District 3070

Name :
Shrikant Indani Name :
Dr. Dushyant Chooudhary
Club :
Dondaicha Club :
Jammu Tawi
Classification :
Business Classification :
General Physician
03 Aug DOB :
24 Mar
Cell :
9422286151 Cell :
Email : Email :
Address :
Avishree Oil Mill, Indani Corner, Address :
Maxx Lyfe Hospital,near Bathindi
Dwarkadhish, Dondaicha Dist Morh, Sunjwan Road, Jammu
Dhule, Pin 425408 Maharastra -180011
Spouse : Sarika Spouse : Dr Shivani
Anniversary : 16 Mar Anniversary : 01 Dec

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Governor of Neighboring Districts

District 3080 District 3090

Name :
Ved Parkash Kalta Name :
Gulbahar Singh Retole
Club :
Shimla Club :
Fatehabad Town
Classification :
Life Insurance Classification :
12 Aug DOB :
09 Nov
Cell :
9816003300 Cell :
Email : Email :
Address :
Kalta House, Opposite BCS, Address :
New Azad Oil Company, (Indian
Phase-3, New Shimla-171009 Oil Petrol Pump) G.T. Road,
Spouse : Veena Kalta Fatehabad - 125050, Haryana
Anniversary : 04 Jul Spouse : Randeep Kaur Retole
Anniversary : 22 Feb

District 3100 District 3110

Name :
Dinesh Kumar Sharma Name :
Pawan Agarwal
Club :
Bulandshahar Club :
Classification :
Confidential Printing Classification :
Electrical Engineer
20 Dec DOB :
27 May
Cell :
9837043179 Cell :
Email : Email :
Address :
Peeli Kothi, Railway Road, Address :
c/o Naini Papers Limited, Station
Sikandrabad-203205 Road, Kashipur - 244713
Spouse : Sudha (Uttarakhand)
Anniversary : 29 Nov Spouse : Prachi
Anniversary : 12 Feb

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Governor of Neighboring Districts

District 3120 District 3131

Name :
Anil Agarwal Name :
Dr. Anil Lal Chand Parmar
Club :
Prayagraj Club :
New Panvel
Classification :
Packaging & real Estate Classification :
Medical Practice-Physician
06 Jul DOB :
15 Mar
Cell :
9415216927 Cell :
Email : Email :
Address :
19-B/13 Elgin Road, Address :
Nikam Parmar Hospital,
Prayagraj - 211001 New Uran Road, Opposite Hotel
Spouse : Kavita Panchratna, Panvel-410206
Anniversary : 13 Jan Spouse : Dr.Hema Parmar
Anniversary : 08 Jun

District 3132 District 3141

Name :
Rukmesh Jakhoiya Name :
Sandip Agarwalla
Club :
Aurangabad East Club :
Classification :
Trading & Consultancy Classification :
Mining (Marble)/Solar Energy
16 May DOB :
18 Jun
Cell :
9823122480 Cell :
Email : Email :
Address :
Saroop, 104, Parijat Nagar, N4, Address :
44A Mittal Tower, Nariman Point,
CIDCO, Aurangabad - 431003 Mumbai 400021
Spouse : Surekha Spouse : Malini
Anniversary : 05 Jun Anniversary : 22 Jan

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Governor of Neighboring Districts

District 3142 District 3150

Name :
Kailash Jethani Name :
Raja Sekhar Reddy
Club :
Thane East Club :
Classification :
Real Estate Management Classification :
Financial Planning & fund Mgmt.
08 Apr DOB :
08 Aug
Cell :
9820077337 Cell :
Email : Email :
Address :
1221, Tower No. 6, Soham Park, Address :
Ajantha Nilayam, 12-4-30A,Prakash
Opp SBI, Hari Om Nagar, Nagar, Narasaraopet -522601,
Mulund East, Mumbai 400081 Guntur Dt., Andhra Pradesh
Spouse : Darshana Spouse : Uma Devi
Anniversary : 18 Dec Anniversary : 18 May

District 3160 District 3170

Name :
Sathish Babu Vommina Name :
Venkatesh Deshpande
Club :
Nellore South Club :
Belgaum South
Classification :
Industrial Training Institutions Classification :
Builder & Developer
29 Oct DOB :
14 Nov
Cell :
9390302499 Cell :
Email : Email :
Address :
10/449, Santhapet, Nellore, Address :
T – 06, Shanti Kutir, 78, Somwar
Andhra Pradesh 524001. Peth, Tilakwadi, Belagavi 590006
Spouse : A.Bhanumathi Spouse : Sandhya
Anniversary : 03 Jun Anniversary : 06 May

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Governor of Neighboring Districts

District 3181 District 3182

Name :
N Prakash Karnath Name :
Jayagowri Hadigal
Club :
Bantwal Club :
Classification :
Agriculture & Real Estate Classification :
08 Mar DOB :
23 Apr
Cell :
9845076768 Cell :
Email : Email :
Address :
#2-91/1, “Vani Nilaya”, Narikombu Address :
Sonia Clinic & Nursing Home,
Village & Post, Bantwal Taluk, 24 Ananthnagar, Manipal 576104,
Karnataka-574231 Udupi Dist , Karnataka
Spouse : Vani P Karanth Spouse : -
Anniversary : 15 Apr Anniversary : -

District 3190 District 3201

Name :
Jeetendra Aneja Name :
Rajmohan Nair
Club :
Rotary Bangalore Junction Club :
Cochin Central
Classification :
Marketing of Medical Equipment Classification :
Insurance Marketing
22 Jul DOB :
30 May
Cell :
9845028130 Cell :
Email : Email :
Address :
2043, Sobha Tulip Apartments, Address :
Vaikundam, Prra-80,
24th Main, J.P. Nagar 6th Phase, Ponoth Road, Kaloor,
Puttenahalli, Bangalore 560078 Cochin - 682017
Spouse : Sunanda Aneja Spouse : Meera R Nair
Anniversary : 08 Apr Anniversary : 29 May

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Governor of Neighboring Districts

District 3203 District 3204

Name :
B Elangkumaran Name :
Pramod Nayanar
Club :
Tirupur South Club :
Payyanur Mid Town
Classification :
Education Classification :
Medical Technologist
30 Apr DOB :
20 Mar
Cell :
9842216066 Cell :
Email : Email :
Address :
Velavan Matric. Hr. Sec. School, Address :
Ishavasyam, Nagacheri Road,
Palavanjipalayam, Tirupur - Padinhattam Kovval, Nileshwaram,
641604. Tamilnadu, India Kerala, India 671314
Spouse : Prema S Spouse : Sreevidya Nayanar
Anniversary : 10 Mar Anniversary : 17 May

District 3211 District 3212

Name :
K Babumon Name : V.R. Muthu
Club :
Sherthallai Club : Virudhunagar
Classification :
Builder Classification : Industrial Manufacturing - Edible Oils
12 Apr DOB : 06 Oct
Cell :
9447974796 Cell : 9944766661
Email : Email :
Address :
Edathilchira Prasanthi Cheru- Address : 443, Bazaar, Virudhunagar
varanam Varanam PO Cherthala Spouse : M.Malarvizhi
Alappuzha Dist 688555, Kerala Anniversary : 21 Aug
Spouse : Beena Babu
Anniversary : 30 Aug

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Governor of Neighboring Districts

District 3220 District 3231

Name :
Pabydu De Zoyso Name :
J.K.N. Palani
Club :
Colombo, Sri Lanka Club :
Classification :
Project Management Classification :
Real Estate & Construction
09 May DOB :
06 May
Cell :
+94 773070221 Cell :
Email : Email :
Address :
# 2 A, D. J Wijesiriwardane Address :
No.36 Ragavendra 2nd Street, R.S.
Mawatha, Mount Lavinia 10370 Road Opp TNSTC, Sedukkarai Post
Spouse : Krish Fernando Gudiyatham - Vellore, TN 635803
Anniversary : 11 Jun Spouse : -
Anniversary : -

District 3232 District 3240

Name :
Nandakumar Nadanasundaram Name :
Kushanava Pabi
Club :
Chennai Club :
Classification :
Dental & Maxillofacial Surgery Classification :
Medical Practitioner (Radiologist)
09 Feb DOB :
21 Mar
Cell :
9790973903 Cell :
Email : Email :
Address :
New no 4 old no 25,26, Periyer Address :
33, Ramkrishna Road, Khoshbagan,
Street, Gandhi Nagar, Saligramam, Burdwan, Purba Barddhaman
Chennai-600093 West Bengal 713101
Spouse : Dr.Sumedha Nandakumar Spouse : Jaya Pabi
Anniversary : 09 Feb Anniversary : 07 Jun

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Governor of Neighboring Districts

District 3250 District 3261

Name :
Sanjeev Kumar Thakur Name :
Shashank Rostogi
Club :
Muzaffarpur Club :
Bhilai Greater
Classification :
Biscuit Manufacturing Classification :
Manufacturing, Real Estate, Education
17 Jan DOB :
12 Jun
Cell :
9709760300 Cell :
Email : Email :
Address :
Road No-2, Chitrakut Nagar, Address :
31 Commercial Complex, Nehru
Bibiganj Muzaffarpur - 842 001, Nagar East, Bhilai 490020,
Bihar Chhattisgarh
Spouse : Poonam Thakur Spouse : Vishakha Rastogi
Anniversary : 14 Feb Anniversary : 26 Jan

District 3262 District 3291

Name :
Pravudutta Subudhi Name :
Ajoy Kumar Law
Club :
Shri Jagannath Dham Club :
Calcutta Dalhousie
Classification :
LPG Distribution, Hotel Classification :
18 May DOB :
25 Jan
Cell :
9861166666 Cell :
Email : Email :
Address :
4th Floor, One Janpath, Sriya Address :
50A Kailash Bose Street,
Square, Bhubaneswar 751001 Kolkata 700006, West Bengal
Odisha Spouse : Rtn Mitali Law
Spouse : Manjusha Anniversary : 06 Aug
Anniversary : 02 Jul

District Directory
RY 2022-2023



District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of PDG Dr. Tika Man Vaidya

Dr. Tika Man Vaidya completed basic degree in MBBS from Nagpur University and
pursued postgraduate studies in Bombay University. His memberships and fellowships in
professional bodies include (a) FABI, USA (b) FICS, International college of Surgeon and (c)
MPH, UNC Chapal Hill USA.

By profession he is a well know Reproductive Health Specialist. He has served as

Master Trainer in voluntary surgical contraception and executive president of Nepal Fertility
Care Center (NFCC). Dr. Viadya also worked as a consultant for various National,
International and bilateral organizations such as AVSC- USA, USAID, UNFPA, World Bank,
ADB and WHO. Dr. Viadya is also affiliated to many health related organisation and recipient
of National and International Awards.

He is happily married to Mrs. Rajani Vaidya and they are blessed with two sons, Sirish and
Siddhartha and one daughter Silpa.

Dr. Vaidya is the charter President of Rotary Club of Patan West charted in the year
1995/96. He served in various positions in the RI District 3290. From 1996 to 2004
he served as the convener of the Task Force to form Nepal District and was engaged
constantly in adding new clubs and members to fulfill the requirements of a new District.
Finally he succeeded in establishing RI District 3292 in the year 2008/09 and became the
first Charter governor. He is also the recipient of the Service Above Self Award of Rotary

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of PDG Ratna Man Sakya

Ratna Man Sakya resident of Pulchowk Lalitpur holds a bachelor degree in commerce
and law.In addition he has pursued postgraduate studies and research at Howard
University in Washington D.C. He has received professional training in various fields of sales,
marketing, export and production management in Japan, the USA, England and Switzerland. He is
happily married to Chandra, and the couple is blessed with a son Sandeep and daughter

Mr. Sakya belongs to a well-known business family from Lalitpur and is one of the leading
manufacturers and exporters of handicrafts, garments and hand-knotted woolen carpets. He is
actively involved with various business and social organizations either as a Patron, President
or as a member of the Executive Committee etc.

Mr. Sakya joined the Rotary Club of Kathmandu in 1977 and served as a President of the
club in 1994/95. He served RI District 3290 in various capacities including the positions of
District Treasurer and District Secretary and as second District governor of RI District 3292
in 2009/10. Currently he is serving as Chair of Nepal National Polio Plus Committee and
Chair of Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) Nepal Division. He is a Major Donor and a lifetime
member of the 4 Way Test and alumni of the Rotary Foundation.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of PDG Tirtha Man Sakya

Tirtha Man Sakya a resident of Haka Tole Lalitpur holds a Bachelor’s degree in law and
Master’s in Commerce. He is happily married to Nani Shova Shakya and the couple is blessed
with two sons (Mahendra and Surendra) and two daughters (Pramila and Sharmila) and many
grand children.

Mr. Sakya joined Rotary club of Patan, in 1989 and served in various capacities in the
club and his classification is Legislative Drafting. He became President of the club in 1995/96.
Under RID 3292 he served in various district positions and became third District
Governor in the year 2010-11. Currently he is the chair of Rotary Nepal Literacy Mission
and Earthquake Relief, Reconstruction & Rehabilitation Program (ERRRP). He was Rotary
International Fiscal Agent for Nepal and Bhutan from 2014-2020, Officer on Special Duty
for Membership Development and Retention (OSD 2014-15) and The Rotary Foundation
Technical Coordinator of the Cadre of technical Advisor for Water and Sanitation for RY
2016-19. Mr. Sakya participated in Council of legislation in 2016 representing RI District
3292. Mr. Sakya is a Major Donor. Mr. Sakya is a recipient of ‘Rotary Service Above Self
Award, the highest award bestowed on Rotarians by Rotary International.

He is a well know civil servant of Government of Nepal and experienced in serving as

the Law Secretary, Chief Secretary (the highest civil service position) of the Governmewnt
of Nepal and Chairman of Public Service Commission. He is also involved in wide range of
voluntary and professional organisation holding key leadership positions.

Presently he is Chairperson of Nepal Law Society.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of PDG Basu Dev Golyan

Basu Dev Golyan a resident of Biratnagar is a son of Late Shri Sohan Lal Golyan a pioneer
Businessman in Nepal. He holds a bachelor degree in commerce. He is happily married to
Kumud Golyan and the couple is blessed with two sons namely Shakti and Anant Golyan

He is a profound businessman and connected with different businesses such as

Manufacturing, Real estate, Banking, Insurance, Social and Educational organizations etc.
He is currently serving as Director of Reliance Spinning Mills Ltd, Managing Director of
Shivam Plastic (P) Ltd and Chair of West Star Construction Pvt Ltd. He is also promoter of
various banks

He joined Rotary Club of Biratnagar in 1982 and became the President of the club in
1993-94. He has served in the wide range of District Positions under RI District 3290 and
3292 and became 4th’ Governor of RI District 3292 in the Rotary year 2011/12. During his
tenure as governor RI District 3292 was recognized as the top 15 Rotary District Worldwide.

He served as DRFCC from the Rotary Year 2013/14 to 2015/16 and was instrumental in
making RI District 3292 one of the best performing District in Global grant in 2015/16. He is
a Major Donor Level 4. Currently he is also serving as RRFC for 2020-23 for Zone 6.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of PDG Yogendra Man Pradhan

Yogendra Man Pradhan a permanent resident of Tebahal Nachhe, Kathmandu holds a

Bachelors degree in Arts from Tribhuvan University. He is happily married to Rama Pradhan
and the couple is blessed with two children son Ruju Pradhan and daughter Nichal Pradhan.

He is a profound businessman and currently serving as Managing Director Kalpa Agency

International Pvt. Ltd and Retsales International Pvt. Ltd., based in Khichapokhari,

He joined Rotary Club of Kathmandu Mid Town in 1989 as Chartered Member. He has served
in various positions in the club and served as President of the club in the Rotary Year 1995/96.
He has also served in various positions under District 3290 and 3292 and as District Governor
of RI District 3292 in the year 2012-2013.

He served as the Convener of Nepal Task Force for the establishment of a separate district in
Nepal and played vital role to establish RI District 3292. He is currently serving as Treasurer
of Nepal National Polio Plus Committee and Rotary International Fiscal Agent for Nepal

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of PDG Dilendra Raj Shrestha

Dilendra Raj Shrestha born in Napasal, Patan and currently residing in Khumaltar Height,
Lalitpur, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration from Tribhuvan University. He is
happily married to Bhabani Shrestha, and they are blessed with two children, daughter Deewa
and son Dishebh.

Initially he worked at Employees’ Provident Fund of Nepal for 20 years and took
voluntary retirement in 1994. He was in Restaurant business from 1991 until 2019 and is Past
President of Restaurant and Bar Association Nepal (REBAN). He is founder President of
Patan Tourism Development Organization. He was Project Coordinator of Bandipur Eco
Cultural Tourism Project funded by European Union through its ‘Asia Urbs’ Program, and
he had been instrumental in carrying out projects on adaptive reuse of traditional houses for
quality tourist accommodations and also developing an inner city tour in Patan.

Mr.Dilendra is a Rotarian since 1996 and is a charter member of Rotary Club of Yala. He has
served RI Distric 3290 and 3292 in different capacities and as District Governor of Rotary
International District 3292, Nepal and Bhutan in the year 2013-2014. Rotarian Dilendra is
a recipient of ‘Rotary Service Above Self Award, the highest award bestowed on Rotarians
by Rotary International and his spouse Bhabani, also a member of Rotary Club of Yala, is a
recipient of Rotarian Spouse/Partner Service Award of RI.

He is a keen Bridge player and loves to organize Bridge Tournaments.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of PDG Rabindra Piya

Rabindra Piya a resident of Chitwan is happily married to Premkali Piya and blessed with
daughter Sindiya & Son Deewakar. He holds Bachelors degree in science and post graduate
in management.

He joined Rotary Club of Chitwan in 1991 with Petroleum retailing as his

classification. He has served in different capacities in the club and became President in
2002/2003. He is instrumental in sponsoring four new clubs i.e. Bharatpur, Narayangarh,
Narayani Midtown and Gorkha.

In the district he served in various positions and to name the few it includes Assistant
Governor, Assistant District Secretary, District Rotaract Committee Chair, Rotary Foundation
Committee Co-chair and Promotional Chair for RI District 3292 in South Asia Summit held
in Hyderabad India 3 -5 May 2013. In 2014/15 he served as the Governor of RI District 3292.

In the professional front he has been dealing with petroleum products and farm
equipment since last 35 years. He is the Founder President of Chitwan Petroleum Dealers
Association and the Vice President of Nepal Petroleum Dealers Association. He had also
served as President of Narayagarh Jaycees in the year 1988 and was Deputy Convention
Director in National Convention of Nepal Jaycees in the year 1989, Chitwan.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of PDG Keshav Kunwar

Keshav Kunwar, a Civil Engineer by profession, having his Master’s degree with honours
from the then Soviet Union in 1978 is the 8th District Governor of Rotary District 3292 in the
year 2015-2016. PDG Kunwar is the Charter Member of Rotary Club of Dhulikhel, Chartered
on June 25, 1997. He is living a very happy conjugal life with wife Durga Kunwar who is
also a Rotarian of Rotary Club of Dhulikhel. They are blessed with three sons Niranjan
(Educationist, Trainer and Writer-graduated from USA), Nirakar Kunwar (Civil Engineer
with MBA from Australia) and Nivesh Kunwar (Public Chartered Accountant-graduated from

PDG Kunwar is the Recipient of “Rotary International’s SERVICE ABOVE SELF AWARD”,
the highest Award of Rotary International and “The Rotary Foundation’s Citation of
Meritorious Service”. He is also a “Benefactor”.

He has pledged for “Arch Klumph Society (AKS)” Member of RID 3292 (more than half is
already contributed). His other contributions are: US $ 10,000 for the establishment of
Gautam Buddha Community Heart Hospital in Butwal, US $ 22,000 for the establishment of
Dialysis’s Center in Waling, Shyanja through Gautam Buddha Community Heart Hospital,
and US $ 16,500 to PolioPlus Fund.

PDG Kunwar is the Representative from RID 3292 for 2022 Council of Legislation.

Member Board of Directors of Disaster Network Assistance - Rotarians Action Group, 2021-

During his Governorship in 2015-16, net membership growth of 627 members has been
achieved and 14 new Clubs were added in District 3292 among which are:
• Rotary Club of Central Butwal, as the first Major Donor Club chartered in
the history of Rotary International with all 27 Charter Members as Major
• Rotary Club of Biratnagar Central with all 25 lady members,
• Rotary Club of Matribhumi Baluwater with the average age of members of 32,

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of PDG Keshav Kunwar

• Rotary Club of Biratnagar Fusion with all the members as couples only (17 couples), and
• Rotary Club of Gongabu, Kathmandu with all Charter members as PHF members.

Similarly, one Rotaract Club was chartered with all members as PHF members by contributing
US$ 1000 cash.

During his tenure, Rtn Dr. Roop Jyoti, the Chartered President of RC Kathmandu Midtown
has become the first Arch C Klump Society (AKS) Member in the history of RID 3292. 52
Rotarians became Major Donors. US$ 1.186 million contributions to the Rotary Foundation
in the RY 2015-16 has been the highest ever in RID 3292, highest in Zone 6 ‘A’ and ranked
13th globally.

Altogether about 45 Global Grants Projects were approved by TRF and 19 Global Grants
Projects were submitted to TRF during RY 2015-16. Out of the Global Grants Projects
approved or submitted some noteworthy projects are (a) One Global Grants for US$ 301,500
for Gautam Buddha Community Heart Centre at Butwal for Intensive Care (ICU) has been
approved and the ICU has been established in the hospital. (b) Another, major project
under GG for US$ 615,000 for the establishment of Cathlab in Gautam Buddha Community
Heart Hospital in Butwal had also been approved by TRF. (c) One Heart Diagnostic Centre
project under Global Grant in Lalitpur was approved with an amount of US$ 240,000. (d) One
Diagnostic Centre Project in Kathmandu for US$ 345,000 was submitted to TRF.

For the contribution to the Rotary Foundation, membership growth and public image in RY
2015-16, for the first time in its history, RID 3292 received 5 Awards in the Dubai Rotary
Institute- (a) Highest Total Contribution to TRF in Zone 6’A’ (Ranked No. 1), (b) Highest
Members Growth in Zone 6’A’ (Ranked No. 1), (c) Highest Percentage of Membership Growth
in Zone 6’A’ (Ranked No. 1), (d) Highest Growth in Women Member in Zone 6’A’ (Ranked
No.1) and (e) Zonal Public Image Award (Rank 2nd).

Other significant achievements made during his Governorship tenure include (a) Publication
of two booklets “Rotary at a Glance” and “RID 3292 at a Glance” in July 01, 2015, (b) Five
Years Strategic Plan of RID 3292 setting a record in the RI South Asia Zones as the only
District having such Plan, (c) For the First time, Rotary District 3292 Alumni Association
has been admitted in Rotary Alumni Network and (d) Outbound only Rotary Youth Exchange
Program has been finalized for the first time in partnership with RID 5030 US.

During his tenure as District Governor in 2015-16, a total fund of US$ 705,155 was raised
to rebuild Nepal after the earthquake of April 25, 2015 under the Earthquake Relief,
Rehabilitation, and Reconstruction Program (ERRRP) of RID 3292. A total of 164 low cost
permanent houses have been constructed for the most deprived families affected by 2015
earthquake in Sindhupalchok, Kavre and Lalitpur Districts. ERRRP is now extended to
support the reconstruction of more than 3 dozen schools damaged by the earthquake.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of PDG Keshav Kunwar

PGD Kunwar is the first among Past District Governors from RID 3292 to serve as Assistant
or Regional Coordinator. He has served in the following Positions beyond District level.
• Team Leader, End Polio Now Coordinators, RI Zones 4, 5, 6A and 6B (2018-20) covering
50 Districts in 13 South and South East Asians countries.
• End Polio Now Zone Coordinator for 23 RI Districts in Zones 4 and 6A (2017-18)
• Assistant Rotary Coordinator - ARC (2016-17) for RIDs 3011, 3120, 3240 and 3292
• Core Committee Member, Rotary Zone Institute, 2018, Chennai
• Core Organization Committee Member-Hospitality for Rotary Zone Institute 2017, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia
• RID 3292 Promotion Chair for Dazzling Dubai Rotary Zone Institute-2016

PDG Kunwar also served as District Trainer in Rotary Year 2018-19.

PDG Kunwar was the Keynote Speaker/Speaker in the many Regional and International
Rotary Events beyond District Level, which, among others, are:
• Guest of Honor and Speaker in the First Installation of new team of Rotary Club Puri
Sagar, Bhubaneshwor, India (virtual). Spoke on Rotary Basics, Rotary’s Values and
Relationship in Rotary – July 29, 2020
• Speaker in 2 Sessions on “End Polio Now Countdown to History campaign and Fund
Raising Goal to PolioPlus Fund” during Rotary Zone Institute- 2019, Indore, India
during December 6-9, 2019. The participants in one Session were Regional Assistant
Coordinators, DRFCs, District PolioPlus Committee Chairs and the participants of other
Sessions were District Governors (2019-20) of Zone 4,5 & 6A.
• Keynote Speaker in the (i) “Rotary Public Image Conference” Zone 6B in Dhaka,
Bangladesh on September 13-14, 2019, (ii) the Golden Jubilee District Conference of
RID 3110 and spoke on “Rotary’s Values & Why We Still Need to Donate to PolioPlus
Fund” at Orcha, Jhansi, India during February 2-3, 2019, (iii) Spoke on “End Polio Now
and Rotary’s Values” in the Inter-District Meeting of RID 3292 and 3120 in Gorakhpur,
India, 2018, (iv) Chief Guest/ARC and Keynote Speaker in the Membership Development
Seminar of RID 3240 (May 07, 2016), (v) Chief Guest/ARC and Keynote Speaker in the
New Member Orientation Seminar of RID 3120, Lucknow, India (October 23, 2016) and
(v) one of the Speakers in the Presidential Peace Conference, during RI Convention in
Atlanta, USA (June 9 and 10, 2017)

PDG Kunwar has been participating in all the RI Conventions, Rotary Zone Institutes and
other Summit/Seminars since 2012 at Regional and International level, among which are as

in Bangkok, (May 6-9, 2012); Sydney, Australia, (June 1-4, 2014); Sao Paulo, Brazil
(June,2015); Seoul, Korea (May 28-June 01,2016); Atlanta, USA (June 2017); Toronto,
Canada (June, 2018); Hamburg, Germany (June 2019); and Houston, USA- 2022 (June 4-8,

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of PDG Keshav Kunwar

Singapore, (August 6-9,2013); Chennai, India (2015); Jaipur, India (2016); Dubai (2017);
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2018); Chennai, India (2019); Indore, India (2020); Kochi, India
(2021); and Mahabalipuram, India (2021)

PDG Keshav Kunwar started his professional career from Department of Roads of
Government of Nepal in 1978 and after three months moved on to led an ‘A’ Class
construction company, where he worked for eight years. He established SILT Consultants (P)
Ltd in 1979, now a leading consulting company in Nepal and is successfully managing the
company in the capacity of a Managing Director since 1985. In 2014, his consulting Firm was
rewarded as the best consulting Firm of the year in Nepal.

As a professional, he has participated and contributed in more than 50 national and

international seminars, workshops, colloquiums etc., served in wide range of Technical
Committees and played leading role in professional societies such as: (a) 2 terms President
of Society of Consulting Architectural and Engineering Firms, (2004-2007), an umbrella
organization of consulting firms of Nepal, (b) Chairman of Construction Industry Training
Centre (2002-2014) and (c) Chairman, Nepal-Canada Friendship and Cultural Society (2007-
2014), etc.

PDG Keshav Kunwar is the promoter of Prakriti Resort and Organic Farm, Malpi
International School and College, Arniko Bank, Mailing Khola Hydropower Project,
Medicare Hospital, Jiri Tea State etc. He is affiliated to more than 10 professional and
philanthropic organizations and he is felicitated by more than 15 such organizations.

PDG Kunwar has visited more than 30 countries across the entire continent of the world and
gathered wealth of experience.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of PDG Jaya RL Shah

Jaya Rajya Laxmi Shah is the daughter of late general Arjun SJB Rana/late Rani Bindu
Devi Rana and spouse of late Captain Bobby Bikram Shah. They are blessed with a
daughter Preeti Shah and a son Rajiv Shah. She holds bachelor degrees in English
Literature and Political Science.

She is a renowned for her social worker in Nepal. Over the past three four decades she has
demonstrated her dedication and a willingness to help Nepali society by serving in the wide
range of social organizations, in various capacities. She is the recipient of wide range of
National and International recognition and prestigious awards.

In the Rotary front she was the charter member of Rotary club of Jawalakhel chartered on
25th’ June 2003 and her classification is social science. She served in various capacities in the
club and served as president of her club in the Rotary Year 2007-08. Ultimately she became
9th’Governor of Rotary International District 3292 Nepal Bhutan for the Rotary year 2016/17.
Her contribution in Rotary is well known among Rotarians in Nepal and outside Nepal. This
is proven by few of the facts that she became Arch Klump Society (AKS) Member member
in 2016/17.

She strongly believes in “Service to humanity is life’s best work”.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of PDG Sanjay Giri

Sanjay Giri son of Hari Prasad Giri. Sanjay Giri is the 10th District Governor of RI District
3292 Nepal Bhutan for the Rotary Year 2017/18. His Home club is Rotary Club of Birgunj
and his classification is Leather Industry. He is happily married to Rotarian Sangeeta Giri, Past
President of Rotary Club of Birgunj. The couple is blessed with two sons -Sanav and Samay.

He holds a Bachelor in Commerce degree from St. Joseph’s College, Darjeeling, North Point
and Master in Business Administration from B.K. School of Management (Gujrat University,

Having strong roots in the family for business and commerce lead him to become one of
the prominent industrialists and businessman of Nepal. He has served and serving in various
positions in business organizations such as (a) President of Nepal Leather Industry
Association (b) President of Forest Industry Association, Nepal (c) Member of Executive
Committee of Federation of Nepal Chamber Commerce and Industry (d) Member Hotel
Association Nepal (e) Former Co-Coordinator Energy Efficiency and Environment Forum
(FNCCI) (f) Life Member of ISKON (g) Life Member of Relief Society For Cancer (h)
Permanent Member of Nepal India Friendship Association (i) Coordinator Technical
Committee Leather Goods & Products Council For Technical Education And Vocational
Training (CTEVT).

He is also a well-known Business Investor, accordingly served and serving in various

positions of business houses such as (a) Managing Director, Everest Leather Industries Pvt.
Ltd, Birgunj (b) Managing Director, Heera Plaza, Birgunj (c) Director Kalimati Banquet
Kathmandu (d) Managing Director, Everest Leader Industries, Birgunj, (e) Director Padma
Tea, Birtamod Jhapa (f) Board of Director, Mahalaxmi Bikas Bank Kathmandu (g) Director,
Swaad Foods Kathmandu

In the Rotary front he was the charter member of Rotary club of Birgunj chartered on 1987.
He has served in various capacities in the club and served as president of his club for two
terms in the Rotary Year 1994-95 and 2008-2009. In district he served or is serving in various
capacities, among which Co-Chair Rotary Nepal Literacy Mission, Co-Chair Nepal National

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of PDG Sanjay Giri

Polio Plus Committee Rotary International, Co-Chair Rotary Leadership Institute, Rotary
Assistant Governor, Chair of Membership committee, Chair of District Training
committee, Chair of Rotary Leadership Institute, Members of various District Committees,
ICM Coordinator and member of District Training Faculty are the key positions.

He was elected as District Governor of RI District 3292 during the district conference in
Chitwan in 2015. In 2017/18 he served as the District Governor of RI District 3292.
He has served as Trainer for Multi-district PETS, Kathmandu (2018-2019), Trainer
Multi-district AGTS, Delhi (2018-2019), Rapporteur for DISHA Calcutta (2019), Trainer
Rotary faculty member Institute, Indore (2019), Chair Nepal Committee, Rotary India
Centennial Summit (2020), Assistant Regional Public Image Coordinator (2019-2020),
Assistance Regional Coordinator (2020-2022), Member, RI Director Nomination
Committee (2023-2025) and Assistant Regional Rotary Foundation Chair (2022-2023). Since
then he has been engaged continuously at different capacities both at District and at South Asia
Regional Level contributing to raise the bar of District 3292 to a greater height. His passion to
contribute to TRF is proven by the fact that he moved on from Major Donor level I to Major
Donor Level II in 2017.

He received Certificate in Corporate Management Training in Japan, Certificate in Top

Level Management Training in Japan and Certificate in Leather Processing Technology
training in Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai. In addition, he received training in Hotel
Management in Nepal and participated in a global study tour of leather technology industries
in Paris, Egypt, Germany, Pakistan and Dubai (UAE). He has attended Paris Leather Fair,
Asia Pacific Leather Fair in Hong Kong and Miami (USA), the environment summit in Kyoto,
Japan and also other Leather fairs in Dubai, Mumbai, Chennai (India) and Singapore. He
is fluent in Nepali (Native Language), Hindi (intermediate written and spoken) and English
(advanced written and spoken).

He has travelled to many countries in the world including France, Egypt, Germany, Pakistan,
Dubai (UAE) Hong Kong, Singapore and USA.

His Hobbies and interests include: Travelling, Reading, Music, Socializing, History and Sports.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of PDG Chintamani Bhattarai

Chintamani Bhattarai is the 11th District Governor of RID 3292 Nepal & Bhutan. His
classification is Banking & Financial services. He has completed bachelor degree in Commerce in
1980/1981 and Master in Business Administration from Tribhuvan University Nepal in 1986/87.
He is happily married to Lelina Bhattarai and is blessed with two sons Bijan and Subesh and one
daughter Kripa.

He is well established in the financial management and insurance sector of Nepal and currently he
is serving as Director of Lumbini Bikas Bank and he is also serving as Member of Indian Institute
of Management- Alumni Society India and Life Member of Nepal AOTS Alumni Society (NAAS).

His Major Involvements include but not limited to (a) Promoter of Lumbini Finance & Leasing
Co. Ltd (b) Promoter of Citizen Bank International (c) Promoter/Director of Lumbini General
Insurance (c) Promoter and President of Hotel Jungle Lodge Pvt. Ltd. (A Resort Hotel) (d)
Director of DEPROSC Development Bank (DD Bank) (2013-2016) (e) Director of NADEP
Laghubitta, Sanstha (2014-2016) and (e) Managing Director/Chairman of Lumbini Finance &
Leasing Co. Ltd (1995-2016).

He was the Charter Member of Rotary Club of Kantipur, chartered in 1999/2000 and become
the President of the Club in the Rotary Year (2002/2003). Under RI District 3290 from 2003/04
to 2007/2008 and from 2008/09 onwards under RI District 3292, he has served in wide range
of district key positions among which Chair District Award Committee, Chair ICM Committee,
Assisting Governor, District Extension Coordinator, Regional Trainer, District Treasurer and
District Secretary are the key among other important district leadership positions.

He has taken part in number of Rotary International Conventions and almost all the District
Conference of RI District 3292.

He is Major Donor Level I. He was elected as District Governor for the RY 2021-2022 during
the District Conference held at Dhulikhel in 2015-2016. He served as District Governor
during the year 2018-2019 and have obtained Level one rated award in Membership, The Rotary
Foundation and Rotary’s Public Image in the Regional Rotary Institute. Since then, he is continuously
getting involved in various District, Regional and International Rotary events in different capacities
contributing to raise the bar of District 3292 to a greater height.

His Hobbies are Social service, Playing Golf, and travelling and he has widely travelled in
countries like Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, France, Thailand, Japan, India, Bhutan,
Malaysia, Singapore, China, South Korea, UAE, USA, etc.
District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of PDG Kiran Lal Shrestha

Kiran Lal Shrestha, son of late Mathura Lal Shrestha and Chandra Devi Shrestha, has
been the 12th District Governor of RID 3292. He is in the business of textile production &
trading, manufacturing of purified bottled water & hospitality & has been managing their family
business “Mathura Sahuko Pasal”, a popular household name in the textile business in the
Gandaki region. Established in 1956 A.D. by his late father, the textile business has been in
the operation for the last 66 years & ever-growing. He is happily married to Rtn. Gita Shrestha
and they are blessed with two sons, Rtn. Kapil Kiran (PHF) and Rtn. Kushal Kiran (PHF).

Rtn. Kiran is a Tribhuvan University graduate with a Diploma in Business Administration

and International Marketing. He started diversification of the business by establishing a water
bottling plant for purified spring water under the name of “Today’s Water” in 1998. In 2000,
he established the first recreation centre in Pokhara as ‘The Club CM’, serving swimmers and
meditation practitioners alike.

In subsequent years, Rtn. Kiran established Pokhara’s first PET Plastic bottle plant to
manufacture PET bottles. To consolidate the businesses, he set up a holding company CM
& Sons which has now also ventured into infrastructure development such as highways,
hydroelectricity, and other such public works. The Group is also a promoter of a Finance
Company. He is the Chairman of the Group and is actively supported by his sons Kapil Kiran
and Kushal Kiran Shrestha.

He has also been the President of Pokhara Jaycees in 1989, Founder and Charter Secretary of
Nepal Cancer Relief Society Kaski, and Life Member of Nepal Leprosy Relief Association
and Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh. He was involved in the Chamber movement in the Pokhara
Chamber of Commerce and Industry for more than 15 years. He is the Founder and Vice
President of the Nepal Sinozen Cultural Development Organization and Vice President of the
Nepal India Friendship Association Kaski.

Rtn. Kiran Lal Shrestha joined the Rotary Club of Pokhara as a Charter member in 1997.
He became the Club’s President in RY 1999/2000. Since then, he has served in different
capacities in the Rotary District 3290 till 2007/2008 and from 2008/2009 onwards under RI
District 3292. He has served as Assistant Governor (2020-2011), District Chairs of Polio

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of PDG Kiran Lal Shrestha

Plus Committee 2004, RYLA 2012, ROTARACT 2013, Youth Exchange 2014, Fund Raising
Committee for District Conference 2014, and Coordinator of Paul Harris Society as some of
the key leadership positions among many other positions. He was awarded the ‘Best Assistant
Governor’ of the year 2010-2011. He was also the Governor’s Special Representative (GSR)
for the Rotary Club of Damauli chartered in 2000.

He has attended many District, Regional, and Rotary International programs & events in
different capacities; Chairperson, National Conference on Literacy and WASH in School
in Pokhara in 2017, inaugurated by Her Excellency President Bidhya Devi Bhandari, attended
Rotary South Asia Literacy Summit Nepal in 2012, Hyderabad – 2013, New Delhi-2014,
Kolkata – 2016 and Chennai – 2017, Rotary International Institute, Singapore in 2014
and Kuala-Lumpur in 2017, MAHABS-21 at Mahabalipuram, India. PP Rtn. Kiran has
participated in Rotary International Conventions in Bangkok 2012, Lisbon 2013, Seoul 2016,
Atlanta 2017, and Toronto 2018. He received the “Gold Pin for Membership Development” at
Seoul RI Convention from RIP K.R Ravindran.

PDG Rtn. Kiran is a Major Donor. He was elected as District Governor for the RY 2019-
2020 during the District Conference held at Kathmandu in 2016-2017. He served as District
Governor during the year 2019-2020 and has achieved a record-breaking district contribution
to the Rotary Foundation, by collecting more than US$ 2.1 million. He is constantly involved
in various district, regional, and international Rotary events in different capacities contributing
to raising the bar of District 3292 to greater heights.

He has served as ARRFC in the year 2021-22, Vice-Chair of International Assembly

of “Shekhar’s & Movers 2021”, Vice-Chair of MAHABS-21 Rotary Institute,
Mahabalipuram, India, Chair of RI Houston Convention Promotion of Zone 6, promotion Chair
of RI Presidential Conference of Hyderabad 2022, RIPR at District 2820 Japan, Vice Chair of
Rotary Nepal Literacy Mission. He initiated the plan to distribute 10,000 wheelchairs to rural
parts of India and 3000 wheelchairs to parts of Nepal in 2021/22 Rota Year. Since he has been
continuing to distribute free wheelchairs to Nepal through Rotary to help the needy.He was a
former National Tennis Player and champion in making friends.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of PDG Rajib Pokhrel

Rajib Pokhrel resident of Kathmandu holds a MBA degree and has a strong business background. He is
involved in Industry, Hydro, trading, Financial service and export. He has served as an Executive member,
Secretary and Vice President of Finance Company Association Nepal and Executive member of Manage-
ment Association Nepal. Has travelled extensively to many countries in Asia, Europe, North and South

• 2005 : joined RC Kathmandu Metro
• 2006; club Joint Secretary
• 2007:club Secretary./ secretary District RYLA steering committee. Co-ordinator of Wheel Chair
distribution committee. Received Governors specia recognition award for successfully distributing
more than one thousand Wheel chairs.
• 2008: Club Vice President. Speaker at the District Conference for the successful Bio Gas project.
• 2009: Club President Elect/District RYLA Programme Co-ordinator.
• Special appreciation by RIP Kalyan Banerjee on the programme when he visited the RYLA
programme as Rotary International President Nominee.
• 2010: Club President/ Chair of the District RYLA steering Committee.
• 2011: Chair District Club Extension sub Committee.
• 2012: Assistant Governor/ Outstanding Assistant Governor Award.
• 2013: Assistant Governor.
• 2014: Chair Fund Raising Sub Committee.
• 2015: Chair Fund Raising Sub Committee. Successfully raised record 1.2 million dollars for the
foundation which is the highest amount ever raised from District 3292 so far. Executive member
District Training Team. Special aid to Rotary International President’s representative during the
District Conference.
• 2016: Chair District Training Team. / Received Governors special recognition award. Key Note
speaker at the District Conference. Special aid to Regional Rotary Foundation Co-ordinator.
• 2017: Chair Service Project Committee.Member of CSR Committee.
• Has been in the District Training Team since 2013.
• Speaker in many TRF and Membership Seminars.

A Major Donor.
Has Attended all the District Conference since 2008.

Has Attended:
Rotary Institute in Jaipur, India
RI Convention Sau Paulo, Brazil, 2015
RI Convention Seoul, Korea, 2016
RI Convention Atlanta, USA 2017
District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of IPDG Santosh Prasad Rijal

Rtn Santosh Rijal is the District Governor-Elect for the year 2021-2022. His home town is
Biratnagar and his classification is Rice Miller. He is the owner of Swastik Jute Mills Pvt.
Ltd and Chandra Shiv Rice & Oil Mills Pvt.Ltd. in Biratnagar. Rtn. Santosh Rijal is happily
married to Rotarian Nabinita Rijal, Past President of Rotary Club of Biratnagar Downtown
and the couple is blessed with two daughters - Shriya Rijal and Swecha Rijal.

Rtn Rijal holds the bachelor degree of commerce from University of Delhi (India) and
Diploma in Business Administration and Marketing from the International Institute of
Management & Marketing New Delhi (India). He is an established Industrialist in jute and
food industries. He is the Managing Director of Chandra Shiv Rice & Oil Mills Pvt. Ltd. and
Chandra Shiv Khadya Udhyog Pvt.Ltd in Biratnagar. He is also the Director of Swastik Jute
Mills Pvt. Ltd. in Biratnagar and Indra Complex in Kathmandu.

He holds several key positions in many social organizations such as the Life Member of
Nepal Tuberculosis Association, Life Member of Radha Krishna Mandir Teenpaini, Life
Member of Family Planning Association, Morang and Member of Confederation of Nepalese
Industries. He was the National President of Nepal Jaycees in 1993, Jaycees International
Vice President in 1996, and Chairman, Jaycees International African Conference in Ivory
Coast, Africa in 1998.

His involvement in Rotary started in 1981 when he joined Rotary Club of Biratnagar in 1981-
1986. He re-joined the Club again in 2004. He served in several Club leadership positions
and became the Club President in 2009-2010. Since then, he continued to be engaged in
Rotary District 3292 in different Club and District leadership positions among which Assistant
Governor, District Trainer, District Award and Recognitions Committee Chair, District
International Sub-Committee Chair, District ICM Chair are the key positions he held. He
also served as the Governor’s Special Representatives (GSR) for RC Birtamode and RC
Kakarvitta. He was awarded the most outstanding Assistant Governor in the year 2012-2013.

He attended several District Program events: all District Conferences from 2008-2009 to
2019-2020, District Leadership Seminars, District Team Training Seminars (DTTS), Grant

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Biodata of IPDG Santosh Prasad Rijal

Management Seminars (GMS), and District Training Assemblies.

Similarly he also attended several Rotary Regional and International events: Rotary
International South Asia Conference on Literacy in Kathmandu in 2012 and New Delhi 2013,
Rotary International TRF Seminar in Hyderabad (2012-2013 and Chennai (2014-2015),
Rotary Leadership Institute in Bangkok (2020-2011), Hyderabad (2011-2012), Singapore
(2013-2014), and Chennai ( 2014-2015), Rotary Institute in Jaipur (2015-2016), Dubai (2016-
2017), and Kuala-Lumpur ( 2017-2018), He attended all Rotary International Conventions
from 2011/2012 to 2018/2019.

He is a Major Donor (Level III) and a Paul Harris Society (PHS) member. He was elected
as District Governor for the RY 2021-2022 during the District Conference held at Butwal
in 2018-2019. Since then, he is continuously getting involved in various District and
International Rotary events to prepare himself and his up-coming team to lead the District
3292 successfully in the year 2022-2023 and to raise the bar of the District 3292 to a new

He has travelled to more than 110 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, North America and South

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

RI Annual Themes & District Conference Themes

Dr. Tika Man Vaidya Ratna Man Sakya

District Governor 2008-2009 District Governor 2009-2010
Subharambha-New Era of Service Praibhadata-Commitment Toward Service

D.K Lee John Kenny

RI President 2008-2009 RI President 2009-2010
“Make Dreams Reals” “The Future of Rotary Is In Your Hand”

Tirtha Man Sakya Basu Dev Golyan

District Governor 2010-2011 District Governor 2011-2012
Sankalpa-Resolve to Solve Nirantarta-Continuity

Ray Klinginsmith Kalyan Banerjee

RI President 2010-2011 RI President 2011-2012
“Building Communities Bridging Continents” “Reach Within to Embrace Humanity”

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

RI Annual Themes & District Conference Themes

Yogendra Man Pradhan Dilendra Raj Shrestha

District Governor 2012-2013 District Governor 2013-2014
Samarpan Sahakarya-Working Together

Sakuji Tanaka Ron D. Burton

RI President 2012-2013 RI President 2013-2014
“Peace Through Service” “Engage Rotary Change Lives”

Rabindra Piya Keshav Kunwar

District Governor 2014-2015 District Governor 2015-2016
Enjoy Rotary Sauhardata-Harmony”

Gary C.K. Huang K.R Ravindran

RI President 2014-2015 RI President 2015-2016
“Light Up Rotary” “Be a Gift to the World”

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

RI Annual Themes & District Conference Themes

Jaya Rajya Laxmi Shah Sanjay Giri

District Governor 2016-2017 District Governor 2017-2018
Tranquility Let Us Unite To Make a Difference

John Germ Ian Riseley

RI President 2016-2017 RI President 2017-2018
“ Rotary Serving Humanity” “Rotary Making A Difference”

Chintamani Bhattarai Kiran Lal Shrestha

District Governor 2018-2019 District Governor 2019-2020
Reach Out - To Inspire Dream It, Wish It, Do It
Barry Rassin Mark Daniel Maloney
RI President 2018-2019 RI President 2019-2020
“Be the Inspiration” “Rotary Connets the World”

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

RI Annual Themes & District Conference Themes

Rajib Pokhrel Santosh Prasad Rijal

District Governor 2020-2021 District Governor 2021-2022
Rupantaran-Transformation Live to Serve

Holger Knaack Shekhar Mehta

RI President 2020-2021 RI President 2021-2022
“Rotary Opens Opportunity” “Serve to Change Lives”

Jitendra B. Rajbhandary
District Governor 2022-2023
Together for a better World

Jennifer E. Jones
RI President 2022-2023
“Imagine Rotary”

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292

As amended on May 28, 2021 at District Training Assembly

These bylaws are being established by Rotary Clubs of Rotary International District 3292
to provide recommendations, guidelines and rules to strengthen the functioning of the
District, and the District Governor but nothing in these bylaws shall be contrary to any
recommendations, policy, definition or guidelines issued by the Board of Directors of
Rotary International, or to the constitution and bylaws of Rotary International as amended
from time to time. These Bylaws will not impair or impede the role of the District Governor in
performance of his/her responsibilities as provided in the constitution and guidelines of Rotary

Article 1 Short Title and Commencement

1.010. Title
These bylaws may be called “Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292”

1.020. Commencement
It shall come into force on the date of the approval by the District Conference or the District
Training Assembly.

Article 2 Officers of the District

The officers of the district shall include the following:

2.010. District Governor

Nominated by the District as herein provided, and elected at the Rotary International
Convention, he/she shall perform all duties and responsibilities as laid down in the
Bylaws of Rotary International, and as delegated to him from time to time by the District
Conference / District Training Assembly.

2.020. District Governor Elect/Nominee

Nominated by the District as herein provided, he/she shall be ex-officio member of all the
committees of the District, and shall be responsible for duties as may be delegated to him/her
by the District Governor/District Conference/District Training Assembly.

2.030. District Secretary

a) Appointed by the District Governor Elect to serve during his/her term of office as District
Governor, the District Secretary must be a past president of a Rotary Club, and shall be
responsible for maintaining the district records, the preparation and circulation of the
minutes of Council of Governors, other meetings including the District Conference/District
Training Assembly and as directed by the District Governor.

b) The records maintained by him/her shall include:

i) Localities of clubs

District Directory
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Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292

ii) Bylaws as adopted by clubs
iii) Resolutions adopted at the District Conference
iv) Copies of the semi annual & annual reports of the District Governor
v) District Governor’s Monthly Letters.

c) He/she shall pass on all the records to the succeeding District Governor within 15 days of the
completion of office, that is, before July 15.

d) The District Secretary shall not be eligible for selection as “Vocational Training Team
Leader” during his/her year of appointment as District Secretary.

2.040. District Treasurer

Appointed by the District Governor Elect, the District Treasurer shall be a Rotarian, must be
a Past President and with the financial background, who is well versed in maintaining
accounts. He/she shall be responsible for collection of District Dues, and for making
payments authorized by the District Governor. District Governor should inform the Council
of Governors of the appointment.

2.050. Council of Governors

a) The District Governor, District Governor Elect, District Governor Nominee,
District Governor Nominee Designate and Past District Governors of Rotary International
who are members of Rotary Clubs in the District shall constitute the Council of Governors,
with the District Governor as Chairperson.
b) The Council of Governors shall meet every quarter at a time and place fixed by the District
Governor, who shall circulate the agenda well before the meeting.The authority of the
Governor shall in no way be impaired or impeded by the advice or actions of the Past
District Governors.
c) The District Budget, accounts and all other matters which need the approval of the
District shall first be circulated to the Council of Governors for suitable recommendations/
suggestions to the District Governor.

2.060. Assistant Governor

a) It is the prerogative of the District Governor to appoint/remove/change Assistant
Governor(s). The Assistant Governor shall maintain close rapport with District Governor,
Chairpersons and key persons of various committees.

b) To be eligible for appointment as Assistant Governor (AG) in any of the Zones, a

Rotarian must fulfill the following requirements at the beginning of his/her term as AG:
i) He/she has been a Rotarian in good standing in Clubs for at least three years.
ii) He/she has served as President in a Rotary Club for a complete term or as a Charter
President for at least six months.
iii) He/she is not a Past District Governor, District Governor Elect or District Governor

District Directory
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Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292

iv) He/she has served on the District Committees /Subcommittees for at least one full term.
v) He/she has demonstrated outstanding performance at the District level.
vi) He/she has the willingness and ability to accept the responsibilities of Assistant
vii) He/she has the potential for future leadership in the District.

c) Role of Assistant Governor

The following are some of the responsibilities which Assistant Governor is supposed to
shoulder in addition to the special conditions provided in these bylaws:
i) To attend the Assistant Governor’s training seminar of the district.
ii) To attend the Presidents-Elect Training Seminar and the District Training Assembly.
iii) Should complete Assistant Governors Training Course in the Learning Centre of
My Rotary
iv) To work with the Governor to develop goals for the district.
v) To meet with and assist the incoming presidents of the clubs in their assigned area before
beginning of the Rotary year to discuss the club goals and to review the Summary of Club
Plans and Objectives.
vi) To visit each club in his/her assigned area regularly with a minimum of one visit each
quarter of the Rotary year.
vii) To conduct the club assembly associated with District Governor’s official visit.
viii) To hold regularly scheduled meetings (preferably monthly and no less than quarterly)
with club presidents and secretaries to discuss the business of the clubs and resources
available to them, along with goals, programmes, and objectives of the district and R.I.
ix) To schedule and plan for the visit of the governor to the area, the purpose of which should
be to enhance Rotary’s object.
x) To keep the Governor posted on progress within the assigned clubs and suggest ways to
enhance Rotary’s image in the respective communities.
xi) To encourage clubs to follow through on requests and recommendations of the Governor.
xii) To attend and actively promote attendance at the district Conference and other district
xiii) To monitor each club’s performance with respect to service projects.

d) Additional conditions for Assistant Governors

i) Assistant Governors may be appointed on an annual basis for a one year term, subject to
reappointment for total of three one-year terms.
ii) At the time of taking the assignment at least 1 year must have lapsed after
becoming a President for the full term of the club.
iii) The District Governor/Incoming Governor shall not appoint any person as
Assistant Governor who was a member of the nominating committee that
selected the said District Governor/Incoming Governor.
iv) The Assistant Governor shall not be eligible for selection as the Leader of the
Vocational Training Team during his/her year of appointment as Assistant Governor.
v) The Assistant Governor will be assigned between 4 clubs and 8 clubs.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292

Article 3 District Leadership Plan

The District Governor shall administer the district by grouping the Clubs in the district into
zones so that each of the zones has as far as possible equal numbers of clubs as on July 1 and
the Clubs in a zone form a geographically contiguous area.

Article 4 District Committees/Appointments

4.010. District Committees are charged with carrying out the goals of the district as formulated
by the Governor with the advice of the Assistant Governors. Governor Elect, Governor and
Immediate Past District Governor should work together to ensure continuity of leadership and
succession planning. The Governor Elect is responsible for appointing Committee members to
fill vacancy, appointing Committee Chairs and conducting planning meetings prior to the start
up the year in office. The following district committees shall be appointed:
• Finance
• Membership
• Public Image
• Rotary Foundation
• Training

The following district committees may be formed

• Alumni
• Community Service
• Convention Promotion
• District Conference
• Interact
• International Service
• New Generations Service Exchange
• Rotaract
• Rotary Friendship Exchange
• Youth Exchange

Additional district committees are formed/ appointed when they serve a specific function as
identified by the Governor and the District leadership Team.

4.020. The purpose of the Committees and roles and responsibilities thereof will be in
accordance with the Rotary Code of Policies.

4.030. The Governor Elect may appoint additional District committee(s) other than mentioned
in article 4.010. and same should be shared in future COG meeting/s.

District Directory
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Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292

4.040. It is recommended the committee shall be constituted of three, six or nine members.
Committees so appointed will be for three years term, one third of the committee members
will be replaced by new members every year in staggering basis. One third of the members
will be appointed for one year, other one third for two years and rest one third for three years.
Thereafter the District Governor Elect shall appoint one third of the members for three years
to fill in the vacancy created by the outgoing members.
4.050. From amongst the members as described in section 4.040. District Governor Elect shall
appoint a Chairperson of the committee for his/her year of service.
4.060. Every year the committees should be appointed by 30th April. The committees shall
submit their plans of action to the District Governor Elect 15 days before the District Training
Assembly where s/he shall unfold the plans for his/her year.
4.070. The District Rotaract Representative (DRR) shall be a member of the District
Rotaract Sub-committee during the tenure of office. The District Rotaract Sub-committee shall be
represented by equal number of Rotarians and Rotaractors, the DRR as its Co-chair.

4.080. The Governor Elect shall not appoint a person in any of the District positions who has
given a serious consideration to submitting his/her name as a candidate for District Governor
Nominee (DGN) in his/her year as Governor or the Governor shall immediately terminate
from his/her position once he/she becomes a candidate for DGN.
4.090. A Rotarian who has not served as a President of the club for a full term shall not be
eligible for appointment in any of the District Committee Chair positions.
Article 5 Rotaract

5.010. Rotaract is an important part of Rotary activities and the District Rotaract
Committee shall guide and coordinate all Rotaract activities as per policy of Rotary

5.020. The District Rotaract Representative (DRR) shall be selected as per guidelines issued
by Rotary International from time to time, and will be a Co-chair of the District Rotaract

5.030. Rotary Clubs are encouraged to help Rotaract activities, but are not obliged to
provide funds for their projects. Rotaract Clubs should not solicit funds from Rotary Clubs or
Rotaract Clubs without the permission of the Rotary Club president at local level, and without
the permission of the District Governor at the district level.

5.040. Past, present and incoming R. I. Officers are encouraged to participate at District and
Multiple District Functions, provided these meetings have the written approval of the District
Rotaract Committee and the District Governor.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292

5.050. The DRR should be directly responsive and accountable to the District Rotaract
5.060. The District shall waive District Dues for the first two years for any Rotaractors
joining a Rotary Club. Gap shall not be of more than one Rotary Year after leaving Rotaract.

Article 6 International Aid Projects

6.010. Clubs in the district are encouraged to participate in The Rotary Foundation
activities and Community Service projects.

6.020. Whenever a Rotary Club receives any aid in kind or funds for a particular
project, from a club outside Nepal, or from Rotary International/The Rotary Foundation, the
Secretary of the club is encouraged to immediately acknowledge the aid to the benefactors with
copies to the District Governor, District Governor Elect, District Governor Nominee, and the
Chairperson of the concerned district committee.

Article 7 District Meetings

The District Governor shall preside at all district meetings including Intercity Meetings,
District Seminars and the District Conference, and conduct them to promote the programs of

Article 8 Protocol at District Meetings

8.010. The order of precedence will be as approved by Rotary International and described in
the Rotary Code of Policies.

Article 9 Rotary International Letterhead

Except for the current, past and incoming officers of Rotary International, or those Rotarians
who have been appointed by the R. I. President or the R. I. Board to serve Rotary International,
no Rotarian even though serving as a club officer, or a District Committee Chairman shall
use the Rotary International letterhead. The District Chairperson however can use District
letterhead with Rotary emblem while communicating with Rotarians.

Article 10 District Fund

10.010. District Fund shall be established to be used for purpose hereinafter mentioned,
and administered as per provisions contained herein. The District Fund shall be used for the
following purposes:
a) To meet the cost of the Vocational Training Team programme in the district to the extent
as provided in the District Budget after considering the subsidy amount to be received from
The Rotary Foundation.
b) To contribute towards the Presidents-elect and Secretaries-elect Training Seminar, the

District Directory
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Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292

District Training Assembly and the District Conference to the extent provided in the
District Budget.

10.020. Administration of the District Fund

a) To have an oversight of the District Fund the District Finance Committee will be constituted
by the District Governor consisting of three Past District Governors who are members of
clubs in the district.
b) Initially one Past District Governor was appointed for one year, another for two years, and
the third for three years. The District Governor in office shall appoint one Past District
Governor for three years to fill in the vacancy created by the outgoing Past District
c) In the event of a vacancy for any cause whatsoever the District Governor shall appoint
another Past District Governor to fill the vacancy for the remaining period of the outgoing
Past District Governor’s term.
d) The Past District Governor serving in third year as member shall be the chairperson of the
Finance Committee. Outgoing members of the District Finance Committees shall not be
re-appointed into the committee before two years after their retirement.
e) The District Treasurer shall be responsible for the day to day operation of the accounts. He/
she shall maintain books and records of the District Fund. He/she shall present the status of
expenses for each item as compared to the budgeted amounts reflecting variances, if any, at
each meeting of the District Finance Committee.
f) The incoming District Governor shall prepare an estimate of the income for
District Fund based on per capita District dues and the proposed expenses against it in the
form of a District Budget which shall be mailed to all incoming club presidents at least
four weeks before the District Training Assembly so that the clubs may discuss the same
before formal presentation of the same at the District Training Assembly for approval or
amendment. If agreed by 3/4 majority of incoming Presidents, the District Budget shall
become effective from the following July 1.
g) In the event of the District Budget not getting the approval of three-fourth of the
incoming club presidents, the District Budget shall be revised and have the Budget
approved by a majority of clubs by June 30.
h) The District Finance Committee shall open or terminate accounts in banks. The
authorized signatories for all such bank accounts shall be the District Treasurer along with
the District Governor, or Disrict Secretary.
i) The District Treasurer shall make all payments as approved by the District Governor.
However, if there is any variance between the expense and the budgeted amount, the same
shall be immediately referred to the District Governor, who may at his/her discretion
approve the variance up to 10%. Any variances above the limit of 10% shall be referred to
the Presidents’ session of District Conference or District Training Assembly.
j) The Guidelines issued by previous District Finance Committee in consultation with
the Council of Governors in the respective years shall be adopted by the District Finance
k) An auditor is appointed at the time of adoption of the District Budget at the District

District Directory
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Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292

Training Assembly. The Governor will inform with the Council of Governors about
l) At the end of the Rotary year, the outgoing District Governor and the District
Treasurer shall compile the accounts, and forward the same for review to the
District Finance Committee latest by 10th August. The District Finance Committee should
review and pass them on to the auditors. The audited accounts should reach the District
Finance Committee by 10th September. Within two weeks the District Finance
Committee shall return the same to District Governor along with their report. The District
Governor shall send a copy of the same along with the report of the District Finance
Committee to every club in the district latest by September 30. These accounts shall be
presented, discussed if necessary, and formally adopted at the District Conference.
m) In the event of the District Governor not submitting any accounts to the District
Finance Committee by 10th September, the chairperson of the District Finance
Committee shall circulate this information to all the clubs in the district. Also if the
District Finance Committee fails to review and return the audited accounts within two
weeks, the District Governor can circulate them to the district without the report of the
District Finance Committee.

10.030. District Dues

a) Every club in the district shall contribute per capita District Dues, which also include
magazine subscription and any other charge levied by the district, for every member at a rate
as approved by the Presidents’ session of District Training Assembly.
b) The District Dues will be payable by the clubs in one installment on July 1 on the basis of
the club membership as on that day.
c) The District Governor shall collect the dues through District Treasurer, and shall be the
custodian of the District Fund.
d) In the event of a club failing to pay the District Dues by September 30, the District
Governor shall issue a reminder letter by October 15 to such club to pay the dues latest by
October 31. If the dues still remain unpaid by October 31, the Governor shall recommend
to Rotary International for suspension of services to the club as per RI bylaws.
e) In case of new clubs; clubs admitted to RI within first semi annual period shall pay the full
per capita due for each of its members and clubs admitted in the second semi annual period
shall pay only half of the per capita due for each of its members. Similarly, the same rule
shall apply for new members of the existing clubs.

10.040. Collection of Funds at District and club level

a) Clubs are advised to take permission in writing from the District Governor before soliciting
funds from other clubs, or from Rotarians who are members in other clubs.
b) In granting such permission, the District Governor must ensure that the funds are for the
cause of Rotary at the district level even when it is by way of sponsorships, and intended to
be utilized for publication of directories, souvenirs, or for similar purposes.
c) All clubs making such collections shall maintain a separate account of the amounts
collected, and how the same are utilized, and periodically furnish the details to the District

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Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292

Governor and the District Finance Committee.
d) Whenever such permission is given, the District Governor shall be liable to collect the
details of collections and the utilization of funds within a reasonable time, and pass on the
same to the District Finance Committee.
e) In the event of the District Finance Committee not being satisfied for any cause
whatsoever, it is free to make suitable recommendations to the District Governor.

10.050. Collection of funds by District Governor or District Governor Elect/District

Governor Nominee
Any Funds, other than those, which are a part of the District Fund, which are collected by
the District Governor or District Governor-Elect/District Governor Nominee for any Rotary
cause whatsoever, shall be duly accounted for, and details provided to the District Finance
Committee, and duly included in the District Fund account.

10.060. Failure to submit district accounts

In the event of the District Governor failing to submit the accounts before the District
Finance Committee in time, or in not getting the same audited within time, the District Finance
Committee shall inform COG and in such extraordinary circumstances COG can recommend
to the Rotary International Board for appropriate action against him/her.

Article 11 District Nominating Committee

11.010. Terms of Reference

The District Nominating Committee shall be responsible to seek out and propose the best
available candidate who is willing to serve as District Governor. The committee shall function
as described hereinafter, but nothing may be deemed to mean contrary to what is prescribed
by Rotary International in its constitution and bylaws.

11.020. Composition
a) The Nominating Committee shall be constituted each year at the District Conference and
shall have nine members be selected by the Rotary Clubs in the District by draw of lots, one
from each of the nine zones as hereinafter provided. The members present shall elect from
amongst themselves a Chairperson to preside at the meeting.
b) The Nominating Committee so constituted shall serve during the Rotary year of its
constitution, and its term of office shall cease when the committee members elect the DGN,
sign and submit their report through the Chairperson to the District Governor.
c) The clubs in the District shall be divided into nine groups so that each of the groups
will have reasonably equal membership of Rotarians and to the extent possible equal
number of clubs, based on the membership of the clubs as on July 1, and the clubs in
a group form a geographically contiguous area. The grouping of the clubs done in
consultation with the Council of Governors will be announced by the District Governor

District Directory
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Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292

latest by August 31 each year.
d) The grouping once decided shall remain unchanged for minimum three years except that
new clubs shall be included in groups taking into consideration membership strength and
contiguity. Grouping as per these bylaws will be effective beginning with the election of
DGN to serve as District Governor for the year 2021-2022.
e) If the member or alternate member from any club whose name has been
forwarded to the DG for membership in the Nominating Committee absents him/herself
without any valid reason at the time of the draw of lots, those members shall not be
eligible to participate in the electoral process for Nominating Committee membership in the
subsequent two years.
11.030. Qualifications
a) To be eligible for selection to the membership of the Nominating Committee in any of
the groups mentioned in Article 11.020. above a Rotarian must fulfill the following
i) He/She has been a Rotarian in good standing in clubs within the district for at least five
years as on July 1 of the Rotary year in which he offers himself as candidate.
ii) He/She has served as president of a Rotary Club in the district for a complete Term, or as
charter president of a club having served the full term from the date of charter to June 30,
provided that the period is at least six months.
iii) He/She is not the District Governor, District Governor-elect , District Governor
Nominee or District Governor Designate.
iv) He/She has attended at least two District Conferences in the past four years.
v) He/She has served at least for a year in the District in any capacity in a District
vi) A certificate from the Club President for fulfilling the above qualifications shall be sent
along with the recommendations from the club.
viii)A letter of consent from the candidate duly signed by him/her shall be sent along with the
recommendations from the club.
b) All valid candidates as per Article 11.040. c) for Nominating Committee members should
mandatorily participate in an orientation program organized by the Credentials Committee.
Candidates failing to participate in the orientation for full duration for a reason whatsoever
will not be eligible to take part in draw of lots.
c) Any candidate for membership of the Committee whether selected, or not, or one who
is selected and subsequently resigns from the Committee, shall not be eligible to be
nominated as Governor-nominee in the year the Committee serves.
d) A Rotarian who has previously served as a member of the Nominating Committee shall
not be eligible for re-selection to the Committee until two years have passed since he
served on the Committee. Similarly, no club can have its member on the Committee for
two consecutive years.
e) Only those clubs, which have paid their Rotary International per capita dues, District dues
and Rotary Magazine subscription up to the year immediately preceeding the Rotary year

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Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292

in which the nomination is made shall be eligible to propose a candidate for membership of
the committee.
f) The District Governor shall ensure that the qualifications laid down are strictly adhered to.

11.040. Selection of Member of Nominating Committee

a) The District Governor shall oversee the selection of the members of the Nominating
Committee for each of the nine groups at the District Conference by draw of lots. In the
event of there being no District Conference for any reason whatsoever, the election shall be
by ballot by mail as provided in the bylaws of Rotary International.
b) The clubs in the District shall be invited by the District Governor latest by November
1 or 90 days prior to the District Conference whichever is earlier to submit the name of
one proposed candidate from their club for membership of the Nominating Committee
in their group provided that there shall be minimum 30 days between the date of such
invitation and last date for receipt of such proposal.
c) The proposal for membership of the Nominating Committee shall be submitted to the
District Governor to reach at least 60 days before the start of conference in the form of
a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the club, held after the invitation for the
nomination proposals under Article 11.040.b) by the District Governor, naming the
proposed candidate and duly certified by the club President and Secretary, enclosing
along with a copy of the bio-data of the candidate and his consent in writing. After the
scrutiny of the proposals by the Credentials Committee, the District Governor shall inform
the concerned clubs about the validity of the proposals at least 45 days before the start of
the conference.
d) The District Governor shall arrange to place the names of eligible candidates in each of
the nine groups in a box and draw a lot from each group in the presence of all the candidates
on the second day of the Conference.
e) In the event of there being only one candidate in a group he/she shall be declared as the
member of the nominating committee from that group.
f) The Credentials Committee shall be responsible for making physical arrangements for
the draw and its orderly conduct.
g) In the event of a vacancy in the nominating committee through any cause whatsoever
and the filling in is not provided for in these guidelines the District Governor shall select
from within the group a Rotarian who fulfils the qualifications as prescribed in these bylaws
to fill the vacancy in the committee for the unexpired term.

11.050. Functioning of the Nominating Committee

a) Seven members of the Nominating Committee shall constitute a quorum.
b) For voting purpose, the Nominating Committee Chair provides ballots to each member
of the Nominating Committee with their names on it and they must cast their vote and
shall not abstain. A member not casting a vote will not be eligible to be a candidate of
a Nominating Committee for next five years. Also the club which has proposed such
candidate will also be barred from proposing a candidate of Nominating Committee
Member for next three years

District Directory
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Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292

c) No candidate proposed by a club shall be selected and recommended as District
Governor Nominee unless s/he secures 6 votes if 9 members are present, 5 votes if 8 or 7
members are present. In the event of the Nominating Committee failing to come to such a
conclusion, all the candidates will be proposed for an election as provided RI Bylaws and/
or guidelines provided by RI from time to time.
d) The Nominating Committee shall not influence, recommend, or commit the succeeding
Committee by minuting, or otherwise by recording any impression for the future about any
candidate other than the one selected by it.
e) All Nominating Committee Members after being declared elected, will contact the
Chairperson of the Credentials Committee immediately who shall specify the time and
place of the meeting to be conducted on the same day of the Nominating Committee is
constituted and announced. Since Chairperson of the Credentials Committee shall always
be known in advance, he will take necessary steps to get the meeting organized as per
District guidelines.
f) Each members of the Nominating Committee shall pledge himself/herself to keep the
deliberations of the Committee, and the information supplied to him/her, strictly

11.060. Activities in Support of Candidate for District Governor

Activities in support of a candidate for District Governor should be consistent with

the importance and functions of the District Governor. The content of literature
supporting a candidate should be limited to photograph and a statement of his/her Rotary,
civic and business or professional activity in the form prescribed by the District Governor,
and no further steps should be taken to promote his/her candidature. No Rotarian or club
shall canvass or campaign, or allow campaigning on his behalf to influence his/her selection,
keeping in mind the provisions in the bylaws of Rotary International, and the guidelines issued
by the RI Board.

11.070. Procedure for Proposal of District Governor Nominee

a) The District Governor shall issue, or cause to be issued, an announcement latest by
November 30th inviting clubs to submit proposals for District Governor Nominee,
so as to reach the District Governor latest by December 31st or 30 days before the
scheduled date of the District Conference, whichever is earlier.
b) The proposal shall be submitted to the District Governor in the form of a resolution adopted
at a regular meeting of the club naming the suggested candidate, and certified by the club
president and secretary, along with eleven copies of his/her bio-data in the form prescribed
by the District Governor, and the written consent of the candidate.
c) The District Governor shall keep the copies of the bio-data of all the candidates for the
District Governor Nominee ready for the members of the Nominating Committee to meet
on the same day of its formation.
d) The Nominating Committee shall meet on 2nd day of the District Conference to
consider the proposals before them and the Chairperson of the Committee shall convey the

District Directory
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Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292

decision of the Committee to the District Governor within 24 hours of the adjournment of
Nominating Committee.
e) In the event of extraordinary circumstances, the District Governor, in consultation with
Council of Governors, can extend the date of the meeting of the nominating committee.
f) In making the selection, the Nominating Committee shall not limit its selection to the
proposals submitted by the clubs, but may consider other Rotarians and shall nominate the
best qualified Rotarian to serve as District Governor as provided in RI bylaws. However,
his/her consent shall be obtained prior to such nomination.
g) The business of the Committee shall be completed at one sitting only.
h) In the event of the Nominating Committee being unable to meet or declare a Nominee for
the District Governor for any reason whatsoever, the names of all the candidates proposed
for District Governor Nominee will be considered for ballot by mail or as per the guidelines
of Rotary International.
i) The District Governor shall communicate in writing the decision of the Nominating
Committee to all the clubs in the district within three days of receiving the same.
j) Notwithstanding the nomination made by the Nominating Committee, any club in
the district may propose a candidate who has previously been considered by the
Committee for District Governor Nominee by sending to the District Governor, within
10 days, a resolution adopted by the club at a regular meeting duly certified by the Club
President and Secretary, along with a written consent of the candidate.
k) In the event a challenge is proposed as specified above in section (j), the District
Governor shall inform all the clubs through a form prescribed by Rotary International of
the name of the challenging candidate/s and inquire whether any club wishes to concur
with the challenge. To do so the club shall within 15 days of the issue of the notice/
letter send a resolution adopted by the club at a regular meeting, and certified by the club
president and secretary, confirming concurrence of the challenge, to the District Governor.
The resolution must be adopted at a regular meeting of the club for which notice of such a
resolution has been given mentioning this as a special business of the meeting.
l) A challenge received as described above in section (k) shall be considered valid
only if it is concurred with, by at least 20% of the clubs of the District other than the
challenging club(s). However, no club can concur with more than one candidate.
m) If on the date so fixed any challenging nomination has been received from the clubs
by the District Governor, the District Governor shall notify all the clubs in the
district of the names and qualifications of each such challenging candidate, and the
candidate proposed by the Nominating Committee within 7 days following the deadline.
Thereafter all the proposed candidates shall be balloted upon in a ballot-by-mail procedure.
n) If on the date so fixed no valid challenge has been received by the District
Governor, he/she shall declare the candidate proposed by the Nominating Committee to be
District Governor Nominee and within 15 days thereafter notify all the clubs in the district.
o) If for any reason whatsoever no proposal or nomination continues to be effective at the time
of the District Conference, then proposals for the office of District Governor shall be made
from the floor of the Conference by electors from clubs in the district.
p) In the event of the District Conference being held earlier, the District Governor shall have

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Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292

the authority to suitably modify, alter and change dates as herein specified, and these will
be announced at the beginning of the year.

11.080. Selection of District Governor Nominee

a) The members of the Nominating Committee shall carefully read and understand the
duties and qualifications of the District Governor as given in Rotary International
bylaws before selecting a candidate in the meeting of the committee.
b) A club which has a candidate for District Governor Nominee shall not be eligible to
propose a candidate as a member of the Nominating Committee for District Governor.
c) No Candidate will be considered for selection as District Governor Nominee if he/she is
related to any member/s of the Nominating Committee. The word “related” refers to son/
daughter, father/mother, brother/sister, son-in-law and father-in-law.
d) At its meeting the Nominating Committee must keep in mind the following criteria to be
able to select the best candidate:
i) Qualifications as described in the R.I. bylaws.
ii) Ability, physical and otherwise, to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the District
iii) Rotary career and actual work done by the candidate at the club level.
iv) Rotary career and the actual work done by the candidate at the district level.
v) Candidate’s knowledge of Rotary.
vi) Candidate’s civic and vocational achievements.
e) In the event of death or inability of the District Governor Nominee to serve between time
of certification and the District Conference, the Nominating Committee shall nominate
another Rotarian for election at the District Conference. The vacancy due to any other
cause shall be filled as recommended in the bylaws of Rotary International.

Article 12 Procedure for Selection of Nominating Committee for District Representative

and Alternate Representative for Future Council on Legislation

All the members of Council of Governors shall constitute the Nominating Committee for
District Representative and Alternate Representative for Council on Legislation in the future.
The names shall be presented to the delegates for their approval at the appropriate District

Article 13 Grievance Committee

13.010. No person/club aggrieved by an action of the District Governor, or by that of

individual or committee authorized by him/her to select the District Nominating
Committee Members or the District Governor Nominee, shall seek relief in a court of law till
such time as the Grievance Committee has considered the complaint and given its finding on
13.020. In the event of a complaint the aggrieved Rotarian/club shall immediately refer the
complaint in writing to the District Governor, requesting that the complaint be corrected.

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Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292

13.030. If the District Governor fails to satisfy the aggrieved Rotarian/club within 15 days of
the complaint, the aggrieved Rotarian/club can ask the District Governor for appointment of
Grievance Committee.

13.040. The Grievance Committee shall be constituted of three Past District Governors from
within the district, one to be nominated by the aggrieved Rotarian/club, the other by the
District Governor, and the third by the Council of Governors.

13.050. The aggrieved Rotarian/club shall submit four copies of the complaint, three for the
committee, and one for the records. Similarly, the District Governor shall submit four copies
of his views on the subject.

13.060. The Grievance Committee shall meet at the earliest within 21 days of the receipt of
the request by the District Governor for appointment of such committee and if necessary invite
the aggrieved party/District Governor to the meeting, give them due hearing, and give their

13.070. The decision of the Grievance Committee shall be final and binding on all concerned.

13.080. The term of the Grievance Committee shall end as soon as it submits its final report.

13.090. In the event of Rotarian/club not adopting the procedure herein laid out, the person
proposed for the elective position will be debarred from contesting the same for five years.

Article 14 District Disaster Relief Endowment Fund

A ‘District Disaster Relief Endowment Fund has been created to support the victims of natural
disasters in local and international communities.

14.010. Each Rotary year a ‘Disaster Relief Committee’ will be constituted with the following
Rotarians as its members:
1. District Governor - Chair
2. Immediate Past District Governor
3. District Governor Elect
4. District Governor Nominee
5. Rotarian nominated by District Governor – Member Secretary

14.020. Each year, District Governor shall segregate some amount from the surplus of district
budget will be deposited to the Disaster Relief Fund.

14.030. Only interest generated through the endowment fund will be provided as grants to the
disaster victims.

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Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292

14.040. Decision of the Disaster Relief Committee for granting support will be final.

Article 15 Vocational Award Committee

Each year the district governor will constitute a ’Speical Award Committee’ to look
after awarding ‘Rotary Award for Vocational Excellence’ and ‘Rotary Award for Good
Governance’ and any other awards established by the district with financial assistance from

15.010. The committee will consist of the following district officials:

1. District Governor - Chair
2. Immediate Past District Governor
3. District Governor Elect
4. Three eminent persons from community nominated by Council of Governors
5. Representative(s) of the donor family

15.020. The ‘Award Committee’, for free and fair selection of the awardee(s), will form a
‘Selection Committee(s)’ in consultation with Council of Governors.

Article 16 Authorization to use District Designated Fund (DDF)

In order to make the use of DDF more transparent and effective, recommendation of the
District Rotary Foundation Committee shall normally be solicited for use of the DDF will
be necessary.

16.010. The District Rotary Foundation Committee (DRFC) is constituted of all chairpersons
of sub-committees under District Rotary Foundation Committee as its members and District
Rotary Foundation Committee Chair as its chair.

16.020. Presence of the district governor in all meetings of DRFC discussing on use of DDF
will be mandatory.

Article 17 Sustainable Immunization Fund

A ‘Sustainable Immunization Fund’ has been created to support improve & sustain existing
routine immunization performance and evidence based introduction of new vaccines.

17.010 Each year a ‘Sustainable Immunization Committee’ will be constituted with the
following as its members:
1. District Governor – Chair
2. Immediate Past District Governor – Member
3. District Governor Elect – Member
4. District Governor Nominee – Member
5. Rotarian nominated by District Governor – Member Secretary

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Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292

17.020 District Governor in consultation with Council of Governors may appoint up to two
other members from community

17.030 Each year District Governor can segregate some amount from the surplus of
District budget and will be deposited to the Sustainable Immunization Fund.

Article 18 Rotary Nepal Literacy Mission (RNLM) Fund

A ‘RNLM’ has been created under “Basic Education and Literay” Focus Area of Rotary
to support achieve ‘Hundred Percent Literacy iand Quality Education in Nepal’ with the
following as its members:
1. Past District Governor nominated by District Governor in consultation with Council of
Governors – Chair
2. Past District Governors as nominated by the Chair in consultation with District
Governors – Co-Chairs
3. Immediate Past District Governor – Member
4. District Governor Elect – Member
5. District Governor Nominee – Member
6. Rotarian nominated by Committee Chair – Member Secretary

Tenure of the Chair and Co-Chairs can be for a maximum period of three years with the
concurrence of District Governor Elect and District Governor Nominee. District Governor
shall be the permanent invitee.

18.010 A ‘‘Rotary Nepal Literacy Mission Steering Committee’ will be constituted with
following as its members:
1. A Past District Governor nominated by Council of Governors – Chair
2. Chairpersons of Working Committee(s) formed as mentioned in Article 18.020
3. Rotarian appointed by the Chair – Member Secretary

18.020 The Chairperson of Rotary Nepal Literacy Mission Steering Committee shall form
Working Committee(s) as required and appoint chairperson(s) and members of such Working
Committee(s) in consultation with the Council of Governors.

18.030 Tenure of the Steering Committee will be as decided by the District Governor at the
recommendation of Chairperson of Rotary Nepal Literacy Mission.

18.040 Each year, as recommended by the Council of Governors in consultation with the
District Finance Committee a per capita amount per Rotarian in the District will be deposited
to the RNLM.

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Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292

Article 19 Procedure of Amendments
19.010. With the change in the Rotary International Constitution and Guidelines, these bylaws
may be considered automatically amended to conform with them.

19.020. These bylaws may be amended at the District Conference by a majority of

electors present and voting, or at a District Training Assembly by a majority of the
Presidents-elect and Secretaries-elect present and voting, or in special circumstances when
such amendments are submitted for approval by ballot by mail.

19.030. Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by a club in good standing by a

resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the club or by the Council of Governors, and shall
be submitted in writing, certified by the club secretary or the district secretary, so as to reach
the District Governor forty five days before the District Conference or District Training
Assembly as required.

19.040. The District Governor shall mail such proposed amendments to the Secretary-elect
and the President-elect of each club in the district, thirty days before the District Conference
or the District Training Assembly as required.

19.050. In the event of an emergent need for making an amendment/s as shall be

verified by the Council of Governors, or by one-third of the electors present, the proposed
amendment/s shall be circulated on the first day of the District Conference.

19.060. Voting on the amendments shall be restricted to electors, or Presidents-elect or in case

of ballot by mail, to the clubs.

Article 20 Miscellaneous

20.010. The Rotary Year of this district shall begin from first of July and end in end of June.

20.020. Email address and/or postal address of a president of a club provided to the District in
order to publish in the District directory will be considered the official email ID and/or postal
address of the president and any message/information sent by the District to the president in
this address will be considered as officially delivered to him/her.

20.030. District conference/Training seminars/intercity meetings will be hosted either by the

District or by one club assigned by the District Governor as the host club. The host club shall
be responsible for keeping records of detailed accounts of income and expenditure and list of
paid and invited participants and report the same to the District Governor within 15 days of
closing of such events. Failing to submit the report the host club will be liable to be barred
from becoming a host club for any district programs and participating in any RI or The Rotary
Foundation programs until the requirement has been complied.

District Directory
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Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292

20.040. Interpretation of bylaws
District Governor/Council of Governors shall be the final authority to interpret these

20.050. Right to frame Term of Reference and Directives

According to these bylaws, District Governor/Council of Governors may frame and
execute Term of Reference and directives for the fulfillment of the objectives of these bylaws.

20.060. Use of Surplus Fund

In case of earlier year/s’ surplus in the district’s account, it will be deposited in a special bank
account and District Governor may use the fund for district programs in consultation with
Council of Governors’.

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District Directory
RY 2022-2023

2022-23 Citation Goals and Instruction

To be eligible for the Rotary Citation, clubs need to begin the year as active clubs in good
standing – or having paid each invoice balance in full upon receipt. To verify that your club
is in good standing, check your daily club balance report under Club Administration > Club
Finances. You should have an outstanding balance of $0.00. Invoices are due when they are
posted, in mid-January and mid-July.

Rotary club leaders can go into Rotary Club Central and select at least 13 out of 25 goals they
wish to apply toward citation achievement. This flexibility allows clubs to choose the goals that
are most relevant and achievable. In addition, many goals will be self-reported by marking
“achieved” in Rotary Club Central.

To achieve the citation:

• Go to Rotary Club Central
• Review the 25 available goals
• Select at least 13 goals (or more than 50% of the available goals)
• Achieve those goals
• Report achievement in Rotary Club Central
• Achieve those goals
• Report achievement in Rotary Club Central

Once you are in Rotary Club Central, navigate to the Goal Center, select the year, and click on
the All tab to see the goals.
Goal Goal Detail
Club membership How many total members does your club want by the end of the Rotary year?
Service participation How many members will participate in club service activities during the
Rotary year?
New member How many members will sponsor a new club member during the Rotary year?
Rotary Action Group How many club members will be members of at least one Rotarian Action
participation Group (RAG) during the Rotary year?
Leadership How many members will participate in leadership development programs or
development activities during the Rotary year?
District conference How many members will attend your district conference?
Rotary Fellowship How many club members will be members of a Rotary Fellowship during the
participation Rotary year?
District training How many of your club's committee chairs will attend the district training
participation assembly?
Annual Fund How much money will be contributed to The Rotary Foundation Annual Fund
contributions by your club and its members during the Rotary year?

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

2022-23 Citation Goals and Instruction

Goal Goal Detail
PolioPlus Fund How much money will be contributed to The Rotary Foundation PolioPlus
contributions Fund by your club and its members during the Rotary year?
Major gifts How many single outright donations of US$10,000 or more will be made by
individuals associated with your club during the Rotary year?
Bequest Society How many individuals or couples will inform The Rotary Foundation of their
members plans to leave US$10,000 or more to The Rotary Foundation through their
Benefactors How many individuals or couples will inform The Rotary Foundation of their
estate plans to include the Endowment Fund as a beneficiary or will make an
outright gift of US$1,000 or more to the Endowment Fund?
Service projects How many service projects will your club complete during the Rotary year?
Rotaract clubs How many new and existing Rotaract clubs will your club sponsor during the
Rotary year?
Interact clubs How many new and existing Interact clubs will your club sponsor during the
Rotary year?
Inbound Youth How many Rotary Youth Exchange students will your club host during the
Exchange students Rotary year?
Outbound Youth How many Rotary Youth Exchange students will your club sponsor during
Exchange students the Rotary year?
RYLA participation How many individuals will your club sponsor to participate in Rotary Youth
Leadership Awards (RYLA) events during the Rotary year?
Strategic plan Does your club have an up-to-date strategic plan?
Online presence Does your club's online presence accurately reflect its current activities?
Social activities How many social activities will your club hold outside of regular meetings
during the Rotary year?
Update website and During the Rotary year, how many times per month will your club's website or
social media social media accounts be updated?
Media stories about How many media stories will cover your club's projects during the Rotary
club projects year?
Use of official Rotary Did your club use Rotary International's advertising and public service
promotional materials, such as broadcast videos, print ads, and other official materials
materials available in the Brand Center, to promote Rotary in your community during
the Rotary year ?

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Goals 2022-2023

Setting of annual goal has been a regular phenomenon in modern organizations.

Assistant Governors and the Committee Chairs in the District team are committed to
provide necessary support to the clubs, the District team and the Club Presidents have the
requisite ability, energy, persistence in achieving the goal and are fully committed to the cause of
Rotary, at the end, those positive energy will take us to the goal.

2. Annual Highlights

• Attend RID 3292 and RID 3250 Nepal-India Friendship Exchange Program in July 2022
in the presence of Rotary International President Jennifer Jones
• Organize Rotary- Non-rotary interaction program in August/ September 2022 to promote
Rotary’s Image
• Organize District Membership & Public Image Seminar in August 2022 in the presence of
Rotary International Director Venkatesh Ananthanarayan
• Signing of Sister District Relations Agreement with Chennai District in September 2022
• Organize Rotaract Officers Training Seminar (ROTS)
• Organize Zone 6 multi district The Rotary Foundation Seminar in in November/
December 2022 in the presence of Rotary International Director Venkatesh Ananthanaray-
an & The Rotary Foundation Trustee Dr. Bharat Pandya
• Mid-term review of Assistant Governors Achievement and reporting
• Organize region-wise membership, public image, The Rotary Foundation, Intercity
meetings & RYLA
• Yearend review of Presidents and Assistant Governors and reporting in May 2023
• 15th District Conference in March 2022 Kathmandu, Nepal
• District Award & Recognition Program in June 2022

3. District Goal

3.1 Administrative Goals:

• Encourage all Members to enrol in My Rotary
• Review Club Annual Plans and Bylaws
• Clubs to streamline financial plans including Budget and Audit
• Each Club to have a Strategic Plan and implement
• 15th District Conference at Kathmandu, Nepal

3.2 Goals on Membership

• Growth in female membership and members under the age of forty.
• Double digit growth in both categories while never losing sight of existing members
• Retention target 98%
• Formation of at least 7 new Clubs
• Clubs to use online tools to support Membership growth and retention

District Directory
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District Goals 2022-203

3.3 Goals on Public Image
• Each Club to enhance Public Image and awareness through visual identity by hoarding
boards in their respective areas, Project sites and public events.
• Conducting Marathons, Walkathons, photo exhibitions, Polio drive, ICM Seminars and
Workshops on areas of focus with Rotarians and non-Rotarians participation
• Engaging Media partners in Rotary’s humanitarian service creating an impact in the
• Extensive use of social media platforms to promote and highlight Rotary’s activities and
achievements in alliance with Rotaracts
• Upgrade District’s website
• Enhance the system of recognizing Rotarians for their selfless effort and commitment to
Rotary’s core values
• Sports Competition

3.4 Goals on Service Projects

• Carry out 30 Global Grants
• Encourage active Clubs to partner and inspire other Clubs in GG Projects
• Encourage Rotaract Clubs to do District Grants
• District Grants to focus in health sector
• RYLA and ICMs in all Regions
• RCC Conference
• Signature Project in Health sector involving Rotaracts and Interacts

3.5 Goals for The Rotary Foundation

• Annual Target USD one million
• End Polio Contribution USD 25,000
• 25% 0f Total Contribution to Annual Fund
• Encourage Clubs to increase PHF, MPHF and PHS members

4. Other Goals
• All Clubs encouraged to participate and be eligible for Rotary Citation
• Empowering Girls: from teaching self-defence techniques to back to school programs and
counselling to victims of violence and discrimination
• Clubs to invite non Rotarians to participate in Rotary Day Service




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District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Guidelines for DG’s Club Visit

Agenda format for DG visit programme– a guideline

1. Project Sites Visit (If Any)

2. Meeting with President, Secretary and President Elect

• Prepare 2 sets of documents with detail report as mentioned in the check list.

3. Club Assembly
• President welcomes DG and other dignitaries. Presents Bouquets etc. (Outsiders are
normally discouraged in the Club Assembly)
• President requests DG to conduct the Club Assembly.
• DG conducts the Club Assembly.
• Chairpersons are requested to present activities reports on respective standing committees
• AG’s View
• DG’s comment.
• DG hands over proceeding back to the President.
• President adjourns club assembly

4. Regular Weekly Meeting (normal meeting procedure)

• Garlanding the collar to the president
• Meeting called to order
• Silent Invocation
• Sharing of happy news/felicitations
• Welcome DG and other dignitaries and guests
• Confirmation of minutes of last meeting
• Any recognition, induction etc. (DG will be the Chief Guest of the meeting)
• DG’s brief introduction
• President requests DG to address the meeting.
• Vote of thanks
• Reporting of the meeting
• President adjourns the meeting and announces for fellowship (if any)

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Check List for DG’s Official Club Visit

1. Latest Club Constitution & Amended Bylaws
2. Charter Certificate
3. Club Roster
4. Proof of payment of RI Dues, District Dues & Magazine Subscription
5. Budget for current year
6. Audited accounts of club of the previous year
7. Roster of “Filled & Unfilled” classification
8. Attendance Register and Reports,
9. Minutes of Regular Weekly Meeting, Club Assembly and Board of Director’s
Meetings & Committee Meetings
10. Objectives, Plans and Programs of the year
11. List and briefs of ongoing Matching Grant/Global Grant/District Grant Projects &
12. List of PHF/ MPHF/PHS/Major Donors members etc.
13. Copies of Club Bulletins
14. Strategic Plan of the club
15. Club organogram

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District Directory
RY 2022-2023

GKR (Gopal Kamala Rajbhandari) Rotary Award for

Vocational Excellence

January is observed as the Vocational Service month, when

Vocational Leaders of high ethical standard, who have
substantially contributed to the humanitarian cause are
recognized and awarded by Rotary at the District or Club
levels. Vocational Award is one of the 4 aspects of this
Services, the other three being Training, Awareness and
Vocation at Work.

On the initiative of Past District Governor Rotarian Tirtha Man Sakya, the Rotary
District 3292 Nepal has established a Rotary Award for Vocational Excellence on
October 30, 2010, to be given away to a Vocational Leader or Institution of Nepal selected
by a high level Committee appointed by the District. The Award fund of Rs.1 million is
donated by the family of past Rotarian Gopal Raj Bhandari. So, the award is named as
“Gopal- Kamala Rajbhandari Rotary Award for Vocational Excellence”.

This prestigious Rotary Vocational Award was first handed over on April 20, 2011, when
the President of Nepal Rt. Honorable Dr. Ram Baran Yadav gave away the Award of
Rs.1 million to Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha of Dhulikhel Hospital in the gracious
presence of Rotary International President Elect Rotarian Kalyan Banarjee, wife
Binota and other distinguished guests in Rastrapati Bhawan. Speaking on the occasion,
Rt. Honorable Dr. Ram Baran Yadav praised this noble initiative of Rotary to enhance
vocational ethics in Nepal and for encouraging such creative works.

The Award will be given away every two years in October- the Vocational Service month in

Past Rotarian Gopal Raj Bhandari (June 25, 1921 to February 17, 2008) was one of the
founder members of Rotary movement in Nepal since 1957. Recognizing his unparalleled
contributions to the Rotary services in Nepal, Rotary International honored him with the
Rotary’s highest award “Service Above Self” in 2001. The untiring efforts of late Gopal Raj
Bhandari to establish a separate Rotary District in Nepal by July 2008 has earned him great
respect as the Patron of Nepal’s Rotary District.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

BaSu Sirapa RI District 3292 Rotary Vocational Award

on Good Governance
award is the highest order of Rotary honor to
outstanding contribution by individuals or small
teams of individuals for significant advancement
in their vocational field. It also aims to inspire
further enthusiasm and to give added reward to the
exceptional achievers; and to set an example to
others, particularly youth, of the need to strive for
VOCATIONAL EXCELLENCE for the benefit of
their discipline.

On the initiative of Rotary Club of Yala the Rotary District 3292 has established Rotary
District 3292 Vocational Award on Good Governance. The Award amount is Rs. 10 lacs donated
by the family of Rtn. Surendra Govinda Joshi and Spouse Badri Laxmi Joshi. The award is named
as BaSu Sirapa after the name the donors Badri and Surendra (BaSu). Rotary Club of Yala had
started BaSu Sirapa, sponsored by the couple since 1996 at the Charter of their parent Club as a
vocational award of Rs 5000 provided each year to a hind person of Lalitpur who had been serving the
community through professional service (barber, sweeper, shoe maker, carpenter, bricklayer,
stone carver, music player, and a Bhindyo-Prasad distributor etc.).

This District award will be given to a journalist (Audio/visual/newspapers/magazines, etc.) or

a Police or a team for the critical Investigational Journalism or Police Service through detail
research and analysis which has the strong impact resulting good governance in reducing fraudulent
practices in public and private sector, increasing efficiency of the public sector service, or
enhancing quality life of the down trodden people. The award will be provided biannually. This
year the award of Rotary Year 2019-20 goes to Mr. Ajaya Babu Shiwakoti, Editor
and Mr. Pralhad Rijal, Editor Arthik Daily for their contribution in the discipline of investigation
journalism within last four years.

Rtn. Surendra Govinda Joshi is a Chartered Member of Rotary Club of Yala since 1996.
He has served his club as a President in the Rotary Year 2001-2002. Civil Engineer as his
classification, he has been instrumental in planning and monitoring of construction of many
school buildings in Lalitpur under Rotary International WCS projects supported by RI District
2700 Fukuoka Japan. He is one of the active member of his club, has been serving the club in different
responsibilities in many club activities. In the district he has served as member of School Sanitation
Project Committee for two years and member of Earth Reconstruction Project. In 2017-18 he has
supported the District Team as Assistant Governor. His contribution to Rotary Foundation has
earned the recognition of MPHF and PHSM in RI District 3292. His spouse Badri Laxmi Joshi,
PHF is also equally active in Rotary Service Projects and has served as the President of Ann Group
of Rotary Club Yala in the year 2018-19.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Disaster Relief Fund

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District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary Journo Award

Enhancing public image and awareness is the third strategic priority of Rotary
International. Rotary’s new District 3292 since 2008 has initiated various measures
to enhance public image of Rotary in Nepal. One of the effective means of promoting
public image is through Public Relations. The relation between the Rotary and the
public at large is effectively carried out through various media like print media (newspaper/
magazines), electronic media (TV, Radio/ FM), display boards, social media (Facebook etc) and

In our exercise to promote public image of Rotary, Nepalese journalists working at

different media play an important role to carry and disseminate positive message in the
society. “Sewa ma Rotary” was a daily radio FM program initiated in December
2011 with great success in partnership with Forum of Environment Journalists to
disseminate news about Rotary service. Other FM radio, TV channels and print media were also
mobilized to achieve the PR objectives of Rotary during the initial years: 2009-2012

“Rotary Journo Award” was initiated in 2012 as a means to enhance public image of
Rotary in Nepal by encouraging active journalist to disseminate positive communication in the
society. Similar to Rotary’s focus six areas of service, Federation of Nepalese Journalists have
also five distinct groups like Education Journalist group, Swastha Patrakar Samuha, Forum for
Environment Journalist, Sancharika Samuha (Women’s group) and Nepal Aarthik
Patrakar Samuha (economic development). So, the Rotary Journo Award is given to the best
performing journalists working these groups at different media plus one in the mainstream
journalism. In this endeavor, Rotary is partnering with the five journalist groups under the
Federation of Nepali Journalists:

1. Education Journalist’s Group (EJG)

2. Swastha Patrakar Samuha/ Health Journalist Group (HEJAN)
3. Nepalese Forum for Environment Journalists (NEFEJ)
4. Sancharika Samuha (SS), and
5. Nepal Arthik Patrakar Samaj/ Society of Economic Journalists Nepal (SEJAN)

A memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Rotary District and Federation

of Nepali Journalists and the journalist groups was signed on April 25, 2012 for
partnership and cooperation in implementing the Rotary Journo Award annually. The
cooperative groups short list the best performing journalists of the year in their group
selected with a set criteria and recommend their names with short bio-data to a Jury
Committee for final selection of award winners. The Jury committee consists of the leaders of
Nepali journalism and of Rotary District Governors:

1. President, Federation of Nepalese Journalists

2. President, Press Institute, Nepal
3. General Manager, Rastriya Samachar Samiti (RSS)
4. President, Advocacy Group

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary Journo Award

5. Rotary leaders (Governor, Governor Elect, Past Governors and PI Committee Chair)

Rotary Journo Award for six persons carry a prize money of Rs.25,000/- each and a Token of
Appreciation given in a special ceremony around May/June every year. This Award program
is funded by all members of the Rotary Clubs in the District.

The latest Rotary Journo Award handover ceremony was held on June 2, 2018, and
the 39 journalists who have been awarded so far (listed below) are, in fact, Rotary’s
ambassadors in the Nepalese journalism to spread positive vibes about Rotary in the
society. So, each and every Rotary club can and should try to be in contact with them, and
invite them in Rotary’s service activities/ programs to keep them informed of Rotary’s good
works so that they can carry positive messages in the society

Rotary Journo Award is established in 2012 to recognize and encourage individual journalists
and institutions, who have communicated encouraging and exemplary news to help generate
positive thoughts in the Nepalese society. The award is given away in six focus areas of Rotary
Service like Education, Health, Environment, Economic and Community Development, Women
development and mainstream journalism.

Rotary Nepal greatly values the partnership and cooperation with the Nepalese
journalist and media partners to serve the people of Nepal with an unbiased information
that would inspire and make aware the pertinent issues in the society through professional
media services. This annual Rotary Journo Award is a small effort to strengthen the cordial
relations existing between Rotary and the media world through recognizing few deserving
journalists who are dedicated to serve the common goals of Rotary and the Media world and
thus deserve recognition.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Basic Education & Literacy (RNLM)

Literacy is so fundamental to learning that its importance cannot be overstated — it is the
essential foundation of education. ... “Literacy is the first step towards freedom, towards liberation
from social and economic constraints. It is the prerequisite for development, both individual and

Poor quality education is leaving a legacy of illiteracy more widespread than previously believed.
Around 175 million young people in poor countries – equivalent to around one quarter of the youth
population – cannot read all or part of a sentence, affecting one third of young women in South and
West Asia. What’s more, roughly one in five school-aged children are not in school at all.

Children and adolescents are excluded from education for many reasons. Poverty remains one
of the most obstinate barriers, with children from the poorest households almost five times more
likely to be out of primary school than those from the richest. Children with disabilities and from
ethnic minorities are also more likely to be left behind.

Location also keeps children from school. Children from rural areas are more than twice as likely
to be out of primary school than their urban peers. Without skills for lifelong learning, children face
greater barriers to earning potential and employment later in life. They are more likely to suffer
adverse health outcomes and less likely to participate in the decisions that affect them – threaten-
ing their ability to build a better future for themselves and their communities. Acquiring functional
literacy skills fosters a sense of self-fulfillment, equips learners with the ability to improve their
families’ living standards, and may also encourage parents to play a more active role in their
children’s education.

With the commitment made at the 2012 South Asia Conference in Kathmandu, the RID 3292
initiated the mission for a Literate Nepal. After Polio, this would be the flagship project; for
illiteracy leads to poverty and prompting violence and other non-social activities.

Nepal’s worrying education scenario which shows nearly 97% enrollment in the primary level:
drops to nearly 50% by the children reaching the middle school:
• Less than 50% children enrolled in grade 01 reach grade 05 (Primary Education)
• Less than 40% enrolled reach grade 08 (Basic Education)

NEPAL LITERACY DATA in % (5years+)

PROVINCE Male Female Total
1 79.27 63.93 71.21
2 60.09 38.86 49.53
3 82.81 67.40 74.85
4 83.60 67.20 74.84
5 75.49 58.41 66.45
6 72.83 53.29 62.74
7 76.47 51.93 63.48
National 75.13 57.38 65.94
Source: Based on National Population & Housing Census Report 2011; CBS.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Basic Education & Literacy (RNLM)

Basic education and literacy is one of Rotary’s areas of focus: essential for reducing poverty,
improving health, encouraging community and economic development, and promoting peace.

With the declaration by the Ministry of Education, MOE, to achieve universal enrolment,
literacy and quality education; RID 3292 constituted the Rotary Nepal Literacy Mission (RNLM),
to supplement and compliment the efforts of MOE in ensuring quality education in
Community Schools and in promoting a Literate Community through active engagement of its
network of Rotary Clubs and its Partners-in-Service. In recent times the District is committed to work
towards 100% Literacy by 2030 through the very important RNLM Program of activities, thus it
is expected of Clubs to participate actively in achieving the target and thereby complementing the

The Rotary Nepal Literacy Mission (RNLM) has in recent years reformed it’s programs:
T-E-A-C-H (Teacher Support, E-Learning, Adult Literacy, Child Development, Happy Schools),
WASH in Schools (WINS) and Back to School, and collaborative interlinking with the ERRRP
(Earthquake Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Program) pursuits. In order to materialize
the Vision of Total Literacy by 2030, a Strategic Plan has been prepared to help the Clubs to make
an initial headway for the 5 year period between RY 2020-21 and 2024-25, which will actually be
in line with the District Goals. Similarly, RNLM will be launching it’s Manual with operational
guidelines: describing the implementing procedures for the RNLM Programs, assisted under a
upgraded structure.

The manual, besides others, will also include sample forms of Student/Family Information.
The data provided can help in proper program priority required for each such student and their
families. Besides family details, future ambitions of students and types of skill development
training that adults wish to take up, will be part of the form. Skilled trainings could also be given
to such needy children, and also ensure that these activities be possibly done without their studies
being distracted .

Health of children will be another area which RNLM also seriously plans to introduce from
this year, for without having good health students will not be able to concentrate on studies
properly and eventually may discontinue school. Children need to be supported with school uniform ,
shoes, umbrella/raincoat; to encourage their presence in school regularly. Also, many schools don’t
have enough materials or the proper kinds of materials to facilitate teaching and learning.
While materials alone cannot produce quality education, materials can play an important role in
enhancing the classroom environment. Providing materials such as dictionaries, desks, and
textbooks is certainly a great help to any school in need. Seeing a child who has never had these
materials receive them for the first time is heartwarming and provides an overwhelming sense of

Time is for action now, as a lot has been spoken. Rotary Clubs have always focused on
primarily the Basic Health and Basic Education projects under Rotary’s Focus Areas. A Happy and
Progressive Nepal can only be reached with a Literate Nepal. Similar association with the other
District Committees/Sub Committees will be made where required. The need now is to also move
forward and take the Programs and Rotary to the Provinces in Nepal and its areas where Rotary’s

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Basic Education & Literacy (RNLM)

presence is not visible. Clubs need to adopt schools and work towards making them a complete
Happy School.

Nepal D 3292 Number of Number of Adopted Number of Clubs
Province Region Rotary Clubs* Schools** Adopting Schools
1 7 17 36 11
2 6,7 4 1 1
3 1, 2, 3, 6 71 132 37
4 4,5,6 20 42 12
5 5 33 20 12
6 5 1
7 5 1 - -
Data D3292 ** As of May 2021

The RNLM operational structure is modified from this July with a focus in the 7 Provinces, where
we expect a ten member Committee under a PDG led Chair. This Committee will be part of the
larger Steering Committee where we also will have the Working Committee with a Chair and 3
Co-Chairs; and support members in T-E-A-C-H, WASH and Back to School programs besides,
representation from the Government, UNICEF and UNESCO. The DRR and DIR will also be part
of the Steering Committee. Similar to Provincial Committees, Club level Literacy Committees are
to be established too..

From the coming Rotary Year every club must involve their Rotaracts Interacts, RCCs and
other partners viz. Spouse Groups and Inner Wheelers. D3292 has 144 Clubs (including Rotary
of Thimpu in Bhutan) and 129 Rotaract Clubs,125 Interact clubs and 116 RCCs. These RCCs
need to exercised, especially, to run the Adult Literacy and Income Generation Activities. It will
be necessary in Adopting of Schools (more than ONE) to start a RNLM sponsored project.
Nevertheless initially, besides setting up a Club Literacy Committee, a Memorandum of
Understanding with the adopted school and a formation of a Project Implementation &
Monitoring Committee, therein, will be required. Following this a School Improvement Plan
needs to be prepared or reviewed so that a long term 5 years or more commitment to make the said
schools a Child Friendly Happy School. From this the status/needs of the school such as classroom,
desks/benches, Science/E-Lab, Library water & sanitation condition of toilets, drinking water
system. play/assembly grounds, can be ascertained. Annual plans of the programs and activities
year wise accordingly needs to be made to establish the adopted schools as a Happy School. The
RNLM has a matrix format available to Clubs and Provinces to assist the Clubs. Take the support.
Submissions for listing of adopted schools should also make mention of the partners: Rotaract/
Interact Clubs, RCCs, Inner Wheel/Spouse Groups, and other Corporates/Institutions.

Rotarians need to be proactive and lead the way. On the part of the RNLM and the District
co-operation tie-ups will be ensured with International Rotary Districts/Clubs, the Federal and
Local Government and Municipalities

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Basic Education & Literacy (RNLM)

RNLM encourages Clubs to participate in projects through Global/District Grants, and has
also decided to support one third amount of the Clubs contribution in projects. To assist Clubs
in undertaking projects a number of MOUs have been signed and completed with vendors of
computers and e-learning (online/visual) support, paint companies etc. Similarly, CSR values
of companies is a major resource for projects. However, to be able to allow many Clubs to
undertake a number of projects, and fund through it’s own resources; a yearly rolling fund of Rs. 10
million will be needed. In order to also make our own contribution the Clubs have recently ratified
annual support to Literacy @ Rs. 500.00 per member to create the targeted fund. This allows project
funding through Global Grants, District Grants, CSR funding and RNLM direct funds.

Clubs/Schools/Institutions; Rotarians/Individuals and other Contributors would be recognized.

Awards would also be given to the best student and best teacher of the year from the adopted
schools. Every deserving supporter of the Mission would be appreciated on September 8, the
World Literate Day. Two types of special awards are being introduced:

• Krishna Pyari Mathema Rotary Award for Excellence in Basic Education initiated by
Rtn. Neeva and her husband Rajesh Pradhan: is to recognize the contribution made by a
government school(s) at the basic level and/or person(s) working in a basic school(s) in
improving (a) quality of teaching and learning environment and (b) learning outcomes of
students at the level of classrooms, schools, or local districts. Rs.10 lakhs will be available
each year, for this.
• Mathura Family Teachers Excellence Award for Basic and or Secondary Schools. 14 teachers
(a male/a female) from each Province will be awarded every 2 years @ Rs. 50,000.00 each.
IPDG Rtn. Kiran Lal Shrestha and his family will be contributing 7 lakhs for this.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Blood Bank

Blood is an essential element in treatment and saving lives of the patients. However, a
lot is desired in this area. Blood supply, in times of need, is always scarce and there are
several reports of deaths, due to blood shortage. Several initiatives have been taken
within Rotary and Rotary District 3292 in June 2014 has been successful in establishing a
Blood Bank in Lalipur namely “Nepal Rotary-Heart Foundation-Red Cross-Lalitpur Blood
Transfusion Centre” in partnership with Nepal Red-Cross Society, Lalitpur District Chapter
and Nepal Heart Foundation, Lalitpur. The Blood Bank was established through Global Grant
(Project cost US$ 192, 838) with all 17 Korean Districts as International Partners.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Sustainable Immunization Support Fund (SISF) Program

Fully immunizing every child with routine and newer vaccines (pneumococcal,
rotavirus) can contribute up to 25% of the needed child mortality reduction. Immunization
to children against vaccine preventable diseases is one of the most cost-effective health
interventions and key to achieving the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) to reduce
mortality among under 5 children and mothers.

To ensure that the funding gap for immunization is met in the current context of global
financial crisis, this was an initiative by the Rotary Club of Kathmandu North to ensure that
no child and mothers are deprived of its right to be immunized and to have the latest available

With the initiation of Rotary Club of Kathmandu North, Rotary Dist. 3292 has been
working with UNICEF Nepal, Sabin Vaccine Institute and Government of Nepal to
advocate for sustainable immunization financing. In this context, Rotary District 3292 has
endorsed Sustainable Immunization Support Fund (SISF) in its By-laws on June, 2014.

As part of social responsibility, every year $1 by every Rotarians can help to contribute

Rotary District 3292 will work closely with stakeholders to use the funds appropriately. The
fund is aimed to be used to increase the quality of the immunization program, to conduct
various social mobilization activities to improve coverage, to strengthen cold chain system
and to procure vaccines.

According to the By-Laws of RI District 3292, each Rotary year a “SISF Committee” will be
constituted with the following Rotarians as its members:
1. District Governor – Chair
2. Immediate Past District Governor
3. District Governor Elect
4. District Governor Nominee
5. Rotarian nominated by District Governor – Member Secretary

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Traffic Awareness and Road Safety

RI District 3292 besides their involvement in many humanitarian service projects is
also regularly undertaking Traffic Awareness, Road Safety program, Road Accident
Rescue Training and Disaster Relief in the country through its network of Rotary Clubs.
It has also established a “District Disaster Relief Fund” of NPR 10 million which is almost
complete and is engaged regularly in humanitarian services in disaster relief and
management in the country.

The objective of “Road Safety Project” as a District Signature Project is to support the
growing need under “Urban Concern” as all the Rotary Clubs are situated in Urban
Communities, enhance civic responsibilities and elevate Rotary Image as well. RI District
3292  shall act as a  Catalyst Stakeholder in promoting and supporting Road Safety through
partnership approach and:

1. RI District 3292  through Rotary Clubs and Stakeholders shall promote and support
traffic awareness and road safety initiatives in major cities throughout the country.

2. RI District 3292 through partnership shall initiate and support the establishment and
operation of “Road Safety Demo Park and Training center”. And shall gradually through its
domestic and international networking provide tools, logistics and trainings to promote and
support “Road Safety Demo Park and Training center”.

3. RI District 3292 shall coordinate and encourage its Rotaractors, Interactors, Rotary
Community Corps and Rotarians to regularize visits in “Road Safety Demo Park and
Training center” of students from their service area schools to promote traffic awareness and
road safety.

4. RI District 3292 shall encourage its Rotaractors, Interactors, Rotary Community Corps
and Rotarians to establish Public Image as a Responsible Driver. This itself will enable elevate
Rotary Image.

A District Committee as under is established for the effective actions on the objectives set as:
1. Chair – District Governor
2. Member – Immediate Past District Governor
3. Member – District Governor Elect
4. Member – District Governor Nominee
5. Member Secretary – nominated by the District

District Directory
RY 2022-2023



District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Council of Governors

Jitendra B. Rajbhandary
District Governor (2022-23)
Club: RC Kopundol
Cell: 9851023265

Dr. Tika Man Vaidya Ratna Man Sakya

Past District Governor (2008-09) Past District Governor (2009-10)
Club: RC Patan West Club: RC Kathmandu
Cell: 9851020607 Cell: 9851038917
Email: Email:

Tirtha Man Sakya Basu Dev Golyan

Past District Governor (2010-11) Past District Governor (2011-12)
Club: RC Patan Club : RC Biratnagar
Cell: 9851026534 Cell: 9802031467
Email: Email:

Yogendra Man Pradhan Dilendra Raj Shrestha

Past District Governor (2012-13) Past District Governor (2013-14)
Club: RC Kathmandu Midtown Club: RC Yala
Cell: 9851020775 Cell: 9851060654
Email: Email:

Rabindra Kumar Piya Keshav Kunwar

Past District Governor (2014-15) Past District Governor (2015-16)
Club: RC Chitwan Club: RC Dhulikhel
Cell: 9855055735 Cell: 9851020711
Email: Email:

Jaya RL Shah Sanjay Giri

Past District Governor (2016-17) Past District Governor (2017-18)
Club : RC Jawalakhel Club: RC Birganj
Cell: 9851022552 Cell: 9851071861
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Council of Governors
Chintamani Bhattarai Kiran Lal Shrestha
Past District Governor (2018-19) Past District Governor (2019-20)
Club: RC Kantipur Kathmandu Club: RC Pokhara
Cell: 9851021438 Cell: 9856020089
Email: Email:

Rajib Pokhrel Santosh Prasad Rijal

Past District Governor (2020-21) Immediate Past District Governor (2021-22)
Club: RC Kathmandu Metro Club: RC Biratnagar
Cell: 9851021675 Cell: 9852023051
Email: Email:

Rajendra Prasad Dhoju Rajendra Man Sherchan

District Governor Elect (2023-24) District Governor Nominee (2024-25)
Club: RC Butwal Club: RC Thamel
Cell: 9857020090 Cell: 981021761
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Advisory Council

Ambica Shrestha
Club: RC Kathmandu Midtown
Cell: 9851021311

Gajendra Bahadur Shrestha Dr. Roop Jyoti

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Kasthmandap Club: RC Kathmandu Midtown
Cell: 9851024939 Cell: 9851020425
Email: Email:

Beni Gopal Mundara Chandi Prasad Shrestha

Member Member
Club: RC Biratnagar Club: RC Lalitpur Midtown
Cell: 9852020671 Cell: 9801087095
Email: Email:

Kedar Bhakta Shrestha Ram Chandra Acharya

Member Member
Club: RC Patan Club: RC Butwal South
Cell: 9849850226 Cell: 9857025101
Email: Email:

Uttam Chukhe G Narayan B. Chhetri

Member Member
Club: RC Chitwan Club: RC Narayani Midtown
Cell: 9855055529 Cell: 9855055300
Email: Email:

Ajay Man Shrestha Dr. I.P Dhakal

Member Member
Club: RC Butwal Club: RC Bharatpur
Cell: 9857045500 Cell: 9855055560
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Advisory Council

Manju Karki Lamichhane Gopal Bahadur Pokhrel
Member Member
Club: RC Jawalakhel Club: RC Palpa Lumbini
Cell: 9851003991 Cell: 9857020149
Email: Email:

Surendra Govinda Joshi Sundar Gurung

Member Member
Club: RC Yala Club: RC Pokhara Midtown
Cell: 9860999303 Cell: 9856029464
Email: Email:

Sashi Raj Pandey Madan Adhikari

Member Member
Club: RC Pashupati Kathmandu Club: RC Hetauda
Cell: 9851104403 Cell: 9855069741
Email: Email:

Binod Bahadur Shrestha

Club: RC Lalitpur Midtown
Cell: 9801021133

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Administrative Council

Jitendra B. Rajbhandary
District Governor
Club: RC Kopundol
Cell: 9851023265

Santosh Prasad Rijal Rajendra Prasad Dhoju

Immediate Past District Governor District Governor Elect
Chair, District Credential Committee Club: RC Butwal
Club: RC Biratnagar Cell: 9857020090
Cell: 9852023051 Email:

Rajendra Man Sherchan Bishnu Hari Dahal

District Governor Nominee Assistant Governor Zone 1
Club: RC Thamel Club: RC Matribhumi Baluwatar
Cell: 9851021761 Cell: 9851045434
Email: Email:

Grouben Taujale Sohan Sundar Shrestha

Assistant Governor Zone 2 Assistant Governor Zone 3
Club: RC Kavre Banepa Club: RC Patan Durbar Square
Cell: 9851075011 Cell: 9851081312
Email: Email:

Bharat Kumar Shrestha Binita Pradhan Joshi

Assistant Governor Zone 4 Assistant Governor Zone 5
Club: RC Tripureswor Club: RC Mahabouddha
Cell: 9851038354 Cell: 9851072532
Email: Email:

Samjhana Pokharel Shah Rajendra Kumar Dahal

Assistant Governor Zone 6 Assistant Governor Zone 7
Club: RC Dillibazar Kathmandu Club: RC Kathmandu
Cell: 9851019913 Cell: 9851067240
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Administrative Council

Lalita Thapa Ummeed Shrestha
Assistant Governor Zone 8 Assistant Governor Zone 9
Club: RC Patan Club: RC E-club of District 3292
Cell: 9851072937 Cell: 9851058915
Email: Email:

Anish Kumar Bajracharya Pabina Khadka

Assistant Governor Zone 10 Assistant Governor Zone 11
Club: RC Lalitpur Club: RC Nagarjun
Cell: 9851083768 Cell: 9851051643
Email: Email:

Deepak Kumar Shrestha Urvashi Rana

Assistant Governor Zone 12 Assistant Governor Zone 13
Club: RC Yala Club: RC Jawalakhel Manjushree
Cell: 9851119063 Cell: 9801026345
Email: Email:

Gobind Neupane Deepak Thapa

Assistant Governor Zone 14 Assistant Governor Zone 15
Club: RC Kopundol Club: RC Baneswor
Cell: 9851014640 Cell: 9851085785
Email: Email:

Kumud Tripathy Rajendra Ligal

Assistant Governor Zone 16 Assistant Governor Zone 17
Club: RC Thamel Club: RC Pokhara Lakeside
Cell: 9851023063 Cell: 9856026229
Email: Email:

Laxmi Thapa Giri Prem Prasad Sharma

Assistant Governor Zone 18 Assistant Governor Zone 19
Club: RC Pokhara Fishtail Club: RC Pokhara Annapurna
Cell: 9856044572 Cell: 9856020303
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Administrative Council

Nakul Thapa K B Shahi
Assistant Governor Zone 20 Assistant Governor Zone 21
Club: RC Gorkha Club: RC Baglung
Cell: 9856040087 Cell: 9847637588
Email: Email:

Dinesh Poudyal Puran Prasad Shrestha

Assistant Governor Zone 22 Assistant Governor Zone 23
Club: RC Lumbini Siddharthagagar Club: RC Butwal
Cell: 9847039277 Cell: 9857020909
Email: Email:

Pitamber Gyawali Mahesh Bista

Assistant Governor Zone 24 Assistant Governor Zone 25
Club: RC Butwal Downtown Club: RC Dhangadhi
Cell: 9857029489 Cell: 9851003580
Email: Email:

Tufan Babu Shrestha Prem Bhurtel

Assistant Governor Zone 26 Assistant Governor Zone 27
Club: RC Tulsipur City Club: RC Butwal South
Cell: 9857820188 Cell: 9851143490
Email: Email:

Mohan Prasad Shrestha Raju Devi Khanal

Assistant Governor Zone 28 Assistant Governor Zone 29
Club: RC Palpa Tansen Club: RC Manigram
Cell: 9857060112 Cell: 9857028200
Email: Email:

Raju Kharel Sanjiv Sharma Regmi

Assistant Governor Zone 30 Assistant Governor Zone 31
Club: RC Rupandehi Club: RC Bhairahawa
Cell: 9857021099 Cell: 9857020577
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Administrative Council

Bipin Pokhrel Suresh Bahadur Sen Thakuri
Assistant Governor Zone 32 Assistant Governor Zone 33
Club: RC Ratnanagar Club: RC Bharatpur
Cell: 9855056560 Cell: 9855057016
Email: Email:

Dr. Anand Kumar Jha Ashesh Bhandari

Assistant Governor Zone 34 Assistant Governor Zone 35
Club: RC Birgunj Club: RC Narayani Midtown
Cell: 9855023945 Cell: 9802650505
Email: Email:

Sapana Rijal Archana Taparia

Assistant Governor Zone 36 Assistant Governor Zone 37
Club: RC Biratnagar Central Club: RC Biratnagar Downtown
Cell: 9852023172 Cell: 9807047497
Email: Email:

Radeeka Gurung Nikita Giri

Assistant Governor Zone 38 Assistant Governor Zone 39
Club: RC Kakarvitta Club: RC Birtamode
Cell: 9840995522 Cell: 9852673083
Email: Email:

Kamal Agrawal Amit Giri

Assistant Governor ZONE 35 District Secretary
Club: RC Biratnagar Club: RC Rajdhani
Cell: 9852020530 Cell: 9851155941
Email: Email:

Nar Bahadur Shrish Niranjan Pradhan

Joint District Secretary, Region 5 Joint District Secretary, Region 6
Club: RC Butwal Downtown Club: RC Narayangarh
Cell: 9857026971 Cell: 9845026689
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Administrative Council

Anita Adhikari Prakriti Dhakal
Joint District Secretary, Region 7 District Assistant Secretary
Club: RC Itahari Club: RAC Gandaki Medical College
Cell: 9852044422 Cell: 9865041051
Email: Email:

Gyanendra Bhari Biswo Bijay Shrestha

District Treasurer Assistant District Treasurer
Club: RC Patan Durbar Square Club: RC Patan Durbar Square
Cell: 9851034463 Cell: 9851112014
Email: Email:

PDG Kiran Lal Shrestha Prithvi Raj Vaidya

Chair, District Finance Committee Chair, District Conference Committee
Club: RC Pokhara Club: RC Kopundol
Cell: 9856020089 Cell: 9851020960
Email: Email:

Dhruba Prasad Acharya Mahendra Rajkarnikar

Chair, District Membership Committee Chair, District RI Program Committee
Club: RC Kopundol Club: RC Kathmandu West
Cell: 9851068544 Cell: 9851036270
Email: Email:

Sohan Poddar Durga Subedi

Chair, New Generation Committee Chair, District Rotaract Committee
Club: RC Birgunj Club: RC Pashupati Kathmandu
Cell: 9855020328 Cell: 9851011720
Email: Email:

Govind Singh Gopal SL Kakshapati

Chair, Rotary Day Celebration Committee Chair, District Public Image Committee
Club: RC Lumbini Siddharthanagar Club:RC Kathamandu Midtown
Cell: 9857020040 Cell: 9851020860
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Administrative Council

Rajendra Lamsal Mithilesh Kumar Jha
Chair, District Rotary Foundation Chair, District International Service
Committee Committee
Club: RC Butwal Club: RC Rajdhani
Cell: 9857033497 Cell: 9851023319
Email: Email: mkjfl

Rajendra Lal Shrestha PDG Sanjay Giri

Chair, RI Convention Promotion Chair, District Training Committee
Committee Club: RC Birgunj
Club: RC Kantipur Kathmandu Cell: 9851071861
Cell: 9851020059 Email:

Hom Kanta Chaulagain PDG Tirtha Man Sakya

Chair, District Rules and Procedures Chair, Basic Education & Literacy
Committee (RNLM)
Club: RC Durbarmarg Kathmandu Club: RC Patan
Cell: 9851056576 Cell: 9851026534
Email: Email:

PDG Yogendra Man Pradhan Rajendra Dhakal

Chair, District Balloting Committee Chair, Club Service Committee
Club: RC Kathmandu Midtown Club: RC Butwal South
Cell: 9851020775 Cell: 9857021308
Email: Email:

Rajendra Bam Rama Kandel

Chair, Vocational Service Committee Chair, Community Service Committee
Club: RC Jawalakhel Manjushree Club: RC Bagmati Kathmandu
Cell: 9851009555 Cell: 9851081934
Email: Email:

Azaj Alam Krishna Bahadur Chettry

Chair, Service Project Committee Chair, Addiction and Prevention
Club: RC Central Butwal Program Committee
Cell: 9857020051 Club: RC Newroad City
Email: Cell: 9801032318

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Administrative Council

Rabendra Raj Pandey Prabhat Yonjon

Chair, District Disability Mitigation Chair, District Award and Recognition
Committee Committee
Club: RC Patan Club: RC Kantipur Kathmandu
Cell: 9851020174 Cell: 9851031641
Email: Email:

Upendra Paudyal Mona Pokharel Adhikari

Chair, District CSR Committee Chair, District WINS Committee
Club: RC Kasthamandap Club: RC Kathmandu
Cell: 9851021149 Cell: 9841531172
Email: Email:

Jayendra Rimal Pradeep Man Vaidya

Chair, District Strategic Planning & Chair, District Support & Strengthening
Review Committee Committee
Club: RC Dillibazar Kathmandu Club: RC Patan West
Cell: 9851079616 Cell: 9851025000
Email: Email:

PDG Dilendra Raj Shrestha Binod Singh

Chair, Blood Bank, Heart Hospital & Chair, District Road Safety Program
District Community Heart Hospital Club: RC Kasthamandap Kathmandu
Club: RC Yala Cell: 9851022539
Cell: 9851060654 Email:

Bhoo Arun Malla Nava Raj Dhakal

Chair, Rotary Global Rewards Committee Chair, VIP Hospitality Committee
Club: RC Kathmandu Metro Club: RC Kantipur Kathmandu
Cell: 9851025011 Cell: 9851021970
Email: Email:

Chhongba Sherpa Rabi Prasad Baral

Chair, District Information Technology Chair, District Diversity, Equity and
Committee Inclusion
Club: RC Boudha Club: RC Pokhara New Road
Cell: 9841595911 Cell: 9856025615
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Administrative Council

Dhiraj Kumar Karki Chhetri Sushil Rijal
Chair, District Sport Committee Chair, District ICM Committee
Club: RC Hetauda Club: RC Biratnagar Midtown
Cell: 9845022571 Cell: 9852020259
Email: Email:

PDG Basu Dev Golyan Suresh Acharya

Chair, District Rotary Vocational Chair, Rotary Journo Award Committee
Excellency Award Club: RC Kopundol
Club : RC Biratnagar Cell: 9851109925
Cell: 9802031467 Email:

Bhawani Devkota Maheswor Bhakta Shrestha

Chair, District Women Leadership in Chair, District Archive Committee
Rotary Club: RC Kopundol
Club: RC Kathmandu North East Cell: 9851094345
Cell: 9851000309 Email:

Vishnu B. Karkee Sulochana Sigdel

Chair, District Program Committee Chair, District Rotary Sustainable
Club: RC Baneswor Immunization Committee
Cell: 9851035000 Club: RC Kathmandu Kalanki
Email: Cell: 9856021472

Hema Kumari Adhikari Dr. Bishwa Keshar Maskay

Chair, District Girls Child Empowernment Chair, District Sustainable Development
Committee Goal Committee
Club: RC Jawalakhel Club: RC Rajdhani
Cell: 9851050992 Cell: 9851033466
Email: Email:

Sangeeta Giri Dan Bahadur Chand

Chair, Presidential Citation Chair, District Sergeant-at-Arms
Club: RC Birgunj Committee
Cell: 9855022160 Club: RC Kathmandu
Email: Cell: 9851052396

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Finance Committee

PDG Kiran Lal Shrestha

Club: RC Pokhara
Cell: 9856020089

PDG Rajib Pokhrel IPDG Santosh Prasad Rijal

Member Member
Club: RC Kathmandu Metro Club: RC Biratnagar
Cell: 9851021675 Cell: 9852023051
Email: Email:

Gyanendra Bhari
Club: RC Patan Durbar Square
Cell: 9851034463

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Conference Committee

Prithvi Raj Vaidya

Club: RC Kopundol
Cell: 9851020960

Rajendra Shakya Bandhu Ranjan

Co-Chair Conference Secretary
Club: RC Kopundol Club: RC Kopundol
Cell: 9851031452 Cell: 9851023213
Email: Email:

Hariom Dhoj Joshi PDG Sanjay Giri

Conference Treasurer Advisor
Club: RC Kopundol Club: RC Birgunj
Cell: 9851088446 Cell: 9851071861
Email: Email:

Amit Giri Gyanendra Bhari

Member Member
Club: RC Rajdhani Club: RC Patan Durbar Square
Cell: 9851155941 Cell: 9851034463
Email: Email:

Dr. Dhruba Prasad Acharya Sashin Joshi

Member Member
Club: RC Kopundol Club: RC Kopundol
Cell: 9851068544 Cell: 9851021063
Email: Email:

Gobinda Neupane Azaj Alam

Member Member
Club: RC Kopundol Club: RC Central Butwal
Cell: 9851014640 Cell: 9857020051
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Conference Committee

Meenu Hada Sunita Rijal
Member Member
Club: RC Kopundol Club: RC New Road City
Cell: 9851101845 Cell: 9851083733
Email: Email:

Mahesh Bir Bajracharya

Cell: 9841373897

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Membership Committee

Dr. Dhruba Prasad Acharya

Club: RC Kopundol
Cell: 9851068544

Ramesh Shrestha Manish Ghiraiya

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Narayanagarh Club: RC Tripureswor
Cell: 9855055040 Cell: 9851034701
Email: Email:

Gen, Sharad Neupane Vibha Singh

Chair, Region 1 - 2 Chair, Region 3
Club: RC Bagmati Kathmandu Club: RC Jawalakhel
Cell: 9851071220 Cell: 9841308664
Email: Email:

Bishnu Hari Timilsina Jeevan Prasad Adhikari

Chair, Region 4 Chair, Region 5
Club: RC Pokhra Fishtail Club: RC Butwal Downtown
Cell: 9856035870 Cell: 9857025914
Email: Email:

Bijay Kumar Vaidya Bhairab Rijal

Chair, Region 6 Chair, Region 7
Club: RC Hetauda Club: RC Biratnagar Central
Cell: 9855070363 Cell: 9852021704
Email: Email:

Rtr. Samir Adhikari Rtr. Reezma Dangol

Member Member
Club: RAC Kupondol Club: RAC Kupondol
Cell: 9803562156 Cell: 9810163288
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Membership Committee

Itr. Prisma Gautam
Club: RC Interact Club of Newroad City
Cell: 9823578517

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary Members Retension Subcommittee

Anil Kumar Thapaliya

Club: RC Narayani Midtown
Cell: 9855055358

Ramesh Milan Shrestha Sakumda Raj Aryal

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Kathmandu West Club: RC Durbarmarg
Cell: 9851025909 Cell: 9851049015
Email: Email:,

Biju Bahini Shrestha Jaganath Adhikari

Member Member
Club: RC Itahari Club: RC Ratnanagar
Cell: 9852048686 Cell: 9845043587
Email: Email: jagannathadhikari88&

Baburam Baral Hari Prasad Poudel

Member Member
Club: RC Pokhara Annapurna Club: RC Butwal
Cell: 9856061333 Cell: 9857021304
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

New Member Orientation Subcommittee

Hariom Dhoj Joshi

Club: RC Kopundol
Cell: 9851088446

Rajendra Ram Shrestha Uttam Mani Paudyal

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Lalitpur Club: RC Bhadgaun
Cell: 9851026298 Cell: 9851040809
Email: Email:

Narayan Kharel Rtr. Hrishav Raj Joshi

Member Member
Club: RC Kathmandu Club: RAC Kupondol
Cell: 9841550463

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

New Club Development Subcommittee

Subash Sigdel
Club: RC Pokhara Newroad
Cell: 9856020916

Pradeep Prasad Udaya Ibindra Raj Tiwari

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Palpa Tansen Club: RC Lekhnath
Cell: 9847029727 Cell: 9856021101
Email: Email:

Rajesh Agrawal Hari Prasad Paudel

Member Member
Club: RC Dharan Ghopa Club: RC Butwal
Cell: 9852045082 Cell: 9857021304
Email: Email:

Ram Gartaula Sanjay Kumar Sah

Member Member
Club: RC Kathmandu Club: RC Birgunj Metropolis
Cell: 9851023889 Cell: 9855022736
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rota Quiz Subcommittee

Biju Thapaliya
Club: RC Biratnagar
Cell: 9852026828

Narayan Krishna Kharel Jayendra Rimal

Co-Chair Advisor
Club: RC Kathmandu Club: RC Dillibazar Kathmandu
Cell: 9841550463 Cell: 9851079616
Email: Email:

Manish Ghiraiya Puspa Kamal Poudel

Advisor Chair, Region 4
Club: RC Tripureswor Club: RC Pokhara Newroad
Cell: 9851034701 Cell: 9856030063
Email: Email:

Gautam Bhusal Jitendra Nath Sharma

Chair, Region 5 Co-Chair, Region 5
Club: RC Rupandehi Club: RC Lumbini Siddharthanagar
Cell: 9857022070 Cell: 9857020999
Email: Email:

Tanka Pokhrel Amod Simangaida

Member, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Central Butwal Club: RC Butwal
Cell: 9857021325 Cell: 9857020875
Email: Email:

Ganesh Prasad Bhusal Madhu Dayal Saiju

Member, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Sainamaina Club: RC Palpa Tansen
Cell: 9857033770 Cell: 9847029422
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rota Quiz Subcommittee

Surendra Nath Regmi Indra Prasad Nepal
Chair, Region 6 Co-Chair, Region 6
Club: RC Ratnanagar Club: RC Hetauda
Cell: 9855062122 Cell: 9855067125
Email: Email:

Shiva Raj Uppreti Dinesh Kumar Pokhrel

Member, Region 6 Chair, Region 7
Club: RC Ratnanagar Club: RC Britamode Midtown
Cell: 9855062255 Cell: 9852679714
Email: Email:

Deepak Shakya
Member, Region 7
Club: RC Dharan
Cell: 9852020645

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District RI Program Committee

Mahendra Rajkarnikar
Club: RC Kathmandu West
Cell: 9851036270

Kami Rinzi Sherpa Sishir Gyawali

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Patan South Club: RC Chandragiri
Cell: 9851022002 Cell: 9851015873
Email: Email:

Uttam Khadka Pushkar Man Shakya

Chair, District RCC Sub Committee Chair, District Almuni Sub Committee
Club: RC Kathmandu North Club: RC Patan
Cell: 9851070323 Cell: 985107420
Email: Email:

Ajay Sthapit Sunil Ratna Tuladhar

Chair, District Global Networking Group Chair, District Rotary Fellowship
Subcommittee Subcommittee
Club: RC Kathmandu Midotwn Club: RC Newroad City
Cell: 9851020990 Cell: 9801045025
Email: Email:

Manoj Kandel Sanjib Paudel

Chair, District Rotary Friendship Member
Exchange Sub Committee Club: RAC Pokhara Newroad
Club: RC Bhadgaun
Cell: 9851021371

Sambid Ghimire
Club: RAC Patan South

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Global Networking Group Group Subcommittee

Ajay Sthapit
Club: RC Kathmandu Midotwn
Cell: 9851020990

Arun Kumar Bansal Rtr. Sneha Shakya

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Baneswor Club: RAC Patan South
Cell: 9851021715 Cell: 9849247453
Email: Email:

District Rotary Fellowship Subcommittee

Sunil Ratna Tuladhar

Club: RC New Road City
Cell: 9801045025

Ram Gartaula Nepal Bhusan Chand

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Kathmandu Club: RC Kasthamandap
Cell: 9851023889 Cell: 9851083468
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

RCC Subcommittee

Uttam Khadka
Club: RC Kathmandu North
Cell: 9851070323

Krishna Prasad Aryal Ashok Kumar Shrestha

Advisor Advisor
Club: RC Butwal Club: RC Dhulikhel
Cell: 9857026503 Cell: 9851122737
Email: Email:

Ashok Kumar Basnet Buddhi Ram Joshi

Member Member
Club: RC Dhading Club: RC Ratnanagar
Cell: 9841633562 Cell: 9845023931
Email: Email:

Prakash Thapa Nawaraj Shrestha

Member Member
Club: RC Bhadgaon Club: RC Sankhu
Cell: 9851054774 Cell: 9841212053
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Alumni Subcommittee

Pushkar Man Shakya

Club: RC Patan
Cell: 985107420

Kirti Nath Maskey Om Shrestha

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Patan West Club: RC Bhaktapur
Cell: 9851009894 Cell: 9851025272
Email: Email:

Mahendra Rajkanikar Ramesh Sharma

Member Member
Club: RC Kathmandu West Club: RC Tripureswor
Cell: 9851036270 Cell: 9851106538
Email: Email:

Prajanya Raj Rajbhandary Surendra Regmi

Member Member
Club: RC Lalitpur Club: RC Jawalakhel
Cell: 9851052604

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Rotary Friendship Exchange Sub Committee

Manoj Kandel
Club: RC Bhadgaun
Cell: 9851021371

Dr. Harsha Ratna Shakya Udaya Gartaula

Advisor Member
Club: RC New Road City Kathmandu Club: RC Kathmandu West
Cell: 9851021413 Cell: 9801026642
Email: Email:

Mahesh Bajracharya
Club: RC E-Club of District 3292
Cell: 9851050119

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

New Generation Committee

Sohan Poddar
Club: RC Birgunj
Cell: 9855020328

Tejnath Neupane Shuva Kumai Pathak

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Pokhara Annapurna Club: RC Birtamode Midtown
Cell: 9846259204 Cell: 9852672502,
Email: Email:

Bijay Kumar Sharma

Club: RC Nyatapola
Cell: 9851090000

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Interact Subcommittee

Arjun Shrestha
Club: RC Newroad City Kathmandu
Cell: 9841236099

Ganesh Hari Prajapati Hari Prasad Subedi

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Madhyapur Club: RC Bharatpur
Cell: 9841299827 Cell: 9855055615
Email: Email:

Rtr. Rabina Shakya Surendra Bikram Prajapati

Co-Chair Advisor
Club: RAC Bhaktapur Club: RC Madhyapur Thimi
Cell: 9849426092 Cell: 9751019554
Email: Email:

Dr. Prabhash Roy Suraj Kshetri

Member Member
Club: RC RAC Chitwan Club: RC Butwal Chautari
Cell: 9860395322 Cell: 9857029498
Email: Email:

Rajiv Ullah Khan Rtr. Priyanka Sharma

Member Member
Club: RC Dang Club: RAC Birtamode Mid-Town
Cell: 9857840832 Cell: 9804929305
Email: Email: rtr.priyankasharma@gmail.

Rtr. Rujwol Shrestha Itr. Himal Acharya

Member Member
Club: RAC NewRoad City Kathmandu Club: Interact Club of Canon
Cell: 9813870347 Cell: 9847025013
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Interact Subcommittee

Rtr. Saurab Wagle Itr. Bipin Subedi
Member Member
Club: RAC Newroad Pokhara Club: Interact Pokhara Lakeside
Cell: 9856054088 Cell: 9805850801
Email: Email:

Rtr. Sunil Shahi Itr. Dipawali Malla

Member Member
Club: RAC Bhadgaon Club: Interact Little Angel’s school
Cell: 9860436573 Cell: 9869634652

Sunil Ratna Tuladhar

Club: RC New Road Kathmandu City
Cell: 9801045025

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

RYLA Subcommittee

Khim Bahadur Karki

Club: RC Lumbini Siddharthanagar
Cell: 9857023988

Sudip Koirala Swoyambhu Ratna Tuladhar

Co-Chair Advisor
Club: RC Rudramati kathmandu Club: RC Thamel
Cell: 9851035715 Cell: 9851035251
Email: Email:

Mitra Khatri Rupesh Shrestha

Member Chair, Region 1
Club: RAC Rajdhani Club: RC Sankhu
Cell: 9860255370 Cell: 9851040439

Damodar Bhandari Daya Ram Poudel

Chair, Region 4 Co-Chair, Region 4
Club: RC Damauli Club: RC Baglung
Cell: 9856060690 Cell: 9857620263
Email: Email:

Kushal Tartal Devananda Pandey

Chair, Region 5 Co-Chair, Region 5
Club: RC Tulsipur Club: RC Rupandehi
Cell: 9857820324 Cell: 9857023840
Email: Email:

Gopal Prasad Gyawali Devi Dutta Gyawali

Member, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Tilotama Raupandehi Club: RC Butwal South
Cell: 9857027127 Cell: 9857038703
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

RYLA Subcommittee

Bindhya Keshar Joshi Birendra Kaji Shakya

Member, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Butwal Club: RC Palpa Tansen
Cell: 9857020830 Cell: 9847029938
Email: Email:

Rtr. Pravin Paudel Purna Chandra Sapkota

Member, Region 5 Chair, Region 6
Club: RAC Ratnanagar Club: RC Bharatpur
Cell: 9855055940

Bharat Malla Bimal Kumar Chhetri

Co-Chair, Region 6 Member, Region 6
Club: RC Narayani Midtown Club: RC Bharatpur
Cell: 9855056175 Cell: 9855055158
Email: Email:

Gopendra Kesari Neupane Rtr. Nabin Dubadi

Member, Region 6 Member, Region 6
Club: RC Gaidakot Club: RAC Ratnanagar
Cell: 9855060851

Dipendra Gautam Binod Basnet

Chair, Region 7 Co-Chair, Region 7
Club: RC Itahari Club: RC Birtamode
Cell: 9852059858 Cell: 9852672122
Email: Email:

Prem Bahadur Shrestha Rtr. Lokraj Pandeya

Member, Region 7 Member
Club: RC Urlabari Club: RAC Kathmandu
Cell: 9852023660 Cell: 9843496894
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Youth Exchange Subcommittee

Debendra Lal Shrestha

Club: RC Rajdhani
Cell: 9851116353

Surendra Prajapati Rtr. Ananta Malla

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Madhyapur Club: RAC Kathmandu
Cell: 9751019554 Cell: 9861205110
Email: Email:

Itr. Aakriti Thapa

Club: Interact club of Yala
Cell: 9849381754

Youth Protection Officer

Sachin Awale
Club: RC Kathmandu Height
Cell: 9801053029

Itr. Himal Acharya

Club: Interact Club of Yala
Cell: 9847025013

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Rotaract Committee

Durga Subedi
Club: RC Pashupati Kathmandu
Cell: 9851011720

Sushil Kumar Karki DRR Laxman Kharal

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Kathmandu Club: RAC Central Rupandehi
Cell: 9851224317 Cell: 9857057143
Email: Email:

Shalik Ram Adhikari Bal Krishna Pandey

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Pashupati Kathmandu Club: RC Lumbini Star
Cell: 9851069257 Cell: 9857027246
Email: Email:

Biplab Hamal Sharad Joshi

Member Member
Club: RC Parbat Club: RC Birtamode Midtown
Cell: 9851016094 Cell: 9852673716
Email: Email:

Bhupendra Niraula Suraj Kharel

Member Member
Club: RC Itahari Club: RC Central Rupandehi
Cell: 9852040293 Cell: 9857032838
Email: Email:

Prakash Poudel Rtr. Niraj Khanal

Member Member
Club: RC Narayani Midtown Club: RAC Chitwan
Cell: 9851275475 Cell: 9855075221
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Rotaract Committee

Rtr. Dadhiram Dhakal Rtr. Sarita Rana
Member Member
Club: RAC Damak Club: RAC Bhairahawa
Cell: 9862222613 Cell: 9857011529
Email: Email:

Rtr. Manisha Shrestha Rtr. Bibas Aryal

Member Member
Club: RAC Kavre Valley Club: RAC Hetauda
Cell: 9840548057 Cell: 9845488697
Email: Email:

Rtr. Posan Gyawali

Club: RAC Kathamandu

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary Day Celebration Committee

Govind Singh
Club: RC Lumbini Siddharthanagar
Cell: 9857020040

Man Kaji Pradhan Chuman Jung Shahi

Co-Chair Chair, Region 1-3
Club: RC Kavre Banepa Club: RC Pashupati Kathmandu
Cell: 9841006869 Cell: 9851065229
Email: Email:

Ibendra Tiwari Suresh Dhoju

Chair, Region 4 Co-Chair, Region 4
Club: RC Lekhnath Club: RC Pokhara Annapurna
Cell: 9856021101 Cell: 9856026344
Email: Email:

Hira Bahadur Shah Anup Shrestha

Chair, Region 5 Co-Chair, Region 5
Club: RC Central Lumbini Club: RC Tulsipur City
Cell: 9857021076 Cell: 9857820280
Email: Email:

Rabi Lal Acharya Bimal Rijal

Co-Chair, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Lamahi Club: RC Tulsipur City
Cell: 9857831287 Cell: 9857820136
Email: Email:

Pratima Bhusal Achyut Panta

Member, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Tinau Butwal Club: RC Manigram
Cell: 9857035419 Cell: 9857024904
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary Day Celebration Committee

Rtr. Binod Khatiwada Shiva Raj Upreti
Member, Region 5 Chair, Region 6
Club: RAC Ratnanagar Club: RC Ratnanagar
Cell: 9855062255

Ujjwal Sharma Bhandari Sanjay Shah

Co-Chair, Region 6 Co-Chair, Region 6
Club: RC Hetauda Club: RC Birganj Metropilis
Cell: 9855067162 Cell: 9855022736
Email: ujjwalsharmabhandari@ Email:

Bijay Lal Shrestha Shankar Prasad Ghimire

Member, Region 6 Member, Region 6
Club: RC Makawanpur Club: RC Gaidakot
Cell: 9845022798 Cell: 9845366407
Email: Email:

Kishore Parajuli Mukesh Upadhaya

Chair, Region 7 Co-Chair, Region 7
Club: RC Bhadrapur Club: RC Biratnagar Midtown
Cell: 9852671020 Cell: 9852020239
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Public Image Committee

Gopal SL Kakshapati
Club: RC Kathamandu Midtown
Cell: 9851020860

Rajkumar Gupta Bal Krishna Pandey

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Bhairahawa Club: RC Lumbini Star
Cell: 9857020252 Cell: 9857027246
Email: Email:

Neeva Pradhan Rupesh Pradhan

Chair, Region 1 Co-Chair, Region 2
Club: RC Kathmandu Midtown Club: RC Bagmati Kathmandu
Cell: 9851233348 Cell: 9851022388
Email: Email:

Laju Pradhan Santosh Pokhrel

Chair, Region 3 Chair, Region 4
Club: RC Jawalakhel Manjushree Club: RC Pokhara Midtown
Cell: 9851082965 Cell: 9856021795
Email: Email:

Bina Karki Em Kumar Malla

Co-Chair, Region 4 Member, Region 4
Club: RC Baglung Club: RC Damauli
Cell: 9857620748 Cell: 9856063151
Email: Email:

Manish Bhattarai Suraj Kshetri

Chair, Region 5 Co-Chair, Region 5
Club: RC Bhairahawa Club: RC Butwal Chautari
Cell: 9857020030 Cell: 9857029498
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Public Image Committee

Pankaj Gyawali Bamkin Chandra Khanal
Member, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Butwal Downtown Club: RC Palpa Tansen
Cell: 9857025912 Cell: 9847029816

Bijay Kumar KC Pradeep Prasad Uday

Member, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Tulsipur City Club: RC Palpa Tansen
Cell: 9857820322 Cell: 9847029727
Email: Email:

Om Prakash Paneeru Rajendra Oli

Member, Region 5 Chair, Region 6
Club: RC Dhangadi Club: RC Narayangarh
Cell: 9858423606 Cell: 9855056183
Email: Email:

Jivan Kumar Shrestha Jayshree Jaju

Co-Chair, Region 6 Chair, Region 7
Club: RC Bharatpur Club: RC Biratnagar Fusion
Cell: 9855055479 Cell: 9852672063
Email: Email:

Kumar Mani Pokharel Rtr Anima Acharya

Co-Chair, Region 7 Member
Club: RC Surunga Club: RAC Jawalakhel Manjushree
Cell: 9852671263 Cell: 9861292483
Email: Email:

Rtr. Poshan Sapkota Rtr. Himal Poudel

Member Member
Club: RC Rotaract Club of KUMS Club: RAC Rajdhani
Cell: 9851044954 Cell: 9841862722
Email: poshansapkotarackums7@ Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Public Image Committee

Rtr. Ashesh Bhattarai Rtr. Anup Pandey

Member Member
Club: RAC Kupondol Club: RAC Tinaucity

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary Ethic and Four Way Test Subcommittee

Badan Lal Nyachhon

Club: RC Mount Everest Lalitpur
Cell: 9851025400

Bimal Rijal Mohan Prasad Shrestha

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Tulsipur City Club: RC Palpa Tansen
Cell: 9857820136 Cell: 9857060112
Email: Email:

Dr. Sharada Singh Padam Lal Shrestha

Member Member
Club: RC Swoyambhu Club: RC Jawalakhel
Cell: 9850161947 Cell: 9851024877
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Publication & GML Subcommittee

Sarin Shrestha
Club: RC New Road City Kathmandu
Cell: 9851106869

Mohan Dhoj Joshi Mona Adhikari Pokhrel

Co-Chair Advisor
Club: RC Kathmandu West Club: RC Kathmandu
Cell: 9851020809 Cell: 9841531172
Email: Email:

Sarita Shrestha Dinesh Kumar Shrestha

Chair, Region 1-3 Chair, Region 4
Club: RC Yala Club: RC Damauli
Cell: 9851082223 Cell: 9856060726
Email: Email:

Bharat Pokhrel Bikram Chhetri

Co-Chair, Region 4 Chair, Region 5
Club: RC Kawasoti Club: RC Lumbini Stars
Cell: 9857028603 Cell: 9857030576
Email: Email:

Ram Prasad Kharel Durga Rijal

Member, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Rupandehi Club: RC Nawalpur Kawasati
Cell: 9857042154 Cell: 9857087208
Email: Email:

Madhu Prasad Aryal Om Prakash Paneru

Member, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Butwal Club: RC Dhangadi
Cell: 9857038138 Cell: 9858423606
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Publication & GML Subcommittee

Shailendra Prasad Verma Madhav Prasad Aryal
Chair, Region 6 Co-Chair, Region 6
Club: RC Birganj Metropolis Club: RC Ratnanagar
Cell: 9851047350 Cell: 9855059521
Email: Email:

Tika Raj Dhakal Yougal Kuamr Shrestha

Chair, Region 7 Member, Region 7
Club: RC Bhadrapur Club: RC Dharan
Cell: 9852671052 Cell: 9852020542
Email: Email:

Rtr. Dipesh Acharya Rtr. Aayusha Shrestha

Member Member
Club: RAC Tripureshwor Club: RAC New Road City Kathmandu
Cell: 9850600869 Cell: 9808786563
Email: Email:

Raj Shrestha Rtr. Samir Adhikari

Member Member
Club: RC Eclub of District 3292 Club: RAC Kupondol
Cell: 9851000209 Cell: 9803562156
Email: Email:

Rtr. Sudeep Prasai Thakuri Rtr. Rajish Kalwar

Member Member
Club: RAC Parbat Pokhara Club: RAC Birgunj United

Rtr. Nishan Siwa

Club: RAC Kupondol

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary, Non-Rotarians Relation Subcommittee

Kiran Karna Kayastha

Club: RC Biratnagar Downtown
Cell: 9852021244,

Rajkumar Sharma Sita Kunwar

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Biratnagar Club: RC Nawalpur Kawasoti
Cell: 9852021321 Cell: 9847096598
Email: Email:

Rabi Lal Pokhrel

Club: RC Butwal Downtown
Cell: 9857031137

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary and Government Relation Subcommittee

Hari Ram Koirala

Club: RC Kopundol
Cell: 9851018153

Toplal Pokhrel Udaya Nepali Shrestha

Co-Chair Advisor
Club: RC Kapilvastu Club: RC Lalitpur Midtown
Cell: 9857014440 Cell: 9851015840
Email: toplalpokhrelchandrauta@ Email:

Sarad Raj Bista Suman Prasad Sharma

Member Member
Club: RC Kantipur kathmandu Club: RC Kopundol
Cell: 9841237611 Cell: 9851059948
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary Parliament Forum Subcommittee

Umesh Shrestha
Club: RC Kasthamandap Kathmandu

Mohan Acharya Ram Chandra Pokhrel

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Bagmati Kathmandu Club: RC Damauli
Cell: 9851115787 Cell: 9851075007
Email: Email:

Bindu Kumar Thapa

Club: RC Pokhara Annapurna
Cell: 9856024848

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Media Relation and Public Image Subcommittee

Prahlad Bista
Club: RC Mahabouddha
Cell: 9851049295

Paras SJB Rana Laxmi Kumari Theba

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Kathmandu Midtown Club: RC Itahari
Cell: 9861155611 Cell: 9842036819
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Cultural Affairs Subcommittee

Dr. Harsha Ratna Shakya

Club: RC New Road City Kathmandu
Cell: 9851021413

Ishor Karmacharya Indra Risal

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Pokhara Annapurna Club: RC Butwal South
Cell: 985620625 Cell: 9857020154
Email: Email:

Surendra Subedi Bir Bahadur Tamang

Member Member
Club: RC Urlabari Club: RC Kathmandu North
Cell: 9852029305 Cell: 9851051871
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Information Technology Committee

Chhongba Sherpa
Club: RC Boudha
Cell: 9841595911

Raj Hari Shrestha Maheshwar Giri

Member Member
Club: RC Boudha Club: RC Boudha
Email: 9843173004 Cell: 9801115200

Rtr. Khusum Paudel

Club: RAC Kupondol

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Rotary Foundation Committee

Rajendra Lamsal
Club: RC Butwal
Cell: 9857033497

Siba Bhakta Rajbhandary Sunil Krishna Shrestha

Chair, District Grant Subcommittee Chair, Fund Raising Subcommittee
Club: RC Patan Club: RC Lalitpur Midtown
Cell: 9841214856 Cell: 9851075488
Email: Email:

Sharad Gopal Nyachhyon Sidhi B Sahkya

Chair, Annual Fund Subcommittee Chair, Paul Harris Society Subcommittee
Club: RC Chitwan Club: RC Patan West
Cell: 9855055454 Cell: 9851015292
Email: Email:

Shashi Satyal Ranjesh Shrestha

Chair, Stewardship Subcommittee Chair, Scholarship Subcommittee
Club: RC Kathmandu Metro Club: RC Birgunj
Cell: 9851027150 Cell: 9855020061
Email: Email:

Rajesh Neupane Manohar Mool

Chair, Rotary Peace Fellowship Chair, Endowment and Major Gift
Subcommittee Subcommittee
Club: RC Pashupati Kathmandu Club: RC Kantipur Kathmandu
Cell: 9801015433 Cell: 9851021818
Email: Email:

Keshab Prasad Acharya Rtr. Aakriti Pandey

Chair, VTT Subcommittee Meber -DRFC -Rotaract
Club: RC Pokhara Midtown Club: RAC Nawalpurcity
Cell: 9846027811 Cell: 9844782756
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Rotary Foundation Committee

Ishwor Prasad Karmacharya Gopi Adhikari
Chair, Region 4 Co-Chair, Region 4
Club: RC Pokhara Annapurna Club: RC Parbat
Cell: 9856020625 Cell: 9857630331
Email: Email:

Bhaban Raj Baral Gopal Pokhrel

Member, Region 4 Chair, Region 5
Club: RC Baglung Club: RC Palpa Lumbini
Cell: 9857620182 Cell: 9857020149
Email: Email:

Bal Krishna Aryal Sankalpa Shrestha

Co-Chair, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Tilottama Rupandehi Club: RC Dang
Cell: 9857028160 Cell: 9801030614
Email: Email:

Suraj Prasad Khatri Dinesh Pandey

Member, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Rupandehi Club: RC Capital Butwal
Cell: 9857020003 Cell: 9851253234
Email: Email:

Pawan Tulsiyan Bhadra Narayan Piya

Chair, Region 6 Co-Chair, Region 6
Club: RC Birgunj Metropolis Club: RC Narayani Midtown
Cell: 9855022295 Cell: 9851058780
Email: Email:

Kabin Sangami Dipesh Shrestha

Co-Chair, Region 6 Member, Region 6
Club: RC Makawanpur Club: RC Narayani Midtown
Cell: 9845057333 Cell: 9855057071
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Rotary Foundation Committee

Rammani Neupane Amod Acharya
Member, Region 6 Chair, Region 7
Club: RC Purbi Chitwan Club: RC Birtamode
Cell: 9845069771 Cell: 9852672404
Email: Email:

Mohan Dhakal Nanda Kishor Rathi

Co-Chair, Region 7 Co-Chair, Region 7
Club: RC Damak Club: RC Biratnagar Midtown
Cell: 9852670682 Cell: 9852020027

Rajesh Maheshwori
Member, Region 7
Club: RC Urlabari
Cell: 9852027938
Email: rajeshmaheshwari21oct@

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Grant Subcommittee

Siba Bhakta Rajbhandary

Club: RC Patan
Cell: 9841214856

Bandhu Ranjan Bharat Pathak

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Kopundol Club: RC Kathmandu North East
Cell: 9851023213 Cell: 9851035399
Email: Email:

Deepak Rajbhandary Mahendra B. Thapa

Member Chair
Club: RC Kantipur Kathmandu Club: RC Patan
Cell: 9851032464 Cell: 9851143150
Email: Email:

Sushant Katuwal
Club: IC Little Angels’ School
Cell: 9828213908

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Fund Raising Subcommittee

Sunil Krishna Shrestha

Club: RC Lalitpur Midtown
Cell: 9851075488

Dinesh Shankar Palikhe Prithvi Rajbhandari

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Pokhara Annapurna Club: RC Birjung Metropolis
Cell: 9856020245 Cell: 9855052227
Email: Email:

Teknath Bashyal Basanta Bahadur Pandey

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Butwal Central Club: RC Narayanghar
Cell: 9857042307 Cell: 9855058390
Email: Email:

Kanchan Sharma Acharya Prajwol Thankju

Member Member
Club: RC Tripureshwar Club: RC Butwal
Cell: 9849595662 Cell: 9851015704
Email: kanchansharma.acharya@gmail. Email:

Sita Rupakheti Rtr. Sabin Raut

Member Member
Club: RC New Road City Kathmandu Club: RAC Biratnagar
Cell: 9841547937 Cell: 9802717282
Email: Email:

Rtr. Peshal Bhattarai

Club: RAC Patan
Cell: 9801084772

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Polio Plus Subcommittee

Kaushalendra Kumar Das

Club: RC Balaju
Cell: 9851033522

Dr. Badri Raj Pandey Rajya Laxmi Baidar

Advisor Member
Club: RC Budhanilkantha Club: RC Kirtipur
Cell: 9851007401 Cell: 9851154840
Email: Email:

Bhawani Ghimire Surya Prabha Shakya

Chair, Region 1 Chair, Region 2
Club: RC Bhakatapur Club: RC Kavre Banepa
Cell: 9851010051 Cell: 9851015876

Dr. Subash Pyakurel Rajendra Shrestha

Chair, Region 3 Chair, Region 4
Club: RC Jawalakhel Club: RC Pokhara
Cell: 9851115306 Cell: 9856024800
Email: Email:

Ramakantha Baral Bimal Senchury

Member Chair, Region 5
Club: RC Pokhara Fishtail Club: RC Central Lumbini
Cell: 9856021476 Cell: 9857023836
Email: Email:

Thakur Prasad Shrestha Jamuna Paudel

Co-Chair, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Lumbini Siddharthanagar Club: RC Tinau Butwal
Cell: 9857020441 Cell: 9857039755
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Polio Plus Subcommittee

Raj Kumar Pandey Jabin Kakshapati
Member, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Rupandehi Club: RC Butwal Downtown
Cell: 9857020675 Cell: 9857026992
Email: Email: jabinkakshapati114@gmail.

Dr. Chet Narayan Pandey Sanjay Kalwar

Member, Region 5 Chair, Region 6
Club: RC Dang Club: RC Birgunj
Cell: 9867447162 Cell: 9855021375
Email: Email:

Madhav Adhikari Dinup Baral

Co-Chair, Region 6 Member, Region 6
Club: RC Hetauda Club: RC Narayani Midtown
Cell: 9801020578 Cell: 9855059093
Email: Email:

Ram Aadhar Pandey Dr. Mukti Bhattarai

Member, Region 6 Chair, Region 7
Club: RC Hetauda Club: RC Damak
Cell: 9855067022 Cell: 9852670258

Archana Sharma
Co-Chair, Region 7
Club: RC Biratnagar Downtown
Cell: 9842048592

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Stewardship Subcommittee

Shashi Satyal
Club: RC Kathmandu Metro
Cell: 9851027150

Jayan Nyachhyon Kumud Tripathy

Co-Chair Advisor
Club: RC Kathmandu Metro Club: RC Thamel
Cell: 9851073409 Cell: 9851023063
Email: Email:

Rtr. Neha Karki Ramesh Neupane

Member Member
Club: RAC Rajdhani Club: RC Kopundol
Cell: 9849131156

Rtr. Sadikshya Kandel

Club: RAC People’s Campus
Cell: 9860204184

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

VTT Subcommittee

Keshab Prasad Acharya

Club: RC Pokhara Midtown
Cell: 9846027811

Dr. Jaya Bahadur Tandon Shailendra Man Joshi

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Maharajgunj Club: RC New Road City Kathmandu
Cell: 9851083172 Cell: 9851102464
Email: Email:

Rupak Das Tamrakar Yam Bahadur Gurung

Advisor Member
Club: RC Lalitpur Club: RC The Himalayan Gurkhas
Cell: 9851027554 Cell: 9851082405
Email: Email:

Khushiram Chaudhary Gopi Adhikari

Member Member
Club: RC Sainamaina Club: RC Parbat
Cell: 9857029170 Cell: 9857630331
Email: chaudharykhsusiram234@ Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Annual Fund Subcommitee

Sharad Gopal Nyachhyon

Club: RC Chitwan
Cell: 9855055454

Dinesh Shanker Palikhe Dip Prakash Pandey

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Pokhara Annapurna Club: RC Kathmandu Metro
Cell: 985620245 Cell: 9851003030
Email: Email:

Shiva Raj Bhatt

Club: RC Rajdhani
Cell: 9818222304

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Paul Harris Society Subcommittee

Sidhi B. Sakya
Club: RC Patan West
Cell: 9851015292

K B Shahi Raju Poudel

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Baglung Club: RC Chitwan
Cell: 9857620182 Cell: 9855056394
Email: Email:

Biplav Hamal
Club: RC Parbat
Cell: 9851016094

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary Peace Fellowship Subcommittee

Nirmal Siddhi Bajracharya

Club: RC Kopundol
Cell: 9851033650

Prakash Poudel Madan Mahat

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Kapilvastu Club: RC Sainbu Bhaisepati
Cell: 9857026180 Cell: 985105241
Email: Email:

Pradeep Bhakta Acharya Dr. Lam Dorje

Member Member
Club: RC Pokhara Annapurna Club: RC Thimpu
Cell: 9856027697 Cell: 975-17111170
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Scholarship Subcommittee

Ranjesh Shrestha
Club: RC Birgunj
Cell: 9855020061

Swoyambhu Ratna Tuladhar Rajesh Kumar Shrestha

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Thamel Kathmandu Club: RC Chandragiri
Cell: 9851035251 Cell: 9851020892
Email: Email:

Hari Bahadur Budhathoki Gopal Prasad Neupane

Member Member
Club: RC Lekhnath Club: RC Rupandehi
Cell: 9856020834 Cell: 9857035455
Email: Email:

Rtr. Sujita Khadka

Club: RAC Sindhuligadhi

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Endowment and Major Gift Subcommittee

Manohar Das Mool

Club: RC Kantipur Kathmandu
Cell: 9851021818

Mahendra Adhikari Jitendra Sigdel

Member Member
Club: RC Damauli Club: RC Pokhara
Cell: 9856027427 Cell: 9856033608
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District International Services Committee

Mithilesh Kumar Jha

Club: RC Rajdhani
Cell: 9851023319

Janak Raj Poudel Santosh Kumar Agrawal

Member Member
Club: RC Ratnanagar Club: RC Birtamode Midtown
Cell: 9855055271 Cell: 9852672063
Email: Email:

Ram Chandra Sharma Pradeep Prasad Udaya

Member Member
Club: RC Pokhara Annapurna Club: RC Palpa Tansen
Cell: 9856035706 Cell: 9847029727
Email: Email:

Prem Raj Sharma Saurav Agrawal

Member Member
Club: RC Central Lumbini Club: RC Biratnagar Fusion
Cell: 9857020198 Cell: 9802025512
Email: Email:

Ram Pyari Basnet Bajracharya Kaushalendra Kumar Das

Regional Chair, Region 1 Regional Chair, Region 2
Club: RC Kavre Banepa Club: RC Balaju
Cell: 9841334534 Cell: 9851033522
Email: Email:

Rajendra Bam Er. Mahendra Bahadur Godar

Regional Chair, Region 3 Regional Chair, Region 4
Club: RC Jawalakhel Manjushree Club: RC Pokhara Midtown
Cell: 9851009555 Cell: 9856026400
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District International Services Committee

Amulya Man Thaiba G. Narayan Bahadur Chhetri
Regional Chair, Region 5 Regional Chair, Region 6
Club: RC Butwal Club: RC Narayani Midtown
Cell: 9857020771 Cell: 9855055300
Email: Email:

Badri Katuwal Rtr. Rajib Sharma

Regional Chair, Region 7 Member
Club: RC Biratnagar Club: RAC Ratnanagar
Cell: 9852024632 Cell: 9845819742
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

RI Convention Promotion Committee

Rajendra Lal Shrestha

Club: RC Kantipur Kathmandu
Cell: 9851020059

Narayan Gurung Manju Dhamala Thapa

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC The Himalayan Gurkhas Club: RC Bagmati Kathmandu
Cell: 9851026326 Cell: 9841222254
Email: Email:

Sonam Dorji Tobgay Urdeep Kumar Shrestha

Member Member
Club: RC Thimpu Club: RC Pokhara
Cell: +975-17110005 Cell: 9846023920
Email: Email:

Shishir Gyawali Ram Prasad Basyal

Member Member
Club: RC Chandragiri Club: RC Central Butwal
Cell: 9851015873 Cell: 9857021282
Email: Email:

Suresh Gorkhali Binod Kumar Agrawal

Member Member
Club: RC Birgunj Metropolis Club: RC Biratnagar
Cell: 9845057585 Cell: 9852021130
Email: Email:

DRR Rtr. Laxman Kharel

Club: RAC Central Rupandehi
Cell: 9857057143

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Training Committee

PDG Sanjay Giri

Club: RC Birgunj
Cell: 9851071861

Binod Koirala Jayendra Rimal

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Pokhara Fishtail Club: RC Dillibazar Kathmandu
Cell: 985602774 Cell: 9851079616
Email: Email:

Dr. Dhurba Prasad Acharya Dr. Dinesh Raj Manandhar

Member Member
Club: RC Kopundol Club: RC Patan South
Cell: 9851068544 Cell: 9851051822
Email: Email:

Vishnu B. Karkee Pradeep Man Vaidya

Member Member
Club: RC Baneswor Club: RC Patan West
Cell: 9851035000 Cell: 9851025000
Email: Email:

Rajendra Lamsal Kiran Karna Kayastha

Member Member
Club: RC Butwal Club: RC Biratnagar Downtown
Cell: 9847033497 Cell: 9852021244
Email: Email:

Subash Sigdel Laxman Gyawali

Member Member
Club: RC Pokhara Newroad Club: RC Butwal South
Cell: 9856020916 Cell: 9857030849
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Training Committee

Mithilesh Kumar Jha Sushil Prasad Rijal
Member Member
Club: RC Rajdhani Club: RC Biratnagar Midtown
Cell: 9851023319 Cell: 9852020259
Email: Email:

Rajesh Thapa Sunita Agrawal

Member Member
Club: RC Mount Everest Lalitpur Club: RC Biratnagar Downtown
Cell: 9851068097 Cell: 9804052321
Email: Email:

Manish Ghiraiiya Hariom Dhoj Joshi

Member Member
Club: RC Tripureswor Club: RC Kopundol
Cell: 9851034701 Cell: 9851088446
Email: Email:

Sunil Ratna Tuladhar Hira Sharma Nepal

Member Chair, Region 1
Club: RC New Road City Club: RC Kavre Banepa
Cell: 9801045025 Cell: 9851050505
Email: Email:

Tula Bahadur Kandel Sakundaraj Aryal

Co-Chair, Region 1 Member, Region 1
Club: RC Bhadgaon Club: RC Durbarmarg Kathmandu
Cell: 9851054384 Cell: 9851049015
Email: Email:

Bhawani Ghimire Krishneswori Hada

Member, Region 1 Member, Region 1
Club: RC Bhaktapur Club: RC Bhaktapur
Cell: 9851010051 Cell: 9851032900
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Training Committee

Hari Bhakta Budhathoki Pradeep Kumar Shrestha
Member, Region 1 Chair, Region 2
Club: RC Pashupati Kathmandu Club: RC Rajdhani
Cell: 9841274535 Cell: 9851025662
Email: Email:

Samir Nepal Umesh Agrawal

Co-Chair, Region 2 Member, Region 2
Club: RC Kathmandu Height Club: RC Kathmandu North
Cell: 9851078717 Cell: 9851033043
Email: Email:

Kaushalendra Das Jayram Sigdel

Member, Region 2 Member, Region 2
Club: RC Balaju Club: RC Matribhumi Baluwatar
Cell: 9851033522 Cell: 9851046466
Email: Email:

Mahesh Prasad Pradhan Jenny Vaidya

Member, Region 2 Chair, Region 3
Club: RC Thamel Club: RC Mount Everest Lalitpur
Cell: 9851032382 Cell: 9851094666
Email: maheshpradhan2000@ Email:

Rajani Shrestha Praveen Bhattarai

Co-Chair, Region 3 Member, Region 3
Club: RC Chandragiri Club: RC Jawalakhel
Cell: 9841282617 Cell: 9851022801
Email: Email:

Devraj Ghimire Biso Raj Bajracharya

Member, Region 3 Member, Region 3
Club: RC Mahabouddha Club: RC Himalaya Patan
Cell: 9851115163 Cell: 9851084876
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Training Committee

Dr. Surendra Prasad Joshi Pawan Raman Khanal
Member, Region 3 Chair, Region 4
Club: RC Patan Durbar Square Club: RC Gorkha
Cell: 9849624949 Cell: 9856040650
Email: Email:

Meenu Kunwar Shrestha Baburam Baral

Co-Chair, Region 4 Member, Region 4
Club: RC Pokhara Midtown Club: RC Pokhara
Cell: 9846030775 Cell: 9856044903
Email: Email:,

Ishwor Prasad Karmacharya Santosh Pokhrel

Member, Region 4 Member, Region 4
Club: RC Pokhara Annapurna Club: RC Pokhara Midtown
Cell: 985620625 Cell: 9856021795
Email: Email:

Ganesh Poudel Jayaram Poudel

Member, Region 4 Member, Region 4
Club: RC Parbat Club: RC Pokhara Lakeside
Cell: 9857620075 Cell: 9856027931
Email: Email:

Krishna Pandey Basudev Ghimire

Chair, Region 5 Co-Chair, Region 5
Club: RC Central Lumbini Club: RC Kapilvastu Midtown
Cell: 9857023517 Cell: 9857051974
Email: Email:

Rajendra Karki Jiban Prasad Adhikari

Member, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Central Butwal Club: RC Butwal Downtown
Cell: 9857024500 Cell: 9857025914
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Training Committee

Krishna Bahadur Rawal Tirtha Raj Poudel
Member, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Palpa Tansen Club: RC Dang
Cell: 9847566120 Cell: 9841348034
Email: Email:

Rajkumar Gupta Narayan Pradhan

Member, Region 5 Chair, Region 6
Club: RC Bhairahawa Club: RC Narayangarh
Cell: 9857020252 Cell: 9855055700
Email: Email: narayanpradhan.rotary@

Raju Poudel Karun Sagar Subedi

Co-Chair, Region 6 Member, Region 6
Club: RC Chitwan Club: RC Gaidakot
Cell: 9855056394 Cell: 9855063090
Email: Email:

Sanjaya Shrestha Arpana Pradhan Bhandary

Member, Region 6 Member, Region 6
Club: RC Narayangarh Club: RC Narayani Midtown
Cell: 9855055159 Cell: 9845046118
Email: Email:

Kapil Babu Khanal Kumar Giri

Member, Region 6 Chair, Region 7
Club: RC Chitwan Club: RC Birtamode
Cell: 9855055398 Cell: 9856272099
Email: Email:

Robin Shrestha Biju Thapaliya

Co-Chair, Region 7 Member, Region 7
Club: RC Dharan Club: RC Biratnagar
Cell: 9852047136 Cell: 9852026828
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Training Committee

Mohan Dhakal Dinesh Kumar Pokharel
Member, Region 7 Member, Region 7
Club: RC Damak Club: RC Birtamode Midtown
Cell: 9852670682 Cell: 9852679714
Email: Email:

Sneha Shakya Ashib Karmacharya

Rotaract Trainers Rotaract Trainers
Club: RAC Patan South Club: RAC Bhaktapur
Cell: 9849247453 Cell: 9841110684
Email: Email:

Sabik Raj Neupane

Rotaract Trainers
Club: RAC Kasthamandap
Cell: 9804920784

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RY 2022-2023

District Rules and Procedures Committee

Hom Kanta Chaulagain

Club: RC Durbarmarg Kathmandu
Cell: 9851056576

Gopal Dutt Pandey Chandeswor Shrestha

Co-chair Advisor
Club: RC Kathmandu North East Club: RC Patan West
Cell: 9851089120 Cell: 9851040140
Email: Email:

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RY 2022-2023

District Credential Committee

IPDG Santosh Prasad Rijal

Club: RC Biratnagar
Cell: 9852023051

Sajjan Bar Singh Thapa Rabin Kaji Palanchoki

Member Member
Club: RC Kasthamandap Club: RC Kavre Banepa
Email: Cell: 9851066378

District Balloting Committee

PDG Yogendra Man Pradhan

Club: RC Kathmandu Midtown
Cell: 9851020775

Rajesh Thapa Gopal Datta Pandey

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Mount Everest Lalitpur Club: RC Kathmandu North East
Cell: 9851068097 Cell: 9851089120
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Club Service Committee

Rajendra Dhakal
Club: RC Butwal South
Cell: 9857021308

Dharma Bajra Bajracharya Tika Raj Poudel

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Mahabouddha Club: RC Dang
Cell: 9851077238 Cell: 9841348034
Email: Email:

Buddhi Ram Joshi Rtr. Aadarsh Shrestha

Member Member
Club: RC Ratnanagar Club: RAC Tripureswor
Cell: 9845023931

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Vocational Service Committee

Rajendra Bam
Club: RC Jawalakhel Manjushree
Cell: 9851009555

Siddhi Lal Shrestha Nabin Shrestha

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Hetauda Club: RC Damak
Cell: 9851021240 Cell: 9852670075
Email: Email:

Krishna Ram Deupala Hari Devi Sharma

Member Member
Club: RC Rudramati Kathmandu Club: RC Bharatpur
Cell: 9851045267 Cell: 9845046875, 9855051885
Email: Email:

Kalyan Bandhu Aryal Laxmi Devi Karki GC

Member Member
Club: RC Jawalakhel Club: RC Baglung
Cell: 9851092299 Cell: 9857620392
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Community Service Committee

Rama Kandel
Club: RC Bagmati Kathmandu
Cell: 9851081934

Kalpana Piya Shrestha Netra Lal Neupane

Co-Chair Chair, Region 4
Club: RC Baneswor Club: RC Baglung
Cell: 9851058271 Cell: 9857620614
Email: Email:

Sunil Shrestha Dinup Baral

Chair, Region 5 Chair, Region 6
Club: RC Butwal Club: RC Narayani Midtown
Cell: 9857025642 Cell: 9855059093
Email: Email:

Bijju Baini Shrestha Surendra Bikram Prajapati

Chair, Region 7 Member
Club: RC Itahari Club: RC Madhyapur
Cell: 9852048686 Cell: 9751019554
Email: Email:

Shree Krishan Dhital Rtr. Man Singh Aidee

Member Member
Club: RC Kathmandu Height Club: RAC Kathmandu Height
Cell: 9851113380

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RY 2022-2023

Service Project Committee

Azaj Alam
Club: RC Central Butwal
Cell: 9857020051

Manoj Kumar Singh Baburam Baral

Co-Chair Chair, Region 4
Club: RC Durbarmarg Kathmandu Club: RC Pokhara
Cell: 98037677013 Cell: 9856044903
Email: manoj.kumarsingh7013@ Email:

Somu Maya Rana Bishnu Ghimire

Co-Chair, Region 4 Chair, Region 5
Club: RC Waling Club: RC Butwal Chautari
Cell: 9841700552 Cell: 9857029144
Email: Email:

Baburam Bhattarai Gopal Prasad Panthi

Co-Chair, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Central Butwal Club: RC Arghakanchi
Cell: 9857030085 Cell: 9857028103
Email: Email:

Shyam Bahadur Pun Prem Kumar Sharma

Member, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Butwal South Club: RC Sainamaina
Cell: 9857020615 Cell: 9857028944
Email: Email:

Dr Santosh Pokhrel Santosh Lal Shrestha

Member, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC E Club of Medical Fusion Club: RC Palpa Lumbini
Cell: 9857031621 Cell: 9857060353
Email: Email: santoshshrestha0353@gmail.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Service Project Committee

Yam Nath Danai Shashi Ranjan Kalwar
Chair, Region 6 Co-Chair, Region 6
Club: RC Narayani Midtown Club: RC Birjung Metropolis
Cell: 9855056107 Cell: 9855022018
Email: Email:

Ram Prasad Sharma Bharat Sharma Pokhrel

Member, Region 6 Member, Region 6
Club: RC Hetauda Club: RC Kawasoti
Cell: 9855068155 Cell: 9857028603
Email: Email:

Ananta Bista Krishan Kr. Chaudhary

Chair, Region 7 Co-Chair, Region 7
Club: RC Itahari Club: RC Dharan
Cell: 9852046018

D.r Birendra Kumar Bista Rtr. Sunny Goyal

Member, Region 7 Member
Club: RC Biratnagar Midtown Club: RAC Birtamode-Midtown
Cell: 9852020294 Cell: 9817994488
Email: Email:

Rtr. Abhishek Shrestha

Club: RAC Dhulikhel

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Peace and Conflict Resolution Sub-Committee

Rajesh Neupane
Club: RC Pashupati Kathmandu
Cell: 9801015433

Krishna Bahadur Rawal Shankar Prasad Pandey

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Palpa Tansen Club: RC Thamel
Cell: 9847566120 Cell: 14650800
Email: Email:

Raju Sarkar Gopendra Keshari Neupane

Member Member
Club: RC Kavre Banepa Club: RC Gaiodakot
Cell: 9851016110 Cell: 9855060851
Email: Email:

Bhag Singh Anil Jayswal

Member Member
Club: RC Patan South Club: RC Birgunj
Cell: 9841320103 Cell: 9845098025
Email: Email:

Rtr. Neha Karki

Club: RAC Rajdhani
Cell: 9849131156

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RY 2022-2023

Disease Prevention & Treatment Subcommittee

Dr. Rajendra Prasad Baral

Club: RC Durbarmarg Kathmandu
Cell: 9851034995

Umesh Agrawal Dr. Sonu Dulal

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Kathmandu North Club: RC Pokhara Fishtail
Cell: 9851033043 Cell: 9843967057
Email: Email:

Dr. Dhundi Raj Poudel Dr. Ashish Shrestha

Member Member
Club: RC Ratnanagar Club: RC Dharan Ghopa
Cell: 9855055866 Cell: 9852049966
Email: Email:

Rtr. Dr. Roshan Sah

Club: RAC Pokhara Gandaki Medical
Cell: 9842554872

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Water and Sanitation Subcommittee

Deepak Rajbhandary
Club: RC Kantipur Kathmandu
Cell: 9851032464

Pratap Singh Tater Binod Heyjoo

Advisor Co-Chair
Club: RC Rajdhani Club: RC Pokhara Midtown
Cell: 9851175272 Cell: 9856027490
Email: Email:

Ram Prasad Sharma Prabhat Yonjon

Member Member
Club: RC Hetuada Club: RC Kantipur Kathmandu
Cell: 9855068155 Cell: 9851031641
Email: Email:

Er. Dhruba Kumar Dhital Lakpha Phuti Sherpa

Member Member
Club: RC Butwal South Club: RC Durbarmarg Kathmandu
Cell: 9857026284 Cell: 9851021921
Email: Email:

Sandhya Maharjan Rtr. Prajesh Shrestha

Member Member
Club: RAC Pokhara Gandaki Medical Club: RAC Patan Durbar Square
College Email:
Cell: 9748301230 Cell: 9849440554

Rtr. Barsha Poddar


District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Basic Education and Literacy Subcommittee

Rotary Nepal Literacy Mission (RNLM)

PDG Tirtha Man Sakya

Club: RC Patan
Cell: 9851026534

PDG Basu Dev Golyan PDG Sanjay Giri

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Biratnagar Club: RC Birgunj
Cell: 9852020001 Cell: 9851071861
Email: Email:

PDG Kiran Lal Shrestha Rajesh Thapa

Co-Chair Member Secretary
Club: RC Pokhara Club: RC Mount Everest Lalitpur
Cell: 9856020089 Cell: 9851068097
Email: Email:

Prakash Ratna Tuladhar Kumud Tripathy

Additional Member Secretary Treasurer
Club: RC Tripureswor Club: RC Thamel Kathmandu
Cell: 9851050962 Cell: 9851023063
Email: Email:

Shankar Prasad Pandey Gyanendra Bhari

Member Member
Club: RC Thamel Kathmandu Club: RC Patan Durbar Square
Cell: 9851072220 Cell: 9851034463
Email: Email:

Lila Nath Shrama

Club: RC Dillibazar Kathmandu
Cell: 9851074462

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Maternal and Child Health Sub-Committee

Sharada Acharya Pokharel

Club: RC Jawalakhel
Cell: 9851126424

Meenu Hada PDG Jaya RL Shah

Co-Chair Advisor
Club: RC Kopundol Club: RC Jawalakhel
Cell: 9851101845 Cell: 9851022552
Email: Email:

Dr. Mamta Verma Shova Lamichhane

Advisor Member
Club: RC Biratnagar Downtown Club: RC Jawalakhel
Cell: 9852021868 Cell: 9841736121
Email: Email:

Ram Chandra Sharma Hira Bahadur Shah

Member Member
Club: RC Pokhara Annapurna Club: RC Central Lumbini
Cell: 9856035706 Cell: 9857021076
Email: Email:

Dr Rebanta Kumar Bhattarai Sonu Shakya

Member Member
Club: RC Bharatpur Club: RC Himalayan Patan
Cell: 9855055572 Cell: 9851217336
Email: Email:

Rtr. Dr. Prabin Gautam

Club: RAC Pokhara Gandaki Medical
College (GMC)
Cell: 9846997468

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Economic and Community Development Subcommittee

Laxman Gnawali
Club: RC Butwal South
Cell: 9857030849

Rajesh Kedia Anil Kumar Thapaliya

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Birganj Club: RC Narayani Midtown
Cell: 9855022104 Cell: 9855055358
Email: Email:

Bishnu Prasad Bhattarai Rajendra Kumar Shreshtha

Member Member
Club: RC Kapilvastu Club: RC Ratnanagar
Cell: 9857029153 Cell: 9855055871
Email: Email:

Puran Kunwar
Club: RC Pokhara Midtown
Cell: 9856029356

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Environment and Preserve Planet Subcommittee

Dinesh Raj Manandhar

Club: RC Patan South
Cell: 9851051822

Dr. Udaya Raj Sharma Dhurba Kumar Dhital

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Dillibazar Kathmandu Club: RC Butwal South
Cell: 9841885957Email: udayshar@ Cell: 9857020378 Email:

Sujit Karmacharya Pramod Kunwar

Chair, Region 1 Chair, Region 2
Club: RC Panauti Club: RC Kathmandu Metro
Cell: 9851249771 Cell: 9801024410
Email: Email:

Rajesh Poudyal Tejnath Neupane

Chair, Region 3 Chair, Region 4
Club: RC Jawalakhel Manjushree Club: RC Pokhara Annapurna
Cell: 9843060281 Cell: 9846259204
Email: Email:

Madhav Bhatta Bijay Kumar Vaidya

Chair, Region 5 Chair, Region 6
Club: RC Kapilvastu Midtown Club: RC Hetauda
Cell: 9857050582 Cell: 9855070363
Email: Email:

Navin Gattani Yogendra Chitrakar

Chair, Region 7 Member
Club: RC Birtamode Club: RC Himalaya Patan
Cell: 9852671129 Cell: 9851069348
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Environment and Preserve Planet Subcommittee

Lakhphuti Sherpa Rasumila Shrestha
Member Member
Club: RC Durbarmarg Kathmandu Club: RC Gyaneswor
Cell: 9851021921 Cell: 9851084040
Email: Email:

Rtr. Salina Adhikari Rtr. Bikram Chhetri

Member Member
Club: RAC Kopundol Club: RAC Tilottama Rupandehi

Rtr. Dolma Lama

Club: RAC Mountaineering Kathmandu

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Medical Corps Subcommittee

Dr. Madan Kumar Piya

Club: RC Patan West
Cell: 9851033269

Dr. Anil Shrestha Dr. Deepak Rajbhandary

Member Member
Club: RC Kathmandu West Club: RC Himalaya Patan
Cell: 9801113785 Cell: 9849361497
Email: Email:

Dr. Bikram Shrestha Dr. Santosh Lal Shrestha

Member Member
Club: RC Dharan Gopa Club: RC Palpa Lumbini
Cell: 9852049811 Cell: 9857060353
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Child at Risk Subcommittee

Preeti Shah
Club: RC Jawalakhel Manjushree
Cell: 9851049955

Ram Pyari Bajracharya Dr. Bijaya Prakash Sainju

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Kavre Banepa Club: RC Tripureshwor
Cell: 9841334534 Cell: 9851030656
Email: Email:

Dilli Kumar Shrestha Ram Kumar Shrestha

Member Member
Club: RC Butwal Club: RC Lamjung
Cell: 9857028325 Cell: 9856045062
Email: dillikumarshrestha@gmail. Email:

Bhagat Shrestha Poonam Mudvari

Member Member
Club: RC Pokhara Lakeside Club: RC Kathmandu Metro
Cell: 9856021742 Cell: 9813444554
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Cervical Cancer Control Subcommittee

Dr. Keshab Raj Bhurtel

Club: RC Narayani Mid-Town
Cell: 9855055190

Dr. Bijaya Raj Neupane Vimal Kumar Hoda

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Ratnanagar Club: RC Bagmati Kathmandu
Cell: 9855056109 Cell: 9841305739
Email: Email:

Ram Chandra Thapa Dr. Tumala Shah Lacoul

Member Member
Club: RC Pokhara Club: RC Kathmandu Midtown
Cell: 9856047795

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Senior Citizen Subcommittee

Gopal Raj Pokhrel

Club: RC Kathmandu North
Cell: 9841415764

Rishi Raj Upadhaya Chhatra Pradhan

Co-Chair Advisor
Club: RC Kathmandu North Club: RC Durbarmarg kathmandu
Cell: 9851188293 Cell: 9851001411

Kriti Nath Maskay Shyam Sundar Dhaubhadel

Advisor Member
Club: RC Patan West Club: RC Bhaktapur
Cell: 9810193310 Cell: 9851048129
Email: Email:

Buddhi Sharma Indra Prasad Nepal

Member Member
Club: RC Palpa Tansen Club: RC Hetauda
Cell: 9847028026 Cell: 9855067125
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Urban Environment Subcommittee

Nabinita Rijal
Club: RC Biratnagar Downtown
Cell: 9852022735

Madhu Kabra Babita Giri

Member Member
Club: RC Biratnagar Downtown Club: RC Birtamode
Cell: 9802711771 Cell: 9844699740

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RY 2022-2023

Wheel Chair Distribution Subcommittee

Ashok Kumar Shrestha

Club: RC Dhulikhel
Cell: 9851122737

Rajesh Shrestha Siri Prasad Gurung

Co Chair Member
Club: RC Itahari Club: RC The Himalayan Gurkhas
Cell: 9852020646 Cell: 9851042289
Email: Email:

Ibindra Raj Tiwari Min Prakash Mainali

Member Member
Club: RC Lekhnath Club: RC Birtamode
Cell: 9856021101 Cell: 9852672747
Email: Email:

Dr. Shanta Raj Sharma Neupane Suresh Man Shrestha

Member Member
Club: RC Burtibang Dhorpatan Club: RC Biratnagar Midtown
Cell: 9843367424 Cell: 9852020864
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Addiction and Prevention Program Committee

Krishna Bahadur Chettry

Club: RC Newroad City
Cell: 9801032318

Pramod Sagar Singh Pradhan Thakur Kumar Shrestha

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Yala Club: RC Lumbini Siddarthanagar
Cell: 9851026566 Cell: 9857020441
Email: Email:

Mohan Singh Khadka Yunesh Shrestha

Member Member
Club: RC Pokhara Lakeside Club: RC Biratnagar Fusion
Cell: 9846026430 Cell: 9852026089
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Tree Plantation Sub Committee

Bhuwan Shrestha
Club: RC Tripurewor
Cell: 9851072727

Paribhasha Shrestha Rohit Kumar Shrestha

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Tripureswor Club: RC Narayangarh
Cell: 9841349146 Cell: 9855055800
Email: Email:

Binod Heyjoo Jabin Kakshapati

Member Member
Club: RC Pokhara Midtown Club: RC Butwal Downtown
Cell: 9856027490 Cell: 9857026992
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Cerebral Palsy/ Down syndrome

Bimal Lal Shrestha

Club: RC Patan Durbar Square
Cell: 9851042469

Minu Shrestha
Club: RC patan Durbar Square
Cell: 9841236968

District Disability Mitigation Committee

Rabendra Raj Pandey

Club: RC Patan
Cell: 9851020174

Birendra Raj Pokhrel

Club: RC Jawalakhel
Cell: 9851043399

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RY 2022-2023

District Award and Recognition Committee

Prabhat Yonjon
Club: RC Kantipur Kathmandu
Cell: 9851031641

Khimananda Bhusal Prakash Man Pradhan

Co-Chair Co- Chair
Club: RC Tilottama Rupandehi Club: RC Rajdhani
Cell: 9857021789 Cell: 9851022998
Email: Email:

Rupesh Pradhan Rajendra Lal Shrestha

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Bagmati Kathmandu Club: RC Kantipur Kathmandu
Cell: 9851022388 Cell: 9851020059
Email: Email:

Bhawan Raj Baral Ganesh Poudel

Chair, Region 4 Co-Chair, Region 4
Club: RC Baglung Club: RC Parbat
Cell: 9857620182 Cell: 9857620075
Email: Email:

Indra Risal Nirdos Khanal

Chair, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Butwal South Club: RC Palpa Lumbini
Cell: 9857020154 Cell: 9857060779
Email: Email:

Bijay Kumar KC Min Prakash Paudel

Member, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Tulsipur City Club: RC Sainamaina
Cell: 9857820322 Cell: 9857029153
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Award and Recognition Committee

Gyandara Pant Sanjaya Shrestha
Member, Region 5 Chair, Region 6
Club: RC Tinau Butwal Club: RC Narayangarh
Cell: 9857037228 Cell: 9801055159
Email: Email:

Kabin Sangami Bhoj Raj Dahal

Member, Region 6 Member, Region 6
Club: RC Makwanpur Club: RC Kawasoti
Cell: 9845057333 Cell: 9857027320
Email: Email:

Sunita Agrawal Dilly Prasad Sharma

Member Member
Club: RC Biratnagar Downtown Club: RC Pokhara Annapurna
Cell: 9804052321 Cell: 9856031995
Email: Email:

Krishna Prasad Pandey DRR Laxman Kharel

Member Member
Club: RC Central Lumbini Club: RC Central Rupendehi
Cell: 9857023517 Cell: 9857057143
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District CSR Committee

Upendra Paudyal
Club: RC Kasthamandap
Cell: 9851021149

Sashin Joshi Ratan Kedia

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Kopundol Club: RC Birganj
Cell: 9851021063 Cell: 9855022152
Email: Email:

Rajesh Upadhyay Krishna Lal Maharjan

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Kathmandu Metro Club: RC Himalaya Patan
Cell: 9851034844 Cell: 9851049932
Email: Email:

Ajay Singh Karki

Club: RC Rajdhani
Cell: 9851024383

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RY 2022-2023

District WINS Committee

Mona Pokharel Adhikari

Club: RC Kathmandu
Cell: 9841531172

Pradeep Kr. Shrestha Dr. Narayan Prasad Pantha

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Newroad City Club: RC Butwal
Cell: 9851051253 Cell: 9851200337
Email: Email:

Bina Karki Srijana Rijal Thapa

Member Member
Club: RC Baglung Club: RC Biratnagar Central
Cell: 9857620748 Cell: 9842094189
Email: Email:

Keshav Raj Gyawali Vinit Lohia

Member Member
Club: RC Kathmandu Club: RC Birganj Metropolis
Cell: 9851200337 Cell:
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Strategic Planning & Review Committee

Jayendra Rimal
Club: RC Dillibazar Kathmandu
Cell: 9851079616

Santosh Gyawali Bandhu Ranjan

Co-Chair Chair, Region 3
Club: RC Kathmandu Metro Club: RC Kopundol
Cell: 9801021657 Cell: 9851023213
Email: Email:

Tej Nath Neupane Sanchita Jain

Chair, Region 4 Chair, Region 7
Club: RC Pokhara Annapurna Club: RC Biratnagar Downtow
Cell: 9846059204 Cell: 9852022869
Email: Email:

Sudeep Shrestha Rtr. Shristi Shakya

Member Member
Club: RC Gongabu Club: RAC Himalaya Patan
Cell: 9851013242 Cell: 9861592007
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Support and Strengthening Committee

Pradeep Man Vaidya

Club: RC Patan West
Cell: 9851025000

Amod Acharya Dr. Chet Narayan Pandey

Member Member
Club: RC Birtamode Club: RC Dang
Cell: 9852672404 Cell: 9857847161
Email: Email:

Gopal Dutt Pandey Sarita Shrestha

Member Member
Club: RC Kathmandu North East Club: RC Yala
Cell: 9851089120 Cell: 9851082223
Email: Email:

Sunil Shrestha Sunil Ratna Tuladhar

Member Member
Club: RC Butwal Club: RC New Roat City
Cell: 9857028325 Kathmandu
Email: Cell: 9801045025

Shreni Raj Bhandari Urja Newa

Member Member
Club: RAC Kasthamandap Club: RAC Patan West
Cell: 9860315702 Cell: 9868844453
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary ERRRP Committee

PDG Tirtha Man Sakya

Club: RC Patan
Cell: 9851026534

Kumud Tripathy Rajesh Thapa

Treasurer ERRRP Member
Club: RC Thamel Kathmandu Club: RC Mount Everest Lalitpur
Cell: 9851023063 Cell: 9851068097
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Road Safety Program

Binod Singh
Club: RC Kasthamandap Kathmandu
Cell: 9851022539

Sharada Bhakta Ranjit Rosh Bahadur Gurung

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Kathmandu West Club: RC Pokhara Annapurna
Cell: 9851062499 Cell: 9856020776
Email: Email:

Sankalpa Shrestha Jay Mohan Bhattarai

Member Member
Club: RC Dang Club: RC Pokhara Midtown
Cell: 9801030614 Cell: 9856020947
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary Global Rewards Committee

Bhoo Arun Malla

Club: RC Kathmandu Metro
Cell: 9851025011

Ram Chandra Paudel Kabita Manandhar

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Pokhara Midtown Club: RC Gongabu
Cell: 9856024879 Cell: 984978309
Email: Email:

Min Prakash Mainali Tanka Prasad Parajuli

Member Member
Club: RC Birtamode Club: RC Central Butwal
Cell: 9852672747 Cell: 9857021325
Email: Email:

Hari Neupane
Club: RC Rupandehi
Cell: 9857028703

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

VIP Hospitality Committee

Nav Raj Dhakal

Club: RC Kantipur Kathmandu
Cell: 9851021970

Pramod Jaiswal Rajkumar Baidwar

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Baneshwor Club: RC Kathmandu Downtown
Cell: 9851022860 Cell: 9851122135
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Sport Committee

Dhiraj Kumar Karki Chhetri

Club: RC Hetauda
Cell: 9845022571

Raju Maharjan Jyoti Rana

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Kakarvitta Club: RC Jawalakhel Manjushree
Cell: 9852672762 Cell: 9851060327
Email: Email:

Sunil Shrestha Hum Ale

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Butwal Club: RC Pokhara Lakeside
Cell: 9857025642 Cell: 9856030521
Email: Email:

Lucky Karki Chhetri

Club: RC Pokhara Midtown
Cell: 9856021731

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Golfing Fellowship Subcommittee

Purna Man Sakya

Club: RC Himalayan Golfer
Cell: 9851020901

Bhai Raja Panday Deepak Rajbhandary

Member Member
Club: RC Himalayan Golfer Club: RC Kantipur Kathmandu
Cell: 9801023450 Cell: 9851032464
Email: Email:

Bijay Bahadur Shrestha

Club: RC Kathmandu Midtown
Cell: 9851020415

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District ICM Committee

Sushil Rijal
Club: RC Biratnagar Midtown
Cell: 9852020259

Binod Manandhar Yubaraj Gurung

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Kathmandu West Club: RC The Himalayan Gurkhas
Cell: 9851065601 Cell: 9851047649
Email: Email:

Tirtha Raj Dahal Pashupati Sharma

Chair, Region 1-3 Chair, Region 4
Club: RC Kathmandu Club: RC Pokhara Newroad
Cell: 9851109494 Cell: 9856021837
Email: Email:

Balkrishna Aryal Prem Raj Sharma Lohani

Chair, Region 5 Co-Chair, Region 5
Club: RC Tilotama Rupandehi Club: RC Central Lumbini
Cell: 9857028160 Cell: 9857020198
Email: Email:

Prem Kumar Sharma Sanat Kumar Shrestha

Member, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Sainamaina Club: RC Dang
Cell: 9857028944 Cell: 9857830171
Email: Email:

Gopal Prasad Gyawali Kulmani Gyawali

Member, Region 5 Member, Region 5
Club: RC Tilotama Rupandehi Club: RC Manigram
Cell: 9857027127 Cell: 9857024666
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District ICM Committee

Chandra Man Shrestha Dr. Pramod Poudel
Chair, Region 6 Co-Chair, Region 6
Club: RC Chitwan Club: RC Gaidakot
Cell: 9855055110 Cell: 9849274656
Email: Email:

Ashok Kumar Basnet Bijal Lal Shrestha

Member, Region 6 Member, Region 6
Club: RC Dhading Club: RC Makwanpur
Cell: 9841633562 Cell: 9845022798
Email: Email:

Sushil Kumar Shrestha

Chair, Region 7
Club: RC Surunga
Cell: 9842623048

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Blood Bank Committee

PDG Dilendra Raj Shrestha

Club: RC Yala
Cell: 9851060654

Binod Babu Bajracharya Janak Prakash Thapa

Member Member
Club: RC Madhyapur Club: RC Patan Durbar Square
Cell: 9851006660 Cell: 9851063608
Email: Email:

Man Bahadur Budhamagar Gopal Pokharel

Member Member
Club: RC Mahaboudha Club: RC Palpa Lumbini
Cell: 9851086016 Cell: 9857020149
Email: Email:

Mani Ratna Pandey

Club: RC Butwal
Cell: 9867040175

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Community Heart Hospital Committee

PDG Dilendra Raj Shrestha

Club: RC Yala
Cell: 9851060654

Mahendra Rajkarnikar Krishna Lal Maharjan

Member Member
Club: RC Kathmandu West Club: RC Himalaya Patan
Cell: 9851036270 Cell: 9851049932
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary Journo Award Committee

Suresh Acharya
Club: RC Kopundol
Cell: 9851109925

Shambhu Shrestha Balika Guragain

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Kathmandu West Club: RC Jawalakhel
Cell: 9851021673 Cell: 9841497339
Email: Email:

Jaya Ram Sigdel Kumar Khatiwada

Member Member
Club: RC Matribhumi Baluwatar Club: RC Kathmandu West
Cell: 9851046466 Cell: 9841625018
Email: Email;

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Women Leadership in Rotary

Bhawani Devkota
Club: RC Kathmandu North East
Cell: 9851000309

Sushma Sharma Usha Prajapati

Co-Chair Co-chair
Club: RC Kasthamandap Club: RC Madhyapur
Cell: 9851035103 Cell: 9851016593
Email: Email:

PDG Jaya RL Shah Dr. Suniti Acharya

Patron Advisor
Club: RC Jawalakhel Club: RC Jawalakhel
Cell: 9851022552 Cell: 985101523
Email: Email:

Nugal Vaidya Subidhya Dahal

Advisor Member
Club: RC Durbarmarg Club: RC Matribhumi Baluwatar
Cell: 9851039703 Cell: 9801047744
Email: Email:

Geeta Rana Gurung Rasumila Shrestha

Member Fund Raising Coordinator
Club: RC Kathmandu North-East Club: RC Gyaneswor
Cell: 9851108708 Cell: 9851084040
Email: Email:

Jessica Chemjong Rampyari Bajracharya

Member Member
Club: RC Pashupati Kathmandu Club: RC Kavre Banepa
Cell: 9851042646 Cell: 9841334534
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Women Leadership in Rotary

Priti Sitoula Rtr. Sanju Ghale
Member Member
Club: RC Kasthamandap Club: RAC Vedavyasa
Cell: 9851171450 Cell: 9843706362
Email: Email: sadikshya.kandel@

Birangana Maharjan Anju Pandey

Member Member
Club: RC Mahabouddha Club: RC Kathmandu North East
Cell: 9851065655 Cell: 9841720000

Lucky Karki Chhetri Laxmi Devi Karki GC

Chair, Region 4 Co- Chair, Region 4
Club: RC Pokhara Annapurna Club: RC Baglung
Cell: 9856021731 Cell: 9857620392
Email: Email:

Devi Gurung Sakuntala Shakya

Chair, Region 5 Co-Chair, Region 5
Club: RC Lumbini Siddharthanagar Club: RC Palpa Tansen
Cell: 9857021713

Bhagwati Pandey Arpana Pradhan Bhandari

Member, Region 5 Chair, Region 6
Club: RC Tinau Butwal Club: RC Narayani Midtown
Cell: 9857034266 Cell: 9845046118
Email: Email:

Ramba Mishra Shruti Sharma

Co-Chair, Region 6 Chair, Region 7
Club: RC Birganj Metropolis Club: RC Biratnagar Central
Cell: 9851147555 Cell: 9852031490
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Women Leadership in Rotary

Sunita Nemaphuki Sarita Rana
Member Member
Club: RC Gyaneswor Club: RC Kasthamandap
Cell: 9851140610

District Archive Committee

Maheswor Bhakta Shrestha

Club: RC Kopundol
Cell: 9851094345

Dilly Prasad Sharma

Club: RC Pokhara Annapurna
Cell: 985631995

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Program Committee

Vishnu B Karkee
Club: RC Baneswor
Cell: 9851035000

Surendra Shahi Thakuri Bishnu Kumar Agarwal

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Patan West Club: RC Kantipur Kathmandu
Cell: 9851002844 Cell: 9851023710
Email: Email:

Nagesh Basnyat Rtr. Nitesh Singh

Member Member
Club: RC Jawalakhel Manjushree Club: RAC Kakarvitta
Cell: 9851027548

Rtr. Rajib Ghimire

Club: RAC Narayani Midtown

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Rotary Sustainable Immunization Committee

Sulochana Sigdel
Club: RC Kathmandu Kalanki
Cell: 9856021472

Ishwori Shah Dr. Pragya Gautam Ghimire

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Buddhanilkantha Club: RC Kathmandu Kalamki
Cell: 9841381436 Cell: 9841342337
Email: Email:

Shambhu Prasad Bhattarai Jitendra Sigdel

Member Member
Club: RC Bardibas Club: RC Pokhara
Cell: 9854020054 Cell: 9856033608
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Rotary Vocational Excellency Award

PDG Basu Dev Golyan

Club : RC Biratnagar
Cell: 9802031467

PDG Sanjay Giri IPDG Santosh Prasad Rijal

Advisor Advisor
Club: RC Birganj Club: RC Biratnagar
Cell: 9851071861 Cell: 9852023051
Email: Email:

Diwakar Rajkarnikar DGE Rajendra Prasad Dhoju

Advisor Ex Officio Officer
Club: RC Bagmati Kathmandu Club: RC Butwal
Cell: 9851039508 Cell: 9857020090
Email: Email:

DGN Rajendra Man Sherchan Mithilesh Kumar Jha

Ex Officio Officer Member
Club: RC Thamel Club: RC Rajdhani
Cell: 981021761 Cell: 9851023319
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Sustainable Development Goal Committee

Dr. Bishwa Keshar Maskay

Club: RC Rajdhani
Cell: 9851033466

Kul Chandra Gautam Santosh Gyawali

Advisor Advisor
Club: RC Kathmandu Midtown Club: RC Kathmandu Metro
Cell: 16468213097 Cell: 9801021657
Email: Email:

Subhakar Baidya Keshab Bhakta Mathema

Member Secretary Member
Club: RC Yala Club: RC Patan
Cell: 9818569595 Cell: 9841282851
Email: Email:

Dr. Chandra Lal Shrestha Dr. Shankar Prasad Acharya

Member Member
Club: RC Balaju Club: RC Rajdhani
Cell: 9851038788 Cell: 9851207700
Email: Email:

Dr. Subash Pyakurel Kabita Manandhar

Member Member
Club: RC Jawalakhel Club: RC Gongabu
Cell: 9851115306 Cell: 9849783090
Email: Email:

Roshani Prajapati
Club: RAC KU Medical School

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Presidential Citation

Sangeeta Giri
Club: RC Birgunj
Cell: 9855022160

Ashok Man Kapali Sanchita Jain

Co-Chair Member
Club: RC Thamel Kathmandu Club: RC Biratnagar Downtown
Cell: 9851022922 Cell: 9852022869 Email:

Madhav Bhat Laxmi Pradhan

Member Member
Club: RC Kapilvastu Midtown Rotary District Office
Cell: 9857050582, 9807577100, Tel: 4255344
Email: Cell: 9860773016

Bhadra Narayan Piya Shristi Tripathi

Member Member
Club: RC Narayani Midtown Club: RC Gyaneswor
Cell: 9851058780 Cell: 9803028529
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Girls Child Empowernment Committee

Hema Kumari Adhikari

Club: RC Jawalakhel
Cell: 9851050992

Kalpana Maharajan Tara Manandhar

Co-Chair Co-Chair
Club: RC Patan West Club: RC Jawalakhel
Cell: 9849188202 Cell: 9851100970

Bijaya Laxmi koirala Jamuna Poudel

Member Member
Club: RC Pokhara Mid Town Club: RC Tinau Butwal
Cell: 9846020809 Cell: 9857039755
Email: Email:

Hari Devi Sharma Deepu Chapagain (Sandeep)

Member Member
Club: RC Bharatpur Club: RC Damak
Cell: 9855051885 Cell: 9852670659
Email: Email:

Sushma Sharma Rajya Laxmi Baidar

Member Member
Club: RC Kasthamandap Club: RC Kritipur
Cell: 9851035103 Cell: 9851154840
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Cadre of Technical Advisors, District Resource Network

DG Jitendra B. Rajbhandary
Coordinator for Nepal Bhutan
Financial Auditing
Club: RC Kopundol
Cell: 9851023265

Laxman Gnawali Ashok Shrestha

Financial Auditing Community Economic Development
Club: RC Butwal South Club: RC Dhulikhel
Cell: 9857030849 Cell: 9851122737
Email: Email:

Gabriele Mallapaty Krishna Bahadur Chhetry

Disease Prevention and Treatment Basic Education and Literacy
Club: RC Patan Club: RC New Road City
Cell: 9803683970 Cell: 9801032318
Email: gabriele.mallapaty@gmail. Email:

Rajendra Lamsal Prem Bhurtel

Basic Education and Literacy Financial Auditing
Club: RC Butwal Club: RC Butwal South
Cell: 9857033497 Cell: 9851143490
Email: Email:

Sudip Koirala Bandhu Ranjan

Community Economic Development Community Economic Development
Club: RC Rudramati kathmandu Club: RC Kopundol
Cell: 9851035715 Cell: 9851023213
Email: Email:

Tatwa Timsina
Club: RC Rudramati Kathmandu
Cell: 9851038280

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Rabi Prasad Baral

Club: RC Pokhara New Road
Cell: 9856025615

Bhawani Ghimire Arjun Prasad Sharma

Member Member
Club: RC Bhaktapur Club: RC Thamel
Cell: 9851010051 Cell: 9851022100
Email: Email:

Uraj Nakarmi Somu Maya Rana

Member Member
Club: RC Himalaya Patan Club: RC Waling
Cell: 9841295968 Cell: 9841700552
Email: Email:

Pratima Bhattarai Sushan Lal Pradhan

Member Member
Club: RC Tinau Butwal Club: RC Narayangarh
Cell: 9857035419 Cell: 9855063218
Email: Email:

Shruti Sharma
Club: RC Biratnagar Central
Cell: 9852031490

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) Committee

PDG Sanjay Giri

Club: RC Birganj
Cell: 9851071861

PDG Dilendra Raj Shrestha Mahendra Rajkarnikar

International District Coordinator Member
Club: RC Yala Club: RC Kathmandu West
Cell: 9851060654 Cell:
Email: Email: 9851036270

Rajendra Lamsal Kumar Giri

Member Member
Club: RC Butwal Club: RC Birtamode
Cell: 9847033497 Cell: 9852672099
Email: Email:

Dinesh Raj Manandhar Ashesh Bhandari

Member Member
Club: RC Patan South Club: RC Narayani Midtown
Cell: 9851051822 Cell: 9802650505
Email: Email:

Binod Koirala Vishnu B. Karkee

Member Member
Club: RC Pokhara Fishtail Club: RC Baneshwor
Cell: 985602774 Cell: 9851035000
Email: Email:

Mahesh Bir Bajracharya

Rotary District Office
Cell: 9841373897

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Administration Committee

Jitendra B. Rajbhandary
District Governor
Club: RC Kopundol
Cell: 9851023265

Amit Giri Nar Bahadur Shrish

District Secretary District Joint Secretary, Region 5
Club: RC Rajdhani Club: RC Butwal Downtown
Cell: 9851155941 Cell: 9857026971
Email: Email:

Niranjan Pradhan Anita Adhikari

District Joint Secretary, Region 6 District Joint Secretary, Region 7
Club: RC Narayangarh Club: RC Itahari
Cell: 9845026689 Cell: 9852044422
Email: Email:

Prakriti Dhakal Gyanendra Bhari

District Assistant Secretary District Treasurer
Club: RAC Gandaki Medical College Club: RC Patan Durbar Square
Cell: 986-5041051 Cell: 9851034463
Email: Email:

Biswo Bijay Shrestha Mahesh Bir Bajracharya

Assistant District Treasurer Manager
Club: RC Patan Durbar Square Rotary District Office
Cell: 9851112014 Cell: 841373897
Email: Email:

Rtn. Sarita Rajbhandary Mithilesh Kumar Jha

District Aide to DG District Aide to DG
Club: RC Gyaneswor Club: RC Rajdhani
Cell: 9841223942 Cell: 9851023318 Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Sergeant-at-Arms Committee

Dan Bahadur Chand

Club: RC Kathmandu
Cell: 9851052396

Narayan Gurung Gen. Sharad Neupane

Co-Chair Advisor
Club: RC The Himalayan Gurkhas Club: RC Bagmati Kathmandu
Cell: 9851026326 Cell: 9851071220
Email: Email:

Mani Ratna Pandey Balika Guragain

Advisor Advisor
Club: RC Butwal Club: RC Jawalakhel
Cell: 9867040145 Cell: 9841497339
Email: Email:

Ritu Bhandari Gyawali Surya Prabha Shakya

Member Member
Club: RC Balaju Club: RC Kavre Banepa
Cell: 9840059139 Cell: 9851015876

Pradeep Bhakta Acharya Jaya Mohan Bhattarai

Member Member
Club: RC Pokhara Annapurna Club: RC Pokhara Midtown
Cell: 9856027697 Cell: 9856020947
Email: Email:

Lekhnath Sharma Poudel Ganga Prasad Dhakal

Member Region-5
Club: RC Parbat Club: RC Central Butwal
Cell: 9857630012 Cell: 9857027341
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

District Sergeant-at-Arms Committee

Pankaj Gyawali Shyam Bahadur Pun
Member Member
Club: RC Butwal Downtown Club: RC Butwal South
Cell: 9857025912 Cell: 9857020615

Krishna Lal Dahal Nabin Shrestha

Chair, Region-6 Chair, Region -7
Club: RC Narayani Midtown Club: RC Damak
Cell: 9855060717 Cell: 9852670075
Email: Email:

Sarita Acharya Rtr. Bishal Chamlagain

Member Member
Club: RC New Road City Club: RAC Kakarvita
Cell: 9841039505 Cell: 9842786249
Email: Email:

Rtr. Nisha Khatiwada Rtr. Safala Dahal

Member Member
Club: RAC Kathmandu Club: RAC Manohara
Cell: 9849707206 Cell: 9861048155
Email: Email:

Rtr. Simran Dhakal Rtr. Rishi Kadariya

Member Member
Club: RAC Rudramati Club: RAC Rudramati Babarmahal
Cell: 9860131424 Cell: 9860121593
Email: Email:

Region I

SN Rotary Club ZONE 1 Name Cell Email

RC Matribhumi Baluwatar AG Bishnu Hari Dahal 9851045434
1 RC Dhulikhel President Jeewan Kaji Makaju Shrestha 9851191966
Secretary Manish Yogal Shrestha 9841895865
2 RC Kavre Banepa President Daman Kumar Shrestha 9851064605

President Secretary List for RY 2022-2023

Secretary Devraj Bhandai 9851043354

3 RC Kavre Valley President Anup Kumar Shrestha 9841812671

Secretary Ashok Pandey 9851086807
4 RC Panauti President Madhusudhan Guragain 9851016465
Secretary Manish Bhaila 9851145948

SN Rotary Club ZONE 2 Name Cell Email

RC Kavre Banepa AG Grouben Taujale 9851075011
1 RC Bhadgaun President Pratima Mudbhary 9851105839
Secretary Bharat Dhital 9851108737
2 RC Bhaktapur President Binita Hada 9841205861
Secretary Khadanand Shiwakoti 9841017539

RY 2022-2023
District Directory
3 RC Sankhu President Lakash Shrestha 9851134005
Secretary Saroj Kuikel 9849266466

SN Rotary Club ZONE 3 Name Cell Email

RC Patan Durbar Square AG Sohan Sundar Shrestha 9851081312
1 RC Durbarmarg Kathmandu President Eak Narayan Dhakal 9851087443
Secretary Pravin Ghimire 9851090877
2 RC Kathmandu Kalanki President Kamal Prasad Niraula 9851223377
Secretary Shanta Bahadur Kunwar 9851049837
3 RC New Road City President Ramila Shrestha Shakya 9841229063
Secretary Prakash Shrestha 9801064809
4 RC Pashupati Kathmandu President Bhuwan Singh Kunwar 9851157230
Secretary Dipendra Banskota 9851197327
SN Rotary Club Zone 4 Name Cell Email
RC Tripureswor AG Bharat Kumar Shrestha 9851038354
1 RC Baneswor President Mahabir Gurung 9851135415
Secretary Bidwata Pradhan Shrestha 9851121553
3 RC Dillibazar Kathmandu President Yubraj Adhikari 9841341132
Secretary Deepti Singh 9841216509
2 RC Madhyapur President Vishnu Bahadur Karki 9849763062

President Secretary List for RY 2022-2023

Secretary Binod Babu Bajracharya 9861037220,

4 RC Thimphu President Tsewang Rinzing +975-17110473

Secretary Singhey Gyamtsho +975- 17113511

SN Rotary Club Zone 5 Name Cell Email

RC Mahaboudha AG Binita Pradhan Joshi 9851072532
1 RC Budhanilkantha President Sagar Luitel 9851280452
Secretary Bednath Timalsina 9851060197
2 RC Kathmandu North East President Bhagwati Khadka 9851138284
Secretary Mahesh Kumar Guragain 9851024232
3 RC Rudramati Kathmandu President Kishor Tripathi 9841574781
Secretary Narendra Ayer 9841712458

RY 2022-2023
District Directory
SN Rotary Club ZONE 6 Name Cell Email
RC Dillibazar Kathmandu AG Samjhana Pokharel Shah 9851019913
1 RC Kasthamandap Kathmandu President Yadab Lal Pradhan 14358647
Secretary Raj Kumar Gurung 9851037949
2 RC Kathmandu President Achut Babu Ojha 9851182289
Secretary Rajendra Gautam 9851049804
3 RC Kathmandu Midtown President Dr. Nirmal Prasad Rijal 9808969256
Secretary Rachana Thapa 9851094462
4 RC Maharajgunj President Manju Gurung 9841382575
Secretary Sangeeta Bhandari 9851077701

SN Rotary Club Zone 7 Name Cell Email

RC Kathmandu AG Rajendra Kumar Dahal 9851067240
1 RC Bagmati Kathmandu President Rajesh Mani Ghimire 9851027014
Secretary Keshab Thokar 9851034744
2 RC Kantipur Kathmandu President Pradeep Kumar Shrestha 9851042568

President Secretary List for RY 2022-2023

Secretary Bishnu Kumar Agarwal 9851023710

3 RC Kathmandu Metro President Mahesh Shrestha 9851026880

Secretary Sanjay Kumar Agrawal 9851007818
4 Naxal Shakti President Dr. Luna Aryal 9841439777
Secretary Jayant Kumar Sahu 9842233741
5 RC Tripueswor President Prakash Ratna Tuladhar 9851050962
Secretary Lata Baral Sharma 9851098499

SN Rotary Club ZONE 8 Name Cell Email

RC Patan AG Lalita Thapa 9851072937
1 RC Balaju President Indira Shrestha Maskey 9841282350
Secretary Shova Kumari Poudyal 9851097330

RY 2022-2023
District Directory
2 RC Kathmandu North President Ganesh Prasad Poudel 9851070006
Secretary Sita Poudel 9860665884
3 RC Nagarjun President Yadab Pd. Dhungana 9851083878
Secretary Bishal Gaire 9851052359
4 RC The Himalayan Gurkhas President Satta Bahadur Gurung 9851087299
Secretary Mohan Kumar Gurung 9856033157

SN Rotary Club ZONE 9 Name Cell Email

RC E Club of District 3292 AG Ummeed Shrestha 9851058915
1 RC Gyaneswor President Rasumila Shrestha 9851084040
Secretary Shristi Tripathi 9803029529
2 RC Kathmandu West President Sanjib Tuladhar 9851024588
Secretary Ramesh Milan Shrestha 9851025909
3 RC Matribhumi Baluwatar President Baburam Acharya 9851072814
Secretary Bigyan Humagain 9841368846
4 RC Swoyambhu President Dinesh Prasad Shrestha 9851020051
Secretary Mohan Raj Dali 9851046914

President Secretary List for RY 2022-2023

SN Rotary Club ZONE 10 Name Cell Email
RC lalitpur AG Anish Kumar Bajracharya 9851083768

1 RC Greenland Kathmandu President Suman Poudel 9802034117 casumansharma@gmail.Com

Secretary Laxman Poudel 9851003137
2 Himalayan Golfers President Bhairaja Pandey 9801023450
Secretary Prabesh Phuyal 9841541888
3 RC Kathmandu Downtown President Lok Bahadur Tandon 9851153495
Secretary Bishnu Prasad Pokharel 9851010410
4 RC Nyatapola President Utshav Singh Adhikari 9801800099
Secretary Sunaina Shrestha 9813043660
5 RC Thamel Kathmandu President Krishna Man Ranjitkar 9851004054
Secretary Mani Ratna Shakya 9851030730

RY 2022-2023
District Directory
SN Rotary Club ZONE 11 Name Cell Email
RC Nagarjun AG Pabina Khadka 9851051643
1 RC Bouddha President Ngawang Thile Sherpa 9851069379
Secretary Pasang Tamang 9851110622
2 RC Gongabu President Maheshwor Man Singh Basnet 9851166749
Secretary Anuj Shrestha 9841462263
3 RC Kathmandu President Dr. Suman Shrestha 9851032851
Health Professionals Secretary Kishor Subedi 9860462457
4 RC Rajdhani President Nischal Bahadur Shrestha 9851095887
Secretary Shivraj Raj Bhatt 9818222304
SN Rotary Club ZONE 12 Name Cell Email
RC Yala AG Deepak Kumar Shrestha 9851119063
1 RC Charumati Kathmandu President Krishna Kumar Magar 9851045635
Secretary Asha Shrestha 9843632905
2 RC Kapan President Krishna Devi Munikar 9841759726
Secretary Prahlad Dahal 9851095127

President Secretary List for RY 2022-2023

3 RC Kathmandu Heights President Rajaram Joshi 9851067972
Secretary Kumuda Pokhrel 9841826914

4 RC Kirtipur President Pushpa Raj Adhikari 9841895593

Secretary Shyam Shah 9851254510


SN Rotary Club ZONE 13 Name Cell Email

RC Jawalakhel Manjushree AG Urvashi Rana 9801026345
1 RC Kopundol President Namrata Sharma 9841662965
Secretary Bandhu Ranjan 9851023213
2 RC Mahabouddha President Batsa Shakya 9851097793
Secretary Khem Raj Panday 9851074322,,
3 RC Mount Everest Lalitpur President Yogesh Shakya 9843203357

RY 2022-2023
District Directory
Secretary Sudarshan Nepal 9851145246
4 RC Patan President Shiva Kumar Pradhan 9851046308
Secretary Khadak Singh Bisht 9801020239

SN Rotary Club ZONE 14 Name Cell Email

RC Kopundol AG Gobind Neupane 9851014640
1 RC Chandragiri President Dr. Sumanta Prasad Banjade 9857027406
Secretary Prof. Jagat Man Shrestha 9851182660
2 RC Himalaya Patan President Pravin Amatya 9851072120
Secretary Raju Byanjankar 9851066570
3 RC Jawalakhel President Kalyan Bandhu Aryal 9851092299
Secretary Tara Manandhar 9851100970
4 RC Lalitpur Midtown President Dr. Kamal Krishna Shrestha 9851040549
Secretary Ramesh Shrestha 9851023002
SN Rotary Club ZONE 15 Name Cell Email
RC Baneswor AG Deepak Thapa 9851085785
1 RC Lalitpur President Saroj Dangol 9851035567
Secretary Govinda Narayan Shrestha 9851057098
2 RC Patan Durbar Square President Chitra Bahadur Pun 9851193658
Secretary Jagadiswar Man Shrestha 9851026045

President Secretary List for RY 2022-2023

3 RC Patan West President Keshab Nand Joshi 9851049324
Secretary Surendra Kumar Thakuri 9851002844

4 RC Sainbu Bhaisepati President Bikash Neupane 9851040177

Secretary Chuda Shrestha 9851224348
5 Salleri President Eak Kumari Karki 9842801650
Secretary Dilly Singh Basnet 9842936699

SN Rotary Club Zone 16 Name Cell Email

RC Thamel AG Kumud Tripathy 9851023063
1 RC Eclub of District 3292 President Roshan Maharjan 9851159141
Secretary Kabindra Napit 9851131159
2 RC Jawalakhel Manjushree President Gaurav Baskota 9849681242
Secretary Rajendra Bam 9851009555

RY 2022-2023
District Directory
3 RC Patan East President Sunil Kumar Pokharel 9851089749
Secretary Srijan Duwal 9841202774
4 RC Patan South President Chandani Rana 9841225096
Secretary Cheban Devkota 9851055876
5 RC Yala President Gautam Shrestha 9851068909
Secretary Lucky Nyachhyon Pradhan 9841295379

SN Rotary Club ZONE 17 Name Cell Email

RC Pokhara Lake Side AG Rajendra Ligal 9856026229
1 RC Baglung President Narayan G. Poudel 9857620422;
Secretary Punam Prasad Sharma 9857621327
2 RC Damauli President Ram Lal Shrestha 9846234438

President Secretary List for RY 2022-2023

Secretary Dev Raj Adhikari 9846453743

3 RC Lekhnath President Ambika Mohan Bhattarai 9856020528

Secretary Santosh Gurung 9856033800
4 RC Pokhara Midtown President Rabindra Nath Bastola 9856021599,
Secretary Bikash Adhikari 9856033727

SN Rotary Club ZONE 18 Name Cell Email

RC Pokhara Fishtail AG Laxmi Thapa Giri 9856044572
1 RC Gorkha President Krishna Dhakal 9856040104
Secretary Anjan Khatri 9856021326
2 RC Pokhara Lakeside President Bir Bahadur Karki 9856030301
Secretary Min Bahadur Gurung 9856032676
3 RC Pokhara Newroad President Geeta Sigdel 9846325242

RY 2022-2023
District Directory
Secretary Chhabi Lal Subedi 9856031300
4 RC Shukalagandaki President Tarapati Bhattarai 9856086345

SN Rotary Club ZONE 19 Name Cell Email

RC Pokhara Newroad AG Prem Prasad Sharma 9856020303
1 RC Pokhara President Dr. Rajendra Kumar Gautam 9856028698
Secretary Binaya Kumar Shrestha 9824130095
2 RC Pokhara Annapurna President Devendra Bastola 9846033530
Secretary Nikesh Prasad Karmacharya 9856029152
3 RC Pokhara Fishtail President Shiva Prasad Parajuli 9856023405
Secretary Aaditya Chand 9856032716
4 RC Waling President Sita Dumre Pande 9846056986
Secretary Kumar Gurung 9856032220
SN Rotary Club ZONE 20 Name Cell Email
RC AG Name 9856040087
1 RC Bajra Manasalu Gorkha President Ram Kumar Shrestha 9856029856
Secretary Subash Babu Shrestha 9856040030
2 RC Lamjung President Bed Bdr Suyal 9856045162
Secretary Sujan Shrestha 9856044606
3 RC Manakamana President Dilip Koirala 9856060325

President Secretary List for RY 2022-2023

Secretary Rabindra Dhakal 9856041922

SN Rotary Club ZONE 21 Name Cell Email

RC Baglung AG K B Shahi 9847637588
1 RC Burtibang Dhorpatan President Dhalendra Chhantyal 9857625890
Secretary HiraLal Khanal 9857641009
2 RC Myagdi President Rekha Regmi 9857640126,
3 RC Parbat President Krishna Prasad Sharma 9857630222
Secretary Rajesh Paudel 9857623597

RY 2022-2023
District Directory

SN Rotary Club ZONE 22 Name Cell Email

RC Lumbini Siddharthanagar AG Dinesh Poudyal 9847039277 dinesdgdh@yahoo.
1 RC Butwal President Bonin Piya 9857025194
Secretary Lal Hari Pandey 9857031529
2 RC Capital Butwal President Ashok Kumar Kunwar 9857062645
Secretary Bir Bahadur Chhetri 9857030577
3 RC Central Butwal President Himal Gaire 9857025924
Secretary Purna Bahadur Gnawali Chhetri 9857025416
4 RC Nawalparasi President Suman Gopal Acharya 9857027040
Secretary Beni Ram Bhusal 9857024629
SN Rotary Club ZONE 23 Name Cell Email
RC Butwal AG Puran Prasad Shrestha 9857020909
1 RC Butwal Chautari President Santosh K.C. 9857020212
Secretary Sudip Thapa 9851126848
2 RC Kapilvastu President Hem Raj Sharma 9857055395
2 RC Kapilvastu Midtown President Mohan Prasad Belbase 9857031719

President Secretary List for RY 2022-2023

Secretary Kanta Gahatraj 9847222213

4 RC Tilottama President Shiva Pathak 9857023513


SN Rotary Club ZONE 24 Name Cell Email

RC Butwal Downtown AG Pitamber Gyawali 9857029489
1 RC Bhairahawa President Pawan Kumar Poudel 9857020373
Secretary Kamal Prasad Koirala 9857080501
2 RC Devdaha President Sachin Pangeni 9857057296
Secretary Dolraj Neupane 9857036954
3 E-Club of Medicofusion President Dr.Prakash Basnet 9841473423
Hybrid Nepal Secretary Dr Binita Bhattarai 9857030190

RY 2022-2023
District Directory
4 RC Sainamaina President Krishna Bahadur Kunwar 9857029454
Secretary Bhimlal Subedi 9847252475

SN Rotary Club ZONE 25 Name Cell Email

RC Dhangadhi AG Mahesh Bista 9851003580
1 RC Dang President Obindra Bahadur Mahara 9857830062
Secretary Dr. Bom BC 9846102546
2 RC Lamahi President Mohan Kumar Pandeya 9847881454
Secretary Phanadhar Dhakal 9844908501
3 RC Tulsipur City President Yagya Bahadur K.C 9857820419
Secretary Manoj Basnet 9851167691
SN Rotary Club ZONE 26 Name Cell Email
RC Tulsipur City AG Tufan Babu Shrestha 9857820188
1 RC Central Banke President Bishwo Ram Bhandari 9858025629
Secretary Prachanda Gautam 9857025753
2 RC Dhangadhi President Tekendra Raj Joshi 9848432320

President Secretary List for RY 2022-2023

3 RC Shurkhet President Harsa Bikram Khadka 9858048650

SN Rotary Club ZONE 27 Name Cell Email

RC Butwal South AG Prem Bhurtel 9851143490
1 RC Arghakhanchi President
2 RC Butwal Downtown President Bharat Bahadur Rana 9857033130
Secretary Bishnu Prasad Bhandari 9857029274
3 RC Central Kapilvastu President Dr. Dharma Raj Bhattarai 9857050857

RY 2022-2023
District Directory
SN Rotary Club ZONE 28 Name Cell Email
RC Palpa Tansen AG Mohan Prasad Shrestha 9857060112
1 RC Central Rupandehi President Pappu Kumar Gupta 9857028376
Secretary Bikash Gautam 9851156797
2 RC Manigram President Durga Prasad Aryal 9821566587
Secretary Min Prasad Bhandari (Suraj) 9857020915
3 RC Palpa Lumbini President Khadka Jirel 9851146149
Secretary Mukti Ram Bhusal 9857060847
4 RC Rampur President Rudra Narayan Shrestha 9857060477
Secretary Surya Prasad Ghimire 9847221259
SN Rotary Club ZONE 29 Name Cell Email
RC Manigram AG Raju Devi Khanal 9857028200
1 RC Lumbini Stars President Muktiram Panthi 9857060933
Secretary Niraj Pandey 9847120925
2 RC Metrocity Butwal President Pavitra Devi Shrestha 9847086447
Secretary Manisha Poudel 9857059050

President Secretary List for RY 2022-2023

3 RC Rupandehi President Rishi Ram Bhandari 9857027074
Secretary Thaneshor Chapagain 9857057101

4 RC Tinau Butwal President Kalpana Tiwari 9847066723

Secretary Anita Bhusal 9857030513

SN Rotary Club ZONE 30 Name Cell Email

RC Rupandehi AG Raju Kharel 9857021099
1 RC Central Lumbini President Shiva Prasad Gaudel 9857011233
Secretary Bina Bhandari 9857010746
2 RC Lumbini Siddharthanagar President Bhoj Bahadur Khatri 9857022594
Secretary Prakash Pokharel 9857020182
3 RC Nawalpur Kawasoti President Hari Prasad Dhungana 9857040864
Secretary Krishna Prasad Aryal 9857023208
4 RC Tilottama Rupandehi President Bishnu Prasad Bhandari 9857028713

RY 2022-2023
District Directory
Secretary Shankar Pandey 9851120120

SN Rotary Club ZONE 31 Name Cell Email

RC Bhairahawa AG Sanjiv Sharma Regmi 9857020577
1 RC Butwal South President Tanka Nath Adhikari 9857020745
Secretary Gyanendra Giri 9857030382
2 RC Mid Rupandehi President Durga Prasad Pantha 9857028650
3 RC Motipur Butwal President Shiva Prasad Aryal 9857044815
4 RC Palpa Tansen President Hari Bahadur Rayamajhi 9847028388
Secretary Bhim Bdr.Shrestha 9857060100

SN Rotary Club ZONE 32 Name Cell Email

RC Ratnanagar AG Bipin Pokhrel 9855056560
1 RC Dhading President Rohit Bhandari 9851177844
Secretary Bishnu Kumar Shrestha 9843180280

President Secretary List for RY 2022-2023

2 RC Gaidakot President Yadulal Ghimire 9841783549
Secretary Rtn. Ramesh Kafle 9855050325

3 RC Narayangarh President Nagendra Bahadur Shrestha 9855056877

Secretary Raja Ram Sitaula 9851083806
4 RC Purbi Chitwan President Pramat Kumar Sedhai 9855052164
Secretary Binod Nepal 9855062210

SN Rotary Club ZONE 33 Name Cell Email

RC Bharatpur AG Suresh Bahadur Sen Thakuri 9855057016
1 RC Chitwan President Deepak Pradhan 9855057423
Secretary Rajan Piya 9855055449
2 RC Hetauda President Suyash Raj Parajuli 9855069571
Secretary Arpan Sanjel 9851232323
3 RC Narayani Midtown President Sweta Upadhya 9801307708

RY 2022-2023
District Directory
Secretary Dipesh Shrestha, Sr. 9855057071
4 RC Makawanpur President Krishna Bahadur Karki 9855067628
Secretary Bijay Kumar Shrestha 9855068595

SN Rotary Club ZONE 34 Name Cell Email

RC Birgunj AG Dr. Anand Kumar Jha 9855023945
1 RC Bardibas President Bijay Kumar Mahato 9854020687
Secretary Dipak Karki 9844015616
2 RC Birgunj Metropolis President Suresh Gorkhali 9845057585
Secretary Chandan Singh 9841664300,
3 RC Janakpurdham President Nirmal Kumar Chaudhary 9854020327
Secretary Nirmal Kumar Singhaniya 9827688148
SN Rotary Club ZONE 35 Name Cell Email
RC Narayani Midtown AG Ashesh Bhandari 9802650505
1 RC Bharatpur President Bhola Joshi 9855059965
Secretary Bimal Kumar Chhetri 9855055158
2 RC Birganj President Piyush Gupta 9802058767
Secretary Nirmal Khatri 9855023531
3 RC Kawasoti President Dr. Gopal Prasad Khanal 9851063028

President Secretary List for RY 2022-2023

Secretary Narayan Pd Neupane 9857041176

4 RC Ratnanagar President Ramhari Lamsal 9855051444

Secretary Laxmilal Shrestha 9855062066


SN Rotary Club ZONE 36 Name Cell Email

RC Biratnagar Central AG Sapana Rijal 9852023172
1 RC Biratnagar Fusion President Shweta Todi 9802793000
Secretary Shilpa Agrawal 9802025513
2 RC Biratnagar Midtown President Ram Kumar Shrestha 9852025582
Secretary Ranu Goyal Agrawal 9852023721
3 RC Dharan Foothills President Sulekha Joshi 9852049648;

RY 2022-2023
District Directory
Secretary Dr. Presha Baral 9852056223
4 RC Dharan Ghopa President Kisan Maskey 9852049281
Secretary Saurav Agarwal 9852045405

SN Rotary Club ZONE 37 Name Cell Email

RC Biratnagar Downtown AG Archana Tapariya 9807047497
1 RC Biratnagar President Kabin Shrestha 9851035773
Secretary Shiva Prasad Adhikari 9852032620
2 RC Biratnagar Central President Namrata Rijal 9842023783
Secretary Jina Thapa 9802746692
3 RC Dharan President Rajendra Gurung 9852049667
Secretary Diva Shrestha 9842064914
4 RC Itahari President Sanyog Parajuli 9852048232
Secretary Chetan Dhamala 9802048394
SN Rotary Club ZONE 38 Name Cell Email
RC Kakarvita AG Radeeka Gurung 9840995522
1 RC Bhadrapur President Ishwar Adhikari 9852671356
Secretary Pawan Kumar Shrestha 9842638028
2 RC Birtamode President Om Bimali 9852672093
Secretary Sanjib Ghimire 9852029644

President Secretary List for RY 2022-2023

3 RC Illam President Sushila Sapkota 9852681804
Secretary Prakash Chapagain 9852680408

4 RC Urlabari President Hem Chandra Bhattara 9852683003

Secretary Ghanashyam Bhandari

SN Rotary Club ZONE 39 Name Cell Email

RC Birtamode AG Nikita Giri 9852673083
1 RC Birtamode Midtown President Santa Kumar Sharma Kattel 9852674209
Secretary Sharad Joshi 9852673716
2 RC Kakarvitta President Sujan Pradhan 9852662265
Secretary Bhagirath Rai 9852662424
3 RC Mechinagar President Ananta Prakash Wasti 9852672758
Secretary Krishna Kafle 9852662988

RY 2022-2023
District Directory
4 RC Surunga President Khem Prasad Prasai 9842671420
Secretary Menuka Uprety 9804912909

SN Rotary Club ZONE 40 Name Cell Email

RC Biratnagar AG Kamal Agrawal 9852020530
1 RC Biratnagar Downtown President Rekha Rathi 9852031885
Secretary Namita Agrawal 9852024167
2 RC Damak President Pashupati Baral 9852670215
Secretary Jhala Raj Gautam 9851192755
3 RC Lahan President Pradip Kumar Gupta 9852832657
Secretary Gopal Kumar Gupta 9819712781
4 Itahari Yugal President Binod Poudel 9819331266
Secretary Dikshya Karki 9813631717
District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Executive Secretaries of Rotary Clubs

Shree Krishna Dahal Banik Adhikari
RC Kathmandu, Kathmandu RC Kathmandu Metro, Kopundol,
Midtown, Kathmandu North, Patan South, Jawalakhel
Kathmandu West, Kantipur, Patan Cell: 9851013120
Tel: (O) 4245783, (R) 4331648
Cell: 9841300934

Purushottam Acharya Ghana Neupane

RC Kasthamandap RC Budhanilkantha
Tel: (O) 4227589, (R) 5560349 Tel: (O) 4413503
Cell: 9851050272 Cell: 9841569908
Email: Email:

Laxmi Prasad Khanal Prakash Ghimire

RC Dillibazar Kathmandu RC Mount Everest Lalitpur,
Tel: 4425725 RC Durbarmarg Kathmandu
Cell: 9741020950 Cell: 9841466513, 9851226651
Email: Email: prakashghimire2039@

Subodh Guatam Basant Ale Magar

RC Jawalakhel Manjushree RC Patan, RC Tripureswor
Cell: 9851046286 Cell: 9813268214

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary District Secretariat Office

Mahesh Bir Bajracharya Laxmi Pradhan

Manager, Rotary District Secretariat to Fiscal Agent
Office, RI District 3292 Tel: 016224166 (CDMA)
Tel: 016224166 (CDMA) Cell: 9860773016
Cell: 9841373897 Email:

Sunita Raut Prava Dangal

Program Assistant ERRRP/ Program Assistant RNLM
RNLM Tel: 4101179
Tel: 4101179 Cell: 9860379634
Cell: 9865125822 Email:

Rotary District Secretariat Office

Rotary District Office, Thapathali, Kathmandu
Tel: 014255344

District Directory
RY 2022-2023



District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotaract District Council

Laxman Kharel Summit Bajracharya
District Rotaract Representative Immediate Past District Rotaract Representative
Club: RAC Central Rupandehi Club: RAC Jawalakhel Manjushree
Cell: 9857057143 Cell: 9801134527
Email: Email:

Roshan Karki Dinesh Gaire

District Rotaract Representative Elect District Secretary
Club: RAC Manohara Club: RAC Tinau City
Cell: 9818830580 Cell: 9857034688
Email: Email:

Sunil Ghimire Shubhash K.C.

District Leadership Trainer District Treasurer
Club: RAC Narayani Mid Town Club: RAC Tilottama Rupandehi
Cell: 9845360961 Cell: 9867156123
Email: Email:

Resham Khadka Bishow Darshan Parajuli

Ambassador of District Rotaract Representative Ambassador of District Rotaract Representative
Club: RAC Tilottama Rupandehi Club: RAC Pokhara
Cell: 9857033673 Cell: 9856056098
Email: Email:

Shristi Tripathi Aadarsh Shrestha

Ambassador of District Rotaract Representative Ambassador of District Rotaract Representative
Club: RAC Kantipur Club: RAC Tripureshwor
Cell: 9803029529 Cell: 9861641639
Email: Email:

Kishan Kandel Lok Raj Pandeya

Assistant District Secretary (Club Support) Assistant District Secretary (Club Admin)
Club: RAC Central Rupandehi Club: RAC Kathmandu
Cell: 9867373686 Cell: 9843496894
Email: Email:

Sadikshya Kandel Anusha Nepal

Assistant District Leadership Trainer Assistant District Leadership Trainer
Club: RAC People’s Campus Club: RAC Kantipur
Cell: 9860204184 Cell: 9865122764
Email: Email:

Kritika Sharma Krishna Bhusal

Assistant District Treasurer Assistant District Treasurer
Club: RAC Patan Club: RAC Butwal South
Cell: 9840012457 Cell: 9847091775
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotaract District Council

Prakash Parajuli Aakriti Pandey
District Rotaract Foundation Chair District Rotaract Foundation Chair
Club: RAC Tinau City Club: RAC Nawalpurcity
Cell: 9857026699 Cell: 9844782756
Email: Email:

Arjun Khadka Pradeep Pahari

District Rotaract Foundation Chair District Membership Development Chair
Club: RAC Kathmandu North Club: RAC Annapurna
Cell: 9810207083 Cell: 9856023708
Email: Email:

Bivek Shrestha Rishi Kadariya

District Membership Development Chair District Membership Development Chair
Club: RAC Ittabhatti Muncipal Club: RAC Rudramati Babarmahal, Kathmandu
Cell: 9851241160 Cell: 9860121593
Email: Email:

Ragini Shrestha Nirakar Sigdel

District International Relationship Officer District International Relationship Officer
Club: RAC Thames International College Club: RAC New Road Pokhara
Cell: 9808530989 Cell: 9856000916
Email: Email:

Bappa Shah Sudeep Parsai Thakuri

District International Relationship Officer District Creative Operation Officer
Club: RAC Birtamod Club: RAC Parbat Pokhara
Cell: 9852623666 Cell: 9856059276
Email: Email:

Krishna Bashyal Diwas Shrestha

District Creative Operation Officer District Creative Operation Officer
Club: RAC Butwal Club: RAC Bharatpur Height
Cell: 9847015775 Cell: 9843850467
Email: Email:

Sushan Dhital Rebika Shrestha

District Technical Officer District Public Relation Officer
Club: RAC Dillibazar Kathmandu Club: RAC Dharan
Cell: 9801166963 Cell: 9814345454
Email: Email:

Isha Poudel Rajish chaudhary

District Public Relation Officer District Public Relation Officer
Club: RAC Budhanilkantha Club: RAC United Birgunj
Cell: 9869133319 Cell: 9845405701
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotaract District Council

Jay Singh Thapa Ayush Gupta
RNLM Chair RNLM Chair
Club: RAC Lumbini Sidharthanagar Club: RAC Birgunj
Cell: 9857016486 Cell: 9811228083
Email: Email:

Pramananda Gautam Sushant Adhikari

RNLM Chair Public Image Chair
Club: RAC Kawasoti Club: RAC Damauli
Cell: 9801905756 Cell: 9856064414
Email: Email:

Krishna Bashyal Dipu Kumar Barnawal

Public Image Chair Public Image Chair
Club: RAC Manigram Club: RAC Birgunj Metropolis
Cell: 9857057621 Cell: 9821258877
Email: Email:

Chandra Bhakta Adhikari Ananta Panthi

Sergeant At Arms Sergeant At Arms
Club: RAC Sukedhara Club: RAC Central Rupandehi
Cell: 9862601722 Cell: 9857017495
Email: Email:

Girish Ratna Shakya Rosy Shrestha

Zonal Rotaract Representative Zonal Rotaract Representative
Club: RAC Bhadrapur Club: RAC Dharan
Cell: 9844694500 Cell: 9804094909
Email: Email:

Sandip Kumar Ojha Prabesh Baniya

Zonal Rotaract Representative Zonal Rotaract Representative
Club: RAC United Birgunj Club: RAC Kathmandu University
Cell: 9806806993 Cell: 9861291797
Email: Email:

Susen Bhaila Abhishek Joshi

Zonal Rotaract Representative Zonal Rotaract Representative
Club: RAC Banepa Club: RAC Kantipur Dental College
Cell: 9843771842 Cell: 9865609852
Email: Email:

Ankush Adhikari Sangit Nepal

Zonal Rotaract Representative Zonal Rotaract Representative
Club: RAC Tripureswor Club: RAC Thames International College
Cell: 9845232374 Cell: 9843229720
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotaract District Council

Ruchin Khadka Sheikh Dilnawaz Ali
Zonal Rotaract Representative Zonal Rotaract Representative
Club: RAC Kathmandu Metro Club: RAC Budhanilkantha
Cell: 9864463316 Cell: 9843592926
Email: Email:

Wangdi Norbu Sherpa Utsav Shrestha

Zonal Rotaract Representative Zonal Rotaract Representative
Club: RAC Sainbu Bhaisipati Club: RAC Metro City
Cell: 9860802268 Cell: 9851273828
Email: Email:

Hasina Shrestha Govinda Parajuli

Zonal Rotaract Representative Zonal Rotaract Representative
Club: RAC Patan Durbar Square Club: RAC Bharatpur
Cell: 9860206729 Cell: 9855053917
Email: Email:

Anusha Shrestha Shushma Prasai

Zonal Rotaract Representative Zonal Rotaract Representative
Club: RAC Bajra Manaslu Gorkha Club: RAC Parbat Pokhara
Cell: 9846542540 Cell: 9846646904
Email: Email:

Tara Prasad Sharma Biru Kumar Gupta

Zonal Rotaract Representative Zonal Rotaract Representative
Club: RAC Baglung Club: RAC Lumbini Sidharthanagar
Cell: 9857629528 Cell: 9857010008
Email: Email:

Ashok Gnawali Laxman Shrestha

Zonal Rotaract Representative Zonal Rotaract Representative
Club: RAC Tinau City Club: RAC Butwal Chautari
Cell: 9857036258 Cell: 9851226428
Email: Email:

Prajwal Bhusal Ramesh Panthi

Zonal Rotaract Representative Zonal Rotaract Representative
Club: RAC Sainamaina Club: RAC Butwal Down Town
Cell: 9857057720 Cell: 9863181463
Email: Email:

Rupesh Sharma Bibash Aryal

Zonal Rotaract Representative DRC Member
Club: RAC Tulsipur Club: RAC Hetauda
Cell: 9857822383 Cell: 9845488697
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotaract District Council

Niraj Khanal Sarita Rana
DRC Member DRC Member
Club: RAC Chitwan Club: RAC Bhairahawa
Cell: 9855075221 Cell: 9857011529
Email: Email:

Manisha Shrestha Dadhiram Dhakal

DRC Member DRC Member
Club: RAC Kavre Valley Club: RAC Damak
Cell: 9840548057 Cell: 9862222613
Email: Email:

Suraj Kharel Prakash Poudel

DRC Member DRC Member
Club: RC Central Rupandehi Club: RC Narayani Midtown
Cell: 9857032838 Cell: 9851275475 Email:

Sarad Joshi
DRC Member
Club: RC Birtamode Midtown
Cell: 9852673716

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

List of Rotaract Clubs

S.N Rotaract Club Name Club ID Sponsoring Club
1. Annapurna 88879 Pokhara Annapurna (Rotary)
2. Baglung 89716 Baglung (Rotary)
3. Bagmati 72774 Bagmati Kathmandu (Rotary)
4. Bajra Manasalu 215188 Bajra Manasalu Gorkha (Rotary)
5. Balaju 89287 Balaju (Rotary)
6. Banepa 89717 Kavre-Banepa (Rotary)
7. Baneshwor 218578 Baneshwor (Rotary)
8. Baneshwor Royal 89551 Baneshwor (Rotary)
9. Bardibas 218204 Bardibas (Rotary)
10. Bhadgaon 212617 Bhadgaon (Rotary)
11. Bhadrapur 217336 Bhadrapur (Rotary)
12. Bhairahawa 214692 Bhairahawa (Rotary)
13. Bhairahawa Chautari 8824051 Butwal Chautari (Rotary)
14. Bhaktapur 72475 Bhaktapur (Rotary)
15. Bhanu 8824081 Damauli (Rotaract)
16. Bharatpur 65597 Bharatpur (Rotary)
17. Bharatpur Height 217204 Bharatpur (Rotary)
18. Bhimad 218440 Damauli (Rotary)
19. Biratnagar 66517 Biratnagar (Rotary)
20. Biratnagar Central 217203 Biratnagar Central (Rotary)
21. Biratnagar Down Town 89536 Biratnagar Down Town (Rotary)
22. Biratnagar Fusion 216820 Biratnagar Fusion (Rotary)
23. Birganj 9655 Birganj (Rotary)
24. Birgunj Metropolis 214883 Birgunj Metropolis (Rotary)
25. Birtamode 91637 Birtamode (Rotary)
26. Birtamode Mid-Town 212632 Birtamode Mid-Town (Rotary)
27. Buddhabhumi 216145 Kapilvastu (Rotary)
28. Budhanilkanatha 72775 Budhanilkantha (Rotary)
29. Butwal 44951 Butwal (Rotary)
30. Butwal Chautari 217627 Butwal Chautari (Rotary)
31. Butwal Down Town 56450 Butwal-Downtown (Rotary)
32. Butwal Ramapithecus 214075 Butwal-Downtown (Rotary)
33. Butwal South 63178 Butwal South (Rotary)
34. Butwal Synergy 215519 Butwal-Downtown (Rotary)
35. Capital Butwal 8823377 Capital Butwal (Rotary)
36. Central Bouddha Land 8823369 Central Lumbini (Rotary)
37. Central Butwal 213949 Central Butwal (Rotary)
38. Central City 8823926 Central Rupandehi (Rotary)
39. Central Lumbini 214905 Central Lumbini (Rotary)
40. Central Rupandehi 217338 Central Butwal (Rotary)
41. Central Siyari 8823370 Central Lumbini (Rotary)
42. Chandragiri 86937 Chandragiri (Rotary)
43. Charumati 75397 Charumati Kathmandu (Rotary)
44. Chitwan 9539 Chitwan (Rotary)
45. Dakshinkali 8823900 Sainamaina (Rotaract)
46. Damak 215882 Damak (Rotary)

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

List of Rotaract Clubs

S.N Rotaract Club Name Club ID Sponsoring Club
47. Damauli 59803 Damauli (Rotary)
48. Dang 214772 Dang (Rotary)
49. Dhangadhi 212572 Dhangadhi (Rotary)
50. Dharan 43654 Dharan (Rotary)
51. Dharan Ghopa 63997 Dharan Ghopa (Rotary)
52. Dhulikhel 80113 Dhulikhel (Rotary)
53. Dillibazar-Kathmandu 52653 Dillibazar-Kathmandu (Rotary)
54. Durbarmarg 88996 Durbarmarg (Rotary)
55. Gaidakot 216442 Gaidakot (Rotary)
56. Galkot, Baglung 8823562 Baglung (Rotaract)
57. GBC Butwal 217339 Central Butwal (Rotary)
58. Gongabu 214599 Gongabu (Rotary)
59. Gorkha 90718 Gorkha (Rotary)
60. Gyaneswor, CiST 8824537 Gyaneswor (Rotary)
61. Hemja 90587 Pokhara Annapurna (Rotary)
62. Hetauda 213986 Hetauda (Rotary)
63. Himalaya Patan 67987 Himalaya Patan (Rotary)
64. Itabhatta Municipal 218457 Kakarvitta (Rotaract)
65. Itahari 81544 Itahari (Rotary)
66. Jawalakhel 72801 Jawalakhel (Rotary)
67. Jawalakhel Manjushree 81870 Jawalakhel-Manjushree (Rotary)
68. Kakarvitta 214109 Kakarvitta (Rotary)
69. Kantipur 57147 Kantipur Kathmandu (Rotary)
70. Kantipur Dental College 87601 Kathmandu North (Rotary)
71. Kapilvastu 213526 Kapilvastu (Rotary)
72. Kapilvastu Mid Town 215311 Kapilvastu Mid Town (Rotary)
73. Kasthamandap Kathmandu 76282 Kasthamandap Ktm (Rotary)
74. Kathmandu 9591 Kathmandu (Rotary)
75. Kathmandu Kalanki 8823208 Kathmandu Kalanki (Rotary)
76. Kathmandu Medical College 78432 Kathmandu North (Rotary)
77. Kathmandu Medical College- Duwakot 218541
78. Kathmandu Metro 65283 Kathmandu Metro (Rotary)
79. Kathmandu Metropolis 213989 E-Club of District 3292 (Rotary)
80. Kathmandu Mid-Town 44168 Kathmandu Mid-Town (Rotary)
81. Kathmandu North 47049 Kathmandu North (Rotary)
82. Kathmandu North East 68744 Kathmandu North East (Rotary)
83. Kathmandu University 212230 Dhulikhel (Rotary)
84. Kathmandu University Medical School (KUMS) 90321 Dhulikhel (Rotary)
85. Kathmandu West 77963 Kathmandu West (Rotary)
86. Kavre Campus, Banepa 216712 Kavre-Banepa (Rotary)
87. Kavre Valley 8824441 Kavre Valley (Rotary)
88. Kawasoti 217628 Kawasoti (Rotary)
89. Kec Mount Everest 8824539 Mount Everest Lalitpur (Rotary)
90. Kirtipur 8823912 Kirtipur (Rotary)
91. KIST Medical College 214695 Chandragiri (Rotary)
92. Kopundol 76283 Kopundol (Rotary)

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

List of Rotaract Clubs

S.N Rotaract Club Name Club ID Sponsoring Club
93. Kotihawa 8824165 Lumbini Stars (Rotary)
94. Kshitiz International College 91648 Butwal (Rotary)
95. Lalitpur 46026 Lalitpur (Rotary)
96. Lamjung 77220 Lamjung (Rotary)
97. Lekhnath 90042 Lekhnath (Rotary)
98. Liberty College 90200 Nagarjun (Rotary)
99. Lumbini Banijaya Campus 89721 Butwal (Rotary)
100. Lumbini Buddha 8823368 Lumbini Siddharthanagar (Rotary)
101. Lumbini Siddharthanagar 90676 Lumbini Siddharthanagar (Rotary)
102. Lumbini Stars 217873 Lumbini Stars (Rotary)
103. Madhyapur 89712 Madhyapur (Rotary)
104. Mahabouddha 72816 Mahabouddha (Rotary)
105. Makawanpur 213114 Makawanpur (Rotary)
106. Manigram 218489 Manigram (Rotary)
107. Manipal College of Medical Sciences 90045 Pokhara Newroad (Rotary)
108. Manohara 88815 Rudramati Kathmandu (Rotary)
109. Marchwar 8824674 Butwal (Rotaract)
110. Matribhumi Baluwatar 8824319 Matribhumi Baluwatar (Rotary)
111. Matribhumi Baluwatar IOM 215937 Matribhumi Baluwatar (Rotary)
112. Mechinagar 8823532 Mechinagar (Rotary)
113. Metro City 90153 Kathmandu Metro (Rotary)
114. Mountaineering-Kathmandu 222264 Durbarmarg (Rotary)
115. Mount Everest, Lalitpur 57097 Mount Everest Lalitpur (Rotary)
116. Narayangarh 89802 Narayangarh (Rotary)
117. Narayani Mid Town 75237 Narayani Mid Town (Rotary)
118. Nawalpur City 8823813 Nawalpur Kawasoti (Rotary)
119. Nepal National Hospital 218266 Jawalakhel (Rotary)
120. New Road City Kathmandu 64638 New Road City Ktm (Rotary)
121. Newroad Pokhara 91413 Pokhara Newroad (Rotary)
122. Nobel Medical College Teaching Hospital 8823447 Biratnagar Down Town (Rotary)
123. Palpa Lumbini 8824261 Palpa Lumbini (Rotary)
124. Palpa Tansen 89485 Palpa Tansen (Rotary)
125. Panauti 215079 Panauti (Rotary)
126. Parbat 89600 Parbat (Rotary)
127. Parbat Pokhara 213960 Parbat (Rotary)
128. Pashupati-Kathmandu 46877 Pashupati Kathmandu (Rotary)
129. Pashupati Nepal Law Campus 218566 Pashupati Kathmandu (Rotary)
130. Patan 43221 Patan (Rotary)
131. Patan Durbar Square 67996 Patan Durbar Square (Rotary)
132. Patan South 90407 Patan South (Rotary)
133. Patan West 48154 Patan West (Rotary)
134. People’s Campus 89341 The Himalayan Gurkhas (Rotary)
135. Phulbari 86486 Bhaktapur (Rotary)
136. Pokhara 54240 Pokhara (Rotary)
137. Pokhara GMC 213879 Pokhara (Rotary)
138. Pokhara Lakeside 214771 Pokhara Lakeside (Rotary)

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

List of Rotaract Clubs

S.N Rotaract Club Name Club ID Sponsoring Club
139. Pokhara Midtown 62117 Pokhara Mid Town (Rotary)
140. Pokhara University 218442 Pokhara Lakeside (Rotary)
141. Pokhra Fishtail 77223 Pokhra Fishtail (Rotary)
142. Purbi Chitwan 218468 Ratnanagar (Rotary)
143. Rajdhani 61643 Rajdhani (Rotary)
144. Rammani Multiple Campus 217374 Rupandehi (Rotary)
145. Ratnanagar 53092 Ratnanagar (Rotary)
146. Reliance College 78425 Kathmandu North (Rotary)
147. Rudramati 70789 Rudramati Kathmandu (Rotary)
148. Rudramati-Babarmahal-Kathmandu 90367 Rudramati Kathmandu (Rotary)
149. Rupandehi 90406 Rupandehi (Rotary)
150. Sainamaina 213976 Sainamaina (Rotary)
151. Sainbu Bhainsepati 89156 Sainbu Bhainsepati (Rotary)
152. Sankhu 217723 Sankhu (Rotary)
153. Shikhalapur 217626 Dhulikhel (Rotary)
154. Shuklagandaki 218379 Shukalagandaki (Rotary)
155. Simara, Bara 8823691 United Birgunj (Rotaract)
156. Sindhuligadi 218490 Kathmandu (Rotary)
157. Sukedhara 217232 Nagarjun (Rotary)
158. Sundarharaicha 8823901 Itahari (Rotary)
159. Sunsari 8824366 Itahari (Rotaract)
160. Surunga 218437 Surunga (Rotary)
161. Swoyambhu 86487 Swoyambhu (Rotary)
162. Thames International College 58049 Thamel-Kathmandu (Rotary)
163. Tilottama Devdaha 91075 Tilottama-Rupandehi (Rotary)
164. Tilottama-Rupandehi 213959 Tilottama-Rupandehi (Rotary)
165. Tilottama Suddhodhan 218434 Tilottama-Rupandehi (Rotary)
166. Tinau Butwal 216016 Tinau Butwal (Rotary)
167. Tinau City 214197 Butwal South (Rotary)
168. Tripureswor 61432 Tripureswor (Rotary)
169. Tulsipur 213643 Tulsipur City (Rotary)
170. United Birgunj 217625 Birgunj Metropolis (Rotary)
171. Urlabari 218574 Urlabari (Rotary)
172. Vedavyasa 218433
173. Waling 8823378 Waling (Rotary)
174. Yala 43427 Yala (Rotary)

To maintain active certified status from RI, Rotaract clubs shall provide the name and contact information of their club president and/or adviser, who
can update club and membership information to RI each year no later than 30 June. Failure to submit updated club and membership information to RI
in a two-year period will result in termination.
Source: RISAO

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Interact District Council

Itr. Bipin Subedi Itr. Himal Acharya
District Interact Representative Imm. Past District Interact Representative
Club: Interact Club of Pokhara Lakeside Club: Interact Club of Canon
Cell: 9844919003 Cell: 9847025013
Email: Email:

Itr. Nisha Shrestha Itr. Aarushka Kattel

Assistant District Interact Representative District Secretary
Club: Interact Club of Small Heaven Model School Club: Interact Club of Vishwa Adarsha
Cell: 9845965470 Cell: 9811007424
Email: Email:

Rtr. Abhisek Acharya Itr. Garima Ray

District Advisor District Treasurer
Club: Rotaract Club of Bhadgaon Club: Interact Club of Yala
Cell: 9803411515 Cell: 9844556060
Email: Email:

Itr. Sheetal Thakur Itr. Mingsoma Limbu

Zonal Planner Zonal Interact Representative- Zone 1
Club: Interact Club of Yala Club: Interact Club of Bishnu Memorial
Cell: 9851320224 Cell: 9827007366
Email: Email:

Itr. Bipin Parajuli Thapa Itr. Bishal Sharma Chapagain

Zonal Interact Representative- Zone 2 Zonal Interact Representative- Zone 3
Club: Interact Club of Little Flower School Club: Interact Club of Annapurna Balmandir
Cell: 9846868882 Cell: 9866056433
Email: Email:

Itr. Bidita Khanal Itr. Anuj Paudyal

Zonal Interact Representative-Zone 4 Zonal Interact Representative – Zone 5
Club: Interact Club of Alliance Downtown Club: Interact Club of Golden Gate Int’l College
Cell: 9814491268 Cell: 9807998818
Email: Email:

Itr. Roz Karmacharya Itr. Safal Shrestha

Zonal Interact Representative- Zone 6 Zonal Interact Representative-Zone 7
Club: Interact Club of Bhaktapur & Kavre Valley Club: Interact Club of Tri-Ratna Ktn Midtown
Cell: 9864672868 Cell: 9861135804
Email: Email:

Itr. Lochan Joshi Itr. Diya Bhusal

District Editor District Editor
Club: Interact Club of Alliance Downtown Club: Interact Club of Alliance Downtown
Cell: 9822650056 Cell: 9857039993
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Interact District Council

Itr. Prashna Puri Itr. Samrat Prajapati
Government School Support Committee Head Government School Support Committee Officer
Club: Interact Club of Vishwa Adarsha Club: Interact Club of Bhaktapur & Kavre Valley
Cell: 9811350700 Cell: 9863425475
Email: Email:

Itr. Binod Neupane Itr. Khushi Shrestha

District Chief International Relation Officer District International Relation Officer
Club: Interact Club of Pokhara Lakeside Club: Interact Club of Peace Zone
Cell: 9866027554 Cell: 9842035061
Email: Email:

Itr. Kalpit Nepal Itr. Himani Acharya

Club Service Committee Head Club Service Committee Officer
Club:Interact Club of Alliance Downtown Club: Interact Club of Canon
Cell: 9861006632 Cell: 9847243666
Email: Email:

Itr. Subin Pradhan Itr. Diggaj Shrestha

Community Service Committee Head Community Service Committee Officer
Club: Interact Club of Bhaktapur & Kavre Valley Club: Interact Club of Yala
Cell: 9860074275 Cell: 9813756350
Email: Email:

Itr. Aayushma Pokhrel Itr. Lucky Agarwal

Strategic Planning Committee Officer Strategic Planning Committee Officer
Club: Interact Club of Skyrider Club: Interact Club of Bishnu Memorial
Cell: 9855051559 Cell: 9807074131
Email: Email:

Itr. Ankit Subedi Itr. Amrit Dhakal

Public Affairs and Marketing Officer Public Affairs and Marketing Officer
Club: Interact Club of Little Angel’s School Club: Interact Club of Valmiki Shiksha Sadan
Cell: 9863902006 Cell: 9845953700
Email: Email:

Itr. Birendra Yadav Itr. Ankit Emm Lamsal

District Information and Communication District Information and Communication
Technology Committee Head Technology Committee Officer
Club: Interact Club of Little Angels’ School Club: Interact Club of Little Angel’s School
Cell: 9810042188 Cell: 9847378094
Email: Email:

Itr. Pujan Pokharel Itr. Kushal Lamichhane

District Information and Communication District Information and Communication
Technology Committee Officer Technology Committee Officer
Club: Interact Club of Alliance Downtown Club: Interact Club of Valmiki Shiksha Sadan
Cell: 9847090260 Cell: 9840532596
Email: Email:

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

List of Interact Clubs

S.N Interact Club Name Club ID Sponsoring Rotary Club
1. Aadikabi Bhanu Bhakta School 218285 Bharatpur
2. Adarsha Kanya Niketan School 223901 Rudramati Kathmandu
3. Adharsha Vidhya Mandir 219856 Baglung
4. Adhyayan School 219686 Kathmandu Metro
5. Advanced Academy 208049 Madhyapur
6. AIMS English Sec. School 220708 Rupandehi
7. Albert High School 217420 Dillibazar-Kathmandu
8. Alliance Downtown 223372 Butwal-Downtown
9. Annapurna Balmandir 207878 Pokhara Annapurna
10. Annapurna H. S. School 88669 Thamel-Kathmandu
11. Axis Vidyashram 218351 Dhangadhi
12. Bagmati Halchowk Secondary School 215412 Bagmati Kathmandu
13. Balkumari English School 215876 Chitwan
14. Balodaya Pokhara 207076 Pokhara
15. Baneshwor 207637 Baneshwor
16. Bethel English Boarding School 219534 Palpa Tansen
17. Bhadgaon 217424 Bhadgaon
18. Bhaktapur And Kavre Valley 224145 Bhaktapur
19. Bhaktapur And Kavre Valley 224145 Dhulikhel
20. Bhaktapur And Kavre Valley 224145 Kavre-Banepa
21. Bhaktapur And Kavre Valley 224145 Kavre Valley
22. Bhaktapur And Kavre Valley 224145 Madhyapur
23. Bhaktapur And Kavre Valley 224145 Panauti
24. Bhaktapur-Mount Valley English School 208755 Bhaktapur
25. Biju English Boarding School 209746 Palpa Tansen
26. Biratnagar Fusion 223698 Biratnagar Fusion
27. Bishnu Memorial 221574 Dharan Ghopa
28. Budhanilkantha School 224361 Kathmandu Downtown
29. Butwal South-Paramount School 207621 Butwal South
30. Canon Higher Secondary School 212853 Butwal
31. Caspian Academy 220522 Dhangadhi
32. Central Butwal 221506 Central Butwal
33. Chelsea International Academy 207636 Baneshwor
34. Chitwan English Secondary Boarding School 215892 Chitwan
35. Creative Learners’ Academy 208050 Madhyapur
36. D.A.V School 219463 Birgunj Metropolis
37. DAV School 220626 Biratnagar Down Town
38. Deep Boarding High School 78366 Butwal
39. Delhi Public School 221701 Dharan Ghopa
40. Depot School 212861 Dharan Ghopa
41. Devbhumi 221807 Birtamode Mid-Town
42. Everest Academy 219219 Kavre-Banepa
43. Everest Bhaktapur 210850 Bhaktapur
44. Fafuri 220958 Kapilvastu

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

List of Interact Clubs

S.N Interact Club Name Club ID Sponsoring Rotary Club
45. Gaidakot 220127 Gaidakot
46. Gargi Academy 215969 Butwal-Downtown
47. Gautam Sec. School 218934 Birgunj Metropolis
48. Glee Academy 222627 Dhangadhi
49. Glen Buds 217306 Rudramati Kathmandu
50. Golden Gate Int’l College 220129 Matribhumi Baluwatar
51. Gorkha-The old capital Higher Secondary 209628 Gorkha
52. Gyanda Academy 212908 Birganj
53. Gyanpunja 224351 Kapilvastu Mid Town
54. Holy Child School 17419 Baglung
55. Horizon ‘A’ 223967 Kapilvastu
56. Horizon ‘A’ 223967 Kapilvastu Mid Town
57. Janata Secondary School 221395 Central Butwal
58. Jawalakhel 77222 Jawalakhel
59. Jhapa Model Higher Secondary English School 213448 Damak
60. Jyotkunj Pokhara Mid town 211667 Pokhara Mid Town
61. Kadambari Academy 221758 Birganj
62. Kalika MA. VI. 78384 Butwal
63. Kanya Higher Secondary School 88670 Thamel-Kathmandu
64. Kanya Secondary School 217423 Pokhara
65. Kashi Noble Academy 218610 Lumbini Siddharthanagar
66. Kathmandu 222005 Kathmandu
67. Kathmandu Height, Mahendragram 223726 Kathmandu Height
68. Kathmandu Mid Town 45053 Kathmandu Mid-Town
69. Kathmandu Mid Town, Thaiba 206968 Kathmandu Mid-Town
70. Kunchipwakal S. School 222540 Balaju
71. Kunchipwakal S. School 222540 Balaju
72. Little Angels School 72578 Kasthamandap Kathmandu
73. Little Flower 220137 Narayani Mid Town
74. Little Flower English Boarding School 81539 Narayani Mid Town
75. L. R. I. School 219382 E-Club of District 3292
76. (Mahabouddha) Sudesha High School 210116 Mahabouddha
77. Mahendra Secondary School 223854 Pokhara Newroad
78. Matribhumi Baluwatar 221748 Matribhumi Baluwatar
79. Medha Secondary School 217422 Bhaktapur
80. Nalanda 218561 Bhairahawa
81. Namuna Machhindra School 220233 Jawalakhel
82. Nawajyoti English Boarding School 212947 Butwal South
83. Nepal Police School, Sanga 218290 Rajdhani
84. New Academy Sainamaina 220909 Sainamaina
85. New Environment Higher Sec. School 209015 Rupandehi
86. New Horizon Higher Sec. School, Tansen 206971 Palpa Tansen
87. New Oasis Academy 219855 Baglung
88. New Road City Kathmandu 90530 New Road City Kathmandu

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

List of Interact Clubs

S.N Interact Club Name Club ID Sponsoring Rotary Club
89. New Vision 216229 Butwal South
90. Occidental Public School 207256 Pashupati Kathmandu
91. Orient A Level 218971 Kathmandu North
92. Our Motherland 220957 Kapilvastu
93. Oxford Higher Secondary School 208052 Butwal
94. Palpa Awasiya Higher Sec. School, Tansen 206970 Palpa Tansen
95. Pamir Academy 210849 Butwal
96. Paramount Midtown 211742 Pokhara Mid Town
97. Pashupati 88089 Pashupati Kathmandu
98. Pashupati of Bal Uddhar School 222188 Pashupati Kathmandu
99. Pashupati of Bal Uddhar School 222188 Pashupati-Kathmandu
100. Patan 86246 Patan
101. Patan Durbar Square (Shree Shanti Bidhyahram H.S.) 74479 Patan Durbar Square
102. Patan Durbar Square (United School) 74495 Patan Durbar Square
103. Patan-Shree Balkumari Higher Sec. School 208051 Patan
104. Peace Zone School 63420 Itahari
105. Pokhara Gyan Bhoomi 208757 Pokhara
106. Pokhara Lakeside 223464 Pokhara Lakeside
107. Pragyan Academy Pvt. Ltd. 219761 Bhadrapur
108. SAB Public School 217421 Dillibazar-Kathmandu
109. Sagarmatha, Devdaha 219695 Devdaha
110. Seabird 215966 Madhyapur
111. Shanta Annapurna 220975 Pokhara Annapurna
112. Sharada Balika 224357 Dharan Ghopa
113. Shikshadeep Higher Secondary School 214461 Biratnagar Down Town
114. Shivagadhi 221054 Kapilvastu
115. Sh. Purna Sanjiwani Lankhanamai School 219468 Dhulikhel
116. Shree Chandi Adarsha Saral 217418 Patan West
117. Shree Chunadevi Secondary School 218346 Kathmandu
118. Shree Rudrayani Sec. School 218102 Mount Everest Lalitpur
119. Shree Rupandehi Lila Ram Sec. School, 218645 Central Lumbini
120. Shree Shanti Model Secondary School 222608 Rupandehi
121. Siddhartha English Sec. Boarding School 215891 Chitwan
122. Siddhartha Vanasthali Institute, Panauti 218581 Panauti
123. Sky Rider 218155 Ratnanagar
124. Small Heaven Model School 210117 Bharatpur
125. SOS Hermann Gmeiner School, Bharatpur 220912 Chitwan
126. SOS Itahari 209585 Itahari
127. St. Capitanio School 206969 Palpa Tansen
128. St. Xavier’s Godavari 222047 Patan
129. St. Xavier’s School, Jawalakhel 207902 Patan South
130. Sunrise 221055 Kapilvastu
131. Sunrise English School 220913 Chitwan
132. Tilottama Ramapur Revival 212921 Tilottama-Rupandehi

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

List of Interact Clubs

S.N Interact Club Name Club ID Sponsoring Rotary Club
133. Tripureswor 78368 Tripureswor
134. Tri Ratna Kathmandu Mid Town 221850 Kathmandu Mid-Town
135. Ullens IBDP 219464 Jawalakhel-Manjushree
136. Valley Public 207622 The Himalayan Gurkhas
137. Valmiki 218023 Narayangarh
138. Vidhya Sagar 219218 Kavre-Banepa
139.Vinayak Shiksha Niketan English Sec. School 208223 Madhyapur
140. Vishwa Adarsha 220295 Itahari
141. Vishwo Ekata Academy 220709 Rupandehi
142. West Wing Secondary School 217700 Lalitpur Mid Town
143. Whitefield International College 217607 Lalitpur Mid Town
144. Yala 45103 Yala

To maintain active certified status from RI, Interact clubs shall provide the name and contact information of an adult adviser to
RI each year no later than 30 June. Failure to submit updated adult contact information to RI in a two-year period will result in
Source: RISAO

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

List of Rotary Community Corps

S.N RCC Name Club ID Sponsoring Rotary Club
1. Anharath 89259 Butwal
2. Annapurna, Sarangkot 89477 Pokhara Annapurna
3. Babare 91299 Jawalakhel
4. Badikhel 91887 Jawalakhel
5. Bakhari 4907 Biratnagar
6. Bakhri 90943 Biratnagar Down Town
7. Balthali, Kavre 89359 Jawalakhel
8. Baluwa 82839 Dhulikhel
9. Bhaise 91301 Jawalakhel
10. Bhatte Danda 88611 Thamel-Kathmandu
11. Bhimdev Primary School 71940 Kathmandu Metro
12. Bhotechour Sindhupalchowk 88792 Kathmandu
13. Bhumlu 94274 Dhulikhel
14. Biratnagar Down Town 91961 Biratnagar Down Town
15. Birenchowk 94098 Bajra Manasalu Gorkha
16. Bishnupaduka 5369 Dharan
17. Bulung, Dolakha 91774 Durbarmarg
18. Bungamati 45873 Patan West
19. Chakkar, Dhanusha 92416 Durbarmarg
20. Chandibhanjyang 88866 Patan
21. Changathali 88906 Patan West
22. Changunarayan, Bhaktapur 89041 Rudramati Kathmandu
23. Charghare 91260 Bharatpur
24. Chaturmukhi 91074 Narayani Mid Town
25. Chhaling, Bhaktapur 89038 Rudramati Kathmandu
26. Dahachowk 59957 Mount Everest Lalitpur
27. Danda Bajar/Flag Hill 89532 Dharan Ghopa
28. Dang 94031 Dang
29. Dapcha 89251 Bagmati Kathmandu
30. Dayanagar 91410 Butwal South
31. Devichour 91807 Thamel-Kathmandu
32. Dhanusha 51849 Janakpur
33. Dhapakhel 62497 Patan Durbar Square
34. Dharmasthali 90805 Tripureswor
35. Dhulikhel 62806 Dhulikhel
36. Dhungesanghu 89531 Pokhra Fishtail
37. Dhuni 92935 Biratnagar Down Town
38. Dhunibeshi 89026 Kopundol
39. Dokarpa 91302 Jawalakhel
40. Dudrakchaya VIllage Health Devl. Committee 45023 Butwal
41. East Kusaha 89345 Biratnagar
42. Gairigaun 90775 Dharan

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

List of Rotary Community Corps

S.N RCC Name Club ID Sponsoring Rotary Club
43. Gobreni 78371 Chitwan
44. Godamchaur 88904 Patan Durbar Square
45. Godamchour 52169 Kathmandu
46. Gothatar-Kathmandu 65965 Dillibazar-Kathmandu
47. Gyalchowk, Gorkha 92269 Kathmandu Metro
48. Haklabari 91481 Chandragiri
49. Handikhola, Makawanpur 90976 Hetauda
50. Haripurwa 51910 Janakpur
51. Jabdi Mahila Samuha 93711 Itahari
52. Jyamrung 90187 Kathmandu North East
53. Kageswori Manohara 93775 Kathmandu North
54. Kailali 85671 Dhulikhel
55. Kakani 89418 Balaju
56. Kanshipur 89350 Tulsipur City
57. Kapilbastu 94027 Kapilvastu
58. Katyayani 89024 Pokhara
59. Kauwaghari 94028 Tulsipur City
60. Kerwani-Basantapur 78370 Butwal
61. Keuli 91411 Butwal South
62. Khanalthok 82831 Dhulikhel
63. Khanigaun 91300 Jawalakhel
64. Kharikhola 90975 Patan South
65. Khetbari 89890 Narayangarh
66. Khokana 46971 Yala
67. Khokana 89832 Charumati Kathmandu
68. Kirtipur 64003 Kantipur Kathmandu
69. Kottandi 89939 Bharatpur
70. Kushadevi 94029 Dhulikhel
71. Lapha 91450 Gorkha
72. Lubhoo 89015 Himalaya Patan
73. Madhopur 94478 Kavre Valley
74. Madhumalla 45317 Kathmandu
75. Mahendranagar 45318 Kathmandu
76. Majgawa Marchwar 92285 Central Lumbini
77. Manakamana Tityang 92792 Baglung
78. Manjhariya Marchawar 92272 Lumbini Siddharthanagar
79. Matshya Kanya 72791 Damauli
80. Mount Everest 63900 Mount Everest Lalitpur
81. Mudikuwa, Parbat 90132 Parbat
82. Mulpani 88952 Baneshwor
83. Namuna Basti 93226 Tilottama-Rupandehi
84. Nauajagaran, Lele 88907 New Road City Kathmandu

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

List of Rotary Community Corps

S.N RCC Name Club ID Sponsoring Rotary Club
85. New Road Bansbot 89230 Pokhara Newroad
86. Nipani Tole 81535 Narayani Mid Town
87. Paiyun 94316 Pokhra Fishtail
88. Palanchowk 89404 Kasthamandap Kathmandu
89. Panauti 82834 Dhulikhel
90. Panchamul, Sirubari 88905 The Himalayan Gurkhas
91. Pashupati, Kathmandu 93756 Pashupati Kathmandu
92. Pharping, Kathmandu 91336 Chandragiri
93. Pipalchaur 93584 Dhulikhel
94. Pithauli-Nawalparasi 72594 Kasthamandap Kathmandu
95. Prithivi Rupa 91765 Pokhra Fishtail
96. Rajdhani, Nayapati 65104 Rajdhani
97. Ramkot 44917 Kathmandu
98. Rasuwa 89301 Bagmati Kathmandu
99. RCT-Baluwa, V.D.C. 9 78386 Tripureswor
100. Rhino 94479 Kavre Valley
101. Rudramati 79041 Rudramati Kathmandu
102. Saaune Village 93669 Narayangarh
103. Sakmaha 89095 Biratnagar Down Town
104. Salleri 92418 Durbarmarg
105. Sallyansthan-Kirtipur 5851 Kathmandu
106. Shankhu 71363 Mount Everest Lalitpur
107. Shiktahan 91405 Butwal-Downtown
108. Shrijanshil Society, Champi 89014 Lalitpur
109. Simalchaur 89069 Dhulikhel
110. Sukhipokhari 89379 Baneshwor
111. Sundarijal 76307 Kathmandu North
112. Suntakhan 63062 Kathmandu Metro
113. Suspa Chhamavati-Dolakha 89016 Jawalakhel
114. Swochhanda Bhairav 90134 Yala
115. Taksar, Bhojpur 89025 Chandragiri
116. Talakhu Nuwakot 89638 Dillibazar-Kathmandu
117. Tarabari Damak 93490 Damak
118. Tarebhir 71941 Kathmandu Metro
119. Thasi - Siddhipur 44381 Yala
120. The Bungmati 89595 Chandragiri
121. Thecho 88957 Mahabouddha
122. The Rising View Tower 89070 Dhulikhel
123. Tigani Bhaktapur 93583 Madhyapur
124. Tistung Bajrabrahi 90133 Kathmandu West
125. Ulleri 93654 Pokhara Newroad
126. Vishal Chowk Memory 92198 Biratnagar Down Town
127. Yala-Agnisala 45331 Yala

District Directory
RY 2022-2023



District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Club Installation Ceremony Format

Sample Agenda for Installation Ceremonies

- Master of Ceremony calls the dignitaries in the dais

o President
o Spouse of President
o Chief Guest (preferably District Official of highest in protocol* present in the
o Assistant Governor (if DG, DGE, DGN or Past Governors are not present)
o Immediate Past President
o Secretary
- Welcome Address (by a Rotarian as decided by the club)
- New president is installed by offering/presenting him/her president’s collar, club charter,
gavel and gong by;
o District Official of highest in protocol* present in the meeting or,
o Charter president of the club, or
o jointly by all past presidents of the club present in the meeting, or,
o Immediate Past President
- Presentation of bouquet to spouse of President by Chief Guest
- Administering oath** of office to President by District Governor or Governor Elect/
Nominee, Past Governor or Assistant Governor, or any district official present at the meeting
or charter president of the club or any past president of the club
- Meeting called to order by President (if the ceremony coincides with the Regular Weekly
Meeting of the club)
- Acceptance speech by President
- Introduction of new board by President
- Administering oath** of office to new office bearers by president
- Address by Immediate Past President
- Felicitation of President and First Lady by offering bouquet to by Immediate Past President
- Recognition of club members for their support during last Rotary year by Immediate Past
President (optional)
- Gesture of Appreciation to IPP and his/her spouse by President for successfully leading the
club during last Rotary year.
- Address
o Assistant Governor (optional)
o Brief introduction of the Chief Guest
o Address by Chief Guest
- Presentation of memento to Chief Guest/Guests (optional)
- Vote of Thanks
- Toast Proposals
- Adjournment by President

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Club Installation Ceremony Format

• Installation Ceremonies are not mandatory
• New officers (president and board members) of the club are installed to their
respective portfolios. Thus, is not called an ‘Installation ceremony of the club’
• Installation ceremony is not a handing over ceremony. Handing over of files and
documents is normally done at the last board meeting (often a joint board meeting) of the
• Installation of club officers is automatic on July 1 regardless of observing the ceremony.
• Recommended that installation of club officers be held during the first Regular Weekly
Meeting of the year
• President’s collar is ‘president’s collar’, not anybody else’s. IPP (not outgoing president)
is not supposed to wear president’s collar after June 30
• Clubs are requested to follow RI protocols while conducting such programs

(The above agenda of installation ceremonies is just a recommendation as decided by

Council of Governors of RI District 3292 and is not mandatory. Clubs are free to take decision
regarding the modality of the installation ceremony)

* refer to page 293 for Rotary International Protocol

** refer to page 288 for sample Oath

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Oath of Office Bearers

Oath for the President: cWoIfsf] ;ky u|x0f
I, _______, do solemnly pledge that I will
faithfully execute the duties of the office of d oxfFx?sf] ;fd' ;ky lnG5' ls
President of Rotary Club of __________ and /f]6/L Sna ckm –––––––––––––sf]
that I will to the best of my ability support
cWoIf kbsf] lhDd]jf/L
District Governor _________________ and
Rotary International and that I will uphold OdfGbf/Lsf;fy lgjf{x ug]{5' .
the constitution and bylaws of this club. ;fy} /f]6/L OG6/g]zgnsf]
lawfg tyf lalgodsf] kl/lw leq /xL
Oath for the Officers and Directors:
d]/f] a'l4 laa]s tyf Ifdtfn] EofP ;Dd
l8li6«S6 ueg{/ tyf
I, __________, do solemnly pledge that /f]6/L OG6/g]zgnn] cl3 ;f/]sf]
I will fulfill duties of my office in the dfgjLo ;]jf sfo{df
Rotary Club of __________ to the best of
my ability, that I will support President ;Sbf] ;xof]u k'¥ofpg] 5' /
__________, and will abide by our club’s /f]6/L Sna ckm –––––––––sf] 5la
constitution and bylaws. ;b}j pRr /fVg
bQlrQ /xg] 5' .
Oath for the New Members:
cGo kbflwsf/Lx?sf] ;ky u|x0f
I, __________, do solemnly pledge that
I will fulfill my duties as a member of
Rotary Club of __________ to the best of d oxfFx?sf] ;fd' ;ky lnG5' ls
my ability, that I will support President and /f]6/L Sna ckm ––––––––––sf]
Board of Directors, and will abide by our kbflwsf/Lsf] lhDd]jf/L
club’s constitution and bylaws.
OdfGbf/Lsf;fy lgjf{x ug]{5' 5' .
;fy} Snasf] lawfg tyf
lalgodsf] kl/lw leq /xL
d]/f] a'l4 laa]s tyf Ifdtfn] EofP ;Dd
Snasf cWoIfn] cl3 ;f/]sf]
dfgjLo ;]jf sfo{df
;Sbf] ;xof]u k'¥ofpg] 5' /
/f]6/L Sna ckm –––––––––––sf] 5la
;b}j pRr /fVg
bQlrQ /xg] 5' .

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Inducting New Members (English)

The names of _____________ (name/s of proposed member/s),have been proposed into
membership of Rotary Club of ________________ and the Board of Directors of RC
___________ in accordance of club’s constitution and bylaws has decided to induct them into
membership of the club.

Dear ___________ (name/s of proposed member/s), It is my great pleasure on behalf of the

board of directors and members of the Rotary Club of __________ to welcome you as (a)
member(s). We welcome you not only for the fine fellowship that we shall share, but also for
your strong arm that will help us to carry out our many projects to make our community, our
country, and the world a better place in which to live.

Dear ___________ (name/s of proposed member/s), “Rotary is not a political

organization, but all Rotarians are vitally concerned with everything pertaining to good
citizenship and the election of good men and women to public office.

“Rotary is not a charitable organization, yet its activities exemplify the charity and the
sacrifices that one should expect from people who believe that they have a responsibility to
help others.”

“Rotary is not a religious organization, but it is built on those eternal principles that have
served as the moral compass for people throughout the ages.”

“Rotary is an organization of business and professional people pledged to upholding the

highest professional standards. Rotarians believe that worldwide fellowship and international
peace can be achieved when business people unite under the banner of service.”

“You, __________ (name/s of new member/s), have been chosen for membership of the
Rotary club of _______________ because your fellow members believe you to be a leader in
your special line of activity and because you manifest those qualities of head and heart that fit
you to interpret and impart the message of Rotary.”

“You are the representative of your vocation, that is (classification/s of the proposed
member/s), in this club and any information of an educational value pertaining to your craft
must naturally come to us through you.”

“At the same time you become an ambassador from us to your classification, and we rely on
you to carry the principles and ideals of service, which we here inspire, to those who share
your professional activity.”

“The community will know and judge Rotary by your embodiment of it in character and
service, and we accept you as a member because we know our principles and organization to
be safe in your keeping.”

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Inducting New Members (English)

“We also expect you to give us the inspiration that will help us to become better
Rotarians. And it is with this hope, I would like to request___________________, on behalf of
Rotary Club of ___________to please invest you with the distinguishing badge of a

Thank you,

Dear _____________ (name/s of new members), “It is also my pleasure to present you with
this folder of information pertaining to Rotary, which I hope you will read and think about.”

“Your membership identification card, which will be provided to you, shows that
you are a member in good standing of the Rotary Club of ______________. It is all the
identification you need to visit any other Rotary club in the world.”

“Fellow Rotarians, I have much pleasure in presenting to you Rotarian ______________

(name/s of the new Rotarians)

Let us welcome him/her/them to the Rotary Family.

Thank You !

Fellow Rotarians,
“I invite every one of you to introduce yourselves to our new member(s) at the earliest

Thank you, once again.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Inducting New Members (Nepali)

>L -gofF ;b:o-x?_sf] gfd_ ===================
/f]6/L Sna sf ;d:t ;b:ox?sf tkm{af6 cfh tkfO{ -x?_nfO{ :jfut ug{ kfpbf
xfdLnfO{ v'zLsf] cg'e'lt ePsf] 5 . xfdLn] Snadf tkfO{x?sf] ;fldKo kfpgsf]nfuL dfq
ge} xfd|f] ;dfh, ;d'bfo / of] ;+;f/nfO{ cem ;'Gb/ agfpgfsf] lgldQ Snaaf6 cl3
;f/LPsf] kfO{nfdf tkfO{-x?_sf] klg ;lqmo ;xof]u ldNg]5 eGg] cfzfsf ;fy Snasf]
;b:osf] ?kdf :jfut u/]sf xf}+ .

=========== -gofF ;b:o-x?_sf] gfd_ hL

/f]6/L s'g} /fhg}lts ;+u7g x}g . t/ k|To]s /f]6]/Log Ps ;r]t gfu/Lssf] x}l;otn] hgtfsf]
hghLjg;+u k|ToIf ;/f]sf/ /fVg] ;+:yfdf ;'of]Uo tyf c;n AolQm k'u'g\ eGg] laifodf ;b}j
lrGtgzLn /xG5 . /f]6/L s;}nfO{ bfg lbgnfO{ dfq :yfkgf u/LPsf] ;+:yf klg x}g .
tyflk o; ;+:y4fn] cfk\mgf] s[ofsnfksf] dfWodaf6 bLg b'Mlv tyf c;xfox?nfO{ ;]jf tyf
;xof]u k'¥ofpg] sfo{df pbfx/0fLo tyf cg's/0fLo sfo{ ub{5 .

/f]6/L wfld{s ;+:yf klg x}g . t/ of] ;+:yf o'uf}+ b]vL ;a}nfO{ g}ltstfsf] lzIff k|bfg ug{
klaq l;4fGtx?af6 eg] cjZo}klg clek|]/Lt /x]sf] 5 . /f]6/L Ps AofazfoLs tyf Aofkfl/s
If]qdf cu'jfO{ ug]{ AolQmx?sf] o:tf] ;+:yfxf] h'g ;+:yf Aofa;flos tyf Aofkfl/s :t/nfO{
pRr dof{bfo'Qm laGb'df k'¥ofpg cfkm\gf] :yfkgf sfnb]vLg} k|oTgzLn /xb} cfPsf] 5 .

laZjAoflk efO{rf/f tyf zfGtL eGg] s'/f AofazfoLs tyf Aofkfl/sau{ Ps} ynf]df al;
;fd'lxs k|of; u/]df dfq ;Dej 5 eGg] s'/fdf /f]6]/Logx? laZjf; /fVb5g\ .
tkfO{-x?_sf] s[ofsnfk tyf tkfO{-x?_n] ub}{ cfpg' ePsf] Aoazfosf] laz]iftfnfO{ pRr d'Nof+sg
ub}{ tkfO{-x?_nfO{ xfdLn] o; Snasf] ;b:osfnfuL 5fg]sf xf}+ . o;}u/L cfpbf lbgx?df
tkfO{-x?_sf] cfk\mgf] Aoazfosf] dfWodaf6 tyf tkfO{+-x?_sf] AolQmut s[ofsnfkaf6 ;d]t
/f]6/Lsf] klaq p2]Zo k'lt{df cjZod]j ;xof]u tyf of]ubfg ldNg]5 eGg] xfdLn] ck]Iff /fv]
sf 5f}+ / xfdL o;df laZj:t klg 5f}+ .

tkfO{-x?_nfO{ Snasf]nfuL cf cfk\mgf] Aojzfo -Snfl;lkms]zg_ sf] k|ltlglwsf ?kdf xfdL

u|x0f ub{5f}+ . Snadf tkfO{-x?_sf] Aojzfo;+u ;Da4 s'g} klg s'/f tkfO{x? dfk{mt cfpg] 5
eGg] cfzf /fVb5f}+ . ;fy;fy} cfk\mgf] laifout If]qdf tkfO{+-x?_ Snasf] /fhb'tsf ?kdf sfo{/t
/xg' e} cf cfk\mgf] Aojzfosf] dfkm{t Snasf] x/]s s[ofsnfkdf ;lqmo ;xof]u ;d]t
k'¥ofpg' x'g]5 eGg] cfzf Pj+ laZjf; lnPsf 5f} .

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Inducting New Members (Nepali)

xfdLnfO{ of] klg laZjf; 5 ls tkfO{-x?_sf] b}lgs lbg rof{af6 /f]6/Lsf] cfbz{ / d'NonfO{
;a}n] ;b}j pRr d'Nof+sg ug]5 { . clg /f]6/Lsf] l;4fGt tkfO{-x?_sf] xftdf cem al9
;'/lIft /xg] 5 .

tkfO{+x?sf] ;T;+u kfP/ Snasf ;a} ;b:ox?n] cfkm"nfO{ ;Rrf /f]6]/Logsf] ?kdf k|:t't ug{]
clek|]/0ff kfO{/xg] 5 eGg] cfzf ub}{ ======================nfO{ tkfO{+-x?_nfO{ /f]6/Lsf] kLg k|bfg
u/L lbg'x'g xflb{s cg'/f]w ub{5' .

;fy;fy} /f]6/Lsf s]xL k'l:tsfx?klg tkfO{-x?_nfO{ x:tfGt/0f u/L lbg' x'g ======================
nfO{ cg'/f]w ub{5' . cfzf 5 oL k'l:tsfx?sf] dfWodaf6 /f]6/L ;DaGwL s]xL 1fg xfl;n
ug'{ x'g] 5 .

tkfO{-x?_nfO{ snan] k|bfg ug]{ kl/ro kq tyf cfh k|bfg u/LPsf] kLg tkfO{-x?_
/f]6]/Log ePsf] kl/ro x'g]5 . ;+;f/sf] s'g} klg /f]6/L Snasf] a}7sdf pkl:yt x'gsf] nfuL
oL kl/ro kof{Kt x'g]5 .

/f]6]/Log ;fyLx? cfh tkfO{+x?sf ;fd' gofF /f]6]/Log =================================== -gofF ;b:o
-x?_ sf] gfd_ ;fyL-x?_nfO{ k|:t't ug{ kfpbf dnfO{ ;fx|} v'zL nfu]sf] 5 . Psrf]6L ;a}n]
tfnL ahfP/ jxf-x?_nfO{ /f]6/L kl/jf/df :jfut u/L lbg'x'g cg'/f]w ub{5' .

wGoafb .

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary International Protocol

Rotary Code of Policies 104
May 2015

26.070. RI Anthem
An arrangement from the “march” of the Overture to “Egmont” by Ludwig van Beethoven
is the official Rotary anthem that can be played at appropriate occasions, such as flag
ceremonies. (February 2000 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 298)

Source: November 1999 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 222; February 2004 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 209

26.080. RI Protocol
The following order of protocol is recommended for introducing, presenting, and seating all
current, past, and future officers of RI and its Foundation, Committee members, and their
spouses at all RI meetings, functions, and receiving lines, and for listing in all RI publications:
President (or president’s representative)
Past presidents (in order of seniority)
Director Executive Committee Chair
Other directors
Trustee Chair
Trustee Chair-elect
Trustee Vice-chair
Other Trustees
General Secretary
Past Directors (in order of seniority)
Past Trustees (in order of seniority)
Incoming Trustees
Past General Secretaries (in order of seniority)
President, Immediate Past President, Vice-president, and Honorary Treasurer of RIBI
a. District Governors
b. Past District Governors (in order of seniority)
c. Rotary Coordinators, Rotary Public Image Coordinators, Regional Rotary
Foundation Coordinators and Endowment/Major Gift Advisers
d. District Governors-elect
e. District Governors-nominee
At Rotary functions, officers should be addressed according to protocol only once with
spouses included at the time of introduction. Individuals holding more than one office or past
office, shall be ranked by the highest current or past office held.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary International Protocol

After the recommended order of protocol above, the following additional order of
protocol is recommended and should be modified to fit local customs and practice:
Regional and Zone-level Committees Members
f. Assistant Governors
g. District Secretaries/Treasurers
h. District Committee Members
i. Club Presidents
j. Club Presidents-elect
k. Club Vice-presidents
l. Club Secretaries
m. Club Treasurers
n. Club Sergeants-at-Arms
o. Other Club Board Members
p. Club Committee Chairs
q. Past Assistant Governors
r. Rotarians
s. Rotary alumni
t. Rotarians’ families

At district meetings, Rotarians visiting from a foreign country may be placed before local
Rotarians of the same rank, as a courtesy.

High-ranking non-Rotarians may be given precedence in ranking according to local

custom. Clubs and Districts are encouraged to advise guests if protocol places Rotarians
before non-Rotarians. (October 2014 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 38)

Source: July 1995 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 23; Amended by May 2000 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 412;
November 2005 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 103; February 2006 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 133; June 2010 Mtg., Bd.
Dec. 251; January 2011 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 137; May 2011 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 182; January 2014
Mtg., Bd. Dec. 83; October 2014 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 38

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

How Much, Where and When to Pay

1. District Dues:
District dues for the Rotary Year 2022-2023 is Rs. 1950/- per member.

Pay by cheque or Demand draft drawn in favor of “RI District 3292” or deposit the amount
to Account No 0010012542200275 of NMB Bank, Babarmahal Branch by 31 August 2022.

2. Rotary International Semi Annual Dues:

Pay Semi-annually as follows:
Payment of 1st half for the (1 July 2022 – 31 December 2022)
Semiannual dues is due on 1st of July 2022.

Payment of 2nd half for the period (1 January 2023 – 30 June 2023)
Semiannual dues is due on 1st of January 2023.

When to pay
1st Half-Before 31st October and 2nd Half before 30th April (120 days from due date)

How much
RI per capita US $ 35.50 per member 1st Semi Annual
COL levy US $ 1.00 per member (only in the 1st half)
RI per capita US $ 35.50 per member 2nd Semi Annual

Where to pay Rotary International Dues:

Pay by cheque or Demand draft drawn in favor of “Rotary International RI District
3292” or deposit the amount to Account No. 0010012542200115 of NMB Bank Limited,
Babarmahal Branch, Kathmandu.

Pro-rata Membership Dues:

District Dues:
In case of new clubs; clubs admitted to RI within first semi annual period shall pay the full
per capita due for each member and clubs admitted in the second semi annual period shall pay
only half of the per capita due.

Rotary International Dues:

For each member who is elected into membership of a club, the club must pay per
capita dues in prorated amount until the beginning of the next semi annual period. The
amount payable for each full month of membership is one twelfth of the per capita dues. The
prorated dues are due and payable on 1st July and 1st January.

Under this new system, every Rotarian pays for each full month of the club membership. For
example, a new member who joins the club on 1st of the month pays dues beginning with that
month, but a member who joins the club after that pays dues beginning with the next month.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

How Much, Where and When to Pay

(Note: Report immediately the details of new member to RI Pay pro-rata dues after it is
included in next semi-annual report)

Rotary Magazine:
It is mandatory for each member to subscribe at least one of the following magazines:
The Rotarian (International Magazine) or the Rotary News (Regional Magazine)
For The Rotarian - International Magazine
Pay USD$ 24.00 per member per annum or US $ 12 per member per six month.

Pay along with your RI Dues and Mention it in Semi-Annual Report (SAR)
OR For The Rotary News - Regional Magazine Pay NRs. 1000/- per member per annum.

Pay by cheque or Demand draft drawn in favor of “RI District 3292” or deposit the amount to
Account No.0010012542200275 of NMB Bank, Babarmahal Branch
(Please do not send any payment direct to Rotary News Trust, Chennai)

Financial Obligations
District Dues:
In the event of a club failing to pay the district dues for a period of six months, or more, the
District Governor will inform Rotary International who may order suspension of services to
the club as per RI Bylaws.

RI Dues:
• Club will be terminated for non-payment of RI dues in excess of US$ 250 and for more than
120 days (Four months) from the due date.
• Within 270 days (nine months) from the due date, a terminated club must fully pay its
financial obligations, including all semi annual dues that continue to accrue and an
additional US $ 30 per member reinstatement fee.
• After 270 days, a terminated club must fully pay its financial obligations,
including all semi annual dues that continue to accrue, an additional US$ 30 per member
reinstatement fee and a US $ 15 per member charter fee.
• In order to maintain a club’s name, history and charter, the club must be reorganized not later
than 360 days (one year) from the termination date.
• To ensure proper recording of payment, the club number and invoice number and the
purpose of the payment must be included.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

On-Line Resources of Rotary International

Rotary has wealth of resources On-line, which any member of a Rotary Club can have
access. The On-line resources provide opportunities to Rotarians to enhance Rotary
knowledge and use it to make their Clubs and Districts effective and vibrant. In the context of
RI going paperless, it is imperative for an active Rotarian and Clubs to have access to On-line
Resources of Rotary.

On-line Resources in Rotary in very vast and may take years to read and master over it.
However, once access is established one can surf and find required information. A glimpse of
online Resources have been presented here for easy reference to Rotarians:

The website of Rotary International is

There is certain information one can have access to it including by a non-Rotarian without
registering and only Rotarians can have access after registering as member of a Club in My
Rotary to enjoy access to other wealth of information.

Steps to be followed to get registered in My Rotary and get access to “Rotary Club
1. Step 1- go to
2. Step 2- Click in “My Rotary” in the Menu Bar
3. Step 3- Com plete the form that will be displayed in the screen by providing information
such as “email ID, Rotary Membership ID, Password etc etc
4. Step 4- Log in (you are now registered in “My Rotary”)
5. Step 5- To go to “Rotary Club Central”- click again on “My Rotary and “Sign in” by
entering the “email ID” and “Password”
6. Step 6- Click on Take Action in the Menu Bar and select “Rotary Club Central”.

As soon as the page opens on the top, one can see (a) Get involved (b) About Rotary (c) News
and Features (d) My Rotary (e) Club Finder (f) Location language (g) give and (h) join

Clicking on each of the above icons, one can find detailed information about each topic. For
example, if one clicks on get involved, one can find information on (a) how to join leaders (b)
how to exchange ideas and (c) how to take actions. However, to start with, it is recommended
to click on My Rotary.

Under My Rotary, one can find topics like (a) Exchange ideas (b) take action (c) Learning
and reference (d) manage (e) The Rotary Foundation and member news. As explained earlier,
clicking on each of the topics, one can find detailed information about the topics.

To start with, it is recommended to surf on Learning and Reference and the Rotary
Foundation followed by others at one’s own convenience. The learning reference provides
wealth of information to learn about Rotary and The Rotary Foundation provides wealth of
information on the other arm of RI with its own legal identity.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

On-Line Resources of Rotary International

Clicking Learning Reference, we can find seven important information such as
• About Rotary: Include information on structure, priorities, leadership, partners, history,
financials and official directory
• Policy and Procedures: Include governance documents and Council on Legislation (COL)
• Learning by Role: Includes topics to learn as new member of the Club, Trainer and Club
Officials and District Officials
• Learning by Topics: Includes learning on membership, fund raising, projects, grants,
starting a Club, awards, public relations, Rotaracts and Interacts etc.
• earning Center. Offers wide range useful courses that help to enhance Rotary knowledge,
which can take at one’s convenience and
• Webinars in which one can participate On-line discussion on wide range of Rotary Themes.

Once the page on Learning Reference is opened, on the right hand side, a question what
do you want to do appears: in which one can view and update profile, change password,
download logos, make donations, view giving history, registration to attend convention,
access Rotary Official Directory, take an Online course, read news about Rotary, find a
document, update Club data, view or pay Club invoice, run reports, view or set Club goals, apply
for or manage grant, browse projects on Rotary show case, join a discussion group and learn
how to use Rotary Website.

Rotary Foundation:
• Once one clicks on Rotary Foundation, information on Grants i.e. District Grants and
Global Grants can be found.
• The others sets of information include (a) Grant Application Tools (b) Qualifications (c)
Grant activities (d) Grant travel request (e) Foundation funding model presentations (f)
Rotary Peace Fellowships (g) Board of Trustees (h) History of Rotary Foundation (i)
Giving and many more. For detailed information on these topics click the topics icon

Note: The above suggestion to have access to On-line resources will work as an entry point
to surf Rotary Website and take anyone to the journey of Rotary as long as one could afford
or wish.

District Directory
RY 2022-2023



District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary Clubs: Who Meets Where & When

Meeting Day: Sunday
S.N Club Venue Time
1. Bagmati Kathmandu Everest Hotel 8:30 AM
2. Biratnagar Central Ratna Hotel 5:00 PM
3. Biratnagar Fusion Hotel Ratna 7:00 PM
4. Birtamode Hotel The Kingsbury 5:00 PM
5. Birtamode Midtown Tamma Restaurant, Near Aaduwa Bridge 6:30 PM
6. Central Rupandehi Hotel Pauwa, Yogikuti 5:30 PM
7. Jawalakhel Hotel Greenwich Village 8:30 AM
8. Kapan Global Cafe, Kathmandu 5:00 PM
9. Kathamandu Metro Shikhar Biz Centre, Thapathali 6:30 PM
10. Kathmandu North Hotel Shangrila, Lazimpat 4:30 PM
11. Kathmandu West Hotel Grand, Kalimati, 8:30 AM
12. Lekhnath Royale Palm Resort 6:00 PM
13. Mount Everest Lalitpur AGENO the Hestia, Dhobighat 8:00 AM
14. Newroad City Durbar View Restaurant, Basantapur 9:00 AM
15. PalpaLumbini Lumbini Medical College 8:00 AM
16. Patan Durbar Square BagaichaRestro& Bar 6:00 PM
17. Rajdhani Yellow Pagoda Hotel, Jamal 8:30 AM
18. Tripureswor Hotel Soaltee Crown Plaza, Tahachal 8:00 AM

Meeting Day: Monday

S.N Club Venue Time
1. Gaidakot Gaindkot Resort, Gaindakot 6:00 PM
2. Kavre Valley Sopu Hitti Events and Receptions, Banepa 5:30 PM
3. Narayani Midtown Hotel Royal Century, Bharatpur 6:00 PM
4. Patan Alice Conference 6:00 PM
5. Pokhara Temple Tree Resort and Spa, Gaurighat 6:00 PM
6. Rudramati Ananda Bhumi Events, Baneswor 5:30 PM

Meeting Day: Tuesday

S.N Club Venue Time
1. Central Kapilvastu Peace Himalay Resort 7:00 am
2. Dharan Foothills BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Ghopa 5:00 PM
3. Gorkha Hotel Satyam 5:30 PM
4. Kantipur Kathmandu Hotel Shankar, Lazimpat 6:00 PM
5. Patan South De Entrance Café, Bakhundole 5:30 PM
6. Thamel Hotel Shankar 7:30 AM

Meeting Day: Wednesday

S.N Club Venue Time
1. Biratnagar Downtown Rotary Bhawan, PanditMeghraj Marg 4:30 PM
2. Damak Hotel Katyayani Inn 6:30 PM
3. DharanGhopa Seminar Hall, B P K H I S, Dharan 6:30 PM
4. Dillibazar Kathmandu BhojanGriha, Dillibazar 5:30 PM
5. Durbarmarg Kathmandu Aranya Boutique Hotel 5:30 PM

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary Clubs: Who Meets Where & When

6. Himalayan Golfers Gokarna Forest Resort 8:00 AM
7. Jawalakhel Manjushree Shaligram Apartment Hotel, Jawalakhel 5:00 PM
8. Kathmandu Rotary Hall, Thapathali 5:30 PM
9. Kathmandu Health Profession Nepal National Hospital, Kalanki 6:00 PM
10. Kopundol De Entrance Cafe, Chakupat 6:00 PM
11. MatribhumiBaluwatar Chiyapaan Tea Lounge, Baluwatar 6:00 PM
12. Narayangarh Bharatpur Garden Resort Pvt. Ltd 5:30 PM
13. Naxal Shakti 1905 Suites and Restaurant, Naxal 3:00 PM
14. Parbat Shital Dairy, Kushma 5:30 PM
15. Pashupati Kathmandu Airport Hotel, Sinamangal 5:30 PM
16. Pokhara Annapurna Hotel Pokara Goodwill Pvt. Ltd. 5:30 PM
17. PokharaNewroad Hotel Barahi, Lakeside Pokhara 6:30 PM
18. The Himalaya Gurkhas Hotel Sangrila, Lazimpat 5:00 PM

Meeting Day: Thursday

S.N Club Venue Time
1. Baglung Hotel Peace Palace, Baglung 5:30 PM
2. Bharatpur Royal Century Hotel Bharatpur 6:00 PM
3. Charumati Indreni Foodland, Maharajgunj 6:00 PM
4. Damauli River View Resort, Chapaghat 5:30 PM
5. Kathmandu North East Hotel Shangrila 4:30 PM
6. Lahan Hotel Pacific, Lahan Bazar 6:30 PM
7. Lekhnath Royal Didi Bahini Kitchen 5:30 PM
8. Lumbini Stars Club Secretariat, Kalikanagar 8:00 AM
9. Mahaboudha Dhokaima Cafe (Yalamaya Kendra) 6:30 PM
10. Myagdi Beni Community Hall 5:00 PM
11. Patan West Hotel Sumit, Kopundol 5:30 PM
12. Pokhara Midtown PokharaBatika Lakeside 5.00 PM
13. Tinau Butwal Hotel Asian kalikanagar Butwal 5:00 PM

Meeting Day: Friday

S.N Club Venue Time
1. Arghakhanchi Sustainable Community Development Centre 3:00 PM
2. BajraManasaluGorkha Hotel Gorkha Palace 5:30 PM
3. Baneshwor Hotel Royal Singi, Kamaladi 8:30 AM
4. Bardibas Hotel Gautam, Bardibas 7:00 PM
5. Bhadrapur Hotel Woodland Retreat Pvt. Ltd 5:00 PM
6. Biratnagar Midtown Rotary Office, (Green Cross Hospital) 6:00 PM
7. Birganj Hotel Pujan, Adarshanagar 7:00 PM
8. Birgunj Metropolis Office of Quest Pharma 6:00 PM
9. Boudha Jaato Restaurant, Tusal, Kathmandu 8:30 AM
10. Butwal Downtown Club Secretariat, Butwal, Hill Park Council 7:30 AM
11. Central Butwal The S.R. Hotel 6:00 PM
12. Chitwan Bharatpur Garden Resort Pvt. Ltd 6:00 PM
13. Dang Hotel Mala Inn, Ghorahi 6:00 PM
14. Dhagadhi Hotel Rubus Dhangadhi 6:30 PM
15. E-Club of Medicofusion Hybrid Hotel PauwaPvt.Ltd, 7:00 PM

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary Clubs: Who Meets Where & When

16. Gongabu Sky Restro& Banquet, Samakhusi 5:00 PM
17. Hetauda Rotary Building, Rotary Marga, Hetauda 4 5:30 PM
18. Kakarvitta Hotel Grace, Mechinagar 5:30 PM
19. Kasthamandap Hotel Radisson, Lazimpat 7:45 AM
20. Kathmandu Kalanki Drishya Restaurant Kathmandu, kalanki 5:00 PM
21. Kathmandu Midtown Hotel Del’ Annapurna, Durbarmarg 7:30 AM
22. KavreBanepa Ugrachandi Banquet, Banepa 5:30 PM
23. Lamahi Lamahi Jaycees Building 4:30 PM
24. Lamjung Hotel Tukuchem, Beshishahar 8:00 AM
25. LumbiniSiddharthanagar Rotary Building,Rotary Path, Airport 6:30PM
26. Lumbini Stars Simran Hotel, Sukhanagar 8:00 AM
27. Makwanpur Motel Avocado & Orchid Resort, Hetauda 6:00 PM
28. Manigram Manigram Party Palace 5:00 PM
29. Mechinagar Atithi Hospitality and Food, Mechinagar 5:30 PM
30. Nagarjun Hotel Shangrila, Lazimpat 6:00 PM
31. PalpaTansen Hot MakhanTole,Bank Road 5:00 PM
32. Panauti Nepal Vocational Academy, Panauti-7, 5:00 PM
33. Pokhara Lakeside Hotel The Task, Buddhachowk 6:00 PM
34. Pokhara Fishtail Atithi Resort & Spa, Lakeside 5:30 PM
35. Shukalagandaki Panchamunidev H. Sec. School. Dulegaunda 5:00 PM
36. Shurkhet Hotel Namaste Nepal 4:00 PM
37. Thimpu Bhutan Hotel Druk, Thimphu 6:00 PM
38. Tulispur City Rotary Office, Kha Line, Tulsipur 5:30 PM
39. Waling Jungle Restaurant, Waling - 8, Waling 5:00 PM
40. Yala Bagaicha Restaurant, Jawalakhel 5:30 PM

Meeting Day: Saturday

S.N Club Venue Time
1. Balaju Hotel Yellow Pagoda, Jamal, Kathmandu 8:30 AM
2. Bhadgaon Woodland, Durbarmarg 8:00 AM
3. Bhairahawa The Grand Kitchen 8:00 AM
4. Bhaktapur Hotel Sweet Home, (Near DDC Office) 8:00 AM
5. Biratnagar Rotary Bhawan, PanditMeghraj Marg 10:00 AM
6. Birtamode Midtown Tamma Restaurant, Near Aaduwa Bridge 6:30 PM
7. Budhanikantha Park Village Resort, Budhanilkantha 8: 30 AM
8. BurtibangDhorpatan Darbar Hotel/Sneha Hotel 1:00 PM
9. Butwal Rotary Building 7:30 AM
10. ButwalChautari Amrapali Cottage & Restaurant, Butwal 8:30 AM
11. Butwal South Club Secretariat 8:00 AM
12. Capital Butwal Hotel Asian, Kalikanagar, Butwal 5:30 PM
13. Central Banke Peace Siddhartha Cottage & Restaurant, Nepalgunj 8:30 AM
14. Central Lumbini Hotel Castle, Siddharthanagar 8:00 AM
15. Chandragiri Ageno Restaurant, Dhobighat 8:30 AM
16. Devdaha Pathak Foodland & Event Venue 8:00 AM
17. Dhading Dhading Creek Resort 6:00 PM
18. Dharan Rotary Sadan, Gautampath 6:30 PM
19. Dhulikhel Hotel Himalayan Horizon 11:30 AM

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Rotary Clubs: Who Meets Where & When

20. E-Club of District 3292 Cafe, Sankhamul 9:30 AM
21. E-Club of Medicofusion Hotel Pauwa Pvt.Ltd 7:00 PM
22. Greenland Kathmadu Diyalo Food Land, Basundhara, Kathmandu 8:00 AM
23. Gyaneswor Attic Restaurant Gyaneswor 2:30 PM
24. Himalaya Patan Yala Maya Kendra, PatanDhoka 9:30 AM
25. Janakpurdham Hotel Welcome 6: 00 PM
26. Illam Meeting hall of Ilam Chamber of Commerce 6:00 PM
27. Itahari Gorkha Kitchen 5:00 PM
28. Itahari Yugal Hotel Verandah, Itahari 5:00 PM
29. Kapilvastu Gaxaly Hotel 7:00 AM
30. Kapilvastu Mid Town Rotary Office, Banganga-4, 7:00 AM
31. Kathmandu Downtown Goduli Foodland, Basundhara 8:00 AM
32. Kathmandu Height Hunger Hub, New Baneswor 8:00 AM
33. Kathmandu Kalanki Drishya Restaurant Kathmandu, kalanki 8:00 AM
34. Kawasoti Hotel NayaThali 7:00 AM
35. Kirtipur Kirtipur Hillside Hotel & Resort 7:30 AM
36. Lalitpur GG Machaan, Damkal Road, Jhamsikhel 9:30 AM
37. Lalitpur Midtown Hotel Himalaya 9:00 AM
38. Madhyapur Club Office, Hit Polyclinic & Diagnosis Center 8:30 PM
39. Maharajgung ThakaliChulo, Maharajgunj 5:30 PM
40. Manakamana Hotel Marsyangdi view 8:30 AM
41. Mid Rupandehi Hotel Laxmi Pvt. Ltd., 8:00 AM
42. Nawalparasi Parasi Campus 8:00 AM
43. NawalpurKawasoti Hotel The Fulmoon, KawasotiNawalpur 8:00 AM
44. Nyatapola Hotel Yak & Yeti 8:00 AM
45. Patan East Sunrise Homes, House no: 144 9:00 AM
46. PurbiChitwan Hotel Parsha Banquet 5:00 PM
47. Rampur Hotel Shreenagar 8:30 AM
48. Ratnanagar Hotel Star Bouquet Pvt. Ltd., Nipani 8:00 AM
49. Rupandehi Dreamland Gold Resort, Manigram 8:00 AM
50. Salleri Kailash Hotel 5:30 PM
51. Sainamaina Rotary office sainamaina-2 8:00 AM
52. SainbuBhainsepati NSET Building SainbuBhainsepati 8:00 AM
53. Sankhu Rotary Office, Shankarapur-7, Sankhu 8:30 AM
54. Surunga Rotary Office Surunga 7:00 AM
55. Swoyambhu Bijeshwori Higher Secondary School 9:00 AM
56. TillotammaRupandehi Siddhartha Cottage Restaurant 9:00 AM
57. Tinau Butwal Hotel Asian, Butwal 8:30 AM
58. Urlabari Sunghabha Hall 6:30 AM

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Club Roster Index

S.N Rotary Club Page S.N Rotary Club Page
1. Arghakhanchi 307 43. Dhangadhi 400
2. Baglung 308 44. Dharan 402
3. Bagmati Kathmandu 310 45. Dharan Foothills 405
4. Bajra Manaslu Gorkha 313 46. Dharan Ghopa 406
5. Balaju 315 47. Dhulikhel 408
6. Baneshwor 317 48. Dillibazar Kathmandu 410
7. Bardibas 319 49. Durbarmarg Kathmandu 412
8. Bhadgaon 321 50. E-Club of District 3292 414
9. Bhadrapur 324 51. E-club Medicofusion Hybrid 416
10. Bhairahawa 326 52. Gaidakot 418
11. Bhaktapur 328 53. Gongabu 420
12. Bharatpur 330 54. Gorkha 422
13. Biratnagar 333 55. Greenland Kathmandu 424
14. Biratnagar Central 336 56. Gyaneswor 426
15. Biratnagar Down Town 338 57. Hetauda 428
16. Biratnagar Fusion 341 58. Himalayan Golfers 430
17. Biratnagar Mid Town 343 59. Himalayan Patan 432
18. Birgunj 345 60. Illam 434
19. Birgunj Metropolis 347 61. Itahari 435
20. Birtamode 349 62. Itahari Yugal 437
21. Birtamod Mid Town 351 63. Janakpurdham 439
22. Boudha 353 64. Jawalakhel 441
23. Budhanilkantha 354 65. Jawalakhel Manjushree 443
24. Burtibang Dhorpatan 356 66. Kakarvita 445
25. Butwal 357 67. Kantipur Kathmandu 447
26. Butwal Chautari 361 68. Kapan 449
27. Butwal Down Town 363 69. Kapilvastu 451
28. Butwal South 366 70. Kapilvastu Midtown 452
29. Capital Butwal 368 71. Kasthamandap Kathmandu 454
30. Central Banke 370 72. Kathmandu 457
31. Central Butwal 372 73. Kathmandu Downtown 459
32. Central Kapilvastu 376 74. Kathmandu Health Professionals 461
33. Central Lumbini 378 75. Kathmandu Height 463
34. Central Rupandehi 381 76. Kathmandu Kalanki 465
35. Chandragiri 383 77. Kathmandu Metro 467
36. Charumati Kathmandu 385 78. Kathmandu Mid Town 469
37. Chitwan 386 79. Kathmandu North 472
38. Damak 390 80. Kathmandu North East 474
39. Damauli 393 81. Kathmandu West 476
40. Dang 395 82. Kavre Banepa 478
41. Devdaha 397 83. Kavre Valley 480
42. Dhading 398 84. Kawasoti 482

District Directory
RY 2022-2023

Club Roster Index

S.N Rotary Club Page S.N Rotary Club Page
85. Kirtipur 484 120. Patan 546
86. Kopundol 485 121. Patan Durbar Square 548
87. Lahan 487 122. Patan East 550
88. Lalitpur 488 123. Patan South 552
89. Lalitpur Mid Town 490 124. Patan West 554
90. Lamahi 492 125. Pokhara 556
91. Lamjung 494 126. Pokhara Annapurna 559
92. Lekhnath 495 127. Pokhara Lakeside 561
93. Lumbini Siddarthanagar 497 128. Pokhara Mid Town 563
94. Lumbini Stars 500 129. Pokhara New Road 565
95. Madhyapur 501 130. Pokhra Fishtail 567
96. Mahaboudha 503 131. Purbi Chitwan 570
97. Maharajgunj 505 132. Rajdhani 571
98. Makawanpur 507 133. Rampur 573
99. Manakamana 509 134. Ratnanagar 575
100. Manigram 510 135. Rudramati Kathmandu 577
101. Matribhumi Baluwataar 511 136. Rupandehi 579
102. Mechinagar 512 137. Sainamaina 582
103. Metrocity Butwal 514 138. Sainbu Bhaisepati 584
104. Mid Rupandehi 515 139. Salleri 586
105. Mount Everest Lalitpur 517 140. Sankhu 587
106. Myagdi 519 141. Shuklagandaki 588
107. Nagarjun 520 142. Shurkhet 589
108. Narayangarh 522 143. Surunga 591
109. Narayani Mid Town 525 144. Swoyambhu 592
110. Nawalparasi 527 145. Thamel Kathmandu 593
111. Nawalpur Kawasoti 529 146. The Himalayan Gurkhas 595
112. Naxal Shakti 531 147. Thimpu 597
113. Newroad City Kathmandu 532 148. Tilottama Rupandehi 599
114. Nyatapola 534 149. Tinau Butwal 601
115. Palpa Lumbini 536 150. Tripureswor 603
116. Palpa Tansen 538 151. Tulsipur City 606
117. Panauti 540 152. Urlabari 608
118. Parbat 542 153. Waling 610
119. Pashupati Kathmandu 544 154. Yala 612

District Directory
RY 2022-2023



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