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Blog Post #4 Questions:

a) How many posts have you made on your Evidence and Artifacts page? (You should have approximately 10
- 12)

Currently, I have 4. I am trying to limit how many posts I have to save myself from accidentally repeating
myself in future posts, and with fewer, longer posts that helps me out. Plus, I like writing longer detailed posts
compared to short choppy sentences that roughly explain what I did.

b) How many sources do you have listed and explained on your References page? (You should have at least 6
- 8)

Currently I have about 5-6 different references. The first 4 are my inspiration of how a good way of telling a
story, and I put 4 of my favorite music videos that use the camera, cast and main character to make and share a
compelling story. The other was 2 scenes from the Vide Noir movie, which my song is from (It’s a movie
about the Lord Huron album Vide Noir) and these interesting blooming mirror scenes that caught my interest. I
put them into my references as I have plans of making my own version of that scene. I do plan on adding more
references, especially the ones I am using for the wooden sign and other scenes that I have planned.

c) How would you rate your productivity in class on Capstone workdays? (1 = very non-productive -> 5 =
Extremely productive) Explain your score.

4ish. I find myself to be very productive with certain circumstances. If I was given a class to work on my video,
I would spend the entire time planning the stuff that worried/stressed me the most. Sometimes I do get
distracted (like right now I was laughing at random photos that were saved onto my laptops files) but can
regain my focus almost instantly.

d) Create a to do list of at least 10 tasks / objectives that you hope to accomplish between now and when your
Final Capstone Proposal is due on Wednesday, December 14th.

Not In Order:

1.Finish a strong storyboard

2.Meet with Creeghan and talk about a good poster design for the video

3.Talk with the Denim Strada about using the clubhouse for filming indoor and outdoor

4. Finish the Fortune teller sign

5. Install and understand how to use Divinci resolve

6. Start filming the opening scene (first 1-2 minutes that don’t have any lyrics involved)

7. Find a good, wooded area for the chase scene near the end of Part I
8. Acquire mirrors for the psychedelic part in Part II

9. Get a crystal ball (either an old Snow globe or some freaky cheap one)

10. Talk with all cast members and see what they think of my plans/storyboard

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