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Gracie Meives

Case Study Synthesis
Overview of Case Studies

I have had quite an interesting term with the DC-S framework. This was really my first

time getting up close and personal with it as well as having feedback about aspects- such as

controls I might choose, demand classification, and ethical framework as it is applied to myself

in the job and when I am not working.


I noticed that a handful of problems kept arising as I moved through each analysis. The

first challenge probably would be my inexperience of classifying demands and so I would easily

mislabel and use odd reasoning for the controls I could choose. I wouldn’t say this is wrong but

it definitely was weird. One other challenge I think of while looking at my work this term is my

intrapersonal feelings when I am conflicted in the space. This is shown in my thought process

surrounding the church service I attended for a religion that wasn’t mine and when I listened to a

study group that I was not a part of. I did not feel right in those situations either because of my

lack of knowledge of the material or the deeply held values of mine that wanted to compare

themselves rather than just be held quietly in the background allowing work to take precedence. I

am hoping as time goes on that I will be able to become more comfortable with the idea of not

knowing until I know. I have seen and met a fair amount of interpreters that talk about the

importance of schema and fostering curiosity about your subject because there are many things

we as people do not know. I hope to develop a wide sense of curiosity and compassion so that I

can be comfortable stepping back and saying “ I don’t know, let’s figure it out”.

Ethical challenges

I think the greatest ethical challenge I hold is closely tied to the challenges I talked about

above. I mentioned my deeply held values. When I think through a problem I tend to have
Gracie Meives
Case Study Synthesis
multiple different scenarios of varying outcomes fly through my head. I would say that is a

positive but the thing is that after that happens I quickly disregard all the scenarios that don’t

exactly match with my personal feelings and I settle into a belief without considering other

valuable options that might better represent the consumer I am working with. I am quite

dogmatic in that regard. I set whatever suits my preferences and then I shut all ruminations

down. As I have been doing this term and plan to continue doing is creating space in my mind

through mindfulness and finding a new perspective before formulating my own personal opinion.

Try to give space to creativity in problem solving. It has been minorly successful which has

shown in the midterm by how vast my selection of controls were. I plan to keep exercising that

skill and making it a daily part of my practice and my life personally.

CPC Analysis

The largest tenet that has stood out to me the most in all my work this term is 3.2 which

deals with declining work if I am not a good fit for it due to a handful of factors. I was very

aware of each setting if I could be there or not. Some places I am not sure if I will always feel

my own incompetence in but that can be a factor that I check in with in the future.

Personal Revelation and Reflection

Overall I have learned that I am transitioning to value the consumers' needs over my own

comforts and that I can be okay without knowing as long as I continue to be humble and curious

surrounding the topics. I think for now I would be good to interpret in boardroom/higher

educational settings because I was so focused and well thought through on my DC-S analysis

that was on the body language seminar held at a university. I did well with that process. A place I

might not be great is religious interpreting because I hold values so close to how I work I would
Gracie Meives
Case Study Synthesis
be distracted quite often. Going forward I just plan to be honest with settings that might upset me

because if I can’t be honest with how I feel then I can’t do my best work.

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