4EA Physics CAT 01 QP

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CAT – 1 (Continuous Assessment Test)
Time allowed: 1 hr Maximum marks: 30
SECTION-A 1M/Q.No.1 -5
1. Dimensional Formula for electrical permittivity of Space
2. Which is of these is not vector quantity
a. Electric Field
b. Electric Dipole Moment
c. Electric Flux
d. Force
3. The lines of force due to charged particles are
a. always straight
b.always curved
c.sometimes curved
d.none of the above
4. Write the vector expression for electric field intensity.
5. If ∮E.ds=0∮E.ds=0 over a surface, then
a. the electric field inside the surface and on it is zero.
b. the electric field inside the surface is necessarily uniform.
c. the number of flux lines entering the surface must be equal to the number of flux lines leaving it.
d. all charges must necessarily be outside the surface.

SECTION - B 2M/ Q.No.5 -8

6. The electric field intensity at a point situated 4 meters from a point charge is 100 N/C. If the distance is
reduced to 1 meters, the field intensity will be
7. Let F is the force between two equal point charges at some distance. If the distance between them is doubled
and individual charges are also doubled, what will be force acting between the charges?
8. State Gauss law.

SECTION - C 3M/ Q.No.9 -11

9. What is the nature of the force between the two charges Q1 and Q2 if
10. What are properties of electric charges? Explain in detail.
11. Derive the expression for superposition of charges.

SECTION -D 2M/ Q.No.12 -13

12. State Coulomb’s law. Five Charges of equal amount (q) are placed at five corners of a regular hexagon of
side 20 cm. What will be the value of sixth charge placed at sixth corner of the hexagon so that the electric field
at the center of hexagon is zero?
13. Derive the equation of electric field intensity in (a) uniform infinite long wire (b) plane infinite sheet.

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