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In recent years, the issue of global warming has become increasingly prominent in
the public consciousness.
With the Earth’s temperature slowly but surely rising, and the effects becoming
more and more visible, it is
clear that something needs to be done to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and
other greenhouse gases that
are being released into the atmosphere. This paper will outline the causes of global
warming, the potential
effects it could have on the planet, and the strategies that can be employed to
reduce the emission of these

Causes of Global Warming

The primary cause of global warming is the release of greenhouse gases into the
atmosphere. These gases,
such as carbon dioxide, trap heat within the atmosphere and prevent it from
radiating out into space. This
phenomenon is known as the greenhouse effect, and it is largely caused by human
activities. The burning of
fossil fuels, such as gasoline and coal, for energy production is one of the most
significant sources of these
gases. Other activities, such as deforestation and industrial farming, can also
contribute to the problem.

Potential Effects of Global Warming

The potential effects of global warming are far-reaching and varied. One of the most
significant is the rise in
global temperatures. This can lead to melting

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