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Cover Sheet

Date published: 9 March 2022.

This spreadsheet contains 12 tables. All tables cover estimates of the number of households by the num
Tabs 1 to 9 cover estimates for the nine regions of England.
Tabs 10 to 12 cover estimates for the three nations of Great Britain.

Table of Contents
Link to each table
Tab 1 - North East
Tab 2 - North West
Tab 3 - Yorkshire and The Humber
Tab 4 - East Midlands
Tab 5 - West Midlands
Tab 6 - East
Tab 7 - London
Tab 8 - South East
Tab 9 - South West
Tab 10 - England
Tab 11 - Wales
Tab 12 - Scotland

Source: Labour Force Survey (LFS), Office for National Statistics
Produced by Demographic Analysis Unit, Office for National Statistics

The LFS is a household survey of people in the UK. It includes those resident at private addresses, bu
The LFS household dataset is used for this publication, rather than the person level dataset. The design
The LFS household datasets are produced quarterly. Each LFS quarter is made up of 41,000 househol
This publication uses the April to June quarter each year.

Further information about the LFS:

Families and Households Quality and Methodology Information (QMI)

More detail on the definitions used within these tables can be found in
Families and households statistics explained


It is important that the Office for National Statistics ensures that these statistics meet the needs of the p
The Office for National Statistics would appreciate feedback on the uses and usefulness of the informat

Symbols used within the tables

[z] = Not applicable.
[x] = Not available.
[w] = No people are estimated to be in this category, either because there were not any
recorded by the survey or because none exist in the population.
[u] = Low reliability/unreliable. The estimate has been based on a sample of less than 3.
[low] = Rounds to 0.

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households by the number and relationships of people living within the household, for 2015 to 2021.

private addresses, but does not cover most communal establishments.

el dataset. The design of the household datasets is such that they give the best estimates of families and househo
p of 41,000 households containing around 100,000 individuals which are made up from 5 waves.

eet the needs of the people who use them.

ulness of the information provided.
amilies and households, as well as people in families and households.
This worksheet contains one table.
Note number

ksheet contains one table.
Note text

For 1996 to 2010, a household is defined as a person living alone, or a

group of people living at the same address who have the address as
their only or main residence and either share one main meal a day or
share living accommodation (or both). For 2011 onwards it is defined as
one person living alone, or a group of people (not necessarily related)
living at the same address who share cooking facilities and share a living
room or sitting room or dining area.
A family is a married, civil partnered or cohabiting couple with or without
children, or a lone parent with at least one child. Children may be
dependent or non-dependent.
Dependent children are those living with their parent(s) and either (a)
aged under 16, or (b) aged 16 to 18 in full-time education, excluding
children aged 16 to 18 who have a spouse, partner or child living in the
Non-dependent children are those living with their parent(s), and either
(a) aged 19 or over, or (b) aged 16 to 18 who are not in full-time
education or who have a spouse, partner or child living in the household.
Non-dependent children are sometimes called adult children.

Families with no children are families where there are no children

currently living in the household. This does not necessarily indicate that
the adult(s) in the household have never had children.

Two or more unrelated adults households do not contain either a couple

or a parent with their child. Typically such households may consist of a
group of friends or students, but could consist of two siblings for
Multi-family households contain at least two families. The families may
be related, for example a couple with their daughter and her child, or two
brothers and their wives. Households where there is one family and one
individual for example a married couple with their daughter and a lodger
or a married couple with one elderly parent are classified as a one family
The definition of a lone parent does not make any distinction between
situations where a child has regular contact and/or partly resides with
their other parent and a child who solely resides with and is cared for by
one parent. Only the parent living with their children is included in the
estimated number of lone parent families and households.
Statistical Robustness
The robustness of an estimate is presented in two ways:
The coefficient of variation (CV) indicates the robustness of each estimate.
It is defined as CV = (standard error ÷ estimate) * 100 where standard error is an estimate of the margin
The coloured shading on the table indicates the precision of each estimate as follows:

CV Value CV Category
CV ≤ 5 a
CV > 5 and ≤ 10 b
CV > 10 and ≤ 20 c
CV > 20 d

Confidence intervals are also presented. CI+/- is the upper(+) and lower(-) 95% confidence interval. It is de
The confidence interval provides an estimated range of values in which an actual data value is likely to fall
For example, there were 371,000 one person households in 2015 in North East England. This estimate ha
is presented in two ways:
V) indicates the robustness of each estimate.
d error ÷ estimate) * 100 where standard error is an estimate of the margin of error associated with a sample surve
able indicates the precision of each estimate as follows:

Definition of Category
Estimates are considered precise
Estimates are considered reasonably precise
Estimates are considered acceptable
Estimates are considered unreliable for practical purposes

presented. CI+/- is the upper(+) and lower(-) 95% confidence interval. It is defined as 1.96 x standard error.
es an estimated range of values in which an actual data value is likely to fall 95% of the time.
000 one person households in 2015 in North East England. This estimate has a confidence interval of 37,000, meanin
with a sample survey.

ndard error.

al of 37,000, meaning that there is 95 per cent confidence that the true value is in the interval 371,000 ± 37,000 or lie
al 371,000 ± 37,000 or lies between 334,000 and 408,000.
Coronavirus and Families and Households Statistics                                         
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has affected the data collection and weighting methodology of t
This change in the method for initial contact has changed the non-response bias of the survey, affecting
To mitigate the impact of the change in non-response bias, in October 2020, we introduced housing ten

LFS responses are usually weighted to official population projections however LFS responses publishe
This is to allow for different trends during the coronavirus pandemic. The reweighting gives improved es

We plan to reweight LFS and Annual Population Survey (APS) datasets that include data from March 2
Further information can be found by following the links below:
Coronavirus and its impact on the LFS
Measuring the labour market during the pandemic
Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on UK population
The impact of the change in weighting on main LFS indicators published in October 2020
weighting methodology of the Labour Force Survey (LFS). As a result, all face-to-face interviewing for the LFS wa
bias of the survey, affecting interviews from March 2020 onwards.
we introduced housing tenure into the LFS weighting methodology for periods from January to March 2020 onwa

er LFS responses published from 15 July 2021 have been reweighted to new populations using growth rates from
eighting gives improved estimates of both rates and levels.

include data from March 2020. We will provide further details on our plans including a timeline in our March Labou

October 2020
nterviewing for the LFS was suspended and replaced with telephone interviewing.

nuary to March 2020 onwards.

ns using growth rates from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) Real Time Information (RTI).

imeline in our March Labour Market publication.

Table 7: Households by type of household and family
North East, 2015 to 2021
This worksheet contains one table. The table contains estimates of the number of households by the nu
Totals may not sum due to rounding.
Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the 'Notes' worksheet.
Symbols are used in this worksheet. The meaning of each symbol can be found in the 'Cover sheet' tab
CI+/- is the upper(+) and lower(-) 95% confidence interval.The confidence interval provides an estimate
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Number of households (thousands) [note 1] 2015 Estimate 2015 CV 2015 CI +/-

One person household 371 b 37
Under 65 205 b 21
65 or over 165 b 31
Two or more unrelated adults [note 6] 28 c 9
One family households [note 2] [note 7] 749 a 22
Couple 608 a 24
No children [note 5] 309 a 26
1-2 dependent children [note 3] 176 a 17
3 or more dependent children [note 3] 40 c 8
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 82 b 13
Lone parent [note 8] 141 b 17
Dependent children [note 3] 97 b 14
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 44 c 10
Multi-family households [note 2] [note 7] 8 d 4
All households 1,155 a 28
households by the number and relationships of people living within the household, for North East England.

the 'Cover sheet' tab.

provides an estimated range of values in which an actual data value is likely to fall 95% of the time. For more info
options below:

2016 Estimate 2016 CV 2016 CI +/- 2017 Estimate 2017 CV 2017 CI +/- 2018 Estimate
412 a 40 336 b 37 404
207 b 22 177 b 22 200
205 b 35 159 b 31 204
29 c 9 35 c 11 29
743 a 22 759 a 26 756
615 a 24 632 a 27 634
312 a 27 339 a 30 334
189 a 17 198 a 19 206
30 c 8 29 c 8 30
84 b 14 67 b 13 64
128 b 17 127 b 17 122
80 b 13 76 b 13 77
48 c 11 51 c 12 45
5 d 4 11 d 5 3
1,190 a 30 1,141 a 28 1,191
East England.

e time. For more information, see 'Statistical robustness' tab.

2018 CV 2018 CI +/- 2019 Estimate 2019 CV 2019 CI +/- 2020 Estimate 2020 CV
a 38 378 b 37 386 b
b 21 207 b 23 210 b
b 34 170 b 32 176 c
c 9 30 c 9 22 d
a 22 765 a 22 746 a
a 24 632 a 24 624 a
a 28 322 a 28 313 b
a 19 201 a 19 203 b
c 8 28 c 8 36 c
b 12 81 b 15 71 c
b 16 133 b 18 123 b
b 12 81 b 13 86 c
c 11 52 c 12 37 c
d 3 2 d 3 6 d
a 29 1,175 a 28 1,161 a
2020 CI +/- 2021 Estimate 2021 CV 2021 CI +/-
49 393 b 41
32 193 b 24
42 200 b 39
10 26 d 13
25 741 a 30
28 612 a 31
32 325 b 37
23 189 b 26
11 32 c 11
15 66 b 12
21 129 b 19
18 85 c 17
12 44 c 11
5 6 d 5
40 1,166 a 45
Table 7: Households by type of household and family
North West, 2015 to 2021
This worksheet contains one table. The table contains estimates of the number of households by the numb
Totals may not sum due to rounding.
Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the 'Notes' worksheet.
Symbols are used in this worksheet. The meaning of each symbol can be found in the 'Cover sheet' tab.
CI+/- is the upper(+) and lower(-) 95% confidence interval.The confidence interval provides an estimated ra
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Number of households (thousands) [note 1] 2015 Estimate 2015 CV 2015 CI +/-

One person household 951 a 60
Under 65 493 a 35
65 or over 458 b 50
Two or more unrelated adults [note 6] 82 c 16
One family households [note 2] [note 7] 2,000 a 35
Couple 1,623 a 38
No children [note 5] 783 a 41
1-2 dependent children [note 3] 548 a 29
3 or more dependent children [note 3] 96 b 13
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 195 b 21
Lone parent [note 8] 377 a 27
Dependent children [note 3] 250 a 22
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 127 b 18
Multi-family households [note 2] [note 7] 27 c 8
All households 3,060 a 45
households by the number and relationships of people living within the household, for North West England.

the 'Cover sheet' tab.

provides an estimated range of values in which an actual data value is likely to fall 95% of the time. For more informa
options below:

2016 Estimate 2016 CV 2016 CI +/- 2017 Estimate 2017 CV 2017 CI +/- 2018 Estimate
895 a 59 941 a 63 963
480 a 35 497 a 36 477
414 b 50 444 b 54 485
93 c 19 82 c 16 66
2,013 a 37 2,040 a 38 2,024
1,676 a 39 1,691 a 40 1,716
808 a 43 825 a 45 854
559 a 31 540 a 31 527
102 b 14 99 b 15 121
207 b 23 225 b 23 213
337 a 27 349 a 29 308
214 a 21 222 b 23 198
122 b 18 127 b 18 110
27 c 8 24 c 9 34
3,029 a 46 3,087 a 49 3,087
West England.

e time. For more information, see 'Statistical robustness' tab.

2018 CV 2018 CI +/- 2019 Estimate 2019 CV 2019 CI +/- 2020 Estimate 2020 CV
a 66 952 a 64 982 b
a 36 476 a 35 471 a
b 58 475 b 55 511 b
c 15 68 c 16 81 c
a 39 2,000 a 41 2,045 a
a 41 1,673 a 43 1,706 a
a 46 843 a 47 850 a
a 31 550 a 32 569 a
b 16 108 b 15 96 c
b 23 172 b 22 192 b
a 27 327 a 28 338 b
b 21 220 b 23 210 b
b 17 107 b 18 128 b
c 10 47 c 12 30 c
a 51 3,066 a 50 3,137 a
2020 CI +/- 2021 Estimate 2021 CV 2021 CI +/-
102 1,044 a 80
46 520 a 45
91 524 b 71
23 51 c 15
53 2,049 a 47
59 1,702 a 55
66 846 a 65
41 537 a 42
21 116 c 24
26 202 b 27
37 347 b 37
29 230 b 31
22 117 b 21
11 17 d 7
82 3,161 a 71
Table 7: Households by type of household and family
Yorkshire and The Humber, 2015 to 2021
This worksheet contains one table. The table contains estimates of the number of households by the nu
Totals may not sum due to rounding.
Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the 'Notes' worksheet.
Symbols are used in this worksheet. The meaning of each symbol can be found in the 'Cover sheet' tab
CI+/- is the upper(+) and lower(-) 95% confidence interval.The confidence interval provides an estimate
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Number of households (thousands) [note 1] 2015 Estimate 2015 CV 2015 CI +/-

One person household 665 a 48
Under 65 379 a 29
65 or over 285 b 41
Two or more unrelated adults [note 6] 74 b 14
One family households [note 2] [note 7] 1,520 a 31
Couple 1,273 a 33
No children [note 5] 652 a 37
1-2 dependent children [note 3] 410 a 24
3 or more dependent children [note 3] 74 b 11
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 137 b 17
Lone parent [note 8] 247 a 22
Dependent children [note 3] 169 b 18
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 78 b 14
Multi-family households [note 2] [note 7] 22 c 7
All households 2,281 a 38
households by the number and relationships of people living within the household, for Yorkshire and The Humber.

the 'Cover sheet' tab.

provides an estimated range of values in which an actual data value is likely to fall 95% of the time. For more infor
options below:

2016 Estimate 2016 CV 2016 CI +/- 2017 Estimate 2017 CV 2017 CI +/-
733 a 57 706 a 54
367 a 29 349 a 29
366 b 51 357 b 48
78 b 14 60 c 15
1,499 a 32 1,530 a 33
1,253 a 35 1,305 a 34
655 a 38 646 a 38
400 a 25 431 a 26
65 b 10 85 b 12
134 b 18 142 b 19
246 a 22 225 a 22
170 b 18 159 b 18
76 b 14 66 c 13
23 c 7 17 c 7
2,333 a 43 2,314 a 40
old, for Yorkshire and The Humber.

fall 95% of the time. For more information, see 'Statistical robustness' tab.

2018 Estimate 2018 CV 2018 CI +/- 2019 Estimate 2019 CV 2019 CI +/-
684 a 50 746 a 53
375 a 30 390 a 31
309 b 43 356 b 45
62 c 13 53 c 13
1,575 a 34 1,547 a 33
1,353 a 37 1,322 a 36
746 a 44 702 a 42
383 a 26 421 a 28
75 b 12 72 b 12
149 b 19 127 b 18
222 b 22 225 b 22
156 b 18 149 b 18
66 c 13 76 b 14
17 c 6 14 d 6
2,338 a 39 2,360 a 41
2020 Estimate 2020 CV 2020 CI +/- 2021 Estimate 2021 CV 2021 CI +/-
759 b 103 734 b 79
359 b 42 339 a 33
401 c 97 395 c 81
59 c 20 70 c 24
1,527 a 42 1,531 a 50
1,291 a 45 1,300 a 53
641 a 51 677 a 55
429 a 33 398 a 33
71 c 16 102 c 21
150 b 24 123 b 18
236 b 28 230 b 27
154 b 24 139 b 20
82 c 18 91 c 18
19 d 9 20 d 8
2,364 a 84 2,355 a 67
Table 7: Households by type of household and family
East Midlands, 2015 to 2021
This worksheet contains one table. The table contains estimates of the number of households by the nu
Totals may not sum due to rounding.
Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the 'Notes' worksheet.
Symbols are used in this worksheet. The meaning of each symbol can be found in the 'Cover sheet' tab
CI+/- is the upper(+) and lower(-) 95% confidence interval.The confidence interval provides an estimate
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Number of households (thousands) [note 1] 2015 Estimate 2015 CV 2015 CI +/-

One person household 521 a 45
Under 65 270 a 24
65 or over 252 b 39
Two or more unrelated adults [note 6] 49 c 11
One family households [note 2] [note 7] 1,358 a 29
Couple 1,180 a 31
No children [note 5] 638 a 37
1-2 dependent children [note 3] 359 a 24
3 or more dependent children [note 3] 65 b 11
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 117 b 16
Lone parent [note 8] 178 b 20
Dependent children [note 3] 118 b 15
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 60 c 12
Multi-family households [note 2] [note 7] 18 c 6
All households 1,946 a 35
households by the number and relationships of people living within the household, for East Midlands.

the 'Cover sheet' tab.

provides an estimated range of values in which an actual data value is likely to fall 95% of the time. For more infor
options below:

2016 Estimate 2016 CV 2016 CI +/- 2017 Estimate 2017 CV 2017 CI +/-
530 a 47 557 a 49
271 a 26 271 b 27
259 b 41 286 b 41
52 c 12 56 c 13
1,353 a 31 1,365 a 31
1,170 a 33 1,178 a 33
609 a 38 632 a 38
366 a 24 353 a 25
65 b 11 66 b 11
131 b 17 127 b 18
183 b 20 187 b 20
123 b 16 123 b 16
60 c 12 64 c 13
26 c 8 28 c 9
1,961 a 36 2,005 a 37
old, for East Midlands.

fall 95% of the time. For more information, see 'Statistical robustness' tab.

2018 Estimate 2018 CV 2018 CI +/- 2019 Estimate 2019 CV 2019 CI +/-
609 a 52 567 a 49
291 a 27 294 a 29
318 b 47 273 b 42
52 c 12 56 c 13
1,362 a 32 1,390 a 32
1,186 a 34 1,192 a 34
607 a 38 629 a 40
405 a 25 364 a 26
52 c 10 66 b 12
123 b 17 133 b 19
176 b 20 197 b 22
112 b 16 121 b 17
64 c 13 76 b 15
21 c 8 18 d 7
2,045 a 39 2,031 a 39
2020 Estimate 2020 CV 2020 CI +/- 2021 Estimate 2021 CV 2021 CI +/-
525 b 68 601 b 67
280 b 35 283 b 36
246 c 60 318 b 55
50 c 16 39 c 14
1,391 a 42 1,368 a 40
1,217 a 43 1,146 a 44
652 a 49 591 a 48
392 a 34 363 a 27
62 c 16 64 c 15
111 b 20 129 b 19
173 b 21 222 b 28
106 b 18 145 b 23
67 c 14 76 c 18
30 d 12 28 c 10
1,996 a 61 2,035 a 61
Table 7: Households by type of household and family
West Midlands, 2015 to 2021
This worksheet contains one table. The table contains estimates of the number of households by the nu
Totals may not sum due to rounding.
Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the 'Notes' worksheet.
Symbols are used in this worksheet. The meaning of each symbol can be found in the 'Cover sheet' tab
CI+/- is the upper(+) and lower(-) 95% confidence interval.The confidence interval provides an estimate
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Number of households (thousands) [note 1] 2015 Estimate 2015 CV 2015 CI +/-

One person household 680 a 53
Under 65 327 a 29
65 or over 353 b 46
Two or more unrelated adults [note 6] 53 c 12
One family households [note 2] [note 7] 1,624 a 35
Couple 1,379 a 38
No children [note 5] 698 a 43
1-2 dependent children [note 3] 434 a 28
3 or more dependent children [note 3] 84 b 13
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 163 b 20
Lone parent [note 8] 245 a 24
Dependent children [note 3] 153 b 18
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 92 b 16
Multi-family households [note 2] [note 7] 28 c 9
All households 2,384 a 42
households by the number and relationships of people living within the household, for West Midlands.

the 'Cover sheet' tab.

provides an estimated range of values in which an actual data value is likely to fall 95% of the time. For more infor
options below:

2016 Estimate 2016 CV 2016 CI +/- 2017 Estimate 2017 CV 2017 CI +/-
641 a 51 628 a 52
332 a 29 291 a 27
309 b 45 337 b 47
69 c 16 60 c 15
1,622 a 35 1,615 a 33
1,370 a 37 1,366 a 37
685 a 42 653 a 40
428 a 27 439 a 29
89 b 12 101 b 14
168 b 20 173 b 21
252 a 24 249 b 25
161 b 19 152 b 19
92 b 15 97 b 17
31 c 9 28 c 9
2,363 a 40 2,331 a 42
old, for West Midlands.

fall 95% of the time. For more information, see 'Statistical robustness' tab.

2018 Estimate 2018 CV 2018 CI +/- 2019 Estimate 2019 CV 2019 CI +/-
635 a 53 720 a 55
316 a 31 326 a 29
319 b 44 394 b 49
61 c 15 55 c 14
1,616 a 36 1,620 a 36
1,376 a 38 1,363 a 39
683 a 41 682 a 42
443 a 29 427 a 29
92 b 15 91 b 14
157 b 21 163 b 21
241 b 24 256 b 25
160 b 19 153 b 19
81 b 16 104 b 17
44 c 11 32 c 10
2,356 a 42 2,426 a 43
2020 Estimate 2020 CV 2020 CI +/- 2021 Estimate 2021 CV 2021 CI +/-
730 b 113 679 b 73
340 b 37 332 b 37
391 c 105 347 b 62
62 c 18 74 c 20
1,637 a 54 1,683 a 43
1,403 a 56 1,423 a 49
686 a 60 707 a 53
459 a 36 462 a 38
91 b 18 77 c 19
167 b 25 176 b 24
234 b 28 260 b 29
138 b 20 151 b 25
96 c 21 109 b 19
28 d 12 29 c 9
2,457 a 89 2,464 a 68
Table 7: Households by type of household and family
East, 2015 to 2021
This worksheet contains one table. The table contains estimates of the number of households by the nu
Totals may not sum due to rounding.
Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the 'Notes' worksheet.
Symbols are used in this worksheet. The meaning of each symbol can be found in the 'Cover sheet' tab
CI+/- is the upper(+) and lower(-) 95% confidence interval.The confidence interval provides an estimate
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Number of households (thousands) [note 1] 2015 Estimate 2015 CV 2015 CI +/-

One person household 701 a 53
Under 65 341 a 27
65 or over 360 b 48
Two or more unrelated adults [note 6] 53 c 12
One family households [note 2] [note 7] 1,757 a 33
Couple 1,521 a 35
No children [note 5] 778 a 41
1-2 dependent children [note 3] 474 a 27
3 or more dependent children [note 3] 93 b 13
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 175 b 19
Lone parent [note 8] 236 a 22
Dependent children [note 3] 159 b 18
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 77 b 14
Multi-family households [note 2] [note 7] 28 c 8
All households 2,538 a 40
households by the number and relationships of people living within the household, for East England.

the 'Cover sheet' tab.

provides an estimated range of values in which an actual data value is likely to fall 95% of the time. For more info
options below:

2016 Estimate 2016 CV 2016 CI +/- 2017 Estimate 2017 CV 2017 CI +/- 2018 Estimate
672 a 55 726 a 56 726
312 a 27 344 a 30 367
360 b 48 382 b 49 359
50 c 12 59 c 15 58
1,788 a 35 1,758 a 35 1,755
1,547 a 38 1,536 a 37 1,536
815 a 45 765 a 43 784
478 a 28 519 a 29 494
88 b 13 94 b 13 96
166 b 20 159 b 20 163
241 a 23 222 b 22 219
157 b 18 140 b 17 144
84 b 15 82 b 15 75
22 c 8 25 c 8 30
2,532 a 41 2,568 a 42 2,569
time. For more information, see 'Statistical robustness' tab.

2018 CV 2018 CI +/- 2019 Estimate 2019 CV 2019 CI +/- 2020 Estimate 2020 CV
a 55 791 a 62 718 b
a 30 368 a 32 354 b
b 47 423 b 55 364 b
c 16 59 c 14 47 c
a 38 1,755 a 36 1,786 a
a 40 1,536 a 38 1,556 a
a 44 759 a 44 773 a
a 29 516 a 30 511 a
b 15 88 b 14 87 b
b 21 173 b 21 185 b
b 23 219 b 23 230 b
b 18 134 b 17 155 b
b 15 85 b 16 75 c
c 9 22 c 8 27 d
a 43 2,626 a 47 2,578 a
2020 CI +/- 2021 Estimate 2021 CV 2021 CI +/-
71 683 a 61
36 320 b 35
61 363 b 47
16 56 c 16
44 1,824 a 39
49 1,565 a 46
55 764 a 51
34 533 a 37
16 93 c 19
26 175 b 22
29 258 b 31
24 161 b 26
16 97 b 18
11 24 c 8
61 2,587 a 59
Table 7: Households by type of household and family
London, 2015 to 2021
This worksheet contains one table. The table contains estimates of the number of households by the nu
Totals may not sum due to rounding.
Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the 'Notes' worksheet.
Symbols are used in this worksheet. The meaning of each symbol can be found in the 'Cover sheet' tab
CI+/- is the upper(+) and lower(-) 95% confidence interval.The confidence interval provides an estimate
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Number of households (thousands) [note 1] 2015 Estimate 2015 CV 2015 CI +/-

One person household 838 a 55
Under 65 529 a 37
65 or over 309 b 42
Two or more unrelated adults [note 6] 226 b 27
One family households [note 2] [note 7] 2,110 a 46
Couple 1,659 a 47
No children [note 5] 695 a 46
1-2 dependent children [note 3] 611 a 35
3 or more dependent children [note 3] 156 b 18
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 196 b 23
Lone parent [note 8] 451 a 32
Dependent children [note 3] 296 a 26
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 155 b 21
Multi-family households [note 2] [note 7] 78 b 15
All households 3,252 a 47
households by the number and relationships of people living within the household, for London.

the 'Cover sheet' tab.

provides an estimated range of values in which an actual data value is likely to fall 95% of the time. For more info
options below:

2016 Estimate 2016 CV 2016 CI +/- 2017 Estimate 2017 CV 2017 CI +/- 2018 Estimate
840 a 59 821 a 59 847
537 a 39 525 a 42 532
303 b 48 296 b 43 316
207 b 28 192 b 26 217
2,118 a 48 2,143 a 48 2,194
1,703 a 49 1,766 a 49 1,805
693 a 48 702 a 47 762
645 a 36 700 a 38 688
176 b 20 155 b 20 161
190 b 23 209 b 25 193
415 a 33 377 a 32 390
274 a 26 237 b 24 243
142 b 20 140 b 22 147
93 b 17 91 c 18 77
3,258 a 51 3,247 a 51 3,336
time. For more information, see 'Statistical robustness' tab.

2018 CV 2018 CI +/- 2019 Estimate 2019 CV 2019 CI +/- 2020 Estimate 2020 CV
a 64 798 a 62 794 a
a 42 492 a 29 496 b
b 50 305 b 51 297 c
b 27 206 b 16 216 b
a 50 2,268 a 40 2,298 a
a 52 1,844 a 48 1,878 a
a 51 764 a 53 750 a
a 38 718 a 37 746 a
b 20 174 b 52 143 b
b 24 188 b 41 239 b
a 33 423 a 23 420 b
b 26 258 b 25 242 b
b 22 165 b 29 178 b
c 16 66 c 24 67 c
a 54 3,338 a 54 3,375 a
2020 CI +/- 2021 Estimate 2021 CV 2021 CI +/-
76 920 b 92
51 547 a 52
60 373 b 67
33 204 b 35
65 2,401 a 58
66 1,987 a 65
67 834 a 69
53 744 a 52
27 159 b 30
35 250 b 37
44 415 b 45
34 237 b 36
28 178 b 30
20 44 c 14
79 3,569 a 92
Table 7: Households by type of household and family
South East, 2015 to 2021
This worksheet contains one table. The table contains estimates of the number of households by the nu
Totals may not sum due to rounding.
Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the 'Notes' worksheet.
Symbols are used in this worksheet. The meaning of each symbol can be found in the 'Cover sheet' tab
CI+/- is the upper(+) and lower(-) 95% confidence interval.The confidence interval provides an estimate
If you wish to provide feedback on this table please click on one of the three options below:
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I need something slightly different (please specify)
This isn't what I need at all (please specify)

Number of households (thousands) [note 1] 2015 Estimate 2015 CV 2015 CI +/-

One person household 950 a 61
Under 65 473 a 33
65 or over 477 b 53
Two or more unrelated adults [note 6] 106 b 18
One family households [note 2] [note 7] 2,517 a 41
Couple 2,212 a 43
No children [note 5] 1,076 a 49
1-2 dependent children [note 3] 761 a 33
3 or more dependent children [note 3] 125 b 15
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 250 a 23
Lone parent [note 8] 305 a 26
Dependent children [note 3] 184 b 20
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 122 b 19
Multi-family households [note 2] [note 7] 42 c 10
All households 3,615 a 47
households by the number and relationships of people living within the household, for South East England.

the 'Cover sheet' tab.

provides an estimated range of values in which an actual data value is likely to fall 95% of the time. For more info
options below:

2016 Estimate 2016 CV 2016 CI +/- 2017 Estimate 2017 CV 2017 CI +/- 2018 Estimate
961 a 67 914 a 62 932
445 a 33 418 a 34 468
515 b 60 496 b 54 464
111 b 20 105 b 18 96
2,542 a 44 2,565 a 42 2,593
2,251 a 46 2,273 a 44 2,254
1,113 a 50 1,107 a 51 1,079
757 a 35 771 a 35 789
116 b 16 131 b 16 126
264 a 25 265 a 26 260
291 a 27 291 a 27 339
171 b 20 169 b 19 195
119 b 18 122 b 19 145
41 c 11 40 c 11 34
3,654 a 52 3,623 a 49 3,655
East England.

e time. For more information, see 'Statistical robustness' tab.

2018 CV 2018 CI +/- 2019 Estimate 2019 CV 2019 CI +/- 2020 Estimate 2020 CV
a 64 952 a 64 1,119 a
a 37 472 a 36 482 a
b 55 480 b 54 637 b
c 19 74 c 17 84 c
a 43 2,619 a 45 2,584 a
a 46 2,322 a 48 2,298 a
a 52 1,139 a 55 1,121 a
a 37 815 a 38 776 a
b 17 135 b 18 124 b
b 26 233 b 26 278 b
a 30 297 a 27 286 b
b 22 182 b 21 173 b
b 20 115 b 19 112 b
c 10 48 c 12 43 c
a 51 3,693 a 51 3,830 a
2020 CI +/- 2021 Estimate 2021 CV 2021 CI +/-
103 989 a 71
44 453 a 38
95 535 b 57
23 98 c 27
55 2,587 a 55
60 2,254 a 62
67 1,113 a 67
43 756 a 43
21 110 b 21
33 275 b 29
32 332 b 34
26 224 b 28
21 109 b 18
14 56 c 15
86 3,729 a 72
Table 7: Households by type of household and family
South West, 2015 to 2021
This worksheet contains one table. The table contains estimates of the number of households by the nu
Totals may not sum due to rounding.
Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the 'Notes' worksheet.
Symbols are used in this worksheet. The meaning of each symbol can be found in the 'Cover sheet' tab
CI+/- is the upper(+) and lower(-) 95% confidence interval.The confidence interval provides an estimate
If you wish to provide feedback on this table please click on one of the three options below:
This met my needs, please produce it next year
I need something slightly different (please specify)
This isn't what I need at all (please specify)

Number of households (thousands) [note 1] 2015 Estimate 2015 CV 2015 CI +/-

One person household 681 a 54
Under 65 322 a 29
65 or over 358 b 48
Two or more unrelated adults [note 6] 65 c 13
One family households [note 2] [note 7] 1,592 a 34
Couple 1,395 a 36
No children [note 5] 790 a 42
1-2 dependent children [note 3] 394 a 24
3 or more dependent children [note 3] 70 b 11
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 140 b 18
Lone parent [note 8] 196 b 20
Dependent children [note 3] 123 b 16
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 73 b 13
Multi-family households [note 2] [note 7] 17 d 7
All households 2,355 a 40
households by the number and relationships of people living within the household, for South West England.

the 'Cover sheet' tab.

provides an estimated range of values in which an actual data value is likely to fall 95% of the time. For more info
options below:

2016 Estimate 2016 CV 2016 CI +/- 2017 Estimate 2017 CV 2017 CI +/- 2018 Estimate
616 a 49 671 a 59 729
319 a 28 296 a 26 343
297 b 42 375 b 54 386
80 b 15 76 c 18 67
1,601 a 33 1,604 a 35 1,622
1,409 a 36 1,421 a 36 1,411
801 a 44 785 a 42 809
410 a 26 426 a 26 398
78 b 12 71 b 12 60
120 b 17 139 b 18 144
192 b 20 184 b 20 211
123 b 15 111 b 16 127
69 c 14 73 b 14 84
19 c 7 16 c 6 19
2,317 a 39 2,367 a 44 2,437
West England.

e time. For more information, see 'Statistical robustness' tab.

2018 CV 2018 CI +/- 2019 Estimate 2019 CV 2019 CI +/- 2020 Estimate 2020 CV
a 54 745 a 59 711 b
a 31 338 a 30 332 b
b 47 407 b 52 378 b
c 15 75 c 17 59 c
a 34 1,625 a 36 1,654 a
a 36 1,455 a 38 1,455 a
a 42 855 a 45 806 a
a 25 404 a 26 450 a
b 10 67 b 11 69 c
b 18 130 b 19 130 b
b 22 169 b 20 198 b
b 16 110 b 15 108 b
b 16 59 c 13 90 c
c 7 22 c 7 11 d
a 41 2,467 a 42 2,434 a
2020 CI +/- 2021 Estimate 2021 CV 2021 CI +/-
78 706 a 56
34 317 a 30
73 389 b 50
20 81 c 18
45 1,609 a 38
49 1,402 a 43
55 769 a 51
29 415 a 29
14 76 c 17
21 142 b 19
26 207 b 25
20 127 b 21
18 80 b 15
6 24 c 9
63 2,421 a 53
Table 7: Households by type of household and family
England, 2015 to 2021
This worksheet contains one table. The table contains estimates of the number of households by the nu
Totals may not sum due to rounding.
Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the 'Notes' worksheet.
Symbols are used in this worksheet. The meaning of each symbol can be found in the 'Cover sheet' tab
CI+/- is the upper(+) and lower(-) 95% confidence interval.The confidence interval provides an estimate
If you wish to provide feedback on this table please click on one of the three options below:
This met my needs, please produce it next year
I need something slightly different (please specify)
This isn't what I need at all (please specify)

Number of households (thousands) [note 1] 2015 Estimate 2015 CV 2015 CI +/-

One person household 6,357 a 113
Under 65 3,340 a 83
65 or over 3,017 a 77
Two or more unrelated adults [note 6] 735 a 46
One family households [note 2] [note 7] 15,227 a 118
Couple 12,849 a 121
No children [note 5] 6,420 a 112
1-2 dependent children [note 3] 4,168 a 83
3 or more dependent children [note 3] 804 a 41
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 1,457 a 57
Lone parent [note 8] 2,377 a 67
Dependent children [note 3] 1,549 a 53
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 828 a 46
Multi-family households [note 2] [note 7] 268 b 27
All households 22,587 a [low]
households by the number and relationships of people living within the household, for England.

the 'Cover sheet' tab.

provides an estimated range of values in which an actual data value is likely to fall 95% of the time. For more info
options below:

2016 Estimate 2016 CV 2016 CI +/- 2017 Estimate 2017 CV 2017 CI +/- 2018 Estimate
6,301 a 114 6,300 a 117 6,530
3,272 a 84 3,169 a 86 3,368
3,029 a 77 3,131 a 79 3,162
770 a 49 724 a 49 708
15,279 a 119 15,379 a 121 15,498
12,994 a 123 13,169 a 125 13,271
6,490 a 114 6,455 a 116 6,657
4,232 a 86 4,377 a 89 4,333
808 a 43 831 a 44 813
1,464 a 59 1,506 a 61 1,467
2,285 a 68 2,211 a 68 2,227
1,473 a 53 1,387 a 53 1,412
812 a 46 824 a 47 815
287 b 29 280 b 30 280
22,637 a [low] 22,684 a [low] 23,015
e time. For more information, see 'Statistical robustness' tab.

2018 CV 2018 CI +/- 2019 Estimate 2019 CV 2019 CI +/- 2020 Estimate 2020 CV
a 120 6,648 a 122 6,725 a
a 89 3,365 a 89 3,324 a
a 81 3,284 a 83 3,400 a
a 47 676 a 48 680 a
a 124 15,587 a 126 15,667 a
a 129 13,340 a 131 13,429 a
a 119 6,695 a 123 6,592 a
a 90 4,416 a 93 4,535 a
a 45 829 a 47 779 a
a 61 1,399 a 62 1,523 a
a 70 2,247 a 72 2,238 a
a 54 1,409 a 55 1,373 a
a 47 838 a 49 865 a
b 29 272 b 30 261 b
a [low] 23,183 a [low] 23,332 a
2020 CI +/- 2021 Estimate 2021 CV 2021 CI +/-
226 6,748 a 183
119 3,305 a 112
192 3,443 a 143
60 699 a 62
149 15,792 a 126
147 13,392 a 127
153 6,627 a 133
108 4,399 a 107
55 829 a 60
73 1,537 a 68
90 2,400 a 92
73 1,499 a 75
58 901 a 57
36 248 b 30
183 23,487 a 152
Table 7: Households by type of household and family
Wales, 2015 to 2021
This worksheet contains one table. The table contains estimates of the number of households by the nu
Totals may not sum due to rounding.
Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the 'Notes' worksheet.
Symbols are used in this worksheet. The meaning of each symbol can be found in the 'Cover sheet' tab
CI+/- is the upper(+) and lower(-) 95% confidence interval.The confidence interval provides an estimate
If you wish to provide feedback on this table please click on one of the three options below:
This met my needs, please produce it next year
I need something slightly different (please specify)
This isn't what I need at all (please specify)

Number of households (thousands) [note 1] 2015 Estimate 2015 CV 2015 CI +/-

One person household 394 b 42
Under 65 198 b 24
65 or over 196 b 35
Two or more unrelated adults [note 6] 39 c 13
One family households [note 2] [note 7] 884 a 27
Couple 742 a 28
No children [note 5] 391 a 29
1-2 dependent children [note 3] 219 a 19
3 or more dependent children [note 3] 40 c 9
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 92 b 15
Lone parent [note 8] 142 b 17
Dependent children [note 3] 89 b 14
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 53 c 12
Multi-family households [note 2] [note 7] 9 d 5
All households 1,326 a 33
households by the number and relationships of people living within the household, for Wales.

the 'Cover sheet' tab.

provides an estimated range of values in which an actual data value is likely to fall 95% of the time. For more info
options below:

2016 Estimate 2016 CV 2016 CI +/- 2017 Estimate 2017 CV 2017 CI +/- 2018 Estimate
403 b 45 393 b 41 388
207 b 23 180 b 22 184
195 c 39 213 b 36 204
38 c 12 40 c 14 34
885 a 25 885 a 28 911
750 a 27 755 a 28 766
392 a 30 412 a 32 415
232 a 19 202 b 20 216
44 c 9 51 c 11 43
82 b 14 90 b 15 92
135 b 17 130 b 17 145
86 b 14 89 b 14 90
49 c 11 42 c 11 55
12 d 6 11 d 5 8
1,338 a 33 1,329 a 33 1,341
e time. For more information, see 'Statistical robustness' tab.

2018 CV 2018 CI +/- 2019 Estimate 2019 CV 2019 CI +/- 2020 Estimate 2020 CV
b 39 441 b 44 415 b
b 22 223 b 26 212 b
b 34 218 b 38 203 c
d 13 35 c 12 41 c
a 26 891 a 25 896 a
a 29 764 a 27 756 a
a 34 382 a 31 392 a
a 21 241 a 21 230 b
c 10 37 c 9 44 c
b 15 104 b 17 90 b
b 19 128 b 18 140 b
b 15 81 b 14 82 b
c 12 47 c 12 58 c
d 5 6 d 4 5 d
a 31 1,373 a 33 1,357 a
2020 CI +/- 2021 Estimate 2021 CV 2021 CI +/-
60 435 b 53
31 183 b 21
53 252 b 48
15 29 c 11
30 865 a 32
31 736 a 33
38 362 b 38
25 237 b 24
13 42 c 14
16 95 b 17
20 129 b 20
15 87 c 17
15 42 c 12
5 16 d 8
48 1,344 a 50
Table 7: Households by type of household and family
Scotland, 2015 to 2021
This worksheet contains one table. The table contains estimates of the number of households by the nu
Totals may not sum due to rounding.
Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the 'Notes' worksheet.
Symbols are used in this worksheet. The meaning of each symbol can be found in the 'Cover sheet' tab
CI+/- is the upper(+) and lower(-) 95% confidence interval.The confidence interval provides an estimate
If you wish to provide feedback on this table please click on one of the three options below:
This met my needs, please produce it next year
I need something slightly different (please specify)
This isn't what I need at all (please specify)

Number of households (thousands) [note 1] 2015 Estimate 2015 CV 2015 CI +/-

One person household 775 a 54
Under 65 461 a 35
65 or over 314 b 44
Two or more unrelated adults [note 6] 71 c 16
One family households [note 2] [note 7] 1,516 a 31
Couple 1,291 a 34
No children [note 5] 662 a 40
1-2 dependent children [note 3] 413 a 26
3 or more dependent children [note 3] 58 b 11
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 158 b 19
Lone parent [note 8] 225 b 22
Dependent children [note 3] 137 b 17
Non-dependent children only [note 4] 88 b 15
Multi-family households [note 2] [note 7] 14 d 6
All households 2,376 a 40
households by the number and relationships of people living within the household, for Scotland.

the 'Cover sheet' tab.

provides an estimated range of values in which an actual data value is likely to fall 95% of the time. For more info
options below:

2016 Estimate 2016 CV 2016 CI +/- 2017 Estimate 2017 CV 2017 CI +/- 2018 Estimate
741 a 58 780 a 59 834
416 a 35 440 a 35 444
325 b 49 340 b 49 389
68 c 17 66 c 15 62
1,551 a 36 1,568 a 33 1,520
1,332 a 39 1,346 a 36 1,293
701 a 44 724 a 43 662
410 a 28 401 a 28 409
60 b 12 60 c 12 64
160 b 20 162 b 21 158
220 b 24 223 b 23 227
137 b 18 141 b 18 141
83 b 16 81 b 15 86
16 d 8 10 d 6 18
2,377 a 44 2,425 a 44 2,434
e time. For more information, see 'Statistical robustness' tab.

2018 CV 2018 CI +/- 2019 Estimate 2019 CV 2019 CI +/- 2020 Estimate 2020 CV
a 58 873 a 58 876 b
a 34 470 a 34 466 b
b 50 403 b 49 409 c
c 14 59 c 14 65 c
a 33 1,544 a 34 1,519 a
a 36 1,317 a 37 1,311 a
a 42 716 a 42 716 a
a 27 365 a 26 367 a
b 12 67 b 12 69 c
b 20 169 b 21 158 b
b 24 227 b 24 208 b
b 20 136 b 18 130 b
b 15 91 b 16 78 c
c 7 16 d 7 13 d
a 44 2,492 a 43 2,473 a
2020 CI +/- 2021 Estimate 2021 CV 2021 CI +/-
89 903 b 90
49 497 b 50
83 406 b 78
22 51 c 16
43 1,544 a 43
48 1,315 a 44
58 716 a 51
32 377 a 32
15 70 c 18
25 153 b 22
29 228 b 31
22 138 b 25
18 91 c 19
8 12 d 7
76 2,509 a 76

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