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46 REPORT 1135—NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS or 19 20h wok aE a + a4 3a} # M0 aa 36 ‘| s 2a ie 22 8 aof- 7 ‘3 a5 hen 7 iH fe be is ee se a z a0 wh te Sap eo z | Biol § ot £ Woh gs" 2 tian lt Sea Sheataa iol 3 i 7 0 Bad 75) 13.0 20] ae be “ se eo # a5 s 55] | le lo solo leo 0 a € @ é 25 2 8 3 Deliection ongl, 8, degrees (Cuanr 4.—Variation of Mach number downstream of s shock wave with flow-deflection angle fr various upstream Mach numbers. Perfect e88, eK 70} 6 0| 55| 50! we Mach-number parameter, I~ EQUATIONS, TABLES, AND CHARTS FOR COMPRESSIBLE FLOW 26 30 4 36 cr 46 Detlection angie, § degrees Cuanr 4.—Coneluded Shock waves, mM, ‘Streomline —S, Weak shock wave ——— srong shock wave 50 34 38 47

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