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Dear Friend,

Thanks for your mail.Here are the recipes for you.

Recipe Name : Pizza in a Pan

Description : Children's all-time favourite recipe made within minutes
on a tava (griddle).Makes 2 pizzas.
Source Title : Fun Food for Children Page No : 52
Cooking Time : : 45 mins.
Preparation Time : : 30 mins.
Ingredients For the pizza base
* 2 cups plain flour (maida)* 2 teaspoons (10 grams) fresh yeast,
crumbled* 1 teaspoon sugar* 1 teaspoon salt* 1 tablespoon oilFor the
tomato sauce* 4 large tomatoes* 1 small onion, chopped* 1 teaspoon
garlic, chopped* 1/4 cup tomato ketchup* 1 teaspoon sugar* 1/2
teaspoon dried oregano* 2 tablespoons oil* salt to tasteFor the topping*
1/2 cup spring onions, chopped* 1/2 cup mushrooms, sliced* 1 cup
cooking cheese or mozzarella cheese, grated Other ingredients* 1
tablespoon oil for cooking
Procedure For pizza base
 Combine all the ingredients except the oil in a bowl and knead into
asoft dough using enough water until it is smooth and elastic.* Add
the oiul and knead again.* Cover the dough with a wet muslin cloth
and allow it to prove till itdoubles in volume (approx. 15 to 20
minutes).* Press the dough lightly to remove the air.* Divide the
dough into 2 equal parts.* Roll out each portion into a circle of 250
mm. (10") diameter and 6mm. (1/4") thickness.
For the tomato sauce* Blanch the tomatoes in boiling water.* Peel, cut
into quarters and deseed the tomatoes.* Chop finely and keep the
tomato pulp aside.* Heat the oil, add the onion and garlic and saute for
a few minutes.* Add the tomato pulp and allow it to simmer for 10 to 15
minutes untilthe sauce reduces a little.* Add the ketchup, sugar and salt
and simmer for some more time.* Finally, add the oregano and mix
How to proceed
* Heat half the oil in a non-stick pan and place a pizza base on it.*
Spread half the tomato sauce over the pizza base.* Top with half the
spring onions, mushrooms and cheese.* Cover the pan with a lid and
cook on a very slow flame for 10 to 12minutes or till the base is evenly
browned.* Repeat with the remaining ingredients to make another
1. The trick in making this pizza is to keep the flame sufficiently low so
that the base does not burn while cooking.

A hurried meal for the man in the street. This is a spicy blend
ofvegetables in tomato gravy served with pav that is cooked with
butter.This is truly an innovation that arose out of the necessity of
providinga nice hot meal in a hurry and one that tickles the taste
buds.When I am lazy to cook on an entire meal for my family, pav bhaji
in oneof the first few dishes which comes to mind. It is easy to cook and
alsofilling.Round it off with a slice of kulfi or a scoop of ice-cream
Preparation time : 15 minutes.
Cooking time : 20 minutes. Serves 4.
For the pav
8 laddi pavs (small squares of white bread)4 tablespoons butter1
teaspoon pav bhaji masala
For the bhaji1
½ cups potatoes, boiled and mashed1 cup cauliflower, finely chopped½
cup green peas½ cup carrots, chopped1 cup onion, chopped½ cup
capsicum, finely chopped2½ cups tomatoes, chopped½ teaspoon
turmeric powder (haldi)½ teaspoon chilli powder1½ tablespoons pav
bhaji masala½ teaspoon black salt (sanchal)4 tablespoons butter salt to
tasteTo be ground into a chilli-garlic paste3 to 4 Kashmiri chillies,
soaked in warm water 4 to 6 cloves garlic (optional)Foe serving1 large
onion, chopped 4 lemon wedges1 tablespoon chopped coriander

For the bhaji

1. Boil the cauliflower, peas and carrots till they are soft. Drain outthe
excess water.2. Heat the butter in a large pan, add the onion and
capsicum and sautéfor 2 minutes. Then, add the prepared chilli-garlic
paste and sauté tillthe onion softens.3. Add the tomatoes and simmer till
the oil separates.4. Add the turmeric powder, chilli powder, pav bhaji
masala, black salt and salt and cook for 2 to 3 minutes.5. Add the boiled
vegetables and potatoes and mash thoroughly using apotato masher,
adding ½ cup of water if required.For the pav1. Slice each pav into 2
horizontally. Apply a little butter to eachside and sprinkle with a little
pav bhaji masala.2. Heat a large tava and cook the pav on both sides till
the pieces arelightly browned.How to proceed1. Serve the hot bhaji on 4
individual plates and top with the onionand coriander.2. Serve with the
hot pav and lemon wedges
.Handy tip : Pav bhaji masala is a spice blend which is readily
availableat most grocery

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