Reported Speech Worksheet 2021

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Look at the dialogue between a

ann American and Swami Ram Tirtha Using
this information complete the paragraph by writing suitable words or
phrases in the space provided.

American : Gentleman, where is your luggage?

Swami Ram Tirtha : My whole luggage is on my body.
American : Where is your purse?
Swami Ram Tirtha : I don’t possess any money with me.
American : Do you have any friend in America?
Swami Ram Tirtha : Yes, I have one; you are that friend of mine.

When Swami Ram Tirtha v visited

isited America, he came across an American
who asked him ………….. He replied to him that ……………… whole
luggage ……………… Then the American asked him Swami ………………
Ram Tirtha replied that ……………… The American asked ………………
Swami Ram Tirtha replied that ……………..

Ans: When Swami Ram Tirtha visited America, he came across an American
who asked him about his luggage. He replied to him that his. Whole luggage
was on his body. Then the American asked him where his purse was.
Swami Ram Tirtha replied that he didn’t possess any money with him. The
American asked if he had any friend in America. Replying positively Swami
Ram Tirtha replied that he had one and that he was that friend of his.

2.. Read the following dialogue and fill in the blanks with the appropriate
indirect forms.
rms. Yesterday Roshan attended an interview with the manager of
ICICI bank.

Roshan : May I come in, Sir?

Manager : Yes, come in. Sit down, what is your name?
Roshan : My name is Roshan.
Manager : Can you drive a car?
Roshan : Yes, I can. I have been driving for three years.
Ans: Roshan respectfully asked the Manager if he could come in. The
Manager asked him to come in and to sit. The Manager then asked him
what his name was. Roshan said that he was Roshan. The Manager asked
him if he could drive a car. Roshan told him that he could drive and added
that he has been driving for three years.

3. Customer : I must be at that meeting at once. I can’t spare

another minute.
Barber : I know all about the meeting.
Customer : Then you’ll let me go there?
Barber : I am afraid, 1 won’t, sir.

Ans: The customer informed the barber that he should be at that meeting
immediately. He added that he couldn’t spare another minute.
The barber replied that he knew all about the meeting.
The customer then wanted to know if the barber would let him go there.
The barber told him politely that he wouldn’t.

4. “Who is that lady?” the children asked their mother.

“She is a close friend, very dear to me,” said the mother.
“How come you never told us about her?” asked the children.
“When the time comes, you will know everything,” the mother replied.

Ans: The children wanted to know from their mother who that lady was.
The mother replied that she was a close friend who was very dear to her.
The children asked their mother why she had never told them about her.
The mother replied that when the time came, they would know everything.

5. Reporter : Congratulations Sachin! You have now another world

record to our credit.
Sachin : God is great, I only enjoy my cricket.
Reporter : After 200 not out in an ODI, what next? Can we hope
for 400 plus innings in a test match?
Sachin : I shall try my best.

Ans: The reporter congratulated Sachin since he then had another world
record to his credit. Sachin acknowledged that God was great and he added
that he only enjoyed his cricket. The reporter further asked what would be
the next record after 200 not out in an ODI. The reporter wondered if they
could hope for 400 plus innings in a test match. Sachin replied that he
would try his best.

6. Dona Laura : Do you use a handkerchief as a shoe brush?

Don Gonzalo : Why not?
Dona Laura : Do you use a shoe brush as a handkerchief?
Don Gonzalo : What right have you to criticise my action?
Dona Laura : A neighbour’s right.

Ans: Dona Laura asked Don Gonzalo if he used a handkerchief as a shoe

brush. When Don Gonzalo reported why he shouldn’t, Dona Laura further
asked if he used a shoe brush as a handkerchief. Don Gonzalo asked
angrily what right she had to criticize his action. Dona Laura replied that
she had the right of a neighbour.

7. Read the following conversation and complete the passage given below.

Policeman : What is her full name?

Woman : She is Veena Sharma.
Policeman : Can you describe her?
Woman : She is thin and fair in complexion.

The policeman asked the woman (a) _____ The woman replied (b) _____
Veena Sharma. The policeman further asked her (c) _____ The woman said
(d) ______ and fair in complexion.

a) (i) that was her full name (ii) what her full name is
(iii) what her full name was (iv) that what her full name was
b) (i) if she was (ii) that she was (iii) she was (iv) she is
c) (i) whether she could describe her (ii) whether she can describe her
(iii) if could she describe her (iv) if she can describe her
d) (i) that she was thin (ii) that she is thin (iii) if she was thin
(iv) if she is thin

Ans: a – (iii) what her full name was

b – (ii) that she was
c – (i) whether she could describe her
d – (i) that she was thin.


Based on the following pictures, rewrite the dialogues in reported speech.

Ans: The man said in desperation that he had nowhere to go. He asked
helplessly what he could do. He further accused the judge that he had
ruined his character by his sentence. He added that people would turn their
backs on him. He remarked that he had treated him badly.


How can l betray Marcus? I should not have accepted the money. Besides, I
have sworn on What should I do? I am in a fix.

Ans: He wondered how he could betray Marcus. He regretted accepting the

money. Since he had sworn on iyi, it was all the more reason that he should
not have accepted the money. He once again wondered what he should do.
He admitted that he was in a fix.

Report the following conversations: -

1. Dona Laura : Are you coming tomorrow?

Don Gonzalo : Most certainly, if it is sunny morning. And not only
will I not scare away the birds, but I will bring a few
Dona Laura : Thank you very much. Birds are grateful and repay

Ans: - Dona Laura asked Don Gonzalo if he was coming the next day. Don
Gonzalo replied that he would most certainly if it was a sunny morning. He
also promised that he wouldn’t scare away the birds, but would bring a few
crumbs Dona Laura thanked him and added that birds were grateful and
repaid attention.

2. She sat thinking, ‘All this is none of my concern’. The old man went
on, ‘His name was not Sangoji, but Basavaiah. I am amazed at how
facts take on such varied guises when it is narrated as fiction’.

Ans: She sat thinking all that was none of her concern. The old man went
on talking and said that his name was not [had not been] Sangoji. He further
said that he was amazed at how facts took on such varied guises when it
was narrated as fiction.

3. Don Gonzalo : I am fond of good verses. I composed some in youth.

Dona Laura : Were they good ones?
Don Gonzalo : Why do you ask me such a question?
Dona Laura : Don’t be angry.

Ans: Don Gonzalo said that he was fond of good verses. He said that he had
composed some in his youth. Dona Laura asked Don Gonzalo if they had
been good ones. Don Gonzalo asked Dona Laura why she asked him such a
question Dona Laura told Don Gonzalo not to be angry.

4. Petra : The guard is waiting for me.

Dona Laura : Do you like to chat with your guard?
Petra : He is not mine.
Dona Laura : Wait a moment.
Petra : What does the Senora wish?

Ans: Petra said to Dona that the guard was waiting for her. Dona Laura
asked Petra if she liked to chat with her guard. Petra said that he was not
hers. Dona Laura told Petra to wait a moment. Petra asked her mistress
what she wished for.

5. Dona Laura : Youth should have asked permission to sit on this

Don Gonzalo : The bench here are public property.
Dona Laura : Why do you complain about the priests, then?
Don Gonzalo : Are you taunting me?
Dona Laura : Don’t grumble.

Ans: Dona Laura told Dona Gonzalo that he should have asked permission
to sit on that bench. Don Gonzalo said that the benches there were public
property. Dona Laura asked Don Gonzalo why he had complained about the
priests then. Don Gonzalo asked Dona Laura if she was taunting him. Dona
Laura told Don Gonzalo not to grumble.

6. POP Campaigner : We want your vote

Rufus Okeke : How can I vote for Maduka?
POP Campaigner : Are you talking this money or not?
Rufus Okeke : Will it not be heard outside this house?
POP Campaigner : Don’t worry about it.
Ans: The POP Campaigner told Rufus Okeke that they wanted his vote.
Rufus Okeke asked the campaigner how he could vote for Maduka. The
campaigner asked Rafus Okeke if he was talking that money or not. Rufus
Okeke asked the campaigner if it would not be heard outside that house.
The campaigner told Rufus Okeke not to worry about it.

7. Don Gonzalo : Are you speaking to me, Senora?

Dona Laura : Yes.
Don Gonzalo : What do you wish?
Dona Laura : You have scared away the birds. They were feeding
on my crumbs.

Ans: Don Gonzalo asked Dona Laura if she was speaking to him. Dona
Laura replied in the affirmative. Don Gonzalo asked Dona Laura what she
wished for. Dona Laura said that he had scared away the birds. She said that
they had been feeding on her crumbs.

8. Dona Laura : Do you use a shoe brush as a handkerchief?

Don Gonzalo : What right have you to criticize my actions?
Dona Laura : A neighbour’s right.
Don Gonzalo : I do not care to listen to nonsense.
Dona Laura : You are very polite.

Ans: Dona Laura asked Dona Gonzalo if he used a shoe brush as a

handkerchief. Don Gonzalo retaliated asking what right she had to criticize
his action. Dona Laura replied that hers was a neighbour’s right. Don
Gonzalo retorted that he did not care to listen to nonsense. Dona Laura
sarcastically remarked that he was very polite.

9. Roof : I work for Marcus Ibe

POP Campaigner : We have plenty of work to do tonight.
Roof : Will it not be heard outside this room?
POP Campaigner : We are after votes, not gossip.

Ans: Roof said that he worked for Marcus Ibe. POP Campaigner told him
that they had plenty of work to do that night. Roof asked If it would not be
heard outside that room. POP Campaigner replied that they were after
votes, not gossip.

10. Don Gonzalo : That bench over there is mine.

Juanito : Three priests are sitting there.
Don Gonzalo : Rout them out. Have they gone?
Juanito : Still they are talking.

Ans: Don Gonzalo told Juanito that bench over there was his bench.
Juanito informed that three priests were sitting there. Don Gonzalo told him
to rout them out. Then he inquired him if they had gone. Juanito replied
that still they were talking.

11. Juanito : You can sit here senor. There is only a lady.
Don Gonzalo : I won’t Juanito. I want a bench to myself.
Juanito : But there is none.

Ans: Juanito told his master that he could sit there as there was only a
lady. Don Gonzalo expressed his unwillingness and said he would not and
he wanted a bench to himself. Juanito said that there was none.

12. Don Laura : Don’t remain more than ten minutes.

Petra : What does senora wish?
Don Laura : Can you give me the bread crumbs from my bag?
Petra : I don’t know what is the matter with me.
Laura : I know.

Ans: Dona Laura warned Petra not to remain more than ten minutes. Petra
asked respectively what she wished. Dona Laura asked whether if she could
give her the bread crumbs from her bag. Petra said she did not know what
was the matter with her. Dona Laura said that she knew it.

13. Don Gonzalo : I want a bench to myself.

Juanito : There is none.
Don Gonzalo : The one over there is none.
Juanito : There are three priests sitting on it.
Don Gonzalo : Rout them out. Have they gone?
Juanito : No indeed. They are talking.

Ans: Don Gonzalo said that he wanted a bench to himself. Juanita said that
there was none. Dona Gonzalo told Juanita that the one over there was his.
Juanita said that there were three priests sitting on it. Don Gonzalo told
Juanita to rout them out and asked whether they had gone. Juanito replied
negatively and said that they were talking.

14. Don Gonzalo : I shall take a pinch of snuff. Will you have some?
Dona Laura : If it is good.
Don Gonzalo : It is of the finest. You will like it.

Ans: Don Gonzalo said that he would take a pinch of snuff and asked
whether she would have some. Dona Laura said if it was good. Don Gonzalo
replied it was of the finest and added she would like it.
15. Don Gonzalo : I am fond of good verses. I composed some in my
Don Laura : Were they good ones?
Don Gonzalo : Of all kinds. I was a great friend many American
poets. Why do ask me such a question?
Don Laura : Don’t be angry. Have you been to America?

Ans: Don Gonzalo said he was fond of good verses and he had composed
some in his youth. Dona Laura said if they had been good ones. Don
Gonzalo said he had composed of all kinds. And added that he had been a
great friend of many American post. He questioned why she asked him such
a question. Dona Laura told him not to be angry and questioned whether he
had been to America.

16. Dona Laura : Do you hunt?

Don Gonzalo : Yes, senora. Every Sunday I take my gun and dog,
and go to one of the estates and kill time.
Dona Laura : That’s all you kill.
Don Gonzalo : Do you think so?

Ans: Dona Laura asked if he hunted. Don Gonzalo replied positively and
added every Sunday he takes his gun and dog, and goes to one of the
estates and kills time. Don Gonzalo said that was all he killed. Don Gonzalo
asked if she thought so.

17. Dona Laura : You can’t imagine how it affects me to see you
reading with all those glasses.
Don Gonzalo : Can you read without glasses?
Dona Laura : Certainly
Don Gonzalo : At your age? You are jesting.

Ans: Dona Laura said he could not imagine how it affected her to see him
reading with all those glasses. Don Gonzalo asked if she could read without
glasses. Dona Laura replied positively. Don Gonzalo asked whether she
could read at her age and added that she was jesting.

18. The ministers said to the minister of justice, “We shall have to tell
him that we do not want to keep him.” “Why do you not run away?”,
said the minister of justice to the convict.” “There is no one to guard
you.”The man replied “I have nowhere to go. What can I do?”

Ans: The ministers said to the minister of justice that they should have to
tell him that they did not want to keep him. The minister of justice asked
the convict that why he would not run away and said that there was no one
to guard him. The man replied that he had nowhere to go and asked what
he could do.

19. The Minister : Your honour, the French government is ready to

supply a machine and an expert. The cost would
be 16,000 francs.
The King : 16,000 francs is too dear for a small kingdom like
ours. It is more than two francs on the whole
population. Find some cheaper way of executing
the murderer.

Ans: The minister humbly said to the king that the French government was
ready to supply a machine and an expert and the cost would be 16,000
francs. The king said that 16,000 francs was too dear for a small kingdom
like theirs. It was more than two francs on the whole population and asked
to find some cheaper way of executing the murderer.

20. The king : Can’t you find a soldier who would cut the man’s head
off? They can do it in a rough and homely fashion.
The General : Will any one of you undertake this job?
The Soldiers : We do not know how to do it. It is not a thing we have
been taught.

Ans: The king asked if he could not find a soldier who would cut the man’s
head off and added they could do it in a rough and homely fashion. The
general asked if anyone of them would undertake that job. The soldiers said
that they did not know how to do it and added that it was not a thing they
had been taught.

21. The prince said to his ministers, “Can’t you find some cheaper way
of dealing with this rascal? The present plan is too expensive.”
One of the ministers said, “Can we dismiss the guard?”
“If we dismiss the guard,” said another minister “the fellow will run away.”
“It will end our problems,” said the first minister.

Ans: The prince asked to his ministers that whether they could not find
some cheaper way of dealing with that rascal and added that the present
plan was too expensive. Another minister suggested if they could dismiss
the guard and the fellow would (might) run away. So the first minister said
that it would end their problems.

22. ‘Why don’t you run away? There is no guard to keep you. You can
go wherever you like,” said the minister.“Have you not ruined my
character by your sentence? Where can I go now?” said the prisoner.
Ans: The minister asked why he would not run away and added that there
was no guard to keep him and said he could go wherever he liked. The
prisoner asked if they had not ruined his character by their sentence and
asked where he could go then.

23. The prisoner said, “I know the prince will not mind my going away.
But, I don’t want to go away.” First minister said, “What course can we
adopt now?” The second minister said, “The only way to get rid of him
is to offer him a pension. Let us give him a pension of 600 francs a
Ans: The prisoner said that he knew that the prince would not mind him
going away and said that he did not want to go away. The first minister
asked what course they could adopt then. The second minister said that the
only way to get rid of him was to offer him a pension and suggested to give
him a pension of 600 francs a year.

24. The prisoner said, “you are asking me to go away. I have nowhere
to go. You have ruined my character by your sentence. People will turn
their backs on me. Besides, I have got out of the way of working.”

Ans: The prisoner said that they were asking him to go and he had nowhere
to go. He said that they had ruined his character by their sentences and
added that people would turn their backs on him. And besides that he had
got out the way of working.

25. Ezenwa said, “We believe every word you say to be true. Every one
of us will drop his paper for Marcus. But, two shillings is shameful.”
Roof said, “I will give you three shillings. Please, cast your votes for

Ans: Ezenwa said that they believed every word he said to be true and every
one of them would drop their paper for Marcus. Roof said that he would give
them three shillings and requested to cast their votes foe Maduka.

26. Roof said, “I have given you three shillings. What else do you
Ezenwa said, “we would not have asked more if Marcus is a poor
Roof said, “I will give you one more shilling. Don’t expect more.”

Ans: Roof said that he had given them three shillings and asked what else
they expected. Ezenwa said that they would not have had asked more if
Marcus was a poor man. Roof said that he would give them one more
shillings and told them not to expect more.
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27. "Don’t forget our sign is the motor car" said Roof to a group of
illiterate women.
"Like the one Marcus is sitting inside" said a woman.
"It is the same car. The box with the car shown on its body is the
box for you. Don’t look at the other with the man's head"
explained Roof.

Ans: Roof said to a group of illiterate women that not to forget that their
sign was the motor car. A woman piped that it was like the one Marcus was
sitting inside. Roof explained that it was the same car and the box with the
car shown on its body was the box for them and advised not to look at the
other with the man's head.

Reported Speech (Q. No. 27)

1. Minister : Why do you not run away? There is no guard to keep you.
The Prince will not mind.
Criminal : I know it. But I have nowhere to go.

2. Minister : The cost of execution will be 16,000 Francs.

Prince : The wretch is not worth the money. Can’t it be done,
somehow cheaper? 16,000 francs is more than two francs a
head on the whole population. The people will not stand it.

3. Prince : You must find some cheaper way of dealing with this
rascal. The present plan is too expensive.
First Minister : In my opinion we must dismiss the guard.
Second Minister : Then the fellow will run

4. Petra : I see him over there waiting for me.

Dona Laura : Do not remain more than ten minutes.
Petra : I will be back soon.
Dona Laura : Wait a moment.
Petra : What does the senora wish?

5. Don Gonzalo : I want a bench to myself.

Juanito : There is none.
Don Gonzalo : That one over there is mine.
Juanito : There are three priests sitting there.
Don Gonzalo : Rout them out.
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6. Dona Laura : Do you use a shoe brush as a handkerchief?
Don Gonzalo : What right have you to criticize my actions?
Dona Laura : A neighbour’s right.
Don Gonzalo : I do not care to listen to nonsense.
Dona Laura : You are very polite.

7. Don Gonzalo : Do you mind my reading aloud?

Dona Laura : You can read as loud as you please.
Don Gonzalo : Can you read without glasses?
Dona Laura : I can.
Don Gonzalo : I envy your wonderful eyesight.

8. Dona Laura : Will you go to your bench tomorrow?

Don Gonzalo : I will come to your bench.
Dona Laura : Do bring something for pigeons.
Don Gonzalo : I will surely bring the crumbs.
Dona Laura : Thank you.

9. Dona Laura : Have you been in America?

Don Gonzalo : Several times.
Dona Laura : You must have gone with Columbus.
Don Gonzalo : I am old. But I did not know Ferdinand and Isabella.

10. Roof : I work for Marcus Ibe.

POP Campaigner : We have plenty of work to do tonight. Are you taking
this or not?
Roof : Will it not be heard outside this room?
POP campaigner : We are after votes, not gossip.

11. Roof : Do not forget. Our sign is the motor-car.

Woman : Is it like Marcus’s car?
Roof : It is the same car. Don’t look at the other with the man’s head.

12. POP Campaigner : The Iyi comes from Mbanta. Swear on it.
Roof : I will cast my paper for Maduka. But Maduka has no
chance Against Marcus.
POP Campaigner : Maduka gives out pounds, not shillings.

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