Annotated Bib 3

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Glambin 1

Ashley Glambin

Professor William Reader

ENG 111

3 November 2022

Annotated Bibliography

Bolt, Olivia C., et al. “Self-Compassion and Compassion towards One's

Partner Mediate the Negative Association between Insecure Attachment and

Relationship Quality.” Journal of Relationships Research, vol. 10, no. e20, 2019, pp.


This article is about how the quality of relationships can be damaged by

mental and physical health problems. They talk about how adult attachment

issues can affect an intimate relationship. They did an investigation on if self

compassion and compassion twoards a partner helps with these issues. The

results showed that low self-compassionate attitude revealed the association

between attachment anxiety and poor relationship quality. Also, low

compassionate and high uncompassionate attitude towards one’s partner showed

the association between attachment avoidance and poor relationship quality. No

effect was found for relationship satisfaction.

I chose this article because i like how it connected two of my environments

for my essay. This article had a lot of good points on relationship compassion

and self compassion which made connecting it to my other sources about self
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compassion and relationship compassion easy. I liked how they did a study on

how self compassion affects relationships and showed some issues that may

arise without compassion.

De Stasio, Simona, et al. “The Interplay of Compassion, Subjective

Happiness and Proactive Strategies on Kindergarten Teachers’ Work

Engagement and Perceived Working Environment Fit.” International Journal of

Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 17, no. 13, ser. 4869, 2020, pp.

1–16. 4869,

This article is about compassion, subjective happiness and proactive

strategies as a kindergarten teacher. They did a cross sectional study on italian

kindergarten teachers. There results showed that compassion and subjective

happiness have a direct positive total effect on work engagement, where the

effects of compassion and subjective happiness on experienced working

environment fit suggest that the association among constructs is caused by the

role of proactive strategies. This study showed that compassion in the workplace

increased positive relationships with colleagues and performance.

I chose this article because it directly relates to my topic and how

compassion is needed in a teaching career. I liked how they studied th effects of

compassion in a workplace and showed that it has a positive effect on work

performance and engagement. Without compassion as a teacher the environment

would be poor. I felt this article was a pretty good fit for my essay because it
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talks about compassion in teaching, although I may not be teaching

kindergarten, the research in the article can apply to teaching other grades too.

Grzybowski, Jocelyn, and Thomas M. Brinthaupt. “Trait Mindfulness,

Self-Compassion, and Self-Talk: A Correlational Analysis of Young Adults.”

Behavioral Sciences, vol. 12, no. 9, ser. 300, 23 Aug. 2022, pp. 1–15. 300,

This article is about a research study about a correlation between

self-compassion, self talk frequency and mindfulness practice. The results

showed moderate positive correlations between positive self-talk and trait

mindfulness and positive self-talk and self-compassion. A significant

negative correlation also emerged between negative self-talk and trait

mindfulness. When people had positive self talk they were more compassionate

to themselves.

I chose this article because self compassion is something that i find very

important, as i feel if you cannot be compassionate to yourself then how can you

be compassionate to others. This article taught me that self compassion as well

as positive self talk makes for a positive life. This article related directly to what

i wanted to become in life and is a good fit for my essay because of how they

show with negative self compassion it can effect other aspects of your life like

mental health. I also liked this article because the added what they would further

research after this study.

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"Kwame Anthony Appiah: Cosmopolitanism," From Astra Taylor (ed.).

Examined Life: Excursions with Contemporary Thinkers. New York: The New

Press, 2009.

This interview is about the different world we live in now. He talks about how

we are responsible for everyone and that communication has grown in the sense

that we can communicate with anyone in the world. He also talks about how we

should care for everyone in world even though they might be strangers to us. He

talks about cosmopolitanism is an old concept, it is still very much valid in

todays world.

Although this article was assigned, there is a lot of references to having

compassion. Although this article doesn’t specifically fit my topic in the sense

that he doesnt state compassion in one of the areas I chose, there is parts that

relate to my topic in the sense that he refers to caring for others which is a part

of compassion. I like Appiahs views on caring for others even though we may not

know them, as that applies to my future career of teaching because teachers

need to care for their students even though they are new to them each school


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