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Ashley Glambin

Professor William Reader

ENG 111.M04

3 October 2022

Annotated Bibliography

Baker, Rachel et al. “Does Inducing Students to Schedule Lecture Watching in Online

Classes Improve Their Academic Performance? An Experimental Analysis of a

Time Management Intervention.” Research in Higher Education vol 60, issue 4,

2019, pp. 522-552. Proquest DOI:10.1007/s11162-018-9521-3

Rachel Baker, has a Ph.D., Stanford University, 2015, in Economics of Education

and Education Policy, and an M.A., Stanford University, 2014, in Economics. This source

is about a randomized college student time management experiment on an online course.

They tested students' efficacy of scheduled time management interventions to see if the

intervention helped them manage their time. The results of this study indicated the

intervention had positive effects on initial achievement scores for students.

When I found this source, while they weren’t exactly talking about my specific topic,

they had some really good points that connected to my topic that I would be able to relate

to other sources. One point was that academic performance is better when students know

how to manage their time.

Rose, Mike “The Politics of Remediation.” Exploring Connections: Learning in the 21st

Century. Pearson, 2016, pp. 99-124

Mike Rose was working at the University of California tutoring students. When

they were coming to them, he realized that the problems they were having were because

of their background. He specifically wrote about three students, Marita, Lucia, and
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James. Marita’s background was writing her essays using the encyclopedia, and only

speaking if you know what you're speaking about, as implemented by her father which

made it hard for her to be creative in her writing. Lucia had a child and wasn’t a regular

student, her religious background lead to her not being able to understand the text given

to her for an assignment. James thought he could just skim through, and summarize and

he would get a good grade, as he even went to a course that taught him these skills. Rose

also touches on how freshmen College students may not know all of the language used in

the college and that since they have different backgrounds, they don’t all know how to do

assignments properly.

While this article was assigned, It did have some good information for my essay. Rose

doesn’t state anything about time management which at first scared me as I felt I would

struggle to incorporate his writing but there are times when he implied that time

management skills are helpful in college which I could connect to the other writers on

how they felt time management increases academic performance.

Trentepohl, Sebastian et. al. “How Did It Get So Late So Soon? The Effects of Time

Management Knowledge and Practice on Students’ Time Management Skills and

Academic Performance” Sustainability, Vol 14, issue 9, 2022, pp. 5097 Proquest

The source is about the importance of time management in higher education. They

go on to say how college students especially freshmen lack time management skills. They

go on to say how freshman students underestimate the amount of time they need to

complete assignments and often get distracted by friends, social media, etc.

This article I found very useful because they are talking about students lack time

management skills and it relates exactly to what I am going through. This article

connects to the other ones in the sense that they further enforce the need for college
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students to know how to manage their time, as without it they may not succeed in


Wolters, Christopher Brady, Anna “College Students’ Time Management: a

Self-Regulated Learning Perspective” Educational Psychology Review 2021

pp.1319–1351 Proquest

This article argues that self-regulated learning provides the framework necessary

for understanding college students' time management. They begin by describing work

supporting the significance of time management. Then they review the limited findings

linking time management and the motivational and strategic processes viewed as central

to self-regulated learning. They then evaluate conceptual ties between time management

and processes critical to the phases of self-regulated learning. They find research that

would contribute to a greater understanding of time management and its fit within the

framework of self-regulated learning.

This article was full of information and I was easily able to incorporate it into my

essay, as it completely goes along with my topic. They agree with the other sources that

time management makes for success, but they put up a great argument of how students

having a background in time management makes them able to manage their time.

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