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Unit: (Name of the unit that lesson will come from) 1 point

Surreal Dreams, 6Th Grade

Lesson Title: (Name of the lesson that you will be covering with this lesson plan) 2 points
Manalo and experimentation through collage

Time: (How long each lesson will take) 2 points

One 50min class period

Standards: (Usually 1-3 benchmarks pulled from the state guidelines, number, and text from
each one. They should align to objectives, goals, assessment, and procedure) 5 points Develop and apply personal criteria to evaluate a work of art using artistic foundations Elaborate upon an initial concept for art making

Objectives: (1-3, SMART, use the stem of your choice, these need to align to the goals,
standards, procedure, assessment) 10 points
Students will discuss the elements and principles of art used in and potential interpretations of
Manalo’s The Irregularities of Discernment
Students will create a collage that visually connects at least 2 images that may not otherwise go
(Objectives will be written out on the board)

Language Objective: (Think through the language functions/practice the students will receive
during these lessons and create at least 1-2 language objectives for the lesson.) 5 points
Students will participate in a verbal discussion and write out a response explaining an
element/principle of art used in Manalo’s The Irregularities of Discernment

Assessments/feedback: (Any formal, informal, formative, and/or summative assessments you

will use in this lesson and which objective they relate to. A list of any criteria for your formal
assessments and tools you intend to use with this. Include assessments for your language
objectives.) 10 points
Teacher will observe student participation in the VTS discussion, teacher will provide verbal
feedback during the discussion (informal)
Students will turn in in writing an element or principle of art and how it is used in Manalo’s The
Irregularities of Discernment (formal)
Finished collages will be turned in and must contain at least 2 images connected with lines or
other images. (formal)

Vocabulary/Academic Language: (Content specific vocabulary students will be learning. Any

new academic language that the students will need to understand) 5 points
Materials/Preparation/Visuals: (Any or all applicable art history examples, student examples,
demo. examples, technology, supplies, instructional resources, student resources, etc. that you
will need to perform this lesson.) 5 points
Manalo VTS Slides (Slides 7-9 of Introduction to VTS)
Magazines/catalogs/calendars (anything with appropriate printed images, patterns, and colors)
Glue sticks (regular and jumbo)
Drawing paper
Sharpies (pencil grips)
Simple example for demo
Doc cam

Procedure/Instructional Strategies: (The procedure should consider motivation/introduction,

instruction/demonstration/supply distribution, work period/clean up, and closure.   Please state
the timing for each section of the lesson.  This section should be specific enough that anyone
could pick up this lesson plan and teach it.) 20 points
Manalo VTS activity: (10 minutes) (Timer, Slideshow)
Display slide 8 of Introduction to VTS Slideshow
Instructs students to take a full minute to look at the piece (time this out)
Instruct students to take another 3 minutes to look for and write down one element or principle of
art that is used in the piece and how it is used.
Then go through the questions on the slide one by one and allow students ample time to respond
to each question before reading out the next question.
Flip to slide 9 and read out the information about Manalo’s piece.
End the discussion by asking students how this piece is similar or different from the Dali image
that we looked at last class (flip back to the Dali image on slide 7 to refresh memory)
Ask students “What could be the theme of the unit based on these two pieces?” allow time for
response and then reveal the theme of Dream/Daydream

Activity Introduction: (5 minutes) (example, doc cam)

“Today we will be doing some more exploring with surrealism through collage”
Students will use images from the magazines/catalogs that remind them of dreams or daydreams
that they have had.
Demo – show that images can be cut or torn out of the magazines, glued down on paper and
drawn over with sharpies after they are dry.
Instruct students to connect images at least 2 images with lines or other images like how they
connected their drawing to the previous artist’s piece in yesterday’s exquisite corpse activity.

Distribute Materials (5 minutes) (magazines, drawing paper, sharpies, scissors, grips, glue)
Instruct students to gather magazine pages from the supply table while the teacher passes out
scissors, glue, sharpies, and paper.

Activity work time: (22 minutes)

Clean up (3 minutes)
Choose one student to collect sharpies, one for glue, and one for scissors. The rest of the students
are responsible for returning magazines to the supply table and throwing away any bits or scraps
of paper

Closure: (5 minutes)
Instruct students to share out at their table one image they picked for their collage and why they
included it
Then encourage a few students to share out to the whole group what they shared at their tables

Differentiation: (This includes the differentiation you do for this lesson for Katelyn from our
IEP (Individual Educational Plans) example.  Also put include the accommodations or
modifications you would do for an ELL learner who reads poorly and a student with dyslexia.)
10 points
ELL learner: Ensure all questions are read aloud during VTS activity
Student with dyslexia: This student will do a quick check in with the teacher to list and explain
an element/principle of art verbally instead of in writing.
Katelyn: May type out her element/principle of art explanation instead of writing it out by hand.
Provide pencil grips for the drawing portion of the class and ensure that jumbo glue sticks are

Self-Reflection/Evaluation: (Use the questions on page 70, in the “evaluation” example in your
textbook to produce a list of questions for your specific lesson.  There should be at least 1 for
every section) 5 points
Evaluate students' engagement during VTS activity, in the future, VTS two days in a row might
need to be broken up with different discussions or activities.

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