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Oral Presentation Basic Steps for Oral Presentations from Business Communication

Plan your presentation keeping in mind the audience profile. In other words, develop a strategy bearing in mind, the specific needs of your audience. If you know your audience, their expectations and the importance of the occasion in which the presentation is being made, you will be able to make a worthwhile presentation. For example, if your presentation is on the occasion of the opening of a new Department of Surgery, and if it is meant for patients suffering from a particular symptom for which no treatment is available in your town, you are attempting to throw light on the necessity of the new Department. But if it is for your team of doctors during a month in which, the teams performance has not been up to expectations, you are trying to present a situation where your team will be motivated to improve their performance. Rate your presentation to your audience. Tailor your message to the audience you should understand their needs, desires, knowledge level, and attitude toward your topic. At the time of presentation, be concrete, specific, practical and relevant. Dont give elaborate details. Your audience will think that you do not have sufficient content and so you are simply repeating the same pint unnecessarily. Clarify your objectives is it to motivate? inform? persuade? . Teach? Remember, each of these motives calls for a different approach. You should also be sure about your role as a presenter. Are you a coach? advocate? teacher? This will help the audience understand your position and will have an influence over the outcome of the presentation. Tell them logically as to how your presentation will help your audience in their work. Will it solve a problem effectively without waste of time and resources? Present a sound case. Let the presentation lead to a common goal. You should be a director towards this end. If you want to achieve this goal, you must research your subject extensively. There are no short cuts. You must be through with your subject and be sure of achieving the goals of the presentation. Give your presentation a structure. Convert information into a meaningful message. Let the audience see a logical sequence, not a collection of bits and pieces of information. Organize your message. Start with the simple points and move to the more complex. Let the audience recognize the importance of the message. Let your ideas be made clear to them so that they will understand not only the significance of the

subject but also the importance of your ideas in relation to the subject. Justify your ideas. Let the audience know what is expected of them. Let your topic be placed in context. Tell them why you are presenting the topic and how it will solve the problem successfully. Tell the audience who the presentation will progress and what you expect from them. Encourage their participation.

Oral Communication Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication from Business Communication

When you seek permission from your father to visit a nearby museum, he might say yes or no. Thus, in oral communication, there is a possibility of immediate response. This ensures speedy interaction and makes immediate feedback possible. This is the greatest advantage of oral communication. Another advantage is that the speaker can observe the listeners reaction to what is being stated. For instance, if someone brings to you your exam results and tells you that you have passed in first class; your reaction to the message will show that you are happy. Similarly, if someone tells you that your friend met with an accident and got injured, you will be shocked and the person who gave you the message will notice it. The disadvantage of oral communication is that it does no always save time. People have to meet each other all the time to communicate orally, which is impossible. It may result in spending a considerable amount of money, time and other important resources. Improving Oral Communication: Speaking to friends and family members is easy, because you know them. But when you are asked to go and speak to a stranger you may hesitate. It is even worse when you have to address an angry client or present a project proposal in front of your higher authorities at the organizational meeting. Oral skills should be paid adequate attention because learning to speak well will improve ones personal and professional life considerably. You should remember that even if the listener cannot see you, while you are engaged in telephone conversation, it is easy to deduce your personality with the help of the quality of your voice. Your tone indicates your age, sex, intelligence etc. It also reveals whether you are confident or not. Even your geographical origin can be traced by

noting the accent you use while speaking. One-to-One Oral Communication: In your day-to-day dealings, you have to interact with people on a one-to-one basis. It is central to developing positive working relationship with the clients as well as your co-workers and superiors. There are two ways in which we communicate orally through face to face and telephonic conversation.

Leader and Leadership in an Organization

There are great debate on leader and leadership. Some of the people say that leaders are born not made but some are against it. It is said that Alexander/Julius Caesar were leader from born. On the chapter we have to discuss about leader and leadership in an organization. A manager should be leader or not? A manager has better quality of leaders or leaders have better quality of managers? Leadership objectives: Meaning of leadership Qualities of a good leader Theories of leadership Different types of leaders Functions of a leader Differences between managers and leaders According to the Haiman Leadership is, the process by which an executive or a manager imaginatively directs, guides and influences the work of others in choosing and attaining specified goals by mediation between the individual and organization in such a manner that both will obtain the maximum satisfaction. In other word we can say leadership is, the relationship in which one person influences others to work together willingly on related tasks to attain that level which he desires. Some quality of a good leader: Has foresight

Has influence Has representative role playing Communicates properly Commands attention and respect Helps to achieve task objectives Commands trust and confidence Is sensitive to the task, people and environment Builds team and becomes a model Has the ability and skill to manage the team Has the ability to take decision and many more In the leadership theories Great Man theories comes first and according to it great leaders are born, not made. According to trait theories people inherit certain qualities and traits that make them better suited to leadership. According to Contingency theories leadership focus on particular variables related to the environment that might determine which particular style of leadership is best suited for the situation. According to situational theories leaders choose the best course of action based upon situational variable. According to the behavioural theories leaders are based upon the belief that great leaders are made, not born. According to the participative theories ideal leadership style is one that takes the input of others into account. Management theories focus on the role of supervision, organization, and group performance. Relationship theories focus upon the connections formed between leaders and followers.

About the classification of leadership we know these types: Bureaucrat Leaders Autocrat Leaders Diplomat Leaders Expert Leaders Quarter Back Leaders But according to the Chris Argyris leadership classification leaders types are: Directive type Permissive type Participative type Abraham Zaleznik (1977), delineated differences between leadership and management. He saw leaders as inspiring visionaries, concerned about substance; while managers are viewed as planners who have concerns with process. Warren Bennis (1989) further explained a dichotomy between managers and leaders. He drew twelve distinctions between the two groups: Managers administer, leaders innovate. Managers ask how and when, leaders as what and why. Mangers focus on systems, leaders focus on people. Managers do things right, leaders do the right things. Managers maintain, leaders develop. Mangers rely on control, leaders inspire trust. Managers have a short-term perspective, leaders have a long-term perspective. Managers accept the status-quo; leaders challenge the status-quo.

Managers have an eye on the bottom line, leader have an eye on the horizon. Managers imitate, leaders originate. Managers emulate the classic good soldier, leaders are their own person. Managers copy, leaders show originality.

Groups and Group Dynamics

The group concept is as old as civilization. In the primitive age group was a basic unit of survival. On this group chapter we have to focuses on group dynamics and principles of group dynamics. Groups and Group Dynamics Objectives: Meaning of group Characteristics and functions of groups Different types of groups Group characteristics Group dynamics and principles of group dynamics About group Kimball Young defines, two or more persons in a state of social interaction. Sherif and Sherif define about group as, a social unit which consists of a number of individuals who stand in definite status and role relationships to one another and which possesses a set of values or norms of its own regulating the behaviour of individual members, at least in matters of consequence to the group. Normally group characters define in four parts 1) two or more people, 2) who interact with one another, 3) share some common ideology, and 4) see themselves as a group. On the formal group MBA book MB 0027 writes, The formal work group has a designated leader who supervises group members, mediates rewards and punishments, and is responsible for group performance to a higher authority in the organization. On the informal work groups, Informal groups are loosely organized groups such as bowling teams and social clubs that arise apart from the formal organization to which members of the informal group may belong.

Thomas Harrll has defined group dynamics as, an expression that describes the situation in which people acting together in a group accomplish certain thing, either positively or negatively in a way that cannot be explained adequately in terms of the individual acting separately. Cartwright has termed principles of group dynamics which are: If a group is to be used effectively as a medium of change, those who are to be changed and those who are to wield an influence for change must have a strong sense of belonging to the same group, i.e., the barriers between the leaders and the led should be broken down. The more attractive a group is to its members, the greater the influence it would exercise on its members. The higher the prestige of a group member in the eyes of the members, the greater the influence he will exercise on them. Information relating to the need for change, plans for change, and the consequence of change must be shared by all the members of a group. In the end of the chapter we can say that group dynamics is concerned with the interactions and forces between group members in a social situation.

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