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Nursing Philosophy

Jillian Ferre

College of Nursing, University of Arizona

Nursing 478: Nursing Leadership and Management in Health Systems

Professor Sarah Hoogasian

November 15, 2022


Nursing Philosophy

To me, nursing is a profession of humble service. Nurses provide care because they are

drawn to help others, not because of the acknowledgment they receive. I believe nursing is much

more than a job. To be a nurse is to be wholeheartedly committed to the care and well-being of

others. Nurses should not discriminate and should provide compassionate care to all their

patients. My mission as a nurse is to provide compassionate care, include my patients in their

care, and advocate for my patients within the intradisciplinary team. Over the course of this

paper, I hope to further articulate my beliefs and values, what being a nurse means to me, and

how I plan to conduct myself in the professional role.

Defining Nursing Practice

My beliefs about the nursing practice are that nurses should not discriminate while

providing compassionate care, nurses advocate for their patients, nurses make sure their patients’

opinions are respected, nurses respect and celebrate patient differences, and nurses act in the best

interest of the patient. My values in the nursing practice are compassion, integrity, teamwork,

humility, respect, and the pursuit of knowledge. The skill that is most highlighted in my nursing

practice is my compassion. I feel with my patients, which is why I think I will make a dedicated

nurse. When my patients feel anxious or upset, I feel that too, and I do everything in my power to

support them. However, I know that empathy without boundaries is destructive, so I prioritize

being in tune with my emotions and respecting how I feel. 2 months ago, I incorporated

meditation into my routine, and, since doing so, I feel I have a greater capacity to separate myself

from my feelings and analyze my emotions. This allows me to continue offering genuine care to

my patients but also recognize when I am experiencing another person’s emotions.


I think I embody my beliefs and values in my nursing practice. I practice compassionate

care by inquiring about my patients, their values, and their preferences. I refer to my patients by

their preferred names, even when I don’t know if they hear me. I ask my patients for permission

before doing anything and always allow patients to ask questions and express concerns. During

my preceptorship, I provided compassionate care and respected the values of a patient with

autism spectrum disorder by reading letters written by his mother and advocating for a dietary

consult to accommodate his eating habits. While caring for this patient, I prioritized my nursing

values of respect and compassion to identify priority concerns for this patient and address them.

When operating within the interdisciplinary team, I modeled good teamwork by listening to my

team members and advocating for my patients, and I demonstrated humility by acknowledging

how much I can learn from my team. I embody the pursuit of knowledge in my nursing practice

by asking questions and valuing the educational opportunities offered by my future employers.

Integrative Nursing Principles

I actively try to apply integrative nursing principles to my nursing practice. My values of

compassion and respect make me eager to explore integrative modalities. Integrative nursing

principles promote healing for the patient in a holistic way, which respects the patient's right to

well-being. Many integrative principles can be applied outside of the hospital setting, and I think

teaching integrative principles that can be applied at home is in the best interest of patients.

The first integrative principle is “Human beings are whole systems inseparable from their

environments” (Kreitzer, 2015). One way I apply this principle to my practice is by ensuring my

nursing care aligns with the values of the patient and their family. This principle overlaps with

my nursing belief that nurses should respect and celebrate differences in their patients. The

second integrative nursing principle is “Human beings have the innate capacity for health and

well-being” (Kreitzer, 2015). One way I can exemplify this in my nursing practice is by being

present with and having compassion for my patients. This principle aligns with my values of

respect and compassion, and it aligns with my belief that nurses should respect and identify their

patients’ opinions. The third integrative nursing principle is “Nature has healing and restorative

properties that contribute to health and wellbeing’ (Kreitzer, 2015). My values of compassion

and respect would prompt me to use this principle and create a healing environment. The fourth

integrative nursing principle is “Integrative nursing is person-centered and relationship-based”

(Kreitzer, 2015). This principle aligns with my belief that nurses should recognize and respect

individual differences. The fifth integrative nursing principle is “Integrative nursing is informed

by evidence and uses the full range of therapeutic modality to support/augment the healing

process, moving from least intensive and invasive to more, depending on the need and context”

(Kreitzer, 2015). This principle aligns with my desire to motivate patients to take action in their

care. By teaching patients less intensive therapeutic modalities, they can better control of their

wellbeing at home. The final integrative nursing principle I hope to apply in my practice is

“Integrative nursing focuses on the health and well-being of caregivers as well as those they

serve” (Kreitzer, 2015). A way I can incorporate this principle into my practice is by adding self-

care into my workday. For example, I could extend my mindfulness into the clinical setting and

take five deep breaths before entering a new room. This integrative nursing principle aligns with

my value of compassion because that includes self-compassion. As I enter the nursing

profession, I hope to continue prioritizing my well-being because, without it, I will be unable to

highest quality of care.


My Impact on the Profession

I believe the impact of nurses on patients, communities, and society occurs at a multitude

of levels. In my daily practice, I hope to positively impact my patients by making sure that they

are comfortable, safe, and acknowledged. I want my patients to know that I am in their corner

and want what is best for them. I plan to positively impact my community and society at large by

volunteering my care and being vocal about issues I see in the healthcare system. Diversity,

equitable care, and the need for inclusion (DEI) are key components of my values and beliefs. I

believe the easiest way nurses can promote DEI is by asking their patients about their specific

concerns, values, and preferences. It is difficult to know how every population wants to be

treated. By acknowledging you don’t know everything and asking, you give power back to the

patient and promote trust.


Nursing is a humble profession dedicated to helping others. Nurses are motivated

internally, and not by validation or praise. In my nurse practice, my mission is to provide

compassionate care, include patients in their care, and advocate for my patients' interests within

the interdisciplinary team. I believe nurses should provide compassionate care while respecting

and celebrating individual differences. I value compassion, respect, humility, and teamwork in

both my personal and professional life and use those values to provide the highest quality of

patient care. I feel motivated to apply Integrative Nursing Principles into my nursing practice

because the principles respect and acknowledge individual complexities and the capacity for

wellbeing. I will include integrative nursing principles in my practice by prioritizing patient-

centered care, offering presence and compassion to patients, and offering compassion to myself.

I plan to use my role as a nurse to positively impact individuals, communities, and society. Each

day, I can make patients feel safe, seen, and cared for. I can expand my positive impact by

volunteering and advocating for changes in the healthcare system. I hope to promote diversity,

equity, and inclusion in my practice, and I believe the first step is to ask patients about their


I am eagerly awaiting my entrance into the nursing profession, and I am curious to see

how my goals for my practice continue to evolve. At this point in my career and education, my

goal for my nursing practice is to continue improving my skill and competence while

maintaining the compassion that drew me to nursing.



Kreitzer, M. J. (2015). Integrative nursing: application of principles across clinical settings.

Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal, 6(2).

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