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Word order in questions: be and present simple: Activity 1

Read Grammar bank 7A. Complete the sentences with a question word from the
box. Listen and check.

Grammar bank

7A word order in questions

Questions with be

[?]               Verb   Subject

                    Are      you            tired?
                    Are      you            a student?
                    Is         this            your coat?
                    Is         the shop   near here?

How old     are      you?

Where        are      you            from?
What time  is        it?
Why            are     you             late?
Who            are     you?

• Word order
[+] Subject Verb    They’re American.
[?] Verb Subject     Are they American? 
                                Where are they from?

Questions with other verbs

[?]                    Auxiliary   Subject       Infinitive (= verb)

                        Do               you               go out on Friday night?
Where            do                you              go?
What              does            your sister  do?
What music  do                you               like?
When             does            Jane             go to the gym?
How               do                you              spell your name?
Who               does            she              live with?   

• Word order = ASI (Auxiliary Subject Infinitive) Do you go out on Friday night?

• QuASI (Question Auxiliary Subject Infinitive) Where do you go?

What How How When What

Who Where Where

1.  A _________ music does she like?
B Jazz and pop.
2.  A _________ old is your sister?
B She's 19.
3.  A _________ do you want for lunch?
B A sandwich and a beer, please.  
4.  A _________ 's that woman with Bob?
B  His sister.
5.  A _________ do you have English classes?
B On Thursdays.
6.  A _________ do you spell your last name?
B J-O-H-A-N-S-O-N.
7.  A _________ does your wife work?
B In an office.
8.  A _________ do you usually go on holiday?
B We usually go to a hot country.

Word order in questions: be and present simple: Activity 2

Read Grammar bank 7A. Complete the questions with is, are, do or does. Listen
and check.

Grammar bank

7A word order in questions

Questions with be

[?]               Verb   Subject

                    Are      you            tired?
                    Are      you            a student?
                    Is         this            your coat?
                    Is         the shop   near here?

How old     are      you?

Where        are      you            from?
What time  is        it?
Why            are     you             late?
Who            are     you?

• Word order
[+] Subject Verb    They’re American.
[?] Verb Subject     Are they American? 
                                Where are they from?

Questions with other verbs

[?]                    Auxiliary   Subject       Infinitive (= verb)
                        Do               you               go out on Friday night?
Where            do                you              go?
What              does            your sister  do?
What music  do                you               like?
When             does            Jane             go to the gym?
How               do                you              spell your name?
Who               does            she              live with?   

• Word order = ASI (Auxiliary Subject Infinitive) Do you go out on Friday night?

• QuASI (Question Auxiliary Subject Infinitive) Where do you go?

1.  __________ football your favourite sport? 

2.  How __________ you relax at weekends?
3.  What sports __________ popular in your country? 
4.  __________ you hungry? It’s time for lunch.
5.  Where __________ you usually have lunch on Sundays?
6.  __________ your country win a lot of medals in the Olympics?
7.  How old __________ your teacher?
8.  What TV programmes __________ your husband like?
9.  __________ you do sport or exercise during the week?

Common verb phrases 2: free time: Activity 1

Listen and read. Choose the correct photos.

1. go out

2. play computer games


3. do sport

4. go to the beach

5. stay at home

6. play tennis

Common verb phrases 2: free time: Activity 2

Choose the correct answers. Then listen and check.

1. ._______

o walk
o swim
2. _______ the piano

o do
o play

3. _______

o swim
o relax

4._______ friends

o go
o meet

5. _______

o walk
o relax

6. _______

o travel
o stay

/w/, /h/, /eə/, and /aʊ/

Match the sound pictures to the correct words. Then listen and repeat.
Sarah's sports: Activity 1
Listen to the interview. Are the sentences true or false?

1. Sarah likes sport very much.

o True
o False

2. Sarah plays ice hockey.

o True
o False

3. Sarah plays every Saturday.

o True
o False

4. Her team always wins.

o True
o False

5. She never plays tennis.

o True
o False

6. Her favourite sport is tennis.

o True
o False
Sarah's sports: Activity 2
Listen again and complete the conversation.
A  Sarah, do you play any sports?
B  Yes, I do. I love sport.
A  __________ sports do you play?
B  I play hockey and tennis.
A  Ice hockey?
B  No, normal hockey.
A  Oh. __________ __________ do you play?
B  I play hockey a lot because I’m in a team. We train for two hours on
Tuesdays and Thursdays, and then we have a match every Saturday.
A  __________ __________ good at it?
B  I’m OK, but it’s a good team with some very good players in it.
A  __________ __________ usually win?
B Sometimes, but not always. But it’s fun. 
A  What about tennis? __________ __________ do you play?
B  I play every Sunday.
A  __________ __________ good at tennis?
B  Not bad. But I need to train more. 
A  __________ do you prefer – hockey or tennis?
B  Hockey, I think. I prefer playing in a team.
A  Thank you, Sarah. And good luck with your next match.
B  Thanks.

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