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EXCELSIOR INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES: REGULAR MEETING — July 11, 2022, 7:00 P.M. OFFICIAL AGENDA Cal to Order Invocation Welcome Roll Call Establish Quorum ‘SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT — ITEMS OF BUSINESS ITEMA: ACTION: Adoption o oficial Agenda for this meeting, ITEMB: ACTION: Approval minutes of previous meetin ITEMC: ACTION: —_ Action to arder election tobe held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 for the purpose of eecting School Board Trustees. Early voting 3.00 pm. each day from Monday, October 24, 2022 through Friday, November 4, 2022, The maling address for the early voting clr i 11270 Siate Huy. 7 West, Contr, TX 75835. ACTION: —_Actionto appoint presiding Election Judge and Alternate Election suege. HEME: ACTION: Discussion and possible action to set public meeting for Thurscay, ‘August, 25, 2022, at 7-00 to discuss the budget and tax rate for 2022-2028 TIFMF: —AETION: Discussion and possible ation to calla special mesting for ‘Thursday, August 25,2022 to adopt the budget and tax rate for 2022-2023 and to make final amendments tothe 2021-2022 ‘budget. Special meeting wil begin immediately folowing the pubic meating that same right TEMG: ACTION: Discussion and possible action to aporove the 2022-2023 TASB Workers’ Compensation Renewal. ITEM H: ACTION: —_Discussionand possite action approve the engagement letter th Goff ang Hercington, PC for our annual aud forthe year lending August 2021 ITEUI: ACTION: Approve the 2022-2028 Afotment and TEKS Certification TEU: ACTION: Discuss and possible ation tothe proposal rom Centar ISD for property on Malone Dr NEM ACTION: Payment of monthy bis ITEMS OF DISCUSSION 4. Discuss 2022-2023 Budget and Tax Rate, EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURN INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS OF THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT, TEXAS GOVERNMENT ‘CODE SECTION 551.001 ET. SEQ: 551.74 An Executive session will be held forthe purpose of the Board of Trustees discussing personnel ‘Should any final action, final decision, or final vote be required in the opinion of the ‘Schoo! Boar wath regard to any matter considered in such closed or executive session, ‘then the final action, final decision, or final vote shall ether be: (@) inthe open meeting covered by the Notice upon the reconvening of the public esting; or (©) at a subsequent public meeting of the School Board upon notice thereof, as the Schoo! Board shall determine ‘OPEN MEETING ‘OPEN FORUM ADJOURNMENT EXCELSIOR INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING ~ August 8, 2022, 7:00 P.M. OFFICIAL AGENDA 1 Catto order 2. invocation 3. Wetome 4 Racal 5. Establish Quorum Pate Comments ‘SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT - TEMS OF ausINess TEMA ACTION. Adoption of eal Agenda for his meeting ITEM: ACTION: ——_ Approve minutes of arevous meeting ITEM ACTION: —_ Discussion and possible acton to approve budpet amendments) 2s presented by Tere ble TMD ACTION. curs tnxrate HTEME ACTION, —_—_—Discussion and possibe action fo approve MSE (Medica Consutaen and Bing Conrad) TEM, ACTION: Discussion and Posse Action to approve the 2022-2029 TASH Risk Management Unemployment Compensation Proposal TEMG: ACTION: Payment monthly bis ITEMS OF piscussion 1. Review the 2022-2023 budget 2. Discus Salty EXECUTIVE SESSION [ADJOURN INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS. (OF THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT, TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 651004 ET. SEQ, 551.74 pn Executveseeslon wil be hed forthe purpose ofthe Board of Trustees dscssing personnel ‘Sheu any final acbon, nal deton,of nal vote be required in the opinion of he Senco! Board wih regard to 'ny mater considered in such clesed or execulve session, then the nal acon final decison, or fin ote shal ther te (2) inthe open meting covered by the Notice upon he recenvening ofthe be meeting (©) akg aubenuent ble mesing ofthe Sena Board upen netics heres the Sere Boel shal (OPEN MEETING ‘ADJOURNMENT EXCELSIOR INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRET BOARD OF TRUSTEES SPECIAL MEETING ~ August 25, 2022, 7:00 P.M. OFFICIAL AGENDA 1, Callto Order 2! Irwocation 3. Welcome 4 RollCall 5. Establish Quorum ‘SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT ~ ITEMS OF BUSINESS TEMA: ACTION: Adoption of official Agenda for this meeting HTEM3: ACTION: Discussion and possible action to adopt the 2022-2023 Student Handbook/Student Code of Conduct ITEM2: ACTION: Public hearing to discuss the budget and proposed tax TEM2. ACTION: Discussion and possible action to make finalamendments tothe 2021-2022 budge ITEME: ACTION: Discussion and possible acton to add, revise or delete (LOCAL) policies as recommended by TASS Palcy Services and according ta {he instruction Sheet for TASB Localzed Poicy Manual Update 117, with noted changes TTEMF: ACTION: Discussion and possible action to add a second board member tothe Muti-hazard Safety Commitee FTEMS: ACTION: Discuss Excelsior ISD's School FIRST Rating Repor. FTEMH: ACTION: Discuss Excelsor ISO's School Overall Rating FTEMI: ACTION: Payment of monthy bis. ITEMS OF DISCUSSION EXECUTIVE SESSION [ADJOURN INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS OF THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT, TEXAS GOVERNMENT ‘CODE SECTION 551.001 ET. SEQ.: 551.7 An Executive eassion willbe held forthe purpose of the Board of Trustees

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