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Name : Ningsih Ramadani

NIM : 20018082
Class : K1 English Education

What is E-Assessment?

E-assessment, or electronic assessment, is the use of information technology devices,

primarily computers, in the assessment of student ability and learning. It's also known as
computer-based assessment or computer-assisted assessment, and can include both
administering the assessment test and grading it. E-assessment is a useful tool for a variety of
reasons such as ease of use, flexibility, and quicker results than traditional paper and pencil
methods. E-assessment can be used in a range of settings such as elementary school, distance
education, and professional certification exams, and its use is increasing with many types of
standardized testing.

E-assessment is when an assessment is created, written, delivered and marked with

technology, usually a specialist assessment platform. In other words, any form of assessment
that uses technology for any part of the process. In many cases, this is the full end-to-end
assessment process of creation, delivery and marking of assessment on a computer. But the
term is often used to include just some components of the process i.e. on-screen marking or
test creation.

E-assessment is also referred to as online assessment, computer-based testing, computer-

based assessment – these terms are often used interchangeably. E-assessment can be used for
formative or summative assessments.

Online quizzes

An online quiz is an excellent way to evaluate a student’s knowledge. It is very effective in

the online learning process, as teachers can understand how much a student has understood
the concept. With the help of online quizzes, teachers can know the knowledge gap and teach
accordingly. It can also work as a revision process, as students can know how much they
have learned, and then they can improve their scores by learning more. As the name suggests
online quiz is a quiz taken online, through the internet. There are many benefits of Online
quizzes like it saves a lot of time for both students and teachers, students can know
their understanding for the concept, teachers can know how much students have understood
the concept, there can be no cheating in an online quiz as there is a time limit, and many
more. It motivates students to concentrate more on their studies and improve their scores in
the online quizzes. It also improves students’ participation in-class activities like discussions.
Tests and exams can be very pressurizing for students, they take tension and there is not
good as it could be.

Online quizzes are fun and interesting, it also increases the interest in the subject.

Engage your audience

Engage your audience in a unique and fun way and connect them to your brand or learning
material. By creating a returning event, you will improve your consumer loyalty.

Large number

Taking online quizzes makes it possible to have a large number of participants. It could be
up to a number of 1000 participants (and even more!). It doesn’t matter at what kind of
location they take the online quiz as long as they are connected to the Internet.

Randomizing questions

It is significant more easy to randomize your question with just one click than to do it all
manually. Randomizing questions and even answers of those questions is not a lot a of work
to do with online quizzes. Besides the advantage of time saving, it also helps preventing
students from cheating.

Quiz results/ gain insight in audience

Another plus of online quizzes is getting immediate results from your participants. Not only
does the creator get the results, the participant itself is also possible to get his or her results.
This makes it for the creator easy to identify the gaps in knowledge. The participants are able
to view on what kind of section they have to improve themselves.

More benefits of an online quiz

No instructor needed

Quizzes can be given without an instructor, which saves money and time :)

Set timer

The creator is able to set a timer for the whole quiz or to set a timer per question. This is
possible to do with written quizzes, but is very time consuming for the instructor. Plus it’s
almost impossible to do with a huge amount of participants.

Better overview

It’s possible to show one question at the time with online quizzes. People are not able to skip
a question, because you will get a reminder that you can’t leave the answer blank.

Improve your brand

There are several ways to gain more brand awareness: Generate new interactive sales
opportunities, build your traffic to your online channels, improve time spent on site and
improve the sharing on social media about your campaign and brand.

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