1 Main Idea and Topic

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_— (Menentukan Gagasan Utama/ide Pokok dan Topik) Soal yang menanyakan Gagasan Utama/Ide Pokok (Main Idea) selalu ada dalam soal PS SBMPTN. Main Idea (Gagasan Utama/ide Pokok) Adalah dasar atau inti pembahasan dalam sebuah paragraf atau teks yang menjadi dasar pengembangan sebuah paragraf atau teks. 6 Berupa kalimat lengkap (Ada Subjek dan Predikat) Contoh: Climate change has caused environmental issues. Topic/Topik © Adalah inti pembicaraan dari sebuah teks atau paragraf. Bisa disimpulkan kalua Main Idea sudah ditemukan. © Diekspresikan dalam bentuk frasa Contoh: The impacts of climate change. A, Typical Questions (Model Pertanyaan): 1. What is the main idea of the passage? ‘The primary idea of the passage is. Which of the following best expresses the idea of the text? What is the best title for the passage? The main topic of the passage is... What does the passage mainly discuss? What is the topic of the passage above? What is the subject of the passage? The passage is primarily concerned with... 10. What does the passage mainly discuss? 11. What is the author’s main point in the passage? 12. What is the author primarily concerned? se Prnavawn 8. Strategi Menentukan Main Idea/Topic ‘dealnya adalah kita baca teks secara menyeluruh, tapi seringkali waktu yang ada tidak memungkinkan. Bagaimana cara cepat tapi juga aman untuk menentukan main idea/topik? Trik THE KING 1. Cermati paragraf pertama. Kenapa? Main Idea sebuah teks terkadang bisa ditemukan di Paragraf pertamanya, bak di awal paragraf atau di akhir paragraf. Kadang ada juga yang harus disimpulkan. Cek apakah paragraf berikutnya mendukung ide pokok yang kita temukan di paragraf Pertama, Caranya? Pahami kalimat pertama paragraf 2.3 (paragraf yang ada di tengah), Main Idea paragraf yang terletak di tengah biasanya ada di kalimat pertamanya, ‘ 4, Buat Kesinpurers C. Contoh Soal dan Pembahasan Contoh 1 Be ' In the philosophy of John Dewey, @ sharp distinction is made between intelligence nd i aang intelligence is the only absolute way to achieve a balance d wisdom of life. Intelligence involves reasoning. According to Dewey, a between realism and idealism, between practicality al hides interacting with other things and knowing them while reasoning is merely the act of an jects outside the world of things. With reasoning, | observer, a mind that beholds or grasps 0 Keil : ! a level of mental certainty can be achieved, but itis through intelligence that control is taken | of events that shape one’s life. What is the topic of this passage? ‘A. The intelligence of John Dewey Distinctions made by John Dewey ' Dewey's ideas on the ability to reason ' How intelligence differs from reasoning in Dewey’s works. B. c D. E, John Dewey's works in philosophy which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. The process of nitrogen fixation ‘Two nitrogen processes The return of nitrogen to the air The effect of nitrogen on plant life The absorption of nitrogen by plants moos Pembahasan: - _ Cermati kalimat pertama dari tiap paragraph. Paragraph 1: Nitrogen fixation is a process by which nitrogen is continuously fed into biological circulation. - Fiksasi nitrogen adalah proses di mana nitrogen secara terus- menerus dimasukkan dalam sirkulasi biolog Paragraph 2: The opposite process of deni ification returns nitrogen to the air. — Proses sebaliknya dari denitrifikasi mengembalikan nitrogen ke udara. Simpulkan: Paragraf 1 membahas proses nitrifikasi, paragraf 2 membahas denitrifikasi. Dua proses yang berbeda. - Jawaban B. Dua proses nitrogen. Contoh 3: ‘The damming of river systems in the northwestern United States has had devastating effects on salmon. In the spring young salmon, called smolts, drift into rivers from smaller streams. They swim with the current downstream heading for the Pacific Ocean. Before the large scale construction of dams, the young salmon used the strong flow from melting snows to get to the sea in between six and twenty days. It is necessary to do this because during these days the smolts’ bodies undergo the physiological changes for adaptation to salt water. Unfortunately, the current has become very slow due to the construction of numerous dams. Companies operating the dams also intentionally slow the current. They store the water from the melting snow until the winter, when more electric power is needed. The net result is that many of the young fish do not survive the now sixty day trip to the sea. The Net result is that many of the young fish do not survive the now sixty-day trip to the sea. Consequently, there are fewer adult salmon to migrate back up the rivers for breeding. When it comes time for the salmon to return, they again face the problems of dams. As fewer adult salmon are able to get back to their cool upstream water, they fail to produce sufficiently Numerous new generations of salmon. This cycle could eventually lead to extinction of the fish, Attempts are being made to transport the young salmon downriver by barge. However, many scientists think that this artificial method of getting the fish to the sea kills more than "saves, Another suggestion, recently proposed by environmentalists, isto increase the rate salmon numbers. One metho servoits. This WOUIA speed yp e declining ream res of water flow. This would be a partial ue ene of doing this would call for releasing water the downstream movement of the smolts: ee eE ee, Another method would be to eee pagel This would also incre the fd nie ai ied mate ‘amounts of water and, eee pak : snmon te move downatieam faster, Unfortunate th of ese P in criticism from the power companies. 2 Which of the following is the main topic of the passage" A. The failure of adult salmon to reproduce 8. The importance of smolts returning upstream C. The need for smolts to reach saltwater quickly : The harm caused to salmon by river damming. : E._Theattempts to save salmon from extinction. Pembahasan: - Cermati paragraf 1. Kalimat 1: The damming of river systems in the northwestern United States has had devastating effects on salmon. -Pengedaman sistem sungaidi AS barat laut memiliki dampak merusak pada salmon. I Kalimat selanjutnya merupakan kalimat berisi ide penjelas. - Untuk memastikan, cek kalimat pertama dari setiap paragraf berikutnya. Penjelasan di paragraf 2, 3, dan 4 mendukung ide tentang dampak terhadap salmon. | - Cocokkan dengan opsi jawaban yang disediakan, + Jawaban: D 9 Jawaban D merupakan bentuk parafrase dari kalimat 1 Harm caused. ..—bahaya yang disebabkan, devastating effects. Paragraf 1. memiliki kedekatan makna dengan kata Contoh 4 (SBMPTN 2019) the name of a villa €ast of Banjarmasi Successfully cultiy 'ge, Desa Gambut (now Gambut in, South Kalimantan. itis at this | ated in peat soiled rice fields. !" | arate soil order called histos | sub-district), which is located about 10 km place that for the fist time, rice has been the soil taxonomy system, peat soils are 9FOUped into a sey Which means that the land is predomi ant ofthe remains of planttissues. he nature ang Posed OF Organic soil materials in the for™ aides ft soil materials in based on their physical and chemical Properties, meters of peat rane Gambut has dak brown to blackish colors or reddish, after decomposition, Althou, the “NOUGh its, wn based on the weight of the contems atk humic basic materials are gray, bo « tS, Peat soil of co POUNdS will appear, Furthermor® Smut, which has undergone furthe composition, has content weight ranging from 0.2 to 0.3 g/cm3. Due to the low content ont. peat has 2 large capacity as water storage, about 2-4 times its dry weight In fact. wispeat that has not been decomposed can store up to 12 oF 15 even 20 times more water | sritsown weight. In addition, peat soil has a large absorption area, which is up toatimes | fr than montmoniionite clay. ext, peat soil has acidic reaction properties. Decomposition of organic matters will aauce organic acids that accumulate in the body of the soil hence increasing the acidity Be peat sil. Generally, Peat soil shows real resistance to changes in pH when compared tomineral soils. As a result, peat soil requires more limestone to increase the pH at the same joel of the value of mineral soll. Thus, peat soll requires a higher dose of fertilizers than mineral soil furthermore, based on the nutrients contained in it, peat soil isa type of nutrient-poor colt High level of Nand organic matters in peat soils are also accompanied by a high N | pitrification process so that the activity of heterotrophic organisms is not well stimulated | and the organisms active in the nitrification process can carry out their activities. Therefore, the levels of P (phosphorus) and K (potassium) of peat soils are generally lower than that | gfthe mineral soils. Also, the plants cultivated on the peat soil are very responsive to the | fertilization using P and K. ‘ (adapted from https://freelearningjiwordpress.com/) What is the main idea of the passage? ‘A Peat soil has good properties as fertilizers. 8. Peat soil is physically and chemically different C Peat soil has certain physical and chemical properties D.Peat soil has chemical properties that are quite different from clay £. Peat soil is brown because of its physical and chemical properties Pembahasan: - Cermati paragraf 1. Perhatikan kalimat terakhir paragraf 1 (main idea): The nature and characteristics of peat soils can be determined based on their physical and chemi- calproperties. (Sifat dan ciri-ciri tanah gambut bisa ditentukan berdasarkan sifat-sifat fisik dan kimiawinya. ~ Untuk memastikan , cek kalimat pertama dari setiap paragraf berikutnya. Paragraf 2: Gambut has dark brown to blackish colors. (Gambut berwarna coklat gelap sampai kehitaman). Paragraf 3, 4 juga sama. Main ideanya (di kalimat 1 juga mendu- kung ide di paragraf 1) - Cocokkan dengan opsi jawaban yang disediakan > Jawaban:¢ Jadi’Peat soil has certain physical and chemical properties (Tanah gambut memiliki sifat-sifat fisik dan kiwiawi tertentu) adalah jawaban yang tepat.

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