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Strength and Conditioning

for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu

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Nathaniel Brian Jones, PhD, CSCS1 and Elizabeth Ledford, MS, CSCS2
Kinesiology and Health Studies, Georgetown College, Georgetown, Kentucky; and 2Health and Sport Sciences,
University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky

Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear in the printed text and are provided
in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on the journal’s Web site (

SUMMARY more time for advanced competitors. directly with jiu-jitsu athletes. Because
The athletes are divided according to of the similarities between the sports,
sex, age, weight, and skill level. Sepa- studies examining wrestling and
rate divisions are held for those judo can, in many cases, be extrapo-
competing with a gi (jacket, belt, and lated to BJJ (4,12). The needs of BJJ
JUDO AS WELL AS ITS OWN pants) and without the gi (t-shirt/rash athletes regarding injury prevention,
SPECIFIC TECHNIQUES. THIS guard and shorts or wrestling singlet). strength, power, conditioning, and
ARTICLE DISCUSSES HOW TO Typically, tournaments are arranged flexibility are covered in the following
DESIGN AN APPROPRIATE in single elimination format so that to sections.
STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING win the athlete may have several
PROGRAM FOR THE SPORT. matches with a break of 5–15 minutes INJURY PREVENTION
IT COVERS THE STRENGTH, between. Although no direct research has been
POWER, ENDURANCE, AND performed on BJJ, analysis of similar
Points are awarded for takedowns and
FLEXIBILITY NEEDS OF THE JIU- for achieving various control positions sports, such as wrestling, suggest that
JITSU ATHLETE AND INJURY on the mat. If a submission lock or the most likely areas for injury during
PREVENTION. strangle is secured and one fighter is training and competition are the neck,
forced to submit by ‘‘tapping out,’’ then shoulders, elbows, and knees (8,11). All
the other fighter wins immediately. In training programs for this sport should
razilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) is a com- the event no one submits, the winner address this issue by providing ade-

B petitive sport and self-defense

art based on taking your oppo-
nent to the ground, achieving posi-
is the athlete with the most points at
the end of the match. Ties are dealt
with differently at different tourna-
quate strength and range of motion
work for these areas. Although basic
lifts, such as presses, pulls, and squats,
tional control, and applying joint ments. Sometimes judges will break will provide supporting musculature
locks or strangles. This art has gained the tie with a system of advantages to for the elbows and knees, some
increasing popularity in the United give the match to the competitor who additional specific work should be
States since it was showcased in the was more aggressive or technically added for the neck and shoulder
first Ultimate Fighting Championship sound, and in other cases, there will complex. Examples of supplemental
in 1993. After the success of BJJ in this be an overtime period. neck work include manual partner
mixed martial arts’ event, the number resistance, head straps, 4-way neck
of practitioners increased dramatically. machines, neck bridging, and exercises
Today, numerous BJJ and submission like shrugs that involve the trapezius.
Proper strength and conditioning For the shoulder, there are many
grappling tournaments are held world- programming for any sport must
wide every year. variations of internal and external
begin with an analysis of needs. An rotation exercises using bands, cable
Because of the absence of a single analysis of needs is the determination machines, and dumbbells.
governing body for BJJ competition in of the physical attributes necessary
the United States, the rules can vary for an athlete to excel in his or her KEY WORDS:
among tournaments. Generally, each given sport (16). BJJ is a relatively jujitsu; jiu-jitsu; judo; grappling; martial
match is 4–5 minutes in duration with new sport, and consequently, there is arts; wrestling
some tournaments allowing slightly almost no scientific literature dealing

60 VOLUME 34 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2012 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association
Table 1 STRENGTH/POWER NEEDS a strength foundation, and volume
Sample warm-up routine for all Grappling involves a wide variety of should be increased gradually during
sessions movements and all major muscle the training cycle. An appropriate
groups. Additionally, strength in vari- strength foundation for the use of
Warm-up routine ous types of contractions is required: lower-body plyometrics is a back squat
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Joint rotations high velocity, power for takedowns 1RM of 1.5–2.5 times the athlete’s
and escapes, and slow or static strength body weight. For upper-body plyomet-
Neck for gripping, holding, and applying rics, a strength standard of a 1RM
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Wrists submission techniques. This strength bench press of at least body weight for
training must also be accomplished larger athletes and 1.5 times body
Arms and shoulders weight for smaller athletes is recom-
without excessive muscular hypertro-
Trunk phy because of the weight divisions. In mended (1).
short, BJJ athletes must be as strong In addition to all around strength and
and powerful as possible for their power, special attention must be given
Knees bodyweight particularly in the pulling to improving the BJJ athlete’s grip.
muscles, core, hips, and posterior Both static and dynamic grip strength
chain (8). and endurance are vital to competitive
Full-body warm-up series success. Once the grip goes, the player
BJJ, unlike many other sports, requires
20 jumping jacks that the athlete practice against heavy, will have little chance of properly
often maximal, resistance during each applying takedowns or submission
10 bodyweight squats techniques. Exercises to improve
skill training session. This could possi-
5 walkout push-ups bly lead to overtraining when com- static grip include lifts with thick bars,
bined with a high-volume lifting towel grip pull-ups, and sandbag
10 Sit-ups exercises. For dynamic grip training,
program, so the prescribed weight
10 alternating front lunges training volume must be lower than loaded hand gripping machines, wrist
that for many other sports. It is also rollers, or rubber ball squeezes can be
5 hindu push-ups
critical that the intensity and volume practiced.
10 dumbbell high pull snatches of the weight room work be varied
to take into account what the athlete CONDITIONING NEEDS
is doing on the mat during a given BJJ matches are usually relatively short
training phase. BJJ coaches and (typically 4–5 minutes) and fast paced,
Injury prevention work does not
athletes should remember that the so the primary conditioning emphasis
require a high volume or special
primary goal is increasing their grap- should be on anaerobic endurance.
day. Incorporate these exercises into
pling performance. If lifting begins to However, some tournaments allow
the warm-up routine, pair them with
interfere with skill training, modifica- more experienced competitors up to
primary exercises during the work-
tions must be made to the lifting 10 minutes per match, so aerobic
out, or place them at the end of
program (10). capacity is important as well. Alth-
the training session (Table 1). When
using these exercises during the BJJ athletes can perform complex ough the matches can sometimes
warm-up, make sure to keep the training to blend strength and power end quickly with a submission tech-
volume and intensity low enough training into a single training session. nique, this cannot be guaranteed. A
not to fatigue the stabilizer muscle Complex training involves pairing a properly conditioned grappler should
groups during the high-intensity high-load low-repetition (rep) strength be able to fight at a high intensity
work to follow. Indian club swings exercise with low-load high-speed for the duration of the match and
or light kettlebell exercises make power exercise. For example, the still have a reserve in the case of
great shoulder work before heavy athlete performs a set of 5 squat reps an overtime round. It is absolutely
lifting. If you decide to pair them at 85% 1 repetition maximum (RM), critical that the athlete develop a
with primary lifts, choose exercises waits 30–60 seconds, then performs physiological ability to buffer the
that will not interfere with the a set of plyometric box jumps. This acidosis produced by glycolytic
performance of the primary lifts. type of training is more efficient and is lactic acid production. Additionally,
For instance, use neck extensions thought to take advantage of the neural the grappler must increase the psy-
between sets of back squats. The potentiation provided by the high-load chological ability to tolerate the
best option may be to wait until all of exercise to enhance the performance painful effects of extreme drops in
the high-intensity work is finished and training effect of the plyometric blood pH.
before performing the injury pre- work (5,13). Plyometric training should The conditioning routines outlined in
vention exercises. only be included after the athlete has Tables 2 and 3 provide examples of

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Strength and Conditioning for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu

Table 2
Sample workout week for the preparatory period

Monday: Lifting Tuesday: Conditioning

Warm-up series Warm-up series
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Complex pair Jump rope rounds (5 3 3 min)

Weighted pull-ups 5 3 6–8 reps (80–85% 1RM) 30-sec light jumping
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DB high pull 5 3 3 reps (30–40% 1RM) 30-sec high-knee sprints

Circuit A (34) 60-sec Kimura sit-ups
3 10 per arm DB bent-over rows Calisthenic rounds (3 3 5 min)
3 15 incline sit-ups as many rounds as possible
3 10 DB push press 3 20 jumping jacks
3 10 glute ham raise 3 10 push-ups
Circuit B (34) 3 15 bodyweight squats
3 10 BB curls 3 20 seal jumps
3 20 med ball Russian twist 3 20 mountain climbers
3 15 hindu push-ups 3 5 burpees
3 10 per leg DB front lunges 3 10 V-ups
Wednesday: Lifting Thursday: Conditioning
Warm-up series Warm-up series
Complex pair Rowing machine round (10 min)
BB back squats 5 3 5 (80–85% 1RM) 10-min total
Drop jumps 5 3 3 30-sec sprinting
Circuit A (34) 30-sec active recovery (light rowing)
3 10 leg curl (with isosqueeze) Kettlebell/DB circuit (5 3 3 min)
3 20 standing bar twist 3 15 two-hand swing
3 10 cable Ys 3 10 per arm one-arm push press
3 10 DB triceps extensions 3 10 per arm one-arm snatch
Circuit B (34) 3 5 per arm one-arm overhead squat
3 15 standing calf raises
3 10 reverse hypers
3 10 plate raises
3 15 grip machine
Friday: Lifting
Warm-up series
Complex pair
BB bench press 5 3 5 (80–85% 1RM)
Plyometric pushups 5 3 3
(continued on next page)

62 VOLUME 34 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2012

Table 2
(continued )
Circuit A (x4)
3 10 DB overhead press
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3 10 hanging leg raise

3 10 per leg DB side lunge
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3 15 BB shrug
Circuit B (34)
3 10 DB pullover
3 20 Rainbows
3 10 cable pull-throughs
3 10 BB reverse curls
BB = Barbell; DB = dumbbell.

interval training workouts. High-intensity more sport-specific exercises. A single OFF-SEASON/IN-SEASON

interval training (or the alternation of set of 10–20 repetitions for each TRAINING
bouts of maximal or near-maximal work) exercise is adequate. Static stretches, There is no official season for BJJ, so
with periods of lower-intensity work or such as the hurdler’s stretch for the the standard periodization model used
rest has been shown to develop both hamstrings, should be done slowly and with many team sports is not applica-
anaerobic and aerobic endurance. This is held for 4–5 repetitions of 20–30 ble. Tournaments occur all year round,
optimal in terms of sport-specificity and seconds each. and the athlete and/or coach will have
efficiency (2,3) to decide which competitions to train
for and which are most important. If
FLEXIBILITY BODY COMPOSITION the next upcoming tournament is
Because of the positions required for BJJ competitors are grouped into several months away, then the athlete
BJJ, a fair amount of static and dynamic weight classes at tournaments. There should focus his or her attention on
flexibility is required for success and is a lack of standardization of rules so building maximal strength, maintaining
injury prevention. Areas of particular that the actual classes may vary, but endurance, and keeping body fat low to
concern are the hamstrings, hips, lower the typical range of weight is 10–20 stay close to competition weight.
back, and shoulders. Grappling is pounds per class. BJJ athletes should Because skill work is likely to be more
a contact sport, and too much flexibil- maintain a low percentage of body fat technical and less intense during this
ity might predispose the athlete to to ensure that they are not forced to phase of training, weight room volume
injury (9). The key is to determine if compete in an unnecessarily heavy can be higher. As tournament time
inflexibility in any areas is preventing weight class. Moving into a higher approaches and mat training becomes
proper movement patterns and work class because of excess body fat will more intense, the emphasis should shift
specifically to correct the problem. place the athlete at a disadvantage to building anaerobic and strength
Beginning each workout with 5–10 because of the greater relative endurance while maintaining limit
minutes of dynamic range of motion strength of his or her opponent. A strength and bringing body fat levels
exercises and ending it with 5–10 body fat percentage of 5–10% is down to achieve proper competition
minutes of light static stretching should optimal (15). Weight management is weight. During this phase of training,
be adequate to maintain proper flexi- best accomplished by proper eating weight training volume must be red-
bility for athletes who have no special habits and the manipulation of calorie uced to accommodate the increased
needs (6,7,14). intake. Additional conditioning work- intensity and volume of drilling and
Dynamic range of motion exercises outs may be added to help reduce sparring sessions. This will reduce the
include joint swings and rotations using body fat but should be added spar- risk of overtraining.
all areas of the body with particular ingly because they could lead to One basic periodization plan is to
emphasis on those that will be trained overtraining. Never use additional devote 3 months to off-season type
the hardest. Start with nonspecific workouts to attempt to make up for strength and power training before
movements and work gradually into a poor diet. each competitive period. During this

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Strength and Conditioning for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu

Table 3
Sample workout week for tournament season

Monday: Lifting Tuesday: Conditioning

Warm-up series Warm-up series
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Power set Rowing machine round (3 3 5 min)

BB hang clean . push jerk, 5 3 3 (30–40% 1RM) Alternate for 5 min
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Standing cable abs, 5 3 10 60-sec easy row

Maximum effort set A 60-sec sprint
Weighted dips 3 3 5 (80–85% 1RM) Active recovery for 60 sec
DB side bends 3 3 10/side 60-sec Kimura sit-ups (see Video 1, Supplemental Digital
Content 1,, demonstrating
Kimura sit-ups) (Figure 1)
Maximum effort set B Basketball court line drills (310) (see Figure 2)
BB bent-over row 3 3 5 (80–85% 1RM) 30-sec rest for the first 5 drills
Straight leg sit-ups 3 3 10 60-sec rest for the second 5 drills
Auxiliary circuit (34)
3 12 DB triceps extensions
3 20 bodyweight walking lunges
3 12 DB hammer curls
3 20 bodyweight step-ups
3 10 per direction neck machine
Wednesday: Conditioning Thursday: Conditioning
Warm-up series Warm-up series
Calisthenic circuit (3 3 5 min) Grappling specific movement rounds (33)
60-sec light jogging active rest between rounds 32-min cooperative partner pummeling (see Video 2,
Supplemental Digital Content 2,, showing partner
pummeling) (Figure 3)
3 20 jumping jacks 2-min partner leapfrog drills
3 10 bodyweight squats 2-min bear crawls
3 10 burpees 60-sec rest
3 1 elbow drag (30 feet) (see Video 3, Medicine ball circuit (2 3 5 min)
Supplemental Digital Content 3,, showing
the elbow drag) (Figure 4)
3 10 push-ups Use a 10–20 lb med ball
3 10 sit-ups 3 10 floor slams
Mile runs (32) 3 10 wall ball
Run miles as fast as possible 3 5 per direction torso circles
2-min walking active rest between miles 3 10 floor to sky
(continued on next page)

64 VOLUME 34 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2012

Table 3
(continued )
Friday: Lifting
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Warm-up series
Power set
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DB jump squats 5 3 3 (15–20% BW)

Straight leg sit-ups (5 3 10)
Maximum effort set
BB box squat 5 3 5 (80–85% 1RM)
Neck machine 1 3 10 per direction
Auxiliary circuit (34)
3 10 glute ham raises
3 10 per arm alternating DB upright row
3 10 reverse hypers
3 15–20 divebomber push-ups
3 15 DB shrugs
BB = Barbell; DB = dumbbell.

preparatory period, the emphasis will into circuits. The athlete should move gradually build up over several sets.
be on increasing maximal strength and through these circuits as quickly as Perform the paired exercise 30 seconds
power while maintaining base levels of possible without resting until all sets after the heavy exercise, then allow
conditioning. To build both maximal and reps are completed. The continu- 1–2 minutes of recovery before the
strength and power, complex training ous activity will provide some degree next set (5).
is recommended. Each workout also of cardiovascular conditioning during
Complete each auxiliary circuit a total
trains the entire body but has a partic- each weight session.
of 4 times: the first time with a rela-
ular emphasis. One day is devoted to
tively light weight to warm-up, then
pressing, one to pulling, and another to SAMPLE WORKOUT WEEK FOR
lower body. The muscle groups not the last 3 with the working weight.
emphasized during a particular session Take minimal rest between circuits to
The sets listed for the complex pairs do
are trained at a reduced intensity. For maximize the conditioning effect
not include warm-up sets. When using
example, during a heavy lower body (Figures 2,5–8).
heavy loads, athletes should always
day, the upper body is worked using do a lift-specific warm-up. Begin The conditioning routines are meant to
a lower volume and intensity. After the with a load representing about 50% be short and intense to simulate com-
complex pair, the exercises are broken of the intended working weight, then petitive conditions. If the BJJ athlete

Figure 1. Kimura sit-ups.

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Strength and Conditioning for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu
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Figure 2. Basketball court conditioning drills.

Figure 3. Cooperative Pummelling.

Figure 4. Elbow Drag.

typically wears a mouthpiece during breathing somewhat, so the athlete Whichever way the athlete competes,
competition, it is recommended that must get used to this in training. he or she should mimic this during
he or she wear it during all condition- Competitions are also usually done conditioning because of the changes in
ing workouts. Mouthpieces restrict barefooted or with wrestling shoes. foot biomechanics.

66 VOLUME 34 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2012

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Figure 5. Bar twists.

Figure 6. Stability ball hamstring curls.

It is advisable to taper by eliminating

all lifting during the week before any
tournament to focus exclusively on
endurance and skill training. This will
allow time for full recuperation before
competition. Some athletes may need
a longer taper and some may make
due with a shorter taper depending on
the intensity of their training and
the individual’s recovery capacity
(Figures 9–13).


As previously discussed, as tournament
time nears, the volume of weight
training is lowered to accommodate
more demanding skill training. In this
phase of training, the emphasis is on
maintaining strength and power while
Figure 7. Medicine ball slams. increasing anaerobic endurance.

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Strength and Conditioning for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu
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Figure 8. Dumbbell overhead squats.

Figure 9. Plyometric push-ups.

Figure 10. Rainbows.

Figure 11. Stability ball reverse hyperextensions.

68 VOLUME 34 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2012

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Figure 12. Medicine ball Russian twist.

Figure 13. V-ups.

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