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Hello dear Maria, this is your reading about the confirmation of your

spiritual guide.

I asked the spirits if you had a celebrity spiritual guide and the 6 of cups
card came out, it is a positive card that means "Yes", this represents that
your guide has been with you since childhood or adolescence, for a long
time now and he have been present in your life in a certain way and have
inspired you. I asked for more information and the lovers card came out,
this person was married for a long time, with a kind of soulmate, that
person also appears in this reading and probably both are your spiritual
guide, there is a masculine and feminine energy. With the death and 7 of
cups card, this person was sick for a long time and died of a terminal
illness, this illness was progressing little by little, for quite some time in his
life, his death could have had a great impact on people's lives , his soul was
not ready to leave yet, he was confused and questioned many things, this
person did not understand his death and was not ready that is why he is
now a spiritual guide. His death happened unexpectedly and there were
many people questioning the situation. 7 of cups also represents that he
may have had certain addictions in his earthly life. With 3 of wands this
person was a man, your guide wants you to know that he knows that you
have gone through various challenges in your life and that he understands
you and when you feel lonely or sad, he is there accompanying you, trying
to enlighten you, because he wants you to advance towards the next
chapter of your life, he wants to help you not stop and follow your dreams,
your goals, do what makes you happy and discover new things every day,
expand your horizons and let to flow your creativity, that is its main
purpose as your spiritual guide, to help you go further, to take the next
necessary steps in a unique, creatively and special way, in your own way
and as only you know.
They also want you to know that they have a very deep and special
connection with you, in some way this guide has marked your life and has
influenced you in a very peculiar way, this guide is part of your tribe of souls
and understands you in a very big way. special because your soul reflects
his. This guide is very protective of you and wants to take care of you at all
costs and they want you to know that they will always be there for you. He
wants you to focus on your future, trust what your intuition is telling you.



You are not alone. Help and support are always available to you, whether
through your friends, family, guides, deities or guardian angels. Stay open to
receiving that comforting energy. Even the strongest among us have
moments of vulnerability. There is strength in allowing yourself to receive
comfort and grow from a place of acceptance. Accept help with grace and

ELECTRIC EEL SPIRIT - "Bring your ideas to life."

Seemingly out of nowhere, the jolt of Electric Eel Spirit appears to awaken
you to a big idea that you are meant to explore. Epiphanies and aha
moments are gifted to you right now — so celebrate! Your life has the
potential for profound transformation; inspiration arises in you, electrifying
you so that you can't wait to get started bringing your idea to life. The
revelations you experience now are meant to set you on a new path, so do
not be afraid to act. Explore, examine, and do not fear the changes that
may come, for Spirit wants to shower you with the love, success, and
abundance that you hope to experience. Now is a thrilling time of
epiphanies, inspired ideas, and innovation. This is a wondrous sign for you

Blessings. Lizzie.

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