Core & Functional Compentencies

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Xerox core compentencies

Uses basic information about the client to anticipate
Client focus needs and increase satisfaction
Puts the customer first and works with others to
ensure the delivery of the SLA’s relevant to their
Communicates clearly and confidently with the
customer, providing regular updates

Listens carefully to the customer and checks to

ensure they have understood their requirements

Identifies correct solutions for the customer and

suggest alternative solutions in the face of
unreasonable demands
Makes the customer feel important by focusing on
what they are saying and using the customer’s

Handles complaints without being defensive and

tries to understand the real, underlying problem

Acts quickly in response to customer problems,

takes ownership and sees them through to
satisfactory conclusion
Goes the extra mile to deliver to the customer,
putting in extra effort and resources when

Uses effective communication and meeting skills

Communication & influencing well

Is clear and concise, verbal or written

Accurately summarises information

Keeps others informed in a timely manner

Uses a logical order and structure

Selects the best communication approach (email,

phone, meeting)

Proactively shares information with others

Practises attentive and active listening when others

are talking

Asks questions to understand information and

Is able to write business document relating to own
area of expertise (e.g. sections of bid responses)

Corporate citizenship Makes decisions in the best interest of the business

Shares complete and accurate information

Maintains confidentiality

Adheres to company business ethics policy

Meets personal commitments and promises
Accepts responsibility for own mistakes
Addresses issues and problems directly and
honestly with the people involved
Accountable for their actions
Supports the company’s core values during good
and bad times
Treats others with respect and values diversity
Actions are consistent with words
Seeks and values other people’s contributions

Embracing change (Agility) Copes effectively with change

Willing to change ideas after listening to others

Adopts new processes and procedures without


Remains confident and positive in conditions of


Quickly adjusts to working effectively within

changing environment

Is responsive and positive towards change

Makes sure they understand changes by asking

questions of others
Works flexibly to achieve results and meet the
needs of the situation

Results focus Responds to requests quickly

Keeps things simple wherever possible

Committed to the task, not distracted by day to day


Prepared to give extra personal effort to achieve

goals, showing energy and commitment

Takes ownership of tasks/issues to resolution

Ensures all work is delivered to a high standard

Consistently views challenges with a “can do”
Is open and honest with others, focuses on the
reality of the situation

Takes action before a situation turns into a problem

Remains calm under pressure

Prioritises tasks appropriately

Recognises barriers and works to overcome them,

showing persistence and flexibility

Works effectively and efficiently with the extended

Team work collaboration team in harmonious situations

Recognises the effort and contribution of others

Collaborates with other teams / functions to ensure

customer needs are met

Acts on team / company decisions even when not in


Demonstrates respect , empathy and sensitivity to

the needs of others

Proactively shares information and advice with

others without being asked

Shares own knowledge, experience and skills with

team members to help them

Shares responsibility with others, taking on

additional tasks when necessary
Constructively resolves conflict as it arises, seeking
win-win solutions
Considers impact of own actions on the wider

Seeks and values the opinions of others

Recognises and appreciates cultural differences

Displays a positive attitude

Xerox core compentencies (6)
Intermediate Advanced
Continually seeks, acquires and uses extensive Acquires and uses intimate knowledge of
current information about clients client/industries and industry segments

Demonstrates awareness and understanding of Role models service excellence and the importance
relevant industries of the customer in everything we do

Asks customer for feedback and builds this in to Balances the long term requirements of Xerox with
how they work with the customer in the future the needs of the customer

Measures own performance by asking “what value Consistently looks for ways of working to improve
does this add to the customer” customer satisfaction utilising Xerox global
Manages expectations – sets out, with the Forecasts trends and future business drivers in the
customer, what can and can’t be done within client environment and influences client thinking
agreed timescales and contract
Anticipates customer’s needs based on an
understanding of their business – puts resources in
place to meet these needs

Thinks creatively to uncover new ways of working /

solutions / services and products that better satisfy
customer requirements and improve customer

Develops a perspective on the customer and an

approach which addresses their needs

Confronts behaviour which is not service focused

Reviews and refines existing processes and

procedures to deliver an excellent and consistent
service and solutions

Typically uses specialised communication and Consistently uses specialised communication and
meeting skills well in difficult situations meeting skills well in any situation
Enhances communication through the use of visual
aids, technology, delivery and style to meet needs Builds systems and processes to ensure the two-way
flow of communication at all levels
of audience and emphasise key messages
Ensures that key messages are communicated and
Commands attention and influences the audience understood at all levels and all appropriate
Challenges the views of others in an open and
constructive way, leading with questions not Regularly reviews the effectiveness of
communication channels
Actively seeks and values the opinions and ideas of Communicates to inspire, motivate and influence
others others, internally and externally
Creates opportunities for others to share Creates an environment valuing honest and open
information and ideas, within and across discussion on issues, respecting and seeking
teams/functions/geographies different perspectives
Communicates complex information in a way that is
easy to understand
Chooses the most appropriate means and adapts
the method and style of communications to
changing circumstances and needs of the audience

Promotes communication and understanding of Holds self and others responsible for high ethical
Xerox business ethics standards
Stands up for and supports deserving others in
Values and rewards openness and honesty in others
challenging situations
Creates a culture and environment where honesty
and openness are valued and rewarded, and where
Values diversity in thoughts and ideas of others
sharing any learning from past mistakes is
Challenges when he/she feels the client is being
negatively affected by the actions of others

2 3
Helps others to understand and accept the need for Challenges current ways of working, seeks out and
change, addresses barriers to change implements best practice in line with industry/
market developments
Communicates change in a positive way that
Monitors the implementation of change
inspires and motivates others
Plans change to ensure minimum disruption and
Adapts work processes to support change maximum acceptance
Creates an environment where flexibility and
Thinks ahead and plans for impending change change are the norm and people are encouraged to
try out new approaches
Seeks out and incorporating new ideas from outside Influences others to respond to change positively
into way we work via their communication and behaviour

Focuses on effective implementation of change Seeks diverse views and feedback when initiating

Realigns goals to support change Provides leadership for business transformation

Champions and initiates significant change

Acts as a change champion and energises others
programmes and business transformation
Paints the picture and vision for others of current
Makes decisions and acts without having the full
picture and future state, why change is necessary and what
are the consequences of not changing
Anticipates how changes in the industry / external
Comfortably handles risk and uncertainty marketplace will impact Xerox

Takes responsibility for achieving team goals Motivates others to achieve results, instils a sense
of urgency
Actively removes barriers that prevent a quick Translates vision/strategy into meaningful, clear and
response challenging goals
Readily takes ownership of issues and ensures quick Monitors the progress of others, supporting as
resolutions required

Demonstrates resourcefulness and commitment, Encourages and energises others to win and achieve
does not give up at the first barrier when faced with seemingly overwhelming barriers
for success

Tirelessly advocates shared accountability and

working across organisational boundaries to
Enjoys the challenge of over-coming barriers maximise achievement and opportunities for

Instils a climate where volunteering for and

Maintains composure and responds in an
appropriate manner in a high pressure situation succeeding in challenging projects and assignments
is expected
Sets challenging goals for self and others Inspires others as a behavioural role model

Strives to exceed goals and expectations Uses resources effectively and efficiently to achieve

Thinks solution rather than problem

Commits to and is accountable for operational

Aims high even if the journey to achieving the goal
will be uncomfortable
Quickly zeroes in on the critical few and puts the
trivial many aside

Works effectively and efficiently with market

Works effectively and efficiently with others in influencers and high level industry people in all
difficult situations situations
Openly encourages cross-functional team-working Builds strategies and processes that encourage open
between functions / units team interaction and collaboration

Champions team-working and collaboration across

Coaches peers, team members and individuals
organisational, geographic and cultural boundaries

Facilitates dialogue to share ideas and best practice Creates an environment valuing honest and open
across a number of teams to create common discussion on issues, respecting and seeking
ideas/views different perspectives
Empowers team members to achieve and maximise
Encourages others to make a contribution even if
their contribution by providing clarity of strategic
not part of the team
direction and expectations
Fosters a culture where openness and honesty is
Addresses problems in the team in an open manner expected and learning from past successes and
failures is shared

Resists using knowledge as power by sharing

Wins concessions without damaging relationships
information with others to make effective decisions

Makes decisions that are good for Xerox even when

in disagreement
Works cross-functionally to resolve conflicting
Identifies and uses the strengths, skills and expertise
of others to add value to the team
Addresses barriers to effective teamwork, including
existing work processes or procedures
Acts as a ‘role model’, speaking positively about the
team/it’s members and actively supporting the
decisions of the team
General compentencies (21)
Foundation Intermediate
Uses resources efficiently and controls costs in own area, adhering to Negotiates successfully internally and externally to reach
Business Acumen budgets positive outcomes on scope, terms and pricing
Understands key business metrics for own area of responsibility,
demonstrating an understanding of the principles of profit and loss Comfortable taking calculated risks to get deals done

Has a good understanding of a range of financial

Has the ability to understand a balance sheet statements (e.g. client annual reports) and the impact of
financial trends for business management

Is knowledgeable about - and adheres to - the commercial and Uses effective negotiation skills to define and close
financial guidelines and limits that apply in Xerox and the client agreements and contracts with client and/or partner
organization with a win-win outcome
Identifies risk situations, knows when to call in legal/commercial
Is proactive in monitoring and reviewing financial and
support and interacts clearly with legal/commercial departments
business results
gaining resolution

Ensures full awareness of customs and business

Contributes insightful input to business case definition and pricing management practices within the country/customer
models visited and makes provisions to accommodate them in
all interactions and presentations

Has a good understanding of current service deliverables and SLAs in Effectively trades off different types of risks vs. deal/
own area and the implications of non-delivery (including business account economics in a transparent way
risk, penalties etc.)

Undertakes a detailed analysis of the country/customer being visited Has a good awareness of issues around implementing
prior to a meeting changes in client service and contract; and takes
proactive steps to contain and mitigate business risk

Displays sound commercial judgement in managing cost

Analyses and quantifies costs and benefits base with relevant knowledge of accounting practices

Understands how own performance excellence objectives link into Effectively analyzes deal/account finances, identifying
and support the company direction key risks and improvement opportunities

Ensures results and output are in support of the company strategy

Tackles inefficiencies and explores ways of getting enhanced value
for money

Business Opportunities Awareness Uses initiative to seek new opportunities for Xerox Gains greater understanding of the customer

Demonstrates a basic understanding of industry relevant to role Recognises customer’s key stakeholders and suppliers
Knows the range of services offered by Xerox Understands customer’s business drivers and business
unit objectives

Demonstrates an awareness of how the customer views

Is aware of who are the main competitors

Recognises changes in customer activities and feeds back any useful Considers approaches to make it easier for customers to
information that could be used to develop business do business with Xerox
Looks to the industry to uncover creative new ways of
Regularly engages in conversation with customer contacts to obtain working / solutions / services and products that may
information that could lead to business opportunities better satisfy customer’s requirements
Identifies key business metrics for own area of
Recognises the different perspectives of organisations responsibility, demonstrating an understanding of the
principles of profit and loss

Looks at own area of operation to identify potential cost savings Challenges the status quo and seeks out opportunities to
add profit and value to the account

Knows who to provide information to within Xerox regarding Takes calculated risks when creating better ways of
opportunities working

Values the external perspective

Understands how Xerox compares with competitors,

both strengths and weaknesses
Makes a point of questioning customers about their
service requirements to identify any potential sales

Establishes effective business relationships at both functional and Engages client executives about high value solutions and
Consultative Selling executive levels, articulating the value that Xerox can bring services that address key client business objectives
Articulates the client’s key business strategies, initiatives and Uses industry expertise to identify ways to enhance the
associated critical success factors client’s business performance with Xerox offerings
Uncovers opportunities to provide added value to the client’s Represents the full spectrum of Xerox value to the client
business operation via business process improvement and serves as the clients advocate within Xerox
Understands document intensive business processes and document Facilitates and translates partner innovative ideas to
life cycles within a client organisation provide continuous improvement for the client
Uncovers opportunities to broaden the scope of the sales, up-selling Engages clients in conversations about their business,
and cross-selling using their language
Includes strategic partners in development of
opportunities to leverage their expertise and
Participates in industry and business related
organisations, conferences and other client related

Finds ways to make improvements in day to day work for own team Finds ways of using technology to work more efficiently
Creativity & Innovation or effectively
Uses continuous improvement tools to identify and
Encourages views and builds on the ideas of others
implement changes
Readily adopts best practice Facilitates the generation of ideas from stakeholders

Researches and brings in ideas from outside the

Has relevant information to justify ideas
company. Benchmarks against external best practise

Generates new ideas and solutions that could benefit the Constructively challenges opinion or ways of working to
performance of the team/organisation/customer make improvements
Recognises when something is not working and takes action to make Displays entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviours
Initiates and delivers client service transformation (or other change) Shows the courage to test new ideas and learn from any
activities failures

Plans, oversees and carries out service transformation,

or other change programs for clients and / or function

Understands their part in the invoice process Understands the revenue and profit associated to
Financial Management Awareness different service/solution/product request types

Knows who to consult for financial knowledge / advice Understands accruals and deferrals

Understands the importance of minimising wastage and maximising Assists in financial planning

Participates in stock taking Has full knowledge of the purchasing process

Estimates cost of individual pieces of work Can articulate wastage standards

Able to describe and implement stock level process, can
Takes account of costs of suppliers state max and min stock levels and explain the
consequences of going above or below

Basic understanding of Xerox financial policies Knows the appropriate tax rules (e.g. VAT) where

Completes appropriate P&L or budget control


Understands P&L query process

Understands credit issues, the billing processes and their
Supports and facilitates invoice query resolution

Health & Safety Awareness Adheres to Xerox H&S policy Promotes H&S policy
Encourages others to take safety seriously and ensures
Adheres to Customer H&S policy (when working on customer site) they understand the latest safety procedures e.g. via
briefings, and checking others’ understanding
Demonstrates, promotes and shares best safety
Knows the location of the site H&S policy / procedures manual
Identifies continuous improvement in own area of
Demonstrates an understanding of own safety responsibilities and
responsibility in relation to health and safety

Takes time to learn new safety rules and procedures Identifies H&S training needs in self and others

Minimises risks in the workplace by adhering to safety procedures

Understands own and others’ role in emergency situations

Recognises potential safety risks and informs management

HR Policy Awareness Informed employee Participates in staff management

Has completed the Induction process and has read the Staff Understands limit of authority in role and works within it

Understands the Ethics Policy and adheres to it Fully conversant with disciplinary procedures

Able to state Xerox and customer site security procedures and Knows when to escalate people issues and to whom
Demonstrates full knowledge of Xerox and customer site
Responsible for team HR reporting and administration
confidentiality procedures
Works within site procedures regarding holidays, sickness and
absence Manages coverage for own area of responsibility
Encourages career development and organises training
Knows who to approach within the operation with any people issues
for team

Keeps informed about training and career development Participates in interviews, inductions and reviews
Promotes performance excellence through recognition
Manages holiday and sickness levels within pre-agreed

Has developed a good understanding of a particular industry sector Is recognised internally and externally as an expert in
specialism or service line/line of business their industry area of expertise
Industry Expertise
Effectively applies their industry expertise to resolve problems or Has developed a network of contacts within their
issues industry sector
Has an awareness of developments in their industry sector of Keeps informed about developments in their industry
expertise sector of expertise and shares this with others

Developing a network of contacts within the industry area of Applies industry expertise to resolve a range of problems
expertise or issues

Developing a level of industry awareness and ability to contribute to Drawing from their industry expertise, develops winning
service solutions design and sales activities solutions that address client requirements

Has an awareness of IT industry standards and infrastructures, e.g., Translates current trends in the industry of expertise
Networks and connectivity protocols, hardware platforms and into new business opportunities/ ways of working

Has a good awareness of IT industry standards and

infrastructures (e.g., Networks and connectivity
protocols, hardware platforms and operating systems,
systems integration tools & methods)

Collates and presents information using relevant tools

Collates and presents relevant information
and acts on it
Information Gathering & Reporting
Recognises the specific information that is needed to clarify a Initiates and executes root cause analysis using
situation or reach a decision. appropriate tools for effective problem resolution
Asks questions to clarify a situation Questions others to ascertain whether they have
thought through a plan of action

Seeks out knowledgeable people to obtain information or clarity Seeks the perspectives of all stakeholders as appropriate

Is aware of own reporting responsibilities and uses appropriate tools Has a full appreciation of factors that contribute to KPIs
to capture data and produce reports and measures relating to delivery of service
Monitors and analyses relevant information to detect
Understands key performance indicators and measures relating to potential trends and service issues and to act or forecast
own area of responsibility appropriately
Deciphers and translates complex and detailed data
Has an awareness of the principles of Lean Six Sigma from various sources into clear, value-add information
for client and Xerox
Carefully checks the accuracy of information and reviews
own work and the work of others
Likely to have Lean Six Sigma Yellow or Green Belt

Successfully leads a small virtual team consisting of Xerox employees; Successfully leads and manages virtual teams, including
collaborates well as a member of team various functional experts internal and external to Xerox
Leading Virtual Teams
Operates cross-functionally and achieves results in a matrixed Motivates and leads a team of professionals to meet or
environment exceed business targets
Establishes and develops an effective method of operating,
frequency of meetings, how meetings will take place, record keeping Assembles and motivates diverse teams to create high
and communication process quality and timely completed work products

Understands own role and other team members roles as part of a Identifies the conditions and constraints which need to
larger virtual team be managed where priorities might be in conflict
Communicates clearly the objectives, direction and responsibilities of Provides clear, confident direction ensuring all team
the team members understand what is expected of them

Provides the required level of detail to each member of the team, Influences everyone in the team toward the
clarifying their roles and agreeing time-scales achievement of a common purpose and team objectives

Develops a network of functional experts and contacts across the Develops a network of functional experts and contacts
organization across the organisation internally and externally

Ensures that other communities and relevant

Ensures that confidential information is stored and shared effectively
stakeholders are aware of the virtual team project, the
between the relevant team members and protected from misuse
expected outcomes and time frames
Develops own knowledge, skills and behaviours for current and Develops the knowledge, skills and behaviours of self
Learning & Development future needs and others for current and future needs
Undertakes skills assessments and identifies
Demonstrates desire for learning and seeks out opportunities to development actions using a range of developmental
develop techniques
Sees new and challenging activities as a learning
Seeks feedback from others to improve self-awareness

Accurate and honest in identifying strengths and development areas Talks about mistakes and what has been learned

Maintains a current development action plan and performance

objectives Uses feedback from others to adapt and develop further

Readily coaches and develops others to provide

developmental and behaviourally specific feedback
Views people development as benefiting Xerox at
company level, encouraging and planning for the best
performers in own team to move on
Identifies role models for self and others

Plan and prepare for an effective, organised and well structured Participate, as appropriate, in analysis, design and
learning event based on sound principles of instructional design and development of learning programs; provide subject
Learning Delivery and Facilitation adult learning. matter expertise as required.
Influence the selection of design and delivery methods
Prepare learning event equipment and facilities and/or web-based in order to take into account audience preferences
virtual classroom facilities /learning styles.
Deliver a formal learning event containing simple, concrete content Evaluate quality and readiness of new programs /
(knowledge transfer and comprehension) to a group according to a deliverables and provide input to course owner for
learning plan or instructor guide. necessary revisions.
Maximize learning opportunity and learner’s ability to achieve the Deliver a formal learning event containing complex or
course objectives by creating a positive, motivating learning abstract content (application and analysis) to a group
environment according to a learning plan or instructor guide.
Deliver a formal learning event on a topic in which you
Maintain learner engagement in a virtual environment
may not be an expert
Use the most effective methods, technologies, and tools to enhance Develop a learning plan or instructor guide based on
the delivery your own subject matter expertise.
Assess the learner's situation and adapt your style and approach to Use evaluation results to proactively improve both the
enhance his or her learning. program and your delivery.
Provide management with recommendations to improve
Provide ongoing coaching / counselling to learners throughout the
learning event delivery effectiveness and expense efficiency of assigned
Assess student performance and provide student and management Modify / update training programs and documentation,
with feedback. (e.g. Learning Progress Reporting (LPR)) as appropriate

Maintain virtual communications and build

Track and communicate required updates / changes in content and
communities of practice with groups of participants
delivery process to course owners.
working through eLearning and/or blended curricula
Use Xerox learning-related systems (such as Learning@Xerox, XLMS,
Learning@Xerox Reporting).
Actively participate in Developmental Tests, Pilot Tests and Train the
Trainer sessions, as appropriate

Consult with senior level stakeholders to translate

Consult with operational level stakeholders to identify learning
solutions needed to support specific products, solutions, services and business goals into performance requirements, analyze
initiatives performance gaps, and identify potential learning
Learning Design and Consulting
Design and develop or source learning solutions, using basic concepts
Conduct comprehensive front end analyses to identify
of adult learning, appropriate instructional strategies, methodologies
learning needs of entire field populations.
and media to meet defined learning objectives

Use XIM approved learning technologies and work within Xerox

Maintain currency with theories and technologies
Learning related systems (examples: Learning@Xerox, Xerox
related to instructional design and human performance
Learning Management System, ForceTen@Xerox, SharePoint,
through participation in on-line seminars, research,
Learning@Xerox Reporting, Adobe Connect, Live Meeting, user
generated content systems and social collaboration tools for benchmarking, and memberships in appropriate
organizations (e.g., ISPI, ASTD)

Identify ways to employ new, innovative learning

Develop and implement valid strategies for assessing learner
methods and technologies to achieve instructional
knowledge and skills
Conduct a comprehensive Impact Analysis to determine
Ensure effective and efficient deployment of learning solutions
business results and, if appropriate, Return on
(including centralized, decentralized, and virtual learning)
Investment of learning initiatives.
Actively communicate the differences between true
Incorporate methods and activities and coordinate with the field, as
Instructional design and simple communication of
necessary, to ensure learning transfer and reinforcement
Use accepted processes and tools to evaluate the effectiveness and
competency development impact of learning solutions using
Learning@Xerox Reporting or other appropriate methods
Adhere to industry standards and infrastructures (e.g.,
Understand IT industry standards and infrastructures (e.g., Networks Networks and connectivity protocols, hardware
and connectivity protocols, hardware platforms and operating
platforms and operating systems, systems integration
systems, systems integration tools and methods)
tools and methods)
Learning Technologies
Understand how technology-based solutions can improve learning Demonstrate the formal and informal technologies and
effectiveness systems that support learning within Xerox

Describe and contrast learning technologies and systems, both

formal (known and documented) and informal (learning culture and
emerging practices) that support learning within Xerox (examples: Apply knowledge of industry trends and solutions
Learning@Xerox, Xerox Learning Management System, benchmarks in learning technology solutions
ForceTen@Xerox, SharePoint, Learning@Xerox Reporting, Adobe
Connect, Live Meeting, user generated content systems and social
collaboration tools for business)

Apply appropriate use of technology and systems to

Identify which learning technology is most appropriate for closing learning resources, events, programs, performance
specific learning gaps support tools and processes
Match appropriate and effective technology-based solutions to Advocate the use of appropriate learning technology
identified learning needs solutions

Describe the features, limitations, and policies of the Xerox Design, pilot-test, and implement learning activities that
Information Management environment and infrastructure  use appropriate learning technology solutions

Evaluate the application of technology solutions to

improve learning effectiveness

Readily provides mentoring and Subject Matter Expert

Seeks Subject Matter Expert (SME) support where needed
Leveraging Expertise (SME) support where they are an expert in a given area
Thoughtfully analyses/performs assessments of what has
Identifies and applies best practice to improve personal effectiveness worked well and what hasn’t, adopts and shares the
lessons learnt
Expands on Xerox’s intellectual capital and expertise to
Shares best practice across organisational boundaries add value to clients by sharing and applying it to their

Uses relationships, contacts and networks to maximise re-use and Cultivates both internal and external networks for the
achieve speed in delivery to clients benefit of Xerox
Takes a holistic view of all different capabilities across
Identifies key contacts in partner organisations for leveraging
Xerox and exploits these to ensure excellent client
expertise to mutual business benefit

Leverages partners’ strengths and is comfortable

Recognizes when additional support or expertise is required to allowing them to lead -where they have superior
enhance the service or develop the business expertise - without compromising Xerox’s status in the
client relationship
Complements own skills by bringing in colleagues from
other areas to compensate for gaps or limitations

Is skilled and experienced at the selection and usage of

Sets up robust and achievable project plans and monitors the optimum project/programme management tools,
delivery against performance measures and milestones
Managing Projects & Programs methodologies and techniques

Oversees relevant reviews, tollgates and control

Helps project team members to identify key tasks early on in process mechanisms to ensure timely delivery of quality
outcome at right cost
Advises others on the selection and practical utilisation
Experienced in project delivery and deliverables of relevant project/programme management tools,
methodologies and techniques
Follows best practice guidance to project management, suggesting Contributes to project management best practice
and initiating improvements to current ways of working knowledge base
Controls project costs and achieves agreed quality and time
measures within budget

Manages operational performance of the direct and virtual elements Develops organizational talent engaging and taking
of a team to achieve business objectives active part in talent invigoration activities
People Management
Assesses and analyzes organization’s skills, performance
Delegates work to others and monitors progress and identifies gap areas to be addressed by intervention

Recruits & shapes a high performing team Coaches and mentors outside of own team environment

Leads and manages diverse teams, including other

Encourages cross-functional team working managers, virtual teams and across organisational
Assesses and analyzes team performance, identifies performance Continuously improves the calibre of internal talent
gaps and provides timely feedback and coaching through selection and development activities
Demonstrates confidence in others to be able to reach
Demonstrates strength in people management and adherence to
people management processes and guidance and find solutions to issues without providing a ready
Sets and communicates relevant, stretching, up-to-date performance Leads and manages successful integration of acquired
excellence objectives and measures that are regularly reviewed resources into Xerox culture

Tackles promptly any performance issues Delivers difficult messages in a constructive manner

Uses appropriate reward and recognition methods to drive Considers the development needs of individuals when
performance, motivation and behaviours of the team and individuals building teams

Provides opportunities for team members to reach their own Empowers others to increase their contribution and level
decisions within their area of work of responsibility
Understands the challenges of integrating acquired resources into
Xerox culture 

Plans own work and daily activities Plans team activities

Planning & Organising
Pays attention to special order deadlines and service level
Able to carry out a number of activities in parallel
Plans activities well in advance to meet work goals and
Prioritises to focus effort on important tasks and work requests
improve customer service

Organises documents systematically and correctly Thinks ahead in order to prepare for predictably busy

Keeps files up-to-date Monitors targets and deadlines

Prioritises tasks that will contribute towards meeting

Manages time effectively team objectives

Identifies next steps and priorities When relevant, provides a clear direction for others

Regularly carries out housekeeping activities such as keeping stock, Organises resources to satisfy customer requirements
materials and own workspace tidy and organised and/ or meet work objectives

Views problems from a variety of different perspectives

Analyzes the pros and cons of a resolution to a problem
in order to develop an effective resolution
Problem Solving
Seeks out supporting information when available Seeks out and uses factual data to analyse a problem

Applies logic and common sense when analysing a problem Prioritises and evaluates possible solutions

Explores a number of different causes for problems Quickly grasps problems and their wider implications
Demonstrates a systematic approach to resolving
Applies learning from previous experience to resolve
problems, breaking them down into their component

Notices gaps in the information available Skilfully prioritises the order of issue resolution taking
into account risk, potential gains and business impact
Breaks problems down to their component parts to gain better Can use statistical tools and techniques in support of
understanding problem analysis
Awareness of internal quality tools and techniques

Authors accurate, compelling and client focussed

Surfaces and resolves disconnects across sections response documents for one or more service offerings
that communicate our unique selling points
Producing Winning Proposals
Effectively co-ordinates the gathering, analysis and
Consistently uses appropriate format and style of writing including
writing of all relevant information required to complete
graphics where relevant
bid documents in a timely manner
Designs, structures and edits response documents,
Is familiar with and utilizes existing content in bid knowledge
always ensuring that the responses provide clear and
accurate answers
Writes sections of bid responses relating to own area of expertise Provides updates and content for bid knowledge
using clear and concise language that can be integrated into a depositories, refreshing and improving answers on an
consistent whole ongoing basis

Displays understanding of the appropriate ways to build and

Establishes long-term business relationships
Relationship Management maintain relationships
Listens and interacts with others in an effective, tactful and pleasant Translates contacts into solid business relationships
Displays understanding of the goals and outcomes of successful Facilitates resource network to foster individual and
professional relationships group growth

Describes leading practices for working with clients, peers, Makes and sustains informal contacts with others in
supervisors, subordinates and other company staff addition to contacts required in the course of work

Displays understanding of the values of relationships Adds new contacts, while maintaining old contacts

Builds productive working relationships that focus on mutual Supports colleagues in their efforts to build relationships
achievement of defined goals by providing personal introductions to extend networks

Develops a resource network through the exchange of information Establishes a collaborative relationship with
Recognises the importance of networking and relationships to
Actively manages and tracks issues to resolution
building Xerox business
Establishes expectations and operating guidelines to manage Adapts interaction to suit client/internal company staff
relationships preference
Demonstrates empathy when working with the
Respects boundaries within professional relationships customer – understands the pressures they are under
and what impact that has on their work
Seeks feedback and performs actions to improve
Shows an understanding of others’ concerns and work pressures
Proactively identifies areas of potential customer
Establishes good rapport (i.e. trust and confidence) with others dissatisfaction so that they can be addressed 

Takes measured risks to move deals through process;

Clearly understands and helps mitigate risks in his/her areas of proactively identifying and managing risks that could
Risk Taking & Risk Management undermine the deal or its economics

Has a sound understanding of Xerox risk management

Contributes to overall risk register process
processes and tools, constructing complex risk registers

Promotes the awareness and importance of continuous

Complies with risk management policies and processes
risk management
Effectively articulates and explains business risks and
Uses relevant risk management tools
makes proposals on how to mitigate or manage them

Can construct a basic risk register Uses risk assessment to better inform decision making
on bid projects

Identifies major sources of information as inputs to strategy Considers the wider picture internally and externally
Strategic Leadership development when setting strategic direction
Explains different concepts, perspectives held by other individuals / Searches a broad range of information and looks for best
groups practise
Creates vision/options/solutions based upon their ability
Identifies benefits or features of idea/strategy to see the connections across wider/complex

Creates effective implementation plans for own area, allocating Communicates a compelling vision the generates
resources and following through to completion enthusiasm, understanding and energy in others

Anticipates and works to reduce constraints, or remove

Sets specific, measurable and challenging performance goals for the barriers in order to realise opportunities over the longer

Responds quickly and decisively in achieving short-term goals Redesign roles to empower others and create scope for
Takes action to reduce bureaucracy
Sets realistic improvement goals across specific areas of
the team to improve business performance
Understands the supply chain process Monitors order processing and deliveries
Supplier Management Awareness
Ensures suppliers are approved in accordance with Xerox
Knows how to access approved supplier list

Understands 3rd party ordering process Knowledge of suppliers production processes

Orders from 3rd parties using the standard process Acts as an interface to 3rd party suppliers

Engages suppliers to deliver work after appropriate approvals are in

place Understands supplier feedback process

Able to explain the implications of non-compliance with the process Understands customer requirements and assesses
Has good understanding of available products and
Fully understands supplier service levels
Understands the benefits of bulk order discounts (e.g. mail sort Able to explain the principle of incremental pricing
discounts) where relevant to contract
Knows when to escalate supply issues and to whom

Performs day-to-day hardware maintenance tasks to

Has a general knowledge and can operate PC based computer keep system in good working order (calibration,
Technical Awareness - Using IT at systems and peripherals cleaning, ventilation, mouse roller balls, keyboard,
screen etc)
Can use most applications in the MS Office suite to perform basic Can conduct basic troubleshoot software problems,
tasks knowing when and how to restart the system

Ensures system security measures are up to date (anti-

Is comfortable sending, receiving and replying to email
virus, spam filters etc)

Has used internet browsers and is confident in performing basic web Is able to use MS Office to develop complex documents
searches and files
Understands the importance of data security, version control, filing
Can read, create and edit Excel spreadsheets
and storage

Has a working knowledge of relevant software applications Understands how to use email efficiently – attachment
size, formatting, auto signature, file saving and deletion

Has a basic knowledge of databases and how they might

be used
Has developed a good understanding of a particular technical Is recognised internally and externally as an expert in
specialism or service line/line of business their technical area of expertise
Technical Expertise
Effectively applies their technical expertise to resolve problems or Has developed a network of contacts with the area of
issues technical expertise
Has an awareness of developments in their technical area of Keeps informed about developments in their technical
expertise area of expertise and shares this with others

Developing a network of contacts within the technical area of Applies technical expertise to resolve a range of
expertise problems or issues

Developing a level of technical awareness and ability to contribute to Drawing from their technical expertise, develops winning
service solutions design and sales activities solutions that address client requirements

Has a good awareness of IT industry standards and infrastructures, Translates current trends in the area of technical
e.g., Networks and connectivity protocols, hardware platforms and expertise into new business opportunities/ ways of
operating systems, systems integration tools & methods working

Has a good working knowledge of IT industry standards

and infrastructures, e.g., Networks and connectivity
protocols, hardware platforms and operating systems,
systems integration tools & methods
Demonstrates breadth and depth of international business
management acumen, both knowledge and experience
Successfully leads complex commercial contract negotiations
with customers
Demonstrates strength in managing the commercial aspects
of key strategic bids/sales/accounts involving the co-
ordination of significant partner arrangements across the
business and externally

Interprets client’s key financial and business metrics and

applies analysis to make business decisions and
recommendations that ensure Xerox’s profitability
Maintains an in-depth knowledge of the client’s market
competitiveness and business performance to mitigate or
contain longer term business risks

Develops medium to long term business strategy to ensure

that investments and business decisions are made which will
deliver value for Xerox shareholders and secure sustainable
competitive advantage

Understands market and financial trends and impacts on the

internal (Xerox) and external (customer) business strategy

Is alert to the activities of competitors in own country as well

as internationally and the level of business they achieve

Guides others on most efficient and cost effective ways to

implement and deliver service to maximise profitability

Oversees that budgets are managed effectively and that

opportunities for leveraging economies of scale across the
organization (and geographic/functional boundaries) are

Viewed by the client as the trusted supplier

Gains credibility via knowledge of Xerox offerings in relation
to the customer’s business
Identifies client’s key business processes that can benefit
from the services that Xerox provides
Identifies and evaluates commercial opportunities based on
an understanding of the customer’s business and focusing on
Profit and Loss
Focuses actions on business objectives without being
restricted by internal processes

Looks externally for inspiration and encourages staff to stay

connected to the external environment

Shows a realistic awareness of existing and future competitor


Constantly looks for ways to maximize the existing customer

contract (e.g. through additional services, products, partners
and other suppliers)

Understands the customer’s business in relation to the need

for speed to market, follow-up campaigns, customer’s
products/services, pressures on the customer, regulatory
issues affecting the customer’s business and customer’s KPIs

Uses understanding of one customer to identify potential in


Engaged with senior executives as a trusted advisor

Delivers innovation and thought leadership for the client

Understands the client’s business drivers

Sells high value solutions that enhance client’s business

Relates client’s business processes/issues with Xerox
solutions that drive measurable value for the customer
Engages clients at C-level in conversations about their
business, using their language

Manage multi-party negotiations with client and partners

Has developed a strong network of senior executive contacts

within the relevant industry group(s) 
In partnership with client builds solid business cases for

Applies innovative use of technology to work more efficiently

and effectively

Shows breakthrough thinking in defining new ideas

Sees connections across wide/complex data

Develops and implements new services/ solutions/ ways of
doing things that are unique, leading edge and add value to
Sets challenging assignments for self and others to identify
new approaches and revise current practices
Fosters a climate where experimenting and measured risk
taking are expected
Recognises the need for speed in the implementation of new
ideas, facilitates to support implementation

Values and formally recognises innovation and creativity

Plans, oversees and carries out service transformation (or

other change) programs for strategically important clients

Understands financial and query handling processes

Aware of account financial objectives and current

performance against them
Engages resources as required to support the development of
account financial plans
Participates in internal account financial reviews and planning
Understands relevant tax rules (where applicable to service)
Monitors cost base and P&L performance of contracts

Controls all expenditure and wastage for team/function

Plans and controls the production of work by fully utilising the

equipment and/or third party suppliers and producing work
by the most economic method
Supports sales to compile business models

Takes ownership of invoice query until resolution

Oversees H&S policy implementation in the function

Analyses and addresses systemic safety risks to staff,

customers and the wider community

Ensures safety rules and regulations are implemented and

adhered to

Oversees risk assessments in the function

Addresses issues of non-compliance with rules and

Ensures 3rd party contractors comply with and are trained on
local H&S procedures before commencing work

Has staff management responsibilities

Fully conversant with Xerox and local site HR Policies &
Informed about the rights of transferred employees (e.g. staff
transferred under ARD/TUPE)

Escalation point for all local people issues

Keeps staff informed and implements changes to local HR

Policy or Procedures
Liaises with relevant HR contacts for guidance and
consultative support
Responsible for local recruitment process including promoting
opportunities internally, external recruitment in line with
company guidelines, interviewing and selection

Conducts regular performance reviews and acts on results

Is recognised as an expert in their industry and related service

lines (and/or industry sector), both internally and externally
by clients and other third parties
Invests time and maintains an extensive network of contacts
within the industry of expertise
Invests time and is committed to continuous development of
their own and others’ industry expertise
Draws on their industry expertise to continually develop the
Xerox value proposition to address a broad range of client

Has an in-depth understanding of the longer term priorities

and business requirements relevant to their industry sector
and develops business solutions to address clients emerging
business drives

Has the ability to clearly articulate IT industry standards and

their relevance to client solutions and services (e.g., Networks
and connectivity protocols, hardware platforms and operating
systems, systems integration tools & methods)

Collates and presents information and applies it for strategic

purposes (e.g. securing appropriate investment, organisation
focus and direction)

Ensures effective monitoring, reporting, forecasting and

review systems are established and in use in the organisation
Probes skilfully to obtain the facts even when faced with
resistance to disclose full information
Based on deep understanding of client, industry and Xerox
business environments defines relevant information and
reporting to meet business need
Likely to have Lean Six Sigma Green or Black Belt

Maintains a network of contacts to provide a rich external

information source

Demonstrates role model leadership of diverse and global

virtual teams, including internal and external parties

Inspires a compelling vision for all virtual team members

towards the end goal
Appreciates and acknowledges diverse team members with
high contribution and pulls together successful individuals
who can work well together
Sought after by the business to lead the most important and
critical program or teams
Works with and influences at all levels of organizations and
across geographic boundaries
Works across organisational and geographic boundaries
championing and gaining top leadership visibility and support
for the virtual team project

Has a strong network of functional experts and contacts

internally and externally
Identifies, acquires and retains employees, partners, external
networks for current and future needs

Provides a role model in terms of developing self, others and

the business

Creates an environment where development is encouraged,

valued and rewarded
Develops skills and competences to meet the longer term
business goals
Instils a climate where accepting and seeing through
challenging projects and work is expected and seen as a
learning opportunity

Deliver a formal learning event that involves synthesis and

evaluation of content (such as complex simulations)

Coach and mentor learners to a higher level of performance,

encouraging students to collaborate

Train other instructors in areas of facilitation and adult

learning theory
Consult with senior level stakeholders to translate business
goals into performance requirements, analyze performance
gaps, and identify the full range of learning and non-learning
performance support solutions that may be required to close
those gaps.

Provide Instructional design expertise to others. Provide

mentoring and coaching to the broader Xerox learning and
development community

Build Xerox specific models and processes that are based on

industry best practices

Actively research new innovative learning methods and


Assess, adapt, and implement leading edge learning methods

and technologies based on technical compliance, instructional
validity, and cost benefits

Design and develop non-learning performance support

Expertly use and advocate a wide range of IT industry
standards and infrastructures (e.g., Networks and
connectivity protocols, hardware platforms and operating
systems, systems integration tools and methods)

Benchmark, assess, adapt, implement, and evaluate existing

and emerging technology solutions to support learning

Adapt and refine technology-based solutions to improve

learning effectiveness based on the results of evaluation

Consult with others (SMEs, business partners, and learners) to

identify and apply emerging technology-based solutions to
the improvement of global learning effectiveness
Lead the change management process for the adoption of
new learning technologies

Provide thought leadership for Xerox and partner

organizations regarding best practices and application of
technology-based solutions to improve learning effectiveness

Innovate learning practices and processes to improve speed

to competency
Contribute actively to benchmarking activities and
professional forums

Acts as a role model in coaching and mentoring others

Takes an active role in leading virtual teams to facilitate

knowledge sharing across the organization

Innovates by applying intellectual capital and expertise in new


Demonstrates significant capability in maximising results and

output from geographically and functionally diverse teams
Establishes and nurtures strategic partnerships and partner

Uses political and organisational awareness to involve senior

Xerox stakeholders with the client at the appropriate time

Assesses future requirements of the client and engages the

correct resources to secure growth

Is a recognised authority at the management of complex and

strategically important programmes

Champions and leads significant change programmes and

business transformation using appropriate programme
management tools, methodologies and techniques
Anticipates how changes in the industry / external
marketplace will impact Xerox and our programme

Develops organizational talent playing a leading role in the

creation of talent invigoration strategies, and overseeing their

Nurtures an inspiring shared vision ensuring the whole

organization is behind it

Demonstrates the ability to influence and motivate a large

and diverse audience
Acts as a role model - leading, motivating, mentoring and
developing other leaders directly and/or indirectly to build
business capability

Develops programes that enhance professional development

Creates an environment where people can maximise their

Develops mentoring and coaching skills in others

Works with and influences across organisational and

geographic boundaries to ensure high calibre people are in
the right roles

Empowers teams to define their own goals and objectives in

line with strategic direction

Establishes strategies for integrating acquired resources into

Xerox culture

Translates business/account strategy into achievable

objectives and plans
Develops realistic and detailed plans for the implementation
of programmes/projects
Builds controls and milestones into plans and monitors
progress against these
Identifies critical resources and ensures they are available to
deliver the SLA and / or achieve the work goal
Maintains an up-to-date awareness of issues helping or
hindering work progress
Recognises when plans need to be changed and responds
flexibly to ensure objectives are met
Shares best practice in document management and
Establishes processes to monitor the progress of projects or
business activities

Views problems from a variety of different perspectives and

identifies less obvious links/trends to understand the root
cause and develop an appropriate solution
Generates innovative and unique ways of resolving complex
Quickly grasps both explicit and implicit interdependencies
contributing to problem resolution
Role models and guides others in the application of a
systematic approach to resolving complex, critical problems,
breaking them down into their component parts
Quickly identifies the root and core issues in complex
problem situations

Expert in the use of statistical and quality tools and

techniques to assist with deep-dive problem analysis

Leads the development of best-in-class proposals for mega-

deals, inspecting team work products to ensure timely
delivery, quality control, consistency and clarity of key

Authors accurate, compelling and client focussed response

documents for all offerings that communicate our unique
selling points

Coaches and advises others on the production of client

focussed response documents

Researches and benchmarks externally contributing to the

continuous evolution of proposal submissions in line with
Xerox offering and marketplace developments

Creates alliances within and across organizations

Assumes leadership role in business/professional


Uses business contacts to market the company

Builds strong relationships with the customer (including C-

level), consulting and involving them in the decision making
to build trust and commitment
Works as a trusted adviser with the customer

Creates a climate which actively supports relationship

building and networking for business benefit

Creates opportunities for collaboration across the business

Enhances company's standing in the community

Comfortable taking calculated risks to get deals done

Effectively trades off different types of risks vs. deal/account

economics in a transparent way

Is viewed as a risk management expert in the organization

Influences deal/ account teams, clients and partners in the

management of risk to achieve optimum decision making.
Oversees deal/ account level management and monitoring of
business risks

Maintains a network of contacts to provide rich information

to guide direction/strategy
Builds an organisational culture that values innovative
Encourages others to develop new ideas, visions and solutions
for the future organisation and it’s relationship with the
external environment
Defines strategies and takes action to ensure
internal/external stakeholders have confidence in the current
and future success of the organisation

Builds communication strategies to keep internal and external

stakeholders well-informed

Creates a culture and structure to empower others

Builds a performance improvement culture

Implement strategies designed to raise organisational
performance to directly add value to the customer
Co-ordinates external resources to fulfil production

Benchmarks alternative suppliers

Collates 3rd party supplier information to produce monthly

invoices for payment
Understands suppliers’ contract market place

Monitors, records and highlights variances in supplier service

levels, when matched against agreed acceptance criteria

Manages supplier feedback process, adding value and

ensuring management information is complete and shared

Able to resolve difficulties through negotiation

Ensures suppliers provide required cost savings compared

with sourcing internally, where appropriate
Manages relevant supplier relationships

Confident with all aspects of day-to-day use of PC systems

and peripherals

Has a sound knowledge of security measures and able to

troubleshoot problems
Able to solve complex problems with documents (e.g.
versions, fonts, structure, transfer problems, pagination etc)
to enable them to be reproduced correctly
Can express complex numeric information and formulae in an
Excel spreadsheet
Designs and develops complex presentations using
PowerPoint or similar

Is able to interrogate simple Access databases using SQL and

similar tools

Shares learning and best practices in IT trouble shooting with

Is recognised as an expert in their industry and related service
lines (and/or industry sector), both internally and externally
by clients and other third parties
Invests time and is committed to maintaining an extensive
network of contacts within their area of technical expertise
Invests time and is committed to continuous development of
their own and others’ technical expertise
Draws on their technical expertise to continually develop the
Xerox value proposition to address client’s current and
emerging requirements

Develops business solutions to new, highly complex problems,

where existing methods or approaches do not already exist

Has a broad expertise in a wide range of IT industry standards

and infrastructures, e.g., Networks and connectivity
protocols, hardware platforms and operating systems,
systems integration tools & methods

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