Test Dla Grupy I II

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Test dla uczniów rozpoczynających naukę w klasie ósmej I grupa

I grupa

Test składa się z 10 zadań. Czytaj uważnie treść poleceń. W zadaniach 1.–5. wybierz poprawną odpowiedź
i zaznacz ją znakiem X. Jeśli się pomylisz, otocz kółkiem błędnie zaznaczoną odpowiedź i  zaznacz
właściwą. Odpowiedzi do zadań 6.–10. zapisz czytelnie w wyznaczonych miejscach. Pomyłki przekreślaj.

Zadanie 1.  (0–4)

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery teksty. Do zadań I–IV wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi, zgodnie z treścią nagrania.
Zaznacz literę A, B albo C.

I. Where has Lara looked for Jake?

A. B. C.

II. Mum wants Sally to

A. prepare dinner. B. buy a gift. C. tidy her room.

III. What does Henry look like now?

A. B. C.

IV. Where did Ann spend her holiday?

A. B. C.
wrzesień 2021

I grupa
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie nagranie, do którego odnoszą się zadania 2. i 3.
Zadanie 2.  (0–2)
Oceń, czy poniższe zdania I–II są zgodne z treścią nagrania. Zaznacz P (prawda), jeśli zdanie jest zgodne
z treścią nagrania, lub F (fałsz), jeśli jest niezgodne.

I. The students should meet at seven o’clock outside the school. P F

II. The students will stay at a luxurious hotel. P F

Zadanie 3.  (0–2)

Wybierz poprawne dokończenie każdego zdania, zgodne z treścią nagrania. Zaznacz literę A, B, C albo D.

I.  The trip is going to take place II.  Students should pack
A. the next day. A. medicine.
B. next week. B. souvenirs.
C. next month. C. sandwiches.
D. next year. D. shoes.

Zadanie 4.  (0–4)

Uzupełnij minidialogi I–IV. Zaznacz literę A, B albo C.
I. X: Do you want a piece of the cake I’ve baked?

A. All right. I want to help you bake it.

B. Thanks. I have always wanted to have it.
C. Not right now. I have just had a big dinner.

II. X:
Y: Intelligent and very friendly.

A. What does your new friend look like?

B. What is your best friend like?
C. What does your friend like?

III. X: Do you mind if I open the window?

A. You’re welcome.
B. Not at all.
C. I have no idea.

IV. X: How far is it to the post office?

A. Go straight on and turn left. It’s next to the post office.
B. The post office here is very modern.
C. Quite close, about 1 km from here.
wrzesień 2021

I grupa
Zadanie 5.  (0–4)
Do każdej z opisanych sytuacji I–IV dopasuj właściwą reakcję. Zaznacz literę A, B albo C.

I. Radzisz koleżance, żeby zaczęła uprawiać sport. Co powiesz?

A. Do you need to train a lot?

B. Why don’t you take up a sport?
C. Have you been working out recently?

II. Chcesz zaproponować koledze z klasy wspólne wykonanie projektu. Jak to wyrazisz?

A. Would you be interested in doing the project with me?

B. Could you do the project for me, please?
C. Should you do the project with me?

III. Kolega przedstawia cię swojej mamie. Co powiesz?

A. Nice to see you again!

B. Pleased to meet you!
C. Have a nice day!

IV. Jak zapytasz nową znajomą o jej pracę?

A. What are you doing?

B. What do you do for a living?
C. How do you do?

wrzesień 2021

I grupa
Zadanie 6.  (0–4)
Do każdego tekstu I–IV dopasuj właściwe zdanie spośród A–E. Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego tekstu.

If you need a short break, our offer is perfect for you. Hop onto our open top bus to see the sights
of the city.
Our guides will show you round and tell you interesting stories about the city’s past and how the city’s
greatest historical monuments have survived until the present. It will be an unforgettable experience
and a great chance to relax.
There’s no need to book accommodation or plane tickets or check for special discounts at a travel
agent’s. The trip lasts 9 hours with a 30-minute lunch break.

Why not join us on a special weekend tour to see the newly opened marine park?
It’s a great place for nature lovers who are interested in seeing endangered species. Our guides will
show you lots of unusual, colourful coral reef animals. During our tour you will take part in a diving lesson
and have a chance to take photos under water. Afterwards, you can relax in our picnic area and visit our
gift shop, where you can buy a film about the underwater world of the reef.
Admission is free for children under six.

Join our guided tour to see a breathtaking sunrise on a mountain trail.

Guided by experienced explorers, you will have a chance to climb and camp in the mountains.
The guides will teach you to use maps, put up a tent, make a campfire and choose appropriate clothes
for mountain trekking. We provide the hiking equipment. All you need is a camera and comfortable
shoes. Insurance and food are included in the price. Check out our video on how to prepare for the camp
before registering.
To book a trip, go online - it will only take you a moment.

Our non-profit organization offers camps for teenagers and adults who are keen on moviemaking.
The camp is located outside the city, and the wildlife all around is sure to give you great inspiration. If you
are interested in writing scripts, directing or creating special effects, our experts will teach you to produce
animations and short videos using modern tools and apps, and post them on social networking sites.
Our next series of workshops will be available in June and July. Participants under the age of 15 must have
a permission slip signed by their parents.

Which text presents a holiday offer for a person who

A. wants to learn survival skills?

B. fancies indoor activities?
C. has very little free time? I. II. III. IV.
D. likes observing wildlife?
E. is into film making?
wrzesień 2021

I grupa
Zadanie 7.  (0–4)
Do każdego pytania I–IV dopasuj właściwy tekst spośród A–C. Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga! Jeden tekst pasuje do dwóch pytań.

Bored? Nothing to do in the afternoons? Why not join our classes to meet new people and learn more
about the world we live in?
We offer classes combining nature studies, geography and outdoor activities. Our teachers conduct
exciting workshops available live or online. During the classes, participants explore the world around
them through maps, trips and meetings with famous explorers. We’ll teach you how to save energy,
recycle rubbish and plant trees.
We meet at the local library twice a week. Online meetings are on weekdays only. Adult participants
are charged £5 per class.
There is nothing better than playing live music, so come and join our Sound Club.
Our experts will help you develop your singing and performing skills and make your band sound
more professional. With us, you will have a chance to take part in music festivals around the country
or abroad, as well as meet other music fans.
All our workshops have a limited number of places, so we recommend that you sign up early on our
website. The cost is £100 per participant. Siblings and groups over 5 receive a 25% discount.
Spread Your Wings is an organization working on worthwhile projects.
We are focused on arts and crafts with a modern twist. Our workshops are conducted by instructors from
all over the world. Their cultural and travelling experiences make each project even more interesting.
C. Our classes will help you to become more creative and improve your social skills. With your own
handmade objects, your home will become stylish and original. You will also meet new people.
To sign up, fill in the form attached and hand it in to our project manager. Join us today, you don’t need
to pay for participation.

Which activity would be best for someone who

I. is looking for classes free-of-charge?

II. would like to make friends?
III. wants to sign up online?
IV. is keen on travelling?
wrzesień 2021

I grupa
Zadanie 8.  (0–2)
Uzupełnij tekst, wpisując w każdą lukę jeden wyraz z ramki, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst.
Uwaga! Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

so visited such going

Last month, I went to London with my family. We were invited by my mum’s sister. She has been there
for 3 months. I was really happy to see her and meet her fiancé, Tom.
Yesterday I _______________ the Tower of London and the London Eye. I haven’t seen the Elizabeth
Tower yet. Tomorrow, we are _______________ to Oxford. I can’t wait! The only thing I hate here is the
weather: it’s cold and cloudy.
I don’t know why people say that British cuisine is awful. On Sunday, Tom cooked some delicious
grilled vegetables and shepherd’s pie. I’ve never eaten _______________ great food.
Take care and talk to you soon,

Zadanie 9.  (0–2)

Odpowiedz na pytania:

1.  What are the children doing?

2. What is your favourite sport? Why?

Zadanie 10.  (0–4)

Założyłeś (-aś) koło teatralne. Napisz ogłoszenie na portalu społecznościowym, w którym
• poinformujesz, co robicie na spotkaniach koła,
• zachęcisz do udziału w zajęciach koła.
wrzesień 2021

Test dla uczniów rozpoczynających naukę w klasie ósmej II grupa

Test składa się z 10 zadań. Czytaj uważnie treść poleceń. W zadaniach 1.–5. wybierz poprawną odpowiedź
i zaznacz ją znakiem X. Jeśli się pomylisz, otocz kółkiem błędnie zaznaczoną odpowiedź i  zaznacz
właściwą. Odpowiedzi do zadań 6.–10. zapisz czytelnie w wyznaczonych miejscach. Pomyłki przekreślaj.

Zadanie 1.  (0–4)

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery teksty. Do zadań I–IV wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi, zgodnie z treścią nagrania.
Zaznacz literę A, B albo C.

I. Where has Lara looked for Jake?

A. B. C.

II. Mum wants Sally to

A. buy a gift. B. prepare dinner. C. tidy her room.

III. What does Henry look like now?

A. B. C.

IV. Where did Ann spend her holiday?

A. B. C.
wrzesień 2021

II grupa
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie nagranie, do którego odnoszą się zadania 2. i 3.
Zadanie 2.  (0–2)
Oceń, czy poniższe zdania I–II są zgodne z treścią nagrania. Zaznacz P (prawda), jeśli zdanie jest zgodne
z treścią nagrania, lub F (fałsz), jeśli jest niezgodne.

I. The students should meet at seven o’clock outside the school. P F

II. The students will stay at a luxurious hotel. P F

Zadanie 3.  (0–2)

Wybierz poprawne dokończenie każdego zdania, zgodne z treścią nagrania. Zaznacz literę A, B, C albo D.

I.  The trip is going to take place II.  Students should pack
A. next year. A. shoes.
B. next month. B. sandwiches.
C. next week. C. souvenirs.
D. the next day. D. medicine.

Zadanie 4.  (0–4)

Uzupełnij minidialogi I–IV. Zaznacz literę A, B albo C.
I. X: Do you want a piece of the cake I’ve baked?

A. Not right now. I have just had a big dinner.

B. Thanks. I have always wanted to have it.
C. All right. I want to help you bake it.

II. X:
Y: Intelligent and very friendly.

A. What does your friend like?

B. What does your new friend look like?
C. What is your best friend like?

III. X: Do you mind if I open the window?

A. You’re welcome.
B. I have no idea.
C. Not at all.

IV. X: How far is it to the post office?

A. Quite close, about 1 km from here.
B. The post office here is very modern.
C. Go straight on and turn left. It’s next to the post office.
wrzesień 2021

II grupa
Zadanie 5.  (0–4)
Do każdej z opisanych sytuacji I–IV dopasuj właściwą reakcję. Zaznacz literę A, B albo C.

I. Radzisz koleżance, żeby zaczęła uprawiać sport. Co powiesz?

A. Have you been working out recently?

B. Why don’t you take up a sport?
C. Do you need to train a lot?

II. Chcesz zaproponować koledze z klasy wspólne wykonanie projektu. Jak to wyrazisz?

A. Should you do the project with me?

B. Could you do the project for me, please?
C. Would you be interested in doing the project with me?

III. Kolega przedstawia cię swojej mamie. Co powiesz?

A. Have a nice day!

B. Pleased to meet you!
C. Nice to see you again!

IV. Jak zapytasz nową znajomą o jej pracę?

A. How do you do?

B. What are you doing?
C. What do you do for a living?

wrzesień 2021

II grupa
Zadanie 6.  (0–4)
Do każdego tekstu I–IV dopasuj właściwe zdanie spośród A–E. Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego tekstu.

If you need a short break, our offer is perfect for you. Hop onto our open top bus to see the sights
of the city.
Our guides will show you round and tell you interesting stories about the city’s past and how the city’s
greatest historical monuments have survived until the present. It will be an unforgettable experience
and a great chance to relax.
There’s no need to book accommodation or plane tickets or check for special discounts at a travel
agent’s. The trip lasts 9 hours with a 30-minute lunch break.

Why not join us on a special weekend tour to see the newly opened marine park?
It’s a great place for nature lovers who are interested in seeing endangered species. Our guides will
show you lots of unusual, colourful coral reef animals. During our tour you will take part in a diving lesson
and have a chance to take photos under water. Afterwards, you can relax in our picnic area and visit our
gift shop, where you can buy a film about the underwater world of the reef.
Admission is free for children under six.

Join our guided tour to see a breathtaking sunrise on a mountain trail.

Guided by experienced explorers, you will have a chance to climb and camp in the mountains.
The  guides will teach you to use maps, put up a tent, make a campfire and choose appropriate clothes
for mountain trekking. We provide the hiking equipment. All you need is a camera and comfortable
shoes. Insurance and food are included in the price. Check out our video on how to prepare for the camp
before registering.
To book a trip, go online - it will only take you a moment.

Our non-profit organization offers camps for teenagers and adults who are keen on moviemaking.
The camp is located outside the city, and the wildlife all around is sure to give you great inspiration. If you
are interested in writing scripts, directing or creating special effects, our experts will teach you to produce
animations and short videos using modern tools and apps, and post them on social networking sites.
Our next series of workshops will be available in June and July. Participants under the age of 15 must have
a permission slip signed by their parents.

Which text presents a holiday offer for a person who

A. is into film making?

B. likes observing wildlife?
C. has very little free time? I. II. III. IV.
D. fancies indoor activities?
E. wants to learn survival skills?
wrzesień 2021

II grupa
Zadanie 7.  (0–4)
Do każdego pytania I–IV dopasuj właściwy tekst spośród A–C. Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga! Jeden tekst pasuje do dwóch pytań.

There is nothing better than playing live music, so come and join our Sound Club.
Our experts will help you develop your singing and performing skills and make your band sound
more professional. With us, you will have a chance to take part in music festivals around the country
or abroad, as well as meet other music fans.
All our workshops have a limited number of places, so we recommend that you sign up early on our
website. The cost is £100 per participant. Siblings and groups over 5 receive a 25% discount.
Spread Your Wings is an organization working on worthwhile projects.
We are focused on arts and crafts with a modern twist. Our workshops are conducted by instructors from
all over the world. Their cultural and travelling experiences make each project even more interesting.
B. Our classes will help you to become more creative and improve your social skills. With your own
handmade objects, your home will become stylish and original. You will also meet new people.
To sign up, fill in the form attached and hand it in to our project manager. Join us today, you don’t need
to pay for participation.
Bored? Nothing to do in the afternoons? Why not join our classes to meet new people and learn more
about the world we live in?
We offer classes combining nature studies, geography and outdoor activities. Our teachers conduct
exciting workshops available live or online. During the classes, participants explore the world around
them through maps, trips and meetings with famous explorers. We’ll teach you how to save energy,
recycle rubbish and plant trees.
We meet at the local library twice a week. Online meetings are on weekdays only. Adult participants
are charged £5 per class.

Which activity would be best for someone who

I. is looking for classes free-of-charge?

II. would like to make friends?
III. wants to sign up online?
IV. is keen on travelling?
wrzesień 2021

II grupa
Zadanie 8.  (0–2)
Uzupełnij tekst, wpisując w każdą lukę jeden wyraz z ramki, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst.
Uwaga! Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

so visited such going

Last month, I went to London with my family. We were invited by my mum’s sister. She has been there for 3
months. I was really happy to see her and meet her fiancé, Tom.

Yesterday I _______________ the Tower of London and the London Eye. I haven’t seen the Elizabeth Tower yet.
Tomorrow, we are _______________ to Oxford. I can’t wait! The only thing I hate here is the weather: it’s cold
and cloudy.

I don’t know why people say that British cuisine is awful. On Sunday, Tom cooked some delicious grilled
vegetables and shepherd’s pie. I’ve never eaten _______________ great food.

Take care and talk to you soon,


Zadanie 9.  (0–2)

Odpowiedz na pytania:

1. What are the children doing?

2. What is your favourite sport? Why?

Zadanie 10.  (0–4)

Założyłeś (-aś) koło teatralne. Napisz ogłoszenie na portalu społecznościowym, w którym
• poinformujesz, co robicie na spotkaniach koła,
• zachęcisz do udziału w zajęciach koła.
wrzesień 2021

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