Apostila 2 (2022)

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Material developed by Marcos Antonio Carnavale de Barros


Studying English – Two (2022) 1

Lessons Themes Reading activities Grammar points
1 Going back to Observação de elementos Sinonímia; antonímia; Simple
School constituintes de um texto; Present.
propósito, público-alvo; skimming,
scanning; inferência contextual.
2 The City Leitura com uso do conhecimento Simple Present; Simple Past;
prévio; identificação da sintagmas nominais.
estruturação de um texto.
3 I was Responsible Tipologia textual; skimming. Simple Past; Past Continuous; Past
4 Traveling Safely Propósito do texto; leitura de Verbos modais.
pontos principais; scanning.
5 Making Plans Scanning. Simple Future; Future with “going
to”; Conditional.
6 Family Issues Propósito do texto; público-alvo; Question words; Pronomes pessoais
organização textual. (do caso reto e oblíquo).
7 Life Story Tipo e gênero textual; leitura “Have got”; “can afford”; revisão
crítica. de tempos verbais.
8 Water and Tipo e gênero textual; leitura de
Weather pontos principais; informação
verbal não-linear e não-verbal.
9 The Environment Propósito e público-alvo do texto; Formação prefixal e sufixal; afixos;
leitura de pontos principais; leitura marcadores do discurso.
10 Climate Change Leitura de pontos principais. Present Perfect.
11 A Better Life Leitura de pontos principais. Graus dos adjetivos e advérbios.
12 Health and Body Público-alvo e organização textual. Formação prefixal e sufixal.
13 The Future of Organização textual; skimming. Formação prefixal e sufixal;
Cinema marcadores do discurso.
14 Typical Festivals Leitura de pontos principais; Quantificadores; intensificador.
15 Dreams Leitura de pontos principais; Revisão de tempos verbais; Present
leitura crítica. Perfect Continuous.
16 Positive Thinking Propósito do texto; leitura de
pontos principais. Leitura crítica.

Studying English – Two (2022) 2

TWO – Lesson 1
(A) Vamos começar? Dê uma rápida olhada no texto a seguir: observe título, subtítulo, fonte (origem), foto que
o acompanha. Crie expectativas.
1- De que você acha que trata o texto?
2- Esse texto é relevante para que tipo de público?
August 9, 2021 – PEDIATRICS

How To Help Your Child Adjust To Going Back to School

- Helpful tips from a pediatric psychologist -
“In general, going back to school is just a big change. It’s a new
setting especially for kids who are going from elementary
school to middle school or middle school to high school,”
pediatric psychologist Vanessa Jensen says. “It’s a whole new
5 world, and all of a sudden, they’re expected to know what
they’re doing. It’s a huge shift from being in their small space
at home to now being in this world of back to school.”
She adds that if you’re not sure if your child is having a hard
time with the transition back to school, think about how he/she
10 normally acts when stressed and look for those behaviors. For
example, if your child gets headaches or stomach aches when he/she is anxious, you are going to
know that school is stressing him/her if this reaction becomes more frequent. “Think about the
behaviors that he/she usually has when he/she is under stress, such as hiding in the background of a
group or trying to be the funny kid,” she says.
15 Dr. Jensen advises that when it comes to teenagers, while it’s natural to want to know every single
thing that’s going on in their lives, you should be careful not to be too intrusive. Tell them gently that
you’re there for them when they need. She suggests parents to always encourage their kids and teens
to talk about their feelings when they’re angry or sad.
If you have questions about how your child is doing, Dr. Jensen suggests talking to their teachers,
20 coaches, scout leader and other important people in his/her life.
“If things are beyond your control, reach out to your pediatrician’s office for referrals. Your child’s
guidance counselor can also make referrals if you need more help.”
(Adapted from health.clevelandclinic.org/how-to-help-your-child-adjust-to-going-back-to-school-during-the-pandemic/)

(B) Faça uma leitura um pouco mais demorada; não é necessário se deter em detalhes. Responda às perguntas.
1- Especifique qual é o assunto do texto.
2- Quando ele foi postado online?
3- Considerando que ele é de origem americana, por que foi publicado nessa data?
4- Qual é sua fonte em termos gerais?
5- A que público-alvo é direcionado?
6- Qual é seu objetivo?
7- O texto é relevante, considerando-se seu objetivo e público-alvo? Por quê?
8- Que fator dá credibilidade ao tema abordado?
9- Por que o texto faz uso extensivo de aspas?
(C) Indique se as seguintes afirmativas são verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F) em relação ao texto.
( ) 1- A psicóloga pediátrica Vanessa Jensen diz que os pais não precisam se preocupar quando
seus filhos apresentarem comportamentos estranhos depois de retornarem às aulas.
( ) 2- O stress da volta às aulas pode afetar igualmente crianças e adolescentes.
( ) 3- Os pais devem encorajar seus filhos a lhes contar quando há algo de errado na escola.
( ) 4- Quando os pais perceberem que não conseguem dar conta de possíveis dificuldades de
adaptação de seus filhos na escola, eles devem mudá-los de escola.
(D) Tente correlacionar as palavras sublinhadas nos trechos do texto com seus possíveis sinônimos.
1- It’s a new setting especially for kids … (l.1-2) ( ) entire
2- “It’s a whole new world, … (l. 4-5) ( ) change
3- It’s a huge shift from being in their small space at home … (l. 6-7) ( ) attitudes
4- “Think about the behaviors that he/she usually has when … (l. 12-13) ( ) environment, ambience

Studying English – Two (2022) 3

(E) O texto da página anterior possui um grande número de adjetivos bastante comuns. Correlacione-os com
seus antônimos. Será que você consegue?
1- New (l. 1) 5- Funny (l. 14) ( ) easy ( ) very small
2- Huge (l. 6) 6- Angry (l. 18) ( ) joyful ( ) insignificant
3- Hard (l. 8) 7- Sad (l. 18) ( ) peaceful ( ) serious
4- Anxious (l. 11) 8- Important (l. 20) ( ) confident, relaxed ( ) old

Understanding the American Education System


The Educational Structure

Prior to higher education, American students attend primary and secondary school for a combined total
of 12 years. These years are referred as grades. Around age six, U.S. children begin primary school,
5 which is most commonly called “elementary school.” They attend five or six years and then go onto
secondary school.
Secondary school consists of two programs: the first is “middle school” or “junior high school” and the
second program is “high school.” A certificate is awarded upon graduation from high school. After
graduating high school (12th grade), U.S. students may go on to college or university. College or
10 university study is known as “higher education.”
The school calendar usually begins in August or September and continues through May or June. Many
courses are designed for students to take them in sequence, starting in autumn and continuing through
the year. The academic year at many schools, however, is composed of two terms called “semesters.”
First Level: Undergraduate
A student who is attending a college or university and does not have a bachelor’s degree is studying at
the undergraduate level. It typically takes about four years to earn a bachelor’s degree. You can either
begin your studies in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree at a community college or at a four-year university
20 or college.
In the first two years of study students are generally required to take a wide variety of classes in
different subjects, commonly known as prerequisite courses: literature, science, the social sciences,
the arts, history, and so forth. So, the student achieves a general knowledge, a foundation, of a variety
of subjects prior to focusing on a specific field of study.
25 Many students choose to study at a community college in order to complete the first two years of
prerequisite courses. They will earn an Associate of Arts (AA) transfer degree and then transfer to a
four-year university or college.
A “major” is the specific field of study in which your degree is focused. For example, if someone’s
major is journalism, they will earn a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism. Students must choose their major
30 at the beginning of their third year of school. It is extremely common for American students to switch
majors at some point in their undergraduate studies. The American education system is very flexible.
Second Level: Graduate in Pursuit of a Master’s Degree
Presently, a college or university student with a bachelor’s degree may want to seriously think about
graduate study in order to enter certain professions or advance their career. This degree is usually
35 mandatory for higher-level positions in library science, engineering, behavioral health and education.
(Adapted from https://www.studyusa.com/en/a/58/understanding-the-american-education-system)

(F) Leia o texto acima e responda às perguntas.

1- Qual é o seu assunto?
2- Você o considerou de fácil compreensão? Por quê?
(G) Copie do texto os nomes dos graus de ensino correspondentes a
1- Ensino fundamental, 1º segmento – 4- Graduação universitária –
2- Ensino fundamental, 2º segmento – 5- Pós-graduação –
3- Ensino médio –
(H) Retire do texto oito verbos que se encontrem no Simple Present e traduza-os na forma em que se
(I) Selecione oito vocábulos desconhecidos e tente inferir seus significados.

Studying English – Two (2022) 4

TWO – Lesson 2
(A) Desperte seu conhecimento prévio. Isto é, quando você já conhece alguma coisa sobre um determinado
assunto, torna-se mais fácil compreender um texto sobre ele. Dessa forma, o texto a seguir deve conter
várias informações que são do seu conhecimento. Além disso, você já tem algum conhecimento sobre a
língua inglesa e suas estruturas, logo, deverá ser capaz de usar algumas estratégias linguísticas para facilitar
seu entendimento. O que você sabe sobre a Cidade Maravilhosa?

1- Sobre sua história? 3- Sobre seu povo?

2- Sobre sua geografia? 4- Sobre suas atrações turísticas?

Rio de Janeiro, simply known as Rio, city and port, capital of

the state of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. It is located on the Atlantic
Ocean, in the southeastern part of the tropical zone of South America,
and is widely recognized as one of the world’s most beautiful and
5 interesting urban centers. Rio de Janeiro is an icon of Brazil in the eyes
of many people in the world; in reality its location, architecture,
inhabitants, and lifestyle make it highly unique.
The name was given to the city’s original site by Portuguese
navigators who arrived on January 1, 1502, and mistook the entrance of
10 the bay for the mouth of a river (rio is the Portuguese word for “river” and janeiro the word for
“January”). The city was officially founded in 1565 and it was named Cidade de São Sebastião do Rio de
Janeiro (“City of St. Sebastian of Rio de Janeiro”) for both São Sebastião and Dom Sebastião, king
of Portugal.
Rio de Janeiro became the colonial capital in 1763 and was the capital of independent Brazil from
15 1822 until 1960, when the national capital was moved to the new city of Brasília. The
territory constituting the former Federal District was converted into Guanabara state, which formed an
enclave in Rio de Janeiro state. In March 1975 the two states were fused as the state of Rio de Janeiro.
The city of Rio de Janeiro was, then, designated the capital of the reorganized state.
Rio de Janeiro is well known for the beauty of its beaches and
20 of its peaks, ridges, and hills – all partly covered by tropical
forests. The city is a centre of leisure for Brazilian and foreign
tourists. Perhaps at no time is the city’s festive reputation better
shown than during the annual pre-Lenten Carnival, which fills the
city with music, singing, parties, balls, and street parades of
25 brilliantly costumed dancers performing to samba rhythms.
Rio is also an important economic centre with activities
ranging from industry and national and international trade to
administration, banking, education, culture, and research.
Rio’s inhabitants (called Cariocas, after the Tupi Indian word meaning “white man’s home”)
30 represent a microcosm of Brazil’s ethnic diversity and include people of European, African, and mixed
ancestry. Historically, Rio’s population grew primarily as a result of domestic migration, which in some
years accounted for two-thirds of the city’s increase, although many people had come from European
countries as well. The largest groups of foreign-born immigrants in the Greater Rio area included those
from Portugal, Italy, and Spain.
WRITTEN BY: Ronald Milton Schneider, Pedro P. Geiger, Alberto Passos Guimarães

(Adapted from https://www.britannica.com/place/Rio-de-Janeiro-Brazil)

(B) Agora leia o texto e destaque as informações que coincidem com aquelas nas quais você já havia pensado.

(C) Indique as linhas onde são encontradas informações sobre os seguintes aspectos da cidade.
1- A origem do seu nome oficial.
2- As mudanças no seu status político-administrativo.
3- A diversidade de sua população.
4- Suas características econômicas atuais.
5- Sua reputação festiva.

Studying English – Two (2022) 5

(D) Em dupla com um(a) colega, faça um pequeno resumo do assunto tratado em um dos itens anteriores. Não é
necessário traduzir as informações integralmente, basta resumir com suas palavras.

(E) Revisando a gramática da língua inglesa, sublinhe os verbos encontrados nos trechos a seguir e indique se
eles se encontram (1) no presente (Simple Present); ou (2) no passado (Simple Past).
1- Rio de Janeiro is an icon of Brazil in the eyes of many people in the world; in reality its location,
architecture, inhabitants, and lifestyle make it highly unique. (l. 5-7)
2- The name was given to the city’s original site by Portuguese navigators who arrived on January 1,
1502, and mistook the entrance of the bay for the mouth of a river […] (l. 8-10)
3- Rio de Janeiro became the colonial capital in 1763 and was the capital of independent Brazil from 1822
until 1960, […] (l. 14-15)
4- […] during the annual pre-Lenten Carnival, which fills the city with music, singing, parties, balls, and
street parades of brilliantly costumed dancers […]. (l. 23-25)
5- Rio’s inhabitants […] represent a microcosm of Brazil’s ethnic diversity and include people of
European, African, and mixed ancestry. (l. 29-31)
6- […] Rio’s population grew primarily as a result of domestic migration, which in some years accounted
for two-thirds of the city’s increase, […] many people came from European countries […]. (l. 31-33)
(F) Revise também os sintagmas nominais. Observe o seguinte sintagma e sua formação, e tente traduzi-lo.
the world’s most beautiful and interesting urban center
artigo substantivo advérbio adjetivo conjunção adjetivo adjetivo substantivo
modificador modificador (grau modificador (elemento modificador modificador núcleo
superlativo) de ligação)

(G) Os sintagmas nominais quando mal aprendidos podem causar várias dificuldades na compreensão de um
texto. Tente, agora, traduzir, estes sintagmas encontrados no texto sobre o Rio de Janeiro.
1- the city’s original site (l. 8) 4- an important economic centre (l. 26)
2- Brazilian and foreign tourists (l. 21-22) 5- white man’s home (l. 28)
3- street parades of brilliantly costumed dancers (l. 24- 6- foreign-born immigrants (l. 33)
25) (há um pós-modificador ligado pela preposição of)

(H) Complete o texto a seguir usando as palavras sugeridas.

1- benefits 4- streets 7- place 10- schools 13- skyscrapers
2- theatres 5- jobs 8- council 11- hard 14- entertainment
3- polluted 6- crime 9- growth 12- business 15- transportation

A city is a ____ where many people live closely together. City life has many ____. Cities bring together a
great variety of people from different backgrounds. They offer more ____, more schools, and more kinds of
activities than small towns and villages. But cities also can be dangerous and ____.
A city’s central ____ district, or downtown, usually has tall office buildings and big stores. The downtown
area is often the oldest part of the city. A city usually has one or more areas of factories and warehouses
(storage buildings) outside of downtown. Most of the city’s homes lie farther from downtown. Cities usually
have a variety of places for ____ and relaxation. These include museums, concert halls, ____, parks, and
sports arenas. Cities commonly have a public ____ system which includes buses, trains, and subways.
A city government usually includes a group of elected lawmakers called the city ____. Most cities also elect
a leader called a mayor. City governments provide many services. These include police protection, fire
fighting, hospitals, and ____.
Cities attract people looking for work, education, and other ways to improve their lives. But city life can
also be ____. Some people live in overcrowded housing. Others have no homes at all. They sometimes live on
city ____. Crowded living conditions in cities also lead to ____, traffic, and pollution.
About 5,500 years ago people in Mesopotamia (now Iraq) started the first cities. Some cities in ancient times
and in the Middle Ages (500–1500) were independent of any country. They were called city-states. Today
almost all cities belong to a particular country. The Industrial Revolution, which started in the late 1700s,
contributed to the ____ of cities. In the late 1800s architects invented new building methods that changed
the way cities looked. Tall buildings called ____ appeared in many cities. During the 1900s cities continued
to change growing so much to become Megalopolises.
(Adapted from https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/city/352965)

Studying English – Two (2022) 6

TWO – Lesson 3
(A) Leia o texto a seguir e responda às perguntas.
1- Trata-se de um texto descritivo? Narrativo? Argumentativo? Ou injuntivo (instrucional)? Por quê?
2- Qual é o assunto do texto?
3- Por que ele está escrito em primeira pessoa?
4- Que tempo verbal predomina no texto? Presente? Passado? Futuro? Por quê?
I was driving home last night when I spotted a car crash. A vehicle had crashed an electric pole. I pulled
over to the side of the road about 30 meters from the scene and put on the hazard lights. I gave enough
distance so I didn’t put myself in danger of broken glass, leaked fuel, or flames.
Then, I called 911 and told the operator I had witnessed a car accident. I told him the location and
5 other pertinent details about the crash.
When I was sure it was safe to approach the scene, I checked the condition of the crash victims to see
if they were okay and to offer help. There was only one person in the car: it was a woman and she was
crying. I asked her to put the vehicle in “park” and turn off the ignition to avoid the risk of fire. Then, I
noticed that she was bleeding. I asked her if she felt any pain and tried to calm her down.
10 An ambulance came in about twenty minutes and, soon after, a police car arrived. While the
paramedics were helping the victim, a policeman asked me some questions about the accident.
Fortunately, the woman didn’t have any serious injuries, just a cut on the forehead. It was a terrible
experience but everything ended well.
(Adapted from https://www.geico.com/living/driving/auto/car-safety-insurance/what-to-do-if-you-witness-a-car-accident/)

(B) Transcreva do texto os termos solicitados.

1- Batida de carro 3- Vidro quebrado 5- Fogo 7- Ferimentos graves
2- Luzes de alerta 4- Combustível vazado 6- Dor 8- Testa

(C) No texto estão presentes três formas de passado. Observe o quadro a seguir.
Ação que ocorreu Ação que estava acontecendo no
Ação finita que narra o incidente
antes do incidente momento de determinado incidente
A vehicle had crashed a ... pole. … I spotted a car crash. I was driving home...
I pulled over ... and put on the
hazard lights.
… I had witnessed a car accident. I called 911 and told the
… I checked the condition of the … and she was crying.
crash victims… it was a woman…
Then, I noticed that… … she was bleeding.
… a policeman asked me some While the paramedics were
questions… helping the victim…

(D) Então, vejamos:

 SIMPLE PAST – Ação finita que ocorre em momento determinado no passado.
I studied a lot last weekend. / She didn’t see you at the party yesterday.
 PAST CONTINUOUS – Ação contínua que ocorre durante uma ação finita ou outra ação contínua.
She was cooking when I arrived. / He was playing while she was cooking.
 PAST PERFECT – Ação finita em um passado remoto, isto é, que ocorre antes de outra ação passada.
When the police arrived they had already escaped.

Past Continuous Past Perfect

(to be in the past + principal verb with –ing) (to have in past + principal verb in the past participle)
I, he, she, it was
we, you, they were { playing, studying,
doing, writing
I, you, he, she, it,
we, you, they { had } played, studied, done,
written, been, seen

Studying English – Two (2022) 7

(E) Agora escolha os verbos entre parênteses que completam as lacunas do texto.
Sarah Went Shopping
Sarah Smith, a Pasadena resident, ____ (went, was going) shopping yesterday. She is 30 and is
married to John Smith. They have two children. Sarah owns a 2018 four-door blue Toyota. At 9 a.m.,
Sarah ____ (got, was getting) into her car and ____ (drove, was driving) to Barney’s, a department
store a mile away.
Barney’s ____ (was having, had had) a holiday sale. Sarah ____ (bought, was buying) a toaster
for $29.95; the regular price was $39.95. She ____ (paid, was paying) by check. On her way home,
Sarah ____ (stopped, had stopped) at MilkPlus to buy a gallon of nonfat milk.
Sara ____ (arrived, had arrived) home at 10 a.m.; John and the kids ____ (were still sleeping,
had still slept). She ____ (woke, was waking) them up and then ____ (made, was making) a hot and
nutritious breakfast for everyone.
(Adapted from https://www.rong-chang.com/qa2/stories/story001.htm)

(F) Leia o texto a seguir e responda às perguntas.

1- A que eventos (passado e presente) o texto faz referência?
2- Qual é a relação de Glenn Vogt com esses eventos?
3- Onde se passa o diálogo descrito no texto?
4- Qual é a relação do autor do texto com Glenn Vogt?


The manager of Windows on the World survived 9/11, while 79 of his
employees died. He’s still searching for permission to move on.
By Tim Alberta
SEPTEMBER 10, 2021
ON THE EVENING OF September 4, 2021, one week before the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Glenn Vogt stood
at the footprint of the North Tower and gazed at the names stamped in bronze. The sun was diving
below the buildings across the Hudson River in New Jersey, and though he didn’t realize it, the
memorial was shut off to the public. As he looked on silently, a security guard approached. “I’m sorry,
5 but the site is closed for tonight,” the man said.
Glenn studied the guard. Then he folded his hands as if in prayer. “Please,” he said. “I was the general
manager of Windows on the World, the restaurant that was at the top of this building. These were my
The man glanced over Glenn’s shoulder. “Which ones?”
10 Glenn didn’t say anything. Slowly, he turned and swept his open palm across the air, demonstrating the
scale of the devastation: All 79 names were grouped together. The guard closed his eyes. “Take as
much time as you need,” he said softly.
Here, I should pause to explain something: Glenn is my cousin. I was a high-school student in
September 2001; my mother was driving me to an orthodontist appointment when the North Tower
15 collapsed. She thought her nephew was dead, only to find out hours later that he wasn’t.
I never asked him about the building collapse. Glenn and I grew closer these past couple of years and I
grew more curious. When I asked if I could spend time with him in early September, Glenn, who is 61,
responded enthusiastically. “Maybe it will help me,” he said. I wanted a story. He wanted catharsis.
(Adapted from https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/09/glenn-vogt-september-11/620030/)

(G) Choose, in each pair, the sentence which correctly makes reference to the text.
1- a) When Glenn and his cousin arrived at the site of the World Trade Center, the memorial had
already closed.
b) When Glenn and his cousin arrived at the site of the World Trade Center, the memorial was still
2- a) The guard allowed Glenn to stay at the site after he explained who he was.
b) The guard refused to let Glenn stay at the site when he explained what he was doing there.
3- a) In September 2001, after she stopped her car, the author’s mother thought Glenn had not died in
the tower collapse.
b) In September 2001, at first, the author’s mother thought Glenn had died in the tower collapse.
4- a) Glenn was not pleased with his cousin’s company when they went to the Memorial.
b) Both Glenn and his cousin were gratified to have each other’s company when visiting the

Studying English – Two (2022) 8

TWO – Lesson 4
(A) Há uma questão relacionada ao turismo no Brasil, e no Rio de Janeiro em particular, que geralmente
preocupa visitantes estrangeiros. Qual é essa questão?

One of the urban myths about traveling to Brazil which can make people put off
a visit is the question of safety and security. In fact, Brazil, including the main
cities of Rio, Salvador and São Paulo, is no more dangerous than any other place in
Europe or North America, and violent crimes against tourists or foreign visitors are
5 extremely rare. Brazil is also politically stable with no natural enemies and no
terrorist activities. The people are very friendly and, in tourist areas, many of them
can speak English.
But the visitor must be sensible and streetwise to have a trouble-free and enjoyable stay in Brazil.
Just as in London, Paris, New York or any other major metropolitan and tourist center, tourists may fall
10 victim to petty crimes in Brazilian cities. The most common of these crimes is robbery and the target is
usually the bag. So, the visitor should always leave travelers checks, passports and air tickets in the
hotel safe deposit box. Visitors should, however, carry some form of ID, such as a photocopy of their
passports, with them at all times.
(Adapted from www.gringoes.com/subcategoria)

(B) Agora, leia o texto e escolha a melhor opção de resposta para cada pergunta que se segue.
1- O texto tem como objetivo
a) sugerir que os turistas tirem o Brasil dos seus roteiros de viagem.
b) orientar os turistas sobre os melhores lugares para se visitar no Brasil.
c) dar dicas de segurança para quem quer visitar o Brasil.
2- Os problemas de criminalidade existentes no Brasil
a) só ocorrem com as pessoas locais, nunca com os turistas.
b) são comuns, também, em outras cidades do mundo.
c) só acontecem com os turistas pouco cautelosos.
3- Dentre as características positivas do Brasil apontadas no texto se encontra
a) a cordialidade do povo. b) o alto custo da hospedagem. c) sua beleza natural.
4- Os turistas no Brasil estão sujeitos a sofrer algum tipo de assalto. Os ladrões, geralmente, visam
a) às bolsas. b) aos cartões de crédito. c) às câmeras fotográficas.
5- Assinale o trecho do texto que expressa um conselho.
a) “...Brazil, including the main cities of Rio, Salvador and São Paulo, is no more dangerous than any
other place in Europe or North America…” (l. 2-4)
b) “The people are very friendly and, in tourist areas, many of them can speak English.” (l. 6-7)
c) “Visitors should, however, carry some form of ID, such as a photocopy of their passports, with
them at all times.” (l. 12-13)
(C) À esquerda encontram-se frases retiradas do texto; à direita, as mesmas frases sem determinados verbos.
Observe-as e tente identificar que significado foi acrescentado a elas pelos verbos em negrito.
1. One of the urban myths about traveling to  One of the urban myths about traveling to Brazil
Brazil which can make people put off a visit is the which makes people put off a visit is the question of
question of safety and security. safety and security.
2. The people are very friendly and, in tourist  The people are very friendly and, in tourist areas,
areas, many of them can speak English. many of them speak English.
3. But the visitor must be sensible and streetwise  But the visitor is sensible and streetwise to have a
to have a trouble-free and enjoyable stay in Brazil. trouble-free and enjoyable stay in Brazil.
4. Just as in London, Paris, New York or any  Just as in London, Paris, New York or any other
other major metropolitan and tourist center, tourists major metropolitan and tourist center, tourists fall
may fall victim to petty crimes in Brazilian cities. victim to petty crimes in Brazilian cities.
5. So, the visitor should always leave travelers  So, the visitor always leaves travelers checks,
checks, passports and air tickets in the hotel safe passports and air tickets in the hotel safe deposit
deposit box. box.

Studying English – Two (2022) 9

(D) Os verbos destacados são chamados de AUXILIARES MODAIS. Eles têm algumas semelhanças com os
auxiliares DO, DOES e DID, porém esses modais acrescentam significado à frase. Estruturalmente, os
verbos MODAIS:
 não têm forma de infinitivo.
 têm uma forma única para todas as pessoas do discurso – I can speak. / He can speak. / They can speak.
 são acompanhados por um outro verbo no infinito sem a partícula 'to' – I may read. / He should study. /
You must go.
 não são conjugados nos tempos verbais (no passado ou no futuro).
 formam a interrogativa invertendo sua posição com o sujeito da frase, e a negativa recebendo o 'not',
com o qual podem fazer contrações – Can he swim? / He cannot swim. / He can’t swim.
Contudo, o mais importante sobre os verbos MODAIS é perceber que significados adicionais eles
concedem aos verbos que os acompanham.

(E) Veja o quadro geral com os principais verbos modais e indique as noções expressas em cada frase ao lado.

1. capacidade, habilidade ( ) The students must finish their exercises in class.

CAN saber
2. possibilidade ( ) Can she speak English? Yes, very well.
COULD poder
3. permissão ( ) You should study more, Peter.
MAY 4. possibilidade ( ) May I go to the movies with Bill, dad?
MIGHT 5. permissão ( ) It might rain tonight.
6. probabilidade ( ) Should I go by bus or by taxi?
SHOULD dever ( ) He must be very rich. He bought a Ferrari.
7. conselho, recomendação
8. obrigação, necessidade ( ) You mustn’t park your car here.
dever, ( ) Tourists can have lots of fun in Rio.
MUST 9. dedução
ter que ( ) Chocolate should make the kids happy.
10. proibição (negativa)

United Arab Emirates

Safety and security
In an attempt to limit the spread of COVID-19, most governments have implemented preventative measures
and restrictions. These could include: curfews, movement restrictions, or lockdowns; the obligation to wear
a face-covering or a surgical mask in some circumstances; the obligation to present proof of vaccination or a
COVID-19 test result to access public services and spaces.
Before travelling, verify if specific restrictions or requirements are in effect.
Violent crime is rare. Petty crime, such as pickpocketing and purse snatching, occurs. Ensure that your
personal belongings, including your passport and other travel documents, are secure at all times. Theft from
cars may occur. Don’t leave personal items and documents in plain sight in a vehicle. Ensure windows are
closed, and doors are locked at all times.
Women’s safety
Although rare, women travelling alone may be subject to some forms of harassment, verbal abuse, or
physical assaults. If you use a taxi, avoid, when possible, sitting next to the driver. Pink taxis, reserved for
and driven by women, are available in certain emirates.
Local authorities may not respond adequately to reports of sexual violence and harassment. Emirati
authorities have detained women reporting sexual assault. The victim must prove that the sex was not
consensual to avoid being charged. The notion of sexual consent may differ substantially from occidental
context. If you are the victim of a sexual assault, you should report it immediately to your country’s office.
(Adapted from https://travel.gc.ca/destinations/united-arab-emirates)

(F) Do texto acima, direcionado a turistas que desejam visitar os Emirados Árabes Unidos, transcreva o trecho
em que se encontra...
1- Uma possibilidade de exigência sanitária.
2- Uma recomendação de viagem para quem pretende ir aos Emirados.
3- Uma possibilidade de ocorrência de crime.
4- Uma recomendação geral de segurança.
5- Uma recomendação de segurança para as mulheres.
6- Uma dificuldade para as mulheres registrarem queixas contra abuso sexual.
7- Uma recomendação caso uma mulher sofra abuso sexual.

Studying English – Two (2022) 10

TWO – Lesson 5
(A) Alunos de um curso de inglês online escrevem para responder às perguntas da professora. Sobre o que a
professora deseja que eles escrevam? Passe os olhos rapidamente pelo texto a seguir e descubra.

Do you like to travel? What places would you like to visit? Why?
S. Zivereska (Russia)
Yes, I love traveling. I have many dream destinations and to be honest I wish to travel all
around the world. However, the place that always comes to my mind first is Bora Bora Island, a
dream island. There you can forget about worries and everyday routines, and enjoy the genuine
beauty of God’s blessed nature. White sand, beautiful lagoons covered with different exotic
plants and flowers, clear water and rich submarine life.
P. Monteanu (Romania)
I will not say that I enjoy traveling. When I was young, family trips were always boring: same
place, same time of the year, same people. I was eager to grow up and see the world. Now I’m
18 and I want to study abroad. I expect to visit new places, to meet new people and make new
O. Fentsyk (Ukraine)
Everybody I know likes traveling. People can travel nowadays by plane, train, bus, car, bike.
There are so many options to get away. For me, though, homecoming is where magic happens.
People should know how nice it is to come back after a trip. It is all the memories that you
bring back, hanging photos on the walls and collecting souvenirs on the shelf.
M. Loumaha (Kuwait)
My dream place is Venice, Italy. Venice has always had a special place in my heart, I always
imagine myself enjoying the culture and the harmony of beauty over there. When I feel
depressed I just look at the pictures of Venice and close my eyes and start my own trip.
P. Cárdenas (Mexico)
My dream destination is in South America: the Galapagos Islands. I would like to go to the place
where Charles Darwin was able to conceive the theory of evolution, and see the wonders that he
saw while he was there.
H. Ladjabi (India)
Well, my destination is unique in its kind, it would be an island called Santorini, in Greece. The
island of Santorini is probably the most intriguing island of Greece: red and black sand beaches,
impressive traditional houses, balconies with view to the volcano, along with the remains of the
antiquity and the myth of Lost Atlantis.
A. Castillo (Spain)
Yes, I absolutely adore traveling. Mainly, because I love learning about new cities, the history,
the culture and the language(s) of the places I go to. If I had to choose which destination I
would like to visit next, it would be New York City. I don't really know when I'll be able to visit
New York, but when I do, I'll make sure that I'll stay there for good.
J. Manalaysay (Pakistan)
I would rather spend my time doing one of two things: reading books and traveling. My passion
to travel is second to none. Any place outside my home and out of the city is already traveling.
To learn about the culture of the place and to taste the food are things worth experiencing.
J'adore voyager. You guessed it right: my dream destination is France!
M. F. Souza (Brazil)
Sometimes traveling is hard. It can be stressful and expensive, but it's also necessary, at least
for me. It makes me feel free, and in control of my destiny. There's nothing like walking around
a city you don't know, looking for adventures. I have a very long list of dream places I’d like to

(B) Agora faça um scanning (leitura rápida em busca de informações específicas): leia os textos e indique
qual/quais aluno(a,s) fez/fizeram os seguintes comentários. E responda às perguntas a seguir.
1- Deseja visitar uma localidade na América do Sul. Por quê?
2- Interessado(a) no mito do continente perdido de Atlântida. Onde ele(a) pode vivenciar essa
3- Deseja visitar lugares onde possa ficar em contato com a natureza. Onde?
4- Interessa(m)-se pelos costumes e cultura do país. Que lugares deseja(m) visitar?
5- Detestava(m) viajar quando criança; agora quer vivenciar novas experiências.
6- Acha(m) que uma das melhores coisas de uma viagem é a volta para casa? Por quê?

Studying English – Two (2022) 11

(C) Faça um pequeno resumo do ponto de vista da estudante brasileira sobre o ato de viajar.

(D) Preste atenção às seguintes frases e às formas verbais sublinhadas. Que noções são passadas pelos verbos?
1- What places would you like to visit?
2- I will not say that I enjoy traveling. It was very boring when I was young.
3- I would like to go to the place where Charles Darwin conceived the theory of evolution.
4- My destination would be the island of Santorini, in Greece.
5- If I had to choose a destination I would choose New York City.
6- I don't really know when I'll be able to visit New York, but when I do, I'll make sure that I'll stay there
for good.
7- I have a very long list of dream places I’d like to visit.

(E) Os verbos WILL e WOULD também são modais auxiliares, mas têm um uso um pouco diferente dos
demais. Veja o quadro a seguir.

WILL – Simple Future WOULD – Conditional

She will visit you tomorrow. You would help me.
Will she visit you tomorrow? Would you help me?
She will not visit you tomorrow. You would not help me.
(She’ll not / She won’t) (You’d not / You wouldn’t)
Expressa: Expressa:
Decisão de fazer algo no momento da fala. Pedido de forma polida.
Solicitações, convites e ofertas. Oferta de forma polida.
Esperança, expectativa, crença, promessa. Hipótese ou situação irreal.
Recusa a fazer algo. (negativa) Um hábito repetitivo no passado.

(F) Utilize os verbos modais will ou would (na forma adequada) para completar as seguintes frases.
1- If I had time, I _____ help you with your Math exercises.
2- _____ you, please, close that door? It’s very cold in here.
3- I tried and tried again to teach Helen how to drive, but she _____ learn it.
4- _____ your parents like to have dinner with us next Friday?
5- I’m sure he _____ get the job at that lawyer’s office.
6- _____ you like a cup of coffee?
7- I _____ travel around the world if I won in the lottery.
8- Stop crying, son! I _____ buy you that Teddy bear. Ok?

(G) Você já conhecia outra forma de futuro. Agora compare.

Future with GOING TO (I’m going to study) Simple Future (with WILL) (I will study)
a) Atividades planejadas para o futuro. d) Decisão de fazer algo no momento da fala.
b) Predições porque há evidências para isso. e) Solicitações, convites e ofertas.
c) Algo está prestes a acontecer. f) Esperança, expectativa, crença.
g) Promessa.
h) Recusa a fazer algo. (negativa)

(H) Em alguns casos tanto faz usar uma ou outra forma de futuro, porém, em outros, uma das formas é
preferível. Indique quais das noções listadas no quadro anterior são exemplificadas pelas seguintes frases.
1- Look at those dark clouds in the sky. It is going to rain.
2- Will you come to the cinema with me?
3- The window is open and it’s raining in. I’ll go and shut it.
4- I believe he will pass the exam.
5- Betty’s in a hurry because she is going to meet her brother at the train station.
6- That suitcase looks very heavy. I will help you.
7- I will stop spending money on card games and horse races.
8- I feel terrible. I think I am going to be ill.
9- Be careful! The bomb is going to explode!
10- I have an important meeting at the office in 20 minutes, but this car won’t start.

Studying English – Two (2022) 12

TWO – Lesson 6
Welcome to the Healthy Families forums!
This is a space to ask questions, share experiences and support each other. Before you can post or
reply in these forums, please join our online community and read the community rules. Forum
membership is open to anyone residing in Australia.
Vivianne: Why do I feel I can't cope with kids and household chores?
5 I’m really struggling to understand myself. I get upset with my kids and husband
over small things. I feel anxious when I think the kids are going to be late for school
and I just cry. I can't cope with the house cleaning. I get angry with my 10-year-old
son because I always have to repeat myself on simple daily routines. I always have
to tell him to put his school things in his bag! My two-year-old son constantly wants
10 to cuddle me especially while I'm trying to cook dinner. He gets angry if I'm not the
one to pour him a cup of water. I work and have returned back to study. My husband is a great
provider but I get so mad with him when he does everything for our 5-year-old son. He sleeps with the
boy in his bedroom because my son doesn't want to sleep alone. And all these things make me tense
and angry. My husband wants me to seek help but … I don’t know. So, I thought I could try this forum
15 while I'm still trying to calm myself down from this morning’s episode. I feel horrible for making my
eight-year-old daughter upset from me breaking down. She's such a good kid. I don't want her to feel
the way I do when she grows up. My kids are everything to me and I feel like I'm failing them as a
mother; I think I’m failing us as a family. Why can't I just cope with them and with the household
20 Welcome Vivianne
Thank you for having the courage to share. I can assure you that you are like many other women. So,
there’s no need to feel silly or embarrassed. From what I read you sound very similar to me. I can
suggest you go to your Doctor and explain what’s happening and how you feel. Also borrow from the
next library a book on how to deal with stress derived from household chores and kids’ upbringing.
25 I hope this would be helpful for you. Kind Regards,
Linda Bell
(Adapted from https://healthyfamilies.beyondblue.org.au/seeking-support/helping-yourself-and-others/online-forums/relationship-and-family-

(A) Certamente, você já percebeu que o texto acima foi encontrado na Internet. Observe-o com atenção e faça
uma rápida leitura do seu conteúdo. Agora responda.

1- Que tipo de site é este em que o texto foi encontrado?

2- Quais são o propósito e o público-alvo do site?
3- Qual é o assunto específico desse texto?
4- De que ele consiste? Isto é, como ele está organizado?
5- Você se tornaria membro de uma comunidade desse tipo (não necessariamente sobre esse assunto)?

(B) Now, revise the Question Words in English and, then, answer the following questions in that language.

1- Who is Vivianne? What

2- Where does she live? Which
3- How does she feel when she thinks her kids are going to be late for school? Who
4- How many children does she have? Where
5- How old is her eldest son? When
6- When does her youngest son usually want to cuddle her? Why
7- Who usually sleeps with her five-year-old son? Whose
8- Why? How
9- Which of her four children is called a “good kid”? How many
10- What does her husband want her to do? How much
11- Whose advice does Vivianne receive on the forum? How old

(C) Transcreva do texto as seguintes palavras ou expressões.

1- Aguentar, lidar (com) 3- Limpeza da casa 5- Preparar o jantar
2- Afazeres (tarefas) domésticos 4- Rotinas diárias 6- Quarto

Studying English – Two (2022) 13

(D) Os pronomes em geral têm a função de substituir termos já mencionados para evitar Personal Pronouns
sua repetição, dessa forma, dando ao texto coesão e coerência. Como em português, Subject Object
em inglês há duas categorias de pronomes pessoais: aqueles que funcionam como form form
sujeito (subject) da frase – os do caso reto; e aqueles que funcionam como I me
complemento de verbos ou de preposições (object) – os do caso oblíquo. you you
he him
(E) Indique, nos trechos retirados do texto anterior, a que termos se referem os she her
pronomes pessoais sublinhados. it it
1- I always have to tell him to put his school things in his bag! (l. 8-9) we us
2- My husband is a great provider but I get so mad with him when he does you you
everything for our 5-year-old son. (l. 11-12) they them
3- And all these things make me tense and angry. (l. 13-14)
4- I don't want her to feel the way I do when she grows up. (l. 16-17)
5- My kids are everything to me and I feel like I'm failing them as a mother. (l. 17-18)
6- I think I’m failing us as a family. (l. 18)
7- I can assure you that you are like many other women. (l. 21)
8- From what I read you sound very similar to me. (l. 22)

(F) A seguir você encontra textos retirados de outro fórum de discussão da Internet. Há a preocupação expressa
por uma mãe (Elsa) e a resposta dada por outra (Mary). Complete as lacunas com uma das formas
pronominais entre parênteses.

Hello, this is my first time writing something like this but _____ (I, me, you) have nowhere else to
turn. My mother is making _____ (I, me, she) feel bad about going on a 5-day cruise with my husband
and leaving the kids. Three months ago _____ (I, he, she) offered to keep the kids and now she is saying that
they - aged 9 and 6 - will resent _____ (I, we, us) for not taking _____ (they, him, them). I feel really bad
about not taking the kids but I know that _____ (he, we, us) need this to help our relationship. My husband
works too much and _____ (he, her, him) needs some relaxing rest. I love my mother and value her opinion,
but now with 2 weeks away _____ (I, she, they) is making me feel guilty. She said that the honeymoon is
over and now _____ (they, it, I) is time for just family vacations.
Oh, just tell Mom that she did not leave _____ (me, you, she) when you were little, and now you
resent _____ (him, her, them) anyway, so you should go have fun without the kids. My husband and
_____ (I, me, him) have taken many trips without our kids. Trust _____ (I, me, him), it is wonderful.
And one day, your kids will be happy when _____ (you, she, he) leave. Go have fun and don't think another
thing about _____ (it, me, you).
(Abridged and adapted from (www.mamapedia.com/article/vacation-without-the-kids-dont-want-kids-to-resent-me)

(G) Agora explique o problema da primeira mãe e a opinião da segunda.

(H) Escolha os vocábulos do quadro à direita que completam adequadamente cada frase.

1- Paul and Helen are divorced, so he’s her _____. Relatives

2- My mother’s father is my _____. Parents
3- My _____, married to my sister, is a politician. Grandfather
4- My wife and I love our _____, our daughters’ children. Godfather
5- My mother married again. I think my _____ is a nice person. Grandchildren
6- My grandmother, my cousins and all my other _____ are coming Great-grandmother
to my birthday party. Uncle
7- A _____ is a man who sponsors a child at baptism. Brother-in-law
8- Is that your _____, married to your aunt Lucy? Son-in-law
9- My brother has two kids: my _____ Alan is nine, and my _____ Daughter- in-law
Laura is seven. Nephew
10- My _____, my mother’s grandmother, is a 100 years old. Niece
11- My daughter and my son married good people; my _____, Ryan, is Stepfather
a surgeon and my _____, Alice, works for the NASA. Ex-husband (former husband)

Studying English – Two (2022) 14

TWO – Lesson 7

June 18, 2018

I was six years old, and I came home for lunch during our break at school. My
mum had the same thing on the menu every single day: Bread and milk. When
you’re a kid, you don’t even think about it. But I guess that’s what we could
5 Then this one day I came home, and I walked into the kitchen, and I saw my mum at the refrigerator
with the box of milk, like normal. But this time she was mixing something in with it. She was shaking it
all up, you know? I didn’t understand what was going on. Then she brought my lunch over to me, and
she was smiling like everything was cool. But I realized right away what was going on. She was mixing
water in with the milk. We didn’t have enough money to make it last the whole week. We were broke.
10 Not just poor, but broke.
My father had been a pro footballer, but he was at the end of his career and the money was all gone.
The first thing to go was the cable TV. No more football. No more Match of the Day. No signal.
Then I’d come home at night and the lights would be shut off. No electricity for two, three weeks at a
15 Then I’d want to take a bath, and there would be no hot water. My mum would heat up a kettle on the
stove, and I’d stand in the shower splashing the warm water on top of my head with a cup.
There were even times when my mum had to “borrow” bread from the bakery down the street. The
bakers knew me and my little brother, so they’d let her take a loaf of bread on Monday and pay them
back on Friday.
20 I knew we were struggling. But when she was mixing in water with the milk, I realized it was over, you
know what I mean? This was our life.
I didn’t say a word. I just ate my lunch. But I swear to God, I made a promise to myself that day. It was
like somebody snapped their fingers and woke me up. I knew exactly what I had to do, and what I
was going to do.
25 I couldn’t see my mother living like that. Nah, nah, nah. I couldn’t have that. I kept my promise to
myself for a while. But then some days I’d come home from school and find my mum crying. So I finally
told her one day, “Mum, it’s gonna change. You’ll see. I’m going to play football for Anderlecht, and
it’s going to happen soon. We’ll be good. You won’t have to worry anymore.”
I was six. I asked my father, “When can you start playing professional football?” He said, “Sixteen.” I
30 said, “O.K., sixteen then.” It was going to happen. Period.
(Slightly adapted from https://www.theplayerstribune.com/articles/romelu-lukaku-ive-got-some-things-to-say)

(A) Dê uma rápida olhada no texto. A seguir, faça uma leitura superficial, Veja se você consegue perceber de
que trata o texto. Tente responder às perguntas.
1- Você conhece o personagem do texto? O que sabe sobre ele?
2- Que período de sua vida é retratado?
3- O texto faz uso extensivo da primeira pessoa do singular e apresenta um grande número de verbos nas
formas do passado. A que tipo textual pertence: descritivo, narrativo ou argumentativo?
(B) Após uma leitura mais detalhada, complete as frases a seguir com informações obtidas no texto.
1- Embora suas refeições geralmente consistissem apenas de ___________________, Lukaku percebeu
que sua família estava completamente sem dinheiro quando sua mãe __________________________.
2- Seu pai tinha sido um _________________, mas estava _________________.
3- Alguns dos fatos que serviram para confirmar a conclusão pessimista do menino foram a perda da TV a
cabo, ___________________________ e _____________________________.
4- Após observar sua mãe chorando algumas vezes, o jovem Lukaku _______________________.
(C) Faça comentários sobre a situação descrita no texto.
1- Que aspectos descritos mais chamaram sua atenção? Você se surpreendeu com essa narrativa? Já tinha
conhecimento desses fatos?
2- Como você avalia a atitude do jovem Lukaku ao final do texto?

Studying English – Two (2022) 15

(D) Se quiser conhecer o restante da história, basta consultá-la no site:

(E) Vamos observar duas expressões encontradas no texto que são comumente usadas em inglês.
 I’ve got some things to say (título) = I have some things to say.

 But I guess that’s what we could afford. = But I guess (think) that’s what we had money to buy.

(F) Observe a primeira construção.

 What have you got to do on the weekend? I , You, We, They have (‘ve) to do
 I’ve got to study for a test at school. got to study
 She’s got to tell him the truth. He, She It has (‘s) to go
- Forma coloquial muito usada. → I’ve gotta go

(G) Agora observe a segunda construção.

 I can’t afford to buy a new car at the moment, but can that house
I’m saving money for that. I , You, (can’t) a car
 Could he afford that trip to Europe last summer? He, She, It, afford
could to buy
 She can afford University fees because she has some We, They (couldn’t)
savings in the bank to go

(H) Escolha a opção adequada para completar cada frase a seguir.

1- Susan and Jeremy ______ to hurry, otherwise they’re going to miss the train. (has got/ have got/ got)
2- The new vaccine developed by the multinational laboratory is only given to those who ______ to
purchase it. (can afford/ can’t afford/ have got)
3- ______ a luxurious apartment like that? (Can you afford/ You can afford / Have you afford)
4- I ______ this hotel room; it’s way out of my budget. (have got/ can afford/ can’t afford)
5- ______ any history books in her backpack? (Can she afford/ Could she afford/ Has she got)
6- When I was a kid, my parents ______ to send me to school. (can’t afford/ couldn’t afford/ has got)
(I) Vamos aproveitar o texto sobre Lukaku para fazer uma revisão de tempos verbais. Considere os verbos
sublinhados nos trechos do texto e indique a noção que expressam

(1) Expressa uma ação específica e finita no (4) Expressa uma ação vista como um fato repetitivo
passado. ou como uma verdade cristalizada.
(2) Expressa uma ação em continuidade no (5) Expressa um hábito repetitivo no passado.
passado. (6) Expressa uma promessa.
(3) Expressa uma ação passada ocorrida (7) Expressa uma predição ou intenção futura.
anteriormente à outra ação passada.
( ) When you’re a kid, you don’t even think about it. (l. 3-4)
( ) Then this one day I came home, and I walked into the kitchen, and I saw my mum at the
refrigerator with the box of milk, like normal. (l. 5-6)
( ) She was mixing water in with the milk. (l. 8-9)
( ) We didn’t have enough money to make it last the whole week. (l. 9)
( ) My father had been a pro footballer, but he was at the end of his career and the money was all gone.
(l. 11)
( ) Then I’d want to take a bath, and there would be no hot water. (l. 15)
( ) There were even times when my mum had to “borrow” bread from the bakery down the street.
(l. 17)
( ) “Mum, it’s gonna change. ... I’m going to play football for Anderlecht, and it’s going to happen
soon. … You won’t have to worry anymore.” (l. 27-28)
( ) “Mum, … We’ll be good. You won’t have to worry anymore.” (l. 27-28)

(J) Tente inferir (descobrir com base no contexto) o significado dos seguintes verbos.
1- ... I realized it was over… (l. 20) 2- … enough money to make it last the whole week. (l. 9)

Studying English – Two (2022) 16

TWO – Lesson 8
(A) Nos últimos anos, muito se tem falado sobre uma possível escassez geral de água no planeta. Você
considera essa questão como sendo preocupante? Por quê?
(B) Passe, então, à leitura do texto. Use o seu conhecimento prévio e a informação não-verbal para auxiliá-lo.
Observe a maneira como o texto está organizado. Você deverá identificar as informações mais relevantes
para alcançar seus objetivos fazendo uma leitura para compreender os pontos principais do texto. Após a
leitura, indique se as afirmativas a seguir são verdadeiras ou falsas.
1- O ciclo da água é importante como fonte de água potável e de alimentos e para a manutenção dos
padrões climáticos.
2- A água cobre mais de ¾ da superfície do planeta.
3- Noventa e sete por cento da água existente no planeta se encontra nas regiões polares.
4- De toda a água doce existente na Terra, 66% podem ser utilizados para o consumo e para a agricultura.
5- A água doce pode ser encontrada em lagos, rios, e no subsolo.
6- O ciclo da água é constante, só sendo interrompido em períodos de muita seca e pouca chuva.
7- Determinado pela temperatura, o estado físico da água está continuamente mudando.
8- A quantidade geral de água no planeta diminuiu consideravelmente nos últimos cem anos.

Precipitation, evaporation, and transpiration are all terms that sound familiar, but may not mean much
to you. They are all part of the water cycle, a complex process that gives us water to drink, fish to eat,
and weather patterns that help plants grow.
5 Water is an integral part of life on this planet. It is an odorless, tasteless substance that covers more
than three-fourths of the Earth's surface. Most of the water on Earth, 97% to be exact, is salt water found
in the oceans. We cannot drink salt water or use it for plants because of the salt content.
Only about 3% of Earth's water is fresh. Two percent of the Earth's water (about 66% of all fresh water) is
in solid form, found in ice caps and glaciers. Because it is frozen and so far away, the fresh water in ice
10 caps is not available for use by people or plants. There is only about 1% of all the Earth's water in a form
useable to humans and land animals. This fresh water is found in lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, and in the
The Cycle
Water is constantly being cycled between the
15 atmosphere, the ocean and land. This cycling is a
very important process that helps sustain life on
As the water evaporates, vapors rise and condense
into clouds. The clouds move over the land, and
20 precipitation falls in the form of rain, ice or snow.
The water fills streams and rivers, and eventually
flows back into the oceans where evaporation
starts the process again.
Water's state (solid, liquid or gas) is determined
25 mostly by temperature. Water continuously
changes states from solid to liquid to gas, but the
amount of water on Earth remains constant. There
is as much water now as there was hundreds of millions of years ago.
(Abridged and adapted from http://mbgnet.mobot.org/fresh/cycle/)

(C) Ainda com base no texto sobre “O Ciclo da Água”, escolha a melhor resposta para cada pergunta que se
1- O texto é do tipo
a) descritivo b) narrativo c) injuntivo d) dissertativo-argumentativo
2- Em termos de gênero textual, ele pode ser classificado como um(a)
a) resenha crítica. b) crônica. c) anúncio. d) texto de popularização da ciência.
3- O seu público-alvo é formado por
a) pessoas que já dominam o assunto. c) cientistas da área climática.
b) médicos e outros profissionais de saúde. d) pessoas que pouco sabem sobre o assunto.

Studying English – Two (2022) 17

(D) Baseando-se na figura que acompanha o texto e nas informações nela contidas, faça a correspondência entre
os termos relacionados ao ciclo da água e as frases que lhes dizem respeito.
( ) It occurs when a gas is changed into a liquid, this is, when the temperature of
1. Evaporation
the vapor decreases.
( ) It occurs when part of the water absorbed by plants evaporates from the leaves,
2. Condensation
adding to the amount of water vapor in the air.
( ) It is the process in which water changes from its liquid state to a gaseous state.
3. Precipitation
Liquid water becomes water vapor.
( ) It occurs when the small droplets of water in clouds form larger droplets. The
4. Transpiration
drops fall to Earth in the form of rain.
(E) Observe o texto a seguir, faça uma rápida leitura e responda às perguntas.
1- A que região do mundo ele majoritariamente se refere?
2- Para que estação do ano é feita a previsão? (Observe a fonte do texto.)
3- Para que dia(s) da semana é feita a previsão?
4- O que significam os números existentes em cada trecho?

Amsterdam Athens Brussels Copenhagen Frankfurt Helsinki Jerusalem

More showers, Sun, clouds, very Cloudy, cool, Cloudy skies, Cloudy, cool, Partly sunny, Mainly sunny,
much cooler, warm, high 91, light rain, high rain likely, high showers likely, remaining warm, seasonably
high 64, low 54. low 72. 66, low 54. 69, low 57. high 64, low 55. high 79, low 61. warm, high 86,
Saturday: mostly Saturday: not as Saturday: few Saturday: rainy, Saturday: rain Saturday: more low 65.
cloudy, high 66, warm, high 86, showers, high cool, high 65, low possible, high clouds, high 75, Saturday: plenty
low 54. low 68. 68, low 55. 55. 68, low 51. low 59. of sun, high 88,
low 65.

London Madrid Moscow Paris Rome Stockholm Zurich

Cloudy, cool, Sun, clouds, More clouds, Cool, cloudy, Partly sunny, fair Peaks of sun, Quite cool,
early showers, continued mild, warm tempera- showers and mild, high few showers, showers likely,
high 66, low 48. high 79, low 55. tures, high 81, expected, high 79, low 63. high 77, low 59. high 61, low 49.
Saturday: Saturday: low 56. 68, low 57. Saturday: sun, Saturday: Saturday: rain
developing sunny, much Saturday: partly Saturday: light clouds, high 78, showers, cooler, likely, high 68,
showers, high warmer, high 90, sunny, high 78, rain, high 73, low low 62. high 72, low 59. low 54.
69, low 53. low 61. low 61. 57.
(From USA TODAY, Friday, August 29, 1997: 12 A)

(F) Agora faça a correspondência do nome da cidade com a descrição do tempo (para o dia de ‘hoje’).
1- Amsterdã ( ) Parcialmente ensolarado, claro e com temperatura amena.
2- Paris ( ) Fresco e nublado com expectativa de chuvas.
3- Roma ( ) Sol com nuvens e muito quente.
4- Atenas ( ) Parcialmente nublado, com temperatura amena.
5- Madri ( ) Mais chuvas e muito mais frio.
6- Bruxelas ( ) Nublado e fresco, com chuva leve.

(G) Organize as palavras abaixo de acordo com o grupo a que dizem respeito.
sun – (thunder)storm – breeze – warm – cloud – wind – showers – hurricane – cyclone – fair – rainfall
cool – rain – hot – snow – frost – cold – tornado – sunshine – bright – fog – hail – blizzard – dry – mist

(H) Complete cada frase usando duas das palavras entre parênteses.
1- It’s _____ cats and dogs. I’m tired of these _____ days. (rain / raining / rainy)
2- I love _____ Sundays. When the _____ is shining, I often go to the beach. (sun / sunny / sunshine)
3- Oh, what a _____! Rain, thunder, and lightning - I hate _____ weathers. (storm / stormy / bright)
4- The sky is covered with _____. This _____ day may indicate night showers. (clouds / cloudy / rainy)
5- The weather in London is usually _____, the English _____ is very famous. (fog / foggy / snow)
6- A _____ is formed when a tropical cyclone with _____ of over 119 km p/ hour occurs, usually
accompanied by rain, thunder, and lightning. (winds / windy / hurricane)

Studying English – Two (2022) 18

TWO – Lesson 9
(A) Faça uma rápida leitura (skimming) do texto e responda às perguntas.
1- Qual é a fonte do texto? Você conhece essa(s) fonte(s)? O que esse fato sugere sobre o texto?
2- Qual é o seu propósito?
3- Qual é o seu assunto?
4- A palavra-título Environment corresponde a duas palavras diferentes em português. Quais são elas?

Environment is everything that is around us. It can be living or non-living things. It includes physical,
chemical and other natural forces. Since everything is part of the environment, we use the
word environment to talk about many things. People in different fields of knowledge use the word
environment differently. Electromagnetic environment is radio waves and other electromagnetic
5 radiation and magnetic fields. In psychology and in medicine, a person's environment means the people,
physical things and places that the person interacts with. The environment affects the growth and
development of the person. It affects the person's behavior, body, mind and heart.
The natural environment encompasses all living and non-living things
occurring naturally, meaning in this case not artificial. The term is most
10 often applied to the Earth or some parts of Earth. This meaning of
environment encompasses the interaction of all living species, climate,
weather and natural resources that affect human survival and economic
activity. Natural environment is often used as a synonym for habitat.
In contrast to the natural environment there is the built environment. In
15 such areas where man has fundamentally transformed landscapes such as urban settings and
agricultural land conversion, the natural environment is greatly modified into a simplified human
environment. So, it is called an artificial environment.
Some people call themselves environmentalists. They think we must protect the natural environment
to keep it safe. Things in the natural environment that we value are called natural resources. For
20 example; fish, sunlight, and forests. These are renewable resources because they come back naturally
when we use them. Non-renewable resources are important things in the environment that are limited,
for example, ores and fossil fuels.
Adapted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_environment and https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environment)

(B) De acordo com o texto, corresponda as definições à direita com o termo a que dizem respeito.
( ) Meio-ambiente 1- ... são as coisas no ambiente natural que retornam quando
usadas pelo homem.
( ) Ambiente de uma pessoa 2- ... são coisas importantes, mas limitadas, que existem no
ambiente natural para uso pelo homem.
( ) Ambiente natural 3- ... são pessoas que acreditam que o ambiente natural deve ser
protegido para ser mantido seguro.
( ) Ambiente artificial 4- ... compreende a interação entre os seres vivos, o clima e os
recursos naturais.
( ) Ambientalistas 5- ... refere-se às pessoas, coisas e lugares que interagem com
uma pessoa e afetam seu desenvolvimento e comportamento.
( ) Recursos naturais renováveis 6- ... refere-se a locais onde a ação humana, como a urbanização
e a agricultura, modificou o ambiente natural.
( ) Recursos naturais não-renováveis 7- ... é tudo ao nosso redor; compreende seres vivos e não-vivos
e todas as forças físicas, químicas e outras forças naturais.
(C) Observe, no quadro, os vocábulos originais e os derivados encontrados no texto. Traduza esses últimos.
Palavra base Tradução Palavra derivada Tradução
1- To live viver living (l. 1)
2- To know conhecer knowledge (l. 3)
3- To grow crescer growth (l. 6)
4- To develop desenvolver development (l. 7)
5- To survive sobreviver survival (l. 12)
6- Agriculture agricultura agricultural (l. 16)
7- Great grande (em grandeza) greatly (l. 16)
8- New novo renewable (l. 20)

Studying English – Two (2022) 19

(D) Pudemos perceber, então, que a identificação e compreensão de prefixos e sufixos formadores de palavras
podem ajudar bastante na descoberta do significado de uma palavra desconhecida.
(E) Os PREFIXOS são usados para modificar o significado de uma palavra, como, por exemplo, acrescentar
uma noção de negação (happy = feliz; unhappy = infeliz). A palavra, geralmente, permanece na mesma
classe gramatical. Muitos dos prefixos da língua inglesa são de origem greco-latina e, portanto, são bem
parecidos com os utilizados na língua portuguesa. Tente dizer o significado das seguintes palavras formadas
por prefixação. Entre parênteses, encontram-se as noções expressas pelos prefixos.
1- Self-medication – (de/para si próprio) 5- To Rewrite – (repetição)
2- Pre-historic – (anterioridade) 6- Overpopulation – (em excesso)
3- Post-war – (posterioridade) 7- Disappear – (negação/ reversão)
4- Antibody – (contra) 8- Unreal – (oposição, negação)
(F) Os SUFIXOS, por sua vez, geralmente alteram a classe gramatical da palavra (sing = cantar; singer =
cantor) ou o elemento designado (piano = 'objeto'; pianist = 'pessoa'). Há sufixos que são parecidos com os
da língua portuguesa e vários outros que não o são. Há sufixos em inglês que, na maioria das vezes,
correspondem a um determinado sufixo em português; enquanto que outros podem corresponder a sufixos
diferentes na nossa língua. Veja alguns deles. Traduza os exemplos.
1- Sufixos formadores de VERBOS
purify – sterilize – activate – shorten –
2- Sufixo formador de ADVÉRBIOS
freely –
3- Sufixos formadores de SUBSTANTIVOS
player – happiness – government – alcoholism –
leadership – youth – regularity – swimming –
organization – freedom – employee – brotherhood –
4- Sufixos formadores de ADJETIVOS
debatable – surprising – snobbish – rainy –
romantic – beautiful – explosive – daily –
historical – famous – homeless – Brazilian –

(G) Leia o texto a seguir e responda às perguntas.

1- Com base nas informações obtidas, responda à pergunta feita no título.
2- Qual é o alerta feito no último parágrafo? Por quê?
3- Por que é dito que esses eventos são complicados para o clima na Terra?

What Is the Difference Between Weather and Climate?

Weather is the mix of events that happen each day in our atmosphere, including temperature, rainfall and
humidity. Weather is not the same everywhere. Perhaps it is hot, dry and sunny today where you live, but in
other parts of the world it is cloudy, raining or even snowing. Everyday, weather events are recorded and
predicted by meteorologists worldwide.
Climate in your place on the globe controls the weather where you live. Climate is the average weather
pattern in a place over many years. So, the climate of Antarctica is quite different from the climate of a
tropical island. Hot summer days are quite typical of climates in many regions of the world.
Climates are changing because our Earth is warming, according to scientific researches. Does this contribute
to a warm summer day? It may. However, global climate change is actually much more complicated than
that because a change in the temperature can cause changes in other weather elements such as clouds or
(Abridged from www.eo.ucar.edu/basics/)

(H) Tente traduzir os termos sublinhados, que são usados para fazer a conexão das ideias no texto.
“Climates are changing because our Earth is warming, according to scientific researches. Does this contribute to
a warm summer day? It may. However, global climate change is actually much more complicated than that
because a change in the temperature can cause changes in other weather elements such as clouds or

Studying English – Two (2022) 20

TWO – Lesson 10
Climate change is happening
Our Earth is warming. Earth's average temperature has risen by 1.4ºF over the past century, and is
projected to rise another 2 to 11.5ºF over the next hundred years. Small changes in the average
temperature of the planet can translate to large and potentially dangerous shifts in climate and
5 The evidence is clear. Rising global temperatures have been accompanied by changes in weather and
climate. Many places have seen changes in rainfall, resulting in more floods, droughts, or intense rain, as
well as more frequent and severe heat waves. The planet's oceans and
glaciers have also experienced some big changes – oceans are warming
and becoming more acidic, ice caps are melting, and sea levels are
10 rising. As these and other changes become more pronounced in the
coming decades, they will likely present challenges to our society and
our environment.
Humans are largely responsible for recent climate change. Over the past
century, human activities have released large amounts of carbon dioxide
15 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The majority of
greenhouse gases come from burning fossil fuels to produce energy; although deforestation, industrial
processes, and some agricultural practices also emit gases into the atmosphere.
Greenhouse gases act like a blanket around Earth, trapping energy in the atmosphere and causing it to
warm. This phenomenon is called the greenhouse effect and is natural and necessary to support life on
20 Earth. However, the buildup of greenhouse gases can change Earth's climate and result in dangerous
effects to human health and welfare and to ecosystems.
Our lives are connected to the climate. Human societies have adapted to the relatively stable climate
we have enjoyed since the last ice age which ended several thousand years ago. A warming climate will
bring changes that can negatively affect our water supplies, agriculture, power and transportation
25 systems, the natural environment, and even our own health and safety.
We can reduce the risks we will face from climate change. By making choices that reduce greenhouse
gas pollution, and preparing for the changes that are already underway, we can reduce risks from
climate change. Our decisions today will shape the world our children and grandchildren will live in.
(Abridged from http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/basics/)

(A) O texto acima trata de um dos problemas ambientais mais discutidos atualmente. Leia seu título. O que
você sabe sobre esse problema? Pense a respeito. Agora, leia o texto e assinale se as afirmativas a seguir
são verdadeiras ou falsas e indique as linhas onde podem ser encontradas as informações que confirmam
sua escolha.
1- Na última década a temperatura média da Terra aumentou 1,4ºF.
2- Pequenas mudanças na temperatura média da Terra podem desencadear mudanças perigosas no clima.
3- Em muitos lugares do mundo, as consequências do aumento da temperatura média do planeta são
visíveis, pois há mudanças na ocorrência de chuvas, com grandes enchentes ou grandes secas.
4- As mudanças climáticas também podem ser percebidas nos oceanos, que estão se tornando mais frios e
mais ácidos.
5- Os gases estufa lançados na atmosfera são resultantes, basicamente, da queima de combustíveis fósseis
e de outras atividades humanas.
6- O fenômeno denominado ‘efeito estufa’ é natural e necessário para sustentar a vida na Terra.
7- Um clima mais quente pode vir a beneficiar a vida na Terra, tornando a agricultura mais produtiva e
aumentando o suprimento de água no planeta devido à maior ocorrência de chuvas.
8- Chegou-se a um ponto em que nada mais é possível fazer para reverter a atual tendência de
aquecimento do planeta.
(B) Correlacione os vocábulos e locuções do texto com suas traduções.
1- Shifts (l. 3) 9- Amounts (l. 14) ( ) Mudanças ( ) Saúde
2- Floods (l. 6) 10- Fossil fuels (l. 16) ( ) Geleiras ( ) Quantidades
3- Droughts (l. 6) 11- Buildup (l. 20) ( ) Aumento ( ) Calotas polares
4- Heat waves (l. 7) 12- Welfare (l. 21) ( ) Escolhas ( ) Ondas de calor
5- Glaciers (l. 8) 13- Water supplies (l. 24) ( ) Secas ( ) Níveis do mar
6- Ice caps (l. 9) 14- Health (l. 25) ( ) Segurança ( ) Bem-estar
7- Sea levels (l. 9) 15- Safety (l. 25) ( ) Enchentes ( ) Suprimentos de água
8- Challenges (l. 11) 16- Choices (l. 26) ( ) Desafios ( ) Combustíveis fósseis

Studying English – Two (2022) 21

(C) No texto lido podem ser encontrados diversos exemplos do tempo verbal denominado PRESENT
PERFECT. Esse tempo verbal do inglês não tem um correspondente exato em português, por isso merece
uma atenção especial. Observe os exemplos retirados do texto:
 Our Earth is warming. Earth's average temperature has risen by 1.4°F over the past century, …
(l. 1) – Após informar que o planeta Terra está aquecendo (ação que está acontecendo no momento em
que o texto se refere a ela – Present Continuous), há a indicação de que a temperatura média subiu 1,4º
F no último século, logo essa ação iniciou-se no passado e continua até o momento (Present Perfect).
 Over the past century, human activities have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. (l. 13-15) – A mesma noção de ação iniciada no passado que
continua até o presente pode ser observada quando há menção ao lançamento de grandes quantidades de
dióxido de carbono e outros gases estufa na atmosfera.
 Many places have seen changes in rainfall, resulting in more floods, droughts, or intense rain, as
well as more frequent and severe heat waves. (l. 6-7) – Em muitos lugares do mundo é possível
observarem-se efeitos da mudança climática e do sistemático aumento da temperatura global.
(D) O Present Perfect pode expressar diferentes noções ou ideias. As principais são as seguintes:
 Ação ocorrida em momento indeterminado no passado;
 Ação iniciada no passado e que continua até o presente;
 Ação ocorrida no passado cujo efeito é presente;
 Ação que acabou de ocorrer (com just).

(E) Observe a estruturação do PRESENT PERFECT e de suas formas negativa e interrogativa.

verbo principal
verbo TO HAVE no presente + no PARTICÍPIO PASSADO
I, You, We, They have studied, lived, played,
He, She, It has been, taken, gone
• Have they studied at that school for 2 years? • Where has he been to in Europe?
• Yes, they have studied there for 2 years. • He has been to France, Britain and Italy.
(they’ve studied) (He’s been)
• No, they haven’t studied there for 2 years. • He hasn’t been to Germany.

(F) O Present Perfect pode ser traduzido, em português, pelo Presente ou pelo Pretérito Perfeito do Indicativo,
dependendo da noção que estiver expressando. Atenção ao fato de que, em inglês, o Simple Present
expressa uma constatação ou uma ação habitual no presente e o Simple Past expressa uma ação ocorrida no
passado (iniciada e encerrada no passado). Agora, traduza as seguintes frases adequadamente.
1- I’m sorry I’m late. How long have you been here?
2- Have you gone to the movies lately? - Yes, but I haven’t seen any really good films.
3- I haven’t played tennis for weeks: I haven’t had time.
4- They have just arrived from school.
5- Earth's average temperature has risen by 1.4°F over the past century.
6- Many places have seen changes in rainfall, resulting in more floods, droughts, or intense rain.
7- The planet's oceans and glaciers have also experienced some big changes.
8- Over the past century, human activities have released large amounts of carbon dioxide into the
9- Human societies have adapted to the relatively stable climate we have enjoyed since the last ice age.
(G) Complete o texto a seguir com as formas verbais abaixo.
(1) have been / (2) ‘s traveled / (3) ‘s seen / (4) ’ve never been / (5) ‘ve visited
(6) have been married / (7) ‘s met / (8) has also eaten and drunk / (9) have had
“I think I ____ a very interesting life,” says Phil Norton (70), retired 5 years ago, who worked as a travel
agent for 42 years. “I____ to so many countries that I can't remember all of them. I____ Australia, Asia,
Europe and South Africa many times, but I____ to Africa.” Due to his occupation, he____ a lot of famous
people: politicians, artists and many international celebrities. Because he____ a lot, he____ a lot of
wonderful things and ____ some strange foods and drinks.
“But my family is the most important thing in my life. Louise and I ____ for forty years. I love my wife, kids
and grandchildren,” he concludes.
(Adapted from https://www.esl-lounge.com/student/grammar/2g30-old-colonel.php)

Studying English – Two (2022) 22

TWO – Lesson 11
(A) Leia o parágrafo introdutório (l. 1-5), passe os olhos pelo restante do texto e indique a afirmativa correta
sobre o propósito da autora.
1- Alimentar nas pessoas a esperança de que os sonhos sempre podem vir a ser realizados.
2- Orientar as pessoas sobre como agir em situações de ‘stress’ para evitar doenças desnecessárias.
3- Sugerir pequenas mudanças na rotina e nas relações interpessoais para que se viva melhor.
4- Explicar como viver mais prazerosamente a partir da adoção de mudanças radicais na rotina.

How to Make a Better Life

By Kay Ireland, eHow Contributor
Living a better life can mean a healthier, happier and more positive
life. Small, simple changes in your routine, job and family
relationships can make you feel you are living a better and more
satisfying life. If you're not happy with the way your life is going,
5 perhaps it is time to make the necessary changes to improve it.

1 Simplify your life. Often when you feel stressed and tired, you get
the impression that your life isn't what you want it to be. Try to
work fewer hours, purchase a smaller home, buy a less expensive car and, by all means, simplify your
10 life so that you spend less time paying for it and more time living it.
2 Be positive. Make an effort to be more grateful and happier about the things you have and cultivate a
positive outlook on your future. Wake up every morning glad to meet the day and ready to face it head
on, gathering the benefits of a positive attitude.
3 Do something you love. Wake up every day excited about things that will make your life better. This
15 may mean going to school for a different profession or training in something that you love. Believing you
can do something is half the battle.
4 Get a pet. A pet can offer a lot: companionship, love and exercise. All of these things can contribute
to a nicer life. Taking your dog for a walk is exercise, and exercise releases endorphins, which cause a
feeling of happiness. Studies also show that a pet can reduce stress and keep you healthy.
20 5 Eat healthier. Bad health and excess weight can contribute to a poor quality of life. Engaging in a
healthy diet and regular exercise can improve your health and make you feel better both physically and
(Abridged from www.ehow.com/how_5185944_make-better-life.html)

(B) Leia o texto mais detalhadamente e selecione, dentre as abaixo, as sugestões feitas pela autora para que se
alcance o objetivo proposto.
1- Ter uma atitude mais positiva em relação ao presente e ao futuro.
2- Diminuir as horas de trabalho.
3- Comprar uma casa mais ampla e confortável e um carro mais moderno.
4- Acordar cedo todos os dias e realizar exercícios em agradecimento ao sol.
5- Fazer coisas das quais a pessoa goste.
6- Largar o emprego e começar uma nova vida longe da cidade.
7- Manter-se longe de animais que possam lhe causar stress ou problemas de saúde.
8- Arranjar um animal de estimação.
9- Levar o cachorro de um parente ou vizinho para passear.
10- Alimentar-se de maneira saudável e fazer exercícios regulares.
(C) Que forma verbal foi usada para introduzir as sugestões feitas pela autora? Por que essa forma verbal foi
usada? Retire quatro exemplos do corpo do texto (e não dos itens em destaque) e traduza-os.
(D) Correlacione as palavras do texto com suas traduções.
1- Relationships (l. 3) 5- Glad (l. 12) ( ) contente, alegre ( ) meio, metade
2- Perhaps (l. 5) 6- Half (l. 16) ( ) talvez ( ) perspectiva
3- Tired (l. 6) 7- Healthy (l. 19) ( ) cansado (a) ( ) saudável
4- Outlook (l. 12) 8- Weight (l. 20) ( ) peso ( ) relacionamentos

Studying English – Two (2022) 23

(E) No texto, adjetivos, determinantes e quantificadores foram utilizados para qualificar metas almejadas de
vida, metas com características superiores àquelas que as pessoas têm no momento. No título, por exemplo,
tem-se “How to make a better life”. O adjetivo good foi usado no grau comparativo de superioridade –
better – para expressar o que se deseja: uma vida melhor. Observe nos trechos a seguir outros vocábulos
(sublinhados) nos graus comparativos de superioridade ou de inferioridade. Tente traduzi-los.
 Living a better life can mean a healthier, happier and more positive life. (l. 1-2)
 Small, simple changes [..] can make you feel you are living a better and more satisfying life. (l. 2-4)
 Try to work fewer hours, purchase a smaller home, buy a less expensive car and, by all means, simplify
your life so that you spend less time paying for it and more time living it.(l. 8-10)
(F) Os termos sublinhados no exercício anterior não se encontram em sua forma base, mas modificados para
expressar comparação. Essas formas gramaticais são referentes aos graus dos adjetivos e dos advérbios, que
também se aplicam a alguns quantificadores. Observe sua formação no quadro abaixo.
Comparative of Superiority Superlative of Superiority
smaller than the smallest
1 syllable or
hotter than the hottest
2 syllables (ending in
prettier than the prettiest
–y, –ow, –le, –er)
simpler than the simplest
more important than the most important
2 or more syllables
more famous than the most famous
Special Cases
good better than the best
bad worse than the worst
many, much more than the most
little less than the least
Comparative of Inferiority Superlative of Inferiority
less elegant the least elegant
All adjectives and adverbs
less satisfactory the least satisfactory
Comparative of Equality
as hot as; as beautiful as; (not) so intelligent as

(G) Leia o texto abaixo e sublinhe os adjetivos que se encontram no grau comparativo (são 3) e circule os que
estão no grau superlativo (são 7). Traduza-os.
Dark chocolate has a lot of benefits. Chocolate comes from the seed of a tropical tree; raw chocolate
(or cacao) contains the highest levels of antioxidants of any food on Earth. However, the chocolate
consumed in western cultures comes in the form of highly processed and refined milk chocolate, with
fewer benefits than the dark varieties.
It contains important antioxidants called phenols, which can decrease blood pressure and improve your
cholesterol ratio. Women who consume greater amounts of antioxidants like those in dark chocolate have
higher bone mineral density levels, which prevent osteoporosis, than those who don’t consume much
Dark chocolate can be useful in improving brain function making people less fatigued and less sleepy;
and it may help to increase performance in tasks that require an alert mind.
When you choose a dark chocolate bar, remember that raw chocolate is the least processed and most
nutritious type of chocolate, although it’s not as tasty as typical dark chocolate bars.
One of the easiest ways to add the benefits of raw chocolate to your daily routine is by using it as an
ingredient in a smoothie. It is the best way to get you going in the morning and keep you going.
(Adapted from www.antioxidants-for-health-and-longevity.com/benefits-of-dark-chocolate.html)

(H) Complete usando as formas do comparativo ou do superlativo (superioridade, inferioridade ou igualdade)

1- I think dark chocolate is _____ milk chocolate. (healthy)
2- The _____ day of my life was when Jack and I got married. (happy)
3- Don’t eat junk food! You know that fruit and vegetables are _____ French fries. (nutritious)
4- I prefer to buy a _____ and _____ car than to spend three or more years paying for an imported one.
(small / economical)
5- Both L. Hamilton and M. Verstappen are excellent car racers. I think one is _____ the other. (fast)

Studying English – Two (2022) 24

TWO – Lesson 12

Common Cold
The common cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract (nose and throat). Any one of
hundreds of viruses can cause a common cold, but rhinoviruses are the most common culprits. It is
possible to get a cold at any time of the year. Viruses that cause colds spread through the air and upon
contact. Thus, avoiding contact with infected individuals and washing hands often help to reduce the
5 risk of common cold.
Symptoms usually appear one to three days following exposure to a cold-causing virus and then last 7 to
10 days. Common cold symptoms include sore throat, congestion, runny nose, coughing, and sneezing.
These symptoms may be accompanied by low-grade fever, mild headache, and slight body aches.
Both the common cold and influenza (the flu) are contagious respiratory illnesses with similar
10 symptoms. However, cold and flu are caused by different viruses and, in general, flu symptoms are
worse than common cold symptoms. Additionally, fever, body aches, extreme tiredness, and dry cough
are more common and intense with the flu. Serious illness and complications can develop from the flu,
such as pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus and ear infections, and even death.
If flu is suspected (e.g., fever, aches, chills) and symptoms persist (fever lasting longer than three days
15 or cough continues for several weeks), it is recommended to seek a doctor.
The nutrition information presented here refers only to the common cold.

(Adapted from https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/health-disease/common-cold)

(A) Leia o texto como um todo e responda às perguntas que se seguem.

1- Qual é o responsável pela divulgação do texto? Qual é seu público-alvo?
2- Qual é seu assunto? Qual é a comparação feita no 3º parágrafo (l. 9-13)?
3- Como o texto está organizado?

(B) Corresponda cada item numerado com os termos que lhe dizem respeito. (Há parênteses a mais.)
1- Causa(s) do resfriado ( ) Garganta irritada ( ) Morango ( ) Lavar bem as mãos
2- Sintoma(s) do resfriado ( ) Tosse seca intensa ( ) Dor nos olhos ( ) Febre duradoura
3- Sintoma(s) da gripe ( ) Filé de costela ( ) Vírus ( ) Feijão preto
4- Precaução(ões) ( ) Cansaço extremo ( ) Calafrios ( ) Nariz escorrendo
5- Fonte(s) de vitamina C ( ) Evitar contato com ( ) Ovos ( ) Dura de sete a dez
6- Fonte(s) de zinco pessoas infectadas ( ) Pelo ar dias

Studying English – Two (2022) 25

(C) Aproveite a oportunidade para aprender o vocabulário sobre o corpo humano. Correlacione as palavras em
português com suas versões em inglês.
1- Cérebro 7- Rins ( ) Cell ( ) Throat
2- Garganta 8- Intestinos ( ) Blood ( ) Heart
3- Coração 9- Pele ( ) Liver ( ) Kidneys
4- Pulmões 10- Osso ( ) Bone ( ) Skin
5- Fígado 11- Sangue ( ) Stomach ( ) Lungs
6- Estômago 12- Célula ( ) Brain ( ) Intestines, Bowels
(D) Agora, leia o texto a seguir sobre uma doença que afeta muitos brasileiros e complete as lacunas usando as
palavras abaixo. Use o seu conhecimento prévio sobre a doença para ajudá-lo(a).
pain – weeks – fever – vaccine – viral – symptoms – chronic – mosquitoes – headache – immune

What is Chikungunya?
By Ingrid Strauch (Medically Reviewed by Robert Jasmer, MD)

Chikungunya is a (1)____ infection that’s spread among humans by (2)____that carry the virus. The
infection is known for the sudden high (3)____and severe joint (4)____ or stiffness it can cause.
Other common (5)____ of chikungunya include rash, muscle pain, (6)____, nausea, and fatigue.
Most people recover fully from chikungunya and become (7)____to it for life. However, the pain may last
for (8)____or recur months later.
In up to 15 percent of cases, it may become (9)____, lasting years. As a result, chikungunya can sometimes
be misdiagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis.
There is currently no cure or (10)____for chikungunya. Treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms.
(Adapted from https://www.everydayhealth.com/chikungunya/guide/)

(E) Volte sua atenção para a formação de palavras em inglês. Transcreva dos textos lidos palavras formadas por
prefixação ou sufixação a partir dos vocábulos dados abaixo e complete a tabela.
Classe Palavra Classe
Palavra dada Tradução Tradução
gramatical derivada gramatical
1- virus substantivo viral adjetivo
2- to expose expor(-se)
3- to run verbo escorrendo
4- ill adjetivo
5- tired substantivo
6- structure
7- to infect infeccionar
8- full completo advérbio
9- to diagnose verbo misdiagnosed verbo
10- to treat tratamento

(F) O estudo dos sufixos tem uma importância muito grande no que diz respeito ao enriquecimento do
vocabulário. Por exemplo, se você conhece o verbo to add (acrescentar, adicionar), por meio do
conhecimento da formação sufixal, você deverá ser capaz de identificar o significado de addition (adição),
de additional (adicional) e de additionally (adicionalmente, ou melhor, além disso).
(G) Vamos rever alguns sufixos formadores de substantivos e adjetivos, que são em maior número. Traduza as
palavras a seguir.
Substantivos formados por sufixação Adjetivos formados por sufixação
1- Scientist 7- Stardom 13- Scientific 19- Tasty
2- Darkness 8- Parallelism 14- Musical 20- Honorary
3- Civility 9- Citizenship 15- Curable 21- Cautious
4- Childhood 10- Maintenance 16- Useful 22- Picturesque
5- Disappointment 11- Warmth 17- Useless 23- Decisive
6- Coverage 12- Arrival 18- Childish 24- Coastal

Studying English – Two (2022) 26

TWO – Lesson 13
The future of cinema
By Josh Pond
From its peak during the thirties and forties, when cinema was used not only for entertainment
purposes but also as a public broadcaster during the war, the industry has seen a dramatic decline in
admission numbers. Home entertainment improved as televisions advanced, both in terms of sound and
visual quality, while the appeal of cinema receded. But the inclusion of IMAX in recent years gave
5 cinema an added boost.
There are, however, many threats to the industry. Streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon
Prime, after initially buying content from others, are now huge content creators and distributors
themselves. Availability of so much content on demand undeniably presents a threat to cinema
attendance. Consumers can now access new films, of the same production quality as a movie studio,
10 directly in the comfort of their own home via a monthly subscription. In addition, movie studios now
have more choice when deciding how to distribute content. The monopoly of the cinema as a gateway
to the viewer is gone – the content creator now holds the cards.
Many movie studios now sell content directly to video streaming services or have cut down the time
the film will be exclusively in the cinema before the rights can be sold to a streaming service. There is
15 also the case of Disney who has built up an impressive direct to consumer platform of over 100 million
subscribers in little over a year. Disney now plans to create more content, which historically would be
released through cinemas, exclusively for its streaming service.
Cinema isn’t dead, but it’s severely wounded, and has challenges to face. The industry must
reinvent itself to continue to attract the public. There will undoubtedly always be a place for cinemas:
20 watching the latest James Bond film at home may not have the same impact as seeing it on the big
screen with surround sound, for example. But technology and access to content from a range of other
sources continues to undermine the cinema’s once dominant position as a content distributor.
(Adapted from https://www.rowan-dartington.co.uk/insight-knowledge/future-cinema)

(A) Faça uma rápida leitura (skimming) do texto e informe qual é seu assunto.
(B) O texto é composto de quatro parágrafos. Indique a que parágrafo corresponde cada uma das afirmativas a
seguir. (Sobra uma afirmativa.)
( ) Atualmente, serviços que oferecem filmes sob encomenda ameaçam a ida de público aos cinemas.
( ) Devido ao surgimento dos serviços de streaming ou daqueles por encomenda, é possível dizer que os
dias de existência do cinema estão contados.
( ) Alguns estúdios já estão diminuindo o prazo entre a exibição de seus filmes no cinema e nos serviços
por assinatura ou até lançando seus produtos diretamente nesses serviços.
( ) Após um declínio de público causado pelo surgimento da televisão, o cinema conseguiu ganhar certo
estímulo graças a novas tecnologias.
( ) Sempre haverá espaço para o cinema, mas há muitos desafios que a indústria cinematográfica deve
enfrentar nos tempos atuais.
(C) Correlacione as palavras encontradas no texto com suas traduções.
1- entertainment (l. 1) 6- viewer (l. 12) ( ) radio difusor ( ) ameaças
2- broadcaster (l. 2) 7- rights (l. 14) ( ) espectador ( ) desafios
3- threats (l. 6) 8- challenges (l. 18) ( ) presença ( ) direitos
4- content (l. 7) 9- screen (. 20) ( ) variedade ( ) tela
5- attendance (l. 9) 10- range (l. 21) ( ) entretenimento ( ) conteúdo
(D) Vamos observar algumas palavras do texto que foram formadas por prefixação e/ou sufixação. Traduza-as.
1- Initial (adj.)  (adv.) Initially (l. 7)
2- Avail (n.)  available (adj.)  (abstract n.) Availability (l. 8)
3- To deny (v.)  deniable (adj.)  undeniable (adj. neg.)  (adv.) Undeniably (l. 8)
4- Month (n.)  (adj.) Monthly (l. 10)
5- To exclude (v.)  exclusive (adj.)  (adv.) Exclusively (l. 14)
(abstract n.) Subscription (l. 10)
6- To subscribe (v.) {
 (concrete n.) Subscriber (l. 15)
7- History (n.)  historic/ historical (adj.)  (adv.) Historically (l. 16)
8- Doubt (n.)  (adv. neg.) Undoubtedly (l. 19)

Studying English – Two (2022) 27

(E) Chamamos de marcadores do discurso (ou marcadores discursivos) os termos que são utilizados para fazer
a transição de ideias ou marcar certos aspectos em um texto. Eles se constituem de conjunções, algumas
preposições, advérbios ou expressões adverbiais. Observe o primeiro parágrafo do texto anterior.
“From its peak during the thirties and forties, when cinema was used not only for entertainment purposes
  Relaciona as ideias  Estabelecem uma relação de
Estabelece um marco temporal. com uma noção de tempo. acréscimo.
but also as a public broadcaster during the war, the industry has seen a dramatic decline in admission
 Introduz a noção de modo.
numbers. Home entertainment improved as televisions advanced, both in terms of sound and visual
 Estabelecem a noção de acréscimo.
quality, while the appeal of cinema receded. But the inclusion of IMAX in recent years gave cinema an
 Relaciona as ideias  Relaciona as ideias  Estabelece um marco temporal.
com a noção de simultaneidade. com a noção de oposição, contraste.
added boost.” (l. 1-5)

(F) Agora escolha, entre as noções escritas em maiúsculas, aquela que é expressa pelos marcadores discursivos
sublinhados nos trechos do texto.
1- There are, however, many threats to the industry. (É necessário fazer a relação com o parágrafo
anterior.) CONTRASTE / CAUSA
2- Streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime, after initially buying content from others, …
3- In addition, movie studios now have more choice when deciding how to distribute content.
4- Many movie studios now sell content directly to video streaming services or have cut down the time
the film will be exclusively in the cinema before the rights can be sold to a streaming service.
5- There is also the case of Disney who has built up an impressive direct to consumer platform of over
100 million subscribers in little over a year.
6- Cinema isn’t dead, but it’s severely wounded, and has challenges to face.
7- … watching the latest James Bond film at home may not have the same impact as seeing it on the big
screen with surround sound, for example. COMPARAÇÃO / EXEMPLIFICAÇÃO
(G) Complete o texto a seguir usando as palavras e expressões abaixo.
Indeed – services – release – big screen – when – thanks to – such as – However – easier – phenomenon
Netflix vs Cinema: who’s gonna win?
Capucine Lalliard

Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney +… The days are long gone _____ we had to go to the
cinema to see a film or buy it on DVD. Nowadays, _____ the internet and the
development of streaming services we have access to a large choice of TV shows, films
and documentary films directly from our living room.
_____, what is the future of cinema in all this? With the easy access to streaming services without having to
leave our homes, we might wonder how cinemas can cope.
Since the 1990s we can see that movie theaters have become more and more popular in particular thanks to
the _____ of blockbusters and new technologies _____ special effects. Nevertheless, in the 2000s, a new
_____ arrived with the development of internet: streaming. _____, with the development of internet, it
became _____ to have access to films for free through streaming. Streaming _____ became quickly an enemy
of the cinema and so movie theaters have to find a way to face the competition and how streaming services
managed to surpass the _____.
(Adapted from https://medium.com/digital-society/netflix-vs-cinema-whos-gonna-win-bd0903989867)

(H) Alguns dos marcadores de discurso mais comuns.

Acréscimo de ideias and, also, in addition (to) Ênfase indeed, in fact, really, actually
Causa because, due to, for Enumeração then, finally, first, secondly
Condição if, unless Exemplificação for example, for instance, such as
Consequência so, therefore, consequently Finalidade in order to, so that
Contraste but, however, although Tempo when, after, before, in… (time)

Studying English – Two (2022) 28

TWO – Lesson 14
wmmuucchh H
weeeenn ccaannddyy sshhoouulldd II bbuuyy??
With Halloween right around the corner, many Americans will soon start wondering, “How much candy
will we need for trick-or-treaters?” To calculate how many chocolates, mints or fruity confections are
needed for trick-or-treaters is something that always makes people anxious.
The worst scenario for a suburban household on Halloween, besides being egged or toilet-papered, is to
5 run out of treats. But there is a way to avoid the disappointed looks on trick-or-treaters' faces; there's
a way to figure out how much Halloween candy you should buy.
You should consider all the variables. You have to take into account the number of kids in your
neighborhood, the weather, and how much your neighborhood gets into the Halloween spirit to
determine the exact number of bags (more or less) that you should purchase.
10 There’s no easy answer to this question, but there are things you can consider. First of all, if you’ve
done this before, think back to the year before. Were there many or few kids ringing the bell? Were
they in big groups? You probably know if you have a quiet neighborhood, or if the doorbell rings every
five minutes on October 31.
You should also take into consideration how well-decorated the houses on your block are — the more a
15 neighborhood gets into the spirit, the more it attracts trick-or-treaters.
Weather is, of course, a lot more difficult to predict ahead of time, but if strong wind or rain are
coming in, you probably won't need to buy all that much candy.
I can’t guarantee success, but those considerations can help you.
However, you can always overestimate how much candy you need. A full candy basket on November 1st
20 is much more preferable than a bunch of sad Elsas and Batmen on October 31.
(Adapted from www.candyindustry.com/articles/89969-how-much-halloween-candy-should-you-buy; www.insider.com/how-much-candy-to-buy-for-halloween-
2017-10; www.apartmenttherapy.com/how-much-halloween-candy-should-i-buy-237187)

(A) Correlacione as palavras e expressões do texto com as afirmativas que a elas se referem.
( ) Refer to some pranks involving these products played by kids on
1- Halloween (l. 1) Halloween.
2- Trick-or-treaters (l. 2) ( ) A sweet that tastes of peppermint.
3- Mint(s) (l. 2) ( ) A particular area of a city or town.
4- Egged or toilet-papered (l. 4) ( ) Something special you give someone because he/she will enjoy it.
5- Treat(s) (l. 5) ( ) Refer to some types of popular costumes kids wear on Halloween.
6- Neighborhood (l. 8) ( ) The festival celebrated on the night of October 31st in the US.
7- Elsas and Batmen (l. 20) ( ) Children who, dressed in costumes, go from house to house asking
for sweets on Halloween.

(B) Com base no texto, selecione a melhor opção de resposta para cada pergunta.
1- O texto tem como objetivo orientar as pessoas......
a) sobre como agir nos dias que antecedem a comemoração do Halloween.
b) quanto a dúvidas sobre o comportamento adequado para crianças no Halloween.
c) sobre a quantidade de doces e balas que elas devem comprar para distribuir no Halloween.
2- Segundo o texto, um cenário indesejado para uma casa de subúrbio no Halloween, além do fato de
poder sofrer vandalismo com ovos e papel higiênico, é.......
a) a possibilidade de ficar cedo demais sem doces para distribuir.
b) a visão de crianças fantasiadas chorando à sua porta.
c) a decepção na cara das crianças que não podem comer doces.
3- São vários os fatores que devem ser considerados para evitar que o problema discutido no texto
aconteça. Entre eles, se encontra(m)......
a) comparar se sua casa está mais ou menos ornamentada que a dos vizinhos.
b) imbuir-se do espírito da festividade e também participar da peregrinação com as crianças.
c) avaliar o número de crianças na vizinhança e a frequência com que tocam a campainha da casa.
4- Um fator que pode fazer com que o número de crianças nas ruas seja menor é......
a) a presença da polícia. c) o clima instável.
b) a falta de doces nos mercados.

Studying English – Two (2022) 29

(C) Traduza alguns trechos presentes no texto. Atenção ao fato de que normalmente não é possível fazer uma
tradução literal; é necessário fazer adaptações na passagem para a língua portuguesa.
1- The worst scenario for a suburban household on Halloween, …, is to run out of treats. (l. 4-5)
2- … there's a way to figure out how much Halloween candy you should buy. (l. 5-6)
3- You have to take into account … how much your neighborhood gets into the Halloween spirit to
determine the exact number of bags (more or less) that you should purchase. (l. 7-9)
4- Were there many or few kids ringing the bell? (l. 11)
5- … the more a neighborhood gets into the spirit, the more it attracts trick-or-treaters. (l. 14-15)
6- A full candy basket on November 1 is much more preferable than a bunch of sad Elsas and Batmen on
October 31. (l. 19-20)
(D) Os substantivos, em inglês, são divididos entre contáveis (que se podem contar; têm plural) e incontáveis
(líquidos, substâncias e outros que não podem ser contados; não têm plural). Dessa forma, a indicação de
muita ou pouca quantidade é feita por modificadores (quantificadores específicos). Agora, observe o quadro
Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns
How many glasses of milk do you want? How much milk do you want?
I want a glass of milk. I want some milk.
I want two glasses of milk. (I want a glass.)
I want some glasses of milk. (indefinite)
How much money do you have in the bank?
How many apples do you eat a day? - Well, I have some money in the bank. Why?
I eat an apple a day. - Well, I have a hundred dollars. Why?
I eat seven apples a week.
I eat some apples a week. (indefinite) The potatoes are tasteless. Do you have any salt?
Do you want any chocolate cookies? Of course, I have some (salt) for you.
Yes, I want two (cookies), please. How much food is there in the fridge?
How many friends do they have? There is a lot of food in the fridge.
Mike has a lot of / many friends. There isn’t much food in the fridge.
Jack has few friends. There is little food in the fridge.
He has a few (some) friends. There is a little (some) food in the fridge.
A lot of / lots of / many / few / a few / much / little / a little / some / any são chamados de
quantificadores (quantifiers).

(E) Escolha o termo entre parênteses que completa cada frase adequadamente.
1- You were really hungry; you’ve eaten ____ orange, a banana and a pear. (a / an / some)
2- She went to the supermarket and bought _____ vegetables. (a / a lot of / much)
3- How _____ did you pay for that new car? (many / much / some)
4- She’s quite shy; she doesn’t have _____ friends. (some / much / many)
5- Please, put _____ sugar in my tea; my level of glucose in the blood is very high. (few / much / little)
6- I had asked my students to prepare a report on the oil spill accident, but sadly _____ of them did it.
(little / many / few)
7- Do you receive _____ financial support for your research? (many / any / a few)
8- I heard you had a lot of pets! – A lot? No, I have just _____ pets. (much / any / a few)

ATENÇÃO: many, much são quantificadores, usados com substantivos (many books, much water),
enquanto very é um intensificador, usado com adjetivos e advérbios (very good, very far).

(F) Complete o texto a seguir com os vocábulos que se encontram no quadro abaixo.
balloons – rural – shirts – drinks – months – colored – food – straw
Festa Junina is celebrated in Brazil during the ______ of June and July in reverence to catholic saints. It
celebrates ______ life with typical clothes, food and dances inside an arraial: a large circular area made of
raw materials. The arraial is usually decorated with ______ flags, checkered table cloths and ______. The
most common clothes are checkered ______ or dresses and ______ hats. The ______ is one of the best parts
of the party: canjica, corn, pé-de-moleque and cake are common, with ______ including cachaça and wine.
(Adapted from https://theculturetrip.com/south-america/brazil/articles/the-top-5-festivals-in-brazil-that-you-have-to-know/)

Studying English – Two (2022) 30

TWO – Lesson 15

Dreams can seriously mess up with your head. Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night after
dreaming about dying? Or having the feeling you’re going to fall off the bed? It can totally freak you
out. But most dreams have a pretty simple explanation.
Dreams are your brain trying to process events or interactions that have occurred during the past 24-48
5 hours. Your brain is trying to compare these experiences with past experiences and make sense of it all.
We spoke to a dream analyst about the most common dreams and what they mean.
1. Being unprepared for an exam
If you look back over the past 1-2 days, was there a situation where you felt unprepared for something?
It might be a presentation, or a conflict with a friend. The dream reveals your feelings of vulnerability
10 about not being prepared. Usually if you have this kind of dream, you’re the kind of person who usually
performs well and is always well-prepared.
2. Being chased
You’re being followed and you’re running away from the thing chasing you. This could mean that you’re
running away from a problem that you’ve been avoiding. The problem might be smaller than it is in
15 your imagination and you might be ready to face it.
3. When you’re busting, but you can’t find a toilet
When people wake up after having this kind of dream, they usually realize they don’t actually need to
go to the bathroom. This usually means you want to release something or someone. It can also just
mean that you need some space and privacy.
20 4. Death
Dreams about death are very common. Dreaming about death often means that you feel something is
coming to an end in your life. How you react to the death in the dream can tell you a lot. But, pay
attention, just because someone is dying in a dream, it doesn’t necessarily mean that’s going to happen
in real life.
25 5. Falling
It’s dependent on the feeling you get when you are falling. If you’re falling and it’s horrible, look at the
past 1-2 days before the dream. If you’ve been going through some changes, it could mean you’ve been
feeling things changing. If the feeling is positive, that means you’ve let go of something and you realize
that change is a good thing.
30 6. An out-of-control vehicle
If you’re in the car, it’s probably reflecting the fact that things are out of control.
7. Being naked in public
We’ve all had that dream where we’re at work or in a busy public place when all of a sudden we realize
we’ve forgotten to get dressed! The way we react to this in our dreams is key to working out the
35 meaning. If you’re embarrassed at your nakedness, this symbolizes a vulnerability or embarrassment at
a secret you are keeping from people close to you. On the other hand, if you are walking down the
street completely naked and nobody pays attention to you, this means that you don’t need to worry so
much about things.
8. Being lost
40 Dreams where you are lost or are trying to find something can be very frustrating. The main indication
of a dream like this is that you feel ‘lost’ in some aspect of your life. Have you been worrying about
where your career is going? Or, perhaps you’re concerned about how a relationship with another person
has changed lately.
(Adapted from https://www.goodtoknow.co.uk/wellbeing/what-do-my-dreams-mean-71645 and https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/mind/a-dream-expert-

(A) Você costuma sonhar muito? Segundo especialistas, nós sonhamos todas as noites, mas nem sempre nos
recordamos de nossos sonhos. Você tem algum sonho recorrente? Bem, talvez o texto acima consiga
esclarecer alguns dos seus sonhos. Leia-o e verifique se ele trata de algum sonho que você já tenha tido.

(B) Então, responda às perguntas com base na introdução do texto.

1- Que impressão ou sensação os sonhos geralmente causam nas pessoas?
2- Qual é a explicação dada para a ocorrência de sonhos?

Studying English – Two (2022) 31

(C) Agora, imagine-se um(a) blogueiro(a) especialista em sonhos e tente ajudar as pessoas que lhe escreveram.

Constantemente Sonho recorrente-

Já sonhei várias Ando apavorado
sonho que estou nu mente que estou cain-
vezes que estou porque já sonhei
em público e me do e me sinto muito
correndo e sendo várias vezes com a
sinto muito mal ao acordar.
perseguida. morte de conhecidos.

Rodrigo L. S. A. Leonardo M. B. Cíntia G. S.

Gisele N. D.
Às vezes sonho que estou perdido e sempre Sonho frequentemente que estou com uma
acordo encharcado de suor. O que isso vontade desesperadora de ir ao banheiro, mas
significa? quando acordo, a vontade passa.

Maria L. O. T.
Pedro H. F. E.

(D) Façamos, agora, uma rápida revisão dos tempos verbais que você já estudou. Observe as frases retiradas do
texto e os verbos sublinhados. Indique que noção está sendo expressa pelo verbo e o nome do tempo verbal.

1- Simple Present – Ação habitual no presente.

2- Present Continuous – Tendência ou ação em progresso no momento em que se faz referência a ela.
3- Simple Past – Ação ocorrida e encerrada no passado.
4- Present Perfect – Ação ocorrida em tempo indeterminado no passado; ação iniciada no passado e que
continua até o presente, ou cujo efeito é presente.
5- Future with ‘going to’ – Predições com base em alguma evidência forte.

( )
Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night after dreaming about dying? (l. 1-2)
( )
Your brain is trying to compare these experiences with past experiences and make sense of it all. (l. 5)
( )
We spoke to a dream analyst about the most common dreams and their meanings. (l. 6)
( )
The dream reveals your feelings of vulnerability about not being prepared. (l. 9-10)
( )
You’re being followed and you’re running away from the thing chasing you. (l. 13)
( )
This usually means you want to release something or someone. (l. 18)
( )
But, pay attention, just because someone is dying in a dream, it doesn’t necessarily mean that’s going
to happen in real life. (l. 22-24)
( ) If the feeling is positive, that means you’ve let go of something and you realize that change is a good
thing. (l. 28-29)
( ) We’ve all had that dream where we’re at work or in a busy public place when all of a sudden we
realize we’ve forgotten to get dressed! (. 33-34)
( ) On the other hand, if you are walking down the street completely naked and nobody pays attention to
you, this means that you don’t need to worry so much about things. (l. 36-38)

(E) Nesse mesmo texto aparece um tempo verbal novo. Observe os exemplos e tente entender seu uso.
1- If you’ve been going through some changes, it could mean you’ve been feeling things changing. (l. 27-
2- Have you been worrying about where your career is going? (l. 41-42)

PRESENT PERFECT (F) Tente traduzir os exemplos acima e os demais que se seguem.
1- It has been raining non-stop since last night.
have/ has + been + ___ing 2- My God, Becky, what have you been doing with those crayons?
 Enfatiza que uma ação ini-
3- He has been waiting for her for two hours and she hasn’t come
ciada no passado ou seu
4- I’ve been working on this environmental impact report for days.
efeito, provavelmente, conti-
5- They have been doing it for hours, but they haven’t finished yet.
nuam até o presente.
6- She’s been living in London since January.

Studying English – Two (2022) 32

TWO – Lesson 16
(A) Agora você lerá sobre outro tipo de sonho: aquele que é sonhado de olhos abertos. Leia o texto que se segue
e responda às perguntas.
1- Especifique qual é o assunto do texto.
2- Qual é seu propósito?
3- Você concorda com o ponto de vista apresentado no texto?
4- O que mais chamou sua atenção ao ler o texto?
5- De alguma maneira, ele influenciou sua maneira de pensar sobre seus objetivos futuros? Por quê?

7 Things Stopping You From Pursuing Your Impossible Dreams timemanagementninja

You have dreams inside you. Big things that you want to accomplish. Yet, you have never started many
of them. Your dreams remain thoughts in your head. You have convinced yourself that they are
impossible. Or you don’t know where to start. Or you don’t have time. What’s stopping you from
pursuing your dreams?
5 Everybody has goals. But many people say that they have obstacles
preventing them from moving forward. Their dreams seem to be distant,
impossible even.
If they were easy, they wouldn’t be dreams. If they were simple, everyone
would be doing them. If you want to pursue your big dreams, you have to
10 remove the obstacles in front of you. Some of these barriers may be real,
tangible things. Others may be in your head or imagined.

What’s stopping you?

Here are 7 Things Preventing You from Pursuing Your Dreams:
 Not making your dream a top priority – Dreams don’t happen by accident. Make sure your dream
15 is always your #1 priority.
 Not believing you can – If you don’t believe that you can… then you probably can’t. You must have
faith in your dream regardless of its ultimate success.
 Not willing to pay the price – Every dream has a cost. It may be time, discipline, practice, and even
money sometimes. Are you willing to pay the price for yours?
20  Not pursuing it every single day – Dreams don’t happen in one big effort. The truth is that to reach
your dream you have to take a step forward every single day.
 Not starting your dream – You can’t finish if you don’t start. It’s that simple. You will never reach
your goal if you never attempt it.
 Listening to others – Are you limiting your dreams based on the opinions of others? To the ones that
25 say “That’s not possible”? Don’t listen to them.
 Your dreams are too rigid – Dreams that are too rigid are often broken by daily life. Your goals need
to be adaptable to your life and happenings.
(Adapted from https://timemanagementninja.com/2014/09/7-things-stopping-you-from-pursuing-your-impossible-dreams/)

(B) Match the words from the text with their translations.
1- To accomplish (l.1) 7- Regardless (l. 17) ( ) Seguir, buscar ( ) Tangíveis, Reais
2- Thoughts (l. 2) 8- Willing (l. 18) ( ) Fé ( ) Eventos, Acontecimentos
3- Goals (l. 5) 9- Reach (l. 20) ( ) Aqueles ( ) Disposto, Preparado
4- To pursue (l. 9) 10- Step (l. 21) ( ) Passo ( ) Objetivos, metas
5- Tangible (l. 11) 11- Ones (l. 24) ( ) Pensamentos ( ) Independentemente
6- Faith (l. 17) 12- Happenings (l. 27) ( ) ( ) Realizar, Alcançar

(C) Indicate if the statements below are true or false according to the text.
1- Everybody has dreams in life and many people give them up when they find obstacles ahead.
2- It’s better to have easy dreams; otherwise your dreams will be a failure.
3- In order to really pursue a dream, you should make it a priority.
4- If you think you can’t achieve your goal in life, you should stop dreaming.
5- In order to make a dream come true, you must always pay attention to what other people say.
(D) Now try to write a short paragraph about your main goal in life. Here are some suggestions to help you.
I dream of __ing Get a good job Be a/an Have Follow my studies at the University
I’d like to Get married soon Buy a/an Travel to Take a technical course on

Studying English – Two (2022) 33

Positive thinking
By Mayo Clinic Staff
Some studies show that personality traits such as optimism and pessimism can affect many areas of
your health and well-being. The positive thinking that usually comes with optimism is a key part of
effective stress management. And effective stress management is associated with many health
5 Positive thinking doesn't mean that you keep your head in the sand and ignore life's less pleasant
situations. Positive thinking just means that you approach unpleasantness in a more positive and
productive way. You think the best is going to happen, not the worst.
Positive thinking often starts with self-talk, which is the endless stream of unspoken thoughts that run
through your head. If the thoughts that run through your head are mostly negative, your outlook on
10 life is more likely pessimistic.
The health benefits of positive thinking
Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health. Some health
benefits that positive thinking may provide include: increased life span; lower rates of depression;
greater resistance to the common cold; better psychological and physical well-being; better coping
15 skills during hardships and times of stress. They say that having a positive outlook enables you to cope
better with stressful situations, which reduces the harmful health effects of stress on your body.
It's also thought that positive and optimistic people tend to live healthier lifestyles — they get more
physical activity, follow a healthier diet, and don't smoke or drink alcohol in excess.
How to have positive thinking
20 Then, it is important to identify if you have negative thinking. You can learn to turn negative thinking
into positive thinking. The process is simple, but it takes time and practice — you're creating a new
habit, after all. Here are some ways to think and behave in a more positive and optimistic way:
 Identify areas to change. If you want to become more optimistic and engage in more positive
thinking, first identify areas of your life that you usually think negatively about and try to focus on
25 them in a more positive way.
 Be open to humor. Give yourself permission to smile or laugh, especially during difficult times.
Seek humor in everyday happenings.
 Follow a healthy lifestyle. Aim to exercise for about 30 minutes on most days of the week, try to
follow a healthy diet to fuel your mind and body, and learn techniques to manage stress.
30  Surround yourself with positive people. Make sure those in your life are positive, supportive
people you can depend on to give helpful advice and feedback. Negative people may increase your
stress level and make you doubt your ability to manage stress in healthy ways.
 Practice positive self-talk. Start by following one simple rule: Don't say anything to yourself that
you wouldn't say to anyone else. Be gentle and encouraging with yourself.
(Adapted from https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/positive-thinking/art-20043950)

(E) Based on the text, check the best answer for the questions that follow.
1- Positive thinking can have effects on a person’s
a) physical looks. c) welfare.
b) personality traits. d) office management.
2- Among the benefits related to positive thinking is/are NOT included
a) the possibility of a longer life. c) a smaller proportion of depression cases.
b) health issues and lack of appetite. d) better skills to deal with difficult situations.
3- In order to become more positive, a person should
a) abandon old habits and find new ones. c) have a healthier life style and find new friends.
b) start making jokes at everything. d) be patient and practice positive thinking.
(F) Identify if the statements below refer to positive (P) or negative (N) self-talk and thinking.
( ) 1- It's too complicated.
( ) 2- I wasn't able to fit it into my schedule, but I can re-examine some priorities.
( ) 3- It's an opportunity to learn something new.
( ) 4- Let's take a chance.
( ) 5- I'm not going to get any better at this.
( ) 6- I'll give it another try.
( ) 7- There's no way it will work.
( ) 8- I don’t understand it; I’m too dumb to learn it.

Studying English – Two (2022) 34

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