Assignment 2 Creative Arts

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Lovepreet Kaur (A00130890)

Canadore at Stanford, Mississauga

ECE 222-202, Creative Arts

Ms. Mandeep Dosanjh

31 May, 2022
Henri Matisse

Here is an undertaking you can do throughout a day or a few days while

finding out about the craftsman, Henri Matisse. This movement not just
presents a craftsman and workmanship ideas, it can support shape and
variety acknowledgment and create scissor abilities. I likewise decided
to make our specialty a rainbow to place in our window, getting together
with youngsters all over the planet who are placing rainbows in their
windows for different kids to "find" during this Covid-19 time.

Henri Matisse was a French craftsman who lived from 1869 - 1954. In
his initial vocation he was known for his drawing and painting, however
as a more established man he couldn't proceed with his specialty
similarly and started exploring different avenues regarding cutting
shaded paper into huge shapes and organizing them into lovely, happy
compositions. These patterns will be the focal point of our specialty.

What you need:

 white paper
 paint and paintbrush (or even dab a dot or markers)
 scissors
 glue

Alright - time to hop in! As you most likely heard in one of the Matisse
recordings, Matisse had his partners paint paper into dynamic tones
before he cut out his shapes. I don't have paint on hands, so I utilized
spot a dab markers and afterward the main paint brush I had close by (a
froth one) to "paint" the paper. Remember to safeguard your work
surface - I utilized material paper. Realizing this definitive fine art was
to be a rainbow, it went with the exemplary rainbow tones.
When dry, a 4 yr kid can cut - my main guidance being to make
different size bits: little, medium, and enormous. Child battles with fine
engine task, so I maintained that it should be charming and fruitful as
opposed to disappointing. different shapes for them to remove or permit
them to make states of their own.
Since you have your shapes, now is the right time to stick them! I
concede, I got a little excessively engaged with the game plan - it was
giving me pleasure to make it pretty , child can just to apply the paste
and hand them over. Presumably the better thing to do would be allowed
your child to have full imaginative control.
Voila - your thing of beauty! Truly, toward the finish of this little
venture I could see the allure that Matisse every now and again
referenced. "I am deeply contented, happy" - Henri Matisse

Emily. (2020, April 5). Henri Matisse Lesson. thismommakes. Retrieved May 31, 2022, from

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