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Case study :

As a rule, you ought to utilize immediate and dynamic oversight. This

implies a grown-up ought to have the option to see and hear all
preschool kids consistently. This incorporates inside, outside, and rest
times. Parental figures and educators ought not be on one level of the
structure while youngsters are on another floor or in another room.
Proportions ought to continue as before whether inside or outside.

For more established preschool kids who demand protection in the

bathroom, regulating by staying close enough to hear for brief
timeframes is proper. Short spans without sight of kids are reasonable
just during toileting. Despite the fact that you will most likely be unable
to see the kid, you or another grown-up can rapidly intercede assuming
assistance is required.

You must play your job as a manager truly. Interruptions can be lethal.
You ought to never be so immersed in a movement that you are not
watching the kids.

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