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1. We want to attract more medical centers to be listed on our website.

For this we
need to create a compelling and persuasive marketing copy. Please create a
copy on how PlacidWay can attract more Plastic Surgeons from Mexico. [like a
marketing page targeting plastic surgeons in Mexico to list their services on
PlacidWay site]. Please submit this via email. [Please use this page as a reference
– we need to write persuasive and compelling copy – please don’t copy/paste
information from here]

These are all copywriting samples for this task

You don’t have a flow of patients, admit it. But for one cosmetic procedure
there are millions untreated worldwide - here’s the deal, just sign up with us,
and we bring them to you. How about that?

15 million people in the U.S. alone get cosmetic surgeries done. Wondered
why you’re out of patients all the time? You need us. Placidway is a Medical
Tourism Agency that brings people from around the world to trust your

Trouble gaining a patient’s trust? Let us convey your expertise to them, and
convey patients to you. Give us a call, why don’t you?

Trouble having people trust you with their appearance? Let us convey your
expertise to them, and convey patients to you. Give us a call, why don’t you?

Whether it’s for selling your expertise or helping people access quality
cosmetic services globally, we’ll do it all for you.

On average, there are 1200 patients per plastic surgeon. Are you at that
number yet? Let us lift you high enough for everyone to see, while flying them
to you is our job. Let’s start with a simple introduction here, shall we Doc?

2. Draft a sample professional email which we can send to Stem Cell therapy
medical centers in Germany as an email campaign to list their medical treatment
services on PlacidWay. The sample email should include PlacidWay platform
benefits and a compelling value proposition. [you can use this page to learn our
current solutions]. Please
make sure you are not copy / pasting information from this page – you need to
write compelling content using these concepts.

PlacidWay increases your medical appointments by 60%. Go global with your health
services and let us do the job of flying your patients to you.

We are so excited to be reaching out to you! Our team has reviewed your services
and these are exactly what we want to promote on our platform, which encompasses
the population of 50+ countries.

WHAT IS PLACIDWAY? We are a medical tourism portal that is dedicated to make

health services accessible to people. Here is what we offer to you while your services
are listed on our webpage:
PlacidWay Marketing - World’s most powerful medical tourism platform: profile, packages,
reviews, videos, social media

PlacidTrack - We have designed a Mobile App dedicated to aid your and your patients’

PlacidExpert - Providers and patients can benefit from access to online consultation and
second opinions

PlacidWay CRM - The direct patient messaging system is the best customer relationship
management tool for the medical tourism industry

PlacidWay Solutions - Check out the PlacidWay promotional bundles and marketing

ROI Calculator - Find out how much money you will make back by investing in medical

We are a global platform, set to globalize your expertise!

We’re looking forward to having you onboard with 100s of medical center brands from
around the world.




3. We need to sell our video creating and marketing services to our customers. How
you would create a compelling copy for this project [please refer to this page - please
don’t copy and paste – please create content in your own way].

Attract Patients Presenting Your Services Visually with PlacidWay

We create comprehensive and to-the-point video explainers detailing benefits and

importance of your services, as well as add in packages for the customers to obsess over.

In the craze of digital media, you need to shine brighter than your counterparts and gain the
most attention, in the shortest amount of time, convincing patients they can trust you - all at
once! Don’t get overwhelmed, we’re here to do that for you on a budget!

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