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a en q CHARACTER FOLIO” BC Cems Cee cued information you need to begin your adventure. See ee ee no ‘the game. It also provides a place to write down your current status, Pence Otero ce nant Pee ta cate et aart fail, you make a skill check. The dice you roll for this check are called your dice pool, and are based on your rank in that skill and your characteristic. If you roll more ¥¢ than Y,, you succeed, hereto cL Le Penns tat Success ¥ symbols are canceled by Failure YY sym bols; if there are any Success 3 symbols let, the check succeeds Ls) ‘Teumph @ symbols count as Success % symbols and may Preer etar aa tena ce cea ted Q Ks Advantage £2 symbols indicate a positive side effect or Coe er me meni are canceled by Threat @ symbols, i) Fallure ‘symbols cancel Success ¥ symbols. If there are enough Failure Y symbols to cancel all the Success eee es Despair @ symbols count as Failure Y symbols (they cancel Success 3% symbols) and may also be spent to Sree ath toe Tere Threat t8 symbols indicate a negative side effect or con: Pee err) are canceled by Advantage 9 symbols. , Cm RV eC a Ded de® Ded Ge oem del} de® ee) Ch HARACTER NA ToGRUTA ens oo oo Charm (Pr | Piling (gh wduggery(C lth (Ag iglence (Wil Eas [aster ile | Panoed Hex) ra xXx) i jury an ahi or OOD ry onshitor GOUUS 2 Stimpacks | bina rene ecaiesdire Lee eavy other | S201: ese nese : er andy Ld } r| Ca sg Nh, \ as Yau oan sane the Force inzracing with the ward ara 2 pine Bn sense al vig things itn sho pend 1 Forea prin tn sane currant ematienl stat Bcc aig eas Uk Re Aha a tr Your soak value is equal to the sum of your Brawn and the soak Peed @ Wounds represent physical damage to your body. f your wounds exceed your Wound Threshold, you are knocked out and suffer a Critical Injury. Wounds can be recovered through the este ea tac Cue eeita Lue Rae riley ete ee eee eng PON na uae ene ete ew Une Rn eee ee CU en eta Ri Leet eee eat ero ene tet Mar esas a the result of an attack. Keep track of the number of Critical Injuries here. For a description ofthe effects of your Critical Inju eae ca eto mc Pn tale ane kame and then roll 1 Force die @ (for your Force Rating 1). You may spend lght side results @ as Force points © to activate your ea ee en ec Pee i eer See suffering strain equal to the darkside results you use. ee ee En mae cond RC om Ot aac ues Aor Perr on ees Paros Se ee Once ee Be eid ey Pea Re Oe Secs See eee nc Sr cae nay Re eee eee SC Cua ac Roce OL Pee eos el OPS ea Re ond information to help you continue your adventure. Pee ence et Rene) 10 experience points to purchase any of the following upgrades, Pon n Eea fron eer Sg ee aed Se ero ure Ls ee cs you have taken it. Whether or not you choose this upgrade, Cet aU ae eke eS ad iene Coc SA SUN a a Lue CU) (Heavy. Your dice pool changes rom 4) to @ @O. ee et ns een es ares Cee Ce ean e it cord Daca See a ce cost to remind you that you hae taken it Dee ee eee ne eee ey ee ee eet eo Se Rete Nt cee ae Lod Challenge die ©), You can do this only once per attack eran You gain the Grit talent, Put a mark in the circle next to the XP SLRS eu ean) choose this upgrade, circle the correct value (12 or 13) on your Be) era an ORE) CHARACTER NAME TOGRUTA KAVERI

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