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J. V.

Ferriols National High School

Lizada.Toril, Davao City (Tel.No. 291-4568)


Grade Level: GRADE 8 Section : Honesty

Learning Area: SCIENCE (Biology) Date: January 18, 2019

Content Standard:
The Learners demonstrate an understanding of:
The digestive system and its interaction with the circulatory, respiratory,
and excretory systems in providing the body with nutrients for energy.

Performance Standard:
The Learners shall be able to:
Engage in activities that promote proper nutrition and overall wellness of the
human digestive system.

Learning Competency:
The Learners shall be able to...
Explain how diseases of the digestive system are prevented, detected, and
treated; (Code: S8LT-IVb-14)

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
1. Recognize the need for food and the consequences of the lack of it
2. Explain the importance of a healthy balanced diet
3. Illustrate a healthy meal plan for breakfast, lunch and dinner

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic:
Food and Nutrients
B. Reference:
Alvarez, Liza A. (2014). Science 9 Learner’s Module. FEP Printing
Corporation. (p. 243-250)
C. Teaching Strategies:
Video analysis, Picture Analysis, Problem Solving
D. Materials:
Video Clip, Pictures, powerpoint, projector
E. Values:
F. Key Concepts:
 Carbohydrates- The main source of energy contains sugar.
 Proteins- the nutrient that strengthens muscles. The building block
is amino acid.
 Fats- supply the body with energy and provide more energy
 Vitamins and Minerals- maintains the body’s biological function.
III. Learning Tasks:
Preparation: (5min)
A.1 Prayer
A.2 Room Conditioning
A.3 Checking of Attendance (The president will check the attendance).
A.4 Review
Guide Questions:
- Can you still recall the topic discussed yesterday?
A.5 Motivation
 Minute to Win it! Each circle/group will be given a chance to
J. V. Ferriols National High School
Lizada.Toril, Davao City (Tel.No. 291-4568)

answer the given scenarios with logical reasoning only. Whoever

gets it right will be rewarded points for the circle/group.

B. Lesson Proper:
B.1 Activity (15min)
 Concept Notes- students will be given an enough time to write the
important points of the topic.
 Video Clip- the teacher will show a short clip of how nutrients are
used in the body.
 KWL Chart- students will answer in the notebook based on what
they know, they want to know and what they learned.

B.2 Analysis (10min)

 The teacher will present the KWL Chart
 Students will be given time to analyze and complete the chart
Questions Answers:
What is food?
Why do you eat?
Why do you feel hungry?
What are the structures and functions
of the digestive system?

B.3 Abstraction (10min)

 The students will try to discuss their answers and answer the
following guide questions:
1. Why do organisms eat?
2. Is the phrase “You are what you eat” true?

IV. Assessment– Quiz(15min)

Directions: Create a healthy meal plan by illustrating the “PINGGANG
PINOY” for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Make your meal plan informative and
explain why you chose that kind of meal of the day.
Rubric: Content: 15pts.
Label- 10 pts.
Reasoning- 10 pts.
Neatness- 5pts.

V. Agreement(5min)
Direction: Answer in notebook. (10 pts.)
1. What are foods essential for the digestive system?
2. What are foods that we must avoid eating or drinking?

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