Unit 6

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I don't ...

(present simple negative)

The present simple neganve is don't/doesn't + verb:

No, üillnks. 1 d.on't.

dmk wffu_

Shc doesn't drink coffee. He doesn't like his job.

posirive negative
we like we don't
you do you (do not) work
they have they like
works do
he he bave
likes doesn't
she ,he
does (does not)
rt it

O I drink coffee, but I don't drink tea.

O Sue drinks tea, but she doesn't drink coffee.
O You don't work very hard.
O We don't watch relevision very often.
O The weather is usually nice. lt doesn't rain very often.
O Gary and Nicole don't know many people.

1/we/you/they don't ... o I don 't hke football.
he/she/ic doesn't ... o He doesn't hke football.
O I don't hke Fred and Fred doesn't like me. (t1ot Fred don't like)
O My car doesn't use much penol. (1101 My car dcn't use)
D Sometimes he IS late, but it doesn't happen very often.

We use don't/doesn't + i11fi11itive (don't like / doesn't speak / doesnr do etc.):

D I don't like washmg the car. l don't do it very often.
O Sarah speaks Spanish, but she doesn't speak ltahan. (,wt docsn't speaks)
O Bill doesn't do lus job very well. (not Bill doesn't hisjob)
O Paula doesn'r usually have breakfast. (not doesn't ... has)

22 I do/work/like etc. (present simple) .... Unit 5 Do you ... ? (present simpk quest1ons) --- Unit 7
Exercises Unit 6
6.1 Wrlte the negative.
1 1 play the piano very well. 1. d.on'� -�--��--�-- yerg w�'-··-·
2 Jane plays rhe piano very well. Jane GRHVQ
3 They know my phone number. They GRQ
4 We work very hard. :HGRQ

5 He has a bath every day. +HGRHVQ

6 You do the same thing every day. <RXGRQ

6.2 Study the information and write sentences with like.

Kate ..GRHVQ
1 .... OLNH . ..... classical music.
SOPHfE KA.TE You 2 Den and Sophie .. GRQ


1 dassical music? yes no
2 boxing? no yes
3 horror films? Y" no .DWHGRHVQ

6.3 Write about yourself. Use:

I never ... or I often ... or I don't ... very often.
.. _L�'t-: ..wlltdi __rv "!et'H .. Q.:ftµ,. __ ar 1 neve.r:_\'.Jaj:. c.11_ IY.-
of!<,, "1� J}''
.. _ 1 º'
2 (go to the thcatre) ,QHYHUJRWRWKHWKHDWHU

3 (ride a bicyclc) ,RIWHQULGHDELF\FOH

4 (eat in restaurants) ,RIWHQHDWLQUHVWDXUDQWV
5 (travel by train)
6.4 Complete the sentences. AII of them are negative. Use don't/doesn't + these verbs:
cosr go know -eeed scc use wear
1 1 buy a newspapcr evcry day, but sometimos 1 .... �n\ .. re:o.4. .... it.
Paul has a car, but he -----·-·-··-··-··-·-···-· it very often.
3 Paul :md bis friends like ftlms, but they GRQ
WJR ro the cinema very often.
4 Amanda is married, bue she GRHVQ
WZHDU---···-·-··-·-·· ·······-·-·· a rmg.
5 1 ·GRQ
-·---·-··-··--·-··-· ···-·-··--- much abouc politics. l'm not interested in it. ......_
6 The Regent Hotel isn't expcnsive. lt GRHVQ
WFRVW much to stay thcre.
7 Brian livcs very near us, bur wc __ GRQ
WVHH him vcry ofieu.

6.5 Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative.
1 Margaret __ $�} four languages - English, Frcnch, German and Spanish. (spcak)
? d.on't W<e my JO
1 -·-··-·---·---·-- · b • 1 es' very b onng.
· (Iik
1 e)
3 'Wherc's Martin?' 'I'm sorry. 1 . .' (know)
4 Suc is a very quiet person. She . vcry rnuch. (talk)
5 Andy ·-·-·-·-··-·--·-·- -·-·- _ ··-· a lor of rea. lt's hrs favourite dnnk. (drink)
6 lt's not true! 1 --·- .. -·-··-· ··-·-···- . . it! (bclieve)
7 That's a very beautiful picture. 1 _. ir vcry much. CTike)
8 Mark 1s a vegctarian. He .. ·······-·-··-· meat. (cat)


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