Vocation Essay Core 1

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Liberal Arts and Vocation Essay

Pursuing a liberal arts education is a huge privilege that people often do not realize.

Before coming to Wheaton, I personally did not know much about what a liberal arts education

was, and how different it can be from the “normal” education I received prior. Diving deeper

into each subject and having discussions about how this can affect us personally as men and

women but also men and women of Christ is so beneficial. To be able to explore and experience

this education is an advantage that can assist me for the workplace and passions I have in the

future. I am pursuing a liberal arts education because of what it means to us as students, the

value it brings to students, and how it can shape me and my vocation in the future.

Personally, a liberal arts education means to build the knowledge and minds of students

to think about all aspects of a topic and current events. Liberal arts allows students to become

creative and critical thinkers, which expands free thinking and communication areas. This is

very essential because it permits us to think differently, but in a way that can help us in the future

for careers and relationships. Being at a liberal arts school, this has allowed me to think and talk

to others differently, but in a much better and knowledgeable way. When you allow students to

think deeper into topics and conversation, it brings out conversation you would never think of

having, but in the end you were really glad you had it.

This educational method is very valuable by teaching us greater life skills others do not

get to experience. Skills such as self-expression, critical thinking, communication, creative

problem-solving, and the list can go on. Liberal arts education is teaching us how to live a better

life, where we can explore and dive deeper into surface topics and conversation. It allows

students to think “outside of the box” where at most schools you are told often how to think a

certain way. Having this education I feel “free,” where I am comfortable to express my opinions
and emotions without being judged. Being “free” with opinions and thoughts is so valuable as a

student as this can make us prepared for the real world. We learn how to communicate

respectively but effectively, which is essential for all relationships whether that is work, family,

or significant other related.

A Christian liberal arts education will help shape my vocation now and in the future by

allowing me to find my own interests and passions. Liberal arts can make students

knowledgeable in areas of jobs and careers one may have never heard of. Being at a Christian

school and hearing numerous viewpoints from what topics and events can look like coming from

a Christian vs Non-Christian, has made my faith stronger and has even made me more educated

on my faith as well. Having this education helps me know what I want to look for in jobs for my

future and how it can not only benefit me, but how I can serve God. Talking and discussing with

classmates and professors about what our future can look like as Christians in many different

areas has made me have a change in mindset about what life really means and the value it has.

As people, we often do not appreciate the life and the opportunities we are given, but having a

Christian liberal arts education is a constant reminder. Vocation has a whole new meaning and

purpose for me as I’m sure it does for other students here at Wheaton.

With being a college student, this is a time where we start to focus on ourselves and

figure out what is best for us and for God. Liberal arts education is important, but with being a

Christian on top of that it helps bring numerous standpoints to what our interest, passions and

careers can be. As Christians, with certain views most often different than others, it can bring

challenges and setbacks, but also great opportunities and experiences. This being said, we may

take vocation more seriously than others, and find more of a purpose for careers and

relationships. We want to be fulfilled and having a liberal arts education helps us tremendously.
Liberal arts education has so much meaning towards it, it brings so much value to students and to

the people who interact with those individuals, as well as it is very vital in shaping people’s

Works Cited

“Importance of Liberal Arts: College of Humanities & Social Sciences: University of Northern

Colorado.” College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Accessed April 8, 2021.





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