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Learning activity 4

Evidence: Consolidation activity

Stage 1: The wonder years

A. What to do?

Record a video describing two fond memories from your childhood.

B. How to do it?
Choose two of your happiest memories from childhood and describe what made
them special and memorable. If possible, use photos to refer to the things and
people related to the anecdote. Below you will find an example of the kind of
grammar and vocabulary your instructors expects from you.
Model script
I remember one day my parents went to pick me up from classes, years ago I
didn't understand why they did it. Many of my friends were confused and so was
I. When we got home there were suitcases and I was surprised, my parents told
me to open a blue suitcase, inside it there were some tickets to go to the beach
in Cartagena. I had never been to the beach, it was one of the happiest
moments of my life, I ran so fast to pack, because there were a few hours left to
go to the transport terminal. After 5 hours we finally reached the city. There
were many tourists from everywhere and the architecture was very colorful.
That day we arrived very tired from the trip and we fell asleep. We went out at
night and it was another face, there were many lights, colors and very nice
dance performances. The next day we went to the beach, we walked from the
hotel to the beach to learn more. Everything was magical when knowing the
sea, where land, water and air come together in one. One place.

My second favorite memory was when I entered college. When I finished my

school, I was 15 years old, I was still undecided as I didn't know what to study.
Many classmates went to big cities to start their studies, my parents told me to
study something close to where I live to spend less. Well, my choice was the
city of Sincelejo. Available universities CECAR or University of Sucre, my
parents advised me to study at CECAR. I had college but still didn't know what
to study. Between Architecture or Psychology, I have always liked design and
so I chose that career. When I entered I met my best friends today and many
classmates. It was very special that year. It was the start of something big.

Stage 2: What if…

A. What to do?
In this section, you will work on three different exercises using conditional
sentences. First, you will need to complete the sentences describing real facts
using the zero conditional. Second, you’ll need to complete some stories using
the correct form of the first conditional. Finally, for number three, you will need
to write the things you and your best friend would do in certain hypothetical
situations using the second conditional.

B. How to do it?
Follow the instructions to complete each of the following exercises using the
appropriate verb from the box:

1. Zero conditional: Complete the sentences using the appropriate form of the
verbs in the box. The first one is done for you.

cry / become ice / burn / melt / boil / get ill /

put on weight / separate / sunburn / get hungry

a. When people eat lots of fast food, they put on weight.

b. If you always skip breakfast, get hungry.
c. When you heat ice, get melt.
d. If you mix oil and water, you can´t separate them.
e. If you don’t feed the baby, he cry.
f. When you put water in the freezer, become ice.
g. If you heat water up to 100°C, it will boil.
h. If the oven is too hot, you can burn.
i. If you don’t wear sunblock at the beach, you sunburn.
j. When you don’t eat, get ill.

2. First conditional: Complete the stories using the correct form of the verbs in
Fuente: SENA

If I (1) ___stay___ in bed, I (2) ______not cook____ lunch.

(stay / not cook)

If I (3) ____not cook____ lunch, my baby (4) ___be____ hungry.

(not cook/ be)

If my baby (5) __be__ hungry, she (6) ___cry__.

(be / cry)

Fuente: SENA

If I (1) __wake up__ late, I (2) __be__ late for work.

(wake up / be)

If I (3) __be_ late for work, my boss (4) __be__ furious.

(be / be)

If my boss (5) __be__ furious, he (6) _fire_ me

(be / fire).

Fuente: SENA

If my sister (1) __not study__, she (2) _fail_ the test.

(not study / fail)

If she (3) __fail__ the test, she (4) _not pass_the course.
(fail / not pass)

If she (5) _not pass_the course, my mom (6)_be_mad at her.

(not pass / be)

3. Second conditional: Complete the sentences with the things you would do in
certain hypothetical situations. Then, write what your best friend, who always
does the opposite of you, would not do in the same cases. The first one is
done for you.
a. Go to New York.
1. If I went to New York, I'd visit the Metropolitan Museum.
2. If Paty went to New York, she wouldn't get on the subway.
b. Meet your idol.
1. If I meet my idol, we would work together in the same company, we
would teach each other things
2. If I meet my idol, we would go out to visit many places in my country.

c. Win the lottery.

1. If I win the lottery, I would study many things.
2. If I win the lottery, I develop a company to give jobs to other people.
d. Forget to buy your best friend a birthday present.
1. If I forget to buy to my best friend a birthday present, I'd apologize and
ask him out
2. If I forget to buy to my best friend a birthday present, I would call him at
night to congratulate him
e. Be prosecuted for a crime you didn’t commit.
1. If I be prosecuted for a crime i didn’t commit, I would look for a lawyer
to help me
2. If I be prosecuted for a crime i didn’t commit, I would sue
f. Lose your passport in a foreign country.
1. If I lose your passport in a foreign country, I would ask the consulate of
my country for help.
2. If I Lose your passport in a foreign country, I would ask for help to the
people near the place

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