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Learning Activity Sheets
Quarter2-Week 5

Most Essential Learning Competency

1.Identify point of view


1. Define the meaning of point of view.

2. Understand the different types of point of view.
3. Determine the narrator’s point of view of a selection or a text.

Caasinan ES

English 5
Quarter 2 Week 5

Name: Grade & Section:


What I need to know

Point of view is a position from which something is considered or evaluated. In a

story, there will always be someone who would tell the story and know the
characters’ thoughts (Navarro, 2016).
Point of view is the angle where the story is told.
The writer’s choice of point of view sets the amount of information that a reader is
given. For example, if the story is written in first person point of view, the reader can
get inside the main character’s head. Thus, the reader is aware of all the thoughts and
feelings of the character.
A writer may also opt to shift points of view within his or her story. This is usually
done when the writer wishes to change the reader’s perspective throughout the story
(Castillo & Angeles, 2016).
Below are the different types of point of view
Point of Description Excerpt
First *The narrator is one of the characters in “We went tiptoeing along a path
Person the story. He/She is usually the protagonist amongst the trees back towards the
or the main character. end of the window’s garden, stooping
*The pronouns I, me, my, and mine are down so as the branches wouldn’t
used. scrape our heads.” From Adventures
of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
Second *This is not often used, except in “Perhaps you started leafing through
Person experimental fiction. the book already in the shop. Or were
*Author uses the pronouns you and your, you unable to, because it was
as though the reader is the character in the wrapped in its cocoon or cellophane.”
story. From If on a Winter’s Night a
Traveler by Italo Calvino
Third *It is the most commonly used point of “Fern loved Wilbur more than
Person view. anything. She loved to stroke him, to
*The narrator is not a character in the feed him, to put him to bed. Every
story. He or She tells the readers about the morning, as soon as she got up, she
feelings or thoughts of the characters. warmed his milk, tied his bib on, and
*It may be omniscient or limited. In held the bottle for him.”

omniscient point of view, the narrator From Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White
seems to know all-what is going on, what
the characters do, why the characters
behave that wayand how they feel.
However, in limited point of view, the
narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of
only one character.
*Pronouns used are he, she, it, they, him,
her, its, their, and them.
Source: Joy in Learning English 5 Textbook, page 34-35, by Kristine Erika C. Castillo and Evelyn B. Angeles, ©2016.

Learning Activities
a. Activity 1

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if it is not correct.

_______1. Point of view is a position from which something is considered or evaluated.

_______2. In a story, there will always be someone who would tell the story and know the
characters’ thoughts.
_______3. Point of viewisnot the angle where the story is told.

_______4. The writer’s choice of point of view sets the amount of information that a reader is
_______5.A writer may also opt to shift points of view within his or her story.

b. Activity 2

Directions: A. Write the clue words in the box where they belong.

me she he my we them they it
I you him your mine her their its

First Person Second Person Third Person

B. Match column A and column B. Write on the line the letter of the correct answer.

____1. When the story is narrated from the perspective of "they" a. First-person

____2. When the story is narrated from the perspective of "we" b. Second-person

____3. When narrator tells the story of "he" or "she" c. Third-person

____4. When the story is narrated from the perspective of "I"
d. Third-person
____5. When the narrator tells the story of "you" and “your” story Limited

____6. When the narrator tells the story of “he” or “she” and e. Third-person
reveals two or more characters’ thoughts or feelings Omniscient

____7. When the narrator tells the story of “he” or “she” and
does not reveal any characters’ thoughts or feelings

____8. When the narrator tells the story of “he” or “she” and
reveals one character’s thoughts and feelings

____9. When the author tells the story of “it” or “its” and does not
reveal any characters’thoughts or feelings

____10. When the author tells the story of “It” and

reveals two or more characters’ thoughts and feelings.

c. Activity 3

Directions: Encircle the correct point of view for each statement. Then underline the clue
word that helped you determine the point of view. Number 1 is done for you.

1. Ialways make friends with other people.

a. First-Person b. Second-Person c. Third-Person

2. To Make French Toast: First, take out a skillet to cook and turn the stove on low. Second,
you will melt the butter in the pan and stir it with a spatula. Third, beat the eggs. Fourth, lay
the bread, white or wheat, on both sides in the eggs. Fifth, sit the bread on top of butter for
30 seconds and then turn over. Now you have a slice of French toast, repeat.
a. First-Person b. Second-Person c. Third-Person

3. A public domain poem Where Go the Boats by Robert Louis Stevenson: “Dark brown is
the river. Golden is the sand. It flows along forever, with trees on either hand.”
a. First-Person b.Second-Person c. Third-Person

4. From Hit and Run by Lurlene McDaniel: “Sonya made a cake for the staff and Jack sent a
bouquet of red and white balloons. For what?Analise will never know. Her eyes will never
a. First-Person b. Second-Person c. Third-Person

5. Some dark night Shelly said, “I hate squirrels,” but really she loved them. Carol said,
“They smell,” but really, she loved them too. Both of them thought that squirrels were pretty
a. First-Person b. Second-Person c. Third-Person

IV. Assessment:

Directions:Read each statement and encircle the letter of the correct point of view. Then
underline the clue word that helped you determine the point of view. Number one is done for
1. I was nervous when it was my turn in the spelling bee.
a. First Person b. Second Person c. Third Person

2. He likes to tell jokes that make everybody laugh.

a. First Person b. Second Person c. Third Person

3. She has a pretty smile. It makes her whole face light up.
a. First Person b. Second Person c. Third Person

4. I was the first learner to finish the worksheets.

a. First Person b. Second Person c. Third Person

5. It is important that you take your time and do your best on all your work.

a. First Person b. Second Person c. Third Person

6. Sally and Johnny are going to get pizza tonight. They are getting it from their
favourite pizza restaurant.
a. First Person b. Second Person c. Third Person

7. The last piece of cake is mine!

a. First Person b. Second Person c. Third Person

8. My grandma is coming to visit and I can’t wait to see her.

a. First Person b. Second Person c. Third Person

9. You have to be very quiet so you don’t scare away the rabbit.
a. First Person b. Second Person c. Third Person

10. From Wee on a Jellyfish and Other Lies that Grown-ups Tell You by Tracey Turner:
“If you cut a worm in half, both halves will live.”
a. First Person b. Second Person c. Third Person

V. Enrichment:

Activity 4

Directions: Identify the narrators’ point of view. Encircle the word of your best answer.
Underline the clue word.
1. “Clyde has a secret. Whenever he gets too excited, he changes into a monkey,” from
Monkey Me and the School Ghost by Timothy Roland.

a. first-person
b. third-person objective
c. third-person limited
d. third-person omniscient
2. From the cover of Our Daily Bread Annual Edition Volume 27, “And when they climbed
into the boat, the wind died down.”

a. first-person
b. third-person objective
c. third-person limited
d. third-person omniscient
3. “Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her
husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all
the days of her life.”

a. second-person
b. third-person objective
c. third-person limited
d. third-person omniscient
4. ‘Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother,”
which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with you and you may
live long on the earth.”’
a. second-person
b. third-person objective
c. third-person limited
d. third-person omniscient

5. “The king loved Esther more than all the other women, and she obtained grace and favor in
his sight more than all the virgins; so he set the royal crown upon her head and made her
queen instead of Vashti. Then the king made a great feast, the feast of Esther, for all his
officials and servants; and he proclaimed a holiday in the provinces and gave gifts according
to the generosity of a king.”
a. second-person
b. third-person objective
c. third-person limited
d. third-person omniscient

Answer key

Activity 1

Activity 2.A
First Person Second Person Third Person
I he they
me you she it
my him its
mine yours her them
we their

Activity 2.B
1. C 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.E 7.C 8.C 9.D 10.E

Activity 3
1. First Person – I, my
2. Second Person – you
3. Third Person – it
4. First Person – we, I
5. Third Person – them, they

1. A – I, my
2. C – He
3. C – she
4. A – I
5. B- you, your
6. C – They
7. A – mine
8. A – my, I
9. B – you
10.B - you

Activity 4
1. Third person – limited - he
2. Third person – objective - they
3. Third person – omniscient – her, he, she
4. Second person– you, your
5. Third person – omniscient – he, her, his, she

VI. References
Navarro, Michaela L., Echoes 5: Integrated English, Arts and Skills Textbook, Published by
St. Augustine Publications, Inc. with main office at 1624-1626 España Blvd. corner Don
Quijote Street, Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines, Copyright © 2016.
Castillo, Kristine Erika C., Evelyn B. Angeles, Joy in Learning English 5Textbook,
Published by Vibal Group, Inc. with main office at 1253 Gregorio Araneta Avenue, Quezon
City, Philippines, Copyright © 2016.
The Holy Bible, New King James Version (NKJV)
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

The Holy Bibe, English Standard Version (ESV)

Copyright © 2005 by Crossway Bibles


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