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Review Article and Intensive Care

Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
2021, Vol. 49(2) 86–97
Patient–ventilator dyssynchrony in the ! The Author(s) 2021
Article reuse guidelines:
intensive care unit: A practical approach
DOI: 10.1177/0310057X20978981
to diagnosis and management

Brandon Oto1 , Janet Annesi2 and Raymond J Foley3

Patient–ventilator dyssynchrony or asynchrony occurs when, for any parameter of respiration, discordance exists
between the patient’s spontaneous effort and the ventilator’s provided support. If not recognised, it may promote
oversedation, prolong the duration of mechanical ventilation, create risk for lung injury, and generally confuse the clinical
picture. Seven forms of dyssynchrony are common: (a) ineffective triggering; (b) autotriggering; (c) inadequate flow; (d)
too much flow; (e) premature cycling; (f) delayed cycling; and (g) peak pressure apnoea. ‘Reverse triggering’ also occurs
and may mimic premature cycling. Correct diagnosis of these phenomena often permits management by simple venti-
lator optimisation rather than by less desirable measures.

Synchrony, patient-ventilator synchrony, vent synchrony, vent dyssynchrony, waveform, bucking

diaphragmatic effort that is dissociated from effective
Mechanical ventilation of intubated patients is con- ventilator support can fatigue the respiratory muscles,
trolled by a combination of patient and ventilator- confound ventilator weaning, and even predispose to
determined variables. Except in the case of a complete- lung injury by inducing regional alveolar stress.5 More
ly passive (i.e. deeply sedated, paralysed, or comatose) subjectively, inability by clinicians to understand
patient, effective ventilation requires a close concor- unusual patterns during mechanical ventilation lends
dance between the patient’s effort and the ventilator’s to it a general air of mystery, obscuring its fundamental
contributions. Anomalies in this harmony—where var- nature as a physical, deterministic, and controllable
iables such as the patient’s intrinsic flow of inspiration process.
or desired inspiratory time do not match those offered
by the ventilator—produce the undesirable situation of
Basic concepts of mechanical ventilation
patient–ventilator dyssynchrony.
Does this phenomenon have a patient-relevant Failures of synchrony are most easily recognised and
impact? Outcome data are limited. Significant dyssyn- categorised in the context of a systematic approach
chrony (or asynchrony, an equivalent term) results in towards ventilation as a whole.
‘bucking’ of the ventilator and frank patient discom-
fort, but subtle dyssynchronies are often not obvious,
requiring a well-trained eye or even specialised studies
such as oesophageal manometry to detect. When pre- 1
Adult Critical Care, UConn Health, Farmington, USA
sent, patient distress and agitation may result in 2
Respiratory Therapy Department, UConn Health, Farmington, USA
increased sedation requirements, which are associated 3
Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, UConn
with increased delirium and intensive care unit (ICU) Health, Farmington, USA
length of stay.1 However, observational studies suggest
Corresponding author:
that even subtle dyssynchrony is associated with mor- Brandon Oto, Adult Critical Care, UConn Health, 265 Farmington Ave,
tality and an increased duration of mechanical ventila- Farmington, CT 06030, USA.
tion.2–4 This may be due to a variety of effects, as Email:
Oto et al. 87

Most mechanical ventilation in the modern ICU is because the ventilator can control the respiratory pat-
performed using one of several basic modes. Although tern with little interference from the patient. This
nomenclature in mechanical ventilation has become maxim and its corollary hold true for nearly all dys-
highly variable, several modes are both clinically com- synchronies, with a few rare exceptions such as reverse
monplace and relatively standard in terminology. The triggering and ‘peak pressure apnoea’. Another conse-
first, used for full ventilatory support, is assist control quence is that modes of ventilation which directly con-
ventilation with either a volume or pressure target trol more variables of ventilation are generally at
(denoted respectively as volume control ventilation higher risk of producing dyssynchrony than those
(VCV) or pressure control ventilation (PCV)). The which allow more control by the patient; for example,
second is pressure support ventilation (PSV) and is VCV is more likely to yield certain dyssynchronies
used when spontaneous patient effort is encouraged. (such as flow dyssynchrony) than PCV, and PCV is
A variety of other modes now exist, such as synchron-
at higher risk than PSV.
ised intermittent mandatory ventilation, pressure regu-
lated volume control, volume support, and more, but
for the purposes of this discussion are merely amal- The common types of dyssynchrony
gams of existing principles. Several truly novel modal-
ities have also been introduced, usually proprietary to Seven types of dyssynchrony are commonly encoun-
specific ventilators (such as proportional assist ventila- tered. As terminology is inconsistent, these are best
tion and neurally adjusted ventilatory assist), but have recognised by their features rather than by a universal
not yet achieved widespread adoption. Many of the nomenclature.
same principles of invasive mechanical ventilation are
also applicable to non-invasive positive pressure venti- Triggering dyssynchrony
lation, with appropriate modifications and some differ-
ences in nomenclature. These relate to breath initiation.
Disregarding idiosyncratic modes such as airway
pressure release ventilation (APRV) or oscillatory ven- 1. Failure to trigger: The patient is unable to trigger a
tilation, any mechanical breath is defined by three breath, or there is a delay between their effort and
parameters: the resulting breath.
2. Autotriggering: Undesired breaths are repeatedly
• The trigger: the variable that initiates inspiration. delivered due to a spurious trigger.
• The target or limit (terms used interchangeably): the
variable that defines or controls the inspiratory Flow dyssynchrony
• The cycling parameter: the variable that ends inspi- These relate to the delivery of the breath, in which
ration, after which passive expiration begins. mismatch typically involves flow.

Similarly, four variables are at work within the ven- 3. Inadequate flow: Patient flow demand exceeds
tilator to fill these parameters: delivered inspiratory ventilator-delivered flow, resulting in inadequate
volume, inspiratory pressure, inspiratory flow, and support.
inspiratory time, all of which are closely interrelated. 4. Flow overshoot: Ventilator-delivered flow exceeds the
By combining these features, the standard modes can patient’s flow demand.
be created (Table 1).
With this framework, it becomes more straightfor- Cycling dyssynchrony
ward to understand synchrony, using the following
maxim: These relate to the ending of the breath. Also known as
expiratory dyssynchrony.
Ventilatory dyssynchrony occurs when, for any param-
eter of respiration, discordance exists between the 5. Premature (early) cycling: The ventilator’s set inspi-
patient’s spontaneous effort and the ventilator’s pro- ratory time (“machine I-time”) is shorter than the
vided support. patient’s intrinsic inspiratory time (“neural I-
time”); the delivered breath therefore ends while
An obvious corollary is that dyssynchrony occurs the patient still desires continued flow.
most often in patients with a spontaneous respiratory 6. Delayed cycling: Machine I-time is longer than
drive. Completely apnoeic patients, such as the deeply neural I-time, resulting in a longer breath than the
sedated, are usually straightforward to ventilate, patient desires.
88 Anaesthesia and Intensive Care 49(2)

Table 1. Common ventilator modes and parameters.

Assist control ventilation

Volume control ventilation Pressure control ventilation Pressure support ventilation

Trigger Time (vent-initiated breath) or Time (vent-initiated breath) or Negative flow/pressurea

Negative flow/pressurea Negative flow/pressurea
(patient-initiated breath) (patient-initiated breath)
Target/limit Inspiratory volume Inspiratory pressure Inspiratory pressure
Cycle Inspiratory timeb Inspiratory time Inspiratory flow decayc
Determining flow versus pressure triggering is usually clinician-configurable.
Ventilators in volume control ventilation (VCV) modes appear to cycle the breath after the inspiratory volume is reached, but in fact are usually cycling
after the inspiratory time predicted for the set volume and flow. As flow in VCV is fixed, this has the same result.
Pressure support ventilation cycling is most often defined by a fraction of the peak inspiratory flow; e.g. a breath ends when the flow decays to 25% (or
some user-defined value) of the highest flow reached during the breath. On other ventilators, this cycling value may instead be set as a non-relative
figure, such as 5 l/min.

Alarm dyssynchrony Failure to trigger

A final idiosyncratic dyssynchrony exists, which we will (also known as ineffective triggering, wasted effort)
Causes. A majority of triggering failures occur in the
7. Peak pressure apnoea: In VCV, a user-defined cap on setting of intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure
peak inspiratory pressure causes termination of (‘autoPEEP’). Any combination of factors that prolong
inspiratory flow before adequate tidal volumes can the inspiratory time constant (e.g. large tidal volumes),
be achieved. prolong the expiratory time constant (bronchoconstric-
tion, fixed airway obstruction, high compliance), or
A clinical approach to patient–ventilator shorten the time available for the latter (rapid respira-
tory rate) will tend to promote the presence of
dyssynchrony autoPEEP. Practically, the most common contributing
Let us consider these seven phenomena in turn. Most factor is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
can be readily identified by a combination of clinical (COPD) and similar obstructive lung pathologies.3,4
examination and inspection of the real-time ventilator The expiratory flow obstruction in these patients pro-
waveforms, particularly the scalars depicting pressure longs the expiratory time, causing mechanical
and flow over time. All figures depicted here are breaths—whether patient or ventilator-initiated—to
derived from VCV with a decelerating ramp of flow occur before complete exhalation of the prior breath.
(constant pressure), but in other modes the key features The result is air trapping and unintended autoPEEP.
are similar. Patient triggering on modern ventilators occurs by
In many cases, the most important information either a pressure or flow trigger. In the former, the
missing from the ventilator’s graphics is the patient’s patient inspires until a threshold of negative pressure
contribution to the circuit; that is, the negative pressure is reached (e.g. –2 cmH2O), at which point mechanical
introduced by spontaneous patient muscular effort inspiration is triggered. In the latter, the triggering
(usually denoted Pmus). While this can be extrapolated threshold is instead set at a threshold of negative
to some extent, it cannot be directly measured without flow, such as –2 l/min.
specialised methods, the most useful of which is oeso- Flow triggering is enabled by a continuous flow-by
phageal pressure monitoring. In this technique, a bal- gas current (bias flow) through the ventilator circuit,
loon is introduced into the oesophagus, permitting usually between 2 and 20 l/min. As the patient inspires,
transduction via the compliant muscular walls of an they divert flow between the inspiratory and expiratory
oesophageal pressure that approximates the pleural branches of the circuit, and this differential is noted by
pressure, which falls during spontaneous patient inspi- sensors. The relatively recent adoption of flow trigger-
ration (Figure 1). Relatively few centres utilise this ing—now the default on many ventilators—was hoped
device in clinical practice, so its use is not discussed to decrease the problem of ineffective triggering, and in
here, but its potential utility in diagnosing dyssyn- some cases it may do so, although the benefit seems
chrony is high, and other applications—such as titrat- greatest for pressure support breaths.6,7 However,
ing lung-protective ventilation in obese patients—may even with flow triggering, the presence of intrinsic
present as well. PEEP still hampers the patient’s ability to trigger,
Oto et al. 89

because flow can only occur once alveolar pressure

becomes negative.
With a pressure trigger, on the other hand, the impli-
cations of autoPEEP are clear. If mechanical ventila-
tion is triggered at –2 cmH2O, at rest, this requires the
patient to produce a negative inspiratory force (NIF) of
only 2 cmH2O. However, if 5 cmH2O of autoPEEP is
present, that positive pressure must first be drawn
down to zero; the total required pressure gradient to
trigger a breath thus becomes –7 cmH2O. At higher
levels of autoPEEP, pressure triggering becomes very Figure 1. Simultaneous tracings of airway and oesophageal
pressures. Negative deflections of the latter (boxes) prove the
difficult to achieve, particularly as a large end- presence of muscular effort during each breath. (Source image
expiratory volume also places the diaphragm in a courtesy of Elias Baedorf-Kassis, personal files)
flattened, less advantageous position for further inspi-
ration. As exhalation continues, one or more breath
attempts may fail to trigger until autoPEEP has dwin- Waveform manifestations. Small perturbations are visible,
dled enough to permit successful triggering. (Switching appearing negative in the pressure tracing, but positive
to PSV does not resolve this problem, because trigger- in the flow tracing (Figures 2 and 3). In minor cases,
ing in PSV is no different than patient-initiated trigger- these are actually followed by a breath, but only after
ing in assist control modes.) Attenuation of the undesirable delay; in moderate cases, they intermittent-
maximal NIF by weakness of the respiratory muscles ly fail to ‘‘trigger’’ a subsequent breath; in severe cases
further exacerbates the problem, and in severe cases— they rarely or never trigger a breath, and all breaths are
such as neuromuscular disease—may cause inability to triggered instead by a time trigger. They are therefore
trigger even in the absence of autoPEEP. similar in significance to P waves in the setting of heart
Clinical implications. Ineffective triggering is a subtle and
often unnoticed phenomenon, and is likely underappre- Potential remedies.
ciated. In most formal audits it is the most common
type of dyssynchrony found,2,4 although it may be less • Reduce intrinsic PEEP: AutoPEEP is present in
ubiquitous in populations with a lower prevalence of many cases of ineffective triggering, and should be
COPD, such as surgical ICU patients. In mild cases managed by the usual methods: increase the expira-
(‘triggering delay’), a discomforting sensation of lag is tory time, decrease the inspiratory time, and
created as patients exert effort on the circuit without decrease the respiratory rate. One method of
immediately receiving a breath. In more severe cases, decreasing inspiratory time (and hence increasing
inspiratory effort fails to trigger a breath altogether, available expiratory time) in VCV modes is by
and dissociation is created between the patient’s intrin- increasing the inspiratory flow rate, which can be
sic respiratory rate and the actual ventilatory rate. modestly effective; however, this should be done
Either situation increases respiratory effort, induces with caution, as higher flow rates may secondarily
unnecessary diaphragmatic fatigue, and may provoke increase the spontaneous respiratory rate, for rea-
patient distress leading to increased sedation; the false- sons that are not clear.8 Improving triggering by
ly low apparent ventilatory rate also presents an inac- reducing autoPEEP may also increase the effective
curate picture of the true rapid shallow breathing index respiratory rate due to the higher number of success-
(RSBI). Whatever the mechanisms, ineffective trigger- ful breaths, which may in turn tend to worsen
ing is associated with a reduced chance of liberation autoPEEP. In such cases the goal should be effective
from mechanical ventilation.3,4 triggering at a reasonable rate. Finally, the most
definitive method of reducing autoPEEP is by
Clinical signs. Patient examination (by inspection or pal- addressing the underlying airway resistance, such
pation with a hand on the chest and abdomen) may reveal as treatment of obstructive disease by bronchodila-
respiratory effort which is not followed by a ventilator tors and corticosteroids, or removal of an under-
breath. This may manifest as flexing of the abdominal sized, kinked, or obstructed endotracheal tube.
muscles, retraction of the intercostal spaces, or paradox- • Reduce inspiratory pressure: Ineffective triggering is
ical thoracoabdominal movement. Unfortunately, such associated with higher levels of inspiratory pressure
clinical findings are usually subtle and in many cases may (in PCV/PSV modes), perhaps due to increased
not be appreciable. autoPEEP in the presence of larger tidal volumes.4
90 Anaesthesia and Intensive Care 49(2)

autoPEEP; titration should therefore be performed

with caution.
• Promote respiratory drive: Greater muscular

strength and respiratory drive will increase the prob-

ability of successful triggering, even in the presence
Negative pressure deflections of obstacles such as autoPEEP. This can be promot-
(wasted effort)
ed by reduced sedative and opioid use, avoidance of
hyperventilation or overoxygenation, and scaled
breathing exercise for patients with diaphragmatic
• Switch triggering type: If a pressure trigger is in use,

it can be switched to flow triggering (the trigger

threshold should then be adjusted to maximise
Patient effort successfully
triggers breath once autoPEEP appropriate triggers and minimise autotriggering).
drops towards zero

Positive flow reversals

Novel trigger types making use of neurally adjusted
fail to trigger breaths
while expiration is ongoing
ventilatory assist or oesophageal pressure manome-
try may be particularly helpful, but are unavailable
in most centres.

Rapid initial expiratory flow
(also known as accidental triggering)
tapers to prolonged expiratory phase

Causes. As discussed above, autotriggering is exacer-

bated by sensitive trigger settings and is particularly
common with flow triggering. In that context, and in
the absence of any intrinsic PEEP, small artefacts in the
Figure 2. Multiple failed efforts before finally triggering a suc-
circuit may easily stimulate breaths. The most common
cessful breath. Note the prolonged expiratory phase with
resulting intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure (autoPEEP). sources are:

• Cardiac oscillations: Pressure waves transmitted

from robust cardiac contractions.11
• Fluid in the circuit: Particularly common with
Reducing excessive amounts of support may actively humidified circuits, which experience con-
improve triggering.9 densation (‘rainout’); this collects at dependent
• Add extrinsic PEEP: If intrinsic PEEP is present and points of the circuit (often near the wye), and its
cannot be eliminated, increasing the ventilator PEEP sloshing can produce pressure fluctuations.
can reduce the work of triggering assisted breaths, • Air leaks: Active loss of gas from the circuit can
because the patient will only need to draw down generate a continuous negative flow, causing repeat-
inspiratory pressure to the level of extrinsic PEEP, ed autotriggers.12
not to zero. If autoPEEP can be measured accurate-
ly with an end-expiratory pause manoeuvre, Clinical implications. Autotriggering can produce respira-
machine PEEP can be set at approximately 75% of tory rates in excess of both patient comfort and respi-
the measured autoPEEP, a figure which should limit ratory physiology. Respiratory alkalosis may result. As
the work of triggering without adding work of expi- tachypnoea can lead clinicians to infer patient distress,
ration and hence worsening autoPEEP (extrinsic autotriggering may also indirectly cause increased seda-
PEEP will not alter expiratory flow until it exceeds tion and failed breathing trials, all tending to prolong
intrinsic PEEP).10 the duration of mechanical ventilation. The false
• Reduce trigger thresholds: Shrinking the pressure or appearance of spontaneous breathing may also confuse
flow trigger towards zero will increase ease of trig- the picture of brain death.13
gering (although patients will still need to generate
enough negative pressure to cross the baseline). Clinical signs. Autotriggering can be difficult to appreci-
However, very sensitive triggers may result in auto- ate. The main clinical feature is an unusually rapid
triggering, the inverse problem, which will paradox- respiratory rate. Less specific although highly sensitive
ically increase the respiratory rate and may worsen is a respiratory rate in excess of the set ventilator rate,
Oto et al. 91

Potential remedies.
• Eliminate the source of artefact: Address leaks or
drain excess fluids (cardiac oscillations usually
cannot be eliminated).
• Reduce trigger sensitivity: Trigger threshold can be
increased gradually until the contributory artefact
no longer triggers breaths.
• Switch to a pressure trigger: If flow triggering is in
use, switching to a pressure trigger may be
Figure 3. Pressure (top) and flow (bottom) scalars showing in attempted.
vivo examples of ineffective triggering. Here the wasted efforts
are mainly visible on the pressure tracing, and the effort that Inadequate flow
finally does trigger is strong enough to result in flow starvation
for the ensuing breath (see Inadequate flow). (also known as flow starvation, work shifting)

Causes. A spontaneous patient-initiated breath has a

natural flow rate associated with it. The ventilator,
however, will provide flow at a rate which is either
fixed—as in VCV—or variable and patient determined,
as in PCV or PSV. In the case of VCV, the set flow is

High respiratory rate

(not explained by set rate
or patient triggering) often set lower than the patient’s desired rate, resulting
in dyssynchrony.
Baseline artifact In pressure modes, flow dyssynchrony is less
common, because the ventilator adjusts flow dynami-
cally to match patient effort, using flow as a free var-
iable to achieve the manually set inspiratory pressure.
0 However, a finite amount of time is required to build
airway pressure, and initial flow can be increased faster
or slower to reach the set pressure; because flow is itself
a rate of change, this ‘rate of rate’ is known as the rise
time (sometimes denoted ramp time, pressure slope,
pressurisation rate, inspiratory percentage, or other
names) and can be set too slow, creating flow

Clinical implications. Flow starvation generally occurs in

Baseline artifact patients with a vigorous respiratory drive and strong
muscles of inspiration. For many clinicians, the picture
of a tachypnoeic patient with obvious distress and
bizarre ventilator waveforms will prompt an increase
in sedation, with all the associated harms. If such
Figure 4. Autotriggering caused by a continuous artefact such patients can be made comfortable by ventilator adjust-
as cardiac oscillations. ments alone, they can be kept awake and transitioned
more rapidly towards extubation.
Significant flow deficit also denotes a failure of the
despite the presence of neuromuscular blockade. basic goals of mechanical ventilation (‘work shifting’),
Inspection of the ventilator circuit may reveal depen- because it indicates a failure to unload and rest the
dent fluid collections or an air leak. patient’s respiratory muscles adequately, which may
increase oxygen consumption, challenge efforts at lib-
eration, and stimulate patient discomfort.15 It may pro-
Waveform manifestations. A jagged or irregular wave- mote lung injury from barotrauma, as strong,
form may be noted, particularly on the pressure trac- unmatched negative pleural pressure establishes a
ing; in the case of cardiac oscillations, this may high transpulmonary pressure gradient, even in the set-
correspond to the heart rate (Figures 4 and 5). ting of a modest intra-alveolar pressure.
92 Anaesthesia and Intensive Care 49(2)

Severe flow starvation;

pressure is actually
negative in inspiration
Inadequate flow;
pressure is "pulled"
down into concavity
Normal breath,

good flow matching

Flow tracing is preserved

Figure 5. In vivo example of autotriggering from a continuous

artefact such as cardiac oscillations (boxes).

Clinical signs. In the setting of inadequate flow, patients 0

will successfully trigger spontaneous breaths, yet can

nevertheless be observed (on inspection and palpation)
to exert continuous respiratory effort, actively pulling
at the ventilator throughout inspiration. Paradoxical
motion of the chest and abdomen are common, and
patients are often tachypnoeic and uncomfortable in

Waveform manifestations. The pressure scalar should be Figure 6. Three breaths with increasing flow mismatch. Note
these are all patient-triggered breaths (proved by the negative
carefully inspected (Figures 6 and 7). A normal wave- deflection at the start of each inspiration), and hence this is not
form has the appearance of a flat or gently domed an example of poor compliance (positive ‘stress index’). The flow
structure. In the case of flow starvation, the patient is curve is unchanged, because inspiratory flow is fixed in volume
attempting to inspire faster than the flow provided, control ventilation (VCV), regardless of patient factors.
pulling the airway pressure more negatively. In mild
cases, the pressure curve becomes flattened and then
upwardly concave. In severe cases, that concavity variable or very brisk), consider switching to a pres-
drops below the baseline, indicating a negative airway sure mode.17
pressure and outright flow starvation. • In pressure control or pressure support: Shorten rise
This concave waveform may easily be mistaken for time.14
the scooped-out appearance that develops in passive • If patient effort is pathological (i.e. resulting in
breaths when tidal volume exceeds lung compliance; unnecessarily large tidal volumes and minute venti-
this has been described as a ‘stress index greater than lation): Attempt to resolve the cause of increased
1’ and may be associated with volutrauma.16 However, respiratory drive, such as managing pain and dis-
that phenomenon occurs during passive breaths, tress, controlling fever, etc. If this cannot be
whereas flow starvation occurs during active patient achieved, increase sedation.
effort. Although the concave appearance may be virtu-
ally identical in both, the distinction can be easily made Too much flow
by either observing the patient for effort, or by noting
on the ventilator whether the breath was triggered by (also known as pressure overshoot, flow overshoot)
the patient or by the passive time trigger.
Causes. This phenomenon is relatively unusual, as
Potential remedies. many clinicians are more likely to set flow rates too
• In volume control: Increase set inspiratory flow until low than too high. However, if flow on VCV has
the pressure waveform flattens out. If unable to been titrated up to prevent flow starvation, overcom-
match patient flow successfully (e.g. if effort is pensation may sometimes occur. In pressure modes, the
Oto et al. 93

Early pressure spike


Figure 7. In vivo example of inadequate flow; note concave

pressure curves (boxes).

same phenomenon can occur with excessively quick rise

times, particularly when inspiratory pressure is also set 0

very high.

Clinical implications. Excessive flow is not always patho-

logical, but several undesired consequences are possi-
ble. First, it may result in patient discomfort. Second, it
can affect cycling in PSV, in which the cycle-off param-
eter is typically defined by flow decay from the peak
inspiratory flow (i.e. the breath ends when flow drops Figure 8. Initial flow overshoot creates an early spike or peak
to a certain percentage of the peak flow, such as 25%). at the start of inspiratory pressure.
If that peak flow is artificially high—even for a brief
‘spike’, as in the case of flow overshoot—it will config-
ure the cycle-off flow threshold too high as well. The
breath will therefore be artificially shortened, resulting
in premature cycling (see below) and inadequate tidal
volumes. Premature cycling
Finally, a high flow rate has an independent in vivo (also known as short cycling, double triggering, breath
effect of reducing neural inspiratory time and hence stacking)
increasing respiratory rates.8 This may result in inap-
propriate tachypnoea.
Causes. Premature cycling occurs when the neural
(patient) I-time exceeds the machine I-time. In this phe-
Clinical signs. Excessive flow may present with patient
nomenon, inspiratory time, volume, and flow interact
discomfort or the appearance of gagging.
in important ways. In VCV, for instance, premature
cycling can be correctly conceived as an inappropriate-
Waveform manifestations. An early ‘spike’ or peak may ly short I-time, but it may be easier to understand as an
be seen on the pressure scalar, as initial flow is deliv- inappropriately small tidal volume; as machine I-time
ered faster than respiratory compliance can accommo- in VCV is determined by the volume and set flow, these
date it. The inspiratory duration may also be unusually amount to the same thing. Whatever the case, prema-
short in VCV or PSV modes (Figures 8 and 9). ture cycling in VCV is usually due to a patient seeking
larger tidal volumes, and often occurs when small vol-
umes are intentionally used for lung protection.
Potential remedies. In PCV, premature cycling may have the same
• Volume control: Decrease set flow. cause; however, as machine I-time is manually set,
• Pressure control/Pressure support: Lengthen rise time. adjusting it is particularly straightforward.
94 Anaesthesia and Intensive Care 49(2)

Very steep (near vertical)

Figure 9. In vivo example of severe flow overshoot. Although

the pressure curve would typically be square-waved in volume
control ventilation with a decelerating flow ramp, here the Continued inspiratory
effort triggers a
dramatic pressure spikes (boxes) create a sloped waveform second breath
instead. before full

In PSV, premature cycling may occur due to flow 0

overshoot (as noted above) or an inappropriately set

flow-cycle threshold.

Clinical implications. As with most dyssynchrony, prema- Positive deflection at

beginning of expiration
ture cycling can result in patient discomfort and agita-
tion. However, a more important consequence is seen
when the patient’s effort to prolong the breath results
in ‘double triggering’, or stacking of mechanical
breaths. This creates an effective tidal volume and
Figure 10. In the first breath, an upward flow deflection early in
inspiratory pressure far in excess of the set parame- expiration reveals that neural I-time (inspiratory time) exceeds
ters—as much as double the set volume—which may machine I-time. In the second breath, this continued effort is
predispose to lung injury. substantial enough to trigger another full ventilator breath, which
stacks onto the first. Note that these are patient-triggered
Clinical signs. Premature cycling is usually associated breaths, and hence this is not an example of ‘reverse triggering’.
with strong patient effort, so patients will often be vis-
ibly roused and tachypnoeic. Potential remedies.
• Volume control: Increase machine I-time. Most
Waveform manifestations. In minor cases, the patient’s often, this requires increasing the tidal volume. In
effort continues beyond the ventilator’s, but does not principle, it can also be achieved by reducing inspi-
trigger an additional breath (Figures 10 and 11). This ratory flow; however, as premature cycling tends to
can be seen as a positive deflection on the flow scalar at occur in patients with a strong respiratory drive, this
the start of expiration, as the patient continues to often results in flow starvation.
inspire after the ventilator has initiated exhalation. • Pressure control: Increase the set machine I-time.
More subtly, the corresponding pressure scalar may • Pressure support: Decrease cycle threshold (e.g. 30%
show a sudden, near-vertical drop-off in pressure, to 20%), thus prolonging the period of inspiratory
rather than the more gentle downslope seen on regular support.
inspiratory termination.
In more significant cases during assist control ven- Reverse triggering: a special case of double triggering.
tilation, the prolonged patient effort actually triggers Although most instances of double triggering are the
an additional ventilator breath, occurring shortly after result of premature cycling, one important subset has a
the last breath and long before full expiration has com- distinctly different cause. This recently recognised phe-
pleted. This results in ‘breath stacking’ or ‘double trig- nomenon, dubbed ‘reverse triggering’ or ‘entrainment’,
gering’, with a characteristic appearance on the occurs when an initial ventilator breath triggers a sub-
pressure tracing. PSV is less susceptible to this, because sequent patient-initiated breath.18 This occurs for
a second triggered breath is usually small. unclear reasons, but may be the result of reflex
Oto et al. 95

Uptick at the end of machine

inspiration, as patient exhalation
adds pressure

Figure 11. In vivo examples of premature cycling. In the first
breath, continued inspiratory effort is visible at the start of
expiration (single line). In the second, this effort is sufficient to
trigger a stacked breath (double line). Note the prolonged 0

expiratory time that results due to the additional tidal volume.

stimulation of the diaphragm. Unlike premature

cycling, and indeed most other asynchronies—which
tend to occur in the setting of a potent respiratory
drive—reverse cycling occurs more often in deeply
sedated or comatose patients; it has even been
described in brain-dead individuals, in whom it can 0
potentially confuse the neurological exam.19 The stim-
ulated diaphragmatic effort may be minor (a small
waveform perturbation only), or may be sufficient to
trigger a breath, in which case double triggering will
Reverse triggering can most easily be identified by
noting whether the initial breath was patient triggered
(indicating that the stacked breath is the result of pre-
mature cycling) or ventilator triggered (suggesting
Figure 12. A small ‘horn’ is created at the end of the pressure
reverse triggering). In cases in which the nature of the
curve as the patient attempts to stop the breath by exhaling
second breath remains unclear, a lengthy manual expi- against it. Flow remains fixed due to the volume control venti-
ratory hold manoeuvre may be revealing, as withhold- lation (VCV) mode.
ing additional ventilator breaths may make the
presence or absence of spontaneous patient effort (via
negative pressure deflections) obvious.20 The most exhaling during ventilator insufflation, creating elevat-
effective strategy for managing it seems to be one ed peak pressures. It also may predispose to autoPEEP,
that encourages patient-triggered respirations, such as as an unnecessarily long I-time shortens the effective
transitioning to PSV, adjusting the set respiratory rate, time for expiration.
or perhaps most effectively, reducing the level of seda-
tion.18,21 Neuromuscular blockade is effective for
refractory cases that are resulting in harmful sequelae. Clinical signs. Patients may be seen actively to expire via
activation of the abdominal muscles.
Delayed cycling
Causes. Delayed cycling occurs when machine I-time Waveform manifestations. On the pressure curve, a posi-
exceeds neural I-time. Similar to premature cycling, it tive inflection is seen at the end of inspiration; this
may therefore be caused by some combination of exces- reflects the pressure spike caused by the patient
sive tidal volume (in VCV), overly long I-time (in actively exhaling to resist the machine breath22
PCV), or an incorrect cycle parameter (in PSV). It is (Figures 12 and 13).
particularly common when PSV (a flow-cycled mode) is
used in COPD, in which prolonged expiration causes
late attainment of the flow decay threshold, and breath Potential remedies.
termination is consequently delayed. • Volume control: Shorten machine I-time. This can
be achieved by either increasing the flow rate or
Clinical implications. In addition to patient discomfort, decreasing the tidal volume.
delayed cycling often results in patients actively • Pressure control: Shorten set machine I-time.
96 Anaesthesia and Intensive Care 49(2)

automatically by the ventilator to achieve a set

volume goal, are also susceptible.
Diagnosis is straightforward: the combination of a
peak pressure that is repeatedly fixed at the set limit
(often defaulted to 40 cmH2O), along with consistently
low tidal volumes, is nearly pathognomonic for this
phenomenon. The diagnosis can be confirmed and res-
olution immediately achieved simply by increasing the
pressure limit, which will promptly result in an increase
of both inspiratory pressure and tidal volume. The
patient can then be evaluated to determine whether
the elevated peak pressure is clinically acceptable or
Figure 13. An in vivo example of delayed cycling. Circles requires further manoeuvres to reduce it.
denote the end-inspiratory pressure spike. Flow curve is
unchanged. (Image courtesy of Alex Yartsev, personal files.)
Patient–ventilator dyssynchrony is a common phenome-
• Pressure support: Increase the flow threshold for non which is nevertheless poorly understood. In many
cycling (e.g. 30% to 40%), thus shortening the cases, subtle failures of synchrony are not noted, but
breath.23 may result in diaphragmatic fatigue or occult lung
injury; in more frank cases, the standard clinician
Peak pressure apnoea response may be to increase sedation, which is a blunt
response and rarely the preferred solution. A keen under-
A seventh type of dyssynchrony does not fit into our
standing of the causes of dyssynchrony, and a practised
standard rubric, but has great potential to cause harm
eye at examining ventilator waveforms, is often sufficient
if not immediately recognised.24 All modern ICU ven-
to diagnose these problems and recommend a response
tilators have the ability to set a variety of alarms, one
which focuses on simple ventilator optimisation.
of which is typically a ‘peak pressure alarm’ that
sounds when the airway pressure at the ventilator Declaration of conflicting interests
outlet exceeds a set limit. This alerts staff to circuit The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
occlusions, mucus plugging, and other troublesome respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
issues (although also alarming from time to time due article.
to coughing and similar transient events).
However, on the majority of ventilators, this param- Funding
eter functions not only as an alert, but also as a max- The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
imum. When the pressure reaches the set limit or a authorship, and/or publication of this article.
figure close to it, inspiratory flow is automatically ter-
minated. The result is a curtailed breath: in mild cases,
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