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 From 1870 to aprox. 1900.

 Era of fast economic growth, especially in the north and west side of the country.
 The salaries started to be way above Europe’s salaries, caused immigrants to go there
 But even if it was considered an era of economic growth, it also dragged poverty and
inequality due to the high concentration of richness.
 Railroads were the main character of this era alongside mining, factories and finances.
 There were 2 depression eras: the first one in 1873 and the second one in 1893. That
stopped the growth and caused political and social troubles.
 After the civil war, the southern part of the country ended up devastated because its
economy turned into a production of basic products (such as cotton and tobacco) and
those were incredibly low priced.
 After the reconstruction era in 1877, African-Americans no longer had the right to vote
and ended up on economic disadvantage.
 The syndicates started to ask for an 8-hour work day and abolition of child work. Here
also starts the precursor/fight for women’s suffrage.
 The government of both north and west side started making public schools (mostly
primary schools) and that got to the future construction of the high schools.
 Regional disparities between North and South. The Gilded Age applies mostly to the
economic growth in the North and West. The Deep South was still coming to terms
with the Civil War and did not experience the same rise in living standards and
 Poverty and social unrest. The industrialization created a new workforce, who often
worked long hours, for low pay in dangerous conditions. This led to the formation of
trades unions seeking to represent and protect workers’ interests.
 Progressive social movements. The Gilded Age saw the first serious efforts towards
enfranchising women, dealing with ongoing racial issues and the first major labor laws
to abolish child labor and protect workers’ rights.
 Poor industrial conditions. Workers in the industrial sector had little protection, and
the rate of industrial accidents was very high. Companies offered little or no insurance
for their workers who were caught up in serious accidents.
Statue of Liberty

 "The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World" was a gift of friendship from the people
of France to the United States and is recognized as a universal symbol of freedom and
democracy. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886. It was
designated as a National Monument in 1924.
 Around 1865, as the American Civil War drew to a close, the French historian Edouard
de Laboulaye proposed that France create a statue to give to the United States in
celebration of that nation’s success in building a viable democracy.
 The goal was to design the sculpture in time for the centennial of the Declaration of
Independence in 1876. The project would be a joint effort between the two countries–
the French people were responsible for the statue and its assembly, while the
Americans would build the pedestal on which it would stand–and a symbol of the
friendship between their peoples.

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