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Guerrero 1

Final Artifact – Ethics

Jon Guerrero

Organizational Leadership

ORGL-3322-V02-Behavior/Ethics/Leadership I

Professor Scott Sparrow

August 17, 2022

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The best kind of group to have solve the ethical concerns our company faces in regard to

child slave labor in the production of chocolate would be a formal group. By creating a formal

group, we can ensure the right individuals are placed in the team that can get the outcome that

we want. An informal group will not do much of a difference. A formal group is specifically

designed to meet certain goals and objectives while an informal group is a group that may not be

suitable to work together. We can measure the success of our group by analyzing the situations

we want remedied before and after their task or tasks. It all comes down to choosing who is in

the team. Focusing on individuals who are top performers in their field and get along well

working with others is a top priority. By having the right individuals for the job, we can ensure

that the project can get done successfully. Members that work well collectively with others and

know how to get things done are normally high on the list of qualified individuals. If these

members love doing work that will bring a good in the world, even better.

The main challenges the group may face would be getting to know each other and how

they work. There might be some questions about where to start. Some members of the group may

be more dominating in certain situations than others. We can solve these issues by making sure

the individuals chosen for the group know what they are doing, they know the outcome desired

for the organization, and that they familiarize themselves and the way they work to collectively

reach their goals. The team can gather prior to the start of the project to get to know each other if

they do not already. This can acquaint them to their peers, each other’s work, and the way they

like to work. This can also help to provide the team the details of the project and what we wish

the outcome can be. It can be a good time to brainstorm ideas of how the team should start the

project and looking at ways that they can achieve the objective to solve the ethical concerns of

the firm and minimize child slave labor. To reduce the struggle to be a leader or “manager” of
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the group, we can also incorporate the idea of a self-managing team. Self-managing teams have

“been seen as a way to overcome the negatives of bureaucracy and hierarchical control. Giving

teams the authority and responsibility to make their own decisions seems to empower individuals

and the team alike by distributing power more equitably” (Organizational Behavior, 2017). By

giving them the authority as a whole, they can focus less on who is the “leader” and focus they

time and energy on the issue or issues at hand. This can lead to group working more collectively

rather than having each member perform certain tasks. By minimizing these actions of individual

work throughout the group, they can work on accomplishing their objectives as a unit.

The group members can consist of members of the company that focus on the supply

chain and logistics. The members can be members of the production team, analysts, logistics, and

quality. They can incorporate procedures that can eradicate the use of children as labor workers.

This will hopefully decrease the number of children that are taken and used for slave work

around Ghana and the Ivory Coast. I would bring in a few members of the community as well.

Maybe have both, a local government spokesperson and non-government organization leaders in

the group as well. This can foster the image of the brand, Cadbury Chocolate, as working with

members of the government and NGOs to eliminate child labor in the production of chocolate.

This can lift not only the spirits of the member of the community, but it can bolster the attitudes

of the group members and consumers as well. By incorporating members of the government, we

can get an idea of how things work in the particular areas that we will be working at. It is

beneficial to know the culture, the laws, and the regulations of what we can and cannot do to

achieve the goals that we have in place. Adding leaders of non-government organizations as

members that want to join the cause and do good is a great idea, because they are normally

inclined to work on humanitarian rights and have resources available that can benefit the project.
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Overall, going with the interests of the community will lead to the most beneficial

outcome. In this scenario, the interest of stakeholders outweighs the interest of the shareholders.

The stakeholders are all those that have interest in a company either directly or indirectly. This

can mean the owners, the top executives, the consumers, the employees, the vendors, and all the

way down to the kids working the cocoa farms. By focusing on the greatest good, the company

can have more added value. This can bring the company even more benefits because of less

money spent trying to settle lawsuits, lawyer fees, fees based on regulations, and overall bring

stability to the firm. By using the organization’s power, we can foster a sense of urgency to get

things changed and minimize the number of children that work on the cocoa farms and thus

decreasing the amounts of child slave labor. The core ethical values that are more important is

the well-being of the greatest number of people. Like I mentioned before, having the firm move

towards the interests of stakeholders can lead to accomplishing the targeted objectives. It benefits

the organization to focus on the well-being of their stakeholders because generates a good image

for the organization, it reduces the time focusing on legal matters, reduces the number of losses

to legal matters, and it could increase the total productivity of the organization because people

like to work for a place that makes a difference.

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Organizational Behavior. (2017). University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing .

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