21CLD Immersive Multimedia

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This template can be used as educators create new Learning Activities/Lesson Plans.

1. Title of learning activity & Average Age Students:

2. What did you hope your students would learn from this learning activity?

Title: Current and Future Development Of Multimedia (Immersive Multimedia)

Average Age Of Students : 16 years
- Gather Examples of Immersive Multimedia in Education, Business or Entertainment
- State the advantages of Immersive Multimedia in Education, Business or Entertainment

3. Did you have learning goals from more than one discipline (for example, literature and history, or
science and math) for this learning activity?

Yes. Students will learns more than one discipline subject goal there are ICT, Language and art

>> Students in group will gather the information about immersive multimedia through the internet,
create a scrapbook with their own creativity and present their scrapbook verbally using
“gallery walk” method.

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4. Were students required to work in pairs or as a group on any part of this learning activity?

Working in groups was optional. Please describe below the work that students did together.
Working in groups was required. Please describe below the work that students did together.

Students will work in group (4 members), each group will gather the information about Immersive
Multimedia in Education, Business or Entertainment and create the scrapbook together.

5. Were students allowed to work with technology (ICT) such as computers or digital cameras for any
part of this learning activity? Please describe.

No technology was used for this learning activity.

Students could use technology for this activity
Students were required to use technology for this activity

Students will use computer to gather the information about Immersive Multimedia In Education,
Business or Entertainment through the internet. Some of the students will able to use social
application (smartphone) for group discussion among team members.

6. What criteria will you use to judge the quality of students’ work on this learning activity? Are
students aware of the criteria in advance of completing the learning activity?

The scrapbook of each group will be evaluated by other group members through the scoring form
provided. Each of the criteria set out in advance of the date of learning activities. The activity to
produce this scrapbook will be recorded in the Log Activity form.

7. How long will the learning activity take?

Completed in a single class period

Completed in 2-4 days
Required one week or more to complete

8. What verbal instructions did you give to students?

Students will be divided into groups, each group consisting of 4 students. Each group will gather
information through the internet, reading materials or other sources. Each group will collect
information and create scrapbook. The scrapbook should be sent within a week. Scrapbook will be
evaluated by other groups and teachers.

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9. Is there any other information you would like to include to help another educator using this
learning activity be successful?

Teachers can present the video related to immersive multimedia to generate ideas for student.

10. Rubrik

1. Collaboration
- Students will create a scrapbook in group. Students required to share responsibility and
make substantive decisions with other people.

2. Knowledge Construction
- Students required to construct and apply knowledge

3. Use Of ICT for Learning

- Students can find out the information through the internet

4. Self-Regulation
- The learning activity in one week. Students plan and assess the information with their
group member and record in Log Activity Form.

5. Skilled Communication
- Students will discuss with group member to finish their work

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