Test - Russian Revolution - Quizlet

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2/28/22, 9:20 AM Test: Russian Revolution | Quizlet

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5 True/False questions

Definition Term 1 of 20

A ruler with absolute power; in Russia, they Leon Trotsky

were called czars.



Definition Term 2 of 20

A group of Marxists who believed that a Social Revolutionaries

worldwide revolution would begin in Russia
with the workers; they were divided into the
Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks.



Definition Term 3 of 20

To resign or to give up one's throne. Abdicate



Definition Term 4 of 20

Many people believed this was the key to Duma

modernizing Russia; the czars refused to end it.



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2/28/22, 9:20 AM Test: Russian Revolution | Quizlet

Definition Term 5 of 20

The Romanov czar who was forced to abdicate Nicholas I

his throne as a result of a series of mistakes that
evenutally lead to the Russian Revolution.



5 Multiple choice questions

Definition 6 of 20

A type of government ruled by a dictator; the government controls every aspect of life; there is
one-party rule and surpemacy of the state over the individual. In the USSR, there was collective
ownership, centralized planning, censorship and secret police.

Social Revolutionaries

Totalitarian State

Social Democrats

Bolshevik Party

Definition 7 of 20

In response to the failing socialist policies, Lenin established a temporary compromise with
capitalism; Under the NEP, farmers could sell their surplus, individuals could buy and sell for
profit and some private ownership of land and business was allowed.

New Economic Policy


Totalitarian State

Provisional Government

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2/28/22, 9:20 AM Test: Russian Revolution | Quizlet

Definition 8 of 20

A respected member of the Duma and a Soviet; he was chosen to be the leader of the
provisional government that replaced Nicholas II.

Peace, Land and Bread

Alexander Kerensky

Five Year Plans


Definition 9 of 20

The Russian parliament (i.e. legislative body of the Russian national government).





Definition 10 of 20

A revolutionary leader who was exiled from Russia and the leader of the Bolshevik Party; he
returned to Russia with the help of the Germans during World War I.

Alexander II

Leon Trotsky



5 Matching questions

Nicholas II lost the war; As a result, Russia lost most of its A. First Revolution11-15 of 20
naval fleet, civil unrest at home increased, Russia has to
B. Revolution of 1905
stay out of Manchuria and acknowledge Japan's right to
rule Korea.
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2/28/22, 9:20 AM Test: Russian Revolution | Quizlet

C. Revolution of 1905

As a result of Bloody Sunday, strikes, uprisings and (effects)

mutinies were occuring throughout Russia. To end the D. World War I (cause
revolution, Nicholas II agreed to create a Duma and to -- military)
make reforms for the people.
E. Russo-Japanese
War (effect)
Part one of the Russian Revolution; it began with the
abdication of Nicholas II; As a result, the Duma created a
provisional government under the leadership of
Alexander Kerensky (aka February Revolution).

Nicholas II committed an unprepared Russian army to

war; the army was no match for the German machine
guns. As a result, the army suffered heavy losses and low
moral. Nicholas traveled to the frontline to inspire his
troops leaving his wife (and Rasputin) in charge.

As a result of poor, unsafe working conditions and

inflation, some workers were fired; others went on strike.
200,000 workers marched peacefully to the czar's winter
palace asking for better working conditons, universal
sufferage and an end to the Russo-Japanese War (aka:
Bloody Sunday).

5 Written questions

Definition 16 of 20

Indoctrination, Propaganda, Censorship, Religious Persecution (refer to your assignment for


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2/28/22, 9:20 AM Test: Russian Revolution | Quizlet

Definition 17 of 20

The new name given to the Bolshevik Party; Lenin also moved the capital of the USSR to

Definition 18 of 20

The slogan used by Lenin to win the support of the people; Peace appealed to the soldiers; Land
appealed to the peasants; and Bread appealed to the workers.

Definition 19 of 20

A political party that wanted Russia to lead an immediate worldwide revolution; it gained control
of Russia by getting elected to the soviets by promising to leave World War I.

Definition 20 of 20

Stalin's attempt to modernize the Soviet Union; these set almost impossible quotas for industrial
workers and agricultural farmers to meet; As a result of these, the USSR did modernize.

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