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1. Using the Venn diagram, dissect the accounts of Pigafetta and Albo. Write on the left side the
key accounts of Pigafetta, on the right side the key accounts of Albo, and on the middle the
common written accounts of both sides. (15 points)


1. Mazava's people were pleasant.

1. The 31st of March, early
The Spaniards planted a cross on a
Sunday morning, was the last 1. Pigafetta and Albo are both
mountaintop and were shown
ofOn March and Easter days, knowledgeable about the Ladrones
three islands to the west and
Magellan sent the priest (now Marianas) Islands.
southwest, where there was said to
ashore with some men to 2. Pigafetta and Albo were two of
be a lot of gold.
prepare for the mass at Magellan's companions during his
2. Mazava's location correlates to
Mazaua. trip.
the location of Limasawa's island.
2. He stated the cross's 3. They are both survivors who
3. He only mentioned the planting
planting as well as the first have returned to Spain.
of the cross, not the first mass.
mass. 4. As witnesses, Albo and Pigafetta
4. On March 16, 1521, as they
3. Magellan's expedition were present.
sailed west from Ladrones, they
spotted a "high land" called 5. In the logbook of Albo, as well as
sighted and to the northwest, but
"Zamal" on March 16, 1521 in the Pigafetta's account,
did not approach it due to several
(Saturday). geographical evidence suggests
shallow spots. They later learned
4. From those two islands, that Mazaua is approximately
that its name was Yunagan.
they sailed west to the equivalent to the actual position of
5. They erected two tents for the
deserted island of "Gada," Limasawa.
crew's sick members and
where they replenished
their supplies of wood and slaughtered a sow for them. This
water. The sea around the island was called "Humunu." This
island had no shallows. island was located at 10 degrees
north latitude.
2. Correlate the conflict of perspective on the 1872 Cavite Mutiny to the conflict of views on
various issues in this period of pandemic. Why do you think people often resulted to these
conflicts and what is your suggestion to mitigate if not eradicate these conflicts in peoples’ views
and perspectives? (20 points)

The Spanish perspective and the Filipino perspective on the 1872 Cavite Mutiny are at
odds. The Spanish and Filipino perspectives on the 1872 Cavite Mutiny are diametrically
opposed. Jose Montero y Vidal wrote the Cavite Mutiny of 1872 in Spanish, and Gov. Gen.
Rafael Izquierdo wrote the Official Report on the Cavite Mutiny of 1872. They addressed how
liberal ideas from Europe were spread by illustrados studying in Spain in this context. a rebellion
against Spanish rule in order to avoid monarchical rule Elimination of benefits enjoyed by native
soldiers and workers at Cavite Arsenal, such as exemption from paying annual tribute and forced
labor (polo). The harsh policy of the despotic governor and captain-general Rafael de Izquierdo,
which abolished their exemption from paying annual tribute and replaced it with forced labor or
polo, is discussed here, while the Filipino perspective comes from Dr. T.H. Pardo de Tavera's
The Filipino Version of the Cavite Mutiny of 1872 and Edmund Plauchut's The Account of the
Cavite Mutiny of 1872. Because Filipinos are still not treated fairly by the government when it
comes to true knowledge about what is happening in their own country, the Philippines, these
opposing viewpoints on the 1872 Cavite Mutiny are linked to opposing viewpoints on various
issues during this pandemic. Regrettably, unlike in the past when the Spanish government was
the adversary, the Filipino government is now that nation's adversary. According to Anthony
Leachon, a prominent physician and public health expert in the Philippines, the Duterte
administration has been chastised for its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and has called for
real-time data on COVID-19-infected individuals. This is one of the many disagreements I've
encountered during this pandemic. Stay, the head of the Philippine News Agency's News and
Information Bureau, confirmed the factual accuracy of the memo on Wednesday, April 28,
placing an order for government media to "carry regular updates about the world data on
COVID-19," with the express intention of informing the public that "the Philippines is faring
better than many other countries" in pandemic response. It was devastating for Filipinos because
their government, which is made up of Filipinos, lied to them in order to maintain their good
reputation and to continue their neglect and self-interest toward them, as they had done
previously. They twisted the truth to their own advantage at the expense of Filipinos. People
frequently participate in these conflicts in order to gain power and protect themselves.
People frequently participate in these conflicts in order to gain power and protect themselves. To
mitigate these conflicts in people's views and perspectives, my suggestion is to choose the right
people who will always tell the truth and not fabricate the entire story just to protect themselves; in
this case, I would say that we need to choose a government that will serve the Filipino people with
compassion and dignity rather than being corrupt and full of hypocrisy. People must always base
their decisions on facts, and they must always ensure that the source is objective and free of bias.
This appears to be the best strategy for reducing differences in people's perspectives and viewpoints.


Covid-19, lies and statistics: Corruption and the pandemic. PreventionWeb. (n.d.). Retrieved
November 20, 2022, from

Ranada, P., author Pia Ranada @piaranada Pia Ranada is a senior reporter for Rappler covering
Philippine politics and environmental issues. For tips and story suggestions, Author, Pia
Ranada is a senior reporter for Rappler covering Philippine politics and environmental
issues. For tips and story suggestions, & Ranada, M. from P. (2021, April 30). Ph vs the
world? duterte gov't spins pandemic data. RAPPLER. Retrieved November 20, 2022, from

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