C++ Programming Test

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Fundamentals of Programming (C++)


Name: _____________________________________Course/Yr:___________ Date:_________

Test I: Identification- Identify the term describe in each item. Clearly Write the answer in the
blank provided. 1 point each
1. The term ______________ refers to a computer program or set of programs and its associated
documentation such as user guide, technical manual.
2. The person who write such instructions is a _______________.
3. Programming Languages governed and dictated by rules of grammar specifically
______________ and _____________.
4. Programming languages can be classified into two broad categories namely:
________________________________ and ___________________________________
5. An example that represent a segment of machine code. _______________
6. Assembly language use ________________ such as ADD that are automatically converted to
the appropriate sequence of 1s and 0s by a translator.
7. ____________________. An example of procedural language using an interpreter.
8. Human-like computer programming languages. _____________________________.
9. __________Electronic device capable of performing arithmetic and logical operations.
10. _____________________________is the brain of the computer.
11. ___________________ An artificial languages created to tell the computer what to do.
12. _____________________________An organized method of software development.
13. What does an IDE stands for? ______________________________
14. It is an algorithm expressed in a language the computer can understand.
15. A program, design process wherein the result is an algorithm that solves the problem.
16. Result is the algorithm translated into a programming language.
17. These are programs run by the computer. ___________________
18. ______________During the programming process, it is the one responsible to transfer
executable code into the main memory.
19. ______________During the programming process, it is the program that translate a program
written in a high-level language into machine code, called object code.
20. ______________The machine language version of the high –level language program.
21. AI stands for ____________________
22. When computer power is turned off, everything in the ______________ is lost.
23. _____________. A sequence of eight bits

II. Matching Type: Match words below with the correct answer inside the box. Write the
answer in the blank provided. 1 point each
1. First Generation- ________________________
2. Second Generation - ________________________
3. Third Generation- ________________________
4. Fourth Generation - ________________________
5. Fifth Generation - ________________________
6. Statement terminator- ___________________
7. Object-oriented languages – ________________________
8. Scripting languages – ________________________
9. Functional languages – ________________________
10. Declarative logical languages –________________________

JavaScript Machine languages Procedural languages

Assembly languages C++ RPG
period MySQL Problem-oriented languages
ML Programming Language semicolon Natural languages

III. Enumeration: Enumerate what are asked below. Clearly write the answer in the blank
provided. 1 point each
1. What are the six elements of a computer system? __________________________________
2. What are these two components of computers? _____________________________________
3. Give three typical capabilities of CPU. ____________________________________________
4. What are these three overall activity of the Operating system? _________________________
5. Two popular approaches to programming design. ___________________________________
6. Give at least three characteristics of Object –Oriented Programming. ____________________
7. Give at least 2 C++ IDE’s. ____________________________________________________
8. Give at least 3 names of high-level programming languages that are used by programmers
since then. ________________________________________________________________

IV. True or False: Clearly write true if the statement is correct, write false if the statement is
wrong. 1 point each
1. __________ Each natural language has a vague method of using symbols of a language.
2. __________ Computer being a machine are receptive to only the exact syntax rules of the
language being used.
3. __________ Optimization produces assembly language or (sometime) relocatable machine
4. __________ All programs must be loaded into the CPU before they can be executed.
5. __________ In OOP, the program is viewed as interacting objects.
6. __________ The most basic language of a computer is a random of 0s and 1s called machine
7. __________ A linker links the object that translate a program provided by the IDE and used in
the program to produce executable code.
8. __________ An Object-Oriented Design, a program is a collections of interacting objects.
9. __________ There is a complete set rules for creating a program.
10. __________ Digital signals are in continuous wave forms.

V. Algorithm and Flowchart: Write the answer in the space provided (if the space is not
enough for the answer, you can use extra clean sheet of paper) 15pts each
1. Write an algorithm and flowchart that will add two numbers entered by the user.

2. Write an algorithm and flowchart that will input 5 numbers, calculate its average and then
display the result.

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