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Advanced - 蛇的价值(E2139)

A: 来自江苏的游客,你们好!我是灵宝蛇类养殖场的技术员,大家请跟着

láizì Jiāngsū de yóukè, nǐmen hǎo! wǒ shì língbǎo shélèi

yǎngzhíchǎng de jìshùyuán, dàjiā qǐng gēn zhe wǒ cānguān。

Hello, Jiangsu tourists! I'm a technician at the Lingbao Snake

Hatchery. Everyone please follow me to take the tour.

B: 你们养了多少蛇?

nǐmen yǎng le duōshao shé?

How many snakes do you raise here?

A: 现在有将近两万条。种类也很多,五步蛇,眼镜蛇,大蟒蛇,什么都有

xiànzài yǒu jiāngjìn liǎng wàn tiáo。 zhǒnglèi yě hěn duō,

wǔbùshé, yǎnjìngshé, dàmǎngshé, shénme dōu yǒu。 nǐmen
kàn, zhèlǐ jiùshì yǎng yǎnjìngshé de。

Right now we have approximately 20,000. There are many different

kinds: pit vipers, cobras, pythons, all kinds. Look, here is the place we
raise cobras.

C: 哇,这么多蛇,要是门没关好,跑出来怎么办?

wā, zhème duō shé, yàoshì mén méi guānhǎo, pǎo chūlái zěnme

Whoa! So many snakes! If the door isn't closed properly and one gets
out, what then?

D: 那不就上演电影人蛇大战了吗?

nà bù jiù shàngyǎn diànyǐng rénshédàzhàn le ma?

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Wouldn't it be like acting out that movie "Human Snake Wars"?

C: 咦,恶心死了。

yí, ěxīn sǐ le。

Eek, it's so disgusting.

D: 你会觉得恶心?你不是最爱吃蛇肉吗?

nǐ huì juéde ěxīn? nǐ bùshì zuì ài chī shéròu ma?

What do you think is disgusting? Don't you love to eat snake meat?

C: 蛇肉很鲜的呀,而且对身体也好。

shéròu hěn xiān de ya, érqiě duì shēntǐ yě hǎo。

Snake meat is very savory, and it's good for your body.

A: 这位朋友说对了。蛇肉含有大量的蛋白质和氨基酸,具有延年益寿的功

zhè wèi péngyou shuō duì le。 shéròu hányǒu dàliàng de dànbáizhì
hé ānjīsuān, jùyǒu yánniányìshòu de gōngxiào。 qíshí shé de
quánshēn dōu shì bǎo。 měi yī ge bùwèi dōu kě rùyào, jùyǒu hěn
gāo de yàoyòngjiàzhí。 lián shé de fèngbiàn yě néng yònglái zhìliáo

Our friend here is right. Snake meat contains a lot of proteins and
amino acids that are effective in increasing longevity. In fact, the
snake's whole body is a treasure. Every part can be made into
medicine and are highly valuable for medicinal use. Even snake
excrement can be used to treat skin diseases.

B: 有这么神奇吗?

yǒu zhème shénqí ma?

Is it that magical?

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A: 大家感冒咳嗽的时候会吃什么药?

dàjiā gǎnmào késou de shíhou huì chī shénme yào?

When you all get a cold or get a cough, what medicine do you take?

D: 白加黑。


"White and Black" cold medicine.

A: 那是西药。西药的副作用很大,最好不要吃。下次可以试试蛇胆川贝液

nà shì xīyào。 xīyào de fùzuòyòng hěn dà, zuì hǎo bù yào chī。 xiàcì
kěyǐ shìshi shédǎnchuānbèiyè。

That's Western medicine. Western medicine has a lot of side effects.

It's best not to take it. Next time you can try taking snake gall bladder
and fritillary bulb syrup.

C: 好像我小时候吃过。

hǎoxiàng wǒ xiǎoshíhou chīguò。

It sounds like something I ate when I was little.

D: 你怎么什么都吃?

nǐ zěnme shénme dōu chī?

How is it that you've eaten everything?

A: 蛇胆有清热祛痰,明目的功效。说到明目,如果工作累了,看电脑看多

shédǎn yǒu qīngrè qūtán, míngmù dì gōngxiào。 shuōdào

míngmù, rúguǒ gōngzuò lèi le, kàn diànnǎo kàn duō le, kěyǐ
yòng shédǎn zhìchéng de yǎnyàoshuǐ, xiàoguǒ yě hěn hǎo。

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Snake gall bladder is effective at removing excess qi, as an
expectorant and in improving eyesight. Speaking of improving
eyesight, if your job is tiring and you look at a computer too much,
then you can use eye drops made with snake gall bladder. It's very

C: 哪里有得卖啊?

nǎli yǒudemài a?

Where do you sell it?

A: 前面就是我们的销售区,有需要的朋友可以带点回去。

qiánmian jiùshì wǒmen de xiāoshòuqū, yǒu xūyào de péngyou kěyǐ

dài diǎnr huíqu。

Up ahead is our sales area. Our friends in need of these products can
take some home with them.

E: 哇,这些都是蛇酒吗?里面的蛇都是真的吗?

wā, zhèxiē dōu shì shéjiǔ ma? lǐmiàn de shé dōu shì zhēnde ma?

Whoa, is this snake liquor? Are those snakes in there real?

A: 当然是真的。蛇酒有滋阴壮阳、祛湿散寒等功效,可以治疗头痛,骨痛

dāngrán shì zhēnde。 shéjiǔ yǒu zīyīnzhuàngyáng、 qūshī sànhán

děng gōngxiào, kěyǐ zhìliáo tóutòng, gǔtòng, zhòngfēng, tèbié
shì duì fēngshībìng de liáoxiào yóu wéi xiǎnzhù。 nánrén nǚrén
lǎorén dōu néng hē。

Of course they're real. Snake liquor has effects like improving vitality,
removing dampness and eliminating cold qi. It can be used to treat
headaches, bone aches and stroke. It's especially well known for
treating rheumatism. Men, women and the elderly can all drink it.

C: 有没有蛇油膏啊?听说哪里烫伤了,一擦就好了。

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yǒumeiyǒu shéyóugāo a? tīngshuō nǎli tàng shāng le, yī cā jiù

Do you have snake oil cream? I've heard that if you burn yourself
some place, as soon as you wipe it on it's better.

A: 那里有。像冬天长冻疮,用蛇油膏一擦,就好了。比什么化妆品的效果

nàlǐ yǒu。 xiàng dōngtiān zhǎng dòngchuāng, yòng shéyóugāo yī

cā, jiù hǎole。 bǐ shénme huàzhuāngpǐn de xiàoguǒ dōu hǎo。

They have it over there. For instance, if you get some frostbite during
wintertime, using snake oil cream will clear it up. It's more effective
than all kinds of cosmetic products.

D: 这是什么东西?怎么这么贵?

zhè shì shénme dōngxi? zěnme zhème guì?

What is this? Why is this so expensive?

A: 这是蛇毒。

zhè shì shédú。

That is snake venom.

D: 蛇毒也有人买?不要命了?

shédú yě yǒurén mǎi? bùyàomìng le?

There are people who buy snake venom? Don't they fear for their

A: 蛇毒是毒蛇的毒腺内分泌出来的毒液。但是用的好的话,是可以救命的

shédú shì dúshé de dúxiàn nèi fēnmì chūlái de dúyè。 dànshì yòngde
hǎo dehuà, shì kěyǐ jiùmìng de。 tā jùyǒu kàngníng, zhǐxiě,
zhèntòng, kàng\\\\\\'ái děng zuòyòng。 suǒyǐ shédú bǐ huángjīn hái

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Snake venom is a poisonous liquid secreted by a poisonous snake's

poison glands. However, if used correctly, it can be used to save lives.
It has anti-coagulant, coagulant, analgesic and anti-cancer uses.
Therefore, snake venom is more valuable than gold.

D: 哎,你拿了这么多,不会都要买吧?

āi, nǐ ná le zhème duō, bùhuì dōuyào mǎi ba?

Hey, you've taken so much stuff. You can't be buying all of it!

C: 难得来一次,就多买点呗!

nándé lái yīcì, jiù duō mǎi diǎnr bēi!

You don't come to such a place very often. We should buy a lot of

D: 真怀疑你是他们的托儿。

zhēn huáiyí nǐ shì tāmen de tuōr。

I'm really starting to suspect you are their promoter.

Key Vocabulary

养殖场 yǎngzhíchǎng a place where animals

are raised
技术员 jìshùyuán technician
将近 jiāngjìn almost, approximately,
close to
五步蛇 wǔbùshé viper
眼镜蛇 yǎnjìngshé cobra
大蟒蛇 dàmǎngshé python
上演 shàngyǎn to perform

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人蛇大战 rénshédàzhàn Human Snake War (a
popular Taiwanese
movie from the 80s)
含有 hányǒu to contain
蛋白质 dànbáizhì protein
氨基酸 ānjīsuān amino acid
延年益寿 yánniányìshòu prolong life, increase
功效 gōngxiào efficacy
入药 rùyào to be used as medicine
药用价值 yàoyòngjiàzhí medicinal value
皮肤病 pífūbìng skin disease
副作用 fùzuòyòng side effect
蛇胆川贝液 shédǎnchuānbèiyè snake gall bladder and
fritillary blub syrup
清热 qīngrè to remove hot qi
祛痰 qūtán to remove phlegm,
明目 míngmù to improve eyesight
蛇胆 shédǎn snake gall bladder
眼药水 yǎnyàoshuǐ eye drops
蛇酒 shéjiǔ snake liquor
滋阴壮阳 zīyīnzhuàngyáng to increase vitality
祛湿 qūshī to remove dampness
散寒 sànhán to remove cold qi
中风 zhòngfēng stroke
风湿病 fēngshībìng rheumatism
疗效 liáoxiào medicinal efficacy
尤 yóu especially

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显著 xiǎnzhù well-known, notable
冻疮 dòngchuāng frostbite
蛇毒 shédú snake venom
毒腺 dúxiàn venom gland
分泌 fēnmì to secrete
抗凝 kàngníng anti-coagulant
镇痛 zhèntòng analgesic
抗癌 kàng'ái anti-cancer
托儿 tuōr promotion; promoter,

Supplementary Vocabulary

邪恶 xié è evil
女娲 Nǚwā Nv Wa (a goddess in
ancient Chinese
图腾 túténg totem
龙虎斗 lónghǔdòu two strong rivals going
head to head
脑血栓 nǎoxuèshuān cerebral blood clot,

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